One of the most difficult things that any organisation has to do is to plan for changes, and Churches find this more difficult that most. When so many changes have happened in the life of our villages over the last 50 years, let alone 100, many look to the Church to be the place where we can remember the way things were. People become used to the things they like, and see no reason to change. ISMO sets in, meaning It'll See Me Out, and we prepare to dig ourselves in and defend what we have. Meanwhile, the big bad world outside does not change from changing however much we would wish it away.
Please don't spoil my day,
I'm miles away,
And after all I'm only sleeping (yes, this is Lennon and McCartney, but which one?)
One of the changes forced upon us is that Ministry as we have known it for 100 years and more is over. From the days when there were 6 or even 7 Clergy in the valley we have gone on believing that the Ministry will be the same, only as time went on, with one or two fewer Clergy in place. It has been a long slow slippage, so much so that we could imagine that things were much the same as they were yesterday, or last year, and that therefore they were much the same 50 years ago. But they are not.
And so we find ourselves planning for a future that feels dark and unknown. Only it isn't. One of the useful things about the Church having been around so long is that everything has happened before. People were thinking and feeling the same about the very changes that worry us in the late 18th century, the 17th century, the 16th and especially in the 13th, and that is just in this country.
What all of them did in various ways was to find new forms of ministry, be they Franciscan Monks or Wesleyan preachers. We in our little way are doing the same. We have started lay led worship, and this year we have started to take a look at lay ministry. L.P.A.s (Lay Pastoral Assistants) will be much heard of among us in the coming year in our thoughts and prayers. We worship in Church services; we will be seeking new ways to worship God in our Christian service as well.
We need our Church to be self-supporting and self-sustaining in ministry in the future. It is a big ask, but when we have got some way towards it we will understand that this is what we were being called to all along.
Bob Thorn
From the Registers
17th July St Peter's, Long Bredy Oliver Edward Sims
St Mary's, Burton Bradstock Freya May Dommett
24th July St Mary's, Burton Bradstock Alice Poppy Holt
Jack Tozer
31st July St Martin's, Shipton Gorge
William David Moreland Hopkins
Archie Michael Moreland Hopkins
Jack Robert Edmund Moreland Hopkins
29th July St Peter's, Long Bredy Hugo Bohdan Josef Oswald Busby & Juliet Merula Greener
30th July St Martin's, Shipton Gorge
Robert Hopkins & Michelle Ireland
27th July Valerie Lovesey A service at Yeovil Crematorium
2nd August Charlotte Williams A service at Weymouth Crematorium, followed the next day by a service and interment at St Michael and All Angels, Littlebredy

Tiny Tots/Pram Service
The next service will be in St. Mary's Burton Bradstock at 11.00am on Friday 14th October.
Mothers' Union Thursday 27th October
The Bride Valley United Churches Family Service
St Peter's Church Long Bredy 11.00am 30th October
"It's that service for young people again! I don't think I'll go." Such might some say. Even more might think it! Had you considered that it's a service for all, regardless of age.
A question needs asking, "Where are the young people when we hold our normal services?" A dear lady, Mrs Scott by name, had to consider that question for her church in the 1970s (a time when there was first, "Series 1", then "Series 2", then "Series 3" - all proposed new forms of church liturgy that could be used). Mrs Scott thought about it and said, "I love my 1662 Book of Common Prayer services but I mustn't just think about myself. I'm going to encourage those things that will help the young people and children." Mrs Scott is now in glory. Her contribution to her church may seem just a tiny gesture; but many tiny drops eventually fill a bucket and many thoughtful gestures can help a church. Someone we all know well attends Mrs Scott's church when at university. Its congregation is now such that it has to hold two full morning services to get the people in, not forgetting the full evening service.
There is a recurring challenge in the last book of the Bible, the Revelation of St John. The whole book is written to encourage seven church congregations in a localised area (we have eight churches in the Bride Valley). Each church received its own letter (see chapters 2 and 3) and each letter was read to all seven church congregations. The challenge given to each church was, "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." What is the Spirit saying to the churches of the Bride Valley? Gothic architecture, Elizabethan English and Victorian hymnody all have their place but could it be that the Spirit is saying something else, or as well, to the churches?
There's a lunch after the service. It's meant to be a time of sharing so, if you are staying for the lunch, you might like to think about bringing enough for yourself, and just a bit more. Everything is placed on a central table and everyone can choose "a little of this and a little of that" and there should be enough for visitors and for anyone who 'forgot'.
Whether of single years or many years we hope to see you on 30th October.
