April 2001 |
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Diary of Events for all Parishes - This month - check it out |
"Have you cracked it?" Most of us have been asked this at some time, concerning, maybe, whether we have at last understood that obscure computer program or discovered why our leeks go to seed before they fill out. I guess the question originates from code-breaking or cracking, and as so much of Christianity is talked or written about in what outsiders see as a code, that is with its own special language, my original question could be referred to anyone with Christian commitment or sympathy.
It seems to me that Christianity is cracked when the events of Holy Week and Easter beyond any other are appreciated, understood, and responded to. St Paul wrote, effectively, that if there was no Easter, no rising of Jesus Christ from the dead, then the Christian faith is nothing. We have though, our Creator God who because He loved us so much, was prepared by Jesus Christ to die for His creation and then by Jesus Christ to show that He had power over death, a power which can allow anybody - everybody to have that same victory over the grave. Believing this, what other response is there than of praise, joy and thanksgiving that our lives can be everlasting?
Actually there is quite a lot of "cracking" over Holy Week and Easter.
¨ The cracking / falling apart of Jesus' followers after His arrest.
¨ The cracking / breaking of Jesus' body on the Cross.
¨ The cracking / tearing of the temple curtain at His death.
¨ The cracking / opening of the tomb on Easter Day.
¨ The cracking / understanding of John as he entered the empty tomb.
And for many of us, I hope, the cracking of those Easter Eggs. Whilst they remain enclosed in their packaging, winking at us from the corner of a cupboard perhaps, they only represent a hope. But when they are wrapped, cracked open, and consumed, then is there full appreciation, understanding and response. A yummy treat for the greatest celebration.
Have a cracking good Easter.
Anthony Ashwell
Church Calendar - April 2001 1 Fifth Sunday of Lent.
Passiontide begins John 12, v. 1 - 8.
8 Palm Sunday. Luke 19 v. 28 - 40
9 Monday in Holy Week. Psalm 36, v. 5 - 11
10 Tuesday in Holy Week. John 12, v.20-36. 11 Wednesday in Holy Week. John 13, v.21-32.
12 Maundy Thursday John 13, v.1-17.
13 Good Friday. John 18, v.1-19, v.42
14 Easter Eve. Matthew 27, v.57-end
15 Easter Day. Luke 24, v. 1 - 12
22 Second Sunday of Easter John 20, v. 19 - 31
23 George, Martyr, Patron of England
24 Mellitus, Bishop, 624.
25 Mark the Evangelist, Mark 13, v. 5 - 13 27 Christina Rossetti, Poet.
28 Peter Chanel, Missionary, Martyr, 29 Third Sunday of Easter
30 Pandita Mary Ramabai, Translator Rosemary Earnshaw
Lent Course
The last session (5) will be at 7.30pm on Wednesday April 4th.
West-end : Burton Bradstock Church
East-end : 8 Coombes Close, Litton Cheney
Anthony Ashwell
Plant Sale
Shipton Gorge Village Hall
Saturday 28th April at 10.00 a.m.
cakes..... refreshments..... .raffle.
All donations of plants and cakes will be greatly appreciated.
Proceeds will go to the Bride Valley News.
See entry under Shipton Gorge for further details
Thank you to Vic and Jean Canterbury for organising the above event. We hope all our readers will help to make the sale a resounding success by giving their support! Eds.
Burton Bradstock School
We'd been tempted to believe that Spring was upon us by a few warm, still, sunny days, but winter coiled itself up in early March, unleashed a cutting North wind and turned the valley white. Snow was not the only stranger to descend on the village. Late at night four men arrived carrying exotic cases. Their journeys had been made separately from all corners of the globe and they were weary. They settled down to troubled sleep in unfamiliar surroundings and contemplated the job that lay ahead. They had come early in the year to sow seeds. They would return later to reap the harvest.
The next morning they arrived at their first school, unpacked their cases, hunched over their fabulous instruments, tuned them, raised their eyes to the eager young faces staring in fascination at them, smiled warmly and struck the first notes. The One World Band, Davinder from India, Mauricio from Chile, Mussa from The Gambia and Roger from Bracknell leaned into their instruments and bathed the first of nine schools in their joyful multicultural music.
