From The Rector Today I am bamboozled
and cross. There are clouds over the Rectory and most of them are me being grumpy. For once in my
life I am taking Politics (with a big P, you will note) personally, and it is
intensely annoying. I will be told quite rightly that a Parish newsletter is
no place for the Rector to vent his politic vent, but I am so wound up about this
particular thing that I cannot do the "Isn't it lovely to live here by the
coast, and let's be especially nice to the visitors this summer" type of
letter. Instead I am sounding
off about the Butler report, which by the time you read this will have been forgotten
weeks ago, but which as I write has just been published. It was, you may recall,
to do with intelligence assessments about weapons of mass destruction, which assessments
were a big part of the justification for our invasion of Iraq. I can well understand
how it is that we went to war with Iraq on the basis of information that was mistaken.
There is nothing new in countries going to war accidentally or by mistake. What
I cannot understand in this report is how, in the making of this mistaken information,
nobody anywhere made a mistake. The information
was as untrue as it was possible for it to be, but everybody, we are told, was
dutifully telling the truth all the time. The information
was wrong, but nobody got it wrong, far from it; everybody is whiter than white;
spectacularly innocent, and triumphantly in the right. And nobody seems to be
in the least bit ashamed of this bare faced embarrassment, apart from everybody
I have spoken to about it this morning, and they are all as bamboozled as I am. I am embarrassed
for my country, which by now must be a laughing stock. We couldn't find the truth
about W.M.D. and we now can't find the truth about how we couldn't find the truth.
"Ils sont fous, ces Anglais" as Obelix so pungently observed, if the
cartoon records of the time are to be trusted, when Asterix the Gaul visited England
some time after the Roman invasion. And I am really
annoyed at the barest hint of a suspicion that I am so uncaring about my good
name, and what is done on its behalf, that I will let this go as one of those
things that just happens in the land of Politics (and aren't they all the same,
and why should I bother to vote?) And what really,
really annoys me in my very own born again ardour for the truth, is that I would
be much better off spending my time turning my outrage and confusion upon the
way I live; the deliberate ignorance, and the mealy mouthed self justification
with which I declare myself to be exonerated of all blame. God is truth.
He has given us his Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth. And here am I with
a log stuck in my eye, squinting through the tears at the shadows of faults that
look disturbingly like my own. No wonder I am feeling confused, and grumpy on
what is otherwise, allegedly, a lovely day. Yours in green
ink. Bob. From the RegistersHoly BaptismHannah
Kay Sale on 2nd July 2004
at St Mary's Church, Burton Bradstock. A beautiful daughter for Philip and Louise.
Patrick Maltby on 8th July
2004 at St Peter's Church, Long Bredy. Jacob didn't even cry when big brother Gabriel 'dried'
his head. Holy MatrimonyAndrew
Wallis and Joanna Franklin on
12th June 2004 at St Mary's Church, Litton Cheney. Thomas
Fooks and Tracey Buckland on 10th July 2004
also at St Mary's Church, Litton Cheney. Our congratulations and warmest thoughts to both couples.
Burial of AshesCharles
Brian McShane on 8th July
2004 in the superbly renovated Garden of Remembrance at Litton Cheney. United
Family Service Littlebredy Sunday 29th August One
of the pictures used to describe the Church in the New Testament of our Bibles
is a body, a body which is coordinated and working well. In the Bride Valley we
have seven churches, or congregations, each with its part to play in making up
the body of the Church on earth. To press
the picture a little further it is helpful when congregations come together in
worship together and work in unity like a body. We have a wonderful opportunity
for this in the Bride Valley on Sunday 29th August. It is a 5th Sunday and as
has been agreed by Anthony the Thursday Fellowship Group is to lead a united service
for the churches of the Bride Valley. It is a wonderful opportunity for us to
work and worship together. The
service will be at 11.00am in St Michael & All Angels, Littlebredy, and will
be followed by a picnic (please bring your own!) by the lake. You
might like to take a part or find out more. If so please phone Paul . Most of
all we hope that lots will be there joining our congregations together in worship. From
the Holiday Club Team:- The
team is having a holiday this summer, but we will be back next summer, 2005. See
you there! The
Bride Valley (Thursday) Fellowship Group There will be no meetings in August; the next one will
be on 9th September 2004 Bride Valley (Wednesday)
Bible Study GroupThere will be no meetings in August, the next one will
be on 8th September 2004 Thanks Each month over 1,500 copies,
packed in suitably labelled boxes, are collected from Creeds the Printers
in Broad Oak and delivered to seven venues throughout the Bride Valley. After
over ten years of being involved with this important task Geoff and Betty Shepherd
of Shipton Gorge are now retiring through ill health. We would like to thank them
on behalf of all readers of the B.V.N for their willing help.
and Geoff Spencer-Smith ..and
our huge thanks to Sheila and Geoff for the faithful, dedicated and efficient
work they do to enable the distribution of the BVN to run as smoothly as it does.
