Bride Valley News

December 2000


Church Service Times
From The Clergy and Church Calender - This month
Main BVN menu Valley Notes - all the other 'whats on' bits
Burton Bradstock - The Church + other village organisations
Shipton Gorge
Puncknowle & West Bexington
Litton Cheney
Long Bredy
Thought for the Month & Christmas opening times
Diary of Events for all Parishes - This month - check it out

St Mary's Burton Bradstock FROM THE CLERGYSt Mary's Litton Cheney

If you are reading this, you will probably be doing so near the beginning of December, with the number of shopping days to Christmas still well into double figures. You will also probably be beginning to prepare your preparations for the Christmas season (please - not "Winterval"), and last year's lists may have appeared ready for updating, as well as bank statements and credit card balances to give some idea of spending potential. Most of you (and I hope, all of you) will also by early December know your party arrangements, and calendars on kitchen walls (in our case) may be filling with party dates, or drawing-room mantelpieces becoming lined with written invitations. Yes, Christmas, we say begins even earlier, and by the time it ends, perhaps on Christmas Day evening, we are exhausted, as are the decorations and our larders. And then there are bored children to face, and the New Year celebrations, and January and February

If this is the case, what an unusual festival Christmas has become. We celebrate for weeks in advance, and then by the evening of the day itself, it's mostly all over. Imagine doing that for your birthday. But Christmas is a Birthday Celebration, Christians believe - the Birthday of the Son of God, and so the most special Birthday of all. So it is that we try, and unfortunately rarely succeed, to prepare for Christmas Day without great festivities. This is what the season of Advent is for, as we with the great Old Testament prophets, look forward to the time when God comes to earth, to lead us into his Kingdom.

For the Church, the days in December leading up to Christmas are all days of preparation. Even on Christmas Eve, the liturgical colour is purple, as we break into the white and gold of celebration of the day itself, and stay celebrating way beyond the 12 days of Christmas.

Anna and I wish you all the grandest celebrations and every blessing throughout Christmas and the New Year.

Anthony Ashwell

Church Calendar - December 2000

1 Charles de Foucauld, Hermit in the Sahara, 1916.

3 The First Sunday of Advent.

3 Francis Xavier, Missionary, Apostle of the Indies, 1552. 4 John of Damascus, Monk, Teacher, c.749.

Nicholas Ferrar, Deacon, Founder of the Little Gidding Community, 1637.

6 Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, c.326. Patron Saint of Sailors, children & others. He is the origin of "Father Christmas."

7 Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, Teacher, 397. "Ambrose is numbered among the four great Latin doctors of the Church along with Augustine, Jerome & Gregory the Great."

8 The Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

10 The Second Sunday of Advent.

13 Lucy, Martyr at Syracuse, 304.

Samuel Johnson, Moralist, 1784.

14 John of the Cross, Poet, Teacher, 1591

17 The Third Sunday of Advent.

17 O Sapientia "This day derives its name from the first of

the Greater Antiphons to The Magnificat, commonly called the 'O's, anciently sung at Vespers in the English Church from this day to Christmas Eve."

Eglantine Jebb, Social Reformer, Founder of 'Save the Children', 1928.

24 The Fourth Sunday of Advent. ( Christmas Eve.) Luke 1,v. 39 - 45

25 Christmas Day. Luke 2, v.1-14. John 1, v. 1 - 14 26 Stephen, Deacon, First Martyr. Acts 7, v.51-60.

27 John, Apostle and Evangelist. John 21, v.19-25.

28 Holy Innocents. Matthew 2, v.13-18.

29 Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, Martyr, 1170.

31 The First Sunday of Christmas Luke 2, v. 41-52

31 John Wyclif, Reformer, 1384.

Rosemary Earnshaw


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Valley Notes


From the Treasurer of the Bride Valley Team Council

May I thank all the local organisations and individuals who have kindly donated to the Bride Valley News during the past year. The magazine does rely very heavily on these donations as well as on our advertisers to ensure its continued running.

Please, during the Christmas season, do consider making a donation, no matter how small, and hand to your Churchwardens or send to the Treasurer, 17 Hive Close, Burton Bradstock, Bridport, Dorset DT6 4RQ.

May I wish all our donors and advertisers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Bible Study House Group

We began this new course in October, this time looking at the prophet Micah. It consists of 8 sessions, each one being held first at the west end, then at the east end of the Bride Valley, so that if your diary does not permit you attending at your end of the valley for a particular session, you can always go to the other end.

The course will last until Lent next year, all beginning at 7.30pm and ending by 9.30pm.

Session 5 6th December 11 Barges Close, Litton Cheney

The dates for the remaining 3 sessions are:-

West end January 17th and 31st, February 14th

East end January 24th, February 7th and 21st.

Don't forget that whatever your Biblical knowledge, you are most welcome to join us.

Anthony Ashwell

Bible Sunday in the Bride Valley is celebrated on the 2nd Sunday in Advent (3rd December this year). As Advent is fast approaching, there are two matters to mention.

Warm thanks are given to those who support the Bible Society in various ways throughout the year. It was good to have the evening in Bridport at the end of September, entitled "Round the world in 80 slides". It provided an opportunity for those who contribute to the work of the Society in any way and others to know some of what the Society does. It was a happy evening which began with slides shown by Mr. David Irish, the Society's Development Manager. The evening ended with a meal together.

