of events for all Parishes December 2003
Services December 2003
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| ![]() | ||
Mary Bailey | ||||
Howard & Linda Bongers | ||||
Kate & Bernard Chennells | ||||
Celia Cummins | ||||
Lesley, Steve, Gemma & Jake Dove | ||||
Daphne & Trevor Ekins | ||||
Rob & June Fox | ||||
Jim & Margaret Harding | ||||
John & Barbara Ivall | ||||
Patricia Lepine | ||||
Dorothy Lewis | ||||
Tim & Sue Linford | ||||
Dennis & Carol Lumley | ||||
Peter & Margaret Oldridge | ||||
Deryn & John Pakenham-Walsh | ||||
Derek & Val Parsons | ||||
Susan Paul | ||||
Sheila & Ken Pett | ||||
Mike & Ann Read | ||||
Terry Rendell | ||||
Gill & Charles Robertson | ||||
Mike & Anne Southgate | ||||
Betty Starkey | ||||
Peggy & Norman Thompson | ||||
Karen, David, Paul & Rebecca Venn | ||||
Clare Viney | ||||
Andrea & Chris Wilkinson | ||||
support of St. Mary's Church, Burton Bradstock | ||||
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Burton Bradstock Village
Web Site Address
Did you know that the Bride Valley News
is published on this web site every month?
In addition, did you know that old copies of the magazine
can also be viewed on the web site?
Village Correspondent: Mrs. Joy White
Eastcote, 3 Gullivers Orchard, Shipton Gorge
Tel: ( 01308 )897974
Grand Christmas Bazaar - Saturday , December 6th, 10.30 -12.30.
Please come along to the Village Hall and support this event, held in aid of St. Martin's Church, details of which are in the November issue.
Gillian Maxfield and Janet Lane.
St Martin's Carol Service , Tuesday December 16th at 6.30 pm. Please note the earlier time of this service which will be led this year by our Team Vicar, the Rev'd. Anthony Ashwell. Seasonal refreshments will be served in the village hall afterwards. The Churchwardens.
New Village Notice Boards
Sadly the notice board outside of the Village Hall, given by E. Larkworthy Esq. in 1985 has fallen into disrepair and has had to be replaced.
There are now three new notice
boards in the Village and our thanks go to those who have given freely of their
time and effort to see these boards fabricated and erected. We are also grateful
to Skidmarx Ltd of Weymouth who donated the acrylic sheeting for the doors on
the Village Hall board
The Village Society
A reminder to the 'readers' of Shipton Gorge
The Library van comes to Quarry Close every other Friday at 3.10p.m. First December visit is 5th Dec. 2003
The van is well stocked and the librarian/driver is knowledgeable, helpful and friendly. Please note that IF WE DON'T USE IT WE LOSE IT. Doreen Rogers
Shipton Gorge Village Hall
The annual Christmas Bingo night will be held on Wednesday 10th December; eyes down at 7.30pm. There will be many great prizes on offer, together with a raffle and refreshments. Please join us at this very popular event.
Christmas Cards.
There may be a few villagers who would like to give cards to friends in the village but have difficulty in actually delivering them. I have a couple of young volunteers who are happy to do the delivering.
Cards should be delivered to CAIRNHILL by 17th December (or call 898203 if you would like them collected). All cards will be delivered by 21st December. Only cards for delivery within the village can be accepted.
No charge will be made, but a donation would be appreciated. This will be split between the deliverers and the Village Society.
Bob White, Cairnhill.
Playing Field Burglary
I regret to have to inform the village that it was discovered on Monday 27th October that the shed in our Playing Field was broken into the previous night and that the Parish Council's mower had been stolen. The police were called to the scene but think it unlikely that the mower will be recovered. The shed door was damaged and a temporary repair has been made but new doors will be fitted latest when the insurance claim is finalised. A replacement mower will not be obtained until next year when further security for the shed will be added. If anybody has any information that they think may be helpful to the police enquiry could they please contact the Clerk to the Council, Jeff Fisher, on 08707-583-272.
Mary Boughton, Chairman PC Playing Field Committee
Thank you to all my friends and neighbours who sponsored my granddaughter Karen to run the New York Marathon on Sunday 2nd November 2003. She completed the course in exactly 4 hours.
I will let you know the total she made for the Anthony Nolan Trust when all her sponsorship money has been received.
Ivy Platt 5, Rockway.
