"We wish
you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year" So we
have done and so we do! Last month I wrote about being merry at Christmas, and
I really do hope that you were truly merry in your celebrations of Jesus Christ's
Birthday. But now we begin another year, and although we may have ideas and expectations
about the next 12 months, we really don't know precisely what will happen. I
know a lovely old gentleman who always, with a smile, adds this rider to any plans
he might have for the future: "if I'm spared". There I suggest lies a feeling
at the very basis of true happiness: that it will not be cut short, that all our
hopes will be fulfilled, that nothing will get in the way. And there is what
we will be thinking about those we say "a happy New Year" to, that they will have
full health, successful dealings, stability around them, no sadness, and fulfilled
plans. Wow! What lovely thoughts for others, and what selfless prayers. I'm sure
we will agree that in reality, life isn't like that. We were wished a happy 2003,
but as we look over it, we will have experienced unhappiness, some more than others.
It will be no different in 2004, and the anxiety we have in the face of such uncertainty
contributes greatly to unhappiness. It doesn't matter how much insurance we take
out, what measures for good health we adopt, how thick is the cotton wool we wrap
ourselves and our loved ones in, we will not on this reckoning experience perpetual
true happiness. So can
we truly have a happy New Year? I think so, if we separate our means to happiness
from the dependence on the material. You see, the material by its very existence
is open to decay; our bodies, our possessions, our families and friends, are not
physically everlasting, and as things go wrong with these, so things go wrong
with us. But the spiritual, by its non-physical nature, can be everlasting.
Our understanding of God is that he is beyond space and time, that God is Spirit.
So it is that if we make connections with God, we begin to lose our dependence
on the material, and to gain an understanding of the spiritual. On our part this
could be something of a new beginning, how appropriate at the beginning of a New
Year. "We wish
you........a happy New Year." Anthony
AshwellHospital VisitingAt the end of November I was reminded twice that many
people do not realise that members of the clergy are NOT permitted to inspect
the ward lists at hospitals to see who from their flocks are receiving medical
care. This has been the case for about 10 years now. The only way we can find out is by word of mouth, and
however brilliant we may or may not be perceived to be, clergy do not normally
know what they have not been told. It is of course a great privilege and an essential
part of our work to visit the sick or injured, and to pray for them, if that is
what they want. If they do please let me know. Anthony
Ashwell (482302) Appointment of a new Team Rector - News UpdateHere is the wording of the advertisement which appeared
in the Church Times on 28th November and 5th December: 'Diocese
of Salisbury Team
Rector of the Bride Valley Team The
benefice covers a beautiful coastal valley between Dorchester and Bridport. The
Rectory is in Burton Bradstock, the largest village in the Team. We
are seeking a priest of central churchmanship who: ¨
has energy, vision, and sympathy for rural ministry,
its ways and traditions. ¨
is committed to collaborative ministry and developing
lay ministry and leadership. ¨
will build on present patterns of worship and liturgy.
is an outgoing, sociable, family-minded person, interested
in schools and young families. Closing
date: 9th January Interviews: 29th January Further
details from the Archdeacon of Dorset, etc..' Visit
of Archdeacon of Dorset - 25th January How confusing can the Church of England be at times!
The Ven. Alistair Macgowan is the Archdeacon of Dorset, but 'Dorset' here means
East Dorset. Here in West Dorset, we are in Sherborne Archdeaconery, but as there
is no Sherborne Archdeacon at present, Alistair is our 'acting' Archdeacon. Okay?
Anyway our (acting) Archdeacon will be taking the 11.00am Parish Communion Service
at Burton Bradstock on Sunday 25th January, the Feast Day of the Conversion
of St Paul. As usual for a fourth Sunday, there will be no Service in Long Bredy
or Swyre, and we are cancelling Litton Cheney's Service on that day also, so we
hope those Churches will use the opportunity to meet their Archdeacon. Shipton
Gorge, Puncknowle and Littlebredy will be having their usual Services. Vicar's Day-offFrom the beginning of 2004, I am changing my day-off
from Friday to Monday. As always, if I do not answer the phone on that day, please
do leave a message on my answerphone, but it takes 10 rings to cut in, so please
be patient. Anthony Ashwell
Christingle St.Mary's Church Shining light into darkness
Puncknowle At
9.30 a.m.
Sunday 1st February Celebrate a special Christingle in aid of The Children's
Society's anti-bullying work, and help us shine light into darkness. We hope you
will join us for this joyful and moving service The
Children's Society - a Voluntary Society of the Church of England Charity
Registration Number 221124 Tiny Tots/ Pram Service The next service will be on Friday 6th February
at St. Mary's Church, Burton Bradstock. There will be no service in January.
