From the Vicar:-
We are now well and truly into the Annual Fête season.
Litton Cheney Church and Burton Bradstock W.I. both had theirs on May Bank Holiday
(what a shame they always clash like this), Shipton Gorge Church and Long Bredy
Church both go on 10th July (again an unfortunate clash), with the
Puncknowle and Swyre combined Fête on 31st July. This leaves Burton
Bradstock Fête for 5th August.
Fêtes are very much part of West Dorset village life,
indeed they are part of village life throughout the country. Such a glib statement,
however, masks the enormous amount of hard work which goes into them, the wonderful
generosity of those who come to them, and the thinking, even politics, behind
the whole idea of a fête.
Just a few thoughts then on and around the subject of
Church Fêtes. First, concerning those who 'do' them. It's not only churchgoers
who contribute but people from across the whole community. Many do not like the
concept of organised religion and formal Church Services but are prepared to support
what the Church stands for: the proclamation and living-out of the Gospel, and
the call to love God and our neighbours. This last is especially important today
where community life is under threat. Our profound thanks then to all of you
who make fetes happen, whether as long-term organiser or on-the-day gopher, and
whether or not you are churchgoers.
Second, concerning those who come to them. I think
that most will be aware that the 'doers' are generally great spenders too and
so a double vote of thanks to them. Most however are people, visitors, who enjoy
fêtes in their totality : the setting, the people, the atmosphere, the stalls,
the teas, the entertainment, the possibility of a bargain or raffle win, and so
on. They are not too fussed about what their money goes to, trusting that it
will be properly used. Our profound thanks also to all who support our fêtes.
concerning the takings. In very round figures, and given decent weather, the
Bride Valley Church Fêtes this
year should raise between them about £15,000. That's a lot of money. How each
Church uses its own fête takings
is down to that Church's Parochial Church Council, some of which have a policy
maybe to give an agreed proportion of the takings to a local cause: the village
hall, the church building, the school, are examples. Generally, however, it's
a matter of trust. All of us have to trust that P.C.C.s will be wise and responsible
in the way they use their money, whatever its source, remembering that they cannot
please all the people all the time. They are to be good stewards of the Church's
resources, in the same way that each of us is called to be a good steward of our
own gifts and talents.
Anthony Ashwell
From the Rector:-
Daily Prayers.
From the
beginning of July Bob and Jean will hope to get out and around the Parishes of
the Bride Valley to say their Morning Prayers.
At the moment,
having just started, we trot across the road every morning to say prayers in Burton
Bradstock Church, and this is all very lovely. But we are very conscious that
we ought to be taking the time to say our prayers all over. And so we have come
up with a plan of sorts.
On Mondays
we hope to be alternately at Long Bredy and Little Bredy at 9.00 am. On Wednesdays
we will pretty much always be at Burton Bradstock at about 9.30 am because there
is a service of Holy Communion following at 10.00am. Thursdays we thought we would
be alternately at Swyre and Puncknowle at 9.00 am. and then on Fridays at either
Litton Cheney or Shipton Gorge, again at 9.00 am. We say a Book of Common Prayer
service, and I hope it goes without saying that anyone who wishes would be most
welcome to join us.
It is only
an idea of a plan, and if there are reasons why it is not possible to follow it,
please let one of us know (898799). If there are reasons why one day would be
better than another for this place or that, again, do please get in touch. It
is only the outline of a notion, especially as on some mornings we are not going
to be able to manage from time to time; emergencies having a tendency, as they
do, to emerge.
Kicking off in July,
as is the intention, we would be at Puncknowle on the 1st, Litton Cheney on the
2nd, Little Bredy on the 5th, Burton Bradstock on the 7th, Swyre on the 8th, Shipton
Gorge on the 9th, Long Bredy on the 12th, and so on and round. If this seems to
be all right with people during July, on a fairly ad hoc basis, I will try to
make up a plan to be put in the Churches to start in September.
Bob Thorn
From the Registers
On Sunday 16th May 2004 at St Peter's Church,
Long Bredy.
William John Maltby, another beautiful baby boy for
the family.
On Sunday 30th May 2004 at St Mary's Church,
Litton Cheney
Zoe Annabelle Mills, a (first) grand-daughter for Brian
and Jennie Prentice.
Holy Matrimony
On Saturday 5th June 2004 at St Mary's Church,
Burton Bradstock.
Thomas Douie and Antonia Harris, grand-daughter of Justin
and Juliana Mallinson, the Diamond couple.
May's United Services
The Rector's Institution on the evening of 7th
May led by the Bishop of Salisbury seemed to me (as the person who organised it)
a wonderful occasion. The church was full, the people were most encouraging,
and Bob and his family not so much 'warmly' but 'hotly' welcomed to the valley
and its churches. Afterwards there were 'refreshments' in the W.I. Hall, and
what a feast. Thank you, everybody, who contributed in any way to the evening.
On Pentecost (Whitsunday) we had a United Valley Service
with Holy Communion, but with an Order of Service intended for all ages. This
continued the 5th Sunday arrangement (now ratified by the Team Council)
of having one main united Service in the valley. Afterwards some of us picnicked
happily in the Rectory garden, the weather held, and the Rector beamed contentedly.
The next United Service will be on Sunday 29th
August, again a Bank Holiday weekend, more details in August's BVN.
Bride Valley Team Council
This is meeting at 7.30pm on Friday 16th July
in Burton Bradstock Rectory. The only agenda item will concern what alterations
(if any) to our monthly Sunday Pattern of Worship should be made, to accommodate
the Team Vicar (in his capacity as Rural Dean) being unavailable to lead mid-morning
Services on two Sundays per month, as from October 2004.
Tots / Pram Service will be held at
11.00am on Friday 2nd July at St. Mary's Church, Burton Bradstock.
Smith ( 898219 )
September 18th/19th
Family Fun Weekend
to celebrate "The Year of the Family"
Watch out for further details!
note change of time and subject of July meeting - Thursday 22nd July
- 1.45pm St. Mary's Burton Bradstock Enrolment Service for
new members and afterwards at St. Catherine's Cross.
group meets on Thursday evenings and alternates between Prayer and Bible Study.
Arriving from 7.30pm we begin at 8.00pm aiming to finish by about 9.30pm. All
are most welcome. For further details contact Paul.