The Bride Valley Team - Wednesday Housegroups
October 12th 7, Norburton, Burton Bradstock
October 19th East End
October 26th Cairnhill, Shipton Gorge
November 2nd East End
November 9th St Catherine's Cross, Shipton Gorge
November 16th East End
November 23rd Cairnhill, Shipton Gorge
November 30th East End
December 7th Westfield, Burton Bradstock
January 4th East End
January 11th West End
Meetings start at 7.30pm - further information from Mike Read (897445) or Hugh Lindsay (482383).
The Bride Valley (Thursday) Fellowship Group
The group meets on Thursday evenings and alternates between Bible Study and Prayer. Arriving from 7.30pm we begin at 8pm aiming to finish by about 9.30pm. For further details contact Paul
Oct 6 Bible Study 7 Norburton, Burton Bradstock
Oct 13 Prayer 6 Baglake, Litton Cheney
Oct 20 Bible Study 2 Springfield, Puncknowle
Oct 27 No meeting
Thorner's CE VA Primary School
Having completed the first week of term it all seems so familiar, new staff, pupils and Fledglings have settled well and we are back into the routines. This term we are introducing daily physical activity for all members of the community .. in line with a recent government initiative, but one that we whole heartily support. We hope to introduce a variety of activities, short sharp bursts throughout the day. It is important to give pupils the opportunity to exercise: to increase the fitness level of individual children who maybe do not undertake any sport type activity out of school, to ensure that health problems are not building up for future years and to create an active brain which will enable them to learn. We were very impressed that the majority of our Key Stage 1 children attended lessons or clubs outside school but a little disappointed that this was not the case in Key Stage 2, there are a few pupils who do enough exercise and competitions for the whole class and others who are content to sit back watching television or more often playing with their game boys. As a child I remember spending hours skipping, playing ball games and climbing trees etc; learning many skills without even realising it. It is unfortunate that in this day and age we cannot allow our children the freedom to roam and explore for themselves on their own, a sign of our current society and times.
Later this month Beth, Year 5 pupil and Oscar a past pupil are off to Monaco representing Great Britain in the World Biathlete Championship. For those of you who do not know this competition consists of a 50m swim sandwiched between two 500m runs. We wish them all the best and hope they enjoy the experience, we look forward to hearing more and hopefully with the Olympics coming in 2012 this may inspire more to take part in competitive sport either as an individual or as part of a team. What a thrill it would be if some of our pupils past or present actually took part . or even won a medal! Now that is something to aim for. What we need is more opportunities within the valley to enjoy sport and what better way than with a hall in Litton.
Alison Johnstone
100 Club Winners: £15 Mrs Sarah Griffith
£10 Mrs Maia Whaley
Burton Bradstock CE VC School
We have just begun the new school year and already it's October. Clubs have started, we're getting into full swing and memories of England winning the Ashes still linger. Whilst on the subject of sport, last month I mentioned the Physical Education training attended by staff of all Bridport primary schools at the beginning of term. This proved to be a very stimulating day and as a result we have purchased some useful equipment to assist us with delivering a programme of activities. Improving skipping skills is our starting point and before half term we are intending to do some fund-raising for the British Heart Foundation by taking part in 'Jump Rope for Heart'.
Getting back into the routine after a break always takes time but the other day I stumbled upon this advice from someone called Arthur Binstead:
"The great secret in life.not to open your letters for a fortnight. At the expiration of that period you will find that nearly all of them have answered themselves."
I have yet to test this theory out but have a feeling that there is much truth in it. Perhaps I'll try it with selected items from the DFES.
So far the highlights of my term have been improvising 12 bar blues with Rev'd. Bob as the children filed out from assembly; hearing the cheers from 'Boats' classroom when the engineer arrived to repair the interactive whiteboard in time for the Fifth Test. It's funny how so often it's the little things that can be the most memorable, enjoyable and fulfilling.
Mark Stratta
100 Club August; £20- Ivy Barton
£10- Emma Brown £5-Sally Sparks
Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup
We have settled very nicely into our new home base at Thorner's School, where we have our own Playgroup Entrance, a cloakroom that is child-friendly, and more facilities such as a permanent Home Corner, computers, more resources and toys - and lots more space. We can play outside in the playground, on the playing field, and in the hall if wet. School staff have made us very welcome and we have had lots of visitors who have come to have a look at us.
Our new afternoon sessions and Lunch Club have started as well as the morning sessions - Lunch Club has been proving popular. Some of the new Reception class come along for lunch and join playgroup children. Two new children have started with us - May and Ethan - but we still have room for more. We are open on Monday, Tuesday & Thursday mornings, Monday, Wednesday & Friday afternoons with Lunch Club every day. Anyone interested is welcome to come along on our open day which will take place on October 10th - just come along - pop in - follow the playgroup sign.