Thank you to all who have helped and supported this service. Yvette
Smith ( 898219 ) Mothers'
Union Thursday 22nd January 2.30 A.G.M - to be held
at Rosevine, Swyre Road, Puncknowle. Bride
Valley ( Wednesday ) Bible Study Group This month we continue our course of studies on Philippians.
All sessions begin at 7.30pm and last up to two hours. We meet fortnightly but
each session is repeated at the other end of the valley. Session
VIII Pressing on Phil. Ch.3 v.12- 4: v.1 Jan 7 Pitcombe, Littlebredy Jan 14 Windy Gap, Shipton
La., Burton Bradstock Session IX How to survive in
a local church Phil. Ch.4 vv. 2- 9 Jan 21 Hillside, West Bexington Jan 28 Cairnhill, Shipton
Gorge THE
BRIDE VALLEY (THURSDAY) FELLOWSHIP GROUP The group meets on Thursday evenings and alternates
between Prayer and Bible Study. Arriving from 7.30pm we begin at 8.00pm aiming
to finish by about 9.30pm. All are most welcome. For further details contact
Paul ..., Tel ... Bible
Notes If anyone would like to take the Bible Reading Fellowship
Notes this year, please let Hilary Mousley know ( The Red House, Middle Street,
Burton Bradstock, Bridport, DT6 4QR 01308 897849 ). The year runs from the 1st
May till the end of April but orders have to be placed well in advance; Hilary
Mousley needs to know by mid-February. There are two sets of Notes, Guidelines
and New Daylight, and the special group annual subscription for each is
£9.45, payment being made on delivery of the May-August 2004 issue. Samples of
these Notes are available on request. (Copies for those already on the list will
be covered automatically unless notification is received to the contrary). Bride
Valley Team Council - Treasurer's Report The Bride Valley News just managed to break-even
in 2003 despite a disappointing fall in the level of donations. In the coming year please consider a gift
to the Bride Valley News, no matter how small. Please give your donations to the Churchwardens
or the Treasurer, 17 Hive Close, Burton Bradstock, Bridport, Dorset DT6 4RQ. Please
make cheques payable to "Bride Valley Team Council". Many thanks once again to all individuals and organisations
that contributed last year. The
Treasurer - B.V.T.C. Burton Bradstock CE VC School Welcome
to a new year. At time of writing it is the 'lull before the storm' for our Christmas
Fair. I have been struck this morning by the fantastic teamwork in all the preparations.
Any worries we might have about "Will it go alright?" and "Do we have enough stuff?"
are being dispelled. Since I arrived this morning, amidst all the activity I
have also received a phone call from my extremely upset daughter. Having taken
her guinea pig to the vet this morning believing that a dose of medicine would
be the remedy discovered that there was no cure for the condition. The kindest
thing to do was to put him down. Last night she put him to bed for the last time
without realising it. It doesn't matter to her that there are far worse tragedies
happening in the world - it's relative. Do you
ever wonder what lies in store for you in the coming months? In school some things
we are sure about - like planned curriculum or other school developments; some
are expected though we don't know exactly when; and there are bound to be further
events or happenings that we cannot possibly foresee at the present time. The
challenge for us all, in whatever walk of life we find ourselves, is how to manage
change. I ponder again the teamwork I have experienced today and am encouraged
and thankful that it is this that gets us through. The same kind of teamwork
and support that the PTA displays in organising its events; that staff and children
show throughout the year (culminating in the Christmas production); can see us
safely and positively through times of change. I'm not
sure who wrote this simple prayer but it seems to me to be a pretty good one to
take with us into the coming year: 'God grant me the serenity
to accept things I cannot change, the courage to change things I can, and the wisdom
to know the difference.' Mark
Stratta. Thorner's CE VA Primary SchoolHappy New Year, we hope that everyone has enjoyed the
festive season. As a school we are looking forward to a new term, new challenges
and new experiences, these are the things which makes school a place of great
interest . you can never predict exactly what is going to happen or when. One
of the great joys of teaching and one of the reasons I entered the profession
a few (!!!!!) years ago was to see the delight and disbelief on children's faces
as they discovered new skills and knowledge. Children today are so lucky, technology
has made such advances, making it easier to understand concepts when you watch
a video clip or animation on the computer for instance; there are so many advances
being made in the world of education that we are all learning together at times.
The one thing that has not changed is the need for a positive attitude towards
learning, the wanting to improve their knowledge or presentation of their work.
