of events for all Parishes January 2005
--Session8 |
2 Peter 1 v. 1-11 |
---Jan 12 |
The Old Rectory, Litton Cheney |
---Jan 19 |
St.Catherine's Cross, Shipton Lane |
--Session9 |
2 Peter 1 v. 12 - 21 |
---Jan 26 |
Pitcombe, Littlebredy |
---Feb 2 |
Cairnhill, Shipton Gorge |
The Bride Valley (Thursday) Fellowship Group
The group meets on Thursday evenings. Arriving from 7.30pm we begin at 8pm aiming to finish by about 9.30pm. For the months of January and February we will be doing a series of studies based on the book "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren. It will be of help to have read the passage to be discussed, but not essential. Please don't let that deter you from coming and joining in. All are most welcome. For further details contact Paul
Jan 6 Study "The Purpose Driven Life" (Week 1)
2 Myrtle Close, Puncknowle
Jan 13 Study "The Purpose Driven Life" (Week 2)
12 Napier Close, Puncknowle
Jan 20 Study "The Purpose Driven Life" (Week 3)
7 Norburton, Burton Bradstock
Jan 27 Study "The Purpose Driven Life"(Week 4)
6 Baglake, Litton Cheney
Burton Bradstock CE VC School
Happy New Year! It is incredible to think that this time next last year we were anticipating the arrival of Ofsted and the prospect felt like a black cloud hanging over us. Now, a year on and having successfully come through, we are concentrating on our priorities and agenda for the future. One of these is the formation of a School Council. Last month the children voted for their representatives and this will provide a forum in which school issues relevant to pupils can be discussed and influence decision making in school. All members of staff have enthusiastically endorsed the council and I am especially thankful to Mrs Rattenbury and Miss Breech for co-ordinating the initiative. The whole process has been an education in itself with children learning to understand what it means to be a 'citizen' and some of the rights and responsibilities associated with this. Certainly older children will have a greater understanding of what democracy is about as we go to the polls later in the year. We would certainly like to think so.
Towards the end of last term we won both finals of the Cluster Football Tournament against Loders the winners of the other group. The 'A' Team won 4-0 and the 'B' team 3-0 though the matches were much closer than the scores suggest. We also succeeded in defeating St. Mary's Beaminster in a second round tie of the Kenway Cup and are eagerly awaiting our next opponents.
Many apologies for the mix up with our Christmas Fair date. This took place on the evening of Friday 10th December instead of the 3rd as previously advertised in the BVN. We are very grateful to the P.T.A. for all their hard work during the past year. The committee have continued to organise a variety of successful events and have raised significant funds in the process. The P.T.A. have paid for coach travel, guided reading books, a replacement video/DVD recorder and a digital video camera. The latter will greatly enhance our ICT capability in the longer term although my first attempts at using it caused great hilarity in the office. Whilst viewing action from the Kenway Cup match Mrs Bowles commented, "There's lots of grass!" And so there was. After all I am a man so multi-tasking doesn't come naturally. I now know what most of the buttons do and am looking forward to making progress by building on existing knowledge and understanding for the year ahead. After all, isn't that what we're all here for?
Mark Stratta.
100 Club November Winners:
£20 - A. Southell £10 - L. Wilson £5 - D. Sorrell
The start of a New Year, New Term and New Month just like walking through a door.. you never know what will be there. I wonder what the future holds for us? When you open a door you can either open it positively with a smile or be very hesitant and shy. This is just like coming to school everyday, children can either bounce in, eager to learn something new or be reluctant and resistant to opportunities given to them. As teachers we encourage pupils to make the most of their time, enabling them to experience a wide variety of activities and then it is down to the children and the attitudes that they have gained from parents, family and friends as well as school; it is a combination of all these factors that gives pupils a positive outlook as they open that door. Last term we had a number of families join us and a few who left us, staff moved, the most recent of these being Sue Ellsworth, we wish her well in her new post and others who just changed posts. So all those who are moving on to things new remember to open the door in a positive way to gain the most from each situation. Our unique Christmas concert was a big hit, with songs by Mr Jevons and words by Mrs C. All the children took part bringing the real meaning of Christmas in a very visual way. Thank you to everyone who helped to make all the events last term so successful, profitable and enjoyable to all. We look forward to the coming year.
