change anything." I've been asked or told this several times now, as with our
Rector retired and moved away, I take on temporarily the 'care' of the whole Bride
Valley. How long this will be for is impossible to say, but all being well, Burton
Bradstock Rectory will be occupied again next summer. Whatever, there is the
opportunity now for me to make some changes, perhaps significant ones, in the
next few months ................. Don't
worry though, I shall heed the advice, and particularly when it comes to routine
Sunday Services, do my best to see that things stay just as they are. One person,
however, cannot possibly do the job of two without something giving, and if we
had a time-machine it might be interesting to go back 2 or 3 generations to the
time when there were 6 parsons in the Bride Valley: at Burton, Littlebredy, Litton,
Long Bredy, Puncknowle and Swyre. What would the reactions of local people have
been then to, say, a reduction of 6 clergy locally to 5 ? "Nothing must change"?
But it clearly must have done, and we simply grew used to having fewer parsons
around, and having to do more ourselves. And this is precisely how it will be
now; Church committees and members will have to do more themselves, especially
when it comes to dealing with bureaucracy. It seems odd that the more civilised
we become as a society, the more time needs to be set aside for administration.
Perhaps this is due to the abuse of the greater freedoms increased civilisation
offers. Resistance
to change is the biggest problem that people face when seeking to modify, develop
or improve. We can now go on 'Management of Change' courses though personally
I have not seen any courses entitled 'Acceptance of Change'. People will also
realise that generally the older one gets, the more difficult it is to change:
there is security in the known. This is not to say that change eventually becomes
impossible. It is however normally uncomfortable, and it is the risk or possibility
of discomfort, at least in the short-term, that drives resistance to change.
it is that we come back to ourselves and maybe to selfishness. We don't want
the change because we don't want to change. But it seems to me that this is demeaning
both of ourselves and of our Creator. To become fixed in our ways, resistant
to change at all costs, is to undermine our basic humanity and ability to think
and consider. Throughout the Gospel, Jesus Christ constantly challenged his followers
to stop and listen and think and pray, and then to make those changes in themselves
and in the world around them, which would draw all creation closer to God.
Anthony Ashwell Thanks
from John and Pam We
send our thanks to all those who contributed to making our last few weeks in the
Bride Valley so memorable. Thank you for all your gifts of money, tokens, plants
and flowers, photographs and albums, hospitality, letters and cards. We were
overwhelmed by our last church services in the Valley, the leaving parties, and
your most generous gifts from all the churches, individual people and the various
organisations - the Bride Valley Mothers' Union, St Mary's Burton Bradstock bell
ringers and flower ladies, the Burton Bradstock Playgroup and Tiny Tots congregation,
Burton Bradstock School, the Bride Valley branch of the Royal British Legion,
Burton Bradstock Pantomime Players - whose activities we have shared over the
years. We have both celebrated birthdays recently, too. We have been pleasantly
inundated with retirement and birthday cards! We
can't respond to everyone personally and individually, but please be assured of
our most sincere thanks for all your gifts and greetings. A
big thank you, also, to Anthony and Anna Ashwell, Mike and Ann Read, to churchwardens
and all other church officers who have been such great support and encouragement
to us during our time in the Bride Valley. We
have left the Bride Valley warmed by so much kindness and generosity. Thank you
for your love and good wishes as we begin our new life in Herefordshire. John
and Pam Tiny
Tots / Pram Service The next
service will be on Friday 7th November at 11 am at St Mary's, Burton
Bradstock. The
Bride Valley Team Council next
meets on Thursday 6th November 2003 at 7.30 pm in Puncknowle Church
Hall. Remembrance
Sunday - 9th NovemberThe
Services on this Sunday do not follow the normal pattern, and it is advisable
to check the 'centre page spread' for times and places. Please note especially: 10.45am
at Puncknowle Annual
Royal British Legion Remembrance Sunday Service. 6.30pm
at Burton Bradstock Special
Evensong for Remembrance Sunday. Retired
ClergyWe are most
grateful to the following retired clergy whom we will be seeing regularly in the
valley during the interregnum: Rev'd
Richard Adams, Canon John McDougall, Rev'd Peter Saunt and Canon Basil Trevor-Morgan.
We shall also be asking the
Bridport Team Ministry to staff two Services in the valley each month. Our thanks,
too, to Canon Cosmo Pouncey for his continuing assistance at Littlebredy, and
above all to Mike Read who most months will be taking five or six Services. Anthony
Ashwell Bride
Valley ( Wednesday ) Bible Study Group We
continue our course of studies on Philippians; these studies will take us up to
beginning of the Lent Course. All sessions begin at 7.30pm and last up to two
hours. Session
V How to be holy
Phil. Ch.2 vv. 12- 18 Nov
5 The Rectory, Litton Cheney Nov
11 ( TUESDAY ) Westfield, Shipton La., Burton Bradstock Session
VI Godly leadership
Phil. Ch.2 vv. 19 - 30 Nov
19 Hillside, West Bexington Nov
26 Cairnhill, Shipton Gorge THE
group meets on Thursday evenings and alternates between Prayer and Bible Study.
Arriving from 7.30p.m. we begin at 7.45p.m. aiming to finish by about 9.15p.m.
