January 2002 |
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Diary of Events for all Parishes - This month - check it out |
Another year comes round, and some people will have made New Year resolutions - only to break them soon afterwards! Cynicism, or realism? As we begin a new year I think of, not resolutions, but some prayers. Behind them lie some personal wishes, even yearnings, for those of us who live in the Bride Valley, but also for those millions of people in the world who have to live with anxiety, sickness, sadness, poverty and so much else that can reduce human life to no more than an hour by hour painful existence. These prayers have stood the test of time. They are well known and as relevant today as the day they were first prayed.
'Trust in God. Let nothing disturb you, let nothing frighten you; all things pass: God never changes. Patience achieves all it strives for. He who has God finds he lacks nothing, God alone suffices.'
St Teresa of Avila, born 1515
'Watch, dear Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend your sick ones, O Lord Christ, rest your weary ones. Bless your dying ones. Soothe your suffering ones. Pity your afflicted ones. Shield your joyous ones. And all for your love's sake.'
St Augustine, born 354
'O Lord, give me a good digestion as well as something to digest.
Give me health of body, as well as the sense to keep it healthy.
Give me a holy soul, O Lord, which keeps its eyes on beauty and purity,
so that it will not be afraid on seeing sin.
Give me a soul that knows nothing of boredom, groans and sighs.
Never let me be overly concerned for this inconstant thing I call me.
Lord, give me a sense of humour, so that I
may take some happiness from this life,
and share it with others.
St Thomas More, born 1478
Pam and I, and Anna and Anthony wish all our readers good things in this New Year.
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (18th - 25th January) Services arranged by Churches Together in Bridport and District are as follows:-
Fri 18th 6.30 pm St Mary and St Catherine Roman Catholic Church, Grove Road, Bridport
Sat 19th 10.30 am Friends Meeting House, South Street, Bridport
Sun 20th 6.30 pm United Church, East Street, Bridport
Mon 21st 2.30 pm St Martin's, Shipton Gorge
Tue 22nd 2.30 pm The Methodist Church, Uploders
Wed 23rd 11.00 am St John the Baptist, Symondsbury
Thu 24th 2.30 pm Holy Trinity, Bradpole
Fri 25th 10.30 am St John's, West Bay
All who wish to attend any of these services will be most welcome
Wednesday Bible Study Group
Ash Wednesday this year is on 13th February, and this only gives us the opportunity to undertake a limited study before the Lent Course.
Last autumn a questionnaire was circulated, and the resulting suggestion briefly discussed. Our decision is to study St Paul's Epistle to Philemon.
Here are the details:
16th January (7.30pm) Philemon 'A' Fir Tree Cottage, Shipton Gorge
23rd January (7.30pm) Philemon 'A' The Rectory, Litton Cheney
30th January (7.30pm) Philemon 'B' Casterbridge, Annings Lane, B.B.
6th February (7.30pm) Philemon 'B' Hillside, West Bexington
As usual, please contact Mike Read (897445) or myself for further details.
Anthony Ashwell (482302)
Mothers' Union
The A.G.M. will be held at Forge Cottage Puncknowle on Thursday 24th January at 2.30pm. Members are reminded that the annual subscriptions are due this month.
Pam Coventry
Thorner's School, Litton Cheney
The ending and beginning of a new year always bring back memories of the time gone by and hopes for the time to come. As I sit and write this I have the picture of the 'World Music' events flashing before me. This must be the highlight of the past year for our cluster schools, if not Bridport! All the children who took part anywhere along the way should have gained from the experience, least of all those who formed the choirs standing on the stage at Freshwater with lights blazing, microphones catching every sound and the video clips bringing together the songs to the Valley and the schools. It was a magical project and one which I and my colleagues are pleased and proud to have been part of. We are all taking bets as to when the next 'inspirational' thought from David Powell will come, and what it will entail ..suggestions to the office.