1 Bible Study Matthew 7.1-6 6 Baglake, Litton Cheney
8 Prayer The Threshing Barn, Higher Kingston Russell
15 Bible Study Matthew 7.7-12 12 Napier Close, Puncknowle
No meetings until 9th September 2004
Bride Valley (Wednesday)
Bible Study Group
This month we continue studying a selection of Psalms.
As usual we will be meeting at 7.30pm on alternate Wednesdays and repeating the
study at each end of the Valley.
Session 5 Psalms of complaint to God
but which lead on to praise 22,51,60,90
July 7 Pitcombe, Little
July 147 Norburton, Burton Bradstock
Session 6 Psalms reflecting the faithfulness
and providence of God 33,103,117,139
July 21
The Rectory, Litton Cheney
28 Fir Tree Cottage Shipton Gorge
Lindsay 482383
Quiet Day organised by the Bible Reading Fellowship
Canon David Winter conducts a Quiet Day on the theme
of "Hope in the Wilderness" on Thursday, 15th July (9.45 am - 4.00pm)
near Taunton.
Mousley, B.R.F. Group Secretary for the Bride Valley
of Health Quiet Day at Othona on May 27th
About 75 people from Dorset and Devon, and even
London and Salisbury came to share the Day with Brother Philip SSF from Hilfield
Friary. He led us with quiet humour, deep wisdom and infectious enthusiasm.
He taught us the infinite value of silence - of meditation and the prayer of quiet.
What I shall always remember are the words he told us that St Francis often used
for his meditations: "Who are you, God? and what am I?" Try it.
Josephine Pearse
One World Worship
at Othona
"Celebrate with us the Wonders of Creation, the
Common Ground of Humanity, the Wisdom of Many Spiritual Traditions, and the Longing
for Peace."
The Othona Community now offers an open service
of One World Worship on the first Sunday of every month at 8.30p.m. (7.00p.m.
from October onwards). All are welcome to join us in chapel and stay to chat afterwards.
These are informal gatherings which everybody can join in.
Historically so much of religious life has
tended to emphasise traditions that divide humanity. In these times together we
celebrate what we have in common. And those of us who are Christians can do so
for positive reasons - Jesus' teaching that worship is not about the right place
or the right ritual but about spirit and truth. We see One World Worship in 2004
echoing what led to Othona's foundation in 1946 - the longing to reconcile former
enemies and break down religious barriers.
Othona is on the Coast Road, half way between Burton
Bradstock and Swyre. For more details ring 897130.
Jacques - Warden, The Othona Community
A Message from Bob Thorn
This is a thank you.
Thank you, all those organisations in the Bride Valley which last year supported
the work of the Bride Valley News.
There is a mutual back
scratching exercise in the running of the B.V.N. The editor is always delighted
to receive articles and information about the life of the valley. It all helps
to make the B.V.N. the full and comprehensive community magazine, distributed
free to every household in the valley, which so many enjoy and have come to rely
upon for keeping in touch.
At the same time, the
more that goes into the B.V.N. the more pages have to be printed, and the more
costly it is to produce. At the moment it is heartening to be able to report that,
with its loyal advertisers, and the generous support of organisations in the valley,
it is just about breaking even. This is as it should be. The B.V.N. is not in
business to make wadges of money, but nor should it be a drain upon those who
back it. So, good news.
Back scratching works
both ways. Those who report on the work of their particular group, or announce
what they are going to be doing in the weeks ahead, have in the B.V.N. an invaluable
means of telling everybody what they are up to. Each and every organisation which
writes in the B.V.N. benefits enormously by doing so. More good news.
So in order to scratch
the back of our friends, in that inaccessible place just under the shoulder blade
which can't quite be reached but feels so good to be itched, we are pleased to
publish our thanks to:
The Burton Bradstock Women's Institute
The Burton Bradstock Village Society
Bride Valley Gardening Club
Bride Valley Scout Group
Litton Cheney Parish Council
The Portesham Surgery; Drs. Pouncey, Baird
& Fowler
Puncknowle Art Group
Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council
The Royal British Legion Women's Section
Shipton Gorge Parish Council
Shipton Gorge Village Society
And many private individuals, who by definition,
have their privacy secured.
There is an extra thank
you to those who helped this year with donations towards the editor's new computer:
Burton Bradstock Parish Council
Burton Bradstock Web Committee
Mmm, that feels better. Oooh! just
Thorn (Rector & Chairman Bride Valley Team Council)
Wednesday 7th July - Bridport's Market Day
Buy garden produce, home-made cakes,
preserves etc., from the stall which will be run by the Bridport & District
Bible Society Action Group on the forecourt of the United Church, East Street,
Bridport from 9.00am onwards. Also refresh yourself with coffee in the Church
Hall between 10.00am and 12 noon at the Coffee Morning hosted by the United Church.
All proceeds will go to the Bible Society (reg. charity 232759). We look forward
to seeing you.
H.Mousley-,(Acting Secretary Bridport & District Bible Society
Action Group,
Red House, Burton Bradstock, Bridport, DT6 4QR)
Flower Festival
'For all the Saints'
St Michael & All Angels, Askerswell
3rd & 4th July 2004
Morning Coffees & Afternoon Teas
10.00am - 5.00pm each day
Bradstock CE VC School
of all, please accept our apologies that our contribution to June's BVN somehow
got lost in cyberspace. It was sent but never received, rather like those letters
that occasionally disappear in school bags. So, I'll endeavour to update you
as best I can.
always tends to be a 'fun' month for a variety of reasons. This one was no exception
being as action packed as ever. The first week back after half term saw a visit
by some Icelandic teachers. They were looking into ways in which small rural
Dorset schools work together within the supportive 'cluster' network and the Bridport
Cluster was chosen as an effective example. One of the teachers was particularly
interested in a jam jar standing on the side in the foyer. The conversation went
something like this:
is that?"
are some newts that a villager has just brought in for children to see."
Newts? Ah, I learned that word in my English book yesterday. Now I see real ones!"
Unfortunately there was no time to pursue the conversation further. I would have
liked to have enquired about Icelandic pond life, but was satisfied that we had
at least helped to enrich the knowledge and understanding of one of our overseas
colleagues. I know that they really appreciated all the schools they visited.
