November 1889. Street lights
Sufficient trial was given during the winter to show what a great advantage the street lamps are to our parish on dark nights. The cost of lighting for the future will be easily met by subscription, but the expense of erecting the lamps has been heavy, and this, with the expense of the lighting for five months has been rendered necessary on expenditure of £6 beyond the amount received.
November 1895. Street lights.
It is the opinion of many that one of the greatest improvements made in the parish of late years has been the street lighting during the winter months. The advantages of the lamps are too numerous to mention. The following three benefits are sufficient to show their great use. First, the prevention of accidents, second, the better order of the streets; third, the comfort of being able to avoid the deepest of the puddles and the thickness of the mud.
September 1900 Visit of Mr. A. Pitt-Rivers.
On Wednesday, August 22nd, the new Lord of the Manor, Mr. A. Pitt-Rivers visited the village and was received opposite the Anchor by the Rector. Who, on behalf of himself and those present spoke a few words of welcome. Mr. Pitt-Rivers, would from time to time come and live among them and wished him long life and health to enjoy, improve and develop the Rivers Estate. The church bells meantime rang out a glad peal.
June 1903 Burton Bradstock School
This month is the beginning of a new era for our schools as they are taken over by the new County Education Authority. It is impossible to tell at present how far this change will affect the work of the local managers, but it seems that the County centralisation of the secretarial and financial work is likely to be a retrograde step bringing countless details into the hands of officials who will have by experience to acquire the knowledge now in the hands of correspondents and local managers. However, in many ways the Act is an improvement on that of 1870 and we must hope that secondary and elementary education will be better co-ordinated and every opportunity given for the ability of the country to come to the front. In great competition with foreign nations, education of whatever kind is the first line of defence but it must be on education, which goes to form character. The managers of Burton Bradstock have been appointed and are as follows: -
Foundation Managers.
The Rector, Messrs D. Cousins, S. Cleall, J.J. Mercer; appointed by Parish Council, Mr. S.S. Gillett, appointed by the County Authority: Mrs. S. Gillett, who has I regret to say expressed her unwillingness to act, so a further appointment will have to be made.
August 1903 Burton Bradstock School.
Mrs. Bond, the Rookery, has been appointed the County Representative on the Foundation Managers.
October 1903 Burton Bradstock School.
The Rector has received the final draft order relating to the above school and hopes all will study the following paragraphs taken from it:-
b) Persons who have voluntarily contributed to the funds of the school not less than £5 in one sum; or-
c) Societies or other bodies who have voluntarily contributed to the funds of the school not less than £10 in on sum.
May 1889 The Chancel
The Chancel, Burton Bradstock Church.
New organ replaces worn out harmonium.
New seats instead of the present uncomfortable pews, which by their construction, and the absence of hassocks or kneeling pads.
New carpet, blinds and hangings for the reading desk.
April 1902. Queen Victoria Memorial Clock Fund.
The committee has pleasure in informing subscribers that the amount paid into the Wilts and Dorset Bank at interest is £20.5.0d
October 1902. Queen Victoria Memorial Clock Fund
Since the last notice of this most desirable parish memorial, the committee has purchased and paid for the clock and bell formerly belonging to the Blue Coat School, London, which would have been removed to the new school but they require one to drive the hands on four faces. The successors of the makers of the clock - striking quarters and hours - have contracted to place it in the Church Tower in good order within a few weeks.
November 1902. Queen Victoria Memorial Clock Fund
The excellent clock and face purchased by the memorial committee from Christ Hospital is well and safely fixed in the Church tower and we feel sure must give universal satisfaction. Our thanks go to our good secretary Mr. S.S. Gillett.