Anyone not already taking Bible notes for the daily reading of the Bible, and interested to do so, is invited to contact Mrs. Ann Read (Westfield, Shipton Lane, Burton Bradstock. Tel.897445) for Scripture Union notes, or Miss Hilary Mousley (The Red House, Middle Street, Burton Bradstock. Tel.897849) for Bible Reading Fellowship notes.


Despite appalling weather, we had an excellent Shelter Lunch get-together in Litton on Guy Fawkes Day. Susan Clowes, Shelter Housing Aid manager from Taunton, gave us much to think about concerning our role in influencing future housing legislation and in the part our community can play in tackling individual isolation which can lead to homelessness.

A big thank you to everyone who took part and helped to make the occasion a success, and for generous donations which amounted to £70.

Anna Ashwell

Bride Valley Scout Group

Our thanks to everyone who attended the Barn dance last month, and especially to David Powell and his band of excellent musicians. We all had a brilliant evening and it was great to see people of all ages taking part and having such fun. We made a profit of £402.30 from the sale of tickets and the raffle.

Thanks also to all who supported the coffee morning in Shipton Gorge Village Hall on 18th November. The Christmas Draw tickets are still on sale at the Post Office in Burton Bradstock if you would like to buy some, but hurry as the Draw takes place on 7th December at 8pm in the WI Hall following the Christmas Party celebrations for all the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.

As we draw near to the close of the year, everyone in the Bride Valley Scout Group would like to say 'A HUGE THANK YOU' to everyone in the Bride Valley for the tremendous support during this major fundraising year to finance the building of our 'New Hut'. We have raised a staggering total of almost £16,000 in this one year, thanks to your help and support.

We send our very best wishes to all BVN readers, wishing you a Happy and Peaceful Christmas.

Steve Dove Chairman BVSG

****************Scout Hut Appeal*****************

Do not miss this chance of acquiring a very special Christmas present! We have been given a personally signed copy of David Seaman's Autobiography Safe Hands valued at £16.99. The highest bid over £15 to reach Jayne's Hairdressing Salon, Burton Bradstock, in writing, before 15th December will secure. Don't forget to include your telephone number!

First Steps Toddler Group - for pre-school children and their parents/carers

We meet every Wednesday during term-time in Long Bredy Village Hall from 10 to 12. All are welcome. Phone Jo on ... or Sally on 897068 for further details.


GREATER THAN GOLD - Long Bredy 18th December 2000

This religious musical is being presented by our junior choir and friends. The story is about a young girl who struggles to buy herself a bible. Her name is Mary Jones and the story is set in Wales. No more information - you will have to come!

It will be good fun, the junior choir are extremely enthusiastic. The narrator is chosen and music will be provided by James.

We will need just a few willing volunteers - nothing difficult, to help with small jobs - lights, stage, props, etc. The youngsters are really enjoying the experience and it looks at present set to be something to remember. Please contact me on 01308 482483. Let's not let our youngsters down. Paul Barwick

The Bridport Choral Group are holding their Christmas Concert in the United Church on Saturday, 16th December at 7.30 p.m. Several people from the Bride Valley are taking part, and will look forward to their friends from the Valley coming along and enjoying an evening of music celebrating Christmas. Programmes £2.50 if bought in advance from members or £3.00 at the door.

Janet Guppy

Burton Bradstock School

The following observation is for those of us in the education world only. Anyone else who requires an explanation of the punchline can receive it in writing following a donation of £5.00 to school funds.

The Government is considering dealing with the current flooding crisis seriously affecting some property and blighting lives and businesses using the same principles that it applied to reforming the education system. How? (Answer at end of article).

I read with some sadness that the Players had decided not to run a panto this year. This event has brought together villagers of all ages to rehearse and perform the traditional pantomime. I do understand why the decision has been taken and hope that it will be resurrected next year. I would also like to thank all that have contributed to the staging of the pantomime. Apart from the sheer entertainment value, it has also provided my schoolchildren with a great opportunity to perform alongside older villagers, breaking down barriers and cementing friendships between generations.

Many schools run weekly class assemblies. Each class takes responsibility for running the assembly, which is then watched by the rest of the school and parents. If kept under control this is a very healthy activity engaging the children in preparing and presenting an element of their classwork to the rest of the school and serving to open a window to parents.

There is, however, a danger that it slips out of control and an element of competition creeps in. This is only human nature and if controlled it leads to improvement, but I have seen schools lock into a cycle whereby the effort to go one better than the last class leads to an unhealthy amount of time devoted to rehearsal and preparation. The strains and stresses this causes far outweigh any benefits. The law of diminishing returns begins to apply.

When I arrived at Burton we put in place a weekly Good Work Assembly which involves all classes spending a few minutes displaying something from their work over the past week. All children are involved at least once a term and because of the time constraint and spontaneity of it there is no time for unhealthy competition. It seems to work well and has definitely avoided the traps outlined above.

I hope that the break refreshes all involved in our panto and allows for new ideas and experimentation without direct comparison to what has gone on before. The pantomime and all involved in it has enriched the village and this school and I for one will keep my fingers crossed that villagers will be prepared to come forward to breathe life back into it next year.

