of events for all Parishes October 2003
Church Services October 2003
As you read this Pam and I will still be in the village, though I shall have retired from parish duties by then, and Anthony will be looking after things as the first priestly port of call for all the parishes.
It is for Pam and me a time to look both backwards and forwards. Inevitably, events of the past nine years are clearest in the memory. It has been very good to be here in the Bride Valley. For me, though, it is the end of thirty-seven years of full-time ministry as a priest. I could not have imagined as I began my ministry where it would take me, nor the thousands of different people I should meet, some of them famous, nearly all of them ordinary people living ordinary lives, but then there is nothing at all ordinary about life, nor about people.
I began my ministry in Bishop's Stortford in Hertfordshire. It was all very new to me then. I went to the south-east of the country as an intrepid Yorkshireman because they told me 'it' was all happening there. There were many new towns as London spilt over into the countryside. There were many exciting challenges for the Church. It was the 'Swinging 60s'. I can't remember anything swinging about them, but then someone said recently that only those who didn't live through them remember the swinging 60s.
Those earliest days were for me largely a time of learning and preparation for a ministry that took me to three other parishes and another twenty-four years in Hertfordshire before I came here. I look back to ministering among much materialism, yet among thriving churches that did indeed face and grow through many challenges. There were larger congregations then, but that neither increases nor lessens an Anglican priest's workload, because most of us minister as much to the non-church as to our church members. There were no women priests in my early days. There were no Deanery, Diocesan and General Synods. Schools managed pretty well with far fewer numbers of Governors than they do now. Then, schools, churches, and everyone managed pretty well without the welter of legislation of recent years. Life was not easier, but it was simpler.
To look forward - I would rather be living in the 2000s than in the 1900s, especially in retirement!
I don't know how many people in the Bride Valley read 'From the Clergy', but while it was noted in the August issue, quite a number of people have asked me since to where we are moving! So, here it is again: 48 Prince Rupert Road, Ledbury, Herefordshire, HR8 2FA (tel: 01531 632014). Pam and I will be pleased to hear from you or to see you. We hope that without causing embarrassment to anyone we may keep in touch with those who would like to keep in touch with us.
With, from Pam and me, our love and very best wishes to all Bride Valley people, John Atkinson
Valley Notes
Tiny Tots / Pram Service The next service will be on Friday 3rd October at 11 am at St Mary's, Burton Bradstock.
The Bride Valley Team Council next meets on Thursday 6th November 2003 at 7.30 pm in Puncknowle Church Hall. The InterregnumOur Team Rector John and his wife Pam are saying their goodbyes to us, and we to them. The emptying of Burton Bradstock Rectory will be completed towards the end of October, and John's time as Rector will be over. By the beginning of November we pray that Pam and John will be starting to get used to the idea of retirement, and life in Ledbury. There will be no Team Rector in the Bride Valley, and although it is the intention to replace John, not very much will have happened in the recruitment process by then. Generally speaking an interregnum lasts for about a year....
The good news is that in the short term our normal Sunday pattern of worship will not change. We will continue to have our usual Services at the usual times in the usual places (except when they always vary: Remembrance Sunday, around Christmas and Easter and so on). To enable this we are having to 'import' seven different priests or readers from outside the Bride Valley on a regular basis. Generally these will be retired, as is of course our own reader Mike Read, who himself will routinely be covering five Services per month. To all those, and especially to Mike, we must be enormously grateful. As an interesting statistic, the last time we had one working priest in the valley (1997), we had three readers and one active retired priest (compared now with 'one' and 'nought' respectively), and we still had to 'import'.
Barring illness and accident then, our interregnum should pass off smoothly as far as Service cover is concerned. I have used 'should' rather than 'will' because we don't know what is around the corner - who could possibly have anticipated 9/11 ? So things may go wrong, and again we should feel immensely fortunate that we have in the valley, wonderfully capable churchwardens one of whose responsibilities is to provide cover for ministers who cannot get to Services scheduled for them. To this end I am providing what I hope will be helpful hints to churchwardens and their representatives, concerning what to do when no minister is available for a Service.
This leads me to a final point. Many people are cynical about the reasons why interregna do tend to be so long. What is for sure is that one of the real reasons is that a meaningful gap between an outgoing and incoming resident priest, gives a benefice a wonderful opportunity to stand on its own feet. This is called 'freeing people to be the Church'. It is no secret that the number of stipendiary clergy in the Church of England is falling and will continue to do so. To free the laity truly to be the Church is proper preparation for the future. Anthony Ashwell
Bride Valley ( Wednesday ) Bible Study Group
Session II How to live & how to die Phil. Ch.1 vv. 12- 26 Oct 1 Westfield, Shipton La., Burton Bradstock
Session III Standing firm Phil. Ch.1 vv. 27 - 30 Oct 8 11, Barges Close Litton Cheney Oct 15 Windy Gap, Shipton La., Burton Bradstock
Session IV Learning to serve Phil. Ch.2 vv. 1 - 11 Oct 22 Pitcombe, Littlebredy Oct 29 7, Norburton Burton Bradstock
THE BRIDE VALLEY (THURSDAY) FELLOWSHIP GROUP The group meets on Thursday evenings and alternates between Prayer and Bible Study. Arriving from 7.30p.m. we begin at 7.45p.m. aiming to finish by about 9.15p.m. All are most welcome. For further details contact Paul ..., Tel ... October 2 Bible Study 12 Napier Close, Puncknowle October 9 Prayer 7 Norburton, Burton Bradstock October 16 Bible Study 6 Baglake, Litton Cheney October 23 Prayer The Threshing Barn, Higher Kingston Russell
Mothers' Union Thursday 23rd October St. Catherine's Cross, Shipton Lane - 2.30pm Mrs. Bridget Trump will speak about Action & Outreach. Yvette Smith 898219
Bible Society Annual Lectures This Year's Bible Society Annual Lectures, entitled "A Journey through the New Testament," will be delivered by the Rev'd Stephen Thornton, Training Officer for the United Reformed Church Wessex Synod, in the United Church, East Street, Bridport on Thursdays 6th 13th and 20th November at 7.30pm. All are welcome. H.Mousley Secretary B&D.B.S.A.G.
