of events for all Parishes September 2003
Church Services September 2003
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ou may remember we pioneered a Christmas Greetings page in the December issue of the Bride Valley News last year. This was well supported and raised sizable funds for the church. Although Christmas is still some way away (and you may still be sweltering in our hot summer, & thinking there's loads of time left as you read this), but those who wish to participate have only just over two months to submit their names & contributions.
As a reminder of the process, the scheme is intended either to complement or to offer an alternative to buying, writing out and posting (or delivering) Christmas cards to all your local friends and neighbours. It could save you quite a bit of time and money. All we ask is you make a donation towards St. Mary's Church Funds, in return for which we will include your name(s) in a list of all contributors on a dedicated page in the BVN, below a collective Christmas greeting message to friends and neighbours (sadly, we are not able to include individual messages).
If you would like to participate, please give Ken Pett your name(s) [as you would like them listed on the greetings page] and your donation (we suggest as a guideline, this could be the equivalent of what you might have spent buying & posting your local cards). Cheques should be made payable to St. Mary's P.C.C.
Ken needs this information, plus the donation, as soon as possible and
no later than 5th November, in order to catch the deadline for the December issue.
Ken Pett, Mill Gate House, Annings Lane, Burton Bradstock, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 4QN.
Tel: 01308 897 550
Parish Council
The following representatives of the local community started their four year term of office, as the Parish Council in May 2003 after being returned unopposed and in some cases co-opted:-
M E Southgate (Chairman) Tel 897487 |
Committee Post Office Committee |
E Ripley (Vice Chairman) Tel 897010 |
Hive Beach Cafe & Car Park committee |
D Batten |
Transport Planning Committee |
B Tebbs Tel 898025 |
Tree Warden Hive Beach Cafe & Car Park Committee Post Office Committee |
T Smith 15 Northover Close Burton Bradstock DT6 4RX |
Footpaths Allotments Hive Beach Cafe & Car Park Committee |
J Harding Tel 898333 |
Planning Committee |
Celia Cummins Tel 898196 |
L Sea !7 Lower Townsend Burton Bradstock |
Environment |
A Mackie Tel 898668 |
F Moore (Clerk) Tel 459001 |
M Fearon (Hive Beach Car Park Manager & Handyman)
The Council normally meets on the first Wednesday of the month, there is no meeting in August. Occasionally the date has to be changed but due notice is given. In April we hold an Annual ParishMeeting where we present our Annual Accounts and reports on major activities during the year.
The general public is most welcome and encouraged to be present at these meetings. Whilst they are not allowed to participate during the formal part of the meeting, their views and comments on issues during the meeting and any other topics are most welcome during the open forum at the end of the meeting
The District and County Councillors endeavour to attend all our Parish Council meetings and generally provide valuable input on matters raised at those levels, of interest or pertinent to the Parish.
The Parish Council discusses a wide range of issues from major items of capital expenditure, planning, emergencies, to the more mundane, such as grass cutting, dog fouling etc. (You may not be aware that last year the Parish Council had a turnover of £70,000) All these matters are relevant to the quality of life in the village and we welcome your interest and input into them
If you have an issue which requires attention in the normal course please contact the Parish Clerk in his office in the Reading Room on a Tuesday morning between 8.30am - 11.00am. Otherwise leave a note in the post box near the Reading Room door. Of course any member of the Council is ready to be approached at any time on matters of immediate concern.
We look forward to seeing you en masse and overwhelming the Reading Room space at our next meeting on Wednesday 3rd September 2003 at 7.30pm.
Fel Moore Clerk
Mike Southgate Chairman.
The Great Cycle Ride
Keen cyclists are invited to take part in this annual
event Details and sponsorship forms are available
from Howard Bongers - 898029 ( See page 9 for further details )
On Friday 18th July, we had a foretaste of the forthcoming festival in August. We were treated to an outstanding concert in the W.I.Hall; given by David Juritz, violin, Mary Ryan, flute, and Hubert Dawkes, piano, with John Surry as the narrator.
The programme included delightful performances of a Mozart violin and piano sonata and for flute and piano, a sonata by C.P.E.Bach and a charming ballade by Reinecke. Quite different, being both amusing and absorbing, were the two pieces written around narrated stories; Le Histoire de Babar, le petit éléphant , by Poulenc and Ferdinand, the Bull, by Alan Rideout.