All are most welcome. For further details contact Paul ..., Tel ... November
6 Bible Study: Matthew 5.21-26
12 Napier Close, Puncknowle November
13 Prayer 7 Norburton, Burton Bradstock November
20 Bible Study: Matthew 5.27-30
6 Baglake, Litton Cheney November
27 Prayer West Lodge, Littlebredy Mothers'
Union Thursday
27th November - 2.30pm 1,
Lytton Close, Puncknowle Members'
Afternoon - A Biblical Bring & Buy Future
Dates Thursday 4th
December - 12.45pm Christmas
Lunch Monday 8th
December - 2.30pm Carol Service
at Beaminster Yvette
Smith 898219 Bible
Society Annual Lectures This
Year's Bible Society Annual Lectures, entitled "A Journey through the New Testament,"
will be delivered by the Rev'd Stephen Thornton, Training Officer for the United
Reformed Church Wessex Synod, in the United Church, East Street, Bridport on Thursdays
6th 13th and 20th November at 7.30pm. All are
welcome. H.Mousley
Secretary B&D.B.S.A.G. Wear
Your Poppy with Pride With
British troops currently serving in conflicts all around the world and particularly
in Iraq one thing is certain that the Royal British Legion will need your support
more than ever this year. It
is now more than 80 years since The Royal British Legion has been helping ex-servicemen
and women and their dependents. This has been achieved only by the help
of people like yourselves generously giving, willingly, every year to the Poppy
Appeal. Please
support this worthy cause this November; all monies collected will go directly
to the Appeal and not into local Branch funds. Please wear your Poppy with
pride. Ray
West Chairman: Bride Valley Branch R.B.L. See
Diary on page 35 for R.B.L. Events Thorner's
CE VA Primary School This
term seems to be passing very quickly and we are almost thinking about Christmas,
well why not come along to our November Fair on Saturday 15th November,
buy some Christmas presents, meet friends for a cup of tea, come and enjoy yourself
and why not try your luck in the Lucky Dip. There is something for everyone.
Events like the November Fair give us the opportunity to work together as a team
for the benefit of the children. So often in life you meet people who are more
concerned about themselves, so this is an ideal situation where pupils, parents
and staff as well as friends of the school can work alongside one another to show
that they do care. As the children progress through the school they take on the
responsibility for games and manning stalls, normally using their own interests
to create a fun stall. This is an important part of the education of the individual
person and yet is not part of the National Curriculum; it is a result of the teaching
citizenship and role models in the home, community as well as in school. It is
a credit to past pupils that they too return regularly to give something back.
Governors are currently looking for a new Clerk, this is an important role as
they are responsible for collating and distributing documents, agendas and writing
minutes for the main meetings of the Governing Body, approximately 7 evening meetings
a year. Good Communication, Secretarial and ICT skills are essential, an honorarium
is payable and training through Dorset County Council is available. Further information
can be obtained from the school office. If you are interested do please contact
either Mr Truscott, Chair of Governors or myself. Applications in writing to
Mr Truscott. Interviews to be arranged at a mutually convenient time. This
evening has seen a wonder at work, Juliet demonstrated how 'easy' it is to create
flower arrangements at our Nature's Palette event. What a marvel and how envious
I am of those people who were able to take home one of the arrangements. It would
impress the husband and neighbours alike.. well that is if you could get it out
of the door! I am sure that I speak for all the people who attended when I say
a very well done to the Armstrong family for organising it. For those of you
who missed it there is a follow up in a day long workshop on Saturday 8th
November, cost is £10 for the whole day, bring your own lunch. Places will need
to be booked in advance through school as places are limited to a maximum of 20.
Further details are available from the office. See you there, just in time for
some extra special Christmas items. Alison
Johnstone Headteacher 100
Club Winners: £25 Mrs
Johnstone (not picked by me!)
£10 Mrs Baxter Burton
Bradstock CE VC SchoolLast
month proved to be quite an eventful one. Harvest was a good opportunity to reflect
upon the blessings that we enjoy in so many ways and often take for granted.
At the same time we were able to raise £76 for the Jeans for Genes appeal. Class
4 visited Bridport Arts Centre for a session of 'Energy Conservation' and as well
as enjoying all the 'freebies' available hopefully learned from the experience
as well. Here are some extracts from children's reports of the morning:
'The day was great! Everything was free and they made learning fun! They did
experiments and explained the key points of insulation. The shower uses much
less water than a bath.'
'The day could make an impact on energy wasters and make them think twice.'
'They talked about heat and energy and how to keep heat in and how to be careful
not to use too much. We also talked about what are the sources of energy.'
'I had a really good time and it was worth going.'
'I think Jimmy Jacket was really good but I think he should of worn his coat a
bit longer but I guess it was too hot. I also think they encouraged children
to save energy and think about it.' The
Cluster Cross Country competition also took place on a glorious autumn Saturday
morning at Symondsbury Primary School. Whilst spectators basked in the sun the
athletes ran their hearts out and made us feel very proud of them (and envious
of their fitness). Our girls came fourth in the team competition (won by Thorners)
and the boys were runners up to Symondsbury. Congratulations to everyone who
took part and represented us - you all did really well. As
we all know, Monday mornings can be rather a struggle as we try to re-adjust after
the weekend. However, when Kevin Sutherland, Comic Artist visited us KS2 children
had a real treat. Kev, a respected comic expert, has appeared regularly on TV
and radio. He certainly enthused and educated the children as he talked about
his work and ran workshops that taught them techniques and tricks of the trade.
It was a special day that was immensely valuable and I am sure the ripple effects
will remain for a long time to come. The
other significant event of October was the Annual Governors Report to Parents,
which, in conjunction with the P.T.A. A.G.M, is always a key occasion. We said
goodbye to some committee members who have 'served their time' and welcomed aboard
new ones. We are very grateful for the support of our committed parents both
past and present and the work they do for our school. Mark
Stratta. First
Steps Parent and Toddler Group A
big THANK YOU to everyone who baked, donated and supported the Coffee Morning
on Saturday 11th October. We were very pleased to raise over £200.
We will be buying a new slide for the children. If
you are looking for Christmas presents, on the third Wednesday in November we
will be joined by Grace Spracklen who will be showing us beautiful wooden toys
(for children and adults) which can be ordered or bought. Everyone is very welcome
at Long Bredy Village Hall on Wednesday 19th November between 10 o'clock
and 12 noon, there will also be coffee, cakes, toddlers and more! All very welcome.