Royal British Legion Women's Section The A.G.M. of the Branch will be held on Monday 13th October at 2.30pm in the Reading Room, Burton Bradstock. The Poppy Coffee Morning will be held on 6th November in the W.I. Hall, Burton Bradstock
Madalina Rusu A reminder to those who have enjoyed Maddy's piano recitals, that she will be playing Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 25 in C Major (K503) with the Dorset Chamber Orchestra, in St. Mary's Church, Dorchester, at 7.30pm Saturday 25th October. Tickets £7 - £10 are available in advance from DChO Tickets, Harmony Music, 3-4 The Forum Centre, Trinity Street, Dorchester, DT1 1TT (Tel: 01305 260360). Cheques payable to Dorset Chamber Orchestra, SAE pleaseThorner's CE VA Primary SchoolWe are now well into the term, and thinking about our Harvest Service, if you can why not come and join us at 9.30am in church, subject to the weather. This summer the weather has been unbelievable, we have been able to enjoy outdoor activities most days. The swimming pool has been well used by people in the valley, a big thank you must go to all the parents who have given of their time to ensure that everyone has been able to make use of this facility, regularly checking the pool for safety and maintenance of the area, every little has helped.
The AGM of the School Association and Report to Parents by the Governors takes place on October 21st, if you are interested in finding out more about school, how the money is spent, what you can do to help or how you can be part of the community, do remember to come and enjoy a few nibbles.
Last month I asked for any interested readers to get in touch if they felt they might like to work on our conservation area, I have had a couple of offers of help so there is still space for anyone who has green fingers or if you are good at filling out forms! Do please get in touch, come in and look, have a chat! Alison Johnstone Headteacher THORNER'S PARENT AND TEACHERS' ASSOCIATIONAutumn will surely be here by the time you read this. I would like to welcome all the new parents and thank all the parents and teachers that have supported me over the past year. I have enjoyed my children attending Thorner's School and being part of the community but I shall be standing aside to allow new ideas from others to participate over the coming months before my daughter moves up to Sir John Colfox this year. I wish all the people of Thorner's, teachers and Mrs Johnstone good luck and hope they will also enjoy this quaint village school as we have. We saw Mrs Barry, Mr O'Farrell on their departure at the end of last term at the Church Service at Litton Cheney and wished them well.
EVENTS COMING UP 21 Oct 03 Governors and Parent & Teachers Association - AGM 9 Oct 03 Harvest Service at Church 9.30am
Burton Bradstock CE VC School At the beginning of term a number of parents commented on how quickly the holidays seemed to pass. I have to agree and it can be a sobering thought to realise that another year has gone by and that our children are getting older and more sophisticated by the day. I have now reached the point where my 15 year-old son beats me at practically everything - table tennis, snooker, pool and badminton for a start. I can hold my own at Subuteo (a now extinct football game) but that's because in terms of today's youth it's more of a museum piece. When my 11 year-old daughter says, "Dad, I've sailed on my own in a good swell and decent breeze and never ever capsized. I go on the boat with you on a flat lake with no wind and within 5 minutes we're in the water!" I fumble to find excuses and have to admit it - I made a mistake. Parenthood can be a very humbling experience at times. Knowing that we can be an embarrassment to our children is hard to handle too. "Mum, you and Dad can come to my school concert as long as you promise not to hold hands!" In school we talk a lot about children's self-esteem. I think parents need some support too! In actual fact, we tend to forget that we were all young once and I don't think I was any better than my children. I just didn't have the nerve to say what I thought - for better or worse. In any case, I really wouldn't change it for one minute. The way through is to try to enjoy every moment and laugh about the ups and downs. After all, as someone once said, "As children grow up the problems don't go away - they just change," so we may as well make the most of it.
This term we are pleased to welcome Miss Louise Brine to our staff as Assistant Headteacher. Louise has a wide experience teaching Early Years children in both Surrey and Poole LEAs.
This is always a special time of the year. Children are enthusiastic and look refreshed and smart whilst the staff wonder how long it can last. We also have Harvest to look forward to and of course, eventually, the Christmas festivities. As I reflect upon this autumn term and all that it involves, it occurs to me that by the end of December I will have completed a full year here. The time certainly has flown by. I also ponder the prospect that at some point during this academic year we are certain to host an Ofsted inspection. This reminds me of an old mother-in-law joke whereby you can see her coming but there is nothing that you can do about it. Nevertheless, in today's educational climate we are always 'doing something about it'. We now call it 'self evaluation' and I take great comfort in the knowledge that all who are connected with and work within the school have the children's best interests at heart. Mark Stratta.
