From the Rector:- There is a game that is played when moving into a new
house. One has to make sure that, when leaving the old place, the boxes are marked
according to those rooms they are going to have to go into on arrival. There
is absolutely no point in doing this, but nevertheless one becomes obsessed with
the importance of doing it. On arrival the boxes are dumped in their respective
rooms. On having been opened, the first thing to notice is that all the precious
things they contained, family remembrances and personal treasures have, in the
course of the journey, turned themselves into a pile of useless junk fit only
for the dustbin. The next thing that becomes apparent is that the boxes, having
been slightly more than half unpacked, are discovered to be in the wrong room.
Clearly some transmogrification of contents has occurred on the journey which
means lumping them from one room to another and back again. This is the game
that goes on for an indeterminate length of time, until suddenly, by the providence
of some strange and merciful centrifugal force, everything is flung against the
walls in such a way that it sticks in place. This was the game that Jean and I and the dogs had become
thoroughly tired of playing by the time we set off back to Whitchurch for the
last time. The people of my last Parish were having a grand fete, and wanted
to say goodbye to us there. So we went, waved a tear-stained hanky, and walked
away back down to Bristol. Our first walk was well into the night, ending with putting
the tent up in the dark in a noisy campsite just off the A37. Just on the point
of leaving the world of cold and damp for the kindliness of sleep, we were roused
by a loud man with a searchlight of a torch, who demanded that we pay and register
NOW. We could not be trusted till the morning, and anyway it was health and safety
regulations. A big contrast with the site the next day, where, after a long and
hot day's walk, a very quiet and gentle man talked to us about celtic crosses,
and the ways of the saints of old. Yet again a change at Sherborne, the weather going to
the bad, and there being no camp sites at all. "Not in Sherborne" we were told.
Do not go to Sherborne with dogs. They will not like you. But, to be fair, at
least they will have the courtesy of making their dislike abundantly clear - except
at the Antelope, God bless its ancient walls, where we slept soundly listening
to the rain falling and the storms brewing outside. We walked the next day in squalls of hail and sleet and
bursts of sunshine, up on to the high ground south of Sherborne. A wild night
was followed by an early start when we couldn't be bothered to lie in the tent
being cold any more. And then half way through the morning we turned the map,
and found we could walk up over the hills to the Bride Valley for lunch. There is a cushiony bank of ivy and whatnot by the junction
of the A35 from where the by-road leads down to Long Bredy, and there we sat for
some time, looking down into the valley and up and out to sea. It would be hard
to describe the sense of joy in arriving with which we stumbled, sore footed down
the hill, and along to the White Horse, many more blessings up it, for soup and
chips and pudding. Nor could I adequately tell of the yearning we felt in toddling
the last few miles home. Home to warmth, soft sleeping, and the kindly welcome
that we have so gratefully received from so many people - thank you one and all.
And home to all those boxes which, naughty things they are, had been playing hide
and seek, or some other mysterious game of their own, while we were away, and
were now in more of a muddle than ever. Bob Thorn From the Vicar:- "Loose him, let him go." So quoted Bishop Tim in his
address as he commissioned me to be Rural Dean of Lyme Bay. This is a verse from
Jesus's Raising of Lazarus from the Dead, and the Bishop was applying it, rather
loosely I hope, to the Bride Valley churches and me in my new role. My Rural
Dean's Licence contains completely new words (at least in Salisbury Diocese) and
I will be required to work with both people and clergy across the 48 Churches
of the Deanery, in addition to being Vicar in the Bride Valley. What has to give, as the Bishop implied, is my local
involvement, and the people of our eight Churches are being asked to loose me
and let me go, at least for some of my time. How this is going to affect the
Bride Valley Churches is a matter for consultation with our new Team Rector, the
Bride Valley Team Council and P.C.C.s. By the time you read this, these consultations will be
well underway, with any changes, which will almost certainly have to be made,
being implemented in the autumn. To Anna's and my (selfish) relief, it is very
unlikely that we will be moved from Litton Cheney, but don't be surprised when,
enjoying an ice-cream in Lyme Regis for example, you come across your Vicar!
Anthony Ashwell Valley
Notes From the RegistersHoly BaptismAt Shipton Gorge on Sunday 18th April 2004
Louise Hardie, baptised in a special
Easter Family Service. At Litton Cheney on Sunday 2nd May 2004 Rose
Megan Bronwen Jones, a ninth Lindsay
grandchild. Congratulations to both sets of parents and their beautiful
new daughters. Holy MatrimonyAt St Mary's Church, Puncknowle, on Saturday 3rd
April 2004 Richard
Evans and Amy Blackmore Police Officer and Teacher; and a most loving combination.
At St Martin's Church, Shipton Gorge, on Saturday 17th
April 2004 Sebastien
Mounoury and Sarah White French and English together in "entente aimante". Sunday
6th June - D-Day Remembrance Service A Special Service to mark the 60th Anniversary
of D-Day will be held at St Mary's Church, Burton Bradstock beginning at 10.00am
and lasting approximately half an hour. This will replace the usual monthly Family
Service. All welcome. Thank You BrideValley ChurchesMay we take this opportunity through the pages of our
BVN to thank most sincerely ALL church members throughout the Valley who donated
such splendid finger foods for the buffet, which followed our Rector's Institution
Service on 7th May. We are most grateful for the generosity of so
many church members. Many thanks to the team of hardworking helpers, especially
Pat Lepine, Susan Paul, Pauline and David Woodford, Peter Broomhead, Jim Harding,
and all those other kind persons who helped to set up and clear up. A special
thank you to Burton villager Gill Redford who gave so much of her time and talent
all afternoon and evening, which we greatly appreciated. Ann
Read and Lesley Dove P.S.