What Oh yes, the punchline. Simple, the Government legislates that all houses in England are demolished and rebuilt on stilts. Geddit?

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all in the valley a peaceful Christmas from all of us here at the school.

Best Wishes

David Powell

Our Christmas Fair this year is on Saturday 9th December at the school starting at 2.00 p.m. Do join us for games, gifts and Santa.What more could you wish for!

Lucky 100 Club winners for October

£20 Mrs L Bolt

£10 Mr & Mrs Price

£5 Mrs L Woodrow

Thorner's School, Litton Cheney

Firstly a great big thank you to everyone who came to the November Fair, a total of £700 was raised! It was one of those awful wet days and I was surprised that so many people ventured out. The staff and pupils are very grateful for all the effort which was put into making it a successful afternoon. A lot of people spent Friday and part of Saturday collecting and preparing for the event, I would especially like to thank those pupils who prepared competitions and decorated hair and nails (I have never had quite such a variety of colours), every little stall helps towards the big effort .well done. I think it is very commendable that pupils want to share in the fund raising and are prepared to think of things which are fun and enjoyable as well as profitable. One question, a number of people were desperate to win that gigantic bottle of whisky, who did win it and have I missed the party?

Also in November we had a book fair, we were able to 'buy' books to the value of over £300 so once again a great big thank you, sorry to those who left it late and forgot to order books. It is really rewarding to be in the hall and see or hear the buzz as children pick up, discuss and then buy books. One of my everlasting memories will be of the year 3 child who was reading to a reception child while waiting for a parent to complete their parental consultation meeting with a teacher. They went through a number of books, laughing and giggling, nudging one another with great enthusiasm. I should think they read most of the bookcase in that session. (No charge made I might mention!). This maybe does not sound too dramatic but when you realise that the year 3 child is not over confident when reading in class, it makes you conscious of the impact you are making on children. The literacy hour must also take some of the credit as it makes the reading of literature much more lively and friendly and the sharing of books and discussion which takes place brings the characters alive. I do understand that it can be another drain on resources but the benefits are immeasurable, so thank you for buying the books to allow us to expand our resources in each classroom.

By the time you read this we will be well under way with our Christmas Production rehearsals for WHO?, if you would like to come and watch, the dates to put in your diary are Tuesday 12th December at 1.30 and Wednesday 13th December at 6.30. You are most welcome. If at all possible can you please come to the afternoon performance as places are limited in the evening. The children are really caught up in learning songs, full of enthusiasm and waiting for their big moment. It should prove to be one of those unforgettable experiences for all concerned.

100 club winners:

£15 Mrs Brewster

£10 Mrs Beaton

Alison Johnstone Headteacher.

Bride Valley Gardening Club

To help brighten up the winter the next lecture will be an illustrated talk "Madeira Island of Flowers" by Mr Alan Eason. This will be held on Monday 11th December commencing at 7.30 pm at Thorner's School. The meeting will include our annual Christmas eats and drinks, so please bring some food and we will provide the drinks.

John Rowlands


Light up a Life

Because Love Never Dies

Throughout the year there are times when we want to remember those who were special to us but who have died. One of these times is Christmas. During December at Joseph Weld Hospice, a Christmas tree will be illuminated with hundreds of tiny white lights. We hope it will lift the hearts of patients and visitors over Christmastide. In addition, in response to numerous requests this year for the first time there will be a similar tree in Weymouth. Brewers Quay have most generously offered their tree in Hope Square, outside their complex, as a sister tree.

We would like to invite you to sponsor a light in memory of a loved one, a friend or a colleague. At the same time you will be helping the Hospice to provide a real support to its patients and their families in their time of need. The names of those you wish to remember will be recorded in our 2000 Christmas Book of Remembrance which will be kept in our Chapel.

We shall be holding open air Lighting Up and Carol Services around the Trees. You are most welcome to join us as we raise our voices in song at this very special time.

Tuesday 5th December - Brewers Quay, Weymouth

Tuesday 12th December - Joseph Weld Hospice

Arrrival 6.15 pm - Services Begin 6.30 pm

To obtain a 'light' sponsorship form, please ring 01305 788009


The December meeting is an American Supper on Wednesday 13th at 8.00pm in the home of Ursula Bayer in Litton Cheney. New members are always welcome.


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BURTON BRADSTOCK St Mary's Burton Bradstock

Village Correspondent Mr Basil Dent

2, Norburton, Burton Bradstock. Tel:- (01308) 897125

Mid Week Worship - Holy Communion Wednesdays at 10.00 a.m. followed by coffee in the Rectory

Choir Practices Fridays at 6.00 p.m.

Gift Sunday 3rd December The Bible Society

The next Tiny Tots / Pram Service will be held on Friday 1st December at 11 am. There will be no Tiny Tots service in January.

The next Healing Services at St Mary's will be held on Wednesdays 6th December, 3rd January and 7th February, each at 7 pm.


Funerals 14th November Sylvia Dockrill

14th November Ivor L. (Bill) Mitchell


Decorating the church for Christmas. We shall be decorating the church on Saturday 16th December from 10.00 am for the Carols by Candlelight. Everyone is welcome to help. Holly and greenery would be much appreciated. Also, on Saturday 23rd December from 10.00 am we shall be decorating the church with flowers. Again, everyone is welcome to help.