P.S. Did you know that 'Mother-in-law' is an anagram of 'Woman Hitler'
P.P.S. I actually get on very well with my mother-in-law. 100 Club Winners
New Computer Taster Sessions in Burton Bradstock We are pleased to be able to offer some taster sessions for people wishing to use computers for record keeping (databases), a word processing session for anyone interested in producing professional written documents such as letters, posters and invitations or a web publishing session for anyone who'd like to know what is involved in setting up a website on the Internet. If these courses are successful there is the possibility that follow on courses will be offered.
The tutors will be from the LymeNet, a training centre based in Lyme Regis and the courses will be held in the Reading Room in Burton Bradstock. Bookings can be made by e-mailing Karen Venn on venn@boltblue.com or phoning 01308 897094 between 5pm and 7pm weekday evenings. After booking, cheques should be made payable to 'Burton Bradstock Website Committee'
There are still a few places on the following course:
Karen Venn
Game for Bridge Dust off those cobwebs & join us for a game of social bridge! ( Some experience is necessary ) Place: W.I. Hall, Burton Bradstock Time: 2.00pm Date: 7th October ( Four week trial to check numbers ) Further details: Chris Clarke ( 898117 )
First Steps Parent and Toddler Group meets on Wednesdays between 10.00am and 12 noon in Long Bredy Village Hall. Your first session is free and we offer toys and activities for all pre-school children, coffee and chat for parents and carers. The group meets at Long Bredy Village Hall on the first, third and fifth Wednesdays of the month. On the second Wednesday we meet in Little Bredy Hall and on the fourth Wednesday we meet in either Little Bredy or Puncknowle. For further details contact: Jo (Litton Cheney) ... or Julie (Puncknowle) 897178 or Rachel (Kingston Russell and Long Bredy) 482246
Litton Cheney Youth Club meet on Tuesday evenings for those between 8 and 17 years in Litton Cheney and the surrounding villages. For further details of the sessions read the Litton notes or contact Paul Kingston 482384.
Ladybirds Dr Andrew Slade consultant psychiatrist will speak in the home of Ursula Bayer on Wednesday 8th October at 8 pm.
In response to requests from a number of local organisations, I have organised a day's training to achieve the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Foundation in Food Hygiene. This qualification is recommended for anyone who is preparing and serving food to the public in any venue. At the end of the course a short test paper is completed, and on passing, the candidate receives a certificate valid for up to 5 years. The course will be held:- ON: Monday 3rd November 03, from 10.00a.m. until 4.30 p.m. AT: Burton Cliff Hotel. COST : £30.00 per person, payable a week in advance. This includes a text book, certificate, tea and coffee. Please bring your own picnic lunch as time will be limited. For further details and booking please ring Gillian Knight on 01308 897879.
After the most superb summer here in the Bride Valley we now feel the hint of Autumn - the mornings have that slight feel of cooler days to come, the fields have been harvested, the blackberries are almost over and the trees give a subtle golden glow - but we can look forward to the start of another year with the Gardening Club with the varied and exciting programme that has been arranged. The Club has now 170 members, but we welcome new faces - just come along to Thorner's School, Litton Cheney on the 2ndMonday evening of every month - our annual subscription is only £3 and you will meet people from the villages all over the valley.
At the time of this going to press, we have not yet had the Mini Show (Sept.14) but results will be published next month.
The Programme for the forthcoming season: 13th October Michael Michaud -of the Chilli Farm West Bexington "Exotic Immigrant Vegetables and Herbs"
10th November Katherine Crouch BBC Gardener of the Year winner A Garden Design Trouble shooting evening.
8th December Chris Yeats Roses - Old and New Followed by our Cheese and Wine Party
12th January Chris Hunter - Growing fruit
9th February David Hitchcock - Songbird Aquilegias
8th March Val Hurlston-Gardiner - Painswick Rococo Gardens
The A.G.M will be in April, the meeting will be followed by wine, - a reward for those who come to this meeting - 2 glasses for those who volunteer!!
Please feel free to come along to these meetings. Norma Millard Club Secretayr
Village Correspondent Mr Basil Dent 2, Norburton, Burton Bradstock. Tel:- (01308) 897125
********************************************************* Mid Week Worship - Holy Communion Wednesdays at 10.00 a.m.
Choir Practices Fridays at 6.00 p.m.
Bell Ringing Practices Thursdays at 7.00pm
Gift Sunday 26th October Bible Society.
The next Healing Service at St Mary's will be held on Monday 6th October at 7.30pm
The next Tiny Tots / Pram Harvest Service will be held on Friday 3rd October at 11.00 am. The Parochial Church Council next meets on Monday 20th October at 7.00 pm in church. FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Holy Baptism 17th August Ingrid C. Pearse 31st August Harriet A. Dodge 7th September Harley D. Bowring
Wedding 23rd August Marc J. Harwood and Kerry A. Youngs
Funeral 4th September William (Bill) J. Hunt Wednesday 10.00am Holy CommunionThese will continue as usual, of course. It's good to get together afterwards for a cup of coffee and a chat, but where with the Rectory empty? What about a rota for serving-up in church, or another idea? Anthony Ashwell
St Mary's Harvest Supper This year, St Mary's Harvest Supper will take place on Saturday 4th October in the W.I. Hall. The format will be the same as last year - a 'shared meal' followed by a barn dance. You are asked to bring a plate of food to be put on the central table for everyone to share - different coloured tickets will indicate whether you should bring a sweet or a savoury dish. Tickets costing £2.50 each ( to cover the cost of hiring the hall, drinks, and other 'incidentals', any surplus going to charity ) will be on sale from the beginning of September at the Post Office. Although this event is organised by the church, it is a community event, and everyone, especially families will be welcome. Entry will be by ticket only, and since numbers will have to be limited, don't forget to put the date in your diary and get down to the Post Office to buy your tickets!