The Cluster
Swimming Gala took place the following day and this proved to be a repeat of last
year. Therefore congratulations to Thorners who were the winners and also to
the children who represented us so well by finishing as runners-up. All in all
the Bride Valley did really well!
The P.T.A.
have been very pro-active in recent weeks and months and on Saturday 19th
June the big event of the year was the Summer Fayre. Many thanks to all those
who supported us in any way and particularly to the Rector who kindly agreed to
allowing us to expand into the Rectory garden. Incidentally, we have all enjoyed
getting to know 'Reverend Bob' and are most grateful for his assemblies and involvement
with the school.
On 21st
June children in Class 4 took part in a production of 'Don Giovanni' at St. Mary's
School Bridport. This event was organised by 'Abbotsbury Music' and in the build
up to the concert the children both enjoyed and learnt a huge amount from the
preparatory workshops held in school. These included storytelling, singing, composing
and mask making.
At the
time of writing, the following events have yet to happen but at least it gives
you a flavour! Towards the end of June, Year 6 children going to Colfox in September
have their induction day and also a 'French Focus' day. The final fling is on
the 30th when the Cluster Schools meet together for sports day at Symondsbury.
then is last month in a nutshell. There continues to be never a dull moment,
and July is the same with our Music Concert and Sports Day to look forward to.
In addition to this Year 2 children are keenly anticipating their residential
trip to Hooke Court and similarly Class 4's four days on Dartmoor during the penultimate
week of term. For the moment we'll take one day at a time and do our best to
ensure nothing gets lost on the way.
100 Club
April Winners were:
May Winners were:
£20 Mrs Parsons £20 Mrs Banks
£10 Mrs K. Varndell £10 Mr & Mrs West
£5 Mr Harrington £5 Mrs Percy
Thorner's CE VA Primary School
We have
done it again! Yes, on Wednesday we won the Cluster Swimming Gala, that is the
fifth year in a row. almost embarrassing. Obviously there must be something about
the valley that encourages our children to swim fast, anyone know the secret?
It does come down to the parents who regularly take their children for swimming
lessons from an early age, encouraging them to do their best, as well as the sessions
we have for all pupils this half-term in our pool and years 5 and 6 last term
at Bridport Leisure Centre. We are pleased that all but a few of our pupils can
swim the 25 metres required by the government before they leave us, many do so
much earlier. I wonder how many of our ex-pupils still regularly swim and take
part in sports activities? I keep looking for names and pictures in the Bridport
news, you may have gone but you are not forgotten.
Also on Wednesday a group of pupils from Eggardon, representing
the people of the future, were invited to take part in the launch of the Area
of Outstanding Natural Beauty event at Abbotsbury. ( I hate to admit that I have
never visited the gardens there, but having had a glimpse I shall definitely visit
soon). A group of artists had worked with the class prior to the half-term, discussing
and creating an image of what they saw as our valley, what makes it so beautiful
etc; this was on display with some of their quotes of ideas for the future.
I was disappointed to learn that many of the class want to be either professional
football players or fashion models! Well I don't suppose I can blame them, at
least they might be able to afford a house in the valley then. The morning of
the launch was one of those sea mist days and so there we were on top of the ridge
looking into .. mist, all trying to visualise what was out there. Each of the
children spoke about the part they played in creating the image, which should
appear in school at some point so everyone can share it.
Alison Johnstone
Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup
At last in May, we received the Ofsted written report,
in which we did well and received a 2 - 4 years inspection result. Some new resources
for the children have been purchased such as new toy farm buildings, a Leap Pad,
water toys, whiteboards for drawing on, and a new painting easel is on it's way.
We have had our first visitor in the shape of PC Dave Bird - and his police car
- who talked to the children about road safety and car seat belts - some told
him all about it! The older ones in particular really enjoyed having him
in Playgroup. We have welcomed a new little girl into the group - Tuscany Hansford
and she has settled in really well.
By the time you read this, our next visitor will have
entertained us - Firefighter Charlie Pack - and we will have visited Littlebredy
Hall, walked to the lake and fed the ducks, and also visited Modbury Farm.
We also had a visit from our previous playleader Jan Cogan, who by now has moved
to Spain - with all her family including grandchildren. I was very sad to say
"Au Revoir" as I owe a lot to her for all her help and training when
I was a complete novice.
Our sponsored Trike Ride will have happened plus
more visitors - but let's not forget our end of term Outing coming up, and our
last day in the playing field with a Bouncy Castle and picnic. Finally - our big
Summer Fundraiser - FLEDGLINGS FUN NIGHT at the CROWN
in Puncknowle on SATURDAY evening 24th JULY.
Raffle tickets will soon be on sale in the pub and elsewhere. Put
it in your diary now - star attraction is the bluesy band all the way from London
known as "The Vintage" ( my son Simon is in it!) - they have volunteered
their services for the night.
So be there or be square on SATURDAY 24TH
JULY and have a really good time!!
Bennett (Playleader) 01308 897771
Step Parent and Toddler Group meets
on Wednesdays between 10.00am and 12 noon. We have toys and activities for all
pre-school children, coffee and chat for parents and carers. The group has new
resources and toys. We meet at Long Bredy Village Hall on the first, third and
fifth Wednesdays of the month. On the second Wednesday we meet in Little Bredy
Hall and on the fourth Wednesday we meet in either Little Bredy or Puncknowle.
For further details contact: Bridget (Burton Bradstock) 898600 or Jo (Litton
Cheney) 482346 or Julie (Puncknowle) 897178 or Rachel (Kingston Russell and Long
Bredy) 482246
Cheney Youth Club meets on Tuesday evenings,
during term time, for those between 8 and 17 years in Litton Cheney and the surrounding
villages. For further details of the sessions read the Litton notes or contact
Paul Kingston 482384.
Cheney Social Committee's monthly walk
usually takes place on the 3rd Saturday of each month (weather permitting).
For further details please read the Litton notes. Everyone very welcome.
National Gardens Scheme - Gardens Open in The Bride Valley
This month -
Tuesdays during July The Scented Garden, Little Bredy
2.30 - 8.00 pm
Langebride House, Long Bredy also opens for The National
Gardens Scheme but for private visits by appointment.
