Just about everything we eat to keep us alive has itself been alive in some way or other. Indeed there are some things that are alive when we actually put them in our mouths, blackberries fresh off the bush for example, and if you dare and are in the right place to find them, particular species of maggots straight from their hidey-holes. I know an old lady who swallowed a fly, accidentally, and we all will have accidentally or unknowingly consumed many midges and sundry creepy-crawlies.
Our bodies are incredibly complex organic systems, and will not survive, let alone thrive, if they do not take in protein and carbohydrate. Small amounts of some inorganic minerals are also essential, as of course is water, but as we enter the season of harvest thanksgivings and suppers it is growing things (a deliberate ambiguity) that we think about and thank God for.
We grow (or breed) plants and animals so that they can grow so that we can grow. We can grow them naturally or un-naturally and we can un-naturally encourage natural growth. Blackberries grow in hedgerows, and microbial protein, used in many vegetarian dishes, is extracted from yeast grown in tanks in a factory. It is possible to ferment oil to produce carbohydrate, but it was growing things that millions of years ago laid down the raw material for our oil deposits today, and it is a growing thing - yeast - which is the agent of fermentation. In all this there is a simple equation: growth equals growth. Without growing things there is no growth for anybody or anything; this is the natural order of God's creation. It is an order for the giving and blessing of life, and it is one that we have to respect. So it is that day by day, year by year, men and women praise and thank God for his goodness.
Of course, the land and seas of our planet are not one homogenous mass, but spread out and divided by mountain, river and climate. There are cold bits and hot bits, wet bits and dry bits, good soil and no soil, places where things grow well and places where they don't grow at all. Humankind however has colonised or at the very least surveyed all the land and there are many places where because the land is poor and little can be grown that the people are poor. Christians believe that it is God's will that the wonderful resources he brought into being will be shared, so that everyone can receive blessing. So it is that Harvest Thanksgiving is also a particular reminder and opportunity for the rich to share with the poor. Furthermore, and I return to the beginning, it is a reminder of growing things, and if we in our greed begin to destroy the growing fields of earth, then God's blessings become rarer.
Anthony Ashwell
Valley Fetes 2005
I have not been around long enough to know, but I would hazard a guess that this has been a very good year for fetes in the valley - for the Church ones and for all the others. It has certainly been a long season. I am remembering what seems an age ago being hot, standing in the road at Litton Cheney in a long queue of people, and waiting to get in to a very busy and colourful fete. A refreshing cuppa, and we were away, laden with treasures and the satisfaction of fluking the nine pin bowling. It was a really good day for St Mary's Church, and not just financially. There was a confident sense of fun and goodwill that was good to feel. A quick dash down the valley to the Burton Bradstock Village Hall fete for more tea, bustle and bargains among the large crowds.
In between fetes I am counting here the Alzheimer's garden party - a garden party and not a fete I am told - which again filled the Rectory garden at Burton Bradstock with people, produce and a party atmosphere.
There was another double day when Shipton Gorge held its fete. This is always a joy, with some very inventive and silly ideas. This year Teddy Bears were parachuting on a zip wire from the top of the Church tower. One had to be there to see the expression on their little faces. And then it was off up the valley again to Kingston Russell house and the Long Bredy fete. This is held in the lovely grounds and garden, and St Peter's Church is most grateful again this year for the use of them. Lots of stalls and hard work meant another good financial result this year, while Shipton Gorge topped £1000.00 for the very first time.
Puncknowle fete is a shared effort for the two Churches of Puncknowle and Swyre, and for the Church hall. It was also very much a shared effort throughout the village, and did remarkably well, truly amazingly well, considering the dull afternoon which turned into drizzle before settling into rain by the very end. But we are British, and are not deterred by a spot of wet. Indeed the evidence of Puncknowle fete is that we thrive on it. St Mary's is yet again most grateful for the use of the Manor House garden which makes such a wonderful setting for the afternoon.
And lastly for the fete season, the Burton Bradstock Church fete, which year by year manages to cram yet more people into the Rectory garden. This year felt more crowded even than last, and the stalls and games were bustling all afternoon long. There was dancing and music in the garden, handbells in the Church and merriment everywhere. The first estimates for a total look like being in the range of £4,700; another magnificent year.
It is quite impossible to count the efforts, the generosity and the enthusiasm that together have made all these fetes (and the garden party) go with such a swing, and earn such astonishing amounts of money. There is a lot of serious hard work, as we all know and appreciate, but there is also a great good heart in people that turns such work into the delight of so many. It is a gift that in being given becomes a blessing, and this tired but triumphant campaigner among the stalls and games, the shows and the teas, gives a wholehearted thanks and congratulations to everyone who has been involved in the fete season of 2005.
Bob Thorn
Transcript of Mike Read's address at the Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the ending of conflict in Europe and the Far East.
Burton Bradstock Sunday 14th August
'For A Time Such As This' Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 verses 1 - 11
Ecclesiastes is a sermon - delivered by 'the preacher'. Some say it was written by Solomon, others say the author is unknown, but be that as it may. With his life largely behind him, the preacher takes stock of the world as he has experienced it. His sermon shows the paths of life that lead to emptiness, and helps us discover true purpose. Such wisdom can spare us from the emptiness that results from a life without God. Meaning in life is not found in knowledge, money, pleasure, work or popularity. True satisfaction comes from knowing that what we are doing is part of God's purpose for our lives.
The preacher says that there is a right time for everything. All the experiences listed in these verses are appropriate at certain times. The secret to peace with God is to discover, accept and appreciate God's perfect timing. And that we do, with all our failings and struggles, as we seek to discern the mind of Almighty God.
Is there a time for hating? Yes, there is, we shouldn't hate evil people, hard though that is, but we should hate the evil that they do. Is there a time for war? Yes, there is, just as there is a time for peace. It has to be said that there are those who oppose war of any kind, and there are those who feel that the alternative to war in a given situation is too terrible to contemplate. And I guess it has always been thus.
There is a verse in the Book of Esther which says, who knows that you have not come into this position for a time such as this. The words were spoken to Queen Esther by Mordecai after he had told her that she alone could save her people if she persuaded the King to allow the Jews to war against those who were seeking their destruction.
There is a right time for everything. For those who fought and died in WW2, for those who fought and are here today, for those who stayed at home for whatever reason, they were for a time such as this. I cannot speak for your generation, because although I have knowledge, I have no real experience of those times. But I can say this.
To you we give thanks. You put your lives on hold for six years. I don't know what you felt, but whatever it was, you did it anyway. Everything stopped for you, until the war was over, except for the task in hand. Many died before the task was finished, and many more have died since that conflict ended; and so we thank you, and those who have gone before.
I cannot speak for your generation, but I can speak for my generation. I was 10 years old in 1945, old enough to know something of what was happening, but it was a war viewed through different glasses. No school quite often, to our delight. Rationing wasn't so good and nights in the air raid shelter were not very comfortable. The family was severely reduced, my father, three aunts and four uncles all in uniform, even granddad in the Home Guard complete with one rifle and six rounds between goodness knows how many of them!