Alison Johnstone Headteacher
Thorner's School 100 Club winners: December
£15 Alison Johnstone £10 Mr & Mrs Burt
First Steps Parent and Toddler Group
Hello and welcome to 2005! First session of the new term is Wednesday 5th January. In a change to the usual routine, the Health Visitor will be popping in on the second session of the month (the 12th) for baby-weighing, advice etc. Each session will start at 10:00 and finish at 12:00.
We are open to anyone who lives in the Bride Valley and meet every Wednesday during the school term. We have toys and activities for all pre-school age children (0-4years). For parents and carers we offer coffee and friendly chat and the chance to meet other parents/carers in the area. Parents with new babies are especially welcome. For further details, please contact: Jo 482346, or Julie 897178, or Rachel 482246.
Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup
Great news - the Bingo Night raised £424 for playgroup - so a Big Thank You to everyone who came along to support us - hope you all enjoyed the prizes and the evening. More on the Sponsored Singalong next time - did you see us in the Bridport News?
Following our theme in November and December, we made a large sheep collage re "Bo Peep" and some jam tarts for the "Queen of Hearts" - then it was on to Christmas activities - such as painting our post box red, making paper chains, Christmas cards, and dressing up as Nativity people. We sang our Christmas songs and jingled our bells for parents, before presents from Santa and party food on the last day of term On 6th December, staff and parents enjoyed a Christmas meal at the Crown - excellent as ever.
We welcomed new boy Max Jones who has settled in really well - number four in the family to attend our playgroup! Start of Spring term is on Thursday 6th January and our next theme will be "Machines". A new QUIZ will be ready for the end of January so watch out for this.
Carol Bennett (Playleader)
01308 897771 (Playgroup Mobile : 07967 400385)
Litton Cheney Youth Club meets on Tuesday evenings, for those between 8 and 17 years in Litton Cheney and the surrounding villages. For information contact Paul Kingston 482384.
We celebrated the 25th anniversary this year with a dinner at Le Petit Canard in Maiden Newton. Wyn Smith, who founded the group, was the guest of honour for an excellent evening of good company and shared memories.
The group has gone from strength to strength, over the last five years particularly, and much of the credit for this must go to Ursula Bayer who has led the group through good times and bad ever since Wyn moved from The Rectory - 15 years altogether. As she is now relinquishing this role, the group would like to thank her sincerely for the considerable time and effort she has put into coordinating events by telephoning us all, cajoling members to offer their homes as our venue and especially for securing excellent speakers on a wide variety of topics.
Susie Miles our Treasurer for over 16 years is also stepping down. She was landed with this job at her very first meeting and has parted us painlessly from our money looking after it efficiently ever since, always ensuring supplies of good wine at our Christmas party and Summer Barbeque. Many thanks from us all, Susie.
We would like to continue to meet in each others houses, however the group is now so large we have had to introduce a waiting list for future members but if you would like more information please contact one of the following: Alison Davidson 482661 or Valerie Shepherd 482250 or Sara Winter 482637
New Year 2005
Normal Day |
Re-arranged Day |
Thursday |
30 December |
Tuesday |
4 January |
Friday |
31 December |
Wednesday |
5 January |
Monday |
3 January |
Thursday |
6 January |
Tuesday |
4 January |
Friday |
7 January |
Wednesday |
5 January |
Saturday |
8 January |
Thursday | 6 January | Monday | 10 January |
Friday |
7 January |
Tuesday |
11 January |
Monday |
10 January |
Wednesday |
12 January |
Tuesday |
11 January |
Thursday |
13 January* |
Wednesday |
12 January |
Friday |
14 January |
Thursday |
13 January |
Saturday |
15 January |
Friday |
14 January |
Monday |
17 January |
Monday |
17 January |
Tuesday |
18 January |
Tuesday |
18 January |
Wednesday |
19 January |
Wednesday |
19 January |
Thursday |
20 January |
Thursday |
20 January |
Friday |
21 January |
Friday |
21 January |
Saturday |
22 January |
* (+ Recycling)
Normal collections will resume on Monday 24 January 2005.