Bride Valley Gardening Club
What a wonderful display of flowers and shrubs
we are seeing at the moment - it seems only a few weeks ago we were thinking summer
would never arrive! With summer comes the Club's Mini Show -this year to be held
on Sunday July 11th at Thorners School, Litton Cheney as usual.
the deadline for going to press for The BVN (June 11th) I do not have a Schedule
to hand but members will have received their Newsletter with this on it. Also
there will be a copy displayed at the Post Office Burton Bradstock for others
who may be interested. Please bring your entry to the School between 10 and l2
on the day - judging as usual by popular vote with results announced at 4.00 p.m.
The Show opens at 2.00pm.
queries re the Show please ring James on 897741 or Dorothy on 482524 or
any Committee member.
A reminder that Pam will be organising another
outing for September to Stanbridge Water Mill near Wimborne - again you will have
seen this on your newsletter - queries to Pam on 897267.
Do hope we see members and anyone who wants
to come at the Show - its usually a very enjoyable day! !
Norma Millard Secretary 897774.
Rusu from Constanta, Romania, will give
a Piano Recital in St. Mary's Church, Beaminster on Saturday 31st
July at 7.30pm. She will be playing works by Chopin, Schubert, Liszt and Rachmaninov.
Tickets are £8 obtainable from the Ronald Emett Gallery, The Square, Beaminster,
by telephoning Ann or Mike Read on 897445, or at the church door before the performance.
Aid for Romania
Ann and Mike Read invite you to a Coffee Morning
in the W.I Hall, Burton Bradstock from 10.30am on Thursday 22nd July. There will
be a talk about Romania and the work of the Charity, with an opportunity to ask
questions. All are welcome.
Concert at St. Mary's Litton Cheney
aid of the Church
Friday 6thAugust at 7.00pm
Paul Cheater (Organ)
Stephen Cutting (Trumpet)
Tom Cheater (Recorder)
Baroque to Contemporary music
followed by
3 course Supper with wine at The Old Rectory
The Old Rectory garden will be open before the Concert
Concert & Supper £15 (limited to
Concert only £5
For tickets apply to:
Carol Lindsay (482383) or Antony Longland (482219)
payable to St Mary's Litton Cheney
for Concert only will also be available at the Church door
the day at £6

The 24th Burton Bradstock Festival will
held this year on Friday 20th & Saturday
21st August
Fund raising Concert is at 7.30pm on Saturday 10th July in the W.I.
See page 19 for further details of
all the concerts.
Ring and Ride Bus

Our new service of a Wednesday bus to Bridport, for those
having difficulty accessing public transport, is up and running.
Wheelchair friendly buses will circulate through the
valley, and in the villages north of the A35, and will be flexible enough to accommodate
various stops within the Bridport area, shopping, medical visits, people watching
at West Bay, going to the hairdressers, its up to you. It allows two hours or
more in Bridport.
The fare will be £1.50 return and there is an initial,
once off, fee of 50p.
If you have any questions ring .. 897322 Anna Lovell.
To book a seat you need to ring the driver on 897684.
We will also be running other trips perhaps further afield
or just to enjoy the countryside. We look forward to having you on board.
Let us know if you have any suggestions.
The service is operated by Travelcare (UK) Ltd. of Weymouth
in a contract with Bridport Town Council, with initial funding through WDDC.
The Children's Society
belated but none-the-less sincere thank you to all Children's Society box holders
in the East end of the Valley for continuing to fill their boxes year after year.
The grand total for the year was £123.74. Your caring shows in your giving.

Village Correspondent Mr Basil Dent
2, Norburton, Burton Bradstock. Tel:- (01308) 897125
Mid Week Worship -
Holy Communion
Wednesdays at 10.00 a.m.
Choir Practices
Fridays at 6.00 p.m.
Bell Ringing Practices Thursdays at 7.00pm
Gift Sunday
11th July Pilsdon Community
next Service of Prayer for Healing at St Mary's will
be held on Monday 5th July at 7.00pm.
Tots / Pram Service will be held at
11.00am on Friday 2nd July at St. Mary's Church, Burton Bradstock.
Yvette Smith ( 898219 )
on Church Tower Clock
After far too long a period of being out of action, the
light which illuminates the church tower clock is now fully operational and has
resumed its role as an asset to the village. It is very gratifying to have this
light working again as it was originally given to St. Mary's by Mrs. Nancy Bushell
in memory of her late husband, Colonel Peter Bushell.
Dent - Churchwarden
Church Fete
for the Fete can be delivered to the Rectory garage on the following dates and
Wednesday 28th July from 4.30pm - 7.00pm
Saturday 31st July from 10.00am - 12 noon
specific items for the following stalls may be left with the following persons:-
Filled Jars (value 50p)
- contact Joyce Tillman - 897040
Goods - contact Margaret Ackland - 897872
Tombola - contact Kate & Bernard Chennels - 897066
Goods - contact Joan Gillet - 897656
Cards & Crafts - contact Jane Stubbs - 898002
- contact Wynne Hughes
Produce - contact Tom Holmes - 897046
& Preserves - contact Shirley Gilbert - 897385
Thelma Skues has plenty of gifts for the children's
Lucky Dip BUT does require brightly coloured wrapping paper in which to wrap the
gifts. This can be new or used (if in good condition) please contact Thelma on
for the Hamper in the Grand Draw
The first prize in the Grand Draw at the Church Fete
has traditionally been a Food & Drink Hamper. We have made up some good ones
in recent years. Once again I would like to request donations for this year's
Hamper - tins, jars, bottles, packets of something special or just that little
bit different from usual. Please drop your donation to 7 Norburton or give me
a call on 897695 and I shall gladly collect. Many thanks. Lesley
Society - Bridport Branch
The Bridport Branch of the Alzheimers Society will be
holding their annual Garden Party in the Rectory Garden, Burton Bradstock
on Thursday 15th July 2.30pm. - 4.30pm. Teas will be available in the
W.I. Hall and there will be bric-a-brac, plant, book and cake stalls. Items for
any of these stalls will be gratefully accepted and can be collected by 'phoning
897125. Basil
7-30 p.m. Saturday
10th July W.I. Hall
David Juritz, Hubert Dawkes, Mary Ryan and John Surry will perform a programme including
works by Beethoven, Schubert and Kreisler. ( See posters for full
A glass of wine and light refreshments will be provided
after the concert.
TICKETS: £8-00 (unnumbered)
- available from Burton Bradstock Post Office and at the door.
7-30 p.m. Friday
20th and Saturday 21st August
St Mary's Church,
Burton Bradstock.