The person who made lovely cheesy sables for Friday 7th
did not collect their basket. If they want to retrieve it please ring 897445.
A.R.. Tiny
Tots / Pram Service will be held at
11.00am on Friday 11th June at St. Mary's Church, Burton Bradstock.
(The change from the first Friday is due to the Half-term holiday.)
Smith ( 898219 ) Mothers'
Union Thursday
24th June The Annual Outing. THE
group meets on Thursday evenings and alternates between Prayer and Bible Study.
Arriving from 7.30pm we begin at 8.00pm aiming to finish by about 9.30pm. All
are most welcome. For further details contact Paul ..., Tel ... June 3 No Meeting June 10 Prayer 7
Norburton, Burton Bradstock June 17 Bible Study Matthew 6.25-34
Napier Close, Puncknowle June 24 Prayer West
Lodge, Littlebredy Bride Valley (Wednesday)
Bible Study GroupFor the next two months we will be studying a selection
of Psalms. As usual we will be meeting at 7.30pm on alternate Wednesdays and repeating
the study at each end of the Valley. Session 3 Psalms for black days when
faith comes hard
38,120,130,142 June 2
Hillside, West Bexington June
9 7 Norburton, Burton Bradstock Session 4 Psalms of confidence and
trust in times of trouble
23,42,61,131 June 16
11 Barges Close June 23 Westfield, Shipton LaneHugh
Lindsay 482383 Quiet
Day organised by the Bible Reading Fellowship Canon David Winter is conducting a Quiet Day on the
theme of "Hope in the Wilderness" on Thursday, 15th July (9.45 am -
4.00pm) in a C17th farmhouse near Taunton (exact location unknown). The cost is
£16. Anyone interested please be in touch with me as soon as possible and not
later than 10th June. Hilary
Mousley, B.R.F. Group Secretary for the Bride Valley The
Red House, Middle St,, Burton Bradstock, Bridport, DT6 4QR
01308 897849 Bridport
and District Bible Society Action Group warmly invites you, your family, supporters and friends
to a shared Picnic Tea by the lakeside in the grounds of Bridehead,
Littlebredy (by kind permission of Sir Philip and Lady Williams) on Sunday
20th June at 3.00pm (if wet in the Village Hall). The Scented
Garden will be open from 4.00pm till 5.00pm. A short informal Bicentenary
Service will be held at 5.15pm in the Parish Church Hilary
Mousley, Acting Secretary of Bridport and District Bible Society Action
Group The
Red House, Middle St,, Burton Bradstock, Bridport, DT6 4QR
Flower Festival'For all the Saints' St Michael & All Angels, Askerswell 3rd & 4th July 2004 Morning Coffees & Afternoon Teas 10.00am - 5.00pm each day NOTICE
TO PATIENTS OF DRS POUNCEY, BAIRD AND FOWLER When Long Bredy Branch Surgery closes on June 28th,
the following arrangements for repeat prescriptions, Health Visitor clinics and
transport for our patients will come into effect: 1.
Repeat Prescriptions - The surgery will deliver ordered prescriptions to the drop-off points
(detailed below) each week on a Wednesday afternoon for collection by patients
from the Thursday onwards. (Please remember that 48 hours' notice will be required
for all repeat prescription orders. Please also remember to state clearly when
ordering where you wish to collect from, or tick the appropriate box on the repeat
ordering slips). Any patients who pay for their prescriptions or need refrigerated
items, please contact Portesham dispensary for advice. The following two pubs have kindly offered
their services as collection points: ·
The Crown at Puncknowle - Hours when you may collect: 10.00 am
- 3.00 pm daily and 6.30 - 10.30 pm daily. ·
The White Horse at Litton Cheney - Hours when you may collect: 11.00 am -
3.00 pm daily and from 7.00 pm onwards in the evening. (NB. Burton Bradstock Post Office
will continue to offer their collection service, where delivery is also on a Wednesday
afternoon, as will Abbotsbury Butcher's, where delivery is on a Monday afternoon.) Our thanks for the many kind offers of
help as drop-off points, or as collectors, received from our patients. 2.
Health Visitor clinics will be at Long Bredy Village Hall from 10.30 to 11.30
am on the first Wednesday of each month, in the First Steps Parent & Toddler
Group session. 3.
Transport - for
those whomay have difficulty in travelling to Portesham for appointments, the
Bride Valley Car Service is able to offer transport for a reasonable charge.