They are all superbly accomplished musicians led by Roger Watson who proved to be immensely knowledgeable and a wonderful communicator to both children and adults. They spent a full day in each school, performing a concert and then working with groups of children, developing music and song writing. Roger and Billy Bragg delivered three inspirational songwriting workshops to all Bridport teachers and the band met staff and other project members at a reception in a village pub.
They left our village after a fortnight of memorable music. They have sown the seeds and will return at the start of June to reap the harvest of songs that our children have written, shape them into performances and a C.D. that will provide a record of achievement for all schools and funding for our friends in the schools in Chile, The Gambia and India that are directly linked to us.
The Linfords have bought their tickets to The Gambia and they leave just before Easter to record the music making out there and attempt live links with Burton and Thorners schools.
If you are on the Internet and want to watch the project develop and unfold, log on to www.dorset-lea.org.uk/clusters/bridport. The site will be used by all schools to communicate songs, video clips, images and sound to each other.
Kay Cove is still sadly missed and warmly remembered by all at the school. We recently learned that Kay had bequeathed to the school a generous sum of money. We have used this to set up a trust fund in her name to support financially disadvantaged families.
Thanks to all of you who collected Telegraph tokens for us and all who have renewed their 100 Club subscription. Your support is a great strength to us.
David Powell
100 Club Winners Feb 2001
£40 Mr & Mrs West
£20 Mr & Mrs Hewlett
£10 Mr M. Read
£5 Mrs E. M. Stroud
Thorner's School, Litton Cheney
I am really surprised that so many people read these words. It usually comes near to the 10th of the month and I start to think about what I shall write about. I often wonder who is going to read the piece, who my audience is and what they actually think of what I am writing. Am I upsetting anyone with my words? So when someone makes a point of referring to my article I always take in a very sharp breath and wait for their comment or question. My immediate thoughts are what did I write last month? Up until now I have been amazed that people do in fact take the time and trouble to read it and quite often identify with what I am saying, let alone making a comment back to me. Since arriving in the Bride Valley 18 months ago I have been fortunate to meet lots of you and am gradually getting to know you in your different capacities, but am even more surprised that you all seem to know me and what I am doing. I often have parents remark to me that they have seen my car at school when they think I should be at home. A teacher does not work 8.30 to 4 o'clock! There are many more jobs to be done outside these hours: these are maybe more the hours when they are dealing directly with pupils and parents or other professionals. This month I would like to turn the tables and ask for your comments.
Walking around the supermarket recently (and remember that I am writing this at the beginning of March), I was amazed to see how many Easter Eggs were for sale, not just the delicious mini crème eggs but all those in glossy boxes with a variety of chocolates inside, and I started to think about why they were on sale so early .. is it to encourage us to spend lots of money and buy lots for all the people we know? I don't think so! Is it so that we can buy one a week for special people and family members? Could be! Or is it so that we buy eggs now, and can't resist them, so that before Easter comes we have to go out and buy more? Sounds reasonable to me! Or is it so that we can be continually nagged by our offspring when we walk around the supermarket to buy Easter Eggs; so that to maintain a quiet life we buy an Egg each week and then leave them on the top shelf? I'm sure that you can think of further excuses for the Eggs being on sale. No - don't bother sending me your suggestions just take time to reflect on the reasons we celebrate Easter and try to think of our fellow humans instead of increasing the profits of the chocolate manufacturers. These makers of the fancy boxes are charging exorbitant prices for what is a rather small amount of chocolate. Why do we willingly pay so much for so little? Maybe someone would like to enlighten me in the coming weeks.
With Ofsted behind us, school is now getting back to normality and making a few of the changes necessary. Thank you to everyone who gave us support through this difficult period; I hope that the report is proving good reading for you all now that it is on the internet.
Alison Johnstone Headteacher.