Carols and Christmas Services

We shall be singing carols around the village in aid of The Children's Society on the evening of Wednesday 13th December. Anyone will be most welcome to join the singers. Meet at The Rectory at 6.30 pm.

Carols by Candlelight - Sunday 17th December in church at 6.30 pm.

Crib Service - Christmas Eve, Sunday 24th December at 5.00 pm. Children of all ages, and adults of all ages, will be welcome at this short service. We shall be hearing the Christmas story, blessing the crib and singing carols. If anyone wishes to make the gift of a toy to brighten the life of a less fortunate child, please bring it to the service.

Please see the middle pages of this magazine for details of all services at Christmas.

Celebrate the New Millennium! New Year's Eve / New Year's Day:

On Sunday 31st December at 11.15 pm - a short New Year's Eve Service in church.

On Monday 1st January at 12 noon - a short New Year's Day Service in church.


Vacancy - Parish Councillor

There is a vacancy on Burton Bradstock Parish Council for a Parish Councillor. Are you interested in filling this vacancy? Then please apply in writing to Peter Colbert, Clerk to Burton Bradstock Parish Council, Pound House, High Street, Burton Bradstock, DT6 4QA. There will be no election and the Parish Council will co-opt someone at their meeting on 6th December. Please apply before 4th December.



This position becomes available in Mid 2001. The part time Clerk to the Council will be responsible for the Council's Administrative, Financial and Secretarial duties including preparing the minutes of Council meetings. Residence in the village would be an advantage, as would past experience of Council or Business matters.

Applications to be addressed to Chairman of the Council, Norman Thompson, Shadrach House, Burton Bradstock, DT6 4QG before 31st December, when further details and requirements will be made available to applicants.


Elaine's Show - 'Encore'

Thank you for supporting such a successful show. We raised a sum of £502 which we divided between 'Breakthrough' (Breast cancer) and the Bride Valley Scout Hut Appeal. The presentation of cheques was made on 14th November.

Elaine Colbert

Pound House Productions

Marjorie Jarman would like to thank Rita and Ray, family and friends for making her 80th birthday such a perfect day. The lovely cards, presents and beautiful flowers are much appreciated. 'Thank you all - God bless!'

The End of an Era

'As most parishioners will now know, Jonathan Wyatt is giving up as Postmaster in Burton Bradstock. Jonathan has been tendering to the needs of the village in postal matters for some 22 years, during which time his kindness, generosity and willingness to help in the life of the village, particularly in the display and sale of notices, tickets, articles, etc. has been legendary. His leaving, therefore, should not be allowed to pass without some form of practical recognition of gratitude and affection. So it is proposed that an appropriate presentation be made to Jonathan to mark his time at Burton. Donations towards this are invited and can be given to the distributor who delivers your BVN, or they may be left at the Library. Donations should be made by the end of December, please.'

Village Life!

'We awoke on the morning after the great storm of 29th October to find that during the night 84 sq. ft of shed roof had been lifted by the wind, turned round, and dumped across the "Drain" - ( the path running from Annings Lane to Grove Road). The roof was now proudly supported five feet above the ground by the two ivy-covered stone walls! Also four fence panels and posts had been flattened. We stood there bemused amid the wreckage, checking of course that villagers could safely walk beneath the shed roof en route for papers and Post Office and avoiding the onions swinging in the breeze from the roof!

Then something wonderful happened. Neighbours and friends began to pause and commiserate. Then, rolling up their sleeves, forgot their papers and Post Office and eventually lifted the roof back onto the shed. Various past skills came to the fore - hammers and nails appeared, pieces of wood were fetched, advice shouted freely back and forth, and in two hours we had practically built a new shed; final comment being that if another "twister" comes in and lifts the shed, it will take the garden with it! Isn't it marvellous that in the beginning of the 21st century this sheer joy and pleasure in putting out your hand to help one another in times of trial and without asking anything in return is still very much in most of us. Thanks again all of you who stopped that morning to lend a hand.'

John and Barbara Ivall.


Burton Bradstock Village Society

Members were entertained to an interesting insight into French Farming during the 19th Century by Dr. Alan Baker of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. The talk was illustrated by some examples of the painting of the time, particularly Millet's pictures of the "Gleaners" and the famous "Angelus". Dr. Baker cleverly interpreted these paintings in such a way as to illustrate to the audience the way of farm life at that time.

He explained further why the development of the French agricultural system had been so different from ours in Britain, brought about mainly by the curse of absentee landlords. From this the audience began to become aware of how misunderstandings had developed between the two nations.

The talk was followed by questions, which of course included one on the Common Agricultural Policy. This - surprise, surprise - was invented by the French a century ago to protect their cereal economy.

A vote of thanks was given by a local British farmer, Mr. Justin Mallinson who after giving vent to his feelings about the "Beef Ban" had to admit that he was a bit of a francophile.

John Ivall

Christmas Coffee Morning

On Tuesday, 5th December Burton Bradstock W.I. is holding a special Coffee Morning with Christmas theme from 10.00 am to 12 noon in the W.I. Hall. There will be a variety of stalls heaving with gifts, cakes, a toy tombola and a raffle for a Christmas Hamper packed full of goodies. Admission 50 pence which includes coffee and a mince pie. Please come along and support us.