It was a bit terrifying watching dog fights; exciting watching our very own (as we thought) barrage balloon going up each morning. I can well recall my mother and I being refused entry into a pub because I was under age - we didn't want a drink but there was an incendiary raid going on at the time. At that age, us kids took it all in our stride, and the horrors of war escaped us - but in my generation we, too, were for a time such as this.
For the generations born after the war and since, it is different again, but they too in their turn, are for a time such as this.
I say this because it is important for all of us, that the days of WW2, and all those that were in any way involved, should not be forgotten. Inevitably, there will come a time when knowledge of those days will be confined to history books and largely forgotten. But let us remember as long as we are able. For many, memories are too painful to talk about, and would rather be forgotten if that were possible, and their feelings must be respected. But for most of us here, let us not forget to remember, or cease to be thankful.
It is appropriate to ask, how have we done since 1945? What would those who have died say if they were here today? It's a sobering thought. Politically, socially, and in following the commandments of God we haven't done too well, have we. The devil continues to wage war against the freedom that comes from the truth as revealed in Jesus Christ.
God's way of living often contradicts the world's. If we want to live for God we must be ready to say and do what seems strange to the world. We must be willing to give when others take, help when others abuse, love when others hate.
The preacher concludes his discourse by saying that when all is said and done, no matter the mysteries and contradictions of this life, we must work towards the single purpose of knowing God; of discerning his plan and purpose for our lives as best we can, putting our faith and trust in him. More than that, we cannot do.
From the Registers
17th July at St Peter's, Long Bredy Oliver Edward Sims
at St Mary's, Burton Bradstock Freya May Dommett
24th July at St Mary's, Burton Bradstock Alice Poppy Holt
Jack Tozer
31st July at St Martin's, Shipton Gorge
William David Moreland Hopkins
Archie Michael Moreland Hopkins
Jack Robert Edmund Moreland Hopkins
29th July at St Peter's Long Bredy Hugo Bohdan Josef Oswald Busby & Juliet Merula Greener
30th July at St Martin's Shipton Gorge
Robert Hopkins & Michelle Ireland
27th July Valerie Lovesey A service at Yeovil Crematorium
2nd August Charlotte Williams Cremation at Weymouth
Charlotte Williams (Charlie), beloved wife of Michael Williams, mother of Jamie and Emily, and sister-in-law of Sir Philip Williams of Bridehead. Charlie's Funeral took place the following day at Littlebredy, and we offer the Williams family our deepest sympathy.
Tiny Tots/Pram Service
The next service will be in St. Mary's Burton Bradstock at 11.00am on Friday 9th September. Bride Valley Mothers' Union
Mothers' Union
Thursday 22nd September 2.30pm
St. Mary's Burton Bradstock
Mrs. Andrea Fox will be telling us about Parenting.
Everybody from great Grandparents to babies are most welcome
The Bride Valley Team - Wednesday Housegroups
Our first meeting will be at the East end of the valley on Wednesday 21st September, when Anthony will talk about his favourite Psalm, at The Rectory, Litton Cheney. The West end of the valley will meet at Old Walls, Mill Street, Burton Bradstock, on 28th September.
We all have favourite Psalms - please bring your choice to later meetings, and contact Mike Read (897445) or Hugh Lindsay (482383) to make the arrangements. As usual, meetings will start at 7.30pm and finish at 9.15pm - all are welcome at either end of the valley.
More details will appear in the October issue of the BVN.
Mike Read
The Bride Valley (Thursday) Fellowship Group
The group meets on Thursday evenings and alternates between Bible Study and Prayer. Arriving from 7.30pm we begin at 8pm aiming to finish by about 9.30pm. For further details contact Paul
Sep 8 Bible Study 2 Myrtle Close, Puncknowle
Sep 15 Prayer 6 Baglake, Litton Cheney
Sep 22 Bible Study West Lodge, Littlebredy
Sep 29 Prayer 12 Napier close, Puncknowle
Oct 6 Bible Study 7 Norburton, Burton Bradstock
Oct 13 Prayer 6 Baglake, Litton Cheney
Oct 20 Bible Study 2 Springfield, Puncknowle
Oct 27 No meeting
Lay Pastoral Assistants
If you are interested in being part of a pastoral team, you may like to come and listen to what it might entail. There is an introductory evening on Thursday September 29th, 7 for 7.30pm in Salway Ash Village Hall.
The Lay Pastoral Assistants are having an inaugural meeting with the Bishop of Sherborne and The Revd. Diana Sanders, the Diocesan LPA Co-ordinator.
If being a Lay Pastoral Assistant sounds like something you are called to do, please speak to me, Ann Read 897445, as I shall be going and hope that you will too! Ann Read
Dorset Historic Churches Sponsored Cycle Ride
Saturday 10th September 2005
Sponsorship forms and further details may be obtained from:-
Burton Bradstock Howard Bongers (898029).
Litton Cheney Freddie Spicer (482617)
Littlebredy 482642
Long Bredy Elinor Frost (482269)
Puncknowle Ann Roberts (897716)
Shipton Gorge Janet Lane (897241)
Two not-to-be-missed concerts at
St.Mary's Burton Bradstock
Wednesday 21st September, 7.30pm
The Casterbridge Male Voice Choir returns to St.Mary's
Saturday 15th October at 7.30pm
Parnham Voices

See page 16 for further details
Thorner's CE VA Primary School
Once again a new year . we have to welcome lots of pupils and a few families who will be joining us as well as Fledglings to Thorner's. We hope that all enjoy their time here and make the most of all opportunities made available to them.
We trust that you all have enjoyed the summer break, spending time with your children doing lots of exciting and different activities, I shall be listening carefully to all the children talking about their holidays and watching them re-establish their friendships which is so important at the start of each new year. Did you know that research has reported missing just a day or two at the beginning of the academic year, even if in the same school with the same friends, has an impact on the long term learning of that child! The first few days of the year are a time when standards, expectations and routines are established within the classroom/school as well as the time to make friends again, this is quite important in our school where pupils live in different villages and do not necessarily see each other during holiday periods.
We are all excited about the changes taking place in school and look to the future where we can work closely together for the benefit of all the pupils in the valley. Educating a child on the same site from 3 to 11 years must have benefits for both pupils and staff and we hope that a new trend will be set, Thorner's leading the way forward for others to follow. At this present time playgroup is independent, school is allowing them to use one of the classrooms, this ensures that they can leave things out for the next session, it is much more child friendly, wall displays are stimulating and we are sharing resources. These first few weeks may be a little different with playgroup operating from school, different times to school and using their own entrance so can we ask everyone to bear with us while we settle into routines .. especially in the car park, we do not promise to get it correct at first and would welcome your comments.
Alison Johnstone
Burton Bradstock CE VC School
The end of term events went smoothly and in saying goodbye to yet another Year 6 group, we were left to reflect yet again on where the time has gone. On the last day the Leavers Service was followed by a BBQ on the beach organised by the PTA. It was a happy and memorable occasion and a lovely way to mark the end of term and beginning of the holiday. A warm thank you to all who helped with the organisation of this event and to those who supported it.