Steps Parent and Toddler Group
meets on Wednesdays between 10.00am and 12 noon. Your first session is free and
we offer toys and activities for all pre-school children, coffee and chat for
parents and carers. The group meets at Long Bredy Village Hall on the first,
third and fifth Wednesdays of the month. On the second Wednesday we meet in Littlebredy
Hall and on the fourth Wednesday we meet in either Littlebredy or Puncknowle.
For further details contact: Jo (Litton Cheney) ... or Julie (Puncknowle)
897178 or Rachel (Kingston Russell and Long Bredy) 482246 Litton
Cheney Youth Club meet on Tuesday
evenings for those between 8 and 17 years in Litton Cheney and the surrounding
villages. For further details of the sessions read the Litton notes or contact
Paul Kingston 482384. The Giant
Sunflower Competition had joint winners Frank and Barbara Whillock and Diana and
Freddie Spicer whose sunflowers were both over 3 metres 80 cm. Well done!
Valley Scout Group An
Auction of Donated Items and Promises atThe
Three Horseshoes Pub Burton Bradstock on
Sunday 16th November 2003
3.00pm start in aid of BVSG
thanks to Adrian Collis for kindly offering to hold this auction at his pub.
If anyone can offer goods or services to be auctioned on the day please contact
Elaine on 458684 between 9am - 7pm or contact any committee member of the BVSG.
Dove, Chairman BVSG C
I E H Foundation Certificate in food Hygiene
response to requests from a number of local organisations, I have organised a
days training to achieve the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Foundation
in Food Hygiene. This qualification is recommended for anyone who is preparing
and serving food to the public in any venue. At the end of the course a short
test paper is completed, and on passing, the candidate receives a certificate
valid for up to 5 years. The
course will be held:- ON:
Monday 3rd November , from 10.00a.m. until 4.30 p.m. AT:
Burton Cliff Hotel. COST :
£30.00 per person, payable a week in advance. This
includes a text book, certificate, tea and coffee. Please bring your own picnic
lunch as time will be limited. For
further details and booking please ring Gillian Knight on 01308 897879.
Singers The
Singers will be giving a concert in St.
Mary's Burton Bradstock
on Wednesday evening 12th November at 7.30pm.
Proceeds will be donated to St. Mary's Church. Your
support for this event will be much appreciated.
are now back into the Gardening Club year - which started with the very successful
and pleasant occasion of the Mini - Show in September. There were many entries
and an excellent turn out to judge - once again we were blessed with a spectacularly
beautiful afternoon's sunshine - thanks again to Penny Pither and the team for
all the hard work!! The
results of this Show are - 1.The
Fry cup for Overall Winner - Betty Champkins 2.The
Barker Bowl for Fruit and Veg - Paul Kingston 3.The
Coombes Cup for Handcraft - Pauline Macaulay 4.
The WI Cup for Rose - Ann Miles 5.The
WI Cup for Pot Plant- Mary King 6.The
WI Cup for Herbs - Betty Champkins 7.
The Floral Cup - Norma Millard 8.
The May Tankard for Annuals - Ann Miles At
the time of going to press, we have not yet had the October meeting when Michael
Michaud is to speak to us again from the Chilli Farm, West Bexington. The next
indoor Meeting will be as usual on the second Monday of the month i.e. November
the 10th, when we have the return visit of Katherine Crouch previous winner of
BBC Gardener of the Year. She gave
us a highly hilarious talk last year and this year will lead a Garden Design Troubleshooting
evening. As usual this will be at Thorners School, Litton Cheney and starts off
at 7.30 p.m. Future
Dates:- 8th December
Chris Yeats Roses - Old and New Followed by our Cheese and Wine Party 12th
January Chris Hunter - Growing fruit 9th
February David Hitchcock - Songbird Aquilegias 8th
March Val Hurlston-Gardiner - Painswick Rococo Gardens Norma
Millard Club Secretary
897774. Ladybirds
will meet for a Craft Evening on Wednesday 12th November at Thorner's
School, Litton Cheney 7.30pm for 8 o'clock. Bridport
Stroke Club We are a happy,
friendly Club meeting every Wednesday from 10.00am to 12 noon. Our activities
include talks, outings, art, socializing and others. We warmly welcome, as new
members, those from the Bride Valley who have experienced a stroke. Enquiries
to:- Thelma ( 01308 898032 ) or
Jenny ( 01308 897238 ) A
Plea from the Editor To
those who submit type-written copy for scanning either to their Village Correspondent
or directly to the Editor. The
following is an extract of text that has been scanned from one of this month's
contributions - needless to say I had to re-type the article! I can cope with
one or two such 'disasters' in the few days I have to prepare for Creeds, the
printer, but if everything arrives at the last minute it does mean I have rather
too many late night sessions. IlIciping,
cx-scr~, iccmicn and "Dmenmultharde9end@nts ifishasbeen a
c h i e -ve d o', i I y b 11:111 -; e I i
c 1 p) o p c o p 1 C C -~oiui-seives generotisl~N
g-6ng, vvillinOy For
those of you who use a word processor may I pass on a few suggestions for easing
the situation? 1.
Make sure your printer is
not running out of ink. 2.
Copy should be sent unfolded
and without creases or smudges; thin type-writing paper should be avoided. 3.
Any corrections or hand-written
additions should be written below the text or in the margin and
mistakes should not be crossed out. 4.
should be in lower case in order to give continuity to the lay out. 5.
Don't worry about formatting
( no bold, underlining, italics etc.) as I usually have to re-do it after
scanning. I use Times New Roman 12pt; anything smaller is at times too small for
the scanner to read correctly. Arial is another clear type of which the scanner
seems to approve. 6.