Bride Valley Gardening Club
Christmas is past, the decorations will soon be put back in their boxes and we look forward to a New Year - we at the Gardening Club do hope it for all!!
We kick off this year's meeting with a very special guest - Mr. Paul Atterbury, from Eype, who is better known for his Antiques Roadshow fame rather than as a gardener! He is speaking to us on "A Perfect Partnership -Gertrude Jekyll and Sir Edwin Lutyens". This should be a most enjoyable evening so make a note in your diary. Visitors may come to this meeting at a special visitor fee of £3, so we look forward to seeing you all on Monday 10th January at 7.30 p.m. in the usual venue of Thorner's School, Litton Cheney.
Norma Millard (Secretary. West Bexington [ 01308] 897774)
Village Correspondent Mr Basil Dent
2, Norburton, Burton Bradstock. Tel:- (01308) 897125
Mid Week Worship -
Holy Communion Wednesdays at 10.00 a.m.
Choir Practices Fridays at 6.00 p.m.
Bell Ringing Practices Thursdays at 7.00pm
Gift Sunday January 16th Leprosy Mission
The next Service of Prayer for Healing at St Mary's will be held on Monday January 10th at 7.00pm.
Tiny Tots / Pram Service will be held at 11.00am on Friday 14th January at St. Mary's Church, Burton Bradstock.
Supporting The Link St.Mary's, Burton Bradstock
Wednesday 26th January 7.45pm
Burton Bradstock Village Hall.
As a parish within the Salisbury diocese we are linked with fellow Christians in the Diocese of Sudan and to whom we have a specific responsibility. At a recent PCC meeting it was therefore decided that we would make 2005 a year of support for these desperate people and raise funds for a specific project to be handled by the Salisbury-Sudan Medical Link team. To launch this major year long programme of fund raising events we have arranged a visit from Mike Maclachlan of the team who will talk about the vital work they are doing and give full details of the project we have selected to support.
This will not be a fund raising event in itself; rather an opportunity for us all to learn about the project and how we aim to raise the funds. Please come and support it. We will be serving a glass of wine and playing a CD of music from the Sudan before the talk.
We received the following letter from the Burgesses, our CMS Mission Partners in Kenya, too late to be included in last month's edition of the B.V.N.
As we approach Christmas this may not, in Christian circles, be an appropriate title and yet it describes how Steve and others felt as the two boreholes in Kalas and Akariemit were officially opened by the Bishop of Kitale Diocese, Stephen Kewasis, and handed to the communities this week. Two years of planning, drilling, installing pumps and now the Pokot communities are enjoying clean drinking water. This year we have shared with you the story and so you too can celebrate as we did.
In the celebration we were reminded how many different people worked together to make it possible, we were reminded the crucial need of clean water for all and for their livestock, and we were reminded that in some ways it was a beginning for new opportunities. The community are thinking how to expand the water supply by piping to nearby homesteads, even for irrigation. Out of the initiative of the Anglican church work for two boreholes, the Catholic church put in four boreholes and we were told that another church, with the local MP, is putting in two others in a village nearby. It seems as if God is blessing abundantly what started as a small activity.
Christmas is the time when we remember the beginning of Christ's ministry on earth, and as I was sitting in the shade of a huge tree watching the opening celebrations it seemed like a new beginning for these communities. On reflection too, when Christ said at the end of his life, `It is finished' it was a sign for the new beginning of the Christian church. Our service to Christ is never finished but each day brings a new beginning.
During the harvest thanksgiving service in Kacheliba on the day before, I was challenged by the generosity of the pastoral people as they brought the money raised from selling goats accompanied by joyful singing and jumping. They raised their annual quota in one service! After the service the new vicarage rain water-tank was opened by the bishop. God in his timing had sent two storms of rain to fill the tank, which had just been finished the week before. This tank had been in the 'process' for six years! So much to say thank you for. Thank you to many of you who contributed to the Vicarage Water Supply Project to make this possible in Kacheliba and 50 other parishes in the two diocese of Eldoret and Kitaie over the past six years.
On the TEE side of things, Cathy asks for prayer for the new term starting in January as Rev Bernard Kosgey begins to take responsibility for the day to day administration of the distance learning programme. We are thanking God for finishing this year with 22 study groups enrolled and increasing sales from our bookstall.
