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Watch Schemes originated in the mid 1970‘s in America as a result of a massive increase in crime aggravated by some cities nearing bankruptcy resulting in their police forces being reduced substantially in number. The concept was first introduced in this country in 1982 and Dorset quickly followed by implementing an experimental scheme in Boscombe in 1983. Following the success of this scheme Burton Bradstock soon followed suit.
The main concept of the Watch Schemes rely on good neighbourliness and the rekindling of community spirit.

The basic idea is simple, neighbours join together to keep an eye on each others homes and their immediate surroundings. They also report suspicious persons and unusual events to the Police.


By being caring, crime and indeed other nuisances can be greatly reduced. Help us to help you and your community by becoming a member of the watch Scheme. It costs you nothing and in fact can save you money on your insurance premium.

The main aims of Homewatch are:

Co-ordinator: Paul and Kaz Broad 01308 897709