Hubert Dawkes played the piano part in Babar brilliantly and John Surry's narration in French and with appropriate props was most entertaining. For those of us whose French is a little rusty, there was a handy translation in the programme. The story of the young elephant who ventures into the wide world but eventually comes back to be king of the elephants is so well illustrated by the music, which brings out all the pathos and excitement as the tale goes along.
John Surry once more told the story for us, in Ferdinand, the Bull, and David Juritz played the violin. With English text this time, they both had us all laughing and enthralled as the music and words gave us such a graphic picture of the bull who did not want to fight but much preferred sitting amongst the flowers. The rendering of the Ferdinand theme on the violin painted such a lovely picture of the animal's mood.
David Juritz gave a virtuoso performance of "Gypsy Airs" by Sarasate, which left us all breathless, and the concert finished with a rousing performance of "La Tarantelle Frétillante" by Coleridge-Taylor.
We await the festival with great pleasure.
Anne and Mike Southgate
Piano Recitals
Ann and Mike Read wish to thank all those who supported the piano recitals given by Madalina Rusu and Ionut Ulita from Romania. The sums of £350 and £248 respectively were raised to assist them with their studies, for which they are very grateful.
A C.D. is available of Madalina's recital at £5.50 - Tel. 897445 if you would like one.
For Burton Bradstock Players News see page 7.
Four Golden Couples
congratulations to Janet & Geoffrey Guppy, Anne & Graham Rees,
Daphne & Vincent Hewlett, Margaret & Jim Harding, all of whom
celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversaries recently.
A big thank you to a11 my friends who have welcomed me in to "Campions" with cards, flowers and many kind messages. I know I shall be very happy here amongst you all. Do please come and visit me!
Mary Bailey
Fred Murrell - died 10th July 2003
A message from Edna Murrell
Sincere and heartfelt thanks for all the letters and cards of sympathy
we received at this sad time. Please accept this as our personal thank
Edna, Clive, Christine and Hilary.
Burton Bradstock Village
Web Site Address
Did you know that the Bride Valley News
is published on this web site every month?
In addition, did you know that old copies of the magazine
can also be viewed on the web site?
Village Correspondent: Mrs. Joy White
Eastcote 3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge
Tel: ( 01308 )897974
Funeral 30th July Daisy S. Brasier
The Parochial Church Council next meets on Wednesday 10th September at Burgay House.
MARY SKINNER 1911-2003
We are very sad to report the recent death of Mary Skinner who, from 1972 - 1992, was a resident of Shipton Gorge. She was a keen flower arranger and a regular contributor to the village fairs with her range of excellent jams, cakes and vegetables. She was also for several years the President of Shipton's Women's Institute. She chose to leave the village in 1992 to enable her to be nearer her son and daughter in London but she remained in close contact with all her many friends in Dorset.
She suffered bravely throughout her life with badly ulcerated legs, never complaining and remaining jolly even in 1998 when she had to have her left leg amputated.
She was an exceptionally special lady, a wonderful friend and a lovely Mum. She will be sorely missed by all who knew her.
This year we were again blessed with "fair" weather for our annual fundraising event, which raised £1,033 84p, including donations for the Church Tower Winter Lighting Scheme, run by Christine Cornish. So congratulations and heartfelt thanks to a11 who helped to make the day such a success, those who ran stalls and sideshows and served cream teas, the church tower stewards, and all our visitors who bought and gave so generously.
We also thank Mr. and Mrs. Jones and the Sorrel family for their kind permission to use their land. The tractor rides are a must for next year!
The Church Wardens
Saturday, 13th. September, l0am to 6pm.
'This year, Bob White, my sister Penny and I will be visiting all the Bride Valley churches with a group of young people from our village, finishing at the beautiful church of St. Michael & All Angels, Little Bredy in time for a picnic lunch. This is a delightful cycle route- not too strenuous! If anyone would like to join us, please contact me for more details and sponsor forms on: 897241. I can promise a lovely morning out, and a chance to raise money for the Trust, half of which will benefit St. Martin's church.
Janet Lane
THE HARVEST SUPPER Wednesday, 24th September, 7.30pm.
Please note the early date for this year's event. Our Rector will be joining us for the last time before he and Pam retire, so book your place now to avoid disappointment. Tickets are available now from the church wardens, Jo Warren, and Doris Benselin.
As usual we would much appreciate offers of food, and general help with preparation, serving, and washing up afterwards!