I have been thrilled recently, when I set the year 6 pupils the task of researching
an aspect of the Tudor period and presenting their research to the rest of the
class through Powerpoint. For those of you who are not familiar with Powerpoint
it is a piece of software that very simply allows text and images to be presented
in an interesting manner through what could be called an automatic slideshow.
A number of parents and elder siblings worked alongside the children to produce
quite sophisticated results increasing their own knowledge and understanding of
how Powerpoint works. The skills involved traditional methods of acquiring
relevant facts, writing and preparing text in their own words as well as the more
modern approaches of scanning and surfing the internet, this was all combined
to inform the remainder of the class; an excellent example of how everyone,
whatever their age, can learn with and from each other. This working together
at home reinforces the positive aspects of learning and sets a good role model
for our children to follow. Thank you to all of those parents who spent time
acquiring information at the library or via the internet as well as working alongside
them on their presentations, it certainly made the facts more interesting for
us all. Alison Johnstone Headteacher Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup Half
Term week is already over and we are continuing with the Theme of COUNTING RHYMES,
learning a different one each week. Many thanks to all parents and children who
donated fruit and/or vegetables for our Harvest Box which went to Puncknowle Church
for the Harvest Festival service there. In September and October we celebrated
birthdays for Lewis, Wilf, Daniel and Kieran. By the time you read this, our Fundraising
BINGO night will have taken place on 21st November. We have been invited as usual to take the children to
see Thorner's school Christmas Concert (rehearsal) on Monday December 15th. Our
own Christmas Party will be on Tuesday 16th December, when Father
Christmas will be visiting Playgroup. Toddler group
children are all invited so do come along. Last day of term is on Thursday 18th
December. Looking forward to next year, we will be having our friendly Photographer
coming on Saturday, February 14th during our Coffee Morning -
everyone is welcome to bring all the family along for a photo together (whether
connected to Playgroup or not). We look forward to seeing you after a Merry Christmas
and a Happy NewYear. Feel free to ring me for any information on 01308
897771 - Carol Bennett (Playleader) Organist
Wanted! St. Mary's Church, Litton Cheney needs an organist to
play for Sunday Services three times a month, mainly hymns but hopefully a sung
Matins on one Sunday in the month. No choir, but a lovely organ with help and
support from a sympathetic congregation. For further information speak to Malcolm Munro (482618)
or Wendy Taylor (482532) First
Steps Parent and Toddler Group meets
on Wednesdays between 10.00am and 12 noon. Your first session is free and we
offer toys and activities for all pre-school children, coffee and chat for parents
and carers. The group meets at Long Bredy Village Hall on the first, third and
fifth Wednesdays of the month. On the second Wednesday we meet in Littlebredy
Hall and on the fourth Wednesday we meet in either Littlebredy or Puncknowle.
For further details contact: Bridget (Burton Bradstock) 898600 or Jo (Litton
Cheney) ... or Julie (Puncknowle) 897178 or Rachel (Kingston Russell and Long
Bredy) 482246 Litton
Cheney Youth Club meets on Tuesday evenings
for those between 8 and 17 years in Litton Cheney and the surrounding villages.
For further details of the sessions read the Litton notes or contact Paul Kingston
482384. Ladybirds will meet on Wednesday 14th January when
Steve Kourik a Wildlife Liaison Officer will talk about Badgers. Bride Valley Gardening Club
Chairman/woman (if you are p.c), Dorothy Randell, of Litton Cheney would like
to wish all members a Very Happy and Peaceful New Year and of course a good Gardening
Year. She and the Committee welcome new members to come along and join us on the
second Monday of each month at Litton Cheney Primary School at 7.30. p.m. Our
speaker for January 12th will be Chris Hunter who will talk on "Growing Fruit".
Remember you do not have to have vast knowledge or a huge garden to enjoy these
friendly meetings -just an interest - past or present in things that grow !!!!
( Botanical of course! )
Norma Millard Club Secretary Attendance Allowance * Council Tax Benefit * Disability Living Allowance
* Pensions Credits
Do you know what these benefits are or how to claim them?