As for looking forward, in the immediate future we have our Christmas concert, but that will be well and truly over by the time you read this. There is the start of a new term with the new topics for which to plan and with which to enthuse the pupils. Even though you may have prepared the topic previously they are never the same, as each group of children bend and twist the topic to their own interests and agenda, however much the National Curriculum dictates. It is this individualising of the topics which makes teaching so interesting and rewarding; each group of children have their talents, which, in a small school, is never quite the same one year to the next. An understanding and appreciation of these talents is one of the important parts of our job, helping children to recognise and appreciate not only their own, but others' talents too. This is done by providing different opportunities to all our pupils as best we can, within the confines of school, throughout the curriculum, giving all pupils the opportunity to explore different ways of expressing themselves and discovering that they do have talents even if they are not always obvious. My hope for next year is that each child within school, does find a new talent or strength, be it academic, social or sport and that they have the confidence and enthusiasm to share this with our community in some way or another. So come on Thorner's be proud of your achievements, as there is already a lot of talent out there.
Alison Johnstone Headteacher.
A big 'thank you' to all of you Poppy Collectors and another big 'thank you' to all of you who gave so generously to make 2001 a record year. Yes, we collected £2,109, which was £352 more than the previous year. Well done!
Since the end of the Second World War our armed forces have been involved in a conflict in the world every year except one, which I believe was in 1962. The events of the past few months have brought home to all of us what a thin tight rope we walk between order and chaos. It is the men and women of our forces who are there twenty-four hours of every day ready to move in and stabilise situations before they spiral out of control.
Coming out of the Services in your 30's to survive Civvy Street can be a daunting experience and all too quickly confidence can plummet. Fifty years ago a year's wages could buy you a roof over your head; now it is five years wages if you are lucky. The Legion is always there to help build new lives before the person becomes another homeless statistic.
Thank you all again.
John Ivall
Bride Valley Poppy Appeal Organiser
Many thanks are sent to all those people who supported the West Dorset Mencap Christmas Coffee Morning held on 29th November in Burton Bradstock. Those who came along to browse at the stalls and then have a cuppa with a mince pie were superbly entertained for 45 minutes by the very talented handbell ringers from Mountjoy Special School in Bridport. It put everyone into the festive mood and at the same time £284.60 was spent; the profits of which will go towards supporting all people with a learning disability in the local area.
Lesley Dove
Secretary West Dorset Mencap
First Steps Parent and Toddler Group meets every Wednesday during term time at Long Bredy Village Hall from 10.00 o'clock to 12 o'clock. The new term starts on Wednesday 9th January 2002. All pre-school children and their parents/carers are welcome to join us for activities, toys, coffee and chat. For further details contact:
Jo (Litton Cheney) ... or Sally (Puncknowle) 897068.
***See Bride Valley Fledglings report in the Puncknowle Section Page ....
The Ladybirds meetings take place on the second Wednesday of each month at 8.00pm. All ladies in the valley are very welcome to attend any of the interesting demonstrations and talks. For details about January's meeting contact Margaret Elliott 482338.
Again the December meeting had not taken place at the time of going to press of this bulletin when Mr. Nigel Hewish was to speak on "Conservation of Historical Gardens" with our Wine and Cheese party after, so no feedback is possible.
Now into December and we still have trees of golden red leaves, osteospermum roses, and geraniums blooming as if it were July. As we all know a sharp frost and excessive winds will finally see the end to the lingering Autumn. As some fellow members tell me, they too enjoy winter plants that are appearing , the hellebores, both hybrids and the more common Argutifolius, with its vivid green flowers, resistant to the salt winds we suffer near to the coast; the superb scarlet branches of the Cornus ( Dogwood) which give architectural interest to the winter garden, now the leaves are disappearing.
The recent winds remind us of the winter gales likely to come, so we must ensure our trees and shrubs are well staked, our climbers are well tied and more sensitive plants are protected with fleece or clippings. Dickonsonia Antarctica benefit in winter by simulating nature and placing old leaves or straw over the head of the trunk, or in severe frosts wrapping plastic around the head to keep it dry - lots of jobs for us still to do.
Our next Meeting is on Monday January 14th when Mr.David Hitchcock of Three Counties Nursery will talk on "Winning 10 Gold Medals at Chelsea". As usual this will be at Thorner's School, Litton Cheney at 7. 30. when our Chairman, Nancy Viccars, extends a warm welcome to members old and new.