Only single spacing should be used
and alignment should be to the left; the use of tabs & tables
should be avoided if at all possible. .and
it certainly does not appreciate having to interpret coffee stains! Forgive
me if much of this is obvious and apologies if I appear to be "teaching my grand-mother
to suck eggs." Susan
Correspondent Mr Basil Dent 2,
Norburton, Burton Bradstock. Tel:- (01308) 897125 ********************************************************* Mid
Week Worship -
Communion Wednesdays
at 10.00 a.m.
Choir Practices
Fridays at 6.00 p.m. Bell
Ringing Practices Thursdays
at 7.00pm Gift
9th November RBL Poppy Appeal 23rd
November Children's Society The
next Healing Service at St Mary's will
be held on Monday 3rd November at 7.30pm The
next Tiny Tots / Pram Service
will be held on Friday 7th November at 11.00 am. The
Parochial Church Council next
meets on Monday 17th November at 7.00 pm in church. We
acknowledge with many thanks
the gift of wine and water cruets for the chapel altar. These were given by their
daughters Jan and Julia in thanksgiving for a special year in the lives of their
parents Freddy and Elaine Tame, and were dedicated by the Rector at Evensong on
Sunday 21st September. Two
Special Sunday Services
for the two Sundays in November when there will only be one Service. On
Remembrance Sunday (9th November) there will be a special Evensong
of Remembrance at 6.30pm which, although it will be a normal Evening Prayer, will
take the Remembrance Sunday theme and carry the same sermon as in the official
Royal British Legion Service of Remembrance at Puncknowle in the morning. On
Advent Sunday (30th November) which this year falls on a 5th
Sunday, the 11.00am Service will be Holy Communion ( Traditional Order 2 ) and
we will take the opportunity to sing as many Advent hymns as possible. However,
do not fear, the Service will be its normal length, as there will be no Gloria
and a shortened address. Christingle
ServiceThis lovely
Service in aid of the Children's Society will be at 4.00pm on 23rd
November followed by tea for everyone in the W.I. Hall. Please bring a plate
of food to share at the tea. This can be left at the hall between 3.30pm - 4.00pm.
Anthony Ashwell Harvest
SupperVery many thanks to Sue Linford,
Barbara Powell and their helpers for organizing such a very happy evening. Thanks,
too, to David Powell and his merry team for adding to the fun and enjoyment, even
for those of us with three left feet! I'm reserving my ticket for next year.
S.P. Bride
Valley Scout GroupThe
members of the Group would like to thank Mike Read and the churchwardens for a
splendid ceremony during the Harvest Family Service on 5th October
at St Mary's Church. Mike blessed a new Scout Flag, and one of the Leaders, Richard
Hunt, received an award, presented by District Commissioner Charles Davis, in
recognition of him having completed all his training. We were also very pleased
to see Roger and Margaret Higham and their sons, representing West Bay Sea Scouts,
in the congregation supporting Bride Valley Scout Group, thank you all. Steve
Dove, Chairman BVSG Church
of England Children's Society Would
all those people who have kindly held Home Donation Boxes please note that it
is the time of year for these boxes to be handed in for emptying and the proceeds
forwarded to the Society. Boxes can be left with the Post Office, Bridge Cottage
Stores, Greta Heal ( 897539 ) or Basil Dent ( 897125 ). Please ring either of
these numbers if you would like your box collected. If anyone else would like
to help the Society by having one of the Society's boxes, please ring Greta on
897539. Greta
Christmas Greetings in
the BVN in aid of St. Mary's Church Funds.
you would like to participate, don't forget that Ken Pett needs your name(s)
[as you would like it/them listed on the greetings page in the December issue]
plus your donation, as soon as possible and no later than 5th
November. Cheques should be made payable to St. Mary's P.C.C. Ken
Pett, Mill Gate House, Annings Lane, Burton Bradstock, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 4QN.
Tel: 01308 897 550 Burton
Bradstock Parish Council 1.
Parish Maintenance Units: During
the months of October and April staff from Dorset County Council were/will be
spending some time in Burton Bradstock, repairing pot holes, edges of road, removing
overhanging branches etc. They are not, however, responsible for work on A Class
roads. So if there is an area you are concerned about contact the Parish Clerk
and he will inform the maintenance units. 2.
Recruitment of Independent Custody Visitors: Are
you over 18, of good character and a resident in Dorset? Are you able to make
informed, unbiased observations? If so, you could be just who Dorset Police Authority
is looking for! Visitors
are wanted to make independent unannounced visits to police stations to check
on the welfare of people held in custody! Contact
Linda Wise, Assistant to the Police Clerk on 01202/01305 223966 for more information. 3.
Affordable Housing: Dorset
Community Action's Rural Housing Enabler will be attending the next Parish Council
meeting on the 12th November 2003, along with WDDC Housing Strategy Officer to
look at the possibility of some land within the development boundary being made
available for affordable housing. 4.