Congratulations to Colin Chambers, who on 2nd November, despite the worst weather anyone could remember, completed the London to Brighton Veteran Car Run in just under 6 1/2 hours on his 1904 Humber Olympia Tandem. This was a remarkable achievement since the car had not been run for 35 years, and as recently as four weeks ago was still in pieces, after having been completely stripped down and restored by his cousin, David, who was co-participant with him on the Run. They deserved their medal for finishing well within the allotted time, but will be hoping for better weather in 2004.
Shipton Gorge Village Hall 100 Club
Winners for the November Draw
£20 |
No. 4 |
Pauline Osmond |
£10 |
No.29 |
John & Joan Maurice |
The Christmas Carol Service takes place on Saturday 20th December at 6.30pm.
Correspondents: Elizabeth Slater & Sid Marshall
Fund raising events for the Air Ambulance to be held at Bull Inn, Swyre
6th December - This will take your breath away quite literally it's the Great Bull Pickled Onion Competition. Pickle your Onions, present them at The Bull before the event and then sample the entries. Judge the Rest to find the Best. With prizes for the best you can take part in the best Pickled Onion feast in town.
13th December - Test your powers of observation with The Bull Video Quiz, watch the screen, listen to the music and let us take you back over memorable events of the 20th Century, with a range of questions; it will be fun for everyone from 8 to 80.
20th December - Finishing off this impressive list will be the Family Christmas Fun Day with Fun and Games for all the Family. Come and join in the Festive Spirit.
For further details please ring Chris or Sue at the Bull on 897250.
Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council 2nd December 2003
The Parish Council will meet at 7.30 on the 2nd December at Puncknowle Church Hall.
There will not be a meeting in January 2004.
December shopping trip
The next shopping trip has been arranged - and will be to Poole in December:-
Monday 8th December 2003 to Poole
Pick up at Puncknowle Village Hall 9.30am
Pick up at Swyre Church 9.40am
Pick up at West Bexington Manor Hotel 9.45am
Cost is £6 per person for the journey there and back - payable when getting on the bus.
Pick up for the return journey will be 2.00pm at the same place as drop off
(The Dolphin Centre which is under cover so it doesn't matter if it rains!)
(If you miss the return pick up you will have to make your own arrangements to get home)
Please phone 01308 897684 (new number) and leave your name and the number of seats required (suggest you book early as the last trip to Poole was booked very quickly) If for any reason you are unable to travel please let us know on 01308 897684 in case others wish to take your place.
The above is an initiative organised by your local Parish Council so please offer your support otherwise it will be a case if it doesn't get used it won't happen again.
Puncknowle Swyre and West Bexington Homewatch
Unfortunately crime came to our area last month with burglaries at our local pub. It is a reminder that we must all be on our guard especially with the Christmas festivities coming.
In view of this just remember some of these points.
As a footnote from the Vital Villages Survey a majority of residents felt safe in our community. Let's keep it that way.
I would like to wish everyone in our Homewatch area a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and a big thank you to all the Homewatch representatives for your support in 2003.
Andy Marshall 01308 897732
Puncknowle Church Hall
The results of the Vital Villages Questionnaire regarding the wishes of villagers as to the future management of the Church Hall showed that 123 households wanted the Hall managed by a users group of villagers. Puncknowle Parochial Church Council, who at present are the leaseholders, and manage the Hall, agreed to look favourably at the idea of transferring the management to such a Group.
On the 21st October an open meeting was held in the Hall to explain progress, and to give the opportunity to any villager who wanted to join the group the chance to do so. Only eight persons came to the meeting, where were you all? If the Steering Group are to succeed they need your support. Please contact the Steering Group Chairman, David Buckland, on 898492 or the Secretary Liz Slater on 897751. You do not need to join the Steering Group, but they need to know that they have your support.
Village Correspondent: Sid Marshall
3 Green Barton, Swyre Tel: 897318
26th October 2003 Abbie Louise Bird
Abbie, the second of two beautiful little baby girls baptised on this day (for the first see under Long Bredy). The church was full to welcome Abbie.
Our Carol Service, united with Puncknowle, and at Puncknowle is Sunday 14th December at 6.00pm and will take its customary format.
Our main Christmas Service will be the 'early Midnight Communion Service' beginning at 9.30pm on Christmas Eve. Last year it was very popular with over 50 attending, do come along if you can.
Village Correspondent: Elizabeth Slater
1, Lytton Close, Puncknowle, Dorchester DT2 9BH
Telephone: ( 01308 ) 897751
This will be on 14th December at 6.00pm and will follow our usual format of the telling of the Christmas Story from Holy Scriptures, the assembly of the Crib and the singing of Carols. Mulled wine and mince pies will be available afterwards, and of course, everybody is welcome.