Have you heard of them but think you are not eligible to claim them? Are you worried
about enquiring because of all the questions you may be asked? Maybe you have
enquired but were put off claiming because of the forms you were sent? British Gas and Help
The Aged are launching a pilot project across the country aimed at helping older
people to find out about and claim benefits they may be entitled to. This project
is run in the Dorset area in conjunction with Age Concern Dorchester. Initially the idea of
the project is to visit local groups, clubs, fellowships etc. giving talks about
how the service will operate and raising awareness of it. It is our aim to recruit
volunteers who will be trained in giving benefits advice with a view to assisting
older people complete claim forms. We would like to hear
from anybody who is either :- .
a member of a group which would be interested in hearing about the service (service
aimed at the over 55s) .
would like to consider volunteering and is interested in finding out more about
what is involved. Please contact Helen Macey, the Welfare
Benefits Co-ordinator, at Age Concern Dorchester 01305 269444 for more information. The Heart Support Group This group, otherwise
known as "The Hearties," exists to give support and friendship to people
with heart problems, their family and friends, and anyone else who cares to take
part. Meetings are held at
St Swithun's House (next to the Medical Centre) in Bridport every third Tuesday
of the month from 7.30pm. The atmosphere is very relaxed with a balance of Medical
and General Interest Speakers, Walks (Spring and Summer) and many other varied
activities suggested by members. Membership Fee :- a devastating
£2.00 (yes, two pounds) per annum! Come along and join us
at the AGM on Tuesday 20th January, followed by an auction of surplus gifts, the
proceeds going towards Group funds. Your Local Contact :- David Barnikel
on (01308) 897375 Get
Fit & Healthy Overindulged
over the holiday? Feeling bloated and unfit? If "yes", why not join the friendly Supple, Strength
classes taken by Alex, a qualified instructor from London who also takes classes
in Bridport Leisure Centre. The class is a mixture of Yoga, Pilates and Callanetics,
allowing you to do what you are able. After 8 weeks of tuition I feel stronger,
fitter and have lost weight with no painful side effects. If this is too tame for you then join the aerobics class
with Alex for a fun workout to strengthen the heart and lungs. Day
Tuesday morning 9.30 - 10.45 Strength & Suppleness
11.00 - 12 noon Aerobics Place W.I. Hall Burton Bradstock Cost £3.50 one session £3.00 each for 4 booked classes Starting 6th January 2004 Wear light clothing...Bring a towel...Mats provided Wendy Green
Burton Bradstock PlayersThe box office for our pantomime "Snow White" opens at
Burton Bradstock Post Office on Tuesday 6th January. Performances
will take place 9th - 14th February at the W.I. Hall. See
page 14 for other details.
D.Ekins Institute
of Advanced Motorists ( Dorset Group ) Dates
for your new diary Wednesday
3rd,10th & 17th March 2004 7.00 - 9.00pm Room
1 County Hall, Dorchester Drivers, whatever your age, this is the course for you!
Just three free illustrated lectures from a superb police driving instructor will
make you a safer driver. If you wish to develop your skills even further, details
of the I.A.M. training scheme and test will be available at the meetings.
British Legion This month's Social Evening will be held at the Bull
Inn, Swyre at 7.30pm on Monday 26th January.
J.Reeves - Secretary Ring and Ride Bus Service It seems likely that from the Spring we in the valley,
and the villages immediately to the north of the A35, will at last benefit from
an extension of this service for the less able and those wheelchair bound. To
implement the scheme we need to have knowledge of people likely to use it. Please
make contact with your own parish clerks, or ring 897322
Anna Lovell Are you a Carer????????? On February 6th between 10
and 12 at Bridport Hospital there will be the first of monthly meetings, for support
of those that are caring, in an informal capacity. The aim is to offer information
and mutual support to a group of people who act, unpaid to look after friends,
family and partners, thereby saving much public monies. For details, or if you need transport,
please ring 897322. Anna Lovell. BURTON BRADSTOCK
 Village Correspondent Mr Basil Dent 2, Norburton, Burton Bradstock. Tel:- (01308) 897125 ********************************************************* Mid Week Worship -
Holy Communion
Wednesdays at 10.00 a.m. Choir Practices
Fridays at 6.00 p.m. Bell Ringing Practices Thursdays at 7.00pm Gift Sunday
25th January Leprosy Mission The
next Healing Service at St Mary's 12th
January at 7.00pm The
next Tiny Tots / Pram Service will be
held on Friday 6th February. There is no service in January. Visit
of Archdeacon - 25th January The Archdeacon of Dorset, the Ven. Alistair Macgowan,
will be leading our 11.00am Parish Communion on 25th January, and of
course preaching. As there is no Archdeacon of Sherborne at present, Alistair
is covering both Archdeaconaries, and I know from present experience that doing
two full-time jobs at the same time is, to say the least, hard work! Please do
make a special effort on this Feast Day of the Conversion of St Paul, truly to
celebrate a great Saint and to welcome warmly our (acting) Archdeacon.