QUIZ NIGHT FRI. 10th OCTOBER AT 7.00pm THE W.I. HALL Tickets £2.50 to include light refreshments from Joan Allan, Heather Thomson or any committee member. Come and join us and have some fun. Christine Clarke
The Festival opened with the Telemann Concerto for oboe, oboe d'amore and continuo, with excellent rapport between the soloists Neil Black and his wife Janice Knight and with a sensitive accompaniment by Hubert Dawkes. Mary Ryan played the Sonatine for flute and piano, by Gaubert, a flowing lyrical piece and typically French. A moving tribute to John Coulling, a regular member of the Festival Players who died in February this year, was Rachmaninov's Vocalise, with the rich melody for the viola played by Christopher Wellington. The second part of the concert was devoted to one of Schubert's last and greatest works, his String Quintet in C. The five talented string players gave us a superbly crisp, powerful and passionate performance, with the opening of the wonderful Adagio movement quite magical and masterfully controlled. This piece was the highlight of the Festival for many of the audience.
On Friday the concert started with a Sonata for two trumpets and strings by Paisible. The two Allegro movements gave David Mason and Stephen Cutting ample opportunity to delight us with their playing. Tartini's celebrated Devil's Trill Sonata was marvellous virtuoso fireworks by David Juritz; - definitely t(h)rilling! The first half ended with J.S.Bach's Cantata No 51. This was a lively and at times frenetic performance, finishing with an unmistakable atmosphere of jubilation. The lovely singing of Hilary Kenway was at times overwhelmed by the strings and trumpet, positioned too close. Neil Black and Janice Knight played beautifully together in the lovely Vivaldi Concerto for two oboes. The final piece was Mendelssohn's Octet with the eight string players starting at a cracking pace. The deliciously light Scherzo provided a contrast to the heavier earlier movements and the final movement drove on to an exciting climax. Played with passion and commitment, it left the audience exhilarated.
Concertos by Telemann started both halves of the final concert; one for trumpet and two oboes and the other for flute, oboe d'amore and viola d'amore. The soloists, along with the rest of the Players, particularly excel in the music of this period. Adrian Bradbury, who throughout the Festival led the cello part superbly, delighted us with a Boccherini Sonata. Serenade for Strings op 20, recognisably Elgar from first to last note, was perhaps a little untidy but the mood of elegiac nobility in the Larghetto was well caught. In the Bellini oboe concerto, Neil Black gave a sparkling performance and the ensemble was faultless. An unusual string group of 4 violins, 2 violas and a double bass played the Mozart Divertimento in D, K136. The Festival came to a cheerful conclusion with a rousing performance of Bach's 2nd Brandenburg Concerto, featuring trumpet, flute, oboe and violin. The trumpet blasts were powerful but the audience in the front rows held fast, despite David Juritz's tongue-in-cheek warning concerning dangerous decibels at the start of the evening.
This was another most successful Festival; to look back upon with great pleasure and continuing gratitude to Mary Ryan and her talented colleagues. We so hope for more next year. Michael Southgate
Hive Beach Café Charity Fund Raising For every hot drink purchased on a Tuesday or Thursday between 10.00am and 11.30am 50p will be donated to the local Bridport branch of the Alzheimers Society. This fund-raising promotion, which will commence on Tuesday 7th October and run through till the end of March 2004, is a very generous one and well worthy of support. Mr. Steve Attrill, whose initiative this is, and the local branch of the society will both be extremely grateful for your support.
in the BVN in aid of St. Mary's Church Funds.
If you would like to participate, don't forget that Ken Pett needs your name(s) [as you would like them listed on the greetings page in the December issue] plus your donation, as soon as possible and no later than 5th November. Cheques should be made payable to St. Mary's P.C.C.
Ken Pett, Mill Gate House, Annings Lane, Burton Bradstock, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 4QN. Tel: 01308 897 550
The Village Society As a Society we remember Air Vice Marshal Peter Cracroft C.B., A.F.C., who died in August.
Peter was a long-time member of the society and our President from 1981 - 1992. He always showed great interest in the Society and gave much help and advice during that time.
He was a remarkable and brave man, serving with great distinction in the Royal Air Force and we remember him with pride and affection. Nancy Bushell President
HOME WATCH BURTON BRADSTOCK Early dark nights are approaching fast and I would remind all residents of the need for special security to their homes. Our Home Watch scheme continues to be successful in deterring the potential thief. If you are out after dark arrange for lights to come on at dusk by using an interrupter or delay switch, preferably in a room with curtains drawn. Our local Police are always happy to advise on home security and can be contacted direct on Bridport 422266. I would repeat my warning in drawing your attention to dishonest workmen. They deceive the most vulnerable in our society by extorting large sums of money as payment for minor or inferior work to roof repairs, tree/hedge cutting and drive repairs. All door-step callers should be treated with caution. Use your door chain and ask for identification, leaving your door chain on while checking details with employer or police. If work is required, householders are advised to obtain written quotations from reliable local tradesmen. Items should not be sold to visiting antiques or other dealers calling.. New residents may obtain HOME WATCH stickers from their local co-ordinators, whose name can be found in the Post Office, the Bridge Cottage Stores, or on the Parish Notice Board in the village. Stickers should be prominently displayed, clearly visible to anyone approaching the property. Freddy Tame Burton Bradstock Parish Council 1. Dorset requires more Magistrates: If you are interested in becoming a magistrate and you are aged between 27 and 63 please contact the Parish Clerk who has a lot more details available.