Mothers' Union
Forge Cottage, Puncknowle will be our meeting place on Thursday 26th April at 2.30 p.m. Dean David Shearlock is coming to give a talk entitled "Mr. Dean". Pam Coventry
First Steps Toddler Group meets every Wednesday during term-time in Long Bredy Village Hall from 10.00 a.m. till 12 noon. Toys and activities for all pre-school children, coffee and chat for parents and carers. Phone Jo on ... or Sally on 897068.
The Royal British Legion Women's Section
The WRBL will be holding their annual Easter Sale on Monday April 16th in the W.I.Hall, Burton Bradstock at 2.00 p.m. Stalls will include cakes, handicraft, books, bric-a-brac, etc. There will be a raffle and tombola. Teas also will be available. D.Outon-Powell
The next meeting is on April 11th at 8.00pm when Mrs Margaret Thomas will talk about her holiday in Ecuador. The meeting is in the home of Mrs Betty Champkins, Chalk Pit Lane, Litton Cheney. New members are always welcome.
Bride Valley Gardening Club
A reminder to all members - our AGM is on Monday 30th April at 7.30pm at Thorner's School. As well as the business meeting we also serve cheese and wine to make this a truly social occasion - do come.
SOS Our chairman, designate Jim Holden, and his wife Sue who is our programme secretary are moving to Devon. We are happy for them and wish them well, of course, but who will fill their shoes? IT COULD BE YOU!?
If you are interested, or know of anyone who might be interested in either post, please don't delay, contact me today on 01308 482404. Don't let a thriving club die for lack of officers - the jobs are not onerous, and the people are lovely!
Nancy Vicars, Chairman
Bride Valley Theatre Club
We have had a successful season so far, and members have enjoyed trips to a variety of venues (Yeovil, Bath, Poole) for a programme of plays, ballet, comic opera and opera. There will be no outings in April but we hope to resume in May for 2 months before the Summer break. Members are reminded that annual subscriptions of £2 per person per year are due now (many of you have already paid) to cover stationery, postage, telephone calls, etc.
If there is anyone who would like to join the group please contact Nancy or Rachel on 01308 482404. Nancy Vicars
Village Correspondent Mr Basil Dent
2, Norburton, Burton Bradstock. Tel:- (01308) 897125
Mid Week Worship - Holy Communion Wednesdays at 10.00 a.m. followed by coffee in the Rectory
Choir Practices Fridays at 6.00 p.m.
Gift Sunday 15th April Rectory Internal Redecoration Fund.
The next Tiny Tots / Pram Service will be held on Friday 6th April at 11 am.
The next Healing Services at St Mary's will be held on Monday 2nd April and 21st May (not Monday 30th April as previously announced), each at 7 pm.
Baptism 17th February Annalise C. L. Sargent
Holy Week and Easter at St Mary's
Mon 9th April} The Reading of the Passion at 7.30 pm over
Tue 10th April} the three evenings, followed each evening
Wed 11th April} by Compline.
EASTER EVE 7.30 pm THE EASTER LITURGY, including the Blessing of the Paschal Candle
EASTER DAY 8.00 am Holy Communion
11.00 am Family Communion
6.30 pm Festal Evensong
An update on the "Millennium Book" and the village web site.
Following our Open Meeting report in the January BVN, I am delighted to say that we have been loaned a number of wonderful old photographs and articles from villagers (and in some cases even from non-villagers!) to add to our book of history on the village. The items included an 1899 BVN, photos with names of the village football team (who were league champions at the time), called 'the Canaries' in 1929/30, and a large selection of articles and photographs from Georgie Northover. The latter included some of Douglas Northover's material including his dictionary of 'Old Burtoners' dialect. Chris Wilkinson has kindly loaned his set of old/historic photographs of the village (over 250), which are presently being copied. We are also working with Bridport museum as they have some fascinating material there that they have agreed we can copy. So the book is becoming quite comprehensive!
But please don't stop looking - if the book is to be complete, we have a long way to go yet! There must be much more old material - are you sure you've checked everywhere? Please help if you can. We promise to copy and return your material unharmed.