Nancy and the Committee extend to all their best wishes for a Very Happy Healthy and fluitful New Year gardening.
Norma Millard Club Secretary 897774
"An Idea for Fund Raising for Next Christmas?
How's this for an idea for next year (2002) to raise money for worthwhile causes?
Instead of individuals buying, writing out and posting (or taking) Christmas Cards to all their friends and neighbours (at least locally), we could offer a new scheme whereby you make a donation for a charity or good cause (or charities) - we can choose it or them later - in return for which we would list contributors' names on a dedicated page in the BVN below a collective Christmas greeting message to friends and neighbours, thus obviating the need to send Christmas cards.
We hope you agree this would generate additional funds whilst saving the cost of buying and posting cards, not to mention the time saved.
If you think this is a good idea and you would like to participate, please let Ken Pett (01308 897 550) know. We will let you know how many positive responses we get, and whether there is sufficient interest for us to go ahead or not, in a later BVN.
Village Correspondent Mr Basil Dent
2, Norburton, Burton Bradstock. Tel:- (01308) 897125
Mid Week Worship - Holy Communion Wednesdays at 10.00 a.m. followed by coffee in the Rectory
Choir Practices Fridays at 6.00 p.m.
Gift Sunday 20th January for relief of suffering in Afghanistan
The next Tiny Tots / Pram Service will be held on Friday 11th January ( not the 4th ) at 11 am.
The next Healing Services at St Mary's will be held on Mondays 7th January and 18th February, each at 7.00 pm.
We welcome to Burton Bradstock the District Ringers from 7.00pm to 8.30 pm on Saturday 12th January.
A Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Frank Bailey will be held at St Mary's on Friday 18th January at 2.30 pm.
The Parochial Church Council next meets on Monday 11th February at 7.00 pm.
Funeral 7th December R. Frank Bailey
Posada (A Spanish word meaning 'Inn') Travelling Crib.
The idea of Posada originates in Mexico where people dress up as Mary and Joseph, going from house to house telling people about Jesus and asking for a room. As part of St Mary's Advent preparation we invited all households in our congregation to make room for the figures of Mary and Joseph from our Christmas Crib. Each made room for one night and then took them on to another home, so that by Christmas Eve Mary and Joseph had travelled around the parish, eventually being brought to the Crib Service in the church by the final hosts. A small candle was lit, a few short prayers were said, and refreshments offered. In this way we prepared ourselves to make room for our Lord in our hearts and homes at Christmas, not just as individuals and families but also together as a Christian community.
Pam Atkinson
Church flowers for Christmas Thank you to everyone who came and helped to decorate the church for Christmas; your help was very much appreciated. We have some excellent flower arrangers at St Mary's, and those who think they are not very good at it may well be mistaken!
Pam Atkinson
Carols by Candlelight (Dec 23rd) We thank the church choir of Bothenhampton and The Elizabethan Singers, under the direction of John Wycliffe-Jones, for joining our choir for the carol service on 23rd December. And a thank you, too, to our choir for joining Bothenhampton church for their carol service on 16th December.
We thank God for those willing to serve on committees, and for our Parochial Church Council members. Also, we ask for his blessing on those who arrange flowers, clean the church, make the coffee on Sunday mornings, teach the children; the bell-ringers, the flagmaster, the clock-winder; all involved in producing and distributing the Bride Valley News, and those who faithfully do all the hidden jobs. We also ask his blessing on those who sing in the choir and accompany us on organ and musical instrument. We are especially grateful to the choir for keeping faithful, although we do not yet have a permanent organist and choirmaster.
In 2002, as in every sixth year, a completely new Electoral Roll has to be prepared in time for the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, which will be held on Monday 18th March 2002 at 7.30pm.
All church members on the existing electoral roll, as well as new applicants for enrolment, must complete an application for enrolment form in order to be included on the new roll. A supply of application forms will be available in church from early January or they may be obtained direct from the Electoral Roll Officer.
The requirements for enrolment are very simple. You must be:
a) aged 16 or over
b) baptise (christened)
c) a member of the Church of England
and you must either live in the parish or have regularly attended church there for at least six months.