2. Road Safety: A number of parishioners have voiced concern about a number of sites in Burton Bradstock. The council will be meeting with Mr. Gillett the Highways Officer in the near future to discuss all the sites.
3. Wheelie Bins: The Council has taken action to ensure that the Wheelie Bins near Burton Garage are emptied regularly, however it would be very helpful if parishioners could assist by ensuring waste is placed inside the bins and keeping the surrounding area tidy.
4. Youth Club: Burton Bradstock Youth Club reopened on Friday 19th September.
5. Footpaths: We have been informed of a number of proposed footpath diversions for Burton Bradstock. Cllr.T.Smith the Footpath Officer is investigating them on behalf of the Council. If you have any concerns regarding footpaths please contact Cllr.T.Smith. Fel Moore Parish Clerk.
Burton Bradstock Village Web Site Address Did you know that the Bride Valley News is published on this web site every month? In addition, did you know that old copies of the magazine can also be viewed on the web site?
Village Correspondent: Mrs. Joy White Eastcote 3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge Tel: ( 01308 )897974
********************************************************* The Parochial Church Council next meets on Wednesday 12th November at Virginia House.
ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH SMALL GATE The Quinquennial Report on the church and churchyard, which was carried out this Spring by the appointed Church Architect, drew attention to the very poor condition of the small church gate. The old gate, whilst still being usable, was completely rusted through in parts and it was declared irreparable by the blacksmith. The elected Parochial Church Council, which is responsible for the church, maintenance of its fabric, safety and usage of its funds, approved the replacement of the small gate with a design that compliments the main gates. The unusual latch of the old gate was rarely closed properly and could catch small fingers; so a simple traditional latch has been used for the replacement gate.
St. Martin's Family Service This will take place on Sunday, October 26th at 3.00 p.m., and everyone is welcome to join us in our worship, which will be led by Mike Read. After the service, tea and treats will be served in the Village Hall as usual. The Church Wardens
Grand Christmas Bazaar-Advance Notice This is to take place in the Village Hall on Saturday, December 6th, from l0a.m - 12 .30p.m. A11 kinds of Christmas gifts and goodies will be on sale, and seasonal refreshments will be available, so make a note of the date, and see the November issue for more details. If you would like to contribute items to the bazaar, please contact Gillian Maxfield on: 897346, or Janet Lane on: 897241.
Shipton Gorge Village Hall Following a decision by the Village Hall Trust to purchase new tables for the Hall a number of large wooden foldaway tables are available for disposal. Please contact Eddy Buck on 898278 if you have any interest in them. Jumble Sale / Book SaleA jumble and book sale will be held at the village hall on Saturday 18th October at 2.00pm If you have any items you would like collected please contact Richard Hewlett on 897278. A new season of Artsreach events commences with:The Year Clock on Wednesday 22nd October at 7.30pm - a dramatic and musical celebration of William Barnes, written and performed by Tim Laycock. The play celebrates the life and works of the Dorset teacher and parson and brings to life a complex and fascinating man exploring the tensions behind the decision of a highly (if self-) educated man to write in rural dialect. The fast paced performance contrasts the rapidly changing world of mid-Victorian progress with a strong sense of a way of life that was being lost forever, a feeling that has many resonances for today. The play also features songs and music played on the violin and guitar by Colin Thompson.Tickets are available from Doris Benselin (16 Rockway, tel. 897562) or, in person, from the New Inn - cost £4.50.(This will be a very popular production and you are advised to secure your tickets promptly).
Advance notice. The film Chicago will be shown in the hall on Wednesday 26th November. Further details in next month's edition. Richard Hewlett Secretary Shipton Gorge Village Society This year, on 16th August, the Village Hall was decorated with photos of old country gates, perfumed with the cocktail of flowers & vegetables while the aroma of good cooking made many visitors feel peckish. Old favourites and new classes attracted 120 entries.
Thank you to all the helpers, entrants, judges and visitors who made the 51st show a good day out!
Winners: :
Shipton Gorge - Anecdotes, History, Pictures and Services The Parish Council is gathering information about the village, those who live or have lived here and the local community. This material is to be used to create a new document on the village, its history and its people, past and present. In order to ensure it is as comprehensive as possible we would like contributions from as many people as possible.
The document will mainly be published on the internet as part of the Shipton Gorge Village Website and but some parts will also be available in paper form.
We would welcome feedback, stories and pictures whether hand written, typed or tape recorded. Please send any information you have to The Village Record, c/o Smacombe Farm, Shipton Gorge, Bridport DT6 4NB or e-mail to info@shiptongorge.com .
If you provide a service to the community please let us know as we intend to feature these as well. Tell us about your service and we will see if it can be included.
If you would like to be involved in developing the new Shipton Gorge Website please mail either charles@shiptongorge.com or mary@shiptongorge.com Shipton Gorge Web GroupWould you like your own Shipton Gorge e-mail address?The Shipton Gorge Webgroup is proposing to offer lifelong e-mail addresses which can remain yours permanently regardless of your internet provider.