Details may be obtained from Mr Frank Whillock on 01308 482457 or Mrs Meg Turner
on 01308 482537. Additional volunteer drivers for the Car Service are always
needed - please contact Frank Whillock. Farewell
to the Surgery. As readers now know, the Long Bredy Surgery is closing on Monday 28th
June. The building was originally a Chapel for the local Methodist congregation,
until Dr. Rankin converted it when he took over Dr. Dewhurst's practice in the
1970's. For a while it was the principal Surgery, but the subsequent provision
of bigger and more modern premises in Portesham has ended that. In a new age of targets, key performance standards, etc., etc., this building
which has been a much-appreciated asset as a friendly outpost of the N.H.S. now
falls far short of the government's minimum requirements for a Surgery, and the
doctors, faced by the authorities with a choice between an expensive renovation
and extension, or closure, have regrettably but understandably opted for the latter.
Portesham's medical facilities are fuller and better, and ways are being found
to mitigate the inconvenience of the journey wherever possible. All the same, it is a sad day for the local community as yet another small-scale
amenity closes. Thanks to everyone, the doctors and back-up staff (especially
perhaps our own Margaret Elliott and Ruth Pitcher), who have provided the friendly
medical facilities in Long Bredy over the years. That personal touch will be
missed, as we await a new and different future for the little building in our
Thorner's CE VA Primary SchoolI am writing this just after our 'big' event, the sponsored
swim. This seems to be a very popular event with the pupils, and that includes
past, present and future. I ask myself why so popular? The children have the
hard work of swimming the lengths, the parents have to ask for the sponsorship
and yet everyone enjoys the afternoon. To see so many of the pupils taking part
to raise funds is fantastic . the reason? To heat the pool, making it relevant
for them, they are the ones who benefit with warm swimming lessons during the
summer months in a warm, if not hot pool. It is so much easier to teach a child
how to swim in warm water, rather than spending time trying to persuade them to
enter the cool pool. We as staff appreciate the effort made by all those involved
on Saturday with the organisation and running of the afternoon. Thank you. Looking
to the future, we are keen to take part in a number of sporting events, especially
in the cluster. Hopefully we will win at least one trophy as our entrance lobby
is looking a little bare! Giving all children an opportunity to represent the
school is so important, we often have to make hard decisions as to who we should
send to the different events. We are a church school and as such want to be fair
to all members of the community and this does mean that we take the development
of the whole child into account and base our decisions on that rather than on
individual skills at times. To see a child represent the school grow in confidence
because of it is so gratifying, inevitably it has a knock on effect on other aspects
of school life. So please do not be too disappointed if your child is not always
chosen to represent the school, we are trying to give the experience to as many
of our pupils as possible. This
is also the time when our Year 6 pupils start to look beyond Thorner's, various
visits are organised so that the transfer between Primary and Secondary school
is as smooth as possible. Our Year 6 will enjoy two days at Sir John Colfox School
and staff will visit the pupils in their classroom at Thorner's. It is so important
that this ease of transition takes place as it is a big step in any young person's
life going from a small rural school into town, meeting with all the other children
and being the youngest once again. Alison Johnstone Headteacher THORNER'S SCHOOL P.T.A. REPORTOn Saturday 8th May the PTA organised a school
sponsored swim and pool splash party at Bridport Leisure Centre to help raise
funds towards heating our cool outdoor pool. 61 children took part in the event,
impressive for a school with a total roll of 71, and swam in teams for 50 minutes.
They covered a total of 582 lengths and have so far raised just over £1,400.
The children worked very hard and did themselves proud and thoroughly enjoyed
taking part and we would all like to take this opportunity of thanking anyone
who was kind enough to pledge sponsorship (the people of Puncknowle took a particular
bashing with so many children in the village involved!). Your continued support
for the children and the school is much appreciated. Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup The next event for your diaries is Saturday 12th
June when we will be organising a school summer fair and fun day. This event
will include a bouncy castle, trampoline, stalls and side shows and the school
pool will be open for all to enjoy. The afternoon will round off with a barbeque
and some music. It's Summer Term already and by the time you read this,
our Open Morning will have happened and also a Group Photo taken by our friendly
photographer. Our Photo/Coffee morning raised £140 and Sue's Winter Quiz
raised £72 towards funds - thanks to all. We also want to thank the Parish
Council for their annual donation. The children's Trike Ride this month
will be sponsored - no doubt by good old families and friends again - as a fund
raiser on June 15th or 17th, depending on the weather. If really wet, we
do it in the hall! It did happen one year. The pre-school Lunch Club is going well and I am impressed
as to how well they change their own clothes already! We have welcomed
Blaize Collins from Little Bredy into the group and another little visitor from
Litton Cheney - Ben Jones. The Reception Class teacher from Thorner's school
will be coming to visit us, especially the pre-schoolers - who in turn visit the
school this term. The Summer Outing is being planned but no decision made yet. Our BIG SUMMER FUN NIGHT is on SATURDAY 24th JULY
at the CROWN pub. Carol
Bennett (Playleader) 01308 897771 First
Step Parent and Toddler Group meets
on Wednesdays between 10.00am and 12 noon. We have toys and activities for all
pre-school children, coffee and chat for parents and carers. The group has new
resources and toys. We meet at Long Bredy Village Hall on the first, third and
fifth Wednesdays of the month. On the second Wednesday we meet in Little Bredy
Hall and on the fourth Wednesday we meet in either Little Bredy or Puncknowle.