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SHIPTON GORGE St Martin's Shipton Gorge

Village Correspondent: Mrs.Joy White


3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge


Christmas and the New Year

The Carol Service - Tuesday 19th December at 7.30 pm, when The Briddy Choir will join us.

On Christmas Day - A Book of Common Prayer Family Communion with carols at 9.30 am.

A short New Year's Eve Service - Sunday 31st December at 6.30 pm.

All who would like to attend any of these services will be most welcome.


The New Inn is proud to host 'The Senior Citizens' Christmas Lunch' (for Residents of Shipton Gorge only) on Wednesday 13th December at 12 noon onwards. £3.50 per person. Take-away service available. This is for Ladies 60 and over, Gents 65 and over. Please note that respective partners can join us whether retired or not. Phone Maggie 897301 or Sally 897168.

St. Martin's Carol Service

This will be held on Tuesday 19th December at 7.30 p.m. Singing will be led by the Briddy Choir, and the Collection will be in aid of the Children's Society.

The usual "Punch 'n Pie" social will be held in the Village Hall after the service and, as usual, any donations of mince pies for this seasonal occasion would be very acceptable. Molly Roast (421654)

Christmas Bingo

Shipton Gorge Village Hall Trust is holding their popular Christmas Bingo evening at Shipton Gorge Village Hall on Monday, 4th. December. Doors open 7:00 pm, EYES DOWN 7:30 pm. As well as Bingo, there will be the Prize Raffle and the HOME MADE CHRISTMAS CAKE RAFFLE. This is a fun evening for all ages, so please come and join us!

Shipton Gorge Hall 100 Club

Winners for the November draw:-

£20 No.33 Mildred Street

£10 No.53 Gerald Benselin


Shipton Gorge Millennium calendars "Bygone Years" - £3:50 each. An ideal Christmas gift. Still available from:

New Inn, Shipton Gorge - 897 302,

Burton Bradstock Post Office.

Pat Tucker, Shipton Gorge - 897 197

Pete Bowditch, Shipton Gorge - 897 364

Village Society

The shopping trip to Exeter has had to be cancelled due to a lack of support.

The Village Society would like to welcome new committee members, primarily to help organise events and raise funds to secure the future of this popular society. New members bring new ideas. Membership involves little more than five hours a year!

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 24th January 2001 at the New Inn - 7.00 p.m.

The Village Society would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you all for your support this year. We look forward to seeing you at future events.



Shipton Gorge 'Homewatch'

A meeting of the local Homewatch was held at the New Inn in October.

P.C. Geoff Barker, our village policeman was present, also P.C. Sandy Goldsmith, the Western Area Watch Officer and Sally Parker, from Bridport Crime Prevention Panel.

Topics raised covered the workings of the Homewatch, general communications, village security and reporting suspicious vehicles. Regarding this last subject, the police stressed the importance of noting the registration number.

It was generally agreed that our Homewatch worked fairly well but any ideas for improvement would be welcomed.

The meeting closed with P.C.Barker reminding all villagers to keep their eyes and ears open, and to report any suspicious events, either to the police at Beaminster 862222 or your local Homewatch contact.

The Homewatch Areas are shown on the notice board outside the village hall, with contacts' names and telephone numbers.

Please help us to keep crime down in Shipton. Many thanks to Andy Duffy for letting us use the New Inn.

Frank Rogers 897821




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Chilcombe Church


A Christmas Carol Service will be held at Chilcombe Church on Friday 22nd December at 6.30 pm. It is hoped that as many of the village families as possible will take part in the service. We shall welcome to the service any who would like to join us then.


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SWYRE Holy Trinity Swyre

Village Correspondent: Mrs.Gilly Doar

Paddock Lodge Swyre




This will take place in church on Sunday 17th December at 11.00am in the place of our normal Parish Communion Service. It will be a traditional Service of Christmas Carols, Readings and Prayers, and everybody is most welcome.


There will be no evening Service at Holy Trinity Church on Sunday 3rd December. Instead we are all invited to Puncknowle which will be hosting an Advent Carol Service at 6.30pm. The Briddy Choir will be singing 2 anthems, and leading our singing of well known Advent hymns.


We are continuing our recent custom of having an early "Midnight Mass" for Christmas. This will be at 9.30pm on Christmas Eve (Sunday). Last year we were almost put out-of-action by a power cut and heavy rain, but many old candle stubs came to our rescue. This year we pray for a fine night for the first "proper" Celebration of the Birth of Jesus Christ locally.

Anthony Ashwell

Congratulations to Suki and Owen Day on the birth of their baby - a sister for Jamie and Alastair.


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Village Correspondent: Mrs Dorothy Barlow

Collingbourne, Hoopers Lane, Puncknowle

Telephone: (01308) 897761



Holy Baptism 22nd October Jack J. Cox


This will be in church on Sunday 17th December at 6.00pm, and will follow our customary pattern. We will praise God in the singing of well-known Carols; hear the Christmas readings from the Bible; pray for others as well as ourselves; with the help of our children, assemble the crib; and if we are able, stay on afterwards for "seasonal" refreshments. There will, however, be an extra item, the presentation of "Millennium Mugs", which you can discover more about below.