P.E. is well and truly on the national agenda at present and now that the 2012 Olympics are coming to London the profile will be higher than ever. At the start of this term staff from schools in the Bridport Pyramid are joining together for training on 'The National PE and School Sport Professional Development Programme.' This is concerned with the nature and amount of provision currently existing and the expectation is that children will have two hours per week engaged in physical activities. Together with other government initiatives such as Creativity and Modern Languages there are potentially challenging implications for the organisation of the curriculum.
Next month sees the Trafalgar celebrations. Last term Class 4 enjoyed a visit from Nina Squire, artist, who inspired the children about facts and events surrounding the Battle of Trafalgar. She simultaneously led an art workshop in which the children produced some lovely watercolour paintings and learnt a lot of interesting information. We will follow up with some further activities.
Mark Stratta
Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup
It's happened! Ofsted and D.C.C. Health & Safety have "OK'd" our new premises so we went ahead and move all our furniture and resources during the school holidays to our new home. We also have two new members of staff, Debbie and Michelle, to work with Sue and me and to help with our new Afternoon Sessions and Lunch Club. Now all we need are some more children to join our existing group to use all the extra facilities we will be able to offer, and hope that our expanded opening hours will be useful to many parents. We still have places available for the Autumn Term.
All children are funded for 5 sessions per week from the term after their 3rd birthday, and younger ones over 2 years can start earlier at a cost of £4 per session. Lunch Club will cost £2 per day. Opening times are as follows:-
Morning Sessions: 9.15 - 12.00 Mon, Tues and Thursday
Lunch Club: 12.00 - 1.00 Monday to Friday
Afternoon Sessions : 1.00 - 3.30 Mon, Wed and Friday
At Puncknowle Garden Fete, we had a Colouring table; congratulations to the winners. No big boys took part - too busy elsewhere!
The playgroup shed has been offered to the Village Allotment people in Puncknowle and they have accepted enthusiastically - so that too will be on the move. We are glad that it will be staying in Puncknowle and used locally. Once again, Fledglings staff and children will miss the Puncknowle environment very much, but now look forward to pastures new - indoors and outdoors - with excitement. Many thanks to all who have given us such marvellous support in the past, especially Mick at the Crown and the Puncknowle Fundraisers - we hope it will continue in the future, if possible.
Playgroup A.G.M. will be held on Wednesday 14th September. Please contact us for any information on 01308 897771 or Playgroup Mobile 07967 400385. Carol Bennett (Playleader)
Litton Cheney Youth Club
The Youth Club is open to everyone between the ages of 8 and 17 years who live in the Bride Valley. The Youth Club will have no sessions during August but resumes on 8th September. For further details please look in the Litton Notes.
First Steps Parent and Toddler Group
Welcome to the new term! We begin on Wednesday 7th September, from 10.00 till 12.00 at Long Bredy Village Hall, our regular meeting place. The Health Visitor will be joining us for baby-weighing or advice, as she does on the first Wednesday of each month. (In October, that will be on the 5th).
We have toys and equipment for all pre-school children, and meet every Wednesday during the school term. We play then stop for a drink, fruit and a biscuit at about 11.00. Parents and carers have the opportunity to meet and chat. Further details from Rachel - 482246.
Royal British Legion Bride Valley Branch
The first monthly Social Evening of the season will be at the New Inn Shipton Gorge on Monday 19th September. J.Reeves (Hon Sec.)
Piano Recital
~ Haruko Seki ~
Saturday 17th September 6.30 for 7.00pm
Colfox School Assembly Hall
Tickets (to include a glass of wine) £8.00 unreserved
Available from:-
David Holoway 3 Dodhams Farm Close Bridport DT6 3EZ
Tel: 01308 421431
Proceeds in aid of Parkinson's Disease Society Bridport Branch
Dorset Police Community Contact Unit
Anne Bosomworth and the Community Contact Unit will be visiting Burton Bradstock on Wednesday 21st September. The van will be parked near the Church from 10:15 until 12:15.
Anne Bosomworth will also be visiting Puncknowle on Tuesday 13th September. The van will be parked near the Church from 6:15 until 7:30pm. Fiona Rose (Community Intelligence Disseminator)
 Macmillan Cancer Relief
World's Biggest Coffee Morning
Friday 30th September.
Burton Bradstock Rectory Garden 10.30am
Shipton Gorge Village Hall 10.00am
Bride Valley Gardening Club
I am still reeling with the exhilaration of our visit - 25 members -yesterday (August 9th) to Highgrove, the gardens of HRH Prince Charles' garden. Wow - where does one start? After a rather long and at times a mystery tour we arrived - police checks complete and down the drive we were going. We assembled at the Orchard House, a new building in the style of Tetbury Market where a member of Staff introduced us to our Guide Alison who obviously had met HRH many times from the little stories she told us.
Firstly we were off to the wooded areas - where many new trees have been planted - new smaller chestnuts and many beeches - to the Stumpery - Prince Charles' design using many old tree stumps delivered to Highgrove from all over the Country. We went to the stone area where old stones from Hereford and Salisbury Cathedrals have been used, again with ferns and, of course, many statues.
We then saw the beautiful walled garden - a grey green door set in a Moorish arch of Cotswold stone can just be seen from the house across the Wild Flower Meadow. Apple trees create cool tunnels that arch over hellebore lined paths, sweet peas and runner beans, smoother arches of coppiced hazel shade the little brick edged box lined paths. We then went over to the house area - in fact we were amazingly allowed right up to the front door and windows of the House with its White and Black Garden to one side and of course wonderful views of the famous Thyme Walk with the artistically clipped yellow yew hedges. The Moroccan style wall garden, which was a feature at Chelsea a few years ago, is the newest addition - this is so calming and so different with its beautiful tiles, fountains and streams.
We were then treated to tea in beautiful china and Duchy biscuits before purchasing our souvenirs of this very special day!! It was a wonderful experience even to someone who suffers greatly from travel sickness!!
Please look out next month for the our winter programme of speakers - hang on to this to remind you of events! The first of these is Monday October l0th - with Committee Meeting on Monday 3rd Oct.
Norma Millard Club Secretary - 897774.

Saturday 17th September 9.00am - 1.00pm
We are holding a Producers' Market again in October (15th) & November (19th)
Burton Bradstock Players
Playreading evenings will be held every Thursday in September, starting on 1st September - at 7.30 p.m. in the Reading Room, Burton Bradstock. See page 21 for further details. D.Ekins
Village Correspondent Mr Basil Dent
2, Norburton, Burton Bradstock. Tel:- (01308) 897125
Mid Week Worship -
Holy Communion Wednesdays at 10.00 a.m.
Bell Ringing Practices Thursdays at 7.00pm
Gift Sunday 18th September Church Mission Society
The next Service of Prayer for Healing at St Mary's will be held on Monday 12th September at 7.00pm.
Tiny Tots / Pram Service will be held at 11.00am on Friday 9th September
St. Mary's Harvest Festival
Harvest Supper & Barn Dance
Saturday 1st October in the Village Hall
Harvest Service
Sunday 2nd October 11.00am
Donations of fruit, vegetables, tins etc. would be welcomed.
St Mary's Church Fete
The weather was great, and the visitors came in their droves helping to make the fete one of the best.