Good news - our old shed has moved home too and has been erected at the allotments in Puncknowle, ready for use. Our old storage unit has found a home with the toddler group in Long Bredy, and other items surplus to requirements have gone to Treats Toy Library.
Our A.G.M. took place on 14th September with most officers continuing - and we have a new admin. assistant, Barbara Gibbs. Some special dates were decided at the meeting as follows:-
Dates for the Diary
Open Day Monday 10th October 9.45am - 3.15pm
Sponsored Sing-along Monday 14th November
Bingo Night Friday 25th November in Puncknowle Hall
For any further information, please ring 897771 or 482410
Carol Bennett (Playleader)
Litton Cheney Youth Club
The Youth Club is open to everyone between the ages of 8 and 17 years who live in the Bride Valley.
First Steps Parent and Toddler Group
Did you know we are open to anyone in the Bride Valley? October sessions begin on the 5th, from 10.00 till 12.00 at Long Bredy Village Hall, our regular meeting place. The Health Visitor will be joining us for baby-weighing or advice, as she does on the first Wednesday of each month.
We have toys and equipment for all pre-school children, and meet every Wednesday during the school term. We play then stop for a drink, fruit and a biscuit at about 11.00. Parents and carers have the opportunity to meet and chat. Further details from Rachel (Long Bredy) 482246 or Julie (Puncknowle) 897178
Grants, Allowances and Pensions (Gaps)
Is there a gap in your pension and allowances because you are not making a claim for something to which you are entitled, or is there a gap in your knowledge of where the State can help anyway?
In the latter case there certainly was for me, and I was most pleased to be visited by Nick Blackman of the Dorset Pension Service (part of the Department for Work and Pensions) which works in partnership with Dorset Social Services (Health and Care).
The aim of the Pension Service is to encourage all pensioners and those on any sort of benefit, or in a situation where they can claim benefit, both not to be nervous of or threatened by the bureaucracy involved, and to apply for the help to which they are entitled. Nick particularly drew my attention to the Pension Credit which is available to a single person with an income of less that £105.45 a week or to a couple with an income of less than £160.95 a week. Those with higher incomes because of interest from savings for example, may also qualify. He also talked at length about Attendance Allowance where the claimant requires some kind of home-help or carer and Housing Benefit when high rents can severely reduce an individual's disposable income. The Pensions Credit can be backdated for 12 months where relevant, which is gratifying to know.
There are of course conditions and exceptions to these extra allowances, which are too numerous to list here, but Nick suggested that if people think they do qualify for help, they should begin by picking up the appropriate leaflet from their Post Office. Here is a selection:
· Pensions Credit. Pick it up. It's yours.
· The New Pension Credit.
· Attendance Allowance.
· Help with health costs.
· Sick or Disabled (a basic guide to benefits).
· Caring for Someone? (a basic guide for family carers especially).
· Free Services (from gas or electricity suppliers)
· Disability Living Allowance (for those under 65)
· Help with your Council Tax.
· Help with your Rent (Housing Benefit)
· Are you aware of financial abuse? (Court of Protection etc.)
· Pensioners' Guide - England and Wales (a most useful "cover-all")
All this seems pretty comprehensive to me, and if, having referred to one or more of the leaflets above (or one not mentioned), an individual feels that a credit or benefit is payable, then here is the claims procedure:
1. Free-phone 0800 99 1234 and explain what is being applied for.
2. The person answering your call will normally immediately, over the phone, complete your claim-form for you, and if you are happy, post it to you.
3. On receipt of this completed form, check all the details again, sign and date the form, and return it to the required address.
4. The necessary checks will then be made, and the action agreed - hopefully a (regular) payment of some sort. (All payments are now made into a Bank, Building Society or Post Office account by credit transfer)
If it is impractical for the claim-form to be completed over the phone, then the Dorset Pension Service can make a home visit.
So, if you qualify, go for it, it's your entitlement!
Anthony Ashwell Rural Dean - Lyme Bay
P.S. I know this article is not "churchy", but it may well bring blessings!
Royal British Legion
Band Concert
The St. Swithin's Silver Band will be giving a concert in aid of The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal in the Burton Bradstock Village Hall on Friday 28th October 2005 at 7.30 pm. The Band plays popular music including hits from the shows and one can be guaranteed a good evening's entertainment. Tickets, priced at £3 will be available from the Post Office and Legion members. J.Reeves (Hon.Sec.)
Royal British Legion Bride Valley Branch
This month's Social Evening will be held at the Bull Inn Swyre on Monday 24th October at 7.30pm. J.Reeves (Hon.Sec.)