Youth Club: The
club has re opened for the winter period, but they are very desperate for voluntary
helpers. Contact Elise Ripley or Fel Moore if you can help. We don't want to close
this popular club down! Fel
Moore Parish Clerk Police
Community Support Unit In
future the above unit will visit the village on the second Tuesday of each
month ( 11th November & 9th December ) from 10.00 -
11.30 am. BURTON
are a small community group aiming to provide a stimulating environment in which
children may develop socially, physically, intellectually, creatively and emotionally
through purposeful play in accordance with the guidelines of the Early Learning
Goals of the National Curriculum. We
are open 3 mornings each week ( Monday, Wednesday & Friday ) 9.30 am to 12
noon at the W. I. Hall, Church Street, Burton Bradstock. We
currently have vacancies available - please feel free to call in during session
times, where a warm welcome awaits you. Alternatively, if you would like to phone,
the number for session times only is 07789-341482 or you can call me at home on
01308-898143 and I will be pleased to answer any questions. Debbie
Cobb, Acting Playgroup Leader Burton Bradstock Village Society The
new season got off to a flying start on 19th September when Village members, visitors,
and friends were treated to a tale of jungle exploration by Shirley Critchley
when she gave a talk on The Elephants of Nepal. Shirley
was a member of the National Trust when she replied to an advert seeking volunteers
for The Scientific Exploration Society trip to Nepal. She then found herself trekking
through the Nepalese jungle on the back of an elephant, having accepted the role
of "diarist." They
eventually found the largest known Asian Elephant standing at 11 ft - 3 ins to
the shoulder and during the rest of her trip had close encounters with the likes
of Rhino, Snakes, Tigers, and other animals not normally seen in Burton Bradstock! Her
next trip is to India and we wish her well. Peter Dutton Burton
Bradstock Village Society - Change of Speaker "Iceland" Please
note our change of speaker for Friday, 14th November. Richard Edmonds
apologises for having to postpone his planned talk, but we are most fortunate
that Jonathan Carrivick has kindly agreed to come back to the Society and tell
us all about his recent charity trek across Europe's largest ice cap in Iceland.
Many local people sponsored this 3-man expedition, which to date has raised more
than £8,000 for The Royal Marsden Hospital in London, so we are delighted to welcome
him back so soon after his successful adventure. Members, guests and sponsors
are all invited to come to the W.I. Hall, Burton Bradstock, at 7.30 pm on 14th
Trust Breast Cancer Care are
having a Mince Pie & Mulled Wine Morning on
Saturday 22nd November in the W.I. Hall Burton Bradstock from
10.30 am - 12.30pm Mary
Rawles Burton
Bradstock W.I Burton Bradstock W.I. now have
new stage curtains for their hall, thanks to a legacy received from Trudy Hodgson. The
quiz night on Friday the 10th October was a great success and everyone seemed
to enjoy the evening and the varied questions. Members are looking forward to
their Christmas Lunch on l1th December and it is hoped to have a party in the
hall in the new year. At the Coffee morning on the 29th November there will be
a display of craft work when contributors vie for the Dorothy Seward Cup.The reading
group enjoyed a visit from the author Margaret Graham which they found very informative.
The Outing to Miss Saigon is now full.
Bradstock W.I. CHRISTMAS
29th November 10.30 - 12 noon Burton
Bradstock W.I. Hall Gifts
- Cakes - Produce - Christmas Stall - Raffle Entrance
60p ( to include
coffee & mince pie ) In
aid of Hall repairs Local
Computer Training There
are still a few places left on taster sessions for people wishing to use computers
for record keeping (databases), word processing or web publishing. Databases are
ideal for keeping details such as lists of Christmas/birthday presents, music
or recipe collections, a record of birthdays, address lists or customer details.
Word processing can be used to produce professional looking documents such as
letters, posters and invitations, you can even produce your own individual letter
headed notepaper or reduce the time involved in sending out the type of letters
that you might send out with Christmas cards. Finally, the web publishing session
is ideal for anyone who'd like to know how to set up a website on the Internet. Overall,
the taster courses offer you the chance to try out new things on computers at
very little cost. If these courses are successful there is the possibility that
follow on courses will be offered. The
tutors will be from LymeNet, a training centre based in Lyme Regis and the courses
will be held in the Reading Room in Burton Bradstock.
Course |
Day |
Starting Date |
Time |
No of Sessions |
Cost |
No of Places |
Databases |
Mon | 3rd
Nov | 6.30-8.00pm |
1 | £3 |
6 |
Word Processing |
Mon | 17th
Nov | 6.30-8.00pm |
1 | £3 |
6 |
Web Publishing |
Mon | 24th
Nov | 6.30-8.00pm |
1 | £3 |
6 | Bookings
can be made by e-mailing Karen Venn on or phoning 01308 897094
between 5pm and 7pm weekday evenings. After booking, cheques should be made payable
to 'Burton Bradstock Website Committee'. Local
Adult Education courses in December In
addition to the courses being offered by LymeNet, Adult Education is bringing
a mobile training unit, equipped with computers, to the local area at the beginning
of December. The unit is likely to be sited either in Bridport or Burton Bradstock
but details had not been confirmed at the time of going to print. Likely courses
include: - Buying a computer
for Christmas - Buying a digital
camera for Christmas - Photoshop
elements: have fun with your photos (taster) -
Introduction to the Internet & e-mail -
Desk top publishing (taster)
If you want a break from computers,
there will also be some courses that are not related to computing. You can book
a place or to obtain more details by telephoning 01305 264997 between 9am and
5pm or Bill Walker on 07971 856878 Thank
you to the children and staff
of Burton Bradstock School and to St. Mary's Church for the lovely Harvest gifts
received. They are much appreciated. Arthur
Bradstock Village Web
Site Address Did
you know that the Bride Valley News is
published on this web site every month? In
addition, did you know that old copies of the magazine can
also be viewed on the web site? 