I would like to thank everyone who put so much effort into the preparation of this annual event and to everyone who looked after the stalls and sideshows or helped in any other way to make the fete such a success.
A big thank you for all the gifts, bottles of wine, plants, produce, cakes and bric-a-brac that helped to raise an amount in excess of £4,800 which will be a vital contribution to the parish church's finances for the year.
Ray West Working party co-ordinator.
R.N.L.I. Soiree
A big thank you and a hey ho me hearties to all who supported the Soiree in the Rectory garden, Burton Bradstock, in July. Special thanks go to those who provided drinks, food and entertainment and the R.N.L.I. for their souvenir stall and bunting. Not least thank you to all those of you who turned bowlines and who came along making it a very jolly evening. The point was basically social, but after expenses we made £106.00, and the R.N.L.I. made over £120.00 on their stall. With a veritable yo ho ho and, perhaps I might venture, a bottle of rum.
Jean Thorn
... and many thanks from Thelma Skues to all those who contributed to the magnificent total of £371.01 as a result of the recent R.N.L.I. house-to-house collection.

******Two not-to-be-missed concerts at St.Mary's******
The Casterbridge Male Voice Choir returns to St.Mary's!
Wednesday 21st September, 7.30pm
When this well known choir came to St.Mary's last year it produced an excellent programme of pieces and sang to a packed church. Now we are delighted to say that they are returning to Burton Bradstock, this time to sing in aid of our Project 2005, to equip a new medical clinic in our link diocese of Maridi in Southern Sudan and we are very much looking forward to having them with us.
Admission by programme at the door £6
On Saturday 15th October at 7.30pm Parnham Voices will be giving a concert in St. Mary's Burton Bradstock. This 20 strong Capella choir performs a varied programme of choral music to an exceptionally high standard - choral music at its best.
The concert is in aid of St.Mary's Sudan Project 2005. Admission (£6) is by ticket at the door.

Macmillan Cancer Relief World's Biggest Coffee Morning
St.Mary's Burton Bradstock will be hosting one of these coffee mornings, which will be taking place at all sorts of venues throughout the country on Friday 30th September. So please come along to the Rectory Garden at 10.30am to have coffee and biscuits, a chat with friends and neighbours, and to make a donation to this very worthy cause. This event will take place indoors if the weather is wet.
Dorset Historic Churches Sponsored Cycle Ride
Saturday 10th September 2005
A reminder that sponsorship forms may be obtained from Howard Bongers (898029).
Attention - All Jigsaw Fanatics!
The chance to win the world's largest jigsaw - over 18000 pieces, making four historic world maps.
This jigsaw - which we are told is worth in excess of £150 - was generously donated as an auction item at St. Mary's Church Fete. As it failed to reach the reserve price put upon it, the Fete committee has decided to raffle it at £1 per ticket, which can be obtained from the Post office. The draw will take place at the Harvest Supper on Saturday, 1st October.
Burton Bradstock Players
We will once again be holding a series of informal Playreading evenings in September. These evenings are great fun and you will not be asked to 'do' anything, except read a part if you want to - and you can come just to listen if you wish! If you have not been before, do come along - everyone is welcome. The readings will be held every Thursday in September, starting on 1st September - at 7.30 p.m. in the Reading Room, Burton Bradstock. D.Ekins
Dorset Police Community Contact Unit
Anne Bosomworth and the Community Contact Unit will be visiting Burton Bradstock on Wednesday 21st September. The van will be parked near the Church from 10:15 until 12:15.
Fiona Rose (Community Intelligence Disseminator)
Lavender Trust Coffee Morning
Saturday 1st October 10.30am - 12.30pm
Burton Cliff Hotel
There will be gift and cake stalls: please come and support us.
Burton Bradstock Village Hall
200 Club - Congratulations to:
1st Prize: Wynne Hughes £24
2nd Prize: Bobbie Sinclair-Brown £12
3rd Prize: Greta Barlow £6
Just £4 will now purchase a £1 ticket for each of the remaining 4 draws this year, including the one with double prizes in December. If you would like to join in please call John Grantham, 'The Promoter,' for and on behalf of the Burton Bradstock Village Hall Trust on 01308-897935.
The Village Hall Trust is a trust registered with the local authority, the West Dorset District Council. Lotteries Licence No. LA005.
New Licensing Laws - November 2005
The Management Committee has recently applied for variations to its current licence under the Licensing Act 2003. This legislation affects all Village Halls operating under a Community Premises Licence when the new licensing regime comes into force in November 2005. The Committee felt it prudent to take the opportunity to build in enough flexibility to meet the licensing requirements of the type of events that generally take place in the Hall. The hours of opening have been extended from 9.00 am - 11.00 pm to 8.00 am - 1.00 am. Sunday has also been included. There is no intention to offer the Hall for these hours but rather to allow the Committee to deal with the occasional need for a late night event such as New Year's Eve, or a Sunday event such as the recent VE Day Tea Party. Application has also been made for permission to show films which currently is not permitted. Finally, permission to sell alcohol was also requested. Currently the Committee has to request a temporary licence for each event up to a maximum of 12 per year. Under the new legislation these temporary licences will cost over £200 per year. By applying for permission to sell alcohol, this expense is avoided and all reasonable requests to sell alcohol at events in the Hall can be met, which is not the case at present.
Please be assured that the Committee will continue to manage the bookings with the interests of the village to the fore. Permission to sell alcohol and agreement on opening hours for events will continue to be the responsibility of the Committee and all events will be vetted carefully.
Archie Mackie - Chairman, BB Village Hall Committee
Friday 2nd September - 7.30 pm - Burton Bradstock Village Hall
"Brave Nelson Fought and Fell"
By the time you read this we may have sold out for Tim Laycock's performance of the story of Richard Roberts of Burton Bradstock who served on board H.M.S Victory. Just in case there are any tickets left, this is a reminder.
Tim Laycock, in period costume, will tell Robert's story and recreate life on board a ship of the line in 1805, with fiddle accompaniment by Sharon Undo from the New Scorpion Band. Tim, folk musician, actor, singer and storyteller is much in demand on the Artsreach circuit. It will be an entertaining evening of local history, so don't miss it!
Tickets £6 from the Post Office, or from Norman Saunders-White 01308 897214
Friday 16th September 7.30 pm
Another reminder!
For one night only, Burton Bradstock Village Hall will become, in our imagination, 'The Rialto Cinema', courtesy of Trilith, the rural media charity! Treacle mines in Burton may be exciting news, but now - even more exciting - the cinematograph is coming to the Village! From local film archives we shall see the miracle of moving pictures, with piano accompaniment by Madame Anna Jenkins!
Witness the living history of Dorset through the magic eye of the cinematograph! Silent films will include shots of Bridport Railway - oh, the nostalgic sight of steam. Mayhem and villainy in Thorncome, a John Buchan type mystery entitled "Dope under Thorncombe" and many others, concluding with some films that actually have sound!
Come dressed in period 1920's /1930's for this unique performance in our moving picture house at Burton Bradstock Village Hall, suitable for all the family.