Anthony Ashwell Christmas Greetings DonationsOur grateful thanks to everyone who supported the Christmas
Greetings page in the December issue of the Bride Valley News last month. We
raised a commendable £546.00 for Church funds, rather more than in the previous
Ken Pett ............
and our thanks to Ken for organising
the scheme. Burton Bradstock Players The box office for our pantomime "Snow White" opens at
Burton Bradstock Post Office on Tuesday 6th January. Performances
will take place 9th - 14th February at the W.I. Hall.
Book early to avoid disappointment! All enquiries to John Ivall, tel: 897470 - no
refunds available.
Will Players members please note: there will
be a special play-reading of Alan Bennett's "Talking heads" on Tuesday 13th
January at 7.30 pm in the Reading Room, Burton Bradstock. Anyone interested
in these monologues, with a view to possible performance, please come along.
Non-members also very welcome. D.Ekins
Future of W.I. Hall - Open Meeting The W.I. Hall is used regularly by
various groups in the village for a wide range of activities, it is therefore
a Village Hall although it is the responsibility of the W.I. We wish
to investigate the possibility of forming a Village Hall Charity to take
over the management and running of the Hall. We know you will be interested
to safeguard the future of this facility so we look forward to seeing you
at an open meeting on 20th January 2004 at 7.30pm in the Hall to discuss the way
forward. Please come and support us Burton
Bradstock W.I. The coffee morning raised £528 . Warm thanks
to all who supported this event, this amount, and £100 donated from the Bridport
Carnival Committee, will go towards the Hall Maintenance Fund. Mrs. Joan Gillett will be retiring from the
W.I. committee after 23 years during which time she also ran the kitchen and more
recently was Hall manager. In recognition for her outstanding service to
the W.I she was presented with gifts and flowers from the members who wished her
well on her retirement. Come and join us for our New Year party on
Friday 23rd January at 7.30pm. The speaker at the January meeting will be
John Surry who titles his talk "Words, words, words." The popular Bridge Club continues to meet
on Tuesdays. The dates for January are 6th, 20th and 27th.
Everyone is welcome. Agnes
Barham Burton
Bradstock Village Society If you fancy living in a country with a population of
only 300,000 mostly friendly people, with a booming economy, constant hot water
and no heating bills, Iceland is the place! Land of Ice & Fire, with waterfalls,
glaciers, geysers, rivers, crevasses, mountains and every type of volcano, many
still active, Jonathan Carrivick began his presentation with a fascinating geography
lesson. In November, Burton Bradstock W.I. Hall was packed with
members, Jonathan's family, friends and supporters, many of whom had sponsored
him on a dangerous charity trek in June 2003 across Europe's largest ice-cap,
Vatnajökull. Jonathan accompanied Staffordshire University student Hugh Deeming,
who had decided to dedicate the expedition to his sister Joanna, who died 21 years
ago from a cancer-related brain tumour. The third member of their team was Dr.
Matthew Roberts, a glaciologist working with the Icelandic Meteorological Office,
who closely monitored them and tracked their progress by satellite navigation,
warning them of any approaching storms or hazards. The challenge involved ski-trekking
from south to north, dragging sledges with food and equipment weighing 75 kg,
and these did not become any lighter, as they had to gather and measure snow samples
for scientific purposes and then take them home. They endured 11 days on the
ice cap, 3 of which were spent under shelter (tent or hut) due to bad weather.
Jonathan described his lowest point early on in the trek, when he felt he was
trudging along in a giant ping pong ball for 6 hours at a time, with whiteness
all around him and no hint of a blue sky (unlike the photos in the guide books). None of this would have been possible without help and
sponsorship from many organisations who supplied return flights, ski equipment,
clothing, etc. and Jonathan thanked and paid tribute to everyone who had contributed
to the huge success of this expedition. Grandma Eileen from Burton and Grandma
Terry from Bridport were bursting with pride at Jonathan's achievement, which
to date has raised over £10,000 for The Royal Marsden Hospital in London, the
largest comprehensive cancer treatment centre in Europe and the second largest
in the world. As they left the hall, our generous audience donated a further
£30 towards this worthy cause. Well done, Jonathan, and thank you for giving
us such an excellent presentation. Next destination the Himalayas, when David Barnikel will
take us on his travels in the Himalayan Kingdom of Mustang. Friday, 16th
January in the W.I. Hall at 7.30 pm. Carol
Lumley Lavender
Trust Breast Cancer Care Thank you to all the friends who supported the Lavender
Trust's Mince Pie & Mulled Wine Morning on Saturday 22nd November.
We raised £340.00 and a letter of appreciation is in the Burton Bradstock Library
for everyone to read. Mary
Bradstock Village Web
Site Address Did you know that the Bride Valley News is published on this web site every month? In addition, did you know that old copies of the
magazine can also be viewed on the web site? 