One issue that always arises about this work is the lack of easy access for all villagers to see the book or, indeed, to have a look at the Internet. Just in case you didn't see it in the Bridport News recently, we have won a free PC for the village from BT's Community Connections award scheme, which the Parish Council has generously agreed to house in the Reading Room.
The council are now in the process of setting up power and telephone points there before we can install the computer, but it will not be long before we will be able to offer free sessions there for anyone who is interested.
You will have no need to have any knowledge, or indeed interest, in computers - someone who is familiar with the equipment will be there to show you the 'Millennium Book' on the village web site or anything else on the Internet that you might like to see. I think I can promise that you will find it truly amazing! There are some fascinating, useful and fun sites for everyone!
You could even 'walk' around some of the stores to see what they have in the way of special offers.
I hope to have more news next month.
Ken Pett - Secretary (Tel. 01308 897 550)
Dog Owners
The Parish Council is very concerned about dog fouling around the village and at Hive Beach. There are very many dog owners who do pick up after their dogs have fouled. This message is for dog owners who do not clear up after their dogs have fouled. Do you have a conscience? The Parish Council ask all those irresponsible owners to re-consider and start picking up the faeces. It's easy! Just pick it up with a plastic bag. You can deposit it in your dustbin or 'wheeley litter bin'. Please help to make our village cleaner.
Peter Colbert, BBPC
There will be a Coffee Morning, 10-12 noon in the W.I.Hall, Burton Bradstock on Saturday 21st April. It will be in aid of the 'Lavender Trust Breast Cancer Care'. Stalls, raffle, books etc.
Gardens Open, Burton Bradstock
Another date for your diary: Sunday, 24th June 2001 - in aid of the British Heart Foundation and Cancer Care Dorset. Teas, plants, bric-a-brac, entertainment, etc. Watch this space!
Heather Thomson and Veda Bull
Village Society
There was a good turnout for the February meeting of the Burton Bradstock Village Society, when Peter Colbert introduced Dr. Malcolm Coe, whose presentation was entitled 'George Adamson, the Lions and Me'.
George Adamson lived with his lions in Kenya in an area of shrubland where less than 14% of the population ever had a job. This was where he died at the hands of local bandits.
Malcolm brought the area alive by showing slides of the market, where locals were selling their colourful bags and sandals made out of old car tyres. He showed us the problems of setting up camp in an area infested by scorpions - perhaps now everybody's choice of a "Thompsons Holiday" destination!
The evening ended with a vote of thanks which was given by Carol Lumley.
The Burton Bradstock Home Watch scheme has been in existence for eleven years and continues to be effective in deterring crime in the village. This has only been achieved by the assistance of residents, work by coordinators and the local police. Unfortunately, criminals are always watching for an opportunity to steal, cheat, or short-change members of the public, so we must not relax our vigilance.
On Tuesday 24th April at 7.30 p.m. there will be a meeting of all co-ordinators at which Sgt Colin Mathias and other police officers will be present. As in the past we shall be brought up to date with crime in the area and action being taken to combat it. Anyone in the village who would like to assist our Home Watch is most welcome to attend by first phoning me.
Would co-ordinators unable to attend this important meeting kindly advise me.
Freddy Tame 897957
London Marathon
As you may have noticed on Sunday mornings, my training continues apace around the village. March is the hardest period of the training schedule - in April it winds down a little prior to the marathon itself on the 22nd. My Sunday runs are now at least 3 hours long (314 marathon distance) and on average I am covering about 40 miles a week. I reckon I will top 500 training miles come the marathon itself. In April I will start looking for sponsorship in earnest - apologies in advance if you get asked from more than one source! Colin Haley
Good luck from us all, Colin!
Burton Bradstock W.I.
The March meeting began with the presentation of a splendid birthday cake to Joan Gillett in celebration of her 80th Birthday. The cake had been made and beautifully iced by Barbara Pursey.