Ed. Men's
Hats! Do
you have a deerstalker and/or other men's hats, e.g. top hat, bowler, flat cap,
that you might lend us for 'Celebrity' disguises at Sidney Gale House? We would
take great care of them. If so, please telephone Anna Ashwell on 01308 482302.
Bride Valley Scout Hut AppealAt
an Extraordinary Committee Meeting a decision was taken not to proceed with the
lottery application for a new hut. Alternative rented premises have been secured
for the time being. We plan to use the money raised for the new scout hut to
secure the future of the Bride Valley Scout Group in general. If
you would like further information about this decision please write to the group
secretary at the address below by the 31st October 2004. Bride Valley Scout Groupc/o Myrtle Cottage, Looke Lane, Puncknowle, Dorchester
DT2 9BD Burton
Bradstock CE VC School August
is an appropriate time to reflect upon the past academic year and take a breather
before starting all over again. We've said fond farewells to Year 6 children
who will hopefully take with them happy memories of school. These will no doubt
include thoughts of Sports Day brought to an early finish by rain, the fun time
we had on the Dartmoor trip and their final leavers' service in church, full of
its usual mix of emotions. We also said goodbye to Louise Brine who is moving
to be near her 'roots' back in Surrey. We are grateful for all that she has contributed
to the school in the past year. There
is one particular group of people who I feel really sorry for at this time of
the summer - all those youngsters who have taken GCSE and A-Level exams. Why?
Well, have you noticed the way in which the media latch onto the examination results
and 'interpret' them? If they are lower than last year there is the inevitable,
"Standards are slipping!" On the other hand, if results rise then we are told,
"The exams are getting easier." It's about time they gave us all a break and
accepted the fact that some years will be better than others, but above all give
the youngsters of today some credit for the hard work they manage to sustain throughout
the two years of the courses. The modern blend of course work and examinations
means that consistent effort is needed rather than simply cramming in information
at the last minute before an exam. There, I've said my piece and feel a lot better
now. Having
negotiated Ofsted in the spring it's nice to feel that the future looks brighter,
that every cloud has a silver lining, and as one reasonably famous literacy-not-a-strong-point
footballer once said, "There's a carrot at the end of the tunnel." As for the
future I wonder what lay in store for schools? Is it 'light' at the end of the
tunnel, or perhaps a 'carrot'? No one mentioned carrots at the meeting I attended
about Job Evaluation the other day. It often feels that it's the Ofsted sticks
that dominate. It's intriguing to think that someone, somewhere in Department
for Education and Skills, is probably plotting the Baldrick model of school improvement
at this very moment. "Minister, I have another cunning plan!" Possibly a conversation
something like this: "Do you
realise Humphrey that it's over three weeks since we last sent a glossy red video
information pack out to schools?" "Is it
really that long ago? We'd better think of something else quick. Got any ideas?
We don't want the Minister to think we're slacking." "Well,
I hear that some of our most illustrious musicians are rather concerned at the
state of music in schools. Perhaps we could encourage as many children as possible
to learn a musical instrument?" "Great
idea! But surely it will cost money and how will it work?" "Don't
know exactly, but don't worry, the schools can sort out the details. I'll just
nip along to the Treasury while you organise a slightly different press release
for each newspaper. You know, the usual ambiguous stuff. With any luck it'll
be out in time to spoil their holidays but if that fails we'll fall back on the
'Let's get back to tradition' line." One would
hope that the education system is somewhat more refined than this, yet with the
range of 'initiatives' that come our way we could be forgiven for erring on the
side of cynical. As for
the coming year whether it's sticks or carrots, we shall do our best to make sense
of it all and as a church school we'll try to walk 'in the light'. Mark
Stratta. 100 Club June
Winners were:
£20 M. Barrett
£10 H. Thomson
£5 J. Bowles Thorner's CE VA Primary SchoolThere is no report this month. Litton
Cheney Youth Club meets on Tuesday evenings,
during term time, for those between 8 and 17 years in Litton Cheney and the surrounding
villages. The Club will have a break during August before restarting in September.
For information contact Paul Kingston 482384. First Steps Parent and Toddler Group: With the holidays coming up, our final session of
the term will be at Long Bredy Village Hall on Wednesday 21st July,
therefore no session on 28th July. The Autumn Term will begin
on Wednesday 1st September at Long Bredy Village Hall, 10am till 12noon.
Terry Harrison the Health Visitor will be coming to the first session of each
month for baby-weighing, advice etc. A big thank-you
to Jim and Sarah Wilde for allowing us to use the games room at Puncknowle Manor
once a month - your kindness was very much appreciated. Weather permitting, we
may have one to two informal meetings in the holidays, eg. the beach or Poundbury
playground. For further details, please contact: Bridget (Burton Bradstock) 898600,
or Jo (Litton Cheney) 482346, or Julie (Puncknowle) 897178, or Rachel (Long Bredy
& Kingston Russell) 482246. Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup July was another busy month with our visits to school
for pre-schoolers, who we said good bye to at the end of term during our Picnic
in the Park. They were Wilf, Kieran, Jack, Hattie and Francesca who are going
to Thorners, as well as Edmund who is going to Winterbourne Abbas school and Daniel
who is moving house to Bradford Peverell with his family - they received presents
and scrapbooks of their time at Fledglings. Before that we all went on an outing
to Kingston Maurward, again taking a picnic with us for lunch. Other visitors
came to see us in the hall - thanks to Debbie our dental health lady with her
Hilary the Hippo puppet, and to Hattie the Clown (otherwise known as Sue Brown)
who produced the most enormous bubbles we have ever seen and did some MAGIC!!