Tickets £6 from the Post Office or from Norman Saunders-White on 01308 897214
Finally an early notice for October - Saturday 8th October 7.30 pm
"The Importance of Being Earnest" - By Oscar Wilde
Direct from the Barbican Theatre London after their successful tour of Australia, the Ridiculusmus Theatre Company, directed by Jude Kelly, have been booked to perform Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest in our own Village Hall. The amazing thing is that Jon Haynes and David Woods play all nine parts! The Ridiculusmus Theatre Company have an enthusiastic following in Dorset after their various touring shows, "The Third Policeman", "The Exhibitionists" to name but two, and as the word gets round that we have brought off this coup - this will be the only performance in Dorset this year - there will be a rush for tickets.
So don't delay - book now! If tickets are not available by the time you read this, I can take telephone bookings on 01308 897214. The Sunday Times critic (19/6/05) said of the show... "This is the most brilliantly sophisticated and hilarious production I have seen"
Tickets will cost £7 each and when available can be obtained from the Post Office or myself.
Norman Saunders-White - Promoter for Artsreach - 01308 897214
Burton Bradstock Village Society
Talks for 2005/06
We have an extremely interesting series of talks coming up in the forthcoming 2005/6 season so please pencil these dates into your diary -they are not to be missed. Non-members in Burton Bradstock who would like to attend these can become members for £2 per annum by phoning Carol Lumley now on 01308 897365.
Subject: "Camouflage, Mimicry & Deception in the Insect World"
Speaker: Philip Howse, OBE (formerly Professor of Biology at University of Southampton
Subject: "Seaside Sovereign: King George III at Weymouth"
Speaker: Dr. Alan Chedzoy
Subject: "In the Wake of William Bligh of The Bounty" (Account of a bicentennial 4,000 mile open-boat voyage.)
Speaker: Jasper Shackleton
Subject: "Pound House Pot-pourri: Video clips since1991"
Speaker: Elaine Colbert
Subject: "Photography for Pleasure"
Speaker: David Barnikel & Bridport Camera Club Colleagues
Subject: "Victorian China & Porcelain: The Great Days of Britain's Ceramic Industry" Speaker: Paul Atterbury
Subject: "Roman Dorchester: The Aqueduct & the Town House"
Speaker: Bill Putnam
Subject: "The Dorset Landscape - its Geology and Scenery"
Speaker: John Chaffey
FRIDAY, 12th MAY Annual General Meeting
SATURDAY, 13th May Coffee Morning 10.15 a.m. to 12 noon
SATURDAY, 15th JULY Annual Flower & Produce Show
All talks are held in the Village Hall and commence at 7.30pm.
Be there! Peter Dutton
Burton Bradstock Bridge Group
Recommences after the summer break on Tuesday 27th September at 2.00 in the Village Hall. Enjoy a friendly game of bridge; for further information please telephone Chris Clarke - 898117.
Burton Bradstock Players
We will once again be holding a series of informal Playreading evenings in September. These evenings are great fun and you will not be asked to 'do' anything, except read a part if you want to - and you can come just to listen if you wish! If you have not been before, do come along - everyone is welcome. The readings will be held every Thursday in September, starting on 1st September - at 7.30 p.m. in the Reading Room, Burton Bradstock.
Burton Bradstock W.I.
The July meeting of 46 members and 3 visitors were kept fascinated by Mr. Dean's talk on " your place in history", giving many examples of his own and asking members for theirs, many of which were hilarious!
To add to the evening's fun, there was a power cut ending in members choosing between orange squash or milk instead of tea or coffee.
Portesham W.I. sent their report of the National A.G.M., which was read by Sheila Spencer-Smith. Heather Thompson reported that £900 was made at the Cream Teas in memory of Wendy Green.
Many interesting events were planned for the autumn including a course in colour coordination, a quiz and Dorset Button Day. The next meeting is on the 13th September. Mary Bailey
Alzheimer Society - Bridport Branch
Sincere thanks to all those who supported the Society at the Garden Party held in the Rectory Garden on July 14th last; to the donors, the helpers and especially those who attended on the day. £1050.00 was raised for the Branch. Thank you. Basil Dent
London Triathlon
May I, through your local magazine send an enormous thank you to everybody who sponsored our son Christopher? On Sunday Aug, 7th,at the London Triathlon, he ran the race of his life. Completing the course in an incredible 2hrs 34mins, he managed to raise the fantastic sum of £2075.50. The week before we had a Summer Sale which raised another £1007, which brings a grand total of £3082.50.
My mother Greta Heal, has been 'hassling' her friends and neighbours in Burton, and for such a small woman she can be very persuasive! It has been a team effort and without your support it would not have been such a success. I can now look forward to presenting a cheque to the Radcliffe Infirmary, which will in some way thank them for my good health, and hopefully help somebody else in need of their excellent care.
We may boost this amount by a few pounds more; my husband and I are using up the sale bric-a-brac at local Car Boot sales, and we are selling vegetables from our garden. In fact, people are still bringing me donations, which is overwhelmingly generous. Thank you all.
Ira Ward Powerstock
*****STOP PRESS****
14.08.05 Many of us have just taken part in a week-end of thanksgiving and remembrance to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the ending of conflict in Europe and the Far East. I am sure those of us who attended the Exhibition, Service and Tea party would like to thank all those whose hard work made it such a moving and appropriate occasion. Sue Moores, whose inspiration it was, masterminded all the events and deserves our special thanks. For those who did not hear it Mike Read's address at the Morning Service appears elsewhere in this issue (page 3).
Burton Bradstock Village Website Address
Loads of information on the village including maps, videos, current events, useful contacts and history.
And, did you know that the Bride Valley News is published on this web site every month?
It includes every back issue of the magazine, as far back as January 2000.
All this, and it's in colour too!
Village Correspondent: Mrs. Joy White
Eastcote 3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge
Tel: ( 01308 )897974
Dorset Historic Churches Trust Great Cycle Ride
Saturday, September 10th
Sponsorship forms can be obtained from the Parish Organiser, Tel : 897 241. We meet at the telephone kiosk in Brook Street at 10.00 am and we shall visit all seven of our lovely Bride Valley churches, arriving at Little Bredy in time for a picnic lunch by the lake.
Come and join us for a great day out in beautiful countryside.
Janet Lane -Parish Organiser
St. Martin's Summer Fete
Many thanks to everyone who helped make this such a successful and enjoyable afternoon. We are grateful to the Jones and Sorrel families for again allowing us to use their land. Special attractions included a very popular football competition, organised by the Robertshaw family, and the para-gliding event for our village teddy bears (+Joe, the gorilla). 'They all showed great courage as they were launched into space from St. Martin's church tower, and their proud owners collected a certificate on completion of the '° glide."
Thanks to the generosity of all our visitors, we raised the magnificent sum of £1,104- this includes £195 raised for the Church Tower Winter Lighting Scheme.
Well done everyone!
St. Martin's All Age Communion Service Sunday, 4th September- 11.00 a.m.
All are welcome to this modern service which is suitable for people of all denominations, whether confirmed or not. It will include some traditional hymns and more up to date songs of worship and praise. Weather permitting, we shall be enjoying a picnic after the service, in the field adjoining the village hall.