SHIPTON GORGE Village Correspondent: Mrs. Joy White Eastcote 3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge Tel: ( 01308 )897974 ********************************************************** Christingle
On Sunday
25th January we are having a Christingle Service at St. Martin's at 4.00 pm. This is a special service
of hymns, readings and prayers to celebrate Jesus Christ as Light of the World,
during which children will receive Christingle oranges. The collection will be
for the Children's Society and there will be tea and treats in the Village Hall
afterwards. This is a service of light and joy, to which everyone is cordially
invited. Shipton Gorge Village Hall A note for your diary. A film will
be shown in the village hall on Wednesday 28th January 2004. Please look out for
posters on the notice boards nearer the date. The early print deadline means we
can't confirm the film title - but we hope to screen a blockbuster! Richard Hewlett Secretary Shipton Gorge Village Hall 100 Club Winners of December Draw £50 No. 30 Doris Benselin £20 No. 27 Christine Green £10 No. 23 Betty Darby £10 No. 49 Fred Stanton £10 No. 12 Linda Buck 
SWYRE Village Correspondent: Sid Marshall 3 Green Barton, Swyre
Tel: 897318 ............................... Epiphany Carols of PraiseInstead of our usual first Sunday wintertime Evensong
at 3.00pm on 4th January, we shall be having a 'Carols of Praise' in
the style of our summer 'Songs of Praise'. Tea and mince pies afterwards, do come along. Anthony
Ashwell British Legion Poppy Collection November 2003 I am very pleased to report that the Poppy Collection
in Swyre raised £79-62. This is double the amount collected last year. My thanks
to all those who contributed so generously. Sheila
* SWYRE * WEST BEXINGTON * Correspondents:
Elizabeth Slater & Sid Marshall Pun Fun - Pudding Evening For all the people of
Puncknowle, Swyre and West Bexington. Friday 30 January 7.30 - 10.00 pm Puncknowle
Hall Have your main course
at home and bring your favourite pudding to share. Don't forget your tipple,
and a donation towards the cost of the hall hire and heating. Come and get to know more
people from the villages - plenty of chance to chat. Contact
Nos. 898492/897751 Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council There will be no Parish Council meeting in January unless
an urgent issue arises. January
shopping trip Due
to the success of the December trip to Poole the next shopping trip is:- Monday 12 January 2004 to Exeter Pick
up at Puncknowle Village Hall 9.30am Pick
up at Swyre Church
9.40am Pick
up at West Bexington Manor Hotel 9.45am Cost
is £6.50 per person for the journey there and back - payable when getting
on the bus. Pick
up for the return journey will be 1.45pm at the same place as drop off (central
Exeter) (if you miss the return pick up you will have to make your own arrangements
to get home) Please phone Rod (the driver) on 897684 and leave your
name and the number of seats required (suggest you book early as the trip
to Poole was fully booked very quickly). If
for any reason you are unable to travel please let us know on 897684 in case others
wish to take your place. If
you have any suggestion for destinations for future trips - please let us know
on 897684. The
above is an initiative organised by your local Parish Council so please offer
your support otherwise it will be a case if it doesn't get used it won't
happen again. Puncknowle Swyre and West Bexington
Homewatch POLICE
COMMUNITY SUPPORT UNIT - HOME WATCH Just a reminder that the Community Vehicle will be at
Puncknowle Bottom on Thursday 22nd January 2004 between 12.30pm and
1.30pm. Andrew
Marshall 897732 PUNCKNOWLE
& WEST BEXINGTON  Village Correspondent: Elizabeth Slater 1,
Lytton Close, Puncknowle, Dorchester DT2 9BH
Telephone: ( 01308 ) 897751 Remembrance SundayIt was our turn to host the Royal British Legion's (Bride
Valley Branch) Annual Service of Remembrance for those who died for our country
especially during the two World Wars. The church was all but full, and the standard and wreath
bearers ably negotiated the chancel arch, people spilling from the pews, and a
building in which there is generally minimal room to move, with dignity. Our thanks to all who took part or who contributed in
any way to the Service or Poppy Appeal, and especially to organist Tony Williams
from Burton Bradstock, and our own Derek Heaver who led the Act of Remembrance.
ChristingleWe are having this lovely Service, in aid of the Children's
Society, on Sunday 1st February at 9.30am. Please do support this
extremely hardworking charity if you possibly can
Christingle St.Mary's Church Shining light into darkness
Puncknowle At 9.30 a.m.