Being on the Electoral Roll is of benefit for both churchgoers who wish to have a say in the running of the Church and for all parishioners who would like to be more part of the parish community. It means you can attend the Annual Parochial Church Meeting and vote in the elections to the P.C.C. It enables you to have your voice heard, at Deanery and Diocesan levels as well as in your own parish.
M Ackland
Electoral Roll Officer
Burton Bradstock W.l.
At the Annual Meeting in November, 3 new committee members were elected replacing 3 members who were retiring. The President, Joan Dady, was re-elected for a further year. Arrangements were finalised for the Christmas lunch, the Christmas Coffee Morning and the Annual Carol Service, after which members enjoyed a delicious cream tea followed by a light-hearted quiz. The December meeting was a talk on making swags for Christmas.
Members are reminded that subscriptions are due at the next meeting on January 8th at 2.15 p.m. when our speaker will be Mrs. Anne Martin -"The Life and Times of Thomas Hardy". Visitors are always very welcome. Tapestry, Badminton, Keep-Fit, Walks and Mah Jongh etc. all re-commence in January.
There are a few vacancies in the W.I. Keep Fit class which recommences in January. Classes are from 10 - 11 am on Thursday mornings in the W.I. Hall and are led by a fully qualified Keep Fit Association teacher. Cost to Non-W.I. members is £8.00 for 4 sessions.
To find out more please ring Chris Clarke on 898117
Burton Bradstock Players are pleased to announce that their next pantomime "Aladdin" will take place from Monday Feb. 25th. to Saturday March 2nd., including Saturday matinee, at the W.I. Hall, Burton Bradstock. The Box Office opens on Tuesday Jan.15th. 2002 at the Burton Bradstock Post Office, Tel.897243. ( Office hours only.)
Mary Bailey
Redundant Music Appeal
If you have any good Choral Music cluttering up your cupboards, Bridport Choral Society would be pleased to give it a good home. Telephone 897275.
There is a vacancy for a Parish Councillor in Burton Bradstock. If anyone is interested in the position or would like more information please contact the Parish Clerk, Fel Moore, on 01308-459001.
Dates of future Parish Council Meetings:
10th January 2002
7th February 2002
7th March 2002
4th April 2002
2nd May 2002
6th June 2002
4th July 2002
Fel Moore
Clerk to the Parish Council
Village Correspondent: Mrs.Joy White
3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge
The Parochial Church Council next meets on Wednesday 7th February at 7.30 pm at Cairnhill.
Monday, 21st January, 2002 at 2.30 pm
Short service in church, with tea in the Village Hall afterwards, as part of Bridport United Churches' Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
A vacancy has occurred on the Parish Council. Any Shipton Gorge Parishioner who may be interested in taking up this position should contact John Bredemear on 898255 or attend the next meeting scheduled for January 9th at 7.30 p.m in the village hall.
Saturday, 27th April - Shipton Plant Sale - 10.00 a.m.
Sunday, 2nd June - Golden Jubilee Teas in the Village Hall, kindly arranged by Anne & Bob White.
Here's wishing all Shipton residents a Happy New Year.
We have been almost crime free recently and hopefully we can help to keep it that way by being vigilant. Make sure your garden sheds are secure, as mowers and the like are targets for thieves. Don't leave your car keys in the ignition as I saw in Peas Hill a few week's ago. There are a few new residents in Shipton, some I haven't yet met. Please contact me if you have any queries regarding security or ring Beaminster Police Station 862222.
Frank Rogers ( Co-ordinator ) 897821
"The Singing Islands" presented by the New Scorpion Band.
This new Artsreach show will be performed on Wednesday 23rd January 2002 at Shipton Gorge Village Hall at 7.30 pm. Tickets cost £5.00 and are available from John Huxtable on 01308 897547, The New Inn, Shipton Gorge and members of the Hall Committee. You are cordially invited to this evening of truly outstanding music, entertaining anecdotes and stories of this ancient Dorset band and singers with their amazing range of instruments. Tim Laycock and the New Scorpion Band (five in number) is one of the biggest successes of Dorset Artsteach. They have recently been appearing at the National Theatre providing music for the Alan Ayckbourn season. Watch out for them also in the new ITV production of "The Mayor of Casterbridge" filmed in Dorset and due for early screening. The New Scorpion Band perform dance tunes and songs from all over the British Isles accompanied by a huge and wonderful range of acoustic musical instruments. (You are invited to join in the choruses!)