Harvest Festival
Our service of praise and thanksgiving will take place at St. Martin's church on Sunday, 9th October at 9.30a.m., and refreshments will be available in the Village Hall afterwards.
The Harvest Supper
Wednesday 12th October 7.30pm
Make a note in your diary of this popular autumn event which will be held in the Village Hall. Seating is limited, and early booking is advisable. Tickets, price £4.00, will be available from 15th September, and you can purchase them from Doris Benselin 897562, Gillian Maxfield 897346, or Janet Lane 897241
The World's Biggest Coffee Morning
Friday, 30th September - l0.00a.m. to 11.30a.m.
Come along to the Village Hall where you can enjoy a delicious cup of coffee with homemade biscuits, and support Macmillan Cancer Relief. There will be a Champagne Draw and raffle, Christmas gifts, cakes, plants and produce--don't miss our organically grown blackberry and apple crumbles!
Donations of raffle prizes would be much appreciated. Please contact me on 897 241. Janet Lane
Refuse Collection
Parishioners are reminded not to leave bags out on Monday night. The litter caused by vermin searching for food has again become a problem within the village.
Jeff Fisher: Parish Clerk
Moviola 'Ladies In Lavender'
On Monday 5th September at Shipton Gorge Village Hall, Moviola will be screening the wonderful film Ladies In Lavender with Judy Dench and Maggie Smith. This has been the most successful film ever shown by Moviola and is appearing by popular request (even by those who have already seen it!) Great atmosphere and Cornish period 1930s landscapes. Tickets £4 from Doris Benselin 897562, Jo Warren 897948 or from the New Inn.
Artsreach 'With A Little Bit Of Luck'
Our autumn Artsreach programme starts on Wednesday 28th September 'With a Little Bit of Luck' (no, really, it will start then!) This is the happy go lucky story of Stanley Holloway - the man, the music, the monologues, who, by his own admission, had a show-business career peppered with 'little bits of luck'. The show is performed by Dave Sealey (of Cosmotheka) who takes us on a roller-coaster journey along the road to Stanley's fabulous rise to fame. On the way we meet old favourites like Sam Small and Albert Ramsbottom ('yon Lion's 'et Albert!), together with the fabulous songs 'With her head tucked underneath her arm', 'I'm getting married in the morning' and, with luck, 'With a little bit of luck!' for which he was so well known. This show is in its second year of touring and is attracting sell-out audiences wherever it goes. Tickets £6 from Doris Benselin 897562, Jo Warren 897948 or from the New Inn.
So, here you have two great nights out in September for a combined price of just £10 - why not buy both your tickets at the same time!
Village Society Summer Show 23 July
The show attracted 150 entries only the day before the weather became wetter and windier. Edible entries from strictly "men only" chefs outnumbered the cuisine of either sex. Poetry was much enjoyed by everyone who came, poets & judges alike. Herewith, the winning poem by Charlie Rowen, aged 12 yrs, on the subject "My Garden":
My garden is a wilderness
"Tut, tut" the neighbours cry
But in my garden there's a secret.
There's more than meets the eye.
For it's a home to slugs and snails
Hedgehogs, birds and bees
Butterflies, frogs and mice.
And also there are fairies
They come out from dusk to dawn
To feast and dance around.
I spied them through my window
As they rejoiced in what they found. Copyright
List of Winners
Rob & Chris Cornish |
Chris Cornish |
Brian Shaw |
Steve Larcombe |
Chris Cornish |
Diane Bredemear |
Jenny Webb |
Jenny Webb |
Jo Warren |
Chris & Jenny |
Chris & Jenny |
Jenny & Chris |
Jenny & Chris |
Chris & Jenny |
Jenny & Chris |
Brian Shaw |
Jan Shaw |
Ed Buck |
Bob White |
Charlie Rowen |
Chris Green |
Jenny Webb |
Janet Lane |
Chris Cornish |
The organisers wish to thank everyone for their help throughout the
show season. Sue Brown
Coffee Morning
Another Village Coffee Morning will be held at 10.30am on Saturday 3rd September. Come along for a chat, cake and cup of coffee.
The Aquabox and its contents will be on display. A list of the few items still needed is on the Village Hall notice board. Hopefully on Saturday we will be able to complete it and send it on its way.
Chris Hewlett & Alice Townsend
Moviola - Only Human
On Wednesday 19th October at 7.30pm in the Village Hall there will be a screening of Only Human. You may not have heard of this film, but please don't let this put you off, as it is one of the maddest, totally hilarious movies ever made. A Spanish Jewish girl brings home to her crazy household her new Palestinian boyfriend. Her sister is a bellydancer, her mother is menopausal and there is also a family duckling. This is farce at its most over-the-top, and just the thing for a damp autumn evening. Tickets are £4 each and available in advance from Doris Benselin on 01308 897562
Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You
Jo and Gary Warren would like to thank all those who gave so generously to the bottle bola for the church fete. Your generosity when I knocked on your doors, or when you left bottles at our house anonymously, or when you chased me down the street when I was walking the dog with a bottle in your hand, helped boost the grand sum that the fete made this year.
Shipton Gorge Parish Council
It is with regret that the Parish Council learnt that its Clerk, Jeff Fisher, will shortly be moving to pastures new. Jeff has served the council exceptionally well and he will be sorely missed.
The council now needs to appoint his successor. If you're interested in a small, part-time administrative job that you can operate from home - look no further. We would be asking for about 1 1-15 hours of your time per month which would be taken up by:
- attending a minimum of seven, evening, meetings per year
- preparing agendas
- taking minutes
- dealing with correspondence and letter writing
- dealing with the council's financial responsibilities
- organising meetings for the Planning Committee
For the full details of the position and the remuneration please contact either of the following:
Charles Errington (chairman)
Smacombe Farm
Shipton Gorge
897493 (evenings/weekends)
Richard Hewlett (vice-chairman)
Shipton Gorge
897278 (evenings/weekends) |
Richard Hewlett
Parish Plan Meeting 21st September
What is this all about and why do we need it?
A Parish Plan is a document identifying all the relevant issues of importance to a community, including issues of social, economic and environmental concern, and what can be done to address them. It is important for Shipton Gorge because it will:-
- provide accurate information on our village, through a good
- consultation process & community involvement.
- identify which features and local characteristics people value and think are important;
- identify local problems and gaps in facilities and find opportunities and ways to solve them;
- spell out how residents want the community to develop in the future; and most importantly
- include a plan of action detailing who needs to be involved, how long it is going to take and where the help or money is going to come from.
A Shipton Gorge Parish Plan will provide a comprehensive business case for the future of the village. It will also help to identify projects and actions we need to take to deal with concerns that have been raised. It should represent the views of the entire community, and it is important that everyone should have an opportunity to participate in its preparation. There is funding available to support this project. I have seen Shipton Gorge's parish appraisals from 1979 & 1999, so there is a good basis to go forward.
Neighbouring villages - Burton Bradstock, Litton Cheney, Puncknowle & Swyre are all carrying out their own parish plans, with a number of people becoming involved in their community for the first time.
There have already been meetings, a survey and other work in Shipton Gorge and the basis of a parish plan is there, but only if you become involved.