Our speaker, Mark Ching, then took us through, with the aid of stunning slides, a century of storms, floods and freezes. His passionate enthusiasm for the Dorset weather had us gripped. Did you know that:
Martinstown, in July1955, had 11 inches of rain in 9 hours
1963 was our coldest winter
1976 was our hottest, driest summer causing fire & drought
1987 with its gales brought hailstones 1 inch wide
His last slide was a tranquil sunset, which was very appropriate as when Barbara Ivall gave our vote of thanks she explained that 10 membeers had spent the day in the W. I. Hall painting skies with landscape artist, Don McKecknie.
Our next meeting is on 10th April at 7.15pm when the subject will be "Cooking with Simon".
Jill Spinney 897835
Village Correspondent: Mrs.Joy White
3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge
GOOD FRIDAY At 9.30am: The Litany
EASTER DAY At 9.30am: Holy Communion
( Traditional Order ), with hymns
Parish Meeting
The annual Parish Meeting will be held in the village hall on Wednesday 25th April at 7.30 p.m. The meeting will review the village's various activities during the past year. After refreshments there will be an opportunity to hear the Parish Council's proposals on:
i) The possibility of creating a village website on the internet.
ii) The compilation of local information which would be of use to people new to the village.
Richard Hewlett Vice-chairman
National Census
In April this year a census is taking place. An official representative will be calling at all dwellings in this area. He or she will have identification cards, so please ask for them to be shown. If you have any doubts, phone your local Homewatch contact or me.
Frank Rogers Co-ordinator (Tel.897821)
Shipton Gorge Hall 100 Club
Winners for the March draw:- £20 No.49 Fred Stanton
£10 No.78 Mabs Johnson
Plant Sale
There will be a Plant Sale at Shipton Gorge Village Hall on Saturday 28th April at 10 a.m. We look forward to your support at this popular annual event. There will also be cakes for sale, together with refreshments and a raffle. All donations of plants and cakes will be greatly appreciated. Proceeds will go to the Bride Valley News.
Vic and Jean Canterbury
Rockhaven. Tel.898218
Village Society
The meeting held on Wednesday 7th March was well attended by 10 Committee members and one non-member, who was most welcome. The Committee agreed on five events, to take place on the following dates:
9th May AGM
30th May Coach Trip
9th June Pot Plant Sale
4th August Flower & Veg. Show
18th August Street Fair
The next meeting will be the Annual General Meeting on 9th May at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. Please come along with suggestions and ideas. All are welcome.
The first event will be a 'Friends' day out. This involves a coach trip to Southampton on Wednesday 30th May, leaving the New Inn, Shipton Gorge at 9.30 a.m. The coach arrives at the West Quay Shopping Centre in Southampton and will return at 3.30 p.m. Tickets: £8 Return.
Please reserve your seats as soon as possible with the organiser, Pat Tucker (Tel.897194).
Shipton Gorge Village Hall Trust
A Reminder that there are bargains to be had at the Jumble Sale on Saturday 7th April. Doors open at 2 p.m. Any items for the sale please bring to the Hall by 10.30 p.m.
New Inn - Welcome to John & Jean Maurice, the new licensees. It is 'Drinks as usual - lunches and evening meals'.
Welcome to Gillian Maxfield who lives at Hope Cottage, Barn Close.
Dorset History on Film
In conjunction with Dorset Artsreach on Tuesday 24th April at Shipton Gorge Village Hall 'Trilith' will present an evening of dramatic images from a film collection dating from 1905 to the present day. Drawing on their extensive stock of archive cine-film, their partnership with TSW SouthWest Film and Television archives and the County Record Office, they will use the latest in video projection technology to present a Show of absorbing historical interest. It will provide a thought-provoking opportunity for viewing the changing face of local rural life. 'Trilith' will present documentary and other films, all of which contain material of special interest to our area and audience. Trilith is a registered charity set up to build an invaluable and irreplaceable archive for the people who reside in Dorset. Following their extraordinary success in the last three Purbeck Film Festivals, we are delighted that their shows now extend to the villages of West Dorset. Tickets are available in advance from John Huxtable on 01308 897547, from the New Inn, Shipton Gorge, and from members of the Hall Committee. The Show commences at 7.30 p.m. and tickets are priced at £4. There is plenty of opportunity for audience participation!