Bride Valley Gardening Club
Committee Meeting on Monday 3rd Oct.
Its rather hard to believe but Autumn has come round again and so the start of our indoor Meetings. As usual we will be meeting at Thorner's School, Litton at 7.30.p.m. on the 2nd Monday of the winter months. Below is our programme, with I think you will agree some excellent Speakers arranged again by our Programme Secretary - Ann Miles.
l0th October Stephen Griffith Gardens of British Isles
from a Cruise Ship
l4th November Diana Guy Behind the Scenes
Gardener of the Year 2004
l2th December The Christmas Party
9th January 2006 David Hitchcock Dahlias for the Garden
l3th February 2006 Philip Gamble Use of Colour in Garden Design
l3th March 2006 Anna Pavord Seasonal Planting in the Garden
April 2006 AGM and Cheese Wine Evening
May we suggest to members that they cut this out and stick it on their notice boards for future reference.
Norma Millard Club Secretary - 897774.
WWII Anniversary Appeal
The Bride Valley Branch would like to thank everyone who contributed or bought Victory badges for the above appeal during the events that celebrated the 60th Anniversary of the end of the 39/45 war. A magnificent sum of £511.68p was collected at the events organised by Susan Moores and at the Church Service in August. The monies raised by this appeal funds the welfare work that the Legion carries out all year round for the ex-service community and their families, including the provision of care homes and welfare break centres, help with employment retraining and resettlement, as well as emergency financial aid for families in need. Ray West Branch Chairman.
Saturday 15th October 9.30am - 12.30pm
We are holding a Producers' Market again on 19th November
at Thorner's School & re-start in 2006 on 20th May
Village Correspondent Mr Basil Dent
2, Norburton, Burton Bradstock. Tel:- (01308) 897125
Mid Week Worship - Holy Communion Wednesdays at 10.00 a.m.
Bell Ringing Practices Thursdays at 7.00pm
Gift Sunday 16th October Church Mission Society
The next Service of Prayer for Healing at St Mary's will be held on Monday 17th October at 7.00pm.
Tiny Tots / Pram Service will be held at 11.00am on Friday 14th October
St. Mary's Harvest Festival
Harvest Supper & Barn Dance
Saturday 1st October in the Village Hall
Harvest Festival Services
Sunday 2nd October
Donations of fruit, vegetables, tins etc. would be welcomed.

Concert at St.Mary's
On Saturday 15th October at 7.30pm

Parnham Voices will be giving a concert in St. Mary's Burton Bradstock. This 20 strong Capella choir performs a varied programme of choral music to an exceptionally high standard - choral music at its best.
The concert is in aid of St.Mary's Sudan Project 2005. Admission (£6) is by ticket at the door.
Parish Plan Steering Group
2nd Open meeting
SATURDAY 12th November 2005 1.30 to 4.00 pm
Burton Bradstock Village Hall
Since the successful public meeting back in January, the Parish Plan Steering Group has been gathering information and looking into options for tackling the issues raised by Parishioners. We now have a range of workable solutions that could form the basis of our Parish Plan.
We now welcome your comments to help shape the draft Parish Plan. Come along to the Village Hall on Saturday 12th November between 1.30 and 4.00 pm to see what we have found out about the environmental, business, community, health, housing transport and traffic issues you identified as being of most concern to the parish.
For each issue we have identified a number of options for action. Come along and help prioritise the actions you wish to see go into our Parish Plan.
Drop in for five minutes or 2 hours.
Tea available.
For more information contact: Dave Dixon 898620 or Karen Venn 897094
Burton Bradstock Village Hall
200 Club - Congratulations to:
1st Prize: Jeanne Hill £24
2nd Prize: Joan Howard £12
3rd Prize: Barbara Pursey £ 6
Congratulations! Anyone wanting to enter in time for the October-December draws should telephone me on 01308-897935, become a member, and let me have £3 - one pound for each of the last 3 draws of the year, including the double prizes draw of December.
The Village Hall Trust is a trust registered with the local authority, the West Dorset District Council. Lotteries Licence No. LA005.
Commemoration and Thanksgiving Weekend - 13th and 14th August 2005
A sincere thank you to everyone who helped with the Exhibition, Church Service and Village Tea Party. The weekend was a great success and would not have been possible without so many willing volunteers. It never ceases to amaze me how within such a small village a call can go out asking for help to put on events such as the above weekend, and how quickly so many people come forward offering their time and expertise.
Susan Moores - Secretary, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee.