For further details contact: Bridget (Burton Bradstock) 898600 or Jo (Litton
Cheney) ... or Julie (Puncknowle) 897178 or Rachel (Kingston Russell and Long
Bredy) 482246 Litton
Cheney Youth Club meets on Tuesday evenings,
during term time, for those between 8 and 17 years in Litton Cheney and the surrounding
villages. For further details of the sessions read the Litton notes or contact
Paul Kingston 482384.
Royal British Legion Cream Teas &
Garden Open Sunday 27th June 2.30
pm - 5.30 Manor Farm Burton Bradstock By
kind permission of Heather & Bill Thomson
Bride Valley Gardening Club
At the time of writing we have just had the Plant sale
May 8th which was so supported by members willing to help and by people wanting
to buy. A good event. Also we are delighted to say that the Committee's continuing
nagging about volunteering must have been taken to heart and we had several members
offering to take up positions at the AGM - which is great. Thank you
to particularly James, Maureen and Anna from the Committee for help at the plant
sale. The
Committee for 2004/5 is :- Chairwoman
Dorothy Randell - Litton Cheney Vice
Chair - Diana Ffoulkes- Kingston Russell Treasurer-
Phil. Hyde - Shipton Gorge Secretary-
Norma Millard - West Bexington Prog.
Organiser - Ann Miles - Litton Outings
Sec.- Pam Jukes Burton Bradstock Mini
show Org.- James Davy Puncknowle Village
Reps:- Liz Jacoby - West Bexington & Swyre.
Gerald Benselin - Shipton
Eddy Miles and Ann (Barges Close) - Litton
Val Campbell - The Bredys
Pam Jukes - Burton Bradstock
Penny Pither - Puncknowle As you can see we have good representation
over the valley - it's a good way to make friends with the common interest of
gardening! Note for your diary- Mini Show
will be on July 11th- make a note - more details later. Norma
Millard Club Secretary 897774.
Share Possibility..Puncknowle / Dorchester? Please
see page 25 for further details. The
National Gardens Scheme - Gardens Open in The Bride Valley This month - Tuesdays during June and July The Scented Garden, Littlebredy
2.30 - 8.00 pm Tuesday 15th June The Old Rectory, Litton
Cheney 2.00 - 6.00 pm Sunday 20th June Tithe Barn House, Litton
Cheney 2.00 - 6.00 pm Langebride House, Long Bredy also opens for The National
Gardens Scheme but for private visits by appointment. Litton
Cheney Social Committee invite all recipients
of the BVN to join us for a walk on the 3rd Saturday of each month
(weather permitting). We aim to walk about five miles with a stop for lunch at
a pub. Please check the Litton page for details and to confirm the event each
month. We hope you can join us.
Kathy Kourik Secretary 482552 Ring and Ride Bus Service - Meeting Friday 4 June at
7.00pm in Puncknowle Hall We are to have an extension to this service to the east
of Bridport, commencing later this month. It will serve the valley and the villages
immediately to the north of the A35. It will have wheelchair access and easy
to board steps and is intended for the less able and those who are wheelchair
bound, or who have difficulty accessing public transport. It will be possible
for a door to door service and at present it is planned to run on Wednesdays to
Bridport at a return cost of £1.50. To implement the scheme we need to have knowledge of
the people likely to use it. Now that we have all the formalities done, we plan
a meeting at Puncknowle Village Hall on Friday 4 June at 7.00pm. This is for
interested people and potential users. Please make contact with your own parish
clerk or ring 897322. Anna
Correspondent Mr Basil Dent 2, Norburton, Burton Bradstock.
Tel:- (01308) 897125 ******************************************************** Mid
Week Worship -
Communion Wednesdays at 10.00 a.m. ********************* Choir
Practices Fridays at 6.00 p.m. Bell
Ringing Practices Thursdays at 7.00pm Gift
Sunday 20th
June Christian Blind Mission The
next Service of Prayer for Healing at St Mary's will be held on Monday 7th June at 7.00pm. Tiny
Tots / Pram Service will be held at 11.00am on Friday 11th
June at St. Mary's Church, Burton Bradstock.
Yvette Smith ( 898219 ) Sunday
6th June - D-Day Remembrance Service A
Special Service to mark the 60th Anniversary of D-Day will be held
at St Mary's Church, Burton Bradstock beginning at 10.00am and lasting approximately
half an hour. This will replace the usual monthly Family Service. All welcome.
A Very Special Thank YouThis
goes to the team that arranged all the seating in church for the Induction Service
for our new Rector, Bob, and in particular for putting it all back to normal afterwards.
very special thank you also goes to those who contributed to the refreshments
in the W.I. Hall and especially so to Lesley Dove and her team of helpers who
made such a first class effort in supplying us all with such a fantastic spread.
Churchwardens A
contributed article: Cleeve
Arscott, who died last month aged 93, was a remarkable man.