Our Christmas Day Service will be at 9.30am by which time those with young families should have been up for a few hours!
Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup.
Thanks to everyone who bought our Summer Quiz sheet - also to the Bull Inn, The Crown Inn and Burton Bradstock post office for selling them. In October we welcomed Reuben Kingston to Playgroup and hope he will be happy with us. We have a new committee of parents who run the Playgroup - new chairperson is Sally Jevons, assisted by Jayne Fournier, Secretary is Caroline Cox (again!) - thanks to you all for taking it on. The next committee meeting will be to finalise arrangements for our fund-raising.
Please feel free to ring me for any information about Fledglings Playgroup.
Carol Bennett (Playleader) 01308 897771
Social Evening Thursday 4 December 7.30 pm in the Church Hall
Ian Cross Countryside Ranger will be talking and showing slides on South East Asia, its culture and nature. This should be an interesting evening. There will be coffee and biscuits and a collection taken to cover expenses.
Thursday 15 January 2004 the speaker will be Sir Bernard Knight, who will tell us about the work of the Dorset Air Ambulance.
Ann Roberts
Carol Singing Round the Village Monday 22 December.
Meet in the Church Hall 6 pm with a torch and to have a glass of mulled wine before we start. Come and help us raise a record sum for the Dorset Air Ambulance.
Ann Roberts
Congratulations to Mary Hardy of Miramar, West Bexington, on her 90th Birthday on December 9th. We wish her every happiness.
Found in St Mary's Church Puncknowle a small mother of pearl and silver crucifix. Contact Ann Roberts 01308 897716
Puncknowle Art Group
We are most grateful to Ann Gray for giving us a very interesting talk on 'prefect proportions' - the Golden Mean, the Fibonacci Spiral, Euclid, the Greeks and the Egyptians. There is just one date for Dec - the 12th- Christmas lunch.
Christine Molony
Don't forget to check the village website
to keep in touch with village events and find useful information
Village Correspondent:
Mrs. Elizabeth Kingston, 5 Manor Farm Close
These come close together, and everybody really is so welcome to run up the steps to join us.
Sunday 21st December at 5.00pm - Carol Service followed by mulled wine and mince pies.
Christmas Eve at 4.00pm - Crib Service, especially for children to hear the real Christmas Story.
Midnight Holy Communion, beginning at 11.30pm on Christmas Eve.
Before the Old Year is rung out there will be a short 'watch-night' Service beginning at 11.15pm.
As in previous years the trustees of this Charity invite applications from residents of Litton Cheney who in the main have to rely on State pensions or benefits.
It is realised that such recipients may also be in receipt of additional income from other sources, which may obviate the necessity for them to seek a grant from this Charity. The Trustees hope residents in the latter category would feel they should not apply.
If you feel, however, that you do qualify or know of someone that could qualify please apply in confidence to Brian Prentice at 'Steddings', Chalk Pit Lane, or one of the other Trustees on or before 7th December 2003.
Those residents who at present benefit from a grant need not re-apply.
The Trust may also give grants to year-2003 school-leavers who intend to or have started full-time employment, or who have begun a higher education course. Please apply in writing, giving brief details of why the grant is needed, to Brian Prentice, as above.
Have your say!
With the Bride Valley News all the households of Litton Cheney should have received a flyer about Vital Villages. If you have not received this flyer please collect a copy from The White Horse Inn or e mail news4litton@bridevalley.net We need to know everyone's opinion and if there are volunteers to form a steering group to help in anyway to compile a questionnaire for everyone who lives in the parish. We need as many volunteers as possible to present as broad a picture of the community as possible, so don't worry if you are under 20 or over 80, you don't drive a car, you have only lived in the village for a few weeks, you work or don't work or you live in an isolated homestead you can volunteer if you wish to help. The flyer needs to be returned by Friday 5th December to Cllr Sally Dyke, Watercombe, Main Street or Elizabeth Kingston, 5 Manor Farm Close.
Parish Clerk
After 4 ½ years sterling service as our Parish Clerk John Rowlands will be stepping down in January and a successor is urgently sought. Would you like to become more involved in the village? Would you be able to prepare Agendas and Minutes for the five Parish Council meetings held each year and deal with routine correspondence? Lack of experience of local government procedures should in no way deter you as guidance where necessary is always available from the Dorset Association of Parish and Town Councils. John has very generously given his time, averaging for the essential work around 8 hours per month, free to the Parish - again please do not be put off if you are unable to be so benevolent as an honorarium would be available if needed. Please think very seriously if you can, or you know someone you think may, take on this vital village job. If you are interested or require more details contact either John Rowlands 482409 or Chairman Freddie Spicer 482617.