You may want to use your own name anyname@shiptongorge.com or any other nickname or service name that you choose. For example:- tomjones@shiptongorge.com; therev@shiptongorge.com; thepub@shiptongorge.com
If you are interested in this please drop an e-mail to:- email@shiptongorge.com and we'll send you further details. Shipton Gorge Web Group Bride Valley Newsflash An important part of the new Shipton Gorge Website will be communication. The Web Group is setting up a fast way for event organisers to communicate with you. Anyone in the Bride Valley is welcome to join.
All you need to do is send an e-mail to us newsgroup@shiptongorge.comsaying "subscribe" in the title and you will be added. To unsubscribe just do the same with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
If you want to tell us about an event or any changes to it, just mail the same address. Your message, subject to approval, will then be sent to all subscribers on the list.
We can assure you that this list will never be sold or used by anyone but the Web Group for the purpose intended.
Fossils to Colombia! Do you have the odd small fossil that you feel you could part with? During the summer I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to visit some primary schools in Colombia. During the visit I gave each school an information pack on where I live and included in this were some small local fossils - mostly found in my vegetable patch! These were received with total excitement, awe and gratitude, so much so that I have been asked if I could send them some more. So, if you have any you can spare (nothing too big or heavy) I would be delighted to be able to send them on, knowing that they will end up as a prized possession and source of wonder for the pupils in one of the many vibrant and happy but impoverished schools that I was welcomed into in Colombia. Chris Hewlett, Greenways, Shipton Gorge. Tel 01308 897278,
Shipton Gorge Village Hall 100 Club Winners for the September Draw
SWYRE Village Correspondent: Sid Marshall 3 Green Barton, Swyre Tel: 897318 s.marshall@which.net
********************************************************* Harvest ThanksgivingApologies to all our readers. I got it wrong in September's BVN. Our Harvest Service will definitely be at 6.30pm on 5th October, followed by Harvest Supper (see separate announcement). Anthony Ashwell
Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council 7th October 2003 The Parish Council will meet at 7.30 on the 7th October at Puncknowle Church Hall.
We are expecting two speakers. Ms Lisa Marshall, West Dorset District Council recycling officer, to talk about Community Composting and Mr Brian Evans-Johnson of Dorset Community Action to offer guidance as to the future of the Playing field.
VITAL VILLAGES - MAKE A DATE FOR 18th OCTOBER The results are in! Come to Puncknowle Hall to see and hear the presentation of the full report.
The Vital Villages Steering Group will be hosting a Coffee Morning from 10.30am until 12.30am, and a Cheese and Wine Evening from 6pm until 8pm, both on the 18th October.
This will be your opportunity to discuss and help to plan the furtherance of the report. If you are unable to come to either of these events, and you are interested in the report please contact any of the following; Nick and Debbie on 898506, Anna on 897322 or Madeline on 897318.
Would you like a shopping trip to Yeovil without having to drive? See details under Puncknowle and West Bexington ( pages 26/27 ).
Puncknowle, Swyre & West Bexington Village Hall Following the Vital Villages Survey sent to all households in the three villages, many people have expressed an interest in the future management of the present Puncknowle Church Hall. An open meeting will be held on the 21st October 2003 at 7.30pm in Puncknowle Church Hall, to give information on the progress so far.
This meeting will be of particular interest to those villagers who may wish to serve on the proposed management committee and did not previously indicate their interest by signing the Volunteer Sheet which accompanied the Survey Questionnaire.
POLICE COMMUNITY SUPPORT UNIT - HOME WATCH Just a reminder that the Community Vehicle will be at Puncknowle Bottom on Thursday 30th October between 5.30pm and 6.30pm. Andrew Marshall 897732
Village Correspondent: Elizabeth Slater 1, Lytton Close, Puncknowle, Dorchester DT2 9BH Telephone: ( 01308 ) 897751 ********************************************************** Harvest Thanksgiving11.00am on Sunday 19th October in church. Anthony Ashwell
PUNCKNOWLE AND SWYRE FETE Despite the appalling weather on the only wet day of the summer, the final sum raised was an amazing £4500 of which £3900 was raised on the day. The remainder was raised by selling items afterwards mainly from the quality clothing stall (which made £1283 in total). Altogether a very satisfactory event due in no small part to the hard work and tenacity of all those who battled against the elements, not to mention those who attended and stayed long enough to spend all that money. We all look forward to a better day next year and are always looking for helpers and organisers. If you think you would be able to run a stall please let the committee know, there is always a shortage of volunteers. In any case make a note of the date. Saturday 31 July 2004. David Jenkins
HARVEST THANKSGIVING Church decorating Saturday 18 October 10 am. Donations of fruit, vegetables and flowers welcome. Please come and help.
THANKSGIVING SERVICE 19 OCTOBER 11.00 am Harvest lunch in the Church Hall 12 noon after the service. Please sign the list at Burwell Cottage (Ann Roberts) if you would like to come. Please indicate whether you will give a plate of food - quiche, salad, sandwiches etc, or something sweet or a donation. There will be a barbecue. Liquid refreshment will be provided.
