Ward Profile for: Burton Bradstock

It should be noted that the information shown below has been calculated from data held on the Neighbourhood Statistics database. In some cases these data may have been rounded and hence the figures shown may differ slightly from those published elsewhere. They should therefore be used for guidance only. These data are NOT National Statistics.

The resident population of Burton Bradstock in mid 1998 was 1600 people, 2 per cent of the population of West Dorset local authority. 17 percent of Burton Bradstock’s population in mid 1998 were aged under 16, 43 per cent were aged between 16 and 59 and 40 per cent were aged 60 and over. This compares with 18, 52 and 30 per cent respectively for West Dorset as a whole.

Vital Statistics:
A total of 11 live births to mothers usually resident in Burton Bradstock and 17 deaths of residents of this ward were registered in 1998. These represented crude rates of 7 births and 11 deaths per thousand residents compared with 10 and 14 respectively across the whole of West Dorset local authority.

Employee Jobs:
There were 400 employee jobs in Burton Bradstock at September 1998, 1 per cent of the West Dorset total.

Income Support:
In August 1998 there were 65 Income Support claimants in Burton Bradstock. This represents 5 per cent of the resident population aged 16 or over. For West Dorset the proportion was 5 per cent compared with an average of 8 per cent for Great Britain overall.

Indices of Deprivation:
The Indices of Deprivation 2000 (with rank 1 being the most deprived ward in England) gave Burton Bradstock the rank of 3821 out of a total of 8414 English wards.


This data has been obtained from the National Statistics data base which provides an interesting source of further information.

© National Statistics 2001.

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