Sunday 1st February Celebrate a special Christingle in aid of The Children's
Society's anti-bullying work, and help us shine light into darkness. We hope you
will join us for this joyful and moving service The
Children's Society - a Voluntary Society of the Church of England Charity
Registration Number 221124 A Quiet WeddingWe congratulate Nick Faure and Mary Lodge on their recent
marriage and wish them continuing happiest days amongst us. Anthony Ashwell Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup See Valley Notes ( page 8 ) for report Social Evening Thursday 15 January 2004 7.30 in the Church Hall The speaker will be Sir
Bernard Knight who will tell us about the work of the Dorset Air Ambulance. There
is a lot of support for this service in the area so do come and learn more about
it. There will be coffee, tea and biscuits and a collection towards expenses. Thursday 19 February Steve Griffiths - Abbotsbury
Gardens Curator will show slides and talk on the gardens and villas of a Mediterranean
region. Ann Roberts Punknowle Art Group We are very
grateful to Maureen for helping the whole group to make wax picture cards. A huge
thank you must go to David and Mary Cantrille for transporting us out of a wet
winter's morning with a wonderful and amazing slide show on nature and travel. Dates for January are:
- 9th - A G M, 23rd - The Crown Christine
Molony Puncknowle Charity Field The usual distribution of monies accruing from the rent
of the Parish Field may well in future be put to other uses to better benefit
all the villagers. This has been occasioned by the relinquishing of the present
tenancy and the obligation that there is on the Parish Council as trustees to
best use the asset. Decisions will be made in the coming year as to any changes.
Don't forget to check the village website to keep in touch with village events and find useful
information LITTON CHENEY
Correspondent: Mrs. Elizabeth Kingston, 5 Manor Farm Close ********************************************************** New Year's Eve ServiceBefore the Old Year is rung out there will be a short
'watch-night' Service beginning at 11.15pm. January
25th Family Service Our usual 9.30am Service has been cancelled and we are
warmly invited to Burton Bradstock for their 11.00am Parish Communion, which will
be taken by the Archdeacon of Dorset. Anthony Ashwell Organist
Wanted! St. Mary's Church, Litton Cheney needs an organist to
play for Sunday Services three times a month, mainly hymns but hopefully a sung
matins on one Sunday in the month. No choir, but a lovely organ with help and
support from a sympathetic congregation. For further information speak to Malcolm
Munro (482618) or Wendy Taylor (482532) Life
in Litton Cheney is as good as it gets! We have had 11 responses (by 5th December)
to our sheet asking if you had any issues of concern regarding life in the village
and/or were prepared to help develop a questionnaire to gather peoples' views,
with the idea of using the Vital Villages programme to help us organise/raise
funds to make any good ideas happen. Many thanks to those 11 households; two
good ideas have already come to light. However it seems the rest of the village is not interested
. we can't believe it's just apathy . it must be that you were all thinking about
Christmas or didn't realize a response was hoped for. We have decided to extend
the deadline to Monday 5th January, you can use any piece of paper
if you've lost the yellow one or collect another form from The White Horse. If you can offer to be on the steering group to develop
a questionnaire (we would particularly like to have someone under 20 years old
and more younger people under 35 years), or just have a concern about village
life, or an idea that might be helpful . jot it down and pop it through the letter
box to Cllr Sally Dyke, Watercombe, Main Street (opp. The Mill) or Elizabeth Kingston,
5 Manor Farm Close or email Proposed
Village/School Hall The Parish Council has entered into a contract to acquire
a plot of land, behind the Magna bungalows in School Lane and adjacent to Thorner's,
with the ultimate intention that the land be used for a hall. The contract is
conditional upon the grant of planning permission to the Council to build a hall
on the plot and to the vendor to build a house on his land between the bungalows
and Meadowbank and to the rights of way by the County Council to both parties.
Assuming the contract becomes unconditional and pending further progress being
made to fund the building of a hall the plot will be an amenity for the village
and could be used as a car park for Thorner's and for other community use such
as allotments. The
Mobile Library stops by the Bus Shelter
on Thursdays fortnightly between 3.25 and 4.10 pm. The first visit in the New
Year will be Thursday 15th January. The library van will also be in
Litton Cheney on Thursday 29th January. Litton
Cheney Youth Club In December there was a very enjoyable Christmas Disco
at Long Bredy Village Hall. The Youth Club now has use of a full size trampoline,
which will be available both for Club nights and additional coaching sessions.
The dates and venues for January have yet to be confirmed. For further details
contact Paul Kingston 482384 Congratulations
to Steve, Josie and Louis Belasco on
the early arrival of Tristan, Litton's newest young resident. Visit the web site for the latest
news. The group meets at The White Horse
Inn at 8 o'clock on the first Monday
of each month. All welcome. LONG BREDY
 Village Correspondent: Mrs.