BRIDE VALLEY FLEDGLINGS PLAYGROUP Our FUN NIGHT Fundraiser at the Crown Inn garden was held on Saturday 9th August, and this time the weather was beautiful! Stalls included Face Painting by parents Jayne Fournier and Paul ..., Pick A Lolly, Spin-a-Wheel, Toy Tombola, Lucky Dips - not forgetting the Bouncy Castle which was well used. The music was very fot-tapping and one parent sang during the break - thanks Sarah, what a great voice! The garden was full of families, visitors, children and dogs - more raffle prizes were won and a good time had by all. Thanks again to Mick for the new date, to the Playgroup Committee/parents for all their hard work before and on the night, and to all who supported us. Our next big Fundraiser will be our Christmas Bingo Night on Friday 21st November in the Hall, Puncknowle - so make that a date for your diary to enjoy a night out and to win some great prizes. We have some vacancies for children for children at Playgroup - just drop in during morning sessions on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday to see how the Playgroup runs and to enrol your child. Our mobile phone no. is 07967 400385 - or ring me at home on 01308 897771 for details. Carol Bennett - Playleader
Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council 7th October 2003 The Parish Council will meet at 7.30 on the 7th October at Puncknowle Church Hall. See Swyre ( page 23 ) for further details
VITAL VILLAGES - MAKE A DATE FOR 18th OCTOBER The results are in! Come to Puncknowle Hall to see and hear the presentation of the full report. See Swyre ( page 23 ) for further details
Would you like a shopping trip to Yeovil without having to drive? Due to the success of the September trip to Poole the next shopping trip is:- Monday 6 October to Yeovil
Pick up at Puncknowle Village Hall 9.15am Pick up at Swyre Church 9.30am Pick up at West Bexington Manor Hotel 9.45am
Cost is £6 per person for the journey there and back - payable when getting on the bus.
Pick up for the return journey will be 2.00pm at the same place as drop off (central Yeovil) (if you miss the return pick up you will have to make your own arrangements to get home)
Please phone 897743 and leave your name and the number of seats required (suggest you book early as the trip to Poole was fully booked very quickly)
If for any reason you are unable to travel please let us know on 897743 in case others wish to take your place.
The above is an initiative organised by you local Parish Council so please offer your support otherwise it will be a case if it doesn't get used it won't happen again.
Puncknowle, Swyre & West Bexington Village Hall Following the Vital Villages Survey sent to all households in the three villages, many people have expressed an interest in the future management of the present Puncknowle Church Hall. An open meeting will be held on the 21st October 2003 at 7.30pm in Puncknowle Church Hall, to give information on the progress so far.
This meeting will be of particular interest to those villagers who may wish to serve on the proposed management committee and did not previously indicate their interest by signing the Volunteer Sheet which accompanied the Survey Questionnaire.
POLICE COMMUNITY SUPPORT UNIT - HOME WATCH Just a reminder that the Community Vehicle will be at Puncknowle Bottom on Thursday 30th October between 5.30pm and 6.30pm. Andrew Marshall 897732
Puncknowle Art Group
WELCOME A warm welcome to Bruce Milree, who has recently moved into St Giles at West Bexington with his two children Caroline and Giles who are both attending Colfox School. Every good wish to them for their happiness here in the Bride Valley.
and Josephine Pearse want
to thank everyone who made our Golden Wedding celebration such an
immensely happy affair. A big thank you to those who decked
out Swyre church with flowers, to Monica and Andrew Salmon for the
service, to Elizabeth Thornburn for playing the organ and the recital
beforehand, and to our family members who read passages during the
Finally we want to thank everyone for all those really lovely Golden Wedding cards we received. Arthur & Josephine
We add our congratulations to Arthur and Josephine. Ed. Don't forget to check the village website to keep in touch with village events and find useful information
LITTON CHENEY Village Correspondent: Mrs. Elizabeth Kingston, 5 Manor Farm Close
********************************************************** Harvest ThanksgivingThis year, after a time of experimentation, we revert to our customary format of having a Saturday evening Harvest Service in church followed by Harvest Supper in the school. Saturday 11th October 6.00pm Service in church 7.00pm for 7.30pm Supper at the school Anthony Ashwell
¯¯¯¯¯¯Summer Concert ¯¯¯¯¯¯ On Friday 15 August Paul Cheater gave an organ recital with Tom ably assisting on the recorder and violin. They played music of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and some more modern music which was greatly enjoyed by a large audience, many of whom subsequently came on to The Old Rectory for dinner prepared by a team of ladies. As a visitor wrote afterwards, "It was a very special evening" and the sum of £626 was raised towards the cost of a new boiler for the church central heating. Litton Cheney Social Committee After the success of last years Jubilee BBQ you asked us to hold another similar event this year. We were quite pleased with ourselves therefore, when over 160 villagers and friends came to the late Summer BBQ that we held on 16th August. As you all know it had again been a very hot week, but in the morning as we prepared the garden at the Cottage it began to rain. Our spirits were dampened but we carried on. Later on the sun shone again and as you all streamed into the garden and the music began we could see that another enjoyable evening was imminent. Thank you all for coming and thank you to everyone who gave up their time to help, especially John who cooked the most beautiful beef and Eddy and Sheila for the use of their garden.
Our next event is the Harvest Celebration on Saturday 11th October. There will be a short thanksgiving service at 6.00pm in the Church and afterwards Supper at the School - 7pm for 7.30 - and then music to follow. We will be calling at all houses with tickets which will be £5 each. We hope you can join us for this event. Kathy Kourik Secretary( 482552 )
Litton Cheney Youth Club The Youth Club will be meeting on Tuesday 7th and 21st October in Litton Cheney Church Hall. The junior session for those 8-12 years is from 6.30pm to 8.00pm and for those 13-17 years is from 8.00pm to 9.30pm. This month there will be a mountain boarding session. A table tennis session will also take place on Thursday 23rd October from 6.30 - 8.00 pm in Litton Cheney Church Hall.