Two most kind and generous local people have decided that every child in the parish of Puncknowle with West Bexington should be presented with a celebration mug to mark the Millennium, and the beginning of the third thousand years of Christianity. They have accordingly provided most beautiful mugs at their own expense, and wish as many as possible to be distributed at the Carol Service at 6.00pm on 17th December. If any child is unable to come to this Christmas celebration, then he or she will have their mug delivered to them in due course.

What for the purposes of this gift is a "child"? Anybody who is under 18, or who is in year 13 at school. The donors hope they know of every person in this category and are drawing up a list of names. However if a child appears to have been missed out, please do not take offence, just let me know (Tel: 482302).






Our Christmas Communion Service will be at 9.30am on Christmas Day, and we really do welcome everybody. The address will be short(!), and if anybody feels they cannot or should not receive Communion, they are still most warmly invited to the Altar Rail to receive a Blessing.


We are having a United Family Service (with Litton Cheney, Long Bredy and Swyre) for the first time, and also for the first time, making it at 11.00am (on 31st December). St Mary's Church, Puncknowle has been chosen to host this for several reasons, and we hope that this will be a precedent for further similar Services. The theme will obviously be connected with the passing of time, and the Service will be both lively and reflective. Do come.


This lovely fundraising Service for the Children's Society will be held on 4th February to coincide with the remembering of The Presentation of Jesus Christ in the Temple.



This will be the only Service on 3rd December at St Mary's, and Swyre will join us at 6.30pm, with the Briddy Choir, for a delightful beginning of Advent (see under Swyre for further information).

Anthony Ashwell

Carol Singing around the village will take place on Monday December 18th. Meet at the Church Hall at 6.00 p.m. with a torch. The evening will end with soup and mincepies at the Crown Inn.


Thank You!!

This year has been a great success for the Crown Puncknowle Fundraisers with a total donated since February standing at £6905.50. This year we have been able to help more people & organisations than ever:

Local Student £ 100.00

Thorners School Football Shirts £ 133.90

Joseph Weld Hospice £1500.00

Bridport Lions £ 170.00

Puncknowle Millennium Committee £3104.60

Bride Valley Fledglings £ 500.00

Bride Valley Scouts £1000.00

Local Village Halls £ 20.00

Imperial Cancer Research £ 177.00

Bridport Rotary Club £ 15.00

Local Childrens Christmas Party £ 50.00

Cats Protection League £ 50.00

Thorners School Pool £ 85.00

This takes our 4 year total to £19,239.63.

Thank you to all the organisations who helped raise some of this money by providing helpers, stalls and collection tins!

This summer saw many events in aid of the CPF including our Sunday Brunches, evening BBQ's, the Puncknowle Golf Open, our participation in the Puncknowle Fete & the Big Band evening - which was enjoyed by those who braved the torrential rain!! You may also remember the Race Night held back in February. If you enjoyed that evening please watch out for news of another to be held next February in aid of the Scout Hut Appeal.

By the time you read this report we will have held a presentation evening at the Crown to give out some of the above donations and hopefully this event will be featured in the local paper - so watch out for that. Even though we have donated these cheques this year, our fundraising & donating doesn't end there - if you think we could help you (remember our constitution states we can help any local person/charity or a national charity directly affecting a local person) then give us a call or drop us a line and the committee will give full consideration to any request.

Once again 'Thank You' to all of you that have helped & supported us in any way over the years. The amount of money raised by such a relatively small community is astonishing. We have been able to help so many people and your continued support is greatly appreciated. Look out for some smaller evenings at the Crown over the winter and we will hopefully kick off 2001 with another successful Race Night - the last one made £1500...... let's see if we can top that!!

Emma Foster (Treasurer) 897711



Puncknowle Art Group

Our meeting on November 10th was a most fascinating demonstration by Eileen Sarup from Upwey of felt making by hand. December 8th will be our last meeting this year. Jennifer Bembridge will be giving us a cartoon workshop. Afterwards those who wish to begin Christmas early may stay to lunch. The following meeting will be January 5th. Christine Molony

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St Mary's Litton Cheney LITTON CHENEY

Village Correspondents:

Mrs. Gaynor Jones, 10 Manor Farm Close Tel.482517

Mrs. Elizabeth Kingston, 5 Manor Farm Close Tel.482384



Holy Baptism 29th October 2000 Saskia Elizabeth Fry


This will be on Sunday 17th December at 6.30pm, and we will be joined by the Briddy Choir. At the time of writing this (early November) no flesh has been put on these bones, but we look forward to a lovely Service of Christmas praise. Naturally, all are welcome.




This normally takes place on Christmas Eve afternoon, but this year it will happen at 11 o'clock in the morning, with all ages in mind but especially families with toddlers and young children. We will hear and think about once again the truths in the wonderful story of Christmas, and our young will remind us emotionally that the Son of God was born a baby on earth.


Before the old year is rung out and the new year in there will be a short Service in church to reflect on and mark the changing of the years. This will be a quiet and peaceful Service beginning at 11.15pm, and the "Village Singers" from Long Bredy will be with us to sing a few of their religious songs.