Household Refuse Collection
Shipton Gorge Parish Council would like to bring to everybody's attention a problem that exists within the village. It concerns household rubbish that is put out in polythene bags the night before, or even a number of days before the Tuesday collection.
During the hours of darkness, scavenging wildlife rip open the sacks searching for tit-bits, and in turn they scatter the contents of the bags all over the surrounding ground. Apart from the resulting unsightly mess, it is not a pleasant task for a neighbour to have to clear this up the following morning. If left, there is a real danger of encouraging vermin.
We understand the difficulty of disposing of rubbish when the property is not occupied constantly and so have written to all the holiday and second home owners in the village, asking them to consider one of the following alternative methods of disposing of their household rubbish:-
. Taking it home with them
. Taking it to the District Council's amenity refuse site in South Street, Bridport (next to Jewson's)
. Asking a neighbour to put it outside on Tuesday morning
However, this problem is not just confined to part-time residents, and so we are asking ALL RESIDENTS to think twice before leaving their rubbish outside overnight, so that this problem can be reduced. We realise that many people may not have previously been aware of the extent of this problem in our village, but we would appreciate everyone's future co-operation.
Shipton Gorge Parish Council
Village Correspondent: Mrs.Gilly Doar
Paddock Lodge Swyre
Annual Parochial Church Meeting
All Church members are exhorted to attend this important meeting which takes place immediately after Evensong at 6.30pm on 1st April.
Easter Day
Our Easter Communion Service will be at 9.30am.
Anthony Ashwell
Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Vera Howard following her recent operation.
Dog Fouling
It is an offence to allow your dog to pollute the highway, footpaths, etc. Also it is disgusting to allow your dog to foul other people's property. Would offending dog owners please remember to carry a bag.
Village Correspondent: Mrs Dorothy Barlow
Collingbourne, Hoopers Lane, Puncknowle
Telephone: (01308) 897761
April Family Service. This will be on 1st April at 9.30am and will end with the distribution of Palm Crosses in readiness for Palm Sunday on April 8th. If you are coming to the Palm Sunday Parish Communion, and have previously received a Palm Cross at the Family Service, please do bring this with you.
Good Friday
There will be a Service of quiet devotion in church at 12 noon.
Easter Day
Our Easter Communion Service will be at 11.00am.
Annual Parochial Church Meeting
All Church members are encouraged to attend this most important annual event which follows the 11.00am Service on 22nd April.
Eric and Betty Arnott celebrated their Diamond Wedding on 22nd February, with the family quietly, but on the following Sunday we had a good congregation in church to celebrate both St Matthias and our 60-year-wed couple. Family had come to be with them from the other side of the world, and we wish Betty and Eric every blessing as they begin their seventh decade together.
Anthony Ashwell
The Social Evening
The last Social Evening of the winter was a lively talk by Stephanie Sutton - the Bridport Town Co-ordinator - with high tech. slides. It was a fascinating account of her life in the Merchant Navy from the age of sixteen, starting at the bottom and ending as Captain. We were able to give her a donation towards the skate park. Many thanks to Mike and Ellie Pearson for making the fire and providing the coffee and biscuits at all of the meetings. Their help has been much appreciated.
Puncknowle Art Group
We are enjoying a very full programme at the moment. Thanks to Manna for a practical session on life drawing and to Ken Waterfield for an interesting talk on a number of his oil paintings. Ken is certainly a master of colour and form. There will be no meeting on 13th - Good Friday. Meet at the Crown on 27th .
Christine Molony
Bride Valley Fledglings
GOOD NEWS at last! We received our Ofsted report last week. We have done very well, 'passed with flying colours' as one might say. At this point I would like to say on behalf of the committee and parents a very big thank you to Carol and Maria, who put a lot of hard work into running the Playgroup, not only for the Ofsted, but every week throughout the year. Well done.
Dates for your diary:
May 3rd 10.15 - 11.45 a.m. Open Morning for parents and children wishing to join us in the coming year.
May 21st Our summer quiz goes on sale - very popular!