London Festival Players
( Leader David Juritz
) and Hilary Kenway ( soprano)
Programmes will include:-
for two violins Bach
Quartet (The Dissonance) Mozart
Adagio and Rondo
Concerto for two oboes Vivaldi
Rondo for cello and piano Dvorak
for violin and ensemble Dvorak
Full programme later.
TICKETS: £9-00 and £6-00 for
each concert - Season Ticket £16-00
On sale:
the Fund Raising concert
post from Mike Southgate (01308 897487) from Monday 12th July.
Burton Bradstock Post Office
from Monday 26th July.
At the
Dorset Police Community Support Unit
The next visit of the above unit will be on Friday 2nd
July from 10.00am to 12 noon. The subsequent dates will be on Fridays 6th
August and 3rd September. The vehicle will be located near the gates
of the Rectory Garden or if unable to park there, it will be in the bus lay-by
opposite The Three Horseshoes car park.
Freddy Tame
Burton Bradstock Players pulled it off again in their ambitious production
of three of Alan Bennet's monologues brilliantly directed by Daphne Ekins and
produced by Gillian Knight.
In the first, A Lady of Letters, Andrea Wilkinson, embittered spinster
Irene Ruddock to the life, grumbles about a recent lack-lustre crematorium service
where some young fellows were seen smoking in the precincts of the chapel of rest.
This inspires one of her letters of complaint, followed by others increasingly
vitriolic. Irene's paranoiac imagination finally lands her in prison where, befriending
all, she feels needed at last. Andrea's wonderful northern accent didn't falter
during the forty minutes she was confiding in the audience, and such was her power
of persuasion that we routed for Irene to the end.
In A Cream Cracker under the Settee we were transported to Doris'
living room, not quite as clean after the ministrations of her home help as Doris
would like. Joan Armstrong as Doris wrung our hearts with her determination to
prove she could cope on her own. After a fall we felt both her physical and mental
pain as she waits for help, reminiscing about her early married life and her lost
baby. Her final decision not to accept help was understandable but heart-breaking.
Soldiering On,
a tale of quiet courage, was beautifully portrayed by Liz Slater. Newly-widowed
Muriel is forced to come to terms with the financial knavery of her adored son,
Giles, and the mental harming of daughter Margaret by her late husband. Muriel's
bravery in the breaking up of her home and her move to an off-season holiday flatlet
was hard to bear. Finally the audience shared in Muriel's joy at Margaret's recovery.
Many touches of humour in the three monologues lightened the emotional
depth inspired by the sensitive acting. We marvelled at the ability to remember
all those words. An impressive number of people helped make Burton Bradstock Players
production of Talking Heads memorable and enjoyable for all. Marvellous!
Sheila Spencer-Smith
Bradstock Women's Institute
First of all a big thank you to everyone who helped make
the W.I. Spring Fair such a success despite the awful weather on May 31st. Thanks
to the members, friends and husbands and villagers who helped raise £ 1600. A
special thanks to those ladies, gentlemen and children who manned stalls outside
in the rain.
We would also like to thank the Reverend Jean Thorn for
kindly opening the fair for us.
Raven and Chris Clarke.
Shame about the rain... however onward.....
At the June meeting Mr D. Hawkes gave a very interesting
talk on early 20th century Bedouin jewellery and Palestinian costume.
Mr Hawkes showed some beautiful silver bracelets, necklaces and earrings set with
amber, turquoise and other semi precious stones and some exquisitely embroidered
Later in the meeting Mary Bailey announced that all ladies
who helped knit blankets for the Red Cross are to receive certificates on June
17th, 3.30pm, in the W.I. hall. Well done the knitters!
This month the reading group are "dipping" into Iris
Murdoch's "The Sea, The Sea".
Flower of the month was a very unusual mauve and white
peony, won by Mary Burke.
And finally thanks to the organisers of the D-Day remembrance
on June 5th. Villagers and visitors enjoyed a comprehensive exhibition in the
Reading Room during the day and a commemorative musical programme on Hive Beach
in the evening. A splendid £1350 was raised for the British Legion and Dorset
Air Ambulance.
The next meeting is on July 13th when members
will hear Mrs. P. Grier speaking on "Stress Relief Through Exercise".
Commemorative Weekend 5th/6th June, 2004
I would like to thank all the contributors who helped
to make our
D-Day Commemorative Weekend a success:-
to our sponsors - Burton Bradstock Parish Council, for
both their moral and financial support, Burton Bradstock Cars, Bridget's Market,
The Anchor and Three Horseshoes pubs (and their strong men!), C.G. Fry & Son,
Palmer's Brewery and Steve Attrill and his staff who kept everyone well 'fed &
watered' throughout the evening at the Hive
to the team who organised a very interesting & professional
exhibition of memorabilia in the Reading room; to all the contributors who loaned
the exhibits and also to the people who manned the stands
to the entertainers who provided such a wonderful, nostalgic
evening for well over 1,000 people at the beach
to my committee team who all worked hard to ensure the
whole event ran smoothly.
And a big thank you to our Rector who conducted a special
Service of Remembrance for over 100 people at the Church on Sunday 6th
The event raised £1,365 which has been donated equally
between the Royal British Legion and the Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance Trust.
and our thanks to you, Sheila, for having the idea and working so hard
to give us all such a memorable week-end; as Laurence Binyon so movingly urged
us to do in his poem, we were grateful for the opportunity " to remember them
at the going-down of the sun (on the beach) and in the morning (in church)."
Bradstock Parish Council
Listed below are the current Parish Councillors, with
their duties and street/road responsibilities. If you have any concerns about
pot-holes, poor signage or blocked drains then please contact them.
In addition they are your first point of
call if you are not able to contact the Parish Clerk on any issue. |
Planning |
Post Office |
Broadmayne Charity |
Website |
Tree Warden, P.Office, Hive Beach |
Parish Plan |
Planning |
Website |
Village Hall |
Parish Plan |
Planning |
Traffic |
Environment |
Transport |
ANNINGS LANE (evens) |
Footpaths, Allotments |
Hive Beach, Planning |
E.RIPLEY(Vice-Chairman) |
Hive Beach |
Parish Plan |
Post Office |
Parish Plan |
Moore: Clerk to the Parish Council
Arthur Ankrett passed away peacefully
in Dorchester Hospital on May 15th 2004. His funeral Service, taken
by The Rev'd Bob Thorn A.K.C., was on Monday 24th at Weymouth Crematorium.