Saturday 8th October 7.30 pm
"The Importance of Being Earnest" - By Oscar Wilde
Direct from the Barbican Theatre London after their successful tour of Australia, the Ridiculusmus Theatre Company, directed by Jude Kelly, have been booked to perform Oscar Wilde's "The Importance Of Being Earnest" in our own Village Hall. The amazing thing is that Jon Haynes and David Woods play all nine parts! The Ridiculusmus Theatre Company have an enthusiastic following in Dorset after their various touring shows, "The Third Policeman", "The Exhibitionists" to name but two, and as the word gets round that we have brought off this coup - this will be the only performance in Dorset this year - there will be a rush for tickets.
So don't delay, tickets cost £7 each and are available from me by calling 01308 897214. The Sunday Times critic (19/6/05) said of the show... "This is the most brilliantly sophisticated and hilarious production I have seen." Norman Saunders-White - Promoter for Artsreach - 01308 897214
Burton Bradstock Village Society
Friday, 21st October 7.30pm Village Hall
Subject: "Seaside Sovereign: King George III at Weymouth"
Speaker: Dr. Alan Chedzoy
Would you like Your Christmas Greetings in the BVN for 2005?
Once again, we are asking if you would like to take the opportunity of sending local Christmas greetings by way of the BVN. This year we plan to split the donations equally between the BVN and the Joseph Weld Hospice.
As many of you now know, the idea is that instead of buying, writing out and posting (or delivering) Christmas cards to all your local friends and neighbours, you can use this alternative scheme (or, of course, you can send cards as well!). It works this way - you send us a donation, in return for which, your name(s) will be included in a list of all contributors on a dedicated page in the BVN. The list of names will be below a collective Christmas greeting message to friends and neighbours (sadly, we are not able to include individual messages).
If you would like to participate, please give me your name(s), as you would like it/them to appear in the BVN list, plus your donation.
Cheques should be made payable to St. Mary's P.C.C.
I need this information, plus the donation, no later than 10th November, in order to catch the deadline for the December issue.
Ken Pett, Mill Gate House, Annings Lane, Burton Bradstock, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 4QN. Tel: 01308 897 550
Burton Bradstock Indoor Bowls
The new season commences on Monday 3rd October -new members are most welcome to a "not too serious" social evening. For further details ring 897403.
Burton Bradstock W.I.
Thirty seven members and two visitors drank champagne and enjoyed birthday cake at the September meeting. This departure from our usual coffee, tea and biscuits was to celebrate ninety years since the forming of the WI. Cynthia Stevens, whose 90th birthday is this month, cut the cake and was presented at the end of the meeting with Val Parson's charming flower arrangement. We drank toasts to her and to the WI and in memory of Wendy Green, some of whose bequest to the WI was used for the champagne.
President Heather Seadon welcomed Wendy Chalu, WI Advisor, who spoke about the Per Capita fee that will be voted on at the Autumn Council Meeting on 19th October. She also talked about how Group meetings are organised.
Because of the celebrations, and a light-hearted quiz that followed, the business was kept to a minimum. Mary Bailey has a good supply of wool for volunteers to knit for the Red Cross. A token was presented to Audrey Haywood in thanks for her work as Outings Organiser. Marion Howell's dahlia won the Flower of the Month competition.
A highlight of the evening was the reading of six celebratory poems about the WI written by members, all so well received that names were drawn out of a hat and Shelagh Morgan was the lucky winner.
The speaker at the next meeting at 7.30 pm on 11th October Mrs. Veronica Ziegler whose talk will be A Study Visit to the Holy Land.
Sheila Spencer-Smith
Home Watch Burton Bradstock
As most residents of the village will be aware, the main source of any information regarding any type of crime in the area, is provided through the Police Ringmaster system. Home Watch co-ordinators are registered with Dorset Police Headquarters to receive Police messages either by telephone or e-mail related to or action to take to prevent crime. This is circulated to residents by their local co-ordinator. If the residents who now have e-mail facilities were also on the Police Ringmaster system the information would be circulated that much earlier, particularly important where action is required urgently. To enable this to become operative, the residents with the e-mail capability need to give the Police authority to contact them by completing an appropriate form which can be obtained presently from John Grantham or Freddy Tame, who hold a supply. Freddy Tame Tel 897957

Trafalgar Dorset
25th Burton Bradstock Festival
and Art Exhibition
What an amazing few days we all had in Burton during that week in August! Many, many thanks go to those who worked so hard: to the Parish Council and organisers of the presentation of the New Trafalgar Dispatch: to Margaret Harding and the many artists who exhibited their work: to Mike and Anne Southgate, David Juritz and the London Festival Players. The numerous furniture shifters, cooks, "washer-uppers", administrators and the many others behind the scenes should not be forgotten; without their valuable help these much enjoyed events would not have run so efficiently.