GORGE Village
Correspondent: Mrs. Joy White Eastcote
3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge Tel:
( 01308 )897974 ********************************************************* The
Parochial Church Council next
meets on Wednesday 12th November at Virginia House. FROM
24th September Ivy F. Legg Church
Tower Repairs Inspection
of the church tower has shown that over the last winter there has been a rapid
deterioration of the parapet stonework. Unfortunately, when the ham stone parapet,
which was constructed from reclaimed stonework, was fitted on the tower in Victorian
times many of the stones were incorrectly set with their grain vertical rather
than horizontal. Over the years this has allowed much greater water penetration
into the stonework and heavy frosts have started to split the stone apart down
its grain. It is now obvious that there are major splits and breakup of the parapet
stonework, which is not only a danger to anyone near the tower but falling stonework
has already broken a number of the roof tiles. On the recommendation of John
Turnbull, the Church Architect, all 21 raised segments of the parapet are to be
professionally capped with shaped lead sheeting, which will show just 6inches
over the tops. This will keep out water from the end grain of the exposed stonework
and greatly prolong its life. The cost will be just under £1500 so we will not
require the delay of obtaining a Faculty from the church authorities and, importantly,
will save ourselves having to find the much larger sums needed to renew stonework. The
Churchwardens ST.
is welcome to join us on this important day in the church year. We have invited
our Bride Valley Team Vicar, the Rev. Anthony Ashwell to lead our worship, and
our young people will again take an active part in the service. Tea
and treats will be available in the village hall as usual. The
Saturday, 13th September, seven young cyclists joined Bob, Penny and myself on
a trip to visit all the churches in our beautiful Bride Valley. The conditions
were perfect, and we met many other cyclists en route. We enjoyed a picnic lunch
at Little Bredy, then most of us cycled back to Shipton Gorge-saying hello to
a rather haughty llama, living in a field between Little and Long Bredy. It
was a great day out, and we raised £404-50 in sponsorship, half of which will
benefit St. Martin's church, so well done everybody, especially: Jason, Gemma,
James, Merrilyn, Matthew, Jessica and Tommy. Janet
was raised for Macmillan Relief at this very enjoyable event, and we are very
grateful to all our loyal helpers who ran stalls and served coffee, and made the
morning so successful. Janet
CHRISTMAS BAZAAR -SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 10.30a.m., to 12.30p.m., All
proceeds from this event will go to St. Martin's Church, and anything and everything
connected with the festive season will be on sale in the village hall. Some
of our local artistic friends are already making gifts, cards and decorations
for the Christmas tree, and of course seasonal food and drink will be most acceptable. Please
contact Gillian Maxfield: 897 346, or Janet Lane: 897 241, if you would like to
contribute items to the Bazaar. Any other ideas will be very welcome. Gillian
Maxfield and Janet Lane Parish
Council Jeff Fisher has taken over from
John Bredemear as Parish Clerk. Jeff lives at Courtfield Cottage, Shipton Road,
DT6 4NJ and can be contacted on 01308 897388. Villagers
are requested not to fill potholes in Burbitt Lane with rubble or ash. These only
get washed out and block the drains and grips down Shipton Road. The District
Council has significantly improved the state of the lane in the last year and
are being encouraged to continue their efforts.
again the clocks have gone back and the darkness takes over. Please make sure
that your sheds and out-houses are secure, as garden tools and machinery are very
easily disposed of by the petty criminals. I
hope any new arrivals in Shipton Gorge are aware of our Homewatch system. Details
can be obtained from me or your local co-ordinator, whose name is displayed on
our three Village Noticeboards. Frank
Rogers Telephone No 897821 PRE
have been put in place, for this year's Pre Christmas Get Together. The date is
the 30th November, at 12 noon, in the Village Hall (Shipton Gorge). Everyone from
the village is invited and is asked to bring along a bottle or two and some eats.
For those who have not been before, it is a good chance to meet and get to know
other villagers. Please
contact either Christine or Robert Cornish on 897833 if you require further information. Shipton
Gorge Village Hall The
film Chicago (12A) will be shown in the Village Hall on Wednesday
26th November. Catherine Zeta Jones as nightclub star Velma Kelly and Renee Zellweger
as wannabe Roxie Hart, finding themselves on notorious Murderess Row for shooting
their faithless menfolk, set out to prove that "with the right song and dance
you can get away with murder " in Rob Marshall's stylish and energetic version
of Rob Fosse 's musical. Black humour, great songs, terrific dance routines and
Richard Gere co-starring as cynical lawyer Billy Flynn. Great film; don't miss
it. Tickets available, from the New Inn or from Doris Benselin (16 Rockway, tel.
897562). Advance
notice This year's Christmas Bingo
will take place in the Village Hall on Wednesday 10th December. Eyes down at 7.30pm. A
big thank-you to all the people
of Shipton Gorge for making my 90th birthday such a memorable one.
Phillis Penney 15, Rockway Shipton
Gorge Village Hall 100 Club Winners
for the October Draw
£20 |
No. 43 |
Sue Hawksworth |
£10 |
No. 64 |
Valerie Stephenson |

SWYRE Village
Correspondent: Sid Marshall 3
Green Barton, Swyre Tel: 897318 ********************************************************* From
the RegistersHoly
Baptism Lauren Olivia Poynton
on 28th September 2003Colin
and Sylvia Purchase's granddaughter was blue-eyed and wonderfully content. Harvest
Trinity Church was beautifully and generously decorated for our Service on the
evening of 5th October. Our gifts were donated to the Pilsdon Community
house in Dorchester. Anthony
and Swyre Parish Council 4th November 2003 The
Parish Council will meet at 7.30 on the 4th November at Puncknowle
Church Hall. The main item for discussion will be budget setting for 2004/2005. Fund
raising events for the Air Ambulance to be held at Bull Inn, Swyre 8th
November. The Bull Bonfire Bash. A night of fun for all the family.
This will include a Guy competition with a prize for the best Guy, a large Bonfire
and Fireworks Extravaganza: put these together with fine food and good beer and
it will be an evening to remember. 22nd
November. Video horse racing. Choose your horse, place your bet and cheer
as the horses race on the Video Screens. With prizes for the winners you won't
be able to resist a flutter. For
further details please ring Chris or Sue at the Bull on 897250. PUNCKNOWLE
Correspondent: Elizabeth Slater 1,
Lytton Close, Puncknowle, Dorchester DT2 9BH Telephone:
( 01308 ) 897751 ********************************************************** Historic Churches Trust - Sponsored Cycle Ride
thanks to everyone who joined the cycle ride and to those who so generously sponsored
them. We raised £200 which will be divided equally between The Historic Churches
Trust and St Mary's, Puncknowle.