Burton Bradstock Village
Web Site Address
Did you know that the Bride
Valley News
is published on this web
site every month?
In addition, did you know
that old copies of the magazine
can also be viewed on the
web site?
And, it
is in colour too!

Village Correspondent: Mrs. Joy White
Eastcote 3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge
Tel: ( 01308 )897974
St. Martin's Family Service Sunday July 25th
All are welcome
to our special midsummer service of praise and thanksgiving. As usual, our younger
family members will be making a special contribution to the worship.
Tea and treats
will be available afterwards in the Village Hall.
Village Plant Sale
The annual
village plant sale raised £340-31 divided equally between the local branch of
the Alzheimer's Society and St. Martin's Church.
Many thanks to everyone who donated plants, and especially
our kind friends who ran the stalls so efficiently. It was a most enjoyable morning.
Jennifer Webb and Janet Lane.
St. Martin's Summer Fair Saturday July 10th 2.00p.m.
- 4.00p.m.
Please check
the June edition of the B.V.N. for details of events, attractions old and new,
stalls, games etc.,
*An important
reminder- please bring your contributions for the Bottle Bola to Jo and Gary Warren
(897 948) by Friday, 9th. July, for labelling.
Any queries
to me: Janet Lane (897 241). See you all on the day!
Janet Lane.
Gorge Village Society
Treasure Hunt: Saturday 3rd July
in the evening with this light-hearted quiz featuring house names and roadside!
£1 for your clues to the New Inn Car Park after 6 pm. It will be followed by a
BARBECUE in the car park. All in the Bride Valley are welcome. Children
must be accompanied by an adult.
Show: Saturday 31st July.
Bring your entries to the hall between 8.30
and 11.00 am. See separate schedule for SG residents.
Come and judge the best between
11.30 am and 1.30 pm! All visitors welcome. Please make every effort both to enter
as many classes as possible and to join in the voting.
Results will be announced at approx. 3.30
pm with a cup of tea. Prize money and trophies will be presented for each class.
News A Quarter Peal will be rung at St. Martin's on Thursday,
July 29th starting at 9.30am.
Gorge Village Hall 100 Club
for the June Draw
£10 | No.
46 | Mrs.
Graham |
£10 | No.74 | Bob
White |
£10 | No.
22 | Jo
Boughton |
£20 | No.61 | Eddy
Buck |
£50 | No.1 | Elizabeth
Wilson |

Village Correspondent: Sid Marshall
Green Barton, Swyre Tel: 897318
visit to Kisiizi, Uganda
everyone! As you read this edition of the BVN I should either be about to
leave, or on my way to, Kisiizi in Uganda. I am part of a team of 30 people
from Christ Church Winchester (my Church when I'm at university) on a work-party/
mission trip to this area. The purpose of our trip (leaving 2nd
July) is to organise and staff a huge outreach mission for children in this area
of South-West Uganda over the middle weekend of our three week trip. We
will also be completing practical tasks around Kisiizi Hospital Compound and supporting
and interceding in a bigger Ugandan led adult mission just before we return home.
The reason I'm writing is to thank all people, back at home, who have supported
me so fully in this venture. I have been bowled over by the prayerful and
financial support that people have offered. I ask that, as you feel able,
you continue to please pray until our return on the 20th July as I
believe this really is the key to a safe and successful mission trip. I
look forward to seeing you all soon and being able to tell you all about it. Many
Thanks once again.
Kept Village Competition 2004
view of the success in being "Highly Commended" at our first attempt last year
it has been decided to enter the competition again this year. The Judges will
be inspecting the interior of the Church and the churchyard to see if they are
weed and litter free. The telephone Kiosk to see if it is clean, functional and
litter free. They will be looking at the Notice boards to see if they are up to
date. The approaches to farms, pubs etc. to see if they are tidy and litter free.
They will be assessing the maintenance of the public seats, ditches, streams and
the War Memorial. They will be looking at the roads and hedgerows to see if they
are litter free.
keep your part of the village as tidy
as possible.

Elizabeth Slater & Sid Marshall
and Swyre Parish Council 6th July 2004
Parish Council will meet on 6th July in Puncknowle Church Hall to hold
the usual Parish Council Meeting.
Swyre and West Bexington Homewatch
Vehicle -The community vehicle will
be visiting Puncknowle Bottom on Wednesday 28th July between 18.30 and 20.00.
will be a meeting at Puncknowle Village Hall on Thursday 9th September
for all Homewatch representatives, although residents in the Parish are more than
welcome to come. There will be representatives from the Police who will be giving
talks and advice on Crime Prevention.
have been informed about a postcard scam.
Residents receive a Post Card stating that there is an International Parcel waiting
for them and asked to ring a Premium Rate number costing £1.50. Please take care
if you receive a Post Card marked "Parcel Plus" if you are in any doubt
contact Royal Mail. Andy
Marshall - 897732
Dorset County Car Scheme, Bride Valley Area.
voluntary Dorset Car Scheme operates in the Bride Valley Area. It is designed
to help those people in rural areas who are not fit enough to use public transport
and who have no other means of transport, to enable them to make essential trips.
organisers are seeking volunteer drivers to help with this much needed service.
In the Parishes of Puncknowle, Swyre and West Bexington, we have only one driver,
who regularly takes part in the scheme. Could you spare a few hours per week,
to assist with this very well worthwhile project?
you would like to help, would like to find out more, or wish to use the service,
please contact:-
Whillock on 01308 482457 or Mrs Turner on 01308 482537.
Parish Playing Field
Parish Council would like to thank the original committee, responsible for
the setting up of the Playing Field, for their recent donation of funds to help
with the legal expenses incurred in the purchase of the Field, and to help with
the provision of items of equipment. It is much appreciated.
Village Correspondent: Elizabeth Slater
Lytton Close, Puncknowle, Dorchester DT2 9BH
Telephone: ( 01308 ) 897751
and Swyre Fete July 31st 2.30pm
APPEAL TO EVERYONE to support the stalls listed below. Your help is vital
for a successful fete.