The Church Wardens
WORLD'S BIGGEST COFFEE MORNING IN AID OF MACMILLAN CANCER RELIEF Thursday, 25th. September, l0.00a.m. to 11.30a.m.
This is to be held in the Village Hall, and will include a Bring and Buy, Cake and Plant stalls, and a raffle. Offers of raffle prizes will be very welcome. Please come along and support this event, and enjoy homemade biscuits with your coffee.
Janet Lane
Sunday, 28th September, at 4.00p.m.
Everyone is invited to this special service of thanksgiving and praise at St. Martin's church. Our Rector will officiate at this, his last service in the Bride Valley, and the younger members of our church family will present a celebration of the harvest season.
"There will be a special party in the Village Hall after the service, when we bid farewell to John and Pam as they start their retirement.
The Churchwardens
Shipton Gorge Village Society
The new date ( weather permitting! ) for the Walkabout Treasure Hunt is Saturday, 6th September. Come along to the New Inn Car Park after 6.00pm and bring £1.00 for your clues. All children must be accompanied. Treasure awarded to the highest score.
All in the Bride Valley are invited to this light-hearted village event. Afterwards, there will be a barbecue in the car park.
If the weather is very wet, the same time & place on Sunday.
Sue Brown
Shipton Gorge Village Hall 100 Club
Winners for the August Draw
No. 52 |
£20 |
Joyce Rosamund |
No. 13 |
£10 |
Edward Burt |
Village Correspondent: Sid Marshall
3 Green Barton, Swyre Tel: 897318
This will be shared with Chilcombe, and will be at their very ancient church at 6.30pm (as usual).
September 21st - Harvest Thanksgiving
Our Harvest Service will be at 11.00am on this day, and we look forward to a well-supported Service in our Parish of farms and gardens, coastline and woods. We will be joined by the Puncknowle congregation who are not having a Service in their church this day.
September 28th - United Service at Puncknowle
See Puncknowle notes for this important occasion.
Again see Puncknowle notes for news and views on this amazing day.
Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council 2nd September 2003
The Parish Council will meet on Tuesday 2nd September in Puncknowle Church Hall, at 7.30pm.
Would you like a shopping trip to Poole without having to drive?
See details under Puncknowle and West Bexington. ( Page 28)
This year's three excavations had varied results but most of our objectives were reached. Digging was inevitably slowed down because of the extreme heat of the first few days and thanks are due to all the volunteers for coping with it. At Swyre Gregory Miller's Tenement was definitely located although only the very bottom of the foundations remain. Progress here was also interrupted by the need to remove the contents of the Victorian/Edwardian rubbish-dump that replaced the house. When all the finds from this are washed and sorted they will give us a good idea of Swyre in the nineteenth century. Among the foundations of the house were finds dating to around 1700, including half a very fine imported German stoneware tankard.
The digs at Chilcombe can be summarised as "finds and no structures" on the village site in the field, and "structures and no finds" on the manor-house site. Despite all structural remains having been removed by ploughing and stone clearance the trenches and test pits on the village site produced a rich haul of medieval pottery running from the 12th century until the mid-14th century, when the population that survived the worsening climate and the Black Death were probably moving down the hill to settle in Swyre. The test pit on the site of the demolished manor house showed that the survival of architectural remains was much greater than expected. The location was chosen on the basis of parch marks in the grass, the parching being the result of turf sitting directly on a very solid wall. The nicely plastered inner surface of the wall was followed downwards for nearly 70cm and there was clearly a good way to go beyond that. The trench will help pinpoint the manor house on the map and contribute to reconstructing its original appearance and layout.
Thank you to the Yeates family, Mr and Mrs Fry of Chilcombe Farm, and Mr and Mrs Hubbard of Chilcombe House for permission to dig and access to the sites; to Mr and Mrs Garry of Modbury Farm for hosting the finds centre for National Archaeology Days and Mr and Mrs S, Ward for machining off the undergrowth at the Swyre site; to Alison Johnstone and Years 5 and 6 of Thorner's School for their interest and assistance with pot washing; to Ciorstaidh Hayward-Trevarthen and Lorraine Mepham for expert help at the finds centre; to Kathy Verkooijen for the painting reconstructing old Swyre; to Bridport Museum and Bridport Tourist Information Office for help with displays and publicity. Finally a thank you goes to all our helpers and volunteers who contributed to making our weekend very successful.