Some people do not like to use the word "Mass" as they feel that this could be seen as exclusive, but I have to say that if this were readily seen to be the case, then we should be giving Christ-mas(s) another name!

Anyway we will be having our usual inclusive Midnight Christmas Eve Service of Holy Communion beginning at 11.30pm on Christmas Eve. This is the best way to begin Christmas Day.


This will be at Puncknowle at the slightly later Family Service time of 11.00am. We really do hope that those who normally come to the Litton Services will come to this one too.


Though often held around Christmas, Christingle Services can be held at anytime in the year. Ours for this season is going to be held on the Sunday before Lent (February 25th), and we look forward to this opportunity to support the Children's Society.

Anthony Ashwell

Joseph Weld Hospice - LIGHT UP A LIFE - Christmas 2000

Please refer to the Valley Notes ( page 8 ) for the details of these fundraising events.

Jane and Juliet Potter, the running twins of Church Path, are continuing their success on the roads and in cross country. Recently they led their club Charnwood AC to second place in the National Womens Four-Stage Road Relays.

We welcome home Brian McShane, Pam Pettit and Richard Punter after their recent stays in hospital and wish them all well.

Litton Web Group

The Litton Web Group have been busy collating information and preparing designs for the Litton Web Site. We hope to present our work to the village some time in January. Details will follow in next month's BVN.

The Web Site will be a collection of information about the village, its people, buildings and history with something for everybody. It might even be considered as a replacement for the marvellous local-information-handout that used to be available from the village post office.

Meanwhile more information from village organisations who wish to be represented would be most welcome. The group is eager to hear from individuals with (or knowledge of) articles, documents, photos or any items of local interest suitable for inclusion. To see a prototype of the site, a selection of web pages can be found at

The Litton Cheney Web Group look forward to meeting interested villagers in the new year. Meanwhile please send any relevant contributions to one of the following Litton WebMasters:

Walter Brewster -

Simon Nobes -

James Prentice -

Advance Notice - A date for your diary 2001

Local clarinettist Walter Brewster and a local string quartet are planning a concert in aid of Litton Cheney's Playing Field. The programme of music will include Mozart's Clarinet Quintet and will take place on Friday 23rd February 2001. Further details next month.

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St Peter's Long Bredy LONG BREDY

Village Correspondents: Mr & Mrs Patrick Frost


Tel ( 01308 ) 482269


This will take place in the church on Monday 18th December at 6.30pm and will consist of a performance of the Christmas Musical "Greater than Gold", with the Junior Choir who have been practising now for several months. There will be a Christmas Carol at the beginning and the end of the performance and we look forward to a magical evening. As usual this will be the United Carol Service with Littlebredy.


The Village Singers will be at the Watch-Night Service at Litton Cheney Church beginning at 11.15pm. See under Litton Cheney for further information.


We will be having our usual shortened Family Service and Holy Communion at 11.00am, when we really do look forward to a celebration of Christmas by "all ages", from our youngest baby to our senior pensioner.



This Service, in aid of the Children's Society, and literally meaning "Christ-Light" will be instead of our January Family Service (21st January).







There will be a United Family Service at 11.00am in Puncknowle on this day, and we hope that those who normally attend Family Services will be able to get to this special occasion.

Anthony Ashwell


Long Bredy & Litton Cheney Women's Institute

After welcoming members to the Annual General Meeting in November, President Elinor Frost introduced new member Jackie Skipwith. Birthday posies were presented to Valerie Shepherd, Janet Cuff and Chris Pacey.

The President thanked Secretary Valerie Shepherd, Treasurer Mary Anderson, the Committee and others for their hard work during the year.

In her annual report Valerie Shepherd recalled an enjoyable and varied programme of events and warmly thanked Elinor Frost for being such an excellent President during what had proved to be a very difficult year for her.

Mary Anderson produced a balance sheet showing a healthy balance.

The President, Vice-President Janet Cuff and Secretary were all willing to continue and were unanimously voted back. The Committee were returned en bloc. The Treasurer wished to stand down and her place will be taken by Sandra Akehurst for a year.

Arrangements were finalised for the Carol Service which will take place at St. Mary's Church, Litton Cheney on 7th December at 2.30 p.m. and for the Christmas party at Long Bredy on December 5th.

Members then settled down to enjoy a cookery demonstration by Helen Challis and Sarah McErlean who run their own local company, appropriately called "Tortes", making fabulous sweets for a number of local hostelries and businesses in Bridport as well as individual orders. After watching two such confections being created, their appreciative audience threw calorie - counting to the winds and enjoyed sampling a chocolate torte and lemon, lime and ginger crunch - both delicious. Mary Anderson expressed the sincere thanks of all present.

B . Champkins


Long Bredy Notes

In September Ian Slark and Freddie Spicer set out on the Dorset Historic Churches Trust cycle ride, and they broke Patrick Frost's record, by visiting 37 churches - a magnificent feat. St. Peter's Church has benefited by £147.00. Thank you both very much.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Charlie and Eleanor Pack, and especially baby Toby. Toby has been at home for a while, and we wish them all well as his operation draws near.







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LITTLEBREDY St Michael & All Angels Littlebredy


It is Long Bredy's turn to host the Carol Service this year. Please see their section for details of the Service on Monday 18th December at 6.30pm.