Mike and Barbara Brennan897753
tombola Charles and Cindy Gray
Chris Gregory 898596
Joyce Bailey 897730
Sue Collier 897044
for teas Vera Hurst
*Clothing new to you
Michelle Morgan
children's clothes
Goods Ruth Brierley
Filled Jars about 50p
Debbie Hansford 898506
Dip Alan and Robin Fry
Ken Martin 897622
Produce Elizabeth
Slater 897751
Ties, Jewellery Sarah Inskip
Betty Merchant
Joan Worley 898545
elephants Steve Jarvis
stalls are marked * please leave contributions with Ann Roberts. A central collecting
point. Telephone 897716
help is still needed, it is never too late to offer to do something.
Roberts 897716 David Jenkins 897225 Jim Bailey 897730
Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup - ( See
page 11 of Valley Notes for this month's report )
Puncknowle Art Group
The summer exhibition
is underway and this year we are supporting The Crown Puncknowle Fundraisers.
We had an unusual and amusing morning on May 28th painting still life with a maximum
of fifty brushstrokes allowed. Thank you to Doreen Newton for all the organising
entailed. Dates for July are:-
9th - painting with
Maureen at Slape
23rd - painting at The
Crown. There are no meetings in August.
Don't forget to check the village website
to keep in touch with village events and find useful

Village Correspondent:
Mrs. Elizabeth Kingston, 5 Manor Farm Close
Church Fete
A very big thank you to everyone who helped to make the
Fete such a success. In spite of the wet afternoon lots of people came to watch
the Thorners Maypole dancers, support all the well-stocked stalls and be entertained
by Hattie and Mr Custard. Only the trampoline was a victim of the rain - it being
too dangerous to use in the wet conditions. Altogether a very happy and successful
Church Hall
The 'Artist in Residence', Paul Adams, has spent many
hours during Dorset Art Weeks painting the Church Hall - literally. He has done
a wonderful job decorating the Hall both inside and out and what a difference
it makes! Everything is now clean and bright again and we can't wait to see the
finished work of art. Very many thanks to Paul for undertaking the job during
his exhibition.
CONCERT 6th August See page 14 for details
Cheney Social Committee
Thank you to everyone who attended the Annual Meeting.
We were delighted to have the support of so many of you. Freddie and Dorothy
have stepped down from the Committee and we have 3 new members, Tim Brown, Rachel
Gershfield and a welcome back to Mary Anderson. Eddy has been replaced as Chairman
by Ron Davidson. Our thanks also to Colin Varndell who gave a very interesting
Summer BBQ Saturday 3rd July at the Cottage 6.30
pm for 7.00. We will be calling on you with tickets, which are £5.00 for adults
and £2.00 for 6-16 year olds. There will be music, plenty to eat and due to popular
demand fireworks (at 10.00 pm).
Village Walk Saturday 24th July - meet at the bus shelter 10.00 am (phone a week before
for details of destination if required).
Antiques Evening Friday August 13th - At the Church, more details in next month's BVN.
We look forward to seeing you at these events.
Kathy Kourik
482552 Secretary Litton Cheney Social Committee
Cheney Parish Council Meetings
Very few members of the public are usually able to attend
these meetings, so the council has decided to put a brief summary in the Bride
Valley News. All council members telephone numbers are on the village notice
held on 11 May 2004. Officers were
elected:- Chairman: Cllr. Spicer, Vice-Chairman: Cllr. Jones, Responsible Finance
Officer: Cllr. Prentice, Internal Auditor: N. Gardener. Planning Sub Committee:
Cllr. Spicer (Chairman), Cllrs. Bayer, Dyke and Prentice. Any significant planning
applications would be referred to the whole council. The Clerk (Mrs.Taylor)
has the documents re. the Right to Roam appeal at Stancombe Farm. The chairman
is continuing to raise issues relating to problems arising from minor amendments
to planning applications, with West Dorset planning dept.
Accounts and Statement of Assurance approved. Payment
of DAPTC and Cornhill insurance premiums were approved.
The Surgery at Portesham had responded to concerns about
the closure of the Long Bredy Surgery, but unfortunately it was unavoidable;
it is likely that there will be a prescriptions collection point in the village.
The playing field had been cut; checks to be made
that herbicide pitch marking had been done. Road repairs carried out on Whiteway.
The Rocks footpath still continually wet in spite of repairs; WDDC rep. to visit
to decide on further action.
Footpaths Officer is Mr. S. Kourik;
please email (
or telephone him (482552) to report any footpath problems in the village.
Hall. Further efforts are to be made
to resolve the problems of access and use by the school of any new Hall; this
will determine whether the project has a future on this site or not before funding
opportunities lapse. A meeting is being organised with key members of the DCC,
the Diocese and other interested parties, which will clarify whether a larger
hall that the school can use or a small village hall on another site will fulfil
the future needs of the village most appropriately.
Villages. A successful grant application
has resulted in up to £2745 (75%of any expenditure) being made available. Questionnaires
will be circulated by the end of May. Cllr. Smith had been on a tour of affordable
housing in North Dorset. He was favourably impressed but noted that the process
took a long time.
Site. Full parish council (after approval) will soon be
accessible on the website. A Broadband questionnaire has been circulated; Wessex
Broadband can be extended to give faster and cheaper access in the village. A
lady in San Diego made contact having found details of her ancestors on the website.
next Parish Council meeting will take place at 7.30 pm in The Church Hall on Tuesday
13th July.
Police Community Support Vehicle will
stop at the Bus Shelter on Wednesday 14th July between 2.00 - 3.30pm.
Cheney Vital Villages
The Steering Group have been overwhelmed by the response
to the questionnaires, it would appear that the majority of households have taken
part. We will be contacting everyone who completed the volunteer form. The questionnaire
was distributed to everyone in the Parish by volunteers. Everyone in the parish
was invited to be involved in the process, either volunteering for the Steering
Group or attending the two Open Meetings to which every household should have
received an invitation. The questionnaire drawn up by the Steering Group reflects
the concerns expressed by those in the parish who attended the meetings in February.
A summary of the findings of the questionnaires will be distributed to every household
and the full analysis including comments will be made available. This process
will take some time because of the tremendous response. The analysis is being
undertaken by an outside organisation with no connection with the village.
Anyone interested in the "Adopt a footpath" scheme will
be warmly welcomed to a meeting at The White Horse on Wednesday 7th
July at 8.00 pm. If you are unable to attend this meeting but would like further
details please contact Steve Kourik 482552.