It was fun. Our big Fun Night fundraiser will have happened
by the time you read this. Stalls included Face Painting, Pick-a-lolly, Lucky
Dip, Spinner, Toy Tombola as well as Raffle Draw, Whisky Draw, and Guess the Weight
of the Horseshoe! Two guest stalls were children's clothing by Sam E. from Weymouth
and Body Shop by Kelly Golding, who gave mini hand treatments. Thanks again to
all who helped in any way. More about this next time. Our Summer
Quiz of general knowledge questions is now on sale at the CROWN,
Puncknowle, the White Horse in Litton Cheney, Burton Post Office, Dorchester and
Bridport T.I.C.'s and cost £1 each. First prize is £20 - these quizzes are getting
very popular so have a go - all profits go towards the running of the playgroup.
In September we will be saying "Hello" to Gabriel
Maltby who will be officially joining playgroup plus a few more new little faces,
who will help us start all over again. Our sponsored Trike Ride raised £149.05 - absolutely
marvellous - many thanks to all who paid up!! Carol Bennett (Playleader) 01308 897771 Burton
Bradstock Players We will once again be holding a series of informal PLAYREADING
evenings in the autumn. These evenings are great fun and you will not be asked
to 'do' anything, except read a part if you want to - and you can come just to
listen if you wish! If you have not been before, do come along - everyone is
welcome. These are not being held with a view to production! Dates will
be: Wednesdays - 15th, 22nd & 29th September,
Tuesday 5th & Wednesday 13th October - at 7.30
p.m. in the Reading Room, Burton Bradstock.
St MARY'S CHURCH Thursday 19th August at 12-30pm ORGAN RECITAL
by Simon LindleyProgramme to be announced Friday 20th August at 7-30 pm
The London Festival Players Leader
David Juritz Programme
includes: Quartet in C "The Dissonance"- Mozart, Rondo for cello and piano - Dvorak and Oboe quartet
in F - Mozart. Saturday
21st August at 7-30pm
The London Festival Players with
Hilary Kenway (soprano) Programme
includes: Concerto for two oboes - Albinoni, Adagio and Rondo
for piano and ensemble - Mozart and Concerto for two violins - Bach. TICKETS EVENING
CONCERTS 20th and 21st August Tickets (numbered) for each
concert Unrestricted view
£9 Restricted view
Season ticket for both concerts £16 ORGAN RECITAL 19th
Tickets (un-numbered) £5 Available
at door for all concerts. GREAT
SPONSORED CYCLE RIDE 10.00 am - 6.00 pm Saturday 11th September, 2004 
Cycle or walk around some of Dorset's churches and
chapels to raise money for the church of your choice and for the Dorset Historic
Churches Trust. 
Charity Commission Registered Number 282790 Over
£35,500 was raised by the Cycle Ride last year and half of this was returned to
parishes immediately. The Trust has been able to help churches (of all denominations)
in Dorset with grants and loans for repairs and it is essential that this work
can continue. Rarely is a request turned down. Those
who take part, on a bicycle, on foot, in a wheelchair or indeed on a horse, will
be helping to raise money not only for the Dorset Historic Churches Trust, but
also the church of their choice. The great thing about this sponsored ride is
that it is very flexible - you can visit as many (or as few) churches and chapels
as you wish and start and finish at your choice of times. Those unable to take
part in the actual ride can help out by staffing their local church to welcome
visiting cyclists and if that is impossible, anyone can be a sponsor! So there
really is a part for the whole community to play. Organisers ( from whom Sponsorship forms may be obtained ) are as
follows:- Burton Bradstock Howard Bongers
Littlebredy Sir Philip Williams
Puncknowle Ann Roberts 897716
Bride Valley Young
Farmers Prize Bingo Evening
at Long Bredy Village Hall. 7th August
- Eyes down for 7:30pm start. Refreshments available. Any donations for prizes
would be very welcome. Please contact Rick Cook 482549 Litton
Cheney Social Committee's monthly walk
usually takes place on the 3rd Saturday of each month (weather permitting).
For further details please read the Litton notes. Everyone very welcome. Open Day - 22 August An opportunity for local people to visit both Tamarisk
Farm and 'Peppers by Post' at West Bexington. Everybody welcome. For full details
see the full page advert in this month's BVN. Litton
Cheney Social Committee's monthly walk
usually takes place on the 3rd Saturday of each month (weather permitting).