Church of England Children's Society
It is the time of year when home boxes need to be emptied and the contents forwarded to the Society. Boxes can be left at the Post Office, handed in to Greta Heal or Basil Dent, or, if needed, can be collected by phoning either of us on 897539 or 897125. Thanks go to all those who hold these boxes; anyone who would like to help the Society by holding one of these boxes please contact me. Greta Heal
Burton Bradstock Bridge Group
All Tuesdays (except the 25th) in October at 2.00pm in the Village Hall. For further information please telephone Chris Clarke - 898117.
A very big thank-you from Shirley and Derek Gilbert for all the offers of help, cards and good wishes. It was much appreciated.
We were sorry to hear of the death of Mrs Ada Coe who died on 6th August at the age of 101. She spent 30 happy years at 3 St Lawrence, Burton Bradstock and continued to enjoy the Bride Valley News right to the end. Our thoughts are with her family.
Burton Bradstock Village Website Address
Loads of information on the village including maps, videos, current events, useful contacts and history.
And, did you know that the Bride Valley News is published on this web site every month?
It includes every back issue of the magazine, as far back as January 2000.
All this, and it's in colour too!
Village Correspondent: Mrs. Joy White
Eastcote 3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge
Tel: ( 01308 )897974
St. Martin's Church Harvest Festival Sunday, 9th October at 9.30a.m.
Everyone is welcome to our special service of praise and thanksgiving for the harvest, and gifts of fruit and vegetables to decorate the church will be most welcome. Refreshments will be served in the village hall after the service
The Harvest Supper
Wednesday 12th October 7.30pm Village Hall
Tickets, price £4.00 available from Doris Benselin and the Churchwardens.
Tower News
It is hoped that a quarter peal will be rung at St. Martin's during the afternoon of Friday 21st October to celebrate the bi-centenary of the Battle of Trafalgar.
Refuse Collection
Parishioners are reminded not to leave bags out on Monday night. The litter caused by vermin searching for food has again become a problem within the village. Jeff Fisher: Parish Clerk
Shipton Gorge Village Hall Trust
The second film of the season is on Wednesday 19th October. Only Human (15) is a truly wonderful and utterly hilarious Spanish farce featuring one of the most dysfunctional families you could ever meet. Doors open at 7.00pm with the film starting at 7.30pm. Most of the film evenings sell out so please purchase your tickets beforehand from Doris Benselin on 897562.
A date for your diary.
This year's Christmas Bingo will be held on Wednesday 14th December. Richard Hewlett
Shipton Gorge Village Society
There will be an Autumn Bingo at the Village Hall on Monday, 24th October. Doors open at 7 o'clock, eyes down at 7.30pm. Sue Brown
Many thanks to everyone who supported the September Coffee Morning (over £60 was raised) and to those who were involved in filling the village box; this has now been sent to the depot in Derbyshire from whence it will be sent out to provide relief in a disaster area. See their website for further details -
Alice Townsend & Chris Hewlett
Shipton Gorge Village Hall 100 Club
September Draw Winners
£20 |
No.16 |
Ivy Platt |
No.34 |
Geoff Shepherd |
Village Correspondent: Sid Marshall
3 Green Barton, Swyre Tel: 897318
Holy Trinity Saturday 8th October, 10.00am - 12noon
Working party in the churchyard.
There are all sorts of jobs to be done from tidying, sweeping and weeding to cutting back of hedges. Do come if you can, and do what you can to keep our churchyard in good order. It's also a good chance to meet and get to know people while you work. Church Wardens
Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council Parish Council Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 4th October in the Puncknowle Church Hall at 7.30pm.
Village Correspondent: Elizabeth Slater
1, Lytton Close, Puncknowle, Dorchester DT2 9BH
Telephone: ( 01308 ) 897751
Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup See Page 6 for report
Puncknowle Art Group
We began our new season at The Crown with a look at our summer work. We voted for our favourite picture and this year the trophy was awarded to Maureen Diplock. After setting a new programme we are looking forward to the rest of the year's events.
Dates for October: - 14th a visit to a local artist, 28th a talk from Pam. Christine Molony
Don't forget to check the village website
to keep in touch with village events and find useful information
Village Correspondent:Josie Belasco,
11 Manor Farm Close, Litton Cheney
Telephone: (01308) 482484
From the Parish Council:
The Parish Council is aware of the acute shortage of affordable housing in rural West Dorset in the face of extremely high house prices and rents. Few parishes remain unaffected, and a wide range of working people can no longer afford to buy a home in their own parish, or even rent. Consequently schools and shops may close and the age profile of the community increases.