Mobile Library will visit on Thursday
1st, 15th and 29th July and will be at the Bus
Shelter between 3.10 and 4.00 pm. All young readers and children interested in
books are invited to join a Dorset library and enjoy a Reading Rollercoaster from
July 5th - September 4th.
Cheney Youth Club
In July there will be a variety of activities including
archery, canoeing, mountain boarding and trampolining sessions. For further details
contact Paul Kingston 482384
Village Lunch will take place on Thursday
29th July at The White Horse Inn.
Congratulations to David Mclaren on his cricketing
success with the under 11's.
A belated welcome to Lolly Watt who has come to
live with her daughter and family in Coombes Close. We hope all the new residents
in Litton Cheney are made to feel welcome and enjoy village life.
Visit the web site for the latest
The group meets at The White Horse
at 8.30pm on the first Monday
of each month.
All welcome.

Village Correspondent:
Mrs. Elinor Frost, Bridelands
( 482269 )
Village Fete 10th July 2:30pm Kingston
Russell House
Please start
stocking up for the stalls. June and Gwen need lots of cakes and scones for the
teas and more volunteers to help serve the teas: can you spare an hour or two?
Eggs, jams, chutneys and vegetables
will be needed to stock the produce stall that is alongside the plants, and run
by Valerie, Brian and Ann.
Don't forget the collection point for the books, tapes
and CDs is Juniper's garage; any enquiries go to Jane Dowling.
Anything in the children's line goes to Harriet Sykes.
We have excellent local musicians to entertain us, and
the children from Thorner's School to dance. So, let's hope the sunshine continues.
9:30am is when we start the setting up. Many hands make light work if the men
and boys (girls too) come to the hall and help with loading and setting up, and
packing away at the end of the day.
Long Bredy & Litton Cheney W.I.
W.I. members recently enjoyed an afternoon at Mapperton
Gardens. The July meeting on the 6th at 7:30pm at Litton Church Hall
will hear Mrs M. Emery talk about William Morris (Not just a roll of wallpaper).
Visitors are most welcome.
Scott raised £50 for Save the Children by walking fifteen miles from Shaftsbury to Salisbury.
Organised by Wessex Walks this event was a big success. Thank you to all who
sponsored her.
In the beautiful grounds of

Kingston Russell House
By kind permission of Mr & Mrs Howard Carter
On Saturday 10th July 2.30 p.m.

arrivals and three departures to record this month:-
we welcome two new families to the village. Ashley and Oenone (pronounced Nonie)
Dale arrive at The Old Parsonage with four children under 9: Joshua, Romilly,
Rafferty and Zachary. They already have strong Dorset connections, and we wish
them all happiness and fulfilment here.
same goes for John and Sarah Reynolds, who move to Orchard Cottage with Georgia
(7) and Jack (4), thus reducing the average age of the inhabitants of Littlebredy
yet further. They too arrive with our greetings and all best wishes for their
time among us.
human departures come from the Bate family. Rory, now promoted corporal in the
R.E.M.E. (congratulations to him) leaves these shores for a tour of duty in Iraq,
and all our thoughts and prayers are with him and the family as he discovers "active
service" at a new intensity. His younger brother Rohan is also embarking
on a service career, but in his case in the Royal Navy, and he has just started
his training at Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth. Our very best wishes
go with him too.
other departure is an arboreal one. Of all the exotic trees in the Bridehead
grounds, the tallest and most spectacular over the years has been the noble Wellingtonia
beside the lake. Last summer it was visibly wilting, and this spring it became
clear that it had died - of unknown causes. Now, the recent collapse of its neighbouring
horse chestnut, leaving a crater full of water, leads to a suspicion that a leak
from the lake may have drowned the roots of both. Within a month or two both
will be felled and cleared away, leaving a sad - but one hopes temporary - gap
in the vicinity. "Sic transit gloria mundi."
Social Club's July event is a Car Treasure Hunt, to be held on Friday 17th July.
Participants should meet on the Village Green at 7.00 p.m. There will be a small
entry fee at the beginning, and prizes at the end, when the barbecue will be alight
and the bar will be open. No doubt the committee won't miss their opportunity
for another raffle too! As many as possible are urged to join in. Have the Litton
Cheney Outsiders ever learned to drive and read a map as well, among all their
other talents? We shall see...
a reminder that the Scented Garden is open (and cream teas available in the Village
Hall at appropriate times) this month from 2.30 - 8.00 p.m. every Tuesday afternoon,
namely the 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th July.

The Rector's book is now available
Last year
the Rev'd Bob Thorn was granted a sabbatical by the Diocese of Bristol. The proper
name for a sabbatical is "extended study leave," so as to make it sound
learned and serious Bob's idea of a sabbatical was to make a pilgrimage from Bristol
to Lindisfarne, up near the borders of Scotland. The journey included a vow of,
saving emergencies, not using any mechanical transport - in other words they walked.
Bob's long-suffering wife, the Rev'd Jean Thorn, took to the road with him, as
did the dogs, Jobiska and Kirby. The pilgrimage took something over two months.
The plan
on the way was to turn up unannounced at Vicarages and Rectories, or knock on
the door of churchwardens, or other good Christian folk, asking for a patch of
garden upon which to put up a tent for the night. How this question was answered,
and others concerning the tradition of Celtic pilgrimage, were to be the subject
of a report submitted to the Rev'd Canon Douglas Holt, who was the person responsible
for overseeing Bob's "Extended study leave."

Douglas knows
Bob only too well. He asked for just a few lines on how the pilgrimage went. He
continued by specifying that "5 pages max. would be fine." When the
report, written last summer, piled up over 150 pages and was heading for 200,
a book was born. This has now been published, and is available either from Bob
or Jean, or by post from the publishers. The book, "My dear Douglas,"
costs £10.99 with an additional £1.00 p&p if ordered by mail.
This is very
inexpensive for a book. The price is possible only by not selling it through bookshops,
and so not having to pay their mark-up. If you would like to get hold of a copy,
please come and ask at Burton Bradstock Rectory.
it can be bought:-
By mail from:
La'Mont Publications
5 Packsaddle Way Frome BA11 2JU
Or by phone on 01373452718
Or by E-mail on
ISBN number 0-954-5992-3-3