Please come to the next OPEN Parish Plan meeting in the Village Hall on Wednesday 21st September at 7.30pm, when it is hoped that a formal steering group will be formed and that there is general agreement to apply for parish plan funding.
Simon Thompson - Dorset Community Action
Shipton Gorge Village Hall 100 Club
August Draw Winners
£10 |
No.59 |
Jean Ayres
Ann Richards |
Village Correspondent: Sid Marshall
3 Green Barton, Swyre Tel: 897318
Holy Trinity
Saturday 10th September, 10am - 12noon
Saturday 8th October
Working party in the churchyard.
There are all sorts of jobs to be done from tidying, sweeping and weeding to cutting back of hedges. Do come if you can, and do what you can to keep our churchyard in good order. It's also a good chance to meet and get to know people while you work. Church Wardens
Holy Trinity Church, Swyre.
A very big thank you to all Swyre villagers who helped, donated items, baked cakes, and manned stalls, at the Puncknowle and Swyre Villages Fete. Our share of the proceeds will help with the costs of the refurbishment of the electrical system undertaken in the summer. The heating system has been renewed, and the installation in general has been made safe and where necessary modernised. It has cost several thousand pounds and the contribution from the Fete is more than welcome. Our thanks also to the hard working Fete Committee and not least to Mr and Mrs Wild for allowing us to use their beautiful garden.
The Church Wardens
Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council
Parish Council Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 6th September in the Puncknowle Church Hall at 7.30pm.
The October meeting will be on Tuesday the 4th
Village Correspondent: Elizabeth Slater
1, Lytton Close, Puncknowle, Dorchester DT2 9BH
Telephone: ( 01308 ) 897751
Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup
See Page 10 for report
Puncknowle and Swyre Garden Fete 2005.
This was a great day and very successful in spite of the wet weather later on in the day. This did not seem to dampen the good spirits of all who came and I am sure all enjoyed themselves.
This year a group of people got together to organise and run the fete. I am very grateful for their help and support during the year. Also many thanks to the army of volunteers who helped to make this day such a big success without them it would not happen.
The money raised is for the benefit of Puncknowle and Swyre Churches and the Church Hall in Puncknowle. So far the net profit is £4,863.31 and is expected to exceed the £5,000 mark once all monies come in. My thanks to all. David Buckland
Harvest Festival - 25 September
The Harvest Family Service will take place on Sunday 25 September at 11.00am.and will be followed by a harvest lunch in the hall from noon onwards. Everyone, especially children, from Puncknowle, Swyre, West Bexington and the Bride Valley is welcome. Drinks will be provided. A plate of food or donation would be welcome. A notice will be put up in the Church porch nearer the time for people to indicate what they will be bringing. This is an invitation to all in the Bride Valley, whether you go to church or not, to celebrate our harvest. So please make a note in your Diary and join us. For further information please contact Sue Brown 897953 or Ruth Brierley 898283. Family Service Committee
Thanks and Farewell
I'd like to bid a fond farewell to everyone I know in the Bride Valley and especially in Puncknowle. Thank you for your friendship and the fun! The last ten years have flown by - it's been a great privilege to live in such a beautiful part of the coutry and to be part of a fantastic community. I've returned to Cambridgeshire to be nearer my family but I take some lovely memories with me. My very best wishes for the future and especially to John, Andrea and Kirstie Dilley who have moved into 28 Springfield. I am sure they will be made as welcome and be as happy as I was. Carol Tyrrell
The Dorset Historic Churches Cycle Ride Saturday 10 September
Meet at St Mary's Church Puncknowle at midday bringing a picnic lunch. Some people might want to start earlier in the day. The sponsorship money raised is divided equally between you local church and The Trust. Sponsor forms may be obtained from Ann Roberts, Burwell Cottage, Puncknowle. Tel.897716. Ann Roberts
Church Book Rest for Sale
One five foot book rest and one seven book rest in need of a good home. If you are interested please phone Ann Roberts Tel: 01308 897716
Puncknowle Art Group
Before the holiday season we had a talk by Michael Chappell on mixed media. This was so inspiring that we decided there and then to devote a meeting to Michael's ideas. We have been busy painting during the summer at Burton Bradstock and environs. We must thank Maureen for making us so welcome at Slape and giving us such delicious meals. Dates for September:-
2nd painting competition
16th painting at Burton Bradstock with Allana.
Christine Molony
Dorset Police Community Contact Unit
Anne Bosomworth will be visiting Puncknowle on Tuesday 13th September. The van will be parked near the Church from 6:15 until 7:30pm. Fiona Rose (Community Intelligence Disseminator)
Don't forget to check the village website
to keep in touch with village events and find useful information
Village Correspondent:Josie Belasco,
11 Manor Farm Close, Litton Cheney
Telephone: (01308) 482484
Dorset Historic Churches Trust Sponsored Cycle Ride
Please contact Freddie Spicer 482617 for sponsorship forms and a list of the churches to visit.
Holiday Club 2005
To all of you who came to this year's holiday club and unravelled the mystery of the 'Exploding Green Jellybean,' we hope you enjoyed it, it was great to see you, we had a good time. Thank-you for coming.
To all of you who helped the team in big or small ways, 'thank-you so much for all your efforts. We couldn't have run the club without you - particularly this year. We very much appreciate everything that you did. We trust that you all enjoyed a well earned break afterwards.
Paul and Jo
St Mary's PCC is pleased to report that a sound and loop system has now been fitted in the Church. The subtle sound reinforcement system is designed to raise the volume of the speaker to a level at which everyone can hear clearly and anyone with a hearing aid can switch on to the loop.
There is the facility to both record and play music through the system, which will be used for services when we have no organist. We are confident that services and other events held in the Church will benefit from the improved sound. The PCC would like to thank all those who have contributed towards the installation of the system.
Litton Cheney Youth Club
The first Autumn session for the Youth Club will take place on Thursday 8th September from 6.30 - 8.30pm at Litton Cheney Playing Field - an archery and volleyball session. All young people aged 8 - 17 years are welcome to come along. Further details from Paul Kingston 482384
Playing Field Fun Day
The Playing Field Fun Day takes place on Sunday 11th September from 10.30 am. Come along and join the fun -Children's Dressing Up Tent, Duck Races, Football, Paper Plane Competition, Remote Control Car Challenge, Volleyball, Refreshments and more .................. See the posters for further details or contact 482589/482716/482384
Litton Cheney Vital Villages
The Steering Group are hoping that everyone in the parish will have received their copy of the Litton Cheney Parish Plan before the end of September. If you do not receive your copy please contact Elizabeth Kingston 482384.
From the Parish Council:
The Parish Council is delighted to welcome a new Parish Clerk, Karenlee Knott. She will take up the post from 12th September and we wish her every success. Karenlee lives at Four Meads Farm and her phone number is 01308 482175.
The next Parish Council meeting is on Tuesday 27th September at 7.30p.m. in the Church Hall.
The Council and the Village wish to thank Wendy Taylor for her stint as our clerk; for the past two years Wendy has given her time and talents to the job generously, efficiently and selflessly and the Councillors will miss her guiding hand keeping them on the straight and narrow. A big thank-you, Wendy, from everyone.