In response to this the District Council is working with Dorset Community Action and local Housing Associations to try to provide more rural affordable homes. The DCA Rural Housing Enabler is able to provide planning advice and free housing needs surveys. These provide the necessary evidence that may allow a planning 'exception site' to meet local need, where other development is not permitted. Typically communities need small amounts of affordable housing - around 3% of households have problems accessing appropriate housing, This can affect families in housing which is too small, and young people unable to set up independent households. Homes provided in this way are protected from the right to buy and must remain affordable and available for need within the host parish.
The Parish Council has therefore requested a parish housing needs survey to go out to all households in the coming weeks. The results of the survey will be made available to the community, and if need exists a sites consultation will allow everyone the opportunity to help select potential locations for the homes. The overall process of delivering affordable homes can take several years, but the eventual result will be of enduring benefit to those local families who are helped.
We hope you will take part in this exercise. If just a few households are helped the exercise will have proved worthwhile.
Saturday 1st October - Harvest Supper at Thorner's School 7.00pm. Come and join us for Supper, including apple pie, and listen to the music. We will call on you with tickets at £5.00 each for adults, £2.50 children (5-16years) but please ring me if we miss you. Look around the village for posters with more details nearer the time.
Kathy Kourik Secretary LCSC 482552
Litton Cheney Social Committee
Sunday 16th October 10am - Meet at the Bus Shelter for the Litter Pick, weather permitting. Please wear gloves, we will supply the bags for collecting. Please note change of date
Advance Notice - Children in Need Variety Evening 7.00pm Friday 18th November in the Church - Entrance fee £1.00. This promises to be a very interesting and lively evening. For your entertainment we have on the programme so far: a musical event by a village family; Bob and Jean from Burton who have volunteered to play some music and are welcoming any requests, which they will play for a small donation; a talk about the Red Arrows; a musical/sound quiz; a display of some interesting items which for a small donation you can attempt to value; Barbara and Frank are arranging some Quizzes or Call my Bluff and for a small donation you can join in, Frank will also be performing a monologue - you guessed it for a small donation. Remember this is for Children in Need and we need your donations - last year we raised £817.30 which was a fantastic sum for such a small village - lets see if we can beat that this year. Everyone in the Bride Valley and beyond is very welcome. Better still, would you like to perform something for us? If so please contact me, or any Committee Member. Do you have a bottle or other prize you could donate for our raffle? Please drop around to Sheila Barnes or again ring me to arrange collection. There will be wine, fruit juice, sandwiches and nibbles, did I mention for a small donation? This really was an enjoyable evening last year so we hope you can join us. The Social Committee will again be paying the expenses for the evening.
Sunday 20th November - Please note change of date Meet at the Bus Shelter at 10.00am for the Village Walk.
Kathy Kourik Secretary LCSC 482552
Producers' Market - Saturday 15 October
The nights are drawing in and sadly in October we will see the end of British Summer Time. In order not to get too depressed, you can always pay a visit to October's Producers' Market on Saturday 15th October, 9.30am until 12.30pm (Please note time change) at The White Horse Inn, Litton Cheney. These markets have become a firm favourite in the village's social calendar, and a further market is planned for November 19th (at Thorner's School - it's a little warmer!). Even in October, if the weather turns a little nippy, Mine Host Tony at The White Horse can provide something to warm the cockles of your heart.
We look forward to seeing you at the market, and if you would like to know more about the markets and how you can bring along your own produce please contact either John Firrell on 482313 or Wendy Taylor on 482532.
Our November Market will be on Saturday 19 November from 9.30am to 12.30pm. This will be a special Christmas themed Charity Producers' Market in aid of CancerCare Dorset. Our usual producers will be there, plus several other producers who specialise in gift making so you will not only be able to order your Christmas meat and provisions, but also a few presents for family and friends. More details in November's BVN.
After November we will be taking a rest on the market side, but we already have plans afoot for 2006 when our first market will commence on the third Saturday in May (20th).
Visit the web site for the latest news.
The group meets at The White Horse Inn
at 8.30pm on the first Monday of each month.
All welcome.
Village Correspondent:
Mrs. Elinor Frost, Bridelands ( 482269 )
The WI October meeting is on the 4th at Bridelands at 7:30pm. Speaker, Richard Mabb - Victorian Parlour Poetry and Prose
Best wishes to Sarah Green as she heads off to Newcastle University to study medicine.
Congratulations to George and Haley Foot who were married at Aylesbury on the 27th August.
Mrs Yvonne Legg has recently left the village and moved to Bridport. Mrs Legg was born in Long Bredy and had lived at No.6 for over thirty years: a wonderful neighbour and good friend to many. We wish her well.
Mary Betteridge and family have moved into No.6. Welcome, and we hope you all enjoy life in Long Bredy.