For further details please read the Litton notes. Everyone very welcome. Bride
Valley Gardening Club
I write this we are still 6 days away from our Annual Mini Show (to be held on
July- 11th) so I am obviously unable to publish winners. I'm sure they
know who they are by now and are proudly displaying their new cups and having
great fun spending the money prizes! Winning is not important really - entering
and enjoying the day is! Third
and final reminder of another outing Pam is arranging for September 9th - as before
to Stanbridge Mill, Nr. Wimborne; this was mentioned in BVN last month
and members have already received a letter re this. Please ring Pam on 01308 897267
for more details. Norma
Millard Club Secretary 897774. BURTON
 Village Correspondent Mr Basil Dent 2, Norburton, Burton Bradstock. Tel:- (01308) 897125 ******************************************************** Mid Week Worship -
Holy Communion
Wednesdays at 10.00 a.m. ********************* Choir Practices
Fridays at 6.00 p.m. Bell Ringing Practices Thursdays at 7.00pm Gift Sunday
8th August Visible Communications The
next Service of Prayer for Healing at St Mary's will be held on Monday 9th August at
7.00pm. Tiny
Tots / Pram Service There is no service in August. Sunday Services for SeptemberDiscussions and negotiations between representatives
of all the Bride Valley Churches will have taken place on 16th July,
too late to be reported on here. Because my new duties as Rural Dean will be taking me
out of the Valley for two Sundays (mornings) per month, a new Sunday pattern of
Services for the Valley will need to be put in place from this September. At this stage, it looks as though Burton Bradstock will
retain all its Services but the time of the Family Service may change. Next month's
BVN will make all clear. Anthony
Ashwell St
Mary's Church FeteOn Thursday 5th August In The Rectory Garden From 2.00pm until 5.00pm Sideshows, Bouncy Castle,
Punch & Judy, Stalls, Scottish Country Dancing
Display, Grand Draw, Whisky Raffle
and Auction. Pony Rides (in The Rookery
garden), Climb the Church Tower,
Handbells and Organ Music in church, Refreshments in the W.I.
Hall. Free Car Parking Admission 25p - Children
free Church FeteItems for the following stalls may be left with the following
persons:- Filled Jars (value 50p) - contact Joyce Tillman - 897040 Baby Goods - contact Margaret Ackland - 897872 Bottle Tombola - contact Kate & Bernard Chennells
- 897066 Fancy Goods - contact Joan Gillet - 897656 Cards & Crafts - contact
Jane Stubbs - 898002Plants - contact Wynne Hughes Garden Produce - contact Tom Holmes - 897046 Cakes & Preserves - contact Shirley Gilbert - 897385 Grand Draw prizes and donations for the Food & Drink
Hamper - contact Lesley Dove - 897695 Any other donations - contact Peter Colbert - 897922 If you could help with the setting up (on Wednesday evening)
and the clearing up (Thursday from 5.00pm) then please contact Tom Holmes on 897046.
10.00 am - 6.00 pm Saturday 11th September 2004 Sponsorship
forms may be obtained from Howard Bongers
898029. See
Page 10 for further details Burton
Bradstock Women's Institute Despite a rare and delightful sunny evening,
the July meeting was well attended and members heard an interesting talk on stress
relief through exercise given by Mrs. P Grier. At the end of the talk Mrs. Grier
asked the whole group to close their eyes and relax every bit of themselves while
listening to soothing music....... Luckily a cup of tea woke us all up! Mrs. Cook from West Bay WI reported on her
trip to the WI AGM in Sheffield, on June 9th, of the three resolutions discussed,
charities Fairtrade and Child line were endorsed but Air Ambulance was not. A Safari supper organised on June 22nd was declared
a big success and another will be arranged in the future. On July 8th thirteen
members braved a long coach journey to go to Hampton Court Flower Show. The show
had closed early the day before due to appalling weather; our group were more
fortunate and only encountered the odd shower. Looking ahead, there will be a members' coffee
morning at the Hall on September 9th, a coach outing to Sidmouth on
September 15th, an art day on October 27th and a theatre trip to see "Blood
Brothers" in November. Flower of the month was won by Mary Bailey who exhibited
a beautiful passion flower. There is no meeting in August, the next is
on September 14th with a talk entitled "China - not just a wall" given by Mrs.
C Shaw.
The 24th Burton Bradstock
Festival Thursday 19th
Friday 20th & Saturday 21st August London Festival Players Leader: David Juritz
~ Hilary Kenway ( soprano) See page 9
for further details Dorset Police Community Support UnitThe next visit of the above unit will be on Friday 6th
August from 10.00am to 12 noon and again on Friday 3rd September.