Our Christmas Day Communion Service will as usual be at 11 o'clock and will of course be led by our very own Canon Cosmo.

On New Year's Eve there will be a reflective Service of Holy Communion at 9.30am, and this will be the only such Service at the east end of the valley on that day.

Anthony Ashwell


No furniture vans have been needed for Glenn and Amanda Wilkinson, plus Josh and Lewis, who have moved out of No. 2, Yewtree Cottages during November. This is because they have only moved as far as No. 1. We wish them all well in their new home.

Although the rain and winds overnight on the 29th October and subsequently were - or certainly seemed - as violent as those which wreaked such havoc here 10 years ago, and were certainly strong enough to cause power interruptions and loss of telephones for several days afterwards, we must be grateful that damage to property was so slight, and that trees were the main victims. Thanks to all those who helped clear them off our local roads so efficiently.

As these notes are being written (11th November, such is the cycle of the magazine's production), it seems very early to be giving notice of Christmas arrangements in the village. However, it is the last chance to do so in these columns, so here goes:-

. Our shared Carol Service with Longbredy will again be held there this year, and will take the form of a musical, "Greater than Gold", in St. Peter's Church at 6.30 p.m. on Monday 18th December.

. Later that week, there will be a traditional carol singing party round Littlebredy. Details will be circulated either by an insert slip in villagers' magazines, or by a phone-round nearer the time.

. Although Christmas Eve is the fourth Sunday in the month, there will be no service in Church here that day.

. On Christmas Day, which is a Monday, the Family Communion Service in Church will be at 11.00 a.m. All are particularly welcome to celebrate perhaps the greatest feast day in the Christian year.

It is hoped that all of the Christmas observances will be well supported - and that all Littlebredy and valley residents will enjoy a peaceful, pleasant and very happy Christmas period.



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Thought for the Month


The Editors would like

to wish

all correspondents,

readers, advertisers, distributors,

Creeds and everyone who helps in the production of The BVN

a very Happy Christmas.






Thought for the Month

Two thousand Christmasses ago; Then He was with them! First as He

Two thousand distances or so, Then as God's Spirit flowing free;

Something occurred that seemed so small Opening eyes and minds so fast,

Nobody understood at all. Everything fell in place at last.

Jesus was born - the Saviour Son. Now the believers were for real!

Millennium had just begun. Nothing could mar their new-found zeal;

But who could see God's guiding hand? Steeped in the Spirit, lives aglow,

Who could begin to understand? Wanting the whole wide world to know.

Shepherds saw angels in the sky. Journeys were taken, lessons learnt,

Wise men brought gifts to glorify. Sins were confessed and bridges burnt.

Mary and Joseph nursed their child - God's Word was stamped indelibly

Born of God's Spirit: undefiled. On every page of history.

Simeon knew. His yearning stilled, Two thousand years have never dimmed

Gazing in awe at hope fulfilled: God's searching light, so sweetly trimmed

There in his arms salvation lay. By saints and martyrs down the years.

Oh, how he worshipped God that day! Brightly the God-head still appears.

So Jesus grew from boy to man; Two thousand years can only give

Healings and miracles began. Depth to the Christian life we live.

Steeped in the truth, His life held good - Down through the years God's truth has

Even though no one understood. Strengthened by dual millennium. [ come

Then came disaster - utter loss: So, in a way, the wonders grow

God's love extinguished on a cross. Deep in the hearts of those who know.

Faith struggled weakly through the doubt. Here in St. Paul's today we see

Hope flickered briefly, then went out. Two thousand years more clearly

Grieving, the friends of Jesus met, Closer to us that stable bare

Bathed in uncertainty: and yet Than to the shepherds gathered there.

Vaguely remembering through the gloom, Brighter to us the guiding star;

Promises for an Upper Room. Sweeter the angel-song by far.

So, even more than they, must we

Worship and praise triumphantly;

Rending the heavens as our heart;

Loudly proclaim "How Great Thou Art!"

The above poem was written by a friend who attends St.Paul's; we wanted to share its message, this Christmas 2000, with the Church in the Bride Valley.

y CHRISTMAS 2000 y

uuuuu OPENING TIMES uuuuu

Burton Bradstock Cars

Petrol available:

Christmas Eve open till 12 noon

Closed 25th, 26th, 27th

Open as usual for petrol 28th

Burton Bradstock Post Office

Closed from 12.30pm Saturday 23rd

Closed Mon.25th &Tues 26th

Open as usual from Wed 27th ,but

Closed Monday 1st January 2001

Bridge Cottage Stores, Burton Bradstock

Open Sunday Christmas Eve (24th) 9 -1 Closed Christmas Day (25th)

Open Boxing Day (26th) 10 - 12.30

Open New Year's Day (1st Jan.) 10 -12

Jayne's Hairdressing Salon

Open as usual till Sat.23rd

Closed 25th -27th

Open Thur.28th & Fri. 29th

Open as usual fromWed.3rd Jan


Jenny Jenkins

We would like to take this opportunity of thanking Jenny for the enormous amount of work she has done over the past few years in her capacity as

Advertising Manager for

The Bride Valley News.

We wish both her and Gordon well as they move into their new home.

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Editors: John & Susan Paul Windy Gap Shipton Lane Burton Bradstock DT6 4NQ