The Parish Council will be meeting in the Church Hall on Tuesday 9th December at 7.30 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend.
The Police Community Support Unit will be at the Bus Shelter between 2 o'clock and 3 o'clock on Tuesday 9th December.
Eastern End Bride Valley Children's Christmas Party will be held on Saturday 13th December 2003. Children aged
0 -12 years are welcome to attend, children under 5 years must be accompanied
by an adult. The party is at Thorner's School from 3 pm to 5.30 pm - Tea Party,
Disco, Colouring Competition and a visit from a special person at the end. For
further details contact Mandy Wakely 482272
Litton Cheney Social Committee
Join us for Carol singing around the village - proceeds to Naomi House Children's Hospice. Carol sheets provided.
18th December - meet at 6.30 pm at the bus shelter and walk around most of the village.
19th December - meet at 7.00 pm at the bus shelter and stroll down to the White Horse.
We would like to thank you all for your support this year and wish you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Kathy Kourik Secretary 482552
Litton Cheney Youth Club
The dates for December have yet to be confirmed. The junior session for those 8-12 years is from 6.30pm to 8.00pm and for those 13-17 years is from 8.00pm to 9.30pm. Paul Kingston 482384
Left at the Playing Field after the Fun Day in September a green collapsible chair. Phone 482384
The Web Group will be having a Christmas Dinner in December so will not be meeting on the first Monday of the month.
A reminder that items for January's BVN for inclusion by the correspondent need to be received by Friday 5th December. With Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year. EK
Visit the web site for the latest news.
The group meets at The White Horse Inn
at 8 o'clock on the first Monday of each month.
All welcome.
Village Correspondent:
Mrs. Elinor Frost, Bridelands ( 482269 )
From the Registers
26th October 2003 May Eloise Smith
May Eloise, the first of two beautiful little baby girls baptised on this day (for the second see under Swyre). May was serene in the presence of her family and friends, and half a dozen other babies!
It is Littlebredy's turn to host both these Services this year, but Long Bredy folk especially are most welcome to Littlebredy Church which is (normally) much better heated than our own! Outline details:
Sunday 14th December - 11.00am - Christingle Service
Monday 22nd December - 6.30pm - Carol Service
(both at Littlebredy)
Instead of our 3rd Sunday Family Service at 9.30am we shall be having a Crib Service - 21st December (9.30am). We haven't had such a Service in Long Bredy for many years, and the Vicar is really looking forward to telling our little ones the Christmas Story.
We shall be having our usual 11o'clock Christmas Family Service, leading straight into a shortened Christmas Holy Communion. There is a gap of a few minutes however before the Communion starts, should anybody feel they cannot stay.
It was a lovely sunny Sunday morning for the christening of May Eloise Smith, daughter of Kate and Dan Smith of 2 Lower Kingston Russell Cottages.
Jack Bailey and Joan Sheldrick are both out of hospital and we hope they will continue to make a good recovery. We send best wishes to them both.
Refuse collection arrangements for Christmas and New Year 2003-4
Normal Day Rearranged Day
Thursday 25 December Saturday 27 December
Friday 26 December Monday 29 December
Monday 29 December Tuesday 30 December
Tuesday 30 December Wednesday 31 December
Wednesday 31 December Friday 2 January
Thursday 1 January Saturday 3 January
Friday 2 January Monday 5 January
Monday 5 January Tuesday 6 January
Tuesday 6 January Wednesday 7 January
Wednesday 7 January Thursday 8 January
Thursday 8 January Friday 9 January
Friday 9 January Saturday 10 January
Both our main December Services are of a most special nature. On 14th December we have a Christingle Service, united with Long Bredy, in aid of the work of the Children's Society (see separate advert). On Christmas Day we have our usual 11.00am Holy Communion Service with Carols. We are hoping that the church by this time will have its renovated windows in place.
Christingle In Littlebredy Church
Shining light into darkness At 11 o'clock
On Sunday 14th December
Celebrate a special Christingle in aid of The Children's Society's anti-bullying work, and help us shine light into darkness. We hope you will join us for this joyful and moving service
The Children's Society - a Voluntary Society of the Church of England
Charity Registration Number 221124
It is also Littlebredy's turn to host this United Service with Long Bredy. See you at 6.30pm on Monday 22nd December in church, and afterwards for 'mince and mull'. Anthony Ashwell
Last month's copy left en route for the Editor only a day or two before the news broke of the terrible car accident involving Pat Cooper and two of her grandchildren. In the intervening month, hope and expectation have turned to relief and joy as Pat and Emma have moved out of danger in Dorchester and Southampton Hospital respectively, and are now both convalescing back at home. The love and prayers of their neighbours continue to surround them, Mike, and the rest of their family, as they recover from a fearful ordeal.