Over the weekend we had some 450 visitors and £90 was collected at the digs and finds centre which was distributed between Chilcombe and Swyre churches and Thorner's School. Swyre church also received £60 from the raffle of a book autographed by "Time Team" which was kindly donated by their Community Fund.
Many thanks to Tim and Julie for enabling us to raise £160 from cream tea sales for Holy Trinity Church in Swyre. Hope you all enjoyed them!
Just a reminder that the Community Vehicle will be at Puncknowle Bottom on Thursday 25th September between 5.30pm and 6.30pm.
Please be on the look out for any suspicious vehicles in the locality, the Police have warned us that there are known burglars operating in the area. If you see anything unusual either call Bridport police or ring 999.
Andrew Marshall 897732
Village Correspondent: Elizabeth Slater
1, Lytton Close, Puncknowle, Dorchester DT2 9BH
Telephone: ( 01308 ) 897751
The Annual Fete
The date for this year's Puncknowle and Swyre Fete (with 20% of the proceeds going towards the maintenance of Puncknowle Hall) fell on 26th July. The rain fell too .......! But it wasn't a disaster, and despite the attendance being well down, some stalls cancelled or very restricted, and many bedraggled-looking folk, about £3800 was raised. This is an amazing result and testimony to all the hardwork over many months and on the day, put in by the organisers and stallholders, and to the generosity of all who supported on the afternoon. Our profoundest thanks to all, and to Jim and Sarah Wild who allowed us again the use of their glorious gardens (and one or two outbuildings).
September 21st 11.00am Sunday Service
There will be no Puncknowle Service this day. We are however all warmly invited to Swyre's Harvest Thanksgiving (with Holy Communion) at 11.00am. Our congregation with Swyre's will make it a really celebratory occasion.
September 28th United Service
On this Sunday our Service time will be 9.30am (not 11.00am) and will be a special Communion Service for all the Churches at the east end of the valley, after which we will say our goodbyes to John and Pam Atkinson and make our presentations.
The Puncknowle and Swyre Church Fête
The Puncknowle and Swyre Church Fête Committee would like to say a big THANK YOU to all who helped make our 2003 fête a success in such adverse weather conditions. We felt we had to continue despite the weather and were pleased to see so many people enjoying their tea and the Punch and Judy in the church. We made £3800 on the day and have so far raised over £4000 as we continue to try and sell donated goods left over from the day. The amount raised vindicates our determination to carry on despite the rain and we were both amazed and pleased how many people helped and attended the fête in such appalling conditions. Our aim continues to be to preserve a traditional fête and provide a fun day whilst making money for the church hall and both churches; your support in this is greatly appreciated.
Don't forget we always need help; if you would like to run a stall or help, please let us know. We're already thinking about next year! The date for 2004 has been set as July 31st so put it in your diary and let us know what you would like to run.
Fun for Puncknowle, Swyre and West Bexington People.
Friday 26 September, 7.30 - 10.00pm at Puncknowle Hall. Nibbles provided, bring your own tipple. Everyone welcome. Come and go as you please. Donations towards cost of hall/evening would be appreciated.
Contact Nos. 898492/897751
The Great Cycle Ride
Dorset Historic Churches Cycle Ride will take place this year on Saturday
13 September. It is a great day out for young and old alike so please
support your local church. Sponsor forms may be obtained from Ann Roberts
of Burwell Cottage, Puncknowle - phone 897716.
See Page 10 for report
Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council
The Parish Council will meet on Tuesday 2nd September in Puncknowle Church Hall, at 7.30pm. This month's Parish Council meeting will be considering the future use of the Parish Field. We would urge anyone interested in using the field or who have opinions as to how it should be used to attend. We are seeking to establish what is known of the history of the field.
Arthur and Josephine Pearse are celebrating their Golden Wedding with an Open At-home in their front garden
on Saturday, September 6th
from 3.15pm -5.00pm.
Entirely informal cream tea!
Just the time for a chat
to friends and neighbours.
Positively no presents or flowers, but a collection for charity
Would you like a shopping trip to Poole without having to drive?
You can on TUESDAY 9 SEPTEMBER 2003
Pick up at Puncknowle Village Hall at 9.30am
Pick up at Swyre Bull Inn at 9.45 am
Pick up at West Bexington, The Manor Hotel at 10am
Cost is £5 per person for journey there and back -payable when getting on the bus.