For prayer and thanksgiving:
· We are thankful that Steve's Dad and James join us for Christmas, so a full family time for our final Christmas in Kenya.
· This coming year is an important one for James with A level exams and Emily with 0 level exams. Pray for Louise as she continues at her day school here in Eldoret.
· We are thankful for Rev Kosgey joining TEE and Daniel Magut joining the water programme. Pray for them both as they take on full responsibility next year.
· We are thankful for peace in Kenya- do pray for the government and the many challenges it faces in leading Kenya.
We wish you all a peaceful and restful Christmas and many blessings for the year ahead.
With love
Steve, Cathy, James, Emily and Louise
A Discoverectory
A few weeks ago, when the weather was still so warm as to soften the tarmac on the road outside the Rectory, we had a visit from an old friend, come to see how we were settling in. He wanted to look over the house, of course, and was particularly interested in the old tunnel that runs across the garden. I should add at this point that this friend of ours is not only an antiquarian, but is also an amateur geologist. The combination of the construction of the tunnel and the stone of which it is built was therefore just his thing. This tunnel, for those of you who have not come across it, was constructed by a former Rector who did not wish his guests to be offended by the sight of servants crossing the garden to use the outside privy. This bizarre construction is about twenty yards long, and runs beside Mill Lane.
We went into the tunnel to explore. It is not the sort of thing one does on a regular basis, it being very dirty and none too safe. But he wanted the full tour, and so we donned the gardening garb and went a-grubbing.
During our expedition our friend was very interested to discover what I had thought was just some black slime near the bottom of the wall. Back outside and we found ourselves examining a dark and viscous substance, which he, to our disgust, ventured to taste. Would we like some? We thought not, thank you very much.
Despite our lack of enthusiasm, our friend has gone off in a high state of excitement vowing that he is going to have his sample from the tunnel examined by the Camborne School of Mines in Cornwall. We will keep you posted as to the results. Bob Thorn.
Once again, our grateful thanks to everyone who supported
the Christmas Greetings page in the December issue of the Bride Valley News.
The amount raised, £709.50, was a marked increase over last year. The funds were
split equally between Church funds & the BVN. Thanks again for your generous
support. Ken
.. and thank you, Ken, for once again organising the scheme.
St Mary's Church web site pages have been updated
For those of you who have internet access, you may like
to have a look at the revised pages on St Mary's with additional and updated information
that you may find useful & interesting. We have also added Chilcombe Church
as it is part of the parish, but have yet to find any historical information on
the church. If anyone can help, please contact me or Howard Bongers. Thanks
are due to Bob Thorn & Howard Bongers for their help. Ken
For over 70 years Burton Bradstock WI has been doing a marvellous job of managing their Hall for the benefit of the community. However, from the 1st January 2005, Burton Bradstock WI is leasing the Hall to a new management committee. This committee, made up of local residents, represents many of the main user groups as well as the community as a whole and is to be known as The Village Hall Committee. The Committee will operate within a charity, specifically created to manage the Hall for the benefit of the community. To avoid confusion with the WI organisation, the Hall will be managed under the name of 'Burton Bradstock Village Hall'. All existing bookings made through the WI will be honoured, but please note that from 1st January 2005 the contact for bookings will be Carolyn James (01308 898222).
Almost a year to the day after the village public meeting held to discuss the future of the hall, the new management committee is organising an inaugural social event on Saturday 29th January at 7.30 pm. All will be welcome and hopefully many of those who attended that original meeting will be able to come along to hear about what has happened in the time since then and how the new management committee intends to proceed, as well as enjoying some entertainment. Due to limited capacity, entrance will be by ticket only. Further details about this will be posted in the village nearer the time.
Archie Mackie, Chairman Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee
Burton Bradstock Playgroup would like to say a very big thank-you indeed toBurton Bradstock Parish Council for their extremely generous donation which we will use to help develop the playgroup further.
It is great to have a local playgroup with fantastic resources such as the Rectory garden in which to play and carry out garden projects.