The vehicle will be located near the gates of the Rectory Garden or if unable
to park there, it will be in the bus lay-by opposite The Three Horseshoes car
park. Freddy
Tame Adopt a footpath It
is proposed to try and re-introduce in Burton a scheme which operated well, many
years ago, whereby individuals or organisations undertake to provide T.L.C. to
one of the many footpaths which traverse our village. It is a way of trying to
ensure that any identified work is effectively carried out. The
person who will be co-ordinating this will be the footpath officer, Dr. Tony Smith
01308 897020. The saying that many
hands make light work is very relevant here; the Parish Council would be very
grateful for your support for any help you can give. Burton
Bradstock Parish Council Village
Clean Up: Saturday 4th September 10.00am First
of all thanks to everyone who helped at the last "clean up," but we do need another
one. Are you able to come to the Reading Room on the 4th September
to help? We start at 10.00am and refreshments will be available at 12 noon. Come
along and help; gloves and rubbish bags will be available. Fly-tipping Just
a reminder to parishioners that garden waste should be taken to the Waste Disposal
Site, rather than left for the refuse collectors to pick up. Fel Moore Clerk to the Parish Council Gentle
Introduction to Computing This 4 session course is available to any beginners who
would like to take their first steps in using a computer or people who would like
to build up confidence. It will cover all basics to get even the most ardent
technophobes started and will soon have you creating pictures and posters with
flair. The sessions will run from Thursday 9th to
Thursday 30th September 9.30am - 11.00am. The total cost for the course
will be £10 and after booking cheques need to be made payable to 'Burton Bradstock
Website Committee'. Bookings can be made by e-mailing Karen Venn on
or phoning 01308 897094 between 5pm and 7pm weekday evenings. The
Royal British Legion Women's Section The Cream Tea held at Manor Farm on 27th
June was a great success. Many thanks go to all who supported us and sent donations
and special thanks to all the non-members who gave so generously of their time.
We raised the wonderful sum of £784. Greta
Heal Hon. Sec. Burton
Bradstock Village Society Annual Show Our congratulations go to the organisers of the Show
and to all the prize winners, indeed to everyone who entered and who struggled
to provide such an impressive display after having battled with such unseasonable
weather. We publish below Jenny Payne's prize-winning entry in the Poetry Class.
Home thoughts from Burton Bradstock Oh to be in Burton - at any time
of year: The weather's great; the people too
- we really love it here We've joined the British Legion,
the Bridge and Golf Club too, We've helped at fetes and made some
cakes and won a prize or two We're grateful for our Post Office - the shop fills
us with pride The Hive Beach and its Café are famous
far and wide. We really can't believe our luck
at choosing such a spot - The countryside, the cliff-top walks,
it offers us the lot We're spoilt for choice of country
pubs - the local fare's supreme The music and the village plays beat
any London scene So everyday we pinch ourselves to
make sure it is real Oh THANK GOODNESS
we're in Burton our life-style is ideal! 
Rebecca (Becky) Kendall
17/12/16 - 31/05/04 Becky's family would like to thank everyone
for all the love and kindness shown to her during the 7 very happy years
she spent in Burton Bradstock and especially during the last 6 months. Thank
you for the cards, messages and generous donations, in her memory, to Cancer Research
UK. June
Fox Maurice
Youngs Maurice Youngs died on 3rd June 2004 at Dorchester
Hospital. Sue, Kerry, Samantha, Charlie, Vera, Heather and Rosey would all like
to thank everyone for sending their sad thoughts and for their kindness. Thank
you to the people who came to cut the grass. Sue
Burton Bradstock Village Web Site Address Did you know that the Bride
Valley News is published on this web
site every month? In addition, did you know
that old copies of the magazine can also be viewed on the
web site? And, it is in colour too! SHIPTON GORGE
 Village Correspondent: Mrs. Joy White Eastcote 3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge Tel: ( 01308 )897974 ********************************************************* Sunday Services for SeptemberDiscussions and negotiations between representatives
of all the Bride Valley Churches will have taken place on 16th July,
too late to be reported on here. Because my new duties as Rural Dean will be taking me
out of the Valley for two Sundays (mornings) per month, a new Sunday pattern of
Services for the Valley will need to be put in place from this September. At this stage, it looks as though Shipton Gorge will
continue to have a Service on the four regular Sundays of each month, but the
pattern and times will be different from the present arrangements. Next month's
BVN will make all clear. Anthony
Ashwell Church Floor Repairs Two areas of the wood flooring under the pews at the
back of the church are collapsing due to wet rot in the supporting beams. When
the Victorians rebuilt our church they did not include an effective damp course.
The PCC has sought the advice of the Church Architect, John Turnbull and the necessary
repairs have been approved by the Archdeacon of Dorset, who is the Chairman of
the Salisbury Diocesan Advisory Committee. Starting in late August the pews in the affected
areas will be moved in turn, the flooring taken up and what is left of the beams
removed. There is a 14" void under the present flooring, which will be filled
with scalpings, a modern damp proof membrane laid, followed by a 3" concrete
screed. Tanalised timber bearers will be laid in the new screed and the original
flooring fixed onto the bearers. Finally the pews will be put back so that visually
there should be no obvious change. There will be some restricted access whilst
the repairs proceed but it is hoped this will not cause too much inconvenience. Colin
Green Playing Field Maintenance Work Day There
are a number of small maintenance jobs that need to be carried out in the Playing
Field. None of them are difficult or strenuous and can all be done quickly and
at no expense to the parish rate if we can get a group of volunteers to come and
help. We will be starting at around 10.00am on Saturday 7th August and the more
help we have the quicker we can get this done. Many hands make light work - so
if you can give us an hour or two of your time we would be most grateful. It would
be especially nice if the parents and grandparents of children who use the field
could come and help but anyone who is willing to give a hand will be most welcome.