Pick up for return journey 2.00 pm at same point as drop off (Dolphin Centre)
(if you miss return pick up, you will have to make your own arrangements to get home)
Please phone 897743 and leave your name and number of seats required.
If this proves popular this could become a regular monthly outing.
If it doesn't get used it won't happen again!
Just a reminder that the Community Vehicle will be at Puncknowle Bottom on Thursday 25th September between 5.30pm and 6.30pm.
Puncknowle Art Group Thank you, Maureen, for a wonderful day of painting on July 11th and for coffee and lunch. Slape Manor gardens looked a picture. We must thank Sallie for a very creative morning with mosaic card on the 25th and with no meetings in August there should be plenty of our own work to look at on Sept. 5th on the subject of 'home' . On Sept 19th we will be painting together. Christine Molony |
Please be on the look out for any suspicious vehicles in the locality, the Police have warned us that there are known burglars operating in the area. If you see anything unusual either call Bridport police or ring 999.
Andrew Marshall 897732
Don't forget to check the village website
to keep in touch with village events and find useful information
Village Correspondent:
Mrs. Elizabeth Kingston, 5 Manor Farm Close
Sunday Service - September 28th
We will not be having a Church Service on this day. Instead we are all invited to a special 9.30am United Communion Service in Puncknowle after which we will be saying our goodbyes to John and Pam Atkinson and making our presentations.
The Great Cycle Ride
all cyclists - visit as many (or as few) churches as you wish on Saturday
13th September between 10.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. - half the
money you raise through sponsorship will go to the Dorset Historic Churches
Trust (which provides financial support to churches in need in the county)
and the other half will benefit your own nominated church. There is an
existing record for the most number of churches visited by a Litton rider
- 38 - can you beat this? Details of participating churches and sponsorship
forms are available from Freddie Spicer 482617.
Litton Cheney Social Committee
Please join us for a circular walk on Saturday 13th September. Meet at the bus shelter at 10 am and walk to Eggardon Hill stopping for lunch at the Spyway Inn. Then home via Chilcombe. Under 16s to be accompanied by an adult. Please wear suitable boots and carry water/raincoat. Please ring me on the day if the weather does not look promising. Kathy Kourik 482552 Secretary
Next event - The Harvest Supper on 11th October - details next month.
Litton Cheney Playing Field Association
The Annual Family Fun Day will be taking place on Sunday 21st September starting at 10.30 am. This year we will be having a volleyball competition as well as the football tournament. There should be something from everyone, badge making, bouncy castle, barbeque, bar, coffee, cakes, tea, duck races, raffle and the lucky programme is for a Paul Adams original painting. A Silent Auction will take place and the items include a cutlery set, exercise equipment, rocking chair, toys and more. The money raised at this year's Fun Day will be to improve the playing field by fencing the children's play area. If you are able to help in any way or want to take part in the 6 a side football tournament or the volleyball competition please contact Paul or Elizabeth Kingston 482384 or Katharine Jones 482589. See you at the playing field on Sunday 21st September for the Fun!
Litton Cheney Youth Club
Youth Club sessions recommence in September. The junior session for those 8-12 years is from 6.30pm to 8.00pm and for those 13-17 years is from 8.00pm to 9.30pm.
Further details: Paul Kingston 482384
Congratulations to Caroline Smart on a First Class BSc(Hons) in Maths and Statistics from Portsmouth University.
We wish Julia Bechervaise continued success who having acquired 4 grade A 'A' levels last year and after a year's hard work as a care worker starts to study Medicine at Cambridge next month. Both Thorner's and Colfox school successes.
We hope all those who have had their 'A' level and GCSE results this year have achieved success.
We hope Philippa, Macauley, Megan, Madeline, Theodore and Keiran have a happy start to their school life at Thorner's.
Visit the web site for the latest news.
The group meets at The White Horse Inn
at 8 o'clock on the first Monday of each month.
All welcome.
Village Correspondent:
Mrs. Elinor Frost, Bridelands ( 482269 )
It was a great privilege for me formally to marry this lovely couple and to share some of the Service with a Roman Catholic priest, Canon Walsh from Weymouth.
Our Family Service on 21st September at 9.30am will be our Harvest Service, and is being put together by a farmer's wife! Do please do your best to get to this important event in the church, farming and village year.
September 28th - United Service at Puncknowle
See Puncknowle notes for this important occasion.