June 28th Sponsored Tricycle at The Crown, Puncknowle.
July 28th Our Annual Bar-B-Que at The Crown - more to follow. Sue Talbot ( Chair )
Puncknowle Parish Council
Meetings are likely to be cancelled due to the farming problems, but parish work will not grind to a halt!!
An Irreplaceable Loss
Anna Lovell writes this tribute: 'We are sad to report the sudden death of Alex Welch, whom many of you will have met as he coerced you to something for the good of the community. He above all had the right to ask people to contribute, whether by carrying sacks of rubbish, helping to clean the beach or assisting someone in need. In his 80th year, he was still serving the community in very practical ways and was a familiar figure on Bexington beach. Alex had a varied and interesting life and was always teaching and enthusing, whether professionally or just because he did not know how not to. His loss to the community is great, but to his supportive family a much greater loss. Our sympathy goes to his family, and our thanks for a life well lived in the service of others.. Alex was very special and will be long remembered.'
Village Correspondents:
Mrs. Gaynor Jones, 10 Manor Farm Close Tel.482517
Mrs. Elizabeth Kingston, 5 Manor Farm Close Tel.482384
From the Registers
Burial of Ashes Elizabeth (Bett) Mary Smith 23rd February 2001
Bett died on 21st May 1998, and her remains have been buried in the same plot where those of her beloved Bob were placed nine years ago. Symbolically they are reunited on earth, as we believe they are spiritually united in Heaven.
Dedication of Church Gifts
It was a great privilege for me to dedicate on 11th February at our morning Service so many gifts:
¨ Sixty copies of the Church's new Prayer Book "Common Worship" donated by many local people.
¨ New Altar Rail kneelers beautifully put together by Mary Slark.
¨ A wonderful lectern Bible so generously given by Ray and Doris Richards.
It may have snowed for our Christingle Service on 25th February, but thanks to wonderful support, this did not prevent us providing £100 for the Children's Society.
Good Friday
There will be a Service of quiet devotion in church at 2.00pm.
Easter Day
Our Easter Communion Service will be at 9.30am with an Evensong at 6.30pm also.
Anthony Ashwell
The Duck Race followed by an Easter Egg hunt (for primary school pupils) will take place on Easter Sunday, 15th April at 12 o'clock. The ducks start at the bridge opposite Fry's yard and the finish line is at The White Horse Inn where the children's Easter Egg Hunt will take place.
Litton Cheney Playing Field
In spite of the frosty weather the audience enjoyed a rare opportunity to appreciate an excellent performance of Mozart's Clarinet Quintet performed by Walter Brewster and a group of professional musicians for the benefit of the playing field. £285 was raised; thank you to everyone who supported this event.
The Playing Field Committee has had to become increasingly active in raising money to improve the facilities, and need more members to bring energy and enthusiasm to this project. Anyone interested please join us at The White Horse on Thursday 26th April at 8.00pm.
It has been brought to our attention that there is an increasing amount of dog fouling at the playing field. Please remember this is where children play and if the field continues to be fouled the use of the field for dog walking will be banned.
QUIZ QUIZ on behalf of Litton Cheney Social Committee
There weren't many quiz teams at Thorner's on 2nd March, possibly because of the very cold weather! The Quizmaster was heckled, the teams squabbled amongst themselves over half marks, one silly hat in particular couldn't have been much sillier, and in spite of a devious plan, the Quizmaster had to referee a dreaded tie-break between the obstreperous teams! But thanks to a well run raffle and bar one couldn't have wished for a more convivial evening, and there was a modest profit after prizes had been given. My personal thanks to everyone who helped in any way.
Barbara Whillock
Village Fete - Bank Holiday Monday 28th May
The Fete is bearing down on us rapidly - only 8 weeks left to fill up that box of goodies with provisions, sweets, books, toys, white elephants, something nice for the handicraft stall, DIY items and a good bottle or two for the tombola; not forgetting of course a cake and a plant nearer the time.
Next month's News will contain full details of who is doing what, and where and when your donations are required.
