on a picture for a more detailed image.
Building a rick on Mr
Lenthall’s farm in 1935.
Dan Legg on the cart and
(L-R) Bill Downton, Martin Lenthall and Fred Legg
Bunny Lenthall relaxing in the Three Horseshoes
with A N Other
He lived at Benjy's Cottage in Mill Street
Frank White harvesting
at Manor Farm pre 1914
Fred Legg hedging on Mr
Lenthall’s farm
Fred Legg working on another
Sheep dipping at Graston
Farm The elderly gent is Jimmy Legg
Sheep dipping at Graston
Farm – note the Police seem to be inspecting!?
Graston Farmhouse
Frank White & Dave
Legg loading on Manor Farm
Working horses on Manor
Manor Farmhouse
New tractor being put
through its paces?
Frank White using horsepower
Getting the milk the old
fashioned way
A more modern method of
Old cart of Tommy Laver
from Punknowle C1935
Harrowing by horse power
A reaper/binder in Mr
Bishop's field in Annings Lane
Reed cutter having a break.
Does the sign on his tent say "Move up"?
He charged just 1 penny
per bundle!
He also travelled around
doing odd jobs between reed cutting jobs.
Repairing Hutchins’
Bridge (between the Three Horseshoes and the Village Stores)
Dick Gilpin and George
Jacobs who both worked for the Pitt-Rivers Estate
W Legg of Shipton thatching
a rick on Bredy Farm C1935
Edgar Hawkins milking
the hard way at Shadrach Dairy Farm in Mill Street
Cows in the yard at Shadrach
Dairy Farm
Stacking on Mr Lenthall’s
farm was hard work
The piggery at Manor Farm
with Billy Helps.
Dave Legg's Ploughing Match at the top of Marsh
Barn Hill
(before the golf course)
Dave Legg muck spreading the hard way on Lenthall's
Farm, Freshwater
Brian Sibley in the barn at Shadrack Farm
Haymaking - Edgar Hawkins & Erne Thorne with horses Colonel
& Champion
Bob Hawkins & Julian Harvey in winter