(By kind permission of Gordon Le Pard)
The talk is broken into sections to shorten download times, and to offer a choice of which part to select. To activate the slide show controls, click on the picture each time you open a new set.
Slides can be advanced or retarded, step by step during play, by clicking on fast forward/reverse button.
- Part 1: Introduction and early finds
- Part 2: Roman coin location up to 15 century
- Part 3: 1795 Catherine wreck and 1805 Earl of Abergavenny
- Part 4: Abergavenny finds to end of 19th century
- Part 5: HMS Hood & HMS Formidable
- Part 6: Between the wars in 20th century
- Part 7: 1950 wreck to conclusion with story of Burton Bradstock's connection to the battle of Trafalgar