As many of you know, Steve, Helen, Rachel and Rebecca Fox are leaving the village. The whole family have played a large part in the life of our community for many years, mowing the churchyard, the fete, flowers, coffees and readings at the church. Always ready to help in any way with village life. We shall miss them all very much and wish them happiness in their new home in Bridport.
Three of our young people move on from Thorners to Sir John Colfox School in Bridport: Emma Batchelor, Lucy Cuff and Abigail Leatherby. Best wishes to them on the next step of their education.
is not too late to join in the Great Cycle Ride (walking or riding).
Ring me ( Elinor Frost ) for forms on 482269.
May I emphasise the Church Service arrangements on 21st and 28th September.
21st September - 5.00pm - Harvest Thanksgiving and Tea.
28th September - No Service.
On this day we are encouraged to go to the United Service at Puncknowle after which we will make our presentations to John and Pam Atkinson.
Thank you and congratulations to George Bowditch and Louise Kirby, who chose St. Michael & All Angels for their joint adult baptisms during August's Family Service. This qualifies them for our Church Electoral Roll, which in turn enables them to marry here, and this is planned for September 2004. The Baptism was a lovely occasion, and best wishes for the future to them both.
With the rest of the Team Ministry, we say farewell to our Rector, John Atkinson and his wife Pam at the end of September. Although most of his ministry has been at the other end of the valley (missionary work in the wild west...?), it has always been a pleasure to see him here, and we wish them well in their retirement in Ledbury, Herefordshire. John and the P.C.C. have agreed to alter the service pattern for September so that he will be able to lead our Harvest Festival Service, which will be at 5.00 p.m. on Sunday 21st September. Judy Yates will be glad of volunteers and help to decorate the Church appropriately the day before, and it is hoped that children will bring small quantities of produce for symbolic presentation at the altar during the service. This will be followed by a Harvest Supper in the Village Hall, which will have been organized in the meanwhile. It is hoped that as many households as possible will come to Church and/or the harvest Supper that evening - all are very welcome.
month's magazine should have reminded people about the annual Historic
Churches Trust sponsored cycle (or horseback) ride. The idea is to
visit as many local churches as possible - otherwise than by car! -
on the 2nd Saturday in September (September 13th this year), with half
of all sponsorship money being retained by the rider's nominated Church
(the rest goes to the Trust). We have benefited by these means in several
recent years, and if anyone wants to contribute in this way in 2003,
despite the short notice (and presumably the ride doesn't have
to be on the specific day anyway), please let Sir Philip or Jim Armstrong
Warmest good wishes for a very happy retirement
from all readers and all those who are involved in the production and distribution of the B.V.N. to
John & Pam
We thank them for all they have done for The Valley over the past nine years - not least 108 contributions to the magazine without one mistake! We will miss them.
Lucky Ledbury!
Interim report and results to May 2003 of the Financial Awareness Campaign
Of the 175 parishes to reply having completed a programme, 162 gave quantifiable results, which can be summarised as follows:
. Planned giving totals £3,128,175 - an increase of £785,993 with 1,576 additional planned givers.
. Weekly planned giving rises from an average of £6.22 to £6.82 - an increase of 9.6%. However, this is not all new giving as some of it will represent a change from unplanned to planned giving.
. At the end of April, £2,429,250 of Share has been paid, which is just over 30% of the total for the year - 25% up on the same period last year. In addition, 9 parishes have recently carried out planned stewardship programmes and 19 replied to say 'Not yet'. There have been 43 replies from parishes that did not include full information or declined to carry out a programme, as they considered it either unnecessary or unsuitable for their circumstances. Of the remaining 217 parishes, 44 have made no contact before or after the FAC process.
Responding to the results, Canon Jeremy Oakes, Chairman of the Board of Finance, said, "We have still some way to go, but this is an encouraging achievement, and a fitting recognition of all the hard work carried out in many parishes across the Diocese."
Cruelty to children must stop. FULL STOP. |
Local friendly group seeks new members
We are looking for new members to join our friendly group. We get together regularly to have coffee and a chat, whilst organising activities to raise money to make a real difference to the people our charity helps.
The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children's (NSPCC's) aim is to end cruelty to children. Thanks to continued support from you, the NSPCC is able to provide a range of services and education programmes.
If you would like to join us or find out more, please contact Eleanor Pack, Local NSPCC Co-ordinator on 01823 346346 or e-mail: epack@nspcc.org..uk.
For more information about the NSPCC visit our website: www.nspcc.org.uk