Everything needed will be provided, we just need your help -!!!
5TH AUGUST 2004 STARTING AT 10.30AM Village Website More pages and
information on the village past and present are being added to our website all
the time, as well as current news and details of events. Have you logged on to yet? Shipton Gorge Village Society Village
fair Come and enjoy
all the fun of the fair on Saturday 21st August, l.00 pm, around Shipton
Gorge Village Hall. There'll be lots
of games, bouncy castle, barbeque, bottle tombola and raffles. Stalls will include
cakes, bric-a-brac, books, guess-the-weight-of-the-cake and more. Teas. Donations much
appreciated. More details from Sally, 897168. Support your village society and
help raise money for village events! 21 August
Evening of Country Music Unwind to the music of John Follett
singing Country Music, accompanied by guitar and keyboard at the New Inn, 8.30
Sue Brown Shipton Gorge Village Hall Trust Following the purchase
of a new stage for the Village Hall the old one has become surplus. The original
owners no longer require it and it is available, free of charge, to anyone who
can make good use of it. The stage is grey, of strong fibreglass construction,
in 6 various shaped parts measuring 12 feet by 8 feet overall and 12" high.
It may be ideal for storing materials on. Phone Ed. on 898278. Shipton
Gorge Village Hall 100 Club Winners
for the July Draw £20 | No.
44 | Jo
Fulford | £10 | No.
68 | Graham
Rosamond | SWYRE
 Village Correspondent: Sid Marshall 3
Green Barton, Swyre Tel: 897318 ********************************************************** Songs of PraiseOn the five August Sunday evenings we will be holding
our usual 'Songs of Praise' Services. These are always a good sing, and the eight
really well-known hymns are broken up with a short reading, prayers and a poem
by a local poet. The whole Service should take just over half an hour and begins
at 7.30pm. Please do come along, you really will be welcome. (Because of these
special Services, August's evensong and Parish Communion are both cancelled.)
Sunday Services for SeptemberDiscussions and negotiations between representatives
of all the Bride Valley Churches will have taken place on 16th July,
too late to be reported on here. Because my new duties as Rural Dean will be taking me
out of the Valley for two Sundays (mornings) per month, a new Sunday pattern of
Services for the Valley will need to be put in place from this September. At this stage, it looks as though Swyre will retain both
its Services (1st Sunday Evensong, 3rd Sunday Parish Communion)
but the time of the Communion may change. Next month's BVN will make all clear.
Ashwell       PUNCKNOWLE
Elizabeth Slater & Sid Marshall *************************************************** PUN FUN - Share Your Fun at Pun Fun For all the people of
Puncknowle, Swyre and West Bexington. Friday 27 August 7.30 - 10.00pm in the Hall Bring something to drink
and some nibbles to munch but chiefly bring yourselves. Please put this date in your
diary now. Lively light hearted conversation
and tasty cheese and wine was enjoyed by all in June. Contact Nos.898492/897751 Open Day - 22nd August An opportunity for local people to visit both Tamarisk
Farm and 'Peppers by Post' at West Bexington. Everybody welcome. For full details
see the full page advert in this month's BVN. Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council The next scheduled meeting of Puncknowle and Swyre Parish
Council will be held in the Puncknowle Church Hall, at 7.30pm on the 7th
September 2004 as scheduled. The Council does not usually meet in August, but provision
has been made to hold a brief Council Meeting on the 3rd August 2004
if there is any urgent business to be discussed. Information will be posted on
the Villages' notice boards should a meeting be necessary. Puncknowle Swyre and
West Bexington Homewatch There will be a meeting of all Homewatch
representatives on Thursday 9th September at Puncknowle Village Hall, also present
will be representatives from the Police. All representatives will have been
contacted directly by me. Local residents interested in Homewatch are more than
welcome to attend the meeting. Sadly in July there were two burglaries from vehicles
in Swyre and Puncknowle. Please be vigilant and do not leave valuables in vehicles
especially if they can be seen. Andy Marshall - 897732 PUNCKNOWLE
& WEST BEXINGTON  Village Correspondent: Elizabeth Slater 1,
Lytton Close, Puncknowle, Dorchester DT2 9BH Telephone: ( 01308 ) 897751 ********************************************************** Sunday Services for SeptemberDiscussions and negotiations between representatives
of all the Bride Valley Churches will have taken place on 16th July,
too late to be reported on here. Because my new duties as Rural Dean will be taking me
out of the Valley for two Sundays (mornings) per month, a new Sunday pattern of
Services for the Valley will need to be put in place from this September. At this stage, it looks as though Puncknowle will continue
to have a Service on the four regular Sundays of each month, but the pattern and
times will be different from the present arrangements. Next month's BVN will
make all clear. Anthony
Ashwell Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup See Page 7 (Valley Notes Section ) for report. The
Great Cycle Ride
The Dorset Historic Churches Cycle Ride will
take place this year on Saturday 11th September. It is a great day out for young
and old alike. The sponsorship money raised is divided equally between your local
church and The Trust. Sponsor forms may be obtained from Ann Roberts, Burwell
Cottage, Puncknowle. Tel: 897716. Anne Roberts See page 10 for further details of the Cycle Ride Puncknowle Art Group There
are no meetings in August.