If you have young children who are not yet at playgroup please pay us a visit and see for yourselves! Playgroup re-commences on 10th January and takes place every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9.30am till 12 noon.
By the time this is printed the children will have performed their Nativity Play and anyone who helped or saw it will probably be smiling (or laughing out loud) in recollecting it. Many thanks go to Brenda for doing a great job and for accompanying the children on the piano.
Bridget Pearse.
A reminder
to all the Young Families of Burton Bradstock
St. Mary's Church Party
on Saturday 8th January from 4.00pm to 6.00pm
in the Village Hall
Acceptance will be confirmed by ticket which will be hand delivered to each home on 3rd January.
~ Any queries to Barbara Ivall (897470) 13 Grove Orchard ~
We much look forward to seeing you all there.
Burton Bradstock - The Future
In the November edition of the Bride Valley News I explained that there were moves afoot to produce a village plan, or more correctly a Parish Plan; this second article outlines what progress has been made. The small group of people working on the Plan now have a clear action plan for this initial stage in the development process for our Plan.
As I indicated, in the first article, it is imperative that everyone in the parish feels able to contribute their ideas and express their concerns. Equally, people need an opportunity to discover more about external influences that will be considered in developing a Plan for our community. To this end a twin track approach is being adopted culminating in an open forum to be held on Saturday 29 January between 10.00am and 4.00pm in the Village Hall.
This event, co-ordinated by David Dixon, will be everyone's chance to learn about the Plan, what it entails and most importantly, will provide an avenue for all of you to have an input. The Hall will be turned into a "market place" of table and standing displays with villagers and people from influential organisations and agencies (i.e. WDDC and Environment Agency) on hand to explain how their activities may influence the Plan, and what can be achieved in the Parish. Most importantly, before you leave you will be given the opportunity to note issues of concern to you, or how you would wish the local area to develop - there will be a plentiful supply of post-it notes and pens!!
It is hoped that as many people as possible will come along and participate. Transport to and from the Hall will be available for those of you who are needful.
Prior to the open forum, a non-attributable questionnaire is being circulated to every household in the Parish with this issue of the BVN. Karen Venn has designed the questionnaire following a recent community planning exercise in West Dorset, with input from our own Vital Villages consultation a few years ago. At this stage it covers broad issues and will lead to a more refined survey(s) seeking your views on social, environmental and economic issues that affect the Parish. The information gleaned from this consultation will all contribute to the final plan in one way or another. It is hoped that as many people as possible will feel able to fill in the forms. The completed questionnaire should be posted in the box provided at the open forum, or those provided in the village shop, the Post Office or the library by Monday 31 January at the latest.
In the meanwhile if you feel you want more information or feel able to take part or otherwise contribute do let me know.
Anthony Gosnold 5 Beach Road 01308 897 652 or 07970 228 029
Burton Bradstock WI.
Due to December publishing deadlines a report on the December WI meeting is too late to be included in Bride Valley News. However members held a successful Christmas coffee morning on Saturday November 27th; visitors enjoyed coffee and mince pies whilst browsing the stalls. As a result a donation will go to the Village Hall Trust.
On November 25th some members and husbands went by coach to Southampton to shop (which delighted the men?!) and to see a splendid production of the musical, "Blood Brothers", much enjoyed by all. Thanks go to Audrey Hayward for organising this treat.
On December 3rd the hall was filled with the brainy of Burton Bradstock battling it out on a WI Quiz Night, questions devised and asked by our clever quiz master Colin Barham (eat your heart out Anne Robinson). Proceeds to go to Air Ambulance and RNLI.
Other pre Christmas events included a members' Christmas lunch at Eype and a coach trip to Sherborne for a Carol Service.
Apologies to our December speaker Mr McColl due to talk about "The Myth and Magic of Dad's Army'", your reporter wrongly gave Mr Read as the December highlight, whereas the talk on Romania is on January 11th. Visitors welcome. Heather Seadon
Burton Bradstock Bridge Group
Bridge will start again in the Village Hall on Tues. 4th January 2005 at 2.00pm, also on 18th and 25th. New members welcome - for further information please ring Chris Clarke Tel: 898117
Bradstock Players present
"The Wind in the Willows"
"Believe me, my young friend; there is absolutely nothing half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats"
Charming animal characters, high jinx, comedy, villainy and a fear of technology are those things we hold near and dear to our hearts. The Wind in the Willows is a timeless animal fable, a tale of adventure for Ratty, Mole, Badger and the irrepressible Toad. It tells of Toad's exploits on the road, his spell in prison and the reclaiming of Toad Hall from the bad guys, the Weasels.