He and his wife, Mary, came to live in Burton early in the 70's, designing his
own bungalow in Shipton Lane where he lived. He had worked most of his life with
the Admiralty in Bath, Hong Kong and Northern Ireland. After retirement he took
a great interest in bee keeping; many a swarm were located and saved in Burton
and the surrounding villages, one in the Rectory chimney! He was secretary of
the Bee-keeping Association of Dorset and presided over the exhibitions at the
Melplash Show for many years. His
great love was his knowledge of Music; he was for many years a member of the Recorded
Music Society in Bridport, becoming their Chairman and finally President. He
was well known in the Recorder Group in Burton, being their Treasurer and teacher. He
was a fount of knowledge in so many things, a kind and lovely man. His
ashes were scattered on Burton Beach. Advance NoticeThe
Bridport Branch of the Alzheimers Society will be holding their annual 'Garden
Party' in the Rectory Gardens, Burton Bradstock, at 2.30pm on Thursday 15th
July. All the usual stalls with cream teas available in the W.I. Hall. Basil
Dent Burton
Bradstock Church Fete in the Rectory Gardens on Thursday 5th August We
have already commenced planning our annual Church Fête and much help is needed
not only on the day but help with planning the event. If you could spare the
time and would like to be involved in helping on a stall contact Gill Robertson
(897097) or with a side show Game contact Peter Broomhead (897408) or available
to help set up and clear up the fete contact Tom Holmes (897046). Miscellaneous
goods for the various stalls are much needed. So following your Spring Cleaning
if you have any useful items we could have, keep them to one side please, but
no electrical goods. Thank you. Peter
Colbert - Chairman Items
for the Fête can be delivered to
the Rectory garage on the following dates and times:- Wednesday
28th July from 4.30pm - 7.00pm and Saturday
31st July from 10.00am - 12 noon But
specific items for the following stalls may be left with the following persons:-
Jars (value 50p) - contact Joyce Tillman - 897040 Baby
Goods - contact Margaret Ackland - 897872 Bottle
Tombola - contact Kate & Bernard Chennells - 897066 Fancy
Goods - contact Joan Gillet - 897656 Cards
& Crafts - contact Jane Stubbs - 898002Plants
- contact Wynne Hughes Garden
Produce - contact Tom Holmes - 897046 Cakes
& Preserves - contact Shirley Gilbert - 897385 Thelma
Skues has plenty of gifts for the children's Lucky Dip BUT does require brightly
coloured wrapping paper in which to wrap the gifts. This can be new or used (if
in good condition) please contact Thelma on 898032. Donations
for the Hamper in the Grand DrawThe
first prize in the Grand Draw at the Church Fete has traditionally been a Food
& Drink Hamper. We have made up some good ones in recent years. Once again
I would like to request donations for this year's Hamper - tins, jars, bottles,
packets of something special or just that little bit different from usual. Please
drop your donation to 7 Norburton or give me a call on 897695 and I shall gladly
collect. Many thanks. Lesley
Dove Thank YouVery
many thanks to all who helped to make our Easter Sale such a success, especially
the men who carried all the heavy things for us. Grateful thanks to those who
donated goods for all the stalls. The final amount raised was £490. Royal
British Legion Women's Section BURTON
5th June, 2004 10:00
am to 4:00 pm - Exhibition of memorabilia in the Reading Room 5:00
pm until 9:30 pm. Commemoration family event on Hive Beach and at Hive Beach
Café (by kind permission of Steve Attrill) 5:00
pm to 6:00 pm: Informal judging of 'Themed Dress' 5:30
pm Tug-of-war between The Anchor and Three Horseshoes 6:15
pm Punch & Judy 7:00
pm to 9:30 pm Musical entertainment including: Burton
Bradstock Country Band, wartime songs from Mezzo and
sing-along with other guest singers Stuffed
roast pork baps, bottles of wine and beer available from the Café at very reasonable
prices. Bar from 6:00 pm & food from 7:00 pm. ADMISSION
Sunday 6th June, 2004 10:00 am at St. Mary's Church Burton Bradstock.
Service of Remembrance to commemorate the
60th Anniversary of D-Day. All proceeds will be donated to the Royal British
Legion & the Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance Trust
As part of Burton BradstockD-Day Commemoration Weekend EXHIBITION OF D-DAY MEMORABILIA IN THE READING ROOM SATURDAY 5TH JUNE 10.00 am - 4.00 pm If
you have any items that we could borrow for this exhibition, then please contact
either Jim Reeves (897091) or June Fox (897919). Many thanks. Dorset Police Community Support UnitThe
next visit of the above unit will be on Friday 4th June at 10.00am
to 12 noon. The subsequent dates will be on Fridays 2nd July, 6th
August and 3rd September. The vehicle will be located near the gates
of the Rectory Garden or if unable to park there, it will be in the bus lay-by
opposite The Three Horseshoes car park.
Freddy Tame Village SocietyA
most interesting season of talks came to a close on 23rd April when
Susan Hounsell gave a presentation to the society entitled 'The Hestercombe Gardens
Story'. This
site near Taunton has been in existence since Anglo Saxon times but was later
owned by the Warre family (Portwine) for 500 years. It was Coplestone Warre Bampfylde
who initially created the landscape garden in the 1750's and this was complemented
by the stunning Edwardian gardens designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens and Gertrude Jekyll.
after passing into the hands of the Portman family, the gardens fell into disuse
and it was Philip White who, only a few years ago noticed a tangled mess at the
back of the house and started to recreate the gardens. He re-mortgaged his house
to buy the first digger and then with help from various sources renovated the
valley garden, lakes, temple, waterfall, mausoleum, witchouse, and gothic tower.
garden is now fully restored and is presently owned by the Hestercombe Trust and
Somerset County Council - well worth a visit! A
perfect conclusion to a great set of talks through the season. See you all in
the Autumn.