Elinor Frost, Bridelands ( 482269 ) ********************************************************** Long Bredy Village HallWe are fortunate in Long Bredy to have our own Village
Hall. It is one of the very few facilities that we do enjoy. However, the use over the years since it was built in
1920 has declined severely. Apart from St Peter's Church, it is the only point
of contact for the villagers. We would like to ask you all for your suggestions
and views on how the hall could be utilised more successfully. It has been the
venue for parties and social gatherings, for fund-raising events and as a meeting
place for local clubs. If you have any ideas the Committee would be delighted
to hear from you. Please contact Mike Shepherd at Knowle View (junction
to Littlebredy) or by telephone on 482250. Long Bredy and Litton Cheney
W.I.The White Horse at Litton Cheney was the venue for the
W.I. on Tuesday 2nd December where everyone enjoyed an evening of delicious
food and good company. The next meeting will be at Pins Knoll, Litton Cheney,
the home of Betty Champkins. It will be held in the afternoon at 2:30pm on Tuesday
6th January 2004. Please bring a favourite book or poem. Refuse
collection arrangements for the New Year 2003-4 Normal
Rearranged Day Wednesday 31 December Friday 2 January Thursday 1 January Saturday
3 January Friday 2 January Monday
5 January Monday 5 January Tuesday
6 January Tuesday 6 January Wednesday
7 January Wednesday 7 January Thursday
8 January Thursday 8 January Friday
9 January Friday 9 January Saturday
10 January The
Poppy Appeal collection for Long Bredy
raised £100.39. Thank you all very much. Congratulations
to Karen and Gerry at Long Bredy Farm
on the birth of Slade, a brother for Shane and Blaise A Thank you MessageJust a few lines to thank all who sent cards and get
well messages during our recent unexpected joint stay in Dorset County Hospital.
We are both now back at home and well on the way to getting back to normal. Thanks also to Andrew and all our kind friends and neighbours
who looked after the house and the cats during our absence, and for the offers
of transport and help with shopping, after our return. It's wonderful to know we have so many thoughtful friends
and neighbours. All of your offers of help were very much appreciated. With many thanks from us both. Jack
Bailey and Joan Sheldrick LITTLEBREDY
 LITTLEBREDY NOTES. At the Village Meeting on the 13th November, Glenn Wilkinson was elected
Chairman of the Social Club, which he has inherited in a sound financial position.
Su Foot agreed to stay on as secretary, and Bryan Hansford was cordially thanked
for all the efforts he has put in to get the revived Club off the ground in its
first couple of years. The first event of 2004 planned by the new committee is a Quiz Evening
in the Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. on Friday 16th January. There will be
questions appropriate for all ages, so adults and youngsters are equally welcome.
The bar will of course be open, and neighbours within the valley are more than
welcome to join us as temporary members on the evening and join the fun. At the end of December, we say farewell to Marie Whitaker and Allan Kavanagh,
whose time at Littlebride has been shorter than they might have hoped when they
arrived last summer. Marie's work as a teacher has led her to Swanage in the
meanwhile, and they are moving to live nearer to her school. Our best wishes
for the future go with them both. Many congratulations indeed to Chris Yates, who has been appointed by
the Royal Horticultural Society to its Daffodil and Tulip Committe with effect
from the 1st January. This is the highest honour that can be bestowed on daffodil
experts, such as Chris, and means he will be among the Judges in future years
at Chelsea (Flower Show, not Stamford Bridge!). His great achievements in the
gardening world locally have now received their due recognition at national level
- well done, Chris. Finally, all very best wishes for 2004 to everyone resident in, or connected
with, Littlebredy (past or present). May it be for all a fulfilling, prosperous,
and above all a Happy New Year.  Answers to last month's quiz:
1. Silent
Night 2. Angels
from the Realms of Glory 3. Away in
a Manger  4. Joy to the World
5. Deck the
Halls with Boughs of Holly 6. O Little
Town of Bethlehem 7. God Rest
You Merry, Gentlemen  8. O Come, All Ye Faithful
9. Do
You Hear What I Hear? 10. Little Drummer Boy
11.The First Noel 12.Hark, the Herald Angels Sing A Very Happy New Year to you all & To those who face 2004
with a certain amount of uncertainty can I pass on a quotation, that I heard recently,
which I hope will give purpose & encouragement. "The dark caves of despondency are really tunnels leading
to fields of joy for those who do not sit down in the dark and blow out the candle
of faith." |