The original Scorpion Band was formed after the Napoleonic Wars using instruments demobbed from the army, and for many years were formidable rivals of the True and Original Weatherbury Band of Puddletown. The New Scorpion Band maintains the fine tradition of their namesakes. This is a show of great subtlety and high quality, almost like a chamber piece of Folk Music, such is the virtuosity of the playing and choice of material. A memorable evening to adorn our growing programme of Artsreach successes.
Shipton Gorge Village Society
The Committee would like to wish you all a Happy New Year and to thank you all for your support last year. This year looks to be an exciting one with village events in the planning, especially a street party on the 4th June to celebrate the Queen's Golden Jubilee. If you have any ideas or suggestions for future events would you please contact:
Peter Bowditch ( Chairman ) 897364
Thank you to Christine and Robert Cornish for the get-together on the 25th November; it was a very enjoyable lunch time.
Clarie Day would like to thank all the kind people who sent cards and messages and visited her while she was in hospital; also everyone at Rockway for their welcome home.
Shipton Gorge 100 Club
Winners of the December Draw:
£50 No.32 Gary Warren
£20 No.64 Val Stephenson
£10 No.17 Ambrose Smith
£10 No.37 Christine Huxtable
£10 No.45 Jeff Fisher
Village Correspondent: Mrs.Julie Lewis
4 Green Barton, Swyre
Epiphany Songs of Praise
On this last day of Christmas, twelfth night and Epiphany Sunday, we shall be having a Songs of Praise Service at 3.00pm, with the 8 Carols and Hymns being chosen by our churchwardens. Tea and mince pies will follow. Do come along, you are most welcome.
Anthony Ashwell
Village Correspondent: Mrs Dorothy Barlow
Collingbourne, Hoopers Lane, Puncknowle
Telephone: (01308) 897761
Rev'd Peter Saunt is Sally Jevons' father and with his wife, 'Tito', has just retired to Waddon. We hope, and he hopes, that some of his 'retirement' ministry will be with us, indeed he has already led our Carol Service, and taken a creative Sunday morning Service. We wish Peter and Tito every blessing in their new life on the Bride Valley fringe.
Our Christingle Service in aid of the Children's Society will be on Sunday 6th January at 9.30am. Do please do your best to support this hardworking children's charity, and to attend a 'real' Family Service.
Anthony Ashwell
Thank you to all the people who kindly donated items to our Bingo Evening on the 23rd November. We managed to raise just under £300, which will go towards the running of the playschool. Thank you to the members of the playgroup who helped on the evening, also John Arman ( the caller ) and to Pat ( for the mince pies ). I did a rough calculation of the prizes and raffle because we have to have a lottery licence to run the Bingo. Believe it or not, the sum came to over £400. Thank you also to Mick, Ann and the Puncknowle Fund-raisers for their cheque from our Summer Bar-b-Que Evening.
The children had their end of term party, which they all enjoyed.
I would like to welcome our new member of staff, Georgy Procter from West Bay, who will be joining us in January; I wish her well in her new post.
Finally, I would like to say good bye to a dedicated member of staff, Maria, who over the last 18 months has done great things with the children of the playgroup. She will be sadly missed by all parents, children and especially Carol. We all wish her good luck in her future employment.
Sue Talbot [chair] 01308 482204
January Parish Council
Our January meeting will be preceded by an address by Mr. Boyt, from West Dorset District Council, who is anxious to hear the views of residents, as to the car park at West Bexington and associated road problems.
At long last we have managed to get onto the list for Puncknowle to be considered for a speed limit throughout the village.
Good work by neighbouring farmers seems to have effected a cure to the longstanding problem of water flowing over the road above Gorselands. The winter weather will show how effective the remedy has been.
The inquiry into the Drives footpath has taken place, and we await the outcome.