This production moves on from the usual Panto produced by the Burton Players but never the less comes complete with original songs and music. It is an insight into how animals smell, hear and see, in that order. An adaptation of a classic story and above all great entertainment for the whole family.
Venue - Burton Bradstock Village Hall
Dates - Monday 7th March - Saturday 12th March (including a matinee performance).
Please note that the Monday night will be a charity night in aid of the Joseph Weld Hospice with a reduction in ticket price.
Tickets will be on sale from Tuesday 1st February at Burton Bradstock Post Office.
Burton Bradstock Village Society
A talk given without the aid of slides or visual presentation has to be of great interest to hold the audiences' attention and this is just what Roger Guttridge achieved in his talk, entitled 'Dorset Smugglers', given to the society on 12th Nov. Roger is descended from a line of Dorset Smugglers but the most famous was a certain Isaac Gulliver who, from Fiddleford Mill, operated a thriving concern in the 18th Century, with an army of followers, ships, warehouses and shops.
Smuggling was not really looked upon as a true crime as it evolved to avoid the huge import duty being levied by greedy governments. (no change there, then). It was rife in the mid 1700's with up to 300 people operating in one gang alone - 80,000 gallons of brandy was brought ashore at Bournemouth in one year alone along with tea, tobacco, wine. At one time it was estimated that 80% of goods consumed in the UK were contraband.
Corruption amongst Customs & Excise officers was rampant and anyway most were totally incapable of holding office and hopelessly outnumbered. Most of the smugglers were ruthless and murderous - hence its' great success.
Altogether a riveting evening. Peter Dutton
The Bridge Cottage Stores
We would like all our customers to know why we are closing early during the winter months. We have had three lovely people working for us over the summer all of whom, for personal reasons, have had to give up working with us. As it is winter and finances get very tight, we decided to wait until the spring to re-employ, thus enforcing us to reduce opening hours. We do apologise if we have caused any inconvenience.
Our opening hours now until the spring are:-
7.30am - 3.00pm Monday - Friday
8.00am - 5.00pm Saturday
9.00am - 1.00pm Sunday Tim & Liz Comley
A Message from Pat Raven
I would like to thank everybody for their kind offers of help and support during Eric's illness. It was very comforting to know that you were all thinking about us and praying for us.
I have received so many cards that it would be difficult to thank you all personally, so I would like to thank everyone for the messages of sympathy. Pat Raven
Burton Bradstock Village
Web Site Address
Did you know that the Bride Valley News
is published on this web site every month?
In addition, did you know that old copies of the magazine
can also be viewed on the web site?
And, it is in colour too!
Village Correspondent: Mrs. Joy White
Eastcote 3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge
Tel: ( 01308 )897974
Pet Service
Lots of very well behaved pets turned up for this happy event in St. Martin's church last November, including a hamster, a chicken, a rabbit and many dogs, too numerous to mention! Our young people played a big part in the service, and served refreshments to the "grown ups" afterwards.
The collection , which amounted to £70 has been given to the Elisabeth Svendsen Trust for Children and Donkeys, which has a riding centre for disabled children at the Donkey Sanctuary near Sidmouth.
Christingle Service
This year we are having our service on January 30th, at 4.00pm. when we celebrate Candlemas, so this will be a very special service of Light, when we stand in the aisles with our christingles sending out their candlelight in the darkness. This is a lovely event for everyone, so please come and join our celebration. The collection will go to the local branch of the Children's Society in Weymouth.
Moviola Together With You
On Wednesday 26th January at Shipton Gorge Village Hall, Moviola will be screening the wonderful film Together With You at 7.30 pm. The film is directed by Chen Kage who is one of the leading "new" directors in China and who also directed Farewell My Concubine. Please don't let the thought of subtitles put you off; this is a lovely moving Hollywood-type drama about a violin prodigy who moves to Beijing with his peasant father. It's a story of family ties vs. career and is guaranteed to bring a lump to the throat. Beautifully filmed and not to be missed. Tickets £4 from Doris Benselin 897562, Jo Warren 897948 or from the New Inn.