If any adults are interested in playing table tennis either come along to the Church Hall on Thursday 23rd October at 8.00 pm or contact Paul Kingston 482384.
Welcome to David and Pat and to John and Leslie who have all moved into The Paddocks and we hope they all enjoy their new homes and village life.
Welcome to Chris and Rachel as the new tenants of The White Horse Inn we wish them success and happiness. Please support your local!
John and Debbie would like to thank all our chums and regulars at the White Horse Inn over the past few years for their friendship and support.
In particular, a big 'thank you' to all those who contributed to such a novel and generous 'going away' present. It was, and will be, most appreciated.
We wish Chris and Rachel every success in the future, and look forward to dropping in from time to time to keep in touch.
Thank you all again. John and Debbie.
Visit the web site for the latest news. The group meets at The White Horse Inn at 8 o'clock on the first Monday of each month. All welcome.
Village Correspondent: Mrs. Elinor Frost, Bridelands ( 482269 ) *********************************************************
A coffee morning will be held on Saturday 11th October from 10:00am to 12 noon at Long Bredy Village Hall. This is to raise funds for the First Steps Mother and Toddler Group. Long Bredy & Litton Cheney WI On 2nd September the group had as a speaker one of their own members, Mrs Peggy Cuzons who told them something of her work as a midwife, both in hospital and for home births. This was in the days when the means of transport for midwives was a bicycle, but not just any old bicycle, one with a specially made padded container, complete with cover for protection from inclement weather for taking infants to hospital, when deemed advisable. Her peaceful slumbers in Bournemouth Hospital could be broken by the bedside telephone summoning a midwife, at any time during the night. The most important piece of information was the address in the very large area covered by the hospital.
Although street lighting was not always available, and electricity in the house was never guaranteed, people were friendly and always willing to help find an elusive address. Sometimes a 'bobby on the beat' would even escort a midwife on her mission.
Once the mother and new baby were comfortable, it was back to the hospital, hopefully, to snatch a little sleep before starting a day's work back on the ward! She was also expected to follow up each case, making sure that all was well. Despite these heavy demands Peggy enjoyed her work immensely and found it rewarding and worthwhile.
The next meeting will be on 7th October when the institute celebrates its 80th birthday with a party in Long Bredy Village Hall; it is to be hoped that there will be as many guests as members on this auspicious occasion. Valerie Shepherd
A new member of the Maltby family was born on the 25th August, William John, a son for Maria and Giles. Many congratulations.
Mrs Marion Palm has kindly given a wooden seat, in memory of her son Peter. It is in a lovely quiet corner of the churchyard, facing the downs. Farewell from the Fox FamilyAs it has not been possible to say goodbye to everyone in person we would like to bid a fond farewell to all our friends and acquaintances in Long Bredy and the surrounding villages. We haven't moved far away so, still hope to see many of you from time to time. Steve, Helen, Rebecca and Rachel Fox
Welcome to John and Clare Cook who have come to live at 2 Long Bredy. We hope they enjoy life in Long Bredy.
Congratulations to Ray and Sara Winter on their recent marriage.
Adult BaptismGeorge Powditch and Louise Kirby were baptised on 10th August at our Family Service, and are now entitled to join the Church Electoral Roll to prepare for their wedding next year. Anthony Ashwell
Congratulations to Simon Jackson, whose engagement to Lucy Briggs was announced at the end of August. The wedding will be at the romantic venue of St. Catherine's Chapel at Abbotsbury in October. All very best wishes for future happiness to them both.
Best wishes also to all those who have changed schools or colleges over the summer. Josh Wilkinson has now started his scholastic career at Thorner's School. Three villagers have moved on from there to Colfox during the summer: Calum Armstrong, Ryan Kingston and Lucy Tweed. Emylie Peck has now finished at the Thomas Hardye School, and is a Swansea University student. Margaret Williams has returned from a "gap year" working in Cape Town and has started at Leicester University. May they all flourish in their new academic environments.
If there is anyone who should have been in the above list but has been left out, it was accidental, and will be corrected next month if notified!
Congratulations too to all those youngsters who have sat and passed school exams during the summer, and have now returned there to look forward to the next lot...!
Harvest Thanksgiving Service will take place at 6.30 pm on Sunday 5th October. We shall be delighted to welcome anyone from the Valley and beyond who would like to join us for our celebration.
This will be the last service at Chilcombe before the Christmas Carol Service.
Fri 17th Musical Cabaret, Friends of Mountjoy Wed 22nd - Bridport Heritage Forum Talk, Town Hall, Bridport Families
The Fourth Biannual Bridport Away Day
Keynote Speaker: The Rt. Rev'd. Tim Thornton Bishop of Sherborne
Other Speakers: Revd. Edgar Daniels on sharing the Gospel with the Middle Generations Melissa Page on sharing the Gospel with Young People Veronica Ziegler on Sharing the Gospel with Older People Saturday, 11 th October 2003 from 9.30 am. - 4.00 pm.
in St.Mary's, Bridport & St.Mary's Church House
Further information and booking form from The Rev'd Anthony Ashwell