Long Bredy now has several young families and it is great to see all the children getting on so well and having fun together.
Social Club 7th October. There will be another of the inimitable Quiz Evenings, where residents and challengers from outside are all welcome in teams of 4 to try and end the dominance of Litton Cheney's experts in these events.
Trafalgar October 21st 1805
Rosemary Earnshaw ( Shipton Gorge) submitted the following article written by her father, Captain E.W. Whittington-Ince, C.B.E., R.N.
While going through a box of old family papers recently the writer of this article came across a copy of the "Times" newspaper of 7th November 1805, containing Vice Admiral Collingwood's despatch of 22nd October 1805 reporting the events of the previous day which resulted in the decisive defeat of the combined French and Spanish Fleets by the British Fleet commanded by Lord Nelson off Cape Trafalgar.
As is well known this victory was dearly bought by the death in action of Lord Nelson.
Following the despatch was a copy of a general Order issued by Vice Admiral Collingwood to the fleet which, in view of its terms, seems worthy of repetition here. It reads as follows:-
"The Almighty God, whose arm is strength, having of His great mercy been pleased to crown the exertion of His Majesty's Fleet with success in giving them a complete victory over their enemies on the 21st of this month; and that all praise and thanksgiving may be offered up to the Throne of Grace for the benefits to our Country and to mankind.
"I have thought proper that a day should be appointed of general humiliation before God and thanksgiving for this His merciful goodness, imploring forgiveness of our sins, in continuation of His divine mercy, and his constant aid to us in the defence of our country's liberties and laws, without which the utmost efforts of man are nought".
Two of Nelson's "Band of Brothers", as he affectionately designated his Captains, were Dorset men and hailed from villages not far distant from Chideock.
Thomas Masterman Hardy who was Nelson's Flag Captain in the "Victory" at Trafalgar, and later became First Sea Lord and then Governor of Greenwich Hospital, was born near Portesham and in 1806 stood unsuccessfully for election to Parliament for the Borough of Weymouth. The monument which stands on the hills behind Portesham was erected in 1844 to his memory, and not, as some people think, to that of Thomas Hardy, the Wessex novelist. It is now in the care of the National Trust.
Samuel Hood was Captain of H.M.S. "Zealous" at the battle of the Nile, but was not present at Trafalgar.
He was the youngest of three sons of Mr Samuel Hood, Purser in the Royal Navy of Kingsland, near Netherbury. All three sons served in the Royal Navy and all died on active service, the eldest, Arthur, being drowned in the West Indies while serving as a young lieutenant in H.M.S. "Pomone".
The second, Captain Alexander Hood, was killed in the hour of victory in action between his ship H.M.S. "Mars" and the French "Hercule."
Vice Admiral Sir Samuel Hood, Bart., C.C.B., as Samuel Hood later became, represented Westminster in Parliament for a time, and was appointed to the command of the East Indies Squadron in 1812. He died at Madras on 24th December that year from fever at the age of 50.
There is a brass tablet in the chancel of Netherbury Church to the memory of these three British sailors.
Trafalgar October 21st 1805
Rosemary Earnshaw (Shipton Gorge) submitted the following article written by her father, Captain E.W. Whittington-Ince, C.B.E., R.N.
While going through a box of old family papers recently the writer of this article came across a copy of the "Times" newspaper of 7th November 1805, containing Vice Admiral Collingwood's despatch of 22nd October 1805 reporting the events of the previous day ...
Following the despatch was a copy of a general Order issued by Vice Admiral Collingwood to the fleet which, in view of its terms, seems worthy of repetition here. It reads as follows:-
"The Almighty God, whose arm is strength, having of His great mercy been pleased to crown the exertion of His Majesty's Fleet with success in giving them a complete victory over their enemies on the 21st of this month; and that all praise and thanksgiving may be offered up to the Throne of Grace for the benefits to our Country and to mankind.
"I have thought proper that a day should be appointed of general humiliation before God and thanksgiving for this His merciful goodness, imploring forgiveness of our sins, in continuation of His divine mercy, and his constant aid to us in the defence of our country's liberties and laws, without which the utmost efforts of man are nought".
Two of Nelson's "Band of Brothers", as he affectionately designated his Captains, were Dorset men and hailed from villages not far distant from Chideock, Thomas M. Hardy, whose monument stands on the hills behind Portesham, and Samuel Hood (the youngest of three brothers all of whom served in the Royal Navy and died on active service) who was Captain of H.M.S. "Zealous" at the battle of the Nile, but was not present at Trafalgar.
There is a brass tablet in the chancel of Netherbury Church to the memory of these three British sailors. |