The bonfire and fireworks evening on the Village Green was a fantastic success - except for animals terrified of the noise! - with an enormous bonfire and prolonged and spectacular fireworks display followed by a great crush eating, drinking, and enjoying one another's company in the Village Hall. Thanks and congratulations to all who contributed to any part of the occasion.
We "go to press" this month a few days before the Village Meeting on the 13th November, but a review of the main decisions reached will appear next time.
The next All-Age Worship (Family Service) in Church at 11.00 a.m. on Sunday 14th December will take the form of a Christingle Service, with the distribution of decorated oranges and candles, symbolic of many aspects of Christ's life and ministry. It should be an exceptional occasion for all who are able to be there.
Later in the month, it is Littlebredy Church's turn to host the joint (with Long Bredy) Carol Service, at 6.00 p.m. on Monday 22nd December, followed by festive hospitality in the Village Hall. This is another occasion where as big a congregation as possible will be more than welcome.
The Christmas Day service in Church itself will be a Family Communion at 11.00 a.m., led, as for many years past now, by Canon Pouncey, to whom thanks are due in advance.
There will also be a carol singing party round the village in the lead-up to Christmas, and details of this will be circulated separately later. It remains only for your correspondent to wish all households in Littlebredy a joyous and peaceful Advent and Christmas season.
January 2004 BVN
A reminder
Please note that in order to ensure the magazine is at the printers to reach their Christmas deadline all advertisements for the above issue should have reached David Smith by now
& all copy from correspondents must be in the hands of the Editor by Saturday 6th December at the latest.
Don't forget to save your stamps for The Joseph Weld & Trimar Hospice. I am very happy to act as a collecting point. Susan Paul
Alligton Strings * Bridport Youth Choir *Woodroffe Early Music Group
St. Mary's Church, Bridport Sat 6 December 7.30pm
Admission by programme £4 ( Child/ Student £2.50 )
Available from The Book Shop, South St. or at the door
The Briantspuddle Singers Christmas Concert
To include Fantasia on Christmas Carols- R..Vaughan Williams
St. Mary's Church, Frampton Sat 6 December 7.00pm
Tickets £7 ( children £2 ) available from 01929 555366 or 01300 320730
The Dorchester Choral Society
St. Mary's Church, Edward Rd., Dorchester Sat 13 December 7.30pm
Tickets: £10, £8 (Senior Citizens) £5 (Students) obtainable from Harmony Music
For further details ring 01305 832069
Doves -Dorchester Voices
War Requiem Benjamin Britten
The Lighthouse, Poole 29th February 2004 7.30pm
Credit Card Bookings 01305 259154 £10, £8 (Senior Citizens) £5 (Students)
Thought for the Month |
We are most grateful to the writer, a Bride Valley Resident who wishes to remain anonymous, for submitting the following poem for publication.
Babe of Light
A Poem for Christmas
Babe of Light, come fill my heart with joy
Thou knowest 'tis thine own
Though of poor alloy.
Babe of Light, come fill my narrow mind
Though I am mean and staid
And spiritually blind.
Babe of Light, sweet Child of sweetest Maid,
Was 'ere so tender load
In a manger laid?
Babe of Light, Thou wast to shepherds shown,
Receive my puny soul
And claim it for Thine own.
Babe of Light, adored by Sages Three,
My fealty I give
To none other King but Thee.
Babe of Light, upon my heart's cold straw
Wilt Thou but deign to rest
And leave me nevermore?
Can you decipher the REAL titles of these exaggerated titles of very familiar Christmas tunes. Answers next month.
1. From dark 'til dawn, soundless and sanctimonious.
2. Celestial messengers from splendid empires.
3. In a distant bovine diner.
4. Universal elation.
6. Miniature Nazarene village
7. May Jehovah grant unto you hilarious males retirement.
8. Those of you who are true, come here!
9. Are you detecting the same aural sensations as I am?
The Editor would like to wish all
readers, correspondents, distributors, proof readers, advertisers, Creeds and
all those who help in the production of the B.V.N. a very
Happy Christmas
thank them all for their help during 2003
The Library will be closed for Christmas
Thursday 25th December
Friday 26th December
The Library will be closed for The New Year
Thursday 1st January