Roberts. BRIDE
to everyone who bought our Summer Quiz sheet - also to the Bull Inn, The Crown
Inn and Burton Bradstock post office for selling them. In October we welcomed
Reuben Kingston to Playgroup and hope he will be happy with us. We have a new
committee of parents who run the Playgroup - new chairperson is Sally Jevons,
assisted by Jayne Fournier, ourSecretary is Caroline Cox (again!) - thanks to
you all for taking it on. The next committee meeting will be to finalise arrangements
for our fund-raising BINGO
NIGHT on Friday 21st NOVEMBER, in Puncknowle Hall - eyes down
at 7.30pm. Please
feel free to ring me for any information about Fledglings Playgroup.
Carol Bennett
(Playleader) 01308 897771 Puncknowle
and Swyre Parish Council 4th November 2003 The
Parish Council will meet at 7.30 on the 4th November at Puncknowle
Church Hall. The main item
for discussion will be budget setting for 2004/2005. Puncknowle
Art Group This
season we have enjoyed painting lovely coloured foliage cut from our gardens.
These meetings give us a chance to swap tips and advice on materials. Dates for Nov. are - 14th
working with wax & 28th - slides by the prize winning photographer
David Cantrille on nature and travel. Christine
Don't forget to check the
village website to
keep in touch with village events and find useful information LITTON
Correspondent: Mrs.
Elizabeth Kingston, 5 Manor Farm Close ********************************************************** From
the Registers Holy
Matrimony Vanessa Maniatt to
Ian Vicary on 27th September 2003 The
Bride was under orders to be really prompt, and she was! A brilliant beginning
to festivities which only got better. Ruby
We gave thanks to God on 5th October for Freddie and Diana Spicer's
most special anniversary. Anthony
Ashwell Sponsored
Cycle Ride
and thanks to Eliot, Felix and Theo Jones who raised £40 for Dorset Historic Churches
Trust when they pedalled to five churches in the Valley. Half the sum raised
went to the Trust and the other half to St Mary's Church. Is there someone out
there who next year will set a new record for the village by visiting 39 or more
Churches? Litton
Cheney Playing Field Association A
big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in and supported the Family Fun Day
on Sunday 21st September. Over £680 was raised which will be used
to fence the young children's play area. Thank you again. Litton
Cheney Social Committee Fifteen
people enjoyed a really pleasant walk to Eggardon Hill recently. Eight of us
enjoyed a really pleasant walk back, a total of eight miles. If anyone sees seven
lost walkers in the region of The Spyway Inn at Askerswell please send them back
in the right direction home to Litton! At
the time of writing it is the day after the Harvest Celebration, but lots of you
have already said how much you enjoyed the occasion. Jump at the Sun provided
the music to which you all danced so thank you to them and to the caller. Many
thanks also to Ursula and David who provided the meat, Modbury Farm for the cream
and Ashley Chase Cheese at Parks Farm for the cheese. This
month: Saturday
22nd November 10.00 am meet at the bus shelter for a litter pick.
Please wear gloves. Future
events for your diary:- 18th
and 19th December Carol Singing Friday
2nd January 2004 Trip to Yeovil to see the pantomine Dick Whittington
2.30 performance. The cost of
a coach to get there and for a ticket will be £13.50. Tickets will be limited
and on a strictly first come first served basis so if you would like to come please
register your interest with Eddy on 482260 or me, leaving your name, address and
phone number. Kathy
Kourik Secretary 482552 Litton
Cheney Needlepoint Project The
Litton Cheney needlepoint project featured in the October issue of "Woman Alive".
A two page spread told the story of how the kneelers were created for St. Mary's
Church. There were photographs of the work in progress and of the completed kneelers
and Bishop's chair. Anyone
interested in helping with a new project to make a wall hanging of the village
can ring 482301 for information.
Ann Miles The
Police Community Support Unit
will be at the Bus Shelter between 2 o'clock and 3 o'clock on Tuesday 11th
November. Litton
Cheney Youth Club Last
month several young people and some brave parents enjoyed Mountain Boarding at
Burton Bradstock. This month the club will be completing entries for the Dorset
Youth Association's Christmas Card Competition and Talent Competition. The
Youth Club will meet on Tuesday 11th and 25th November in
Litton Cheney Church Hall. The junior session for those 8-12 years is from 6.30pm
to 8.00pm and for those 13-17 years is from 8.00pm to 9.30pm. A
table tennis session will again take place on Thursday 6th November
from 6.30 - 8.00 pm in Litton Cheney Church Hall. If
any adults are interested in playing table tennis
either come along to the Church Hall on Thursday 6th November at 8.00
pm or contact Paul Kingston 482384. Congratulations
and a warm welcome to Litton Cheney's newest young resident Olivia a daughter
for Ralph and Sam and first grandchild for Jacqui Daubeney. Visit
the web site for the latest news. The
group meets at The White Horse Inn at
8 o'clock on the first Monday of each month. All
welcome. LONG
Correspondent: Mrs.
Elinor Frost, Bridelands ( 482269 ) ********************************************************* From the RegistersHoly
Matrimony Sally Frost to
Kevin Reid on 20th September 2003 This
really was a perfect day and the happiest occasion. We wish Sally and Kevin every
blessing in their new life together. Harvest
big thank you to Rachel and Di who contributed so much to this special occasion
on the morning of 21st September. Anthony
Ashwell Bride
Valley Young Farmers NewsWe
have a busy few months ahead: our young farmers are off to Warmwell for a roller
blade session this month, then again in December to use the dry ski slope. We
have a cinema trip planned, a moonlight walk and a Christmas party to look forward
to. As
members will know, a Whist Drive takes place every month, which is very kindly
organised by Mrs Barbara Fry to raise money for our club. The next Whist evening
will take place on the 21st of November at 7:30pm at Thorner's School.