Congratulations to the Potter twins on their continued success and especially to Juliet on her selection for the Great Britain senior team for the World Cross Country Championships.
The Eastern End Bride Valley Christmas Party organizers wish to thank the following: The Crown Inn and Puncknowle Fundraisers, Bridport Lions Club and Gordon Anderson, Litton Cheney Bell Ringers and Thorner's School. If you would like to help with the organization of the party, please contact either Mandy Wakely 482272 or Carol Randall 482224. Very many thanks, Mandy and Carol.
Long Bredy & Litton Cheney Women's Institute
On an evening of wild weather in March, members assembled for an evening of instruction in 'Calligraphy'. Birthday posies were presented by President Elinor Frost to Phyllis Collyer, Peggy Cuzens and Chris Smith, with one for her own birthday. Four members wished to attend the Spring Council Meeting in Weymouth in April, and Valerie Cameron was thanked for organising a skittles evening.
Litton resident, Mrs. Pearl Trott, told how she began studying calligraphy fifteen years ago, and showed books containing her own beautiful work illustrated by delicate paintings. After watching a demonstration, members had an opportunity to try to copy the outlines themselves in italic style, with varying degrees of success and a great deal of enjoyment. Many went home determined to continue with this new interest. Mrs. Trott was warmly thanked by Carol Lindsay.
The next meeting will be at Long Bredy on April 3rd at 7.30 p.m.
Betty Champkins
Easter Day
Our Easter Family Service will take place at 11.00am and this will be followed by a shortened Service of Holy Communion.
Anthony Ashwell
Congratulations to Rebecca Fox on gaining her Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award. Rebecca is now going to aim for the Silver.
Welcome to the Hayes family, Mervyn, Rachel, Luke and Roxanne, not forgetting Molly the dog, who have come to live at The Rookery. We hope they will enjoy life in the village.
The Meningitis Trust coffee morning, organized by the W.I. in the Village Hall made £111.60. A wonderful sum. Thank you to all who helped and supported this worthy cause.
Similar generosity was shown the previous day, when the Lent Frugal Lunch at Langebride raised £130.00 for the county's Life Education Centres. Juniper Greener sends her thanks to all who helped, all who came, and all who supported in any way.
Good Friday
There will be a Service of quiet devotion in church at 1.00pm.
Easter Day
Our Easter Communion Service will be at 11.00am, and will be led as usual by Canon Pouncey.
Anthony Ashwell
Last month's magazine mentioned Annette Hallett's participation in the last 16 of the National Club Foursomes Bowls Championship. We are proud (but sad) to say that the Dorchester team failed by the merest whisker to win the championship, falling short by one "point" in the very last game in the Final, having disposed of three other Club teams en route. Many, many congratulations to Annette and her team-mates.
Easter Day falls on Sunday 15th April, and it will be marked by the customary observances in the village as follows:-
Good Friday, 13th April. Following the Good Friday Service the church will be decorated for Easter. The traditional writing in the windows needs several hundred bunches of primroses (about 20 heads per bunch), so we hope that volunteers of all ages will help to pick these around the Bridehead grounds and bring them to the Church. All volunteers are very welcome to help decorate, too.
Easter Day, 15th April. This is the third Sunday in the month, and we would not normally have a service. However, Canon Pouncey has kindly volunteered, as ever, to celebrate a Family Communion Service at 11.00 a.m. All are most welcome at this great festival in the Christian year.
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We Wish All Our Readers A Very Happy Easter |
A Personal Appeal from the Editors:
Many of you have said how much the Bride Valley News means to you. We can, however, only maintain standards if the following rules are adhered to:-
1. News items must be in the hands of the Village Correspondents in time for them to be delivered to the editors by the 12th of the month at the latest.
2. All news items should be submitted to the official correspondent and should be signed. Our thanks to those who feel able in addition to provide us with a telephone number or address.
Finally, may we have contributions for the May edition as early as possible, bearing in mind the Easter holiday which falls in the middle of April.
Editors: John & Susan Paul Windy Gap Shipton Lane Burton Bradstock DT6 4NQ