Lithe Litton Ladies
A reminder to all those who have taken a summer break - Alex continues to stretch us (in every sense!) on Mondays at 6pm in the Church Hall. However there is NO class on 19th September. If you would like to join us but haven't tried yoga before, ring Alison Davidson on 482661 for more details.
Producers' Market - Saturday 17 September
We are delighted that the first series of three markets (June, July and August) proved so popular, and also provided an extremely pleasant social occasion on a Saturday morning during the summer. We have now organised a further three markets for September, October and November, and, very likely, a Christmas Market in December.
The September market will be held on Saturday 17 September, from 9.00am to 1.00pm, at The White Horse Inn, Litton Cheney and as ever, please come along in your droves. We have gathered together the very best of Bride Valley produce, plus several highly deserving producers from within the local vicinity. This really is an occasion to meet, chat, shop and then chat again, an occasion high on the feel good chart.
More details on the market and the objectives of the Litton Retailers Association can be obtained from John Firrell on 482313 and if you are a producer of fine products and would like to join other fellow producers at the market please call Wendy Taylor on 482532.
Litton Cheney Social Committee
Sunday 18th September - please note change of date - meet at 10.00am at the Bus Shelter for the village walk of about five miles, via a pub for lunch. Kathy Kourik Secretary LCSC 482552
Lieutenant Caroline Smart RN. Caroline graduated from Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth on 11th August. She is a Training Management Officer in the Engineering Branch and her first posting is to the aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious in September. She sends her best wishes to all who know her.
(Caroline lived in Litton Cheney for 20years, from the age of 2 until last year, during which time she attended Thorner's and Colfox before spending the sixth form at Millfield. During that time she swam many times for Great Britain amongst other things, and is quite well known locally)
Congratulations to David Kingston and Julie Kimberley who got married at the end of July. They are wished every happiness in their future together. Veronica Kingston
Visit the web site for the latest news.
The group meets at The White Horse Inn
at 8.30pm on the first Monday of each month.
All welcome.
Village Correspondent:
Mrs. Elinor Frost, Bridelands ( 482269 )
The Historic Churches Dorset Cycle Ride is on Saturday 10th September 10:00am - 6:00pm. Sponsorship forms are available from the church or Elinor. On bikes, walking or horses, it's a fun day: have a go! It is most enjoyable and refreshments are provided at most of the churches.
On the 18th September it is our Family Harvest Festival. Everybody is welcome to help decorate the church on the Saturday. Groceries and vegetables that are brought to the service at 11:00am on Sunday are later taken to the Chancery Day Care Centre in Bridport. Do come and join a real family occasion followed by coffee and biscuits.
The fete was held on a beautiful day and in lovely surroundings. £2,623 was raised for the church and village. Lots of thanks, mainly to Harold and Tess Carter for the use of their gardens, to Jason Hambledon for the outward hauling, to the Maltby family for the return loading and extras. This year we used only the lightweight tables and chairs from Long Bredy instead of having to borrow very heavy ones and transport these from other villages; a special thank you to those who have helped with this arduous chore over the past years. We also acknowledge the sponsors, stallholders, tea persons, Adrian, Roy and David at the entrance and Andrew's sound system, and all who helped in so many ways. A very happy day. Thank you all.
September 6th at Long Bredy Hall The WI meeting will be an open meeting at 7:30pm and Ladybirds will be joining us to hear the speaker, Theresa Weller talk about 'Underwear through the Ages!' Entrance £1. There will a draw and refreshments. Do come and join us for an interesting evening.
WI October meeting is on the 4th at Bridelands at 7:30pm. Speaker, Richard Mabb - Victorian Parlour Poetry and Prose
Maurice and Evelyn Toogood have moved to their new home in Dorchester. We shall miss them; they have lived at No.1 for forty-seven years, and Maurice was at Foxholes prior to that. Evelyn was our organist for many years and a very excellent flower arranger. We wish them well.
Juliet Greener and Hugo Busby were married on the 29th July: Congratulations and best wishes to them.
Welcome to No.1 Paul and Christine Sainsbury with family, Jack (9) and Eleanor (7). We hope they enjoy life in Long Bredy.
Congratulations to Joel and Nina Chinn at Bellamont on the arrival of a daughter, Nesta, and to Sally and Kevin Reid, a daughter, Olivia Roisin.
Hugo and Juliet Busby would like to say a big thank you to everyone who helped make our wedding such a special and happy day. Thank you.
To coincide with the opening days of The Scented Garden in June and July, cream teas were served in the Village Hall. For the third year running, profits of about £1,000 were made, to be split equally between the Hall and the Church. Most grateful thanks are due to the team of Pat and Mike Cooper, Patricia Barker, Sheila Prideaux and Ann Peppiatt for all their hard work.
Some of them may be busy again in the evening of Sunday 25th September, when it is intended that the Harvest Festival celebrations will take the same form as last year, namely an evening service in Church (time to be confirmed), followed by a Harvest Supper in the Village Hall (not confined to the congregation, as all are welcome to either or both parts of the occasion). Volunteers to contribute food or produce should please get in touch with Ann Peppiatt on 482768.
Anyone who wondered why the Church funeral bell was tolling on Wednesday 3rd August may since have heard that it was to mark the burial here of Charlotte Williams, the wife of Sir Philip's brother Michael, who had died suddenly shortly before, aged 51. May she rest in peace.
Conversely, laughter and bustle filled the Church on Sunday 31st July, when the United Family Service was joined by the gaudily dressed clown troupe "The Holy Fools". After their interpretation, nobody present will ever think of the parable of the Prodigal Son in quite the same way again! Thanks to them and the organisers of a memorable occasion, which ended with a lakeside picnic in the sunshine for those so minded.
After its summer recess, the Social Club resumes its activities on the first Friday of the next two months. The 2nd September will see a normal Social Evening in the Village Hall, with the bar open for members from about 6.30 p.m., and on the 7th October there will be another of the inimitable Quiz Evenings, where residents and challengers from outside are all welcome in teams of 4 to try and end the dominance of Litton Cheney's experts in these events.
The following poem was written during World War II by Elaine Tame's mother, Mabs Raymond. Elaine and her sister - known as The Raymond Sisters- toured with Spotlights Concert Party in Somerset and performed their mother's poem which was set to music. It seemed appropriate, in the light of recent events, to print it now.
The moon belongs to everyone - the best things in life are free.
The stars belong to everyone - they beam there for you and me.
The flowers in spring - the robins that sing - the sunbeams that shine
They're yours, they're mine. And so we say to everyone
The best things in life are Free.
Have you ever stopped to think, whilst walking this countryside of ours
Of all the works of nature - the beauty of birds and flowers, with
Glorious fields of golden corn and the rainbow after showers?
Or stood upon a hill top and watched the breaking dawn -
And felt a thrill of pride and that you're lucky to be born in England.
And though that peace is broken for a while through men of greed,
And things are often gloomy in the papers that you read -
Maybe you're apt to wonder what they think they can attain
By causing so much bloodshed and misery and pain
There's one thing that is certain, that with all their words and powers
They'll never live to rob us of the heritage that's ours -
This England.
So join the chorus everyone, and take this tip from me -
The best things in life are FREE |