Other dates for your diary are: 12th December, 16th January,
13th February, 19th March, 23rd April and the
21st of May. If
anyone could donate a prize, anything from a packet of tea to some toiletries,
these would be gratefully received by Rick on 482549 or Barbara on 482496. The
Whist Drive is open to everyone and new members will be very welcome. The
AGM went well, thank you to Mr Martin Buckland who has stepped in as our new Vice
President, and also to Mrs Mandy Wakely who has joined our advisory team. In
June we held a sponsored tractor pull which was great fun although hard work.
YFC members pulled a grey Ferguson tractor and its driver, Rick Cook, from Long
Bredy to the White Horse Inn at Litton Cheney. A big thank you to all who came
out of their homes to support us along the way, and to everyone who has given
money, either by way of collection buckets, or sponsor forms. The final total
raised was £285.57 which has been donated to Thorners School to use for new goal
posts. We
meet on alternate Wednesdays at 7:00pm and new faces are very welcome to come
along and join us. For more information or a club programme contact Rick Cook
on 01308 482549. First
Steps Parent and Toddler Group Coffee Morning A huge Thankyou to all
who contributed to and supported our well attended and successful coffee morning
on 11th October. We are delighted to tell you that we raised just over £200,
which will cover our Pre-School Learning Alliance membership and insurance (about
£130 a year) as well as allowing us to replace some worn out toys. Thank you and
congratulations all round.
Bredy & Litton Cheney WIA
party was held on Tuesday the 7th October to celebrate the 80th
birthday of the WI. It was a very happy gathering in the Village Hall at Long
Bredy because several former members and some specially invited guests came along
to join in the festivities. Everyone enjoyed the delicious food and then sat
back to be entertained by two young men, Phil and David from For Real.
Their music ranged from sad, wistful folk songs to jolly, up-beat refrains.
Despite Phil declaring that they were somewhat overwhelmed by having to entertain
such a large group of women, they managed their task beautifully. Maybe they
were a little unnerved after hearing some of the comments about Calendar Girls,
a film that seems to have altered the public's image of the WI! The
next meeting, to be held on 4th November will be at Long Bredy Village
Hall. Valerie
Bredy Parish NewsMargaret
and John Cook celebrate their
Golden Wedding this month. Very best wishes and congratulations to them both. On
Friday the 19th September, Guy Harrison and Nichola Reed were
married at St Kentigerns RC Church, Blackpool. They will be making their home
at Thornton, Lancashire. On
Saturday 20th September Sally Frost and Kevin Reid were married
at St Peter's, Long Bredy. We wish both couples a long and happy life together. A
set of new goalposts have been bought for the playing field and will be
erected shortly. A special thank you to the volunteers who keep the playground
mown and tidy. LITTLEBREDY
Sunday" ServiceOur
routine 4th Sunday Holy Communion this month will be on the 5th
Sunday, 30th November (Advent Sunday) at 11.00am. Anthony
NOTES. September's
Harvest Thanksgiving Service and subsequent Harvest Supper in the Village Hall
were alike well attended and greatly appreciated by those able to be there. Many
thanks indeed to Judy and her team for the Church Decorations, to the Rev. John
Atkinson for a splendid service to mark his Littlebredy "farewell",
and to all those who provided food and drink for the Supper. Surplus perishables
from the Church were later donated to the Pilsdon Community's "Half Way House"
in Dorchester, and the staff and residents there also send grateful thanks. Annette
Hallett's bowls career continues from strength to strength. Her latest achievement
(with a male partner also from the Dorchester Club) has been to reach the last
8 in the National Mixed Pairs Championship, played at Egham, Surrey at the end
of September. They lost their quarter-final - by the narrowest possible margin
- to the eventual winners. Those who follow the jargon will have been able to
understand the technicalities of the article in the "Echo" tracing the
course of the epic match. Congratulations, as ever, Annette - and to the ever-loyal
travelling supporter, too... "Remember,
Remember the 7th of November." Not quite how the song goes, I admit, but
it is the day (Friday) of a bonfire and fireworks evening on the Village
Green this year. The bonfire will be lit at about 6.30 p.m., followed by fireworks,
to which all are welcome - provided they bring a firework. There will
be a Guy Fawkes competition for youngsters; entries will be judged afterwards
at the Village Hall, where there will be a communal supper, so please could all
attenders please bring a plate of food as well.
The bar will be open again at 7.30
p.m. on Thursday 13th November, when the Annual Village Meeting and
A.G.M. of the Social Club will be held in the Village Hall. This
will contain elections for Social Club posts, so a full turnout is urged. Please
make a note in your diary now. 
Event for November
2003 Tues 11th -
Sun 16th - Encore Theatre Wed
26th- Bridport Heritage Forum Talk, Town Hall Old Photos of Bridport
Advance Notice January
2004 BVN Please
note that in order to ensure the magazine is at the printers to reach their Christmas
deadline all advertisements for the above issue must reach David Smith by the
end of November &
all copy from correspondents must be in the hands of the Editor by Saturday 6th
December at the latest. Circle
of life "Laugh
a lot, cry a little... a highly entertaining
musical journey from
birth to old age"' By
As One Pro. Productions in aid of The
Motor Neurone Disease Association, West Dorset Branch (Registered Charity No.
294354) On Saturday
29th November at 7.30pm at Eype
Church Centre for the ArtsTickets
£6.00 or £7.00 on the door (if not sold out)From
Liz Nelson Tel: 0 1308 427080 |