Don't forget to check the village website to keep in touch with village events and find useful
information LITTON CHENEY
 Village Correspondent: Mrs. Elizabeth Kingston, 5 Manor Farm Close ********************************************************** Sunday Services for SeptemberDiscussions and negotiations between representatives
of all the Bride Valley Churches will have taken place on 16th July,
too late to be reported on here. Because my new duties as Rural Dean will be taking me
out of the Valley for two Sundays (mornings) per month, a new Sunday pattern of
Services for the Valley will need to be put in place from this September. At this stage, it looks as though Litton Cheney will
continue to have a Service on the four regular Sundays of each month, but the
pattern and times will be different from the present arrangements. Next month's
BVN will make all clear. Anthony
Ashwell Beryl
Peach The dedicated and hard working caretaker of Thorner's
School, Beryl Peach, was awarded a box of engraved cut glass tumblers and a certificate
to mark '25 years' service with Dorset County Council. Mandy accompanied Beryl
to the ceremony on 1st July after which they enjoyed afternoon tea. Litton
Cheney at Buckingham Palace Each year some parishes succeed in a draw and the chairmen
of the councils are invited to one of the Queen's Garden Parties. This year the
village was lucky and so on 6th July your chairman and his lady toddled
off in their finest garb and duly presented themselves at the grand gates (Freddie
very nearly didn't make it as he forgot his "photo ID"); and so a memorable stroll
through the Palace, an unforgettable tour of the garden in the sunshine and a
truly lavish tea before the Queen and her party made their entrance. We did not
actually meet HM (in common with the majority of the other 7998 guests) and so
it was not possible to present the loyal greetings of the village but having rubbed
shoulders with the Archbishop of Canterbury perhaps out best wishes were somehow
communicated. At the conclusion there was another walk through the grand entrance
and on to the nearest tube station and reality. Litton
Cheney Social Committee Most of you will know what a great success the barbeque
was last month as 150+ of you joined us. Special thanks must go to John who sat
for over eight hours cooking the beef, you will all agree how succulent it was;
to Eddy and Sheila for letting us descend on their garden once again and to everybody
who helped prepare for the event and to dismantle everything the next day. Curious to see how much your antiques might be worth?
Come along to the Antiques Evening on Friday 13th August, hosted
by our very own local expert, at the Church (note change of venue to that advertised
in the diary of events). For an entry fee of £1.00 you can bring three small
items for guidance on valuation and join in the competition to win a small prize.
Drinks and nibbles will be available. Village
Walk Saturday 21 August Join us for a five-mile circular walk from Powerstock
and back via South Poorton and West Milton through some of the county's most beautiful
countryside. Meet at 10.00 am at the bus shelter at Litton for car share or outside
the church at Powerstock at 10.15. We expect to be back at Powerstock in time
for a drink and lunch at The Three Horseshoes. For further information or to
let us know you are coming ring Steve or Kathy on 482552 A date for your diary - Saturday 25th September,
The Harvest Supper
Kathy Kourik 482552 Secretary Litton Cheney Social
Committee The
Police Community Support Vehicle will
stop at the Bus Shelter on Wednesday 11th August between 2.00 - 3.30pm. Litton
Cheney Vital Villages The analysis of the questionnaires is presently being
undertaken and should be completed by the end of September. The questionnaires
were delivered to the 204 households in the parish. To date 269 individuals have
returned the 'Personal Questionnaire' and 'Household Questionnaires' were returned
by 142 households (some households only returned personal questionnaires). 75
volunteer forms with names and interests have been returned. Those volunteers who wished to find out about 'Adopt
a Footpath' were contacted about a meeting in July. The Parish should have the
most cared for footpaths in Dorset, as there are more volunteers than footpaths!
If you missed the meeting and would like to be involved please ring Steve Kourik
482552. The Mobile Library will visit on Thursday 12th
and 26th August and will be at the Bus Shelter between 3.10 and 4.00
pm. All young readers and children interested in books are invited to join a
Dorset library and enjoy a Reading Rollercoaster during the school holidays until
September 4th. Why not visit the mobile library? Litton
Cheney Youth Club In July there were a variety of activities including
archery, canoeing and trampolining. Paige Wakely has passed her British Canoe Union one star
award. Well done. There will be no Youth Club sessions during August.