Peter Dutton Burton
Bradstock W.I. SPRING
FAIR Monday
31st May 2.00pm On
the Village Green ~
Cake Stall ~ Toys ~ Crafts ~ White Elephant ~ Raffles ~ ~
Bottle Tombola ~ Ice Cream ~ Cream Teas ~ The 24th Burton Bradstock Festivalwill
be held this year
on Friday 20th & Saturday 21st August Burton
Bradstock Women's Institute At
the May meeting after three very informed presentations, the members voted unanimously
in favour of the resolutions re. 1.
Trafficking of Women and Children - Norma Willard. 2.
Growing of G.M. Crops in the U.K. - Shelagh Morgan. 3.
Air Ambulance Funding - Felicity Tattersall-Craft. (Who says WI Members are only
interested in cakes and jam). The
Southampton outing to see 'CATS' was thoroughly enjoyed by members, husbands and
friends; many thanks to Audrey Hayward for all her hard work in arranging this.
Spinney our delegate to the Spring Council Meeting in Weymouth was thanked for
her amusing report. Flower
of the month was won by Noreen Short. After
the close of business the members and guests had a very pleasant evening taking
part in individual and group competitions whilst enjoying wine and snacks prepared
by Joan Allan and her team. Next
Meeting June 8th at "Bedouin Jewellery & Palestinian Costume."
June Fox
Burton Bradstock Village Web Site Address Did you know that the Bride Valley News is published on this web site every month? In addition, did you know that old copies of the magazine can also be viewed on the web site? And, it is in colour too! CHILCOMBE
 The garden at Chilcombe will be
open on Saturday 26th June
from 12 noon - 6.00pm Entrance £3.00 - children free ~ Dogs on leads welcome ~ Plant
Stalls ~ ~ Exhibition of paintings by John
Hubbard ~ ~ Furniture by ITRE Workshop ~ 
GORGE Village Correspondent: Mrs. Joy White Eastcote
3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge Tel:
( 01308 )897974 ********************************************************* Family Service 27th
June at 3.00 p.m. Come along to St. Martin's church,
and celebrate the summer season with our new Rector Bob and his wife Jean. We
shall sing joyful songs, and our young people will give us some food for thought.
After the service, everyone is invited to the Village Hall for tea and treats.
The Churchwardens. Advance
Notice - St. Martin's Summer Fair-Saturday 10th.
July 2.00-4.00p.m. This year's fair has some exciting new attractions,
and will take place a week earlier than usual. It will be opened by our new Rector
Bob and his wife Jean, at 2.00 p.m; so come along with family and friends to meet
them, and have a great afternoon - there is something for everyone! We are grateful to Denis and Ann Jones for
their kind permission to use their land, also to Roger and Rose Sorrel for kindly
allowing us to use their field. A new event to look forward to is a visit
from Melplash Ferret Rescue, and we welcome the handlers with their beautiful
racing ferrets - this will be great fun for all the family, so don't miss it! We look forward to trailer rides round the
farm fields with Jason and Natalie - this proved very popular last year, so come
and join the queue! Did you know that Colin Chambers has taken
his Humber Olympia Tandem on the London to Brighton run? Well now is your chance
to see this spectacular vehicle, as it will be on display near the village hall
- have your photo taken in the driving seat! St. Martin's church tower will be open all
afternoon, supervised by Colin and Christine Green - this is well worth a visit,
with beautiful views of our village and surrounding countryside. Christine Cornish will be taking bookings
for the highly successful Church Lighting Scheme, details of which can be found
near this article. There are lots of bargains to be found on
our stalls as usual, and Cream Teas will be available in the village hall. We
will be very grateful for contributions to the Fair, and please use the stallholder's
list below, or contact the churchwardens:
- Plants
and Preserves Geoff and
Bettie Shepherd: 897 490 *
- Cakes
and Confectionery Janice
Symes: 897 570
- Books Gerald Benselin: 897 562 and Ambrose
Smith: 897 446
- Bric-a-brac Linda Buck: 898 278
- Children's
Stall Margaret Fisher:
898 776
- Bottle
Tombola Gary and Jo Warren:
897 948
- Raffle Bettie Darby: 897 541
* Please bring plants to the hall for labelling
etc. on Friday, 9th July, between 2.00 p.m. and 3.00 p.m. Other stalls will be
set up on Saturday morning from l0.00 a.m. onwards. The
Churchwardens Light Up the Church Once again we would like to light up the
Church every evening during the winter, starting the beginning of September, through
until the end of March. The cost is remaining the same at £5.00 per week (payable
in advance please). Bookings are now being taken. Please contact Christine Cornish on 897833 Shipton
Gorge Village Society All
residents of' Shipton Gorge are automatically members of the Village Society.
Different activities are held throughout the year and new ideas are constantly
sought. If
you have any suggestions/would like to know more, come to the AGM on Tuesday,
8 June at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. All residents welcome! Plant Swap Bring
any well-rooted plant in a pot to the Village Hall on Saturday, 12 June from 10.00
am to 12 noon. Enjoy a coffee and a chat. When you return home, you may have a
better plant, or even the one you brought with you! If you don't want to swap,
come along for a drink & biscuits, anyway. All are welcome. Advanced
Notices Treasure Hunt This light-hearted quiz, featuring house-names
and roadside, will be on Saturday, 10th July at the New Inn Car Park, after
6.00 pm. It will be followed by a Barbecue in the car park. All in the
Bride Valley are welcome Summer
Show This year's show will be on Saturday, 31st July.