Puncknowle Art Group
On November 16th we had a very helpful talk by Robert Walpole of Abbotsbury Pictures. He brought a variety of samples to show us and we could not help but be impressed by the care and artistic integrity he brings to his work. Thank you, Rob. On a very wet November 30th we were treated to a wonderful talk and slide show on aboriginal art. We were transported to a wann Australian atmosphere for the morning. Many thanks to Arthur and Josephine Pearse for such an informative and thought provoking talk.
Dates for Jan - 11th AGM and 25th sugar craft with Anne Southgate.
Christine Molony
Village Correspondents:
Mrs. Gaynor Jones, 10 Manor Farm Close Tel.482517
Mrs. Elizabeth Kingston, 5 Manor Farm Close Tel.482384
Village Hall Provision
Things change so quickly on this front, that it would be a mistake to give the latest situation (end November) in case it has changed radically by the New Year. Suffice it to say that minds are being concentrated and potential options prioritised with School, Parish and Church all involved.
Anthony Ashwell
I'm still collecting stamps, all year round, for the Joseph Weld Hospice. This is just a reminder for the Christmas period, when we receive a lot more post. Drop them into 15 Baglake, or phone me on 482583 and I will be happy to collect them from you. Many thanks, Sylvia.
Litton Cheney Playing Field Association
The Coffee Morning and Walk at the beginning of December raised nearly £350 towards providing a hard standing area, with a basketball goal and fencing the children's play area. We thank everyone for their generous donations of cakes, goods and raffle prizes and for their continued support.
The total project costs £6500. You may have read in the press that we may receive up to £1600 from WDDC Leisure Development Fund for the hard standing and basketball post. This good news together with our fundraising means we have nearly £4000 for the project. We are awaiting the outcome of five other applications, so fingers crossed we may have more good news in the new year and a greatly improved play area by this time next year.
The annual meeting for the young people aged 8-18 years in the village will be taking place in January probably at the Youth Hostel. The meeting will discuss the progress and future development of the playing field and also the possible youth/community use of the Youth Hostel. Watch out for the posters and invitations or contact Paul Kingston 482384 or Katharine Jones 482589 for further details.
2001 was quite an eventful year for the Peach family.
March: Raymond's mother's 90th birthday.
June: Raymond and Beryl's 40th wedding anniversary.
September:: Andrew's wedding.
Then on the 20th November Beryl accompanied her daughter Sandra, and her husband Kenneth J Knight to Buckingham Palace to receive his CBE from Her Majesty the Queen. She had a most wonderful day and later they had lunch at The Ritz Hotel. Follow that ...
Well done to 9 year old 'cello player Rosanna Brewster who has successfully auditioned for the under 12 National Children's Orchestra.
Happy New Year to all!
At the time of writing, committee members are busy in their 'thinking caps' for their 2002 programme. We meet to discuss ideas mid-January so keep your eye on the Notice Boards and BVN February edition for the diary of social gatherings in the village. M.Anderson LCSC Secretary
Visit the web site for the latest news.
The group meets at The White Horse Inn
at 8 o'clock on the first Monday of each month.
All welcome.
From the Registers
Funeral 19th November 2001 Richard (Dick) Legg aged 80
Dick was born in Long Bredy and lived much of his life in Frampton with his wife Agnes. We extend to Robert and Annette and their families our deepest sympathy on the loss of their father and a gentle countryman.
Burial of Ashes 4th November 2001 Barbara Mary Perdue Wintle aged 92
Barbara's cremated remains were brought together with those of Geoffrey on All Saints Sunday, such an appropriate day for a husband and wife who served Church and community so conscientiously for 15 years.
Holy Baptism 2nd December 2001 Gabriel Isaac Maltby
It was good to baptise Gabriel in our monthly Holy Communion Service when the whole Church had the opportunity to welcome a lively lad into its body.
Anthony Ashwell
Long Bredy Notes
A very Happy New Year to you all.
The Poppy Appeal collection for Long Bredy & Higher Kingston Russell reached £138.22.
Thank you all very much.