Paul Kingston 482384 The
Village Lunch will take place on Thursday
26th August at The White Horse Inn. Litton
Cheney Playing Field Association A date for your diary, The Fifth Playing Field Fun Day
will take place on Sunday 12th September. Fun for everyone! Visit the web site for the latest
news. The group meets at The White Horse
Inn at 8.30pm on the first Monday
of each month. All welcome. LONG BREDY
 Village Correspondent: Mrs. Elinor Frost, Bridelands
( 482269) ************************************************** Sunday Services for SeptemberDiscussions and negotiations between representatives
of all the Bride Valley Churches will have taken place on 16th July,
too late to be reported on here. Because my new duties as Rural Dean will be taking me
out of the Valley for two Sundays (mornings) per month, a new Sunday pattern of
Services for the Valley will need to be put in place from this September. At this stage, it looks as though Long Bredy will retain
both its Services (Holy Communion and Family Service) but the times and Sundays
of both may change. Next month's BVN will make all clear. Anthony
Ashwell The Village FeteThe venue was beautiful, the stalls were laden and the
people arrived (so did the showers), musicians strolled the grounds, the children
gave an excellent display of Maypole Dancing, and delicious teas were eaten. Thank you to Mr and Mrs Carter, to our sponsors, stallholders,
Andrew Bailey's PA system, the cooks of the village who supplied the cake stall
and the teas, including of course, the teams who organised the teas. Thank you to all who contributed in any way. As a provisional figure we have made approximately £2,640.00. A special thank you to the Maltby family, who did all
the hauling and to the helpers setting up and especially packing away in the deluge
at the end of the afternoon. And not forgetting Elinor to whom the village owes a
great debt and who had all the very hard work of organising everything to do with
the fete.
Bride Valley Young
Farmers Prize Bingo Evening
at Long Bredy Village Hall. 7th August
- Eyes down for 7:30pm start. Refreshments available. Any donations for prizes
would be very welcome. Please contact Rick
Cook 482549 Congratulations and Happy Birthday to Jack Bailey who was ninety
years young on the 16th July and celebrated the occasion with a party
at the hall. Congratulations are also in order for the Harrison
family; Nicola was presented with Bars for nineteen years of service to
the Police Force and is a Specials' Commandant. Alex
Harrison has attained his degree from
Birmingham University and is now a Bachelor of Engineering. He has also passed
his driving test. We are glad to hear that David Reed is home from
hospital, also Iris Way, and wish them both a speedy recovery. LITTLEBREDY
 Sunday Services for SeptemberDiscussions and negotiations between representatives
of all the Bride Valley Churches will have taken place on 16th July,
too late to be reported on here. Because my new duties as Rural Dean will be taking me
out of the Valley for two Sundays (mornings) per month, a new Sunday pattern of
Services for the Valley will need to be put in place from this September. At this stage, it looks as though Littlebredy will retain
both its Services (2nd Sunday Family Service and 4th Sunday
Holy Communion) but the times of both may change. Next month's BVN will make
all clear. Anthony
Ashwell LITTLEBREDY NOTES. How good that the village was chosen by the local Committee of the Bible
Society for its celebration of the Society's Bi-Centenary at the end of June.
About 100 supporters enjoyed a picnic beside the lake, were welcomed to the Scented
Garden, and ended a lovely summer's day with a short service in Church. We are about to say farewell to the Jones family at Littlebredy Farmhouse.
Stewart's work as a Judge keeps him in London or Winchester far more than used
to be the case, and they now choose to move to Winchester as a result. All best
wishes for the future to Stewart and Jenny, plus Eleanor and Clemmie, for whom
the Farmhouse has so far been their only home. The first few academic results are beginning to trickle in, and we especially
congratulate Sebastian Fry on his First Class Degree in Ancient History and Archaeology
at Leicester. David Williams has also now graduated (from Manchester) with a
Degree in European Studies. As school or other examination results become known,
can parents please keep the BVN informed? Turning to the future: the Social Club's next Event will be a Rounders
Evening plus Barbecue (weather permitting in both cases) at the cricket
ground on Friday 6th August. No doubt the usual colourful posters will give
precise timings, etc., in due course. Members and visitors (who become temporary
members for the evening) are equally welcome to come and join in. August has five Sundays, and the plan is to hold the Combined Service
for the East End Valley Churches here on Sunday 29th August. It is hoped
to be a repeat of the enormously successful and enjoyable Family Service held
here (including lakeside picnic) in June 2003. Further details will follow. Finally, advance notice of the annual Great Cycle Ride (in aid of the
Dorset Historic Churches Trust), to be held this year on Saturday 11th September
- though there is nothing to stop participants who can't make that date putting
in the pedal-power on another one. Sponsorship forms will soon be available,
and the idea is that people gain sponsorship to ride to as many Dorset Churches
as they can, with half of any proceeds going to the Trust, and the other half
to the rider's nominated Church. If anyone is interested, please contact Bridehead
for details, as it would be good to have Littlebredy participation again this
Editor: Susan Paul
Windy Gap Shipton Lane Burton Bradstock Bridport DT6 4NQ |