All details will be in the July issue. Garden
Competition This has become a biennial event, in odd-numbered years,
e.g. 2005, 7 etc. Street Fair Saturday 21st August starting at
2.00 pm Sue
Brown Shipton
Gorge Parish Council Village
website We are pleased to announce
the launch of The Shipton Gorge Village Website which can be found at The site contains comprehensive
information about our village, including footpaths in the parish, the Parish Council
and Councillors, the Playing Field, St Martin's church, the Homewatch
scheme and lots more up-to-date information. You can also view parish council
minutes, agendas for future meetings, the 1989 and 1999 Village Appraisals and
a range of other things about our village past and present. Any villagers who would
like to have a village e-mail address ( contact the webmaster for further
details. The site is continually
being improved with more information being added all the time, so log on and have
a look! A warm welcome to new Rockway residents:-
Mrs J. Pettit at No. 15
and also Mr F. & Mrs J. Filby at No. 14 Wishing Mrs Sylvia
Wrigley of Rockway a speedy recovery after her spell in hospital. Shipton
Gorge Village Hall 100 Club Winners
for the May Draw £20 | No 42 | John Epplestone | £10 | No 51 | Sheila Stanton | PUNCKNOWLE
& WEST BEXINGTON  Village Correspondent: Elizabeth Slater 1, Lytton Close, Puncknowle, Dorchester DT2 9BH Telephone:
( 01308 ) 897751 ********************************************************** Thanks My thanks to so many friends and neighbours
for their sympathy cards, telephone calls and support on the sudden passing away
of my sister Win on the 9th April this year. She would have greatly
appreciated everyone's kind thoughts so much. Ruth Rees Car
Share Dorchester
lady desperate to move to Puncknowle to be near family but needs to get to Dorchester
for work (she doesn't drive). Is there anyone who also works in Dorchester who
could give her a lift 2 or 3 days a week in return for help towards petrol? Please
ring Jill on 897479 Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup - ( See page10 of Valley Notes
for this month's report ) Puncknowle Art Group Swyre churchyard was covered in primroses
for our first outdoor painting session of the year. This was followed by a morning
in The Crown sketching driftwood, pebbles and shells. Dates for June are:- 11th painting at Eype 25th a visit to Jennifer's shed -
er - art gallery. (That's what I call emancipation, having your own shed in the
garden!) Christine
Don't forget to check the village website to keep in touch with village events and find useful
SWYRE WEST BEXINGTON Correspondents: Elizabeth Slater & Sid Marshall ********************************************************** PUN FUN - Cheese,
Wine and Ideas Evening For all the people of
Puncknowle, Swyre and West Bexington. Friday 25 June 7.30 - 10pm in the Hall Come along and enjoy a
drink and savoury snacks while sharing ideas for future meetings. Don't forget
to bring your choice of drink, and donations towards costs would be appreciated. Please put this date in your diary now. April saw a very happy
group of bookworms sharing comic verse and hilarious readings amid much good humoured
talk. There will be no Pun Fun in July as this would be the eve of the Fete,
but watch this space for future plans. Contact Nos.898492/897751 Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council 1 June
2004 The Parish Council will
meet on Tuesday 1st June in Puncknowle Church Hall at 7.30pm. LITTON CHENEY
Correspondent: Mrs. Elizabeth Kingston, 5 Manor Farm Close ********************************************************** Litton
Cheney Vital Villages The
Steering Group are pleased to inform you that we have received the funding to
develop a Parish Plan. As part of the process all of you should have received
the questionnaires. There are two parts - a questionnaire for each household,
for a member of the household to fill in and a personal questionnaire for each
individual. We hope everyone in the parish, from all those in secondary education
to the young ninety year olds, will take this opportunity to have their say and
possibly influence village life. The questionnaires are anonymous. If you would
like further information about initiatives or wish to volunteer for future activities
please complete the information/volunteer form. The information/volunteer form
can be collected with your questionnaires or to ensure the anonymity of your questionnaires
can be returned to 5 Manor Farm Close or Watercombe, Main Street If
anyone has skills in data analysis and would be able to analyse the results, of
the questionnaires, in June/July please contact Sally Dyke, Watercombe, Main Street.
Payment is available for this work.
482752 Village
Textile Project We
have just begun our meetings to plan the Litton Cheney Village Textile. It doesn't
matter if you are a brilliant stitcher/embroiderer or a beginner. All approaches
will contribute to the project. You are very welcome to join us. Why not ring
482301 for more information?
Ann Miles The
Mobile Library will stop by the Bus
Shelter between 3.25 and 4.10 pm for the final time on Thursday 3rd
June. The Mobile Library will continue to visit on Thursday's but will be at
the Bus Shelter between 3.10 and 4.00 pm. The first date for the new time is
Thursday 17th June. The
Police Community Support Vehicle will
stop by the bus shelter from 2 o'clock until 3.30 pm on Wednesday 9th
June. Litton
Cheney Social Committee Our
first monthly walk was attended by 25 people from all corners - or should
I say ends - of the Bride Valley. (Also eight apologies were received) Everyone
agreed it was a most enjoyable day and good to meet new faces. This month's walk
is on Saturday 19th June, meet at 10.00 am at the bus shelter - weather
permitting - all BVN recipients welcome. Thursday
17th June 7.00 pm - Brewery visit to Palmer's in Bridport.