I am taking a gap year between A-Levels and University and have been fortunate enough to obtain a place with "GAP Activities". Following an interview, I have been accepted on a placement in South Africa for six months. I will probably be working in a boarding school for children with varying degrees of cerebral palsy. This voluntary placement is going to cost about £2000 and I have to find this myself!
Therefore I am planning various fundraising events in the near future, including a bingo and quiz no.2. Please support these if you are able to. I am also available for babysitting and pet care.
Thank you to those who have supported me so far with my Christmas quiz and Bring & Buy. I look forward to seeing you at future events and will keep you informed of the progress I am making. Hannah Pitcher
President Elinor Frost welcomed members to the Annual General Meeting in November and presented a birthday posy to Janet Cuff. She was thanked by Secretary, Valerie Shepherd, for her work in 2001 and, in turn, thanked Officers and Committee for their various tasks. She agreed to remain in office for one more year and Jackie Baker was appointed Vice-President. Janet Gosbee takes over as Treasurer, Valerie Shepherd remains Secretary, Ruth Pitcher is Magazine Secretary and the Committee were returned en bloc.
The Secretary reported on a very enjoyable and interesting programme of events in the past year and Treasurer, Sandra Akehurst, reported a satisfactory bank balance.
A very welcome speaker was Sandra Brown who was Mayor of Bridport during 1999 and 2000. She told of the many and varied duties she performed during her periods of office, ranging from a trip to Westminster Hall to collect the Bridport Millennnium Green Lottery cheque to a visit to the young Beavers' Camp. One of the many things she did for the town was to reintroduce the ceremony of Beating the Bounds. She was warmly thanked by Jackie Baker.
B. Champkins
It is truly a case of "hail and farewell" for the latest member of the Beggs family. Little Brandon was born on the 9th November, and has spent barely a month in 1, Riverside Cottage, as, at the time of writing, he and all his family are expecting an imminent move to a farm near Dorchester. We wish David, Sandie, Peter and Brandon well in their new home and David's new employment.
There have been two other farewells of different kinds. Giles Best's life among us was commemorated again in a service to dedicate his memorial tablet in the Church on the 22nd November. This was attended by several dozen of his relations, old friends and neighbours, and was most appropriately led by the Vicar. The memorial is carved on a slate which had belonged to Giles, and the lettering was carried out by an old friend of his from Royal Marines days. It is a very individual and appropriate plaque.
Much more quiet was the scattering of the ashes of a Mrs. East from Southampton on the Danish Camp on Sunday December 9th. She, with her mother and sister (whose ashes were also scattered there in the 1970's) were evacuated here during World War II, and her residual fondness for the village is reflected in her request for her remains to come back now. Our condolences are extended to all her family.
Anyone approaching the Church from the road will have noticed a wider open expanse in the churchyard recently, in an area previously overrun by brambles and ivy. Thanks are due to the team of volunteers who have hacked through the undergrowth to restore this area to manageable (we hope) condition. Quite a few gravestones are now again visible, having not seen the light of day for many a year. The working party's efforts are much appreciated.
Similar appreciations for the various Christmas celebrations in the village must await the next issue, as Christmas is still over three weeks ahead at the time of writing...
Bishop Street Press: ISBN 0-9531802-1- 2: 258pp
This book is taken from the Parish Notes 1953-1968 by the Rev'd Oliver Willmott. It is the sequel to Yours Reverently, which covered the years 1948-1953. Oliver Willmott was for many years the vicar of Loders, Askerswell & Dottery
Human entanglements
Dottery people flocked to church, although the bell did not summon them. When the bell fails to sound, they presume that Mrs. G... and it have fallen out again, and on this occasion they were not surprised to find Mrs. G... entangled in yards of rope. Her looks were saying things about the bell that her tongue dare not utter in church. The bell seemed to be excusing itself by replying, 'She was shaking me, so I let go the rope'. Several car loads of Dottery people joined the mother church of Loders for the carol service, and round the vicarage fire afterwards Mrs. G... yielded to a universal demand that she should sing her Christmas serenade to. Mr. B... of Bilshay, who, from the depths of the biggest armchair, made a sign that he was not unwilling to hear it.
Editors: John & Susan Paul Windy Gap Shipton Lane Burton Bradstock DT6 4NQ