Make your own way there and back, share a car with a friend or two. The cost
is £4 each, which includes a buffet supper at the White Horse on our return.
Tickets, which are limited, are available from Eddy Fry on 482260. Saturday
3rd July Summer Barbeque. We hope you will buy a ticket when
we call on you nearer the time, but if we miss you please phone me. We
look forward to seeing you at all of these events.
Kathy Kourik LCSC Secretary 482552 Gardens
Open Tuesday
15th June - The Old Rectory, 2.00-6.00 pm Sunday
20th June - Tithe Barn House, 2.00-6.00 pm New
a Ring and Ride Service, which includes
Litton Cheney, will commence on Wednesday 16th June. The service will
provide transport from your home to Bridport and back. This is a new initiative
initially for a year, if you or someone you know might benefit from this service
please contact Elizabeth Kingston 482384. Please read the Valley Notes for additional
details about this new service. Litton
Cheney Youth Club During
June there will be mountain boarding and trampolining sessions. For further details
contact Paul Kingston 482384 The
Village Lunch will take place on Thursday
24th June at The White Horse Inn. Well
done to ex Thorner's pupil and Beryl Peach's grand-daughter Robyn Wakely
who received a certificate and voucher for Overall Excellence in Year 8 at the
The Sir John Colfox School. Malcolm
and Patricia Munro wish to thank the
many people in Litton and elsewhere in the valley for their thoughts and kindnesses
expressed to us on our leaving for Wales. A
belated welcome to Pat and Terry Marsh who live in Coombes Close. We hope
all the new residents in Litton Cheney are made to feel welcome and enjoy village
life. Visit the web site for the latest
news. The group meets at The White Horse
Inn at 8.30pm on the first Monday
of each month. All welcome. LONG BREDY
 Village Correspondent: Mrs. Elinor Frost, Bridelands
( 482269 ) **************************************************On Monday 14th June at 7:30pm there will
be a Village Hall meeting at the hall followed by a FETE meeting. Please come
and help with the final organisation. The Stallholders are: Draw
Elinor Frost and Tracy Linwood Bottle
Tombola Ray
and Sara Winter, Frank and Jackie Skipwith White
Elephant Mike
and Valerie Shepherd Books,
tapes, CDs David
and Jane Dowling, David and Jane Peretz Collection Point
- Juniper's Garage Garden
& Produce Brian and
Ann Peppiat, Valerie Cameron Cakes
Jackie Cain and family Children's
Stall Harriet
Sykes Teas June Clewlow and Gwen Kinghorn Do try and support the stallholders, lots of baking,
planting and cupboard searching to do. The
collection for the National Society for Blind Children raised £33.60. Thank you very much.
June Clewlow Long Bredy & Litton Cheney
W.I.The June meeting of the WI is to be a visit to Mapperton
Gardens on the 1st at 2:30pm. LITTLEBREDY
June, we say goodbye to the Tweeds from Orchard Cottage. Jeremy and Susan, with
Laura, Oliver, Lucy and Oscar, are moving to a new home in Bridport, and our best
wishes for the future go with them all. We trust that Littlebredy will still
seem like home for them, and we shall see them back again from time to time. The
Social Club's second Quiz Night was again an enormous success (with another predictable
win for the Outsiders, from Litton Cheney). Nearly half the households in the
village were represented in the Hall during the evening, and many congratulations
are due to those who organised everything, set and called out the questions, and
ran the busy bar. The Club's next event will be a Social Evening at the Village
Hall on Saturday 5th June, with a video for the youngsters and the "Who
Wants to be a Millionaire?" challenge for anyone who'd like a go. Supper
- a barbecue, weather permitting - will be laid on. Anyone there who has not
been approached for their 2004-05 subscription in the meanwhile may find themselves
being relieved of it on the night... Chris
and Judy Yates are again opening The Scented Garden under the National
Gardens Scheme this year, so extra traffic can be anticipated around the village
green on all the Tuesday afternoons in June and July. This month, the dates are:
June 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th. Chris and Judy apologize in advance
for any inconvenience caused to their neighbours by an influx into the village
on those days. A team of volunteers will be serving delicious cream teas in the
Hall in conjunction with the Garden Openings (in aid of the Church and the Village
Hall) - many thanks indeed in advance to them. Mute Can't pray? Won't the words come? Dried up? Sorrowfully
dumb? Fear not, There were others so That stood amid the straw
The night that I was
born. The ox, the ass...... they
knew And silently They gave their homage
due With loving silent hearts. And you, who hang your
head, Fear not to be my ox,
my ass, And, in your tacit way, Pour out your love in
silent song For soundless words are
often sweet and strong.' Bride
Valley Resident 26th June - 4th July Festival
Office 01308 862299
Free brochure available from John Grantham 07990 583167 Art
and Flower Festival - 26th/27th June 2004 Holy
Rood Church, Buckland Newton, Dorset Further
information on or from Richard
Bonnie on 07788 757 197 |