Tower News - Reminder
On Saturday January 8th the West Dorset Branch of the S.D.G.R. will be holding a practice night at St. Martin's between 7.00 and 9.00pm. if you are a ringer do come and join us.
Shipton Gorge Village Hall 100 Club
Grand Christmas Draw
£50 | No. 75 | Frank Rogers |
£20 | No. 37 | Christine Huxtable |
£10 | No. 83 | Doreen Rogers |
£10 | No. 16 | Ivy Platt |
£10 | No. 59 | Ann Rogers |
Village Correspondent: Sid Marshall
3 Green Barton, Swyre Tel: 897318
Please do join us at Holy Trinity Church on 2nd January at 3.30pm for what has become our late Christmas Carol Service. Eight carols, prayers, reading, mince pies and a cup of tea, to keep us jolly on the day after New Year's Day. Anthony Ashwell
Correspondents: Elizabeth Slater & Sid Marshall
Social Evening Thursday 20 January
Richard Surry will be giving a talk with slides of Madagascar. This should be an interesting evening. All are welcome. There will be coffee, tea and biscuits and a collection to cover expenses.
Ann Roberts
A Supper Evening
For all the people of Puncknowle, Swyre and West Bexington
Friday 28 January 7.30 - 10pm in the Hall
Bring along (between two of you) a main course or desert to feed 4 people, so that we can enjoy each others favourite dishes. If you can't manage to bring a dish bring some cheese, fresh fruit etc to share. Bring your own drinks. Everyone welcome. Donations towards cost appreciated.
Contact numbers: 898492 or 897551
Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council
There will not be a Parish Council Meeting in January 2005.
Should there be urgent matters requiring discussion the Parish Council will be called. Notices will be posted on the village notice boards should this be necessary.
Vital Villages
Just to remind all villagers that the feedback questionnaire should be returned to Anna Lovell at The Reading Room, Swyre, as soon as possible please.
For refuse collections for the New Year 2004/2005 please see page 8
Village Correspondent: Elizabeth Slater
1, Lytton Close, Puncknowle, Dorchester DT2 9BH
Telephone: ( 01308 ) 897751
This is a wonderful way to support the work of the Children's Society. Our Christingle Service will be at 5.00pm on 16th January and is our only Service for that Sunday. Everybody, and especially children, are most welcome. Anthony Ashwell
Puncknowle and Swyre Fete 2005
30th July 2005 Puncknowle Manor Grounds.
As villagers may well be aware Ann Roberts after many years of successful fetes has decided to retire and I have been asked to coordinate the effort for 2005. A working party has been set up to run the fete and we hope to continue the success of previous years with some new additions within the traditional style. We do however need a lot of helpers to keep up the traditions, especially stallholders. If you feel able to help please will you contact any of the following working party members.
Beryl Truscott 897058
Chris Gregory 898596
David Buckland 898492
David Buckland
Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup
See Page 7 (Valley Notes Section ) for report.
Puncknowle Art Group
We must thank Pam and Lilly for showing us their pastel portraits and explaining the techniques used. On the 26th we had a packed house when David and Mary Cantrille gave us another of their wonderful slide shows of prize winning photographs. They were lovely images to take with us into the winter months.
Dates for Jan - 7th (A.G.M.) & the 21st.
Christine Molony
Don't forget to check the village website
to keep in touch with village events and find useful information
Village Correspondent:
Elizabeth Kingston 5 Manor Farm Close, Litton Cheney
St Mary's Church, Litton Cheney
If you enjoy flower arranging please volunteer to help with the flowers in the church.
Please contact Sheila Fry 482260 so you can join the rota.
From the PCC: At our meeting in November, we were delighted to hear from Thorner's Headteacher, Alison Johnstone, that new equipment for 'Early Years' teaching have been purchased with money presented to the School by the PCC from the proceeds of the Fete.
Christmas Trees - This year the Christmas trees in the Church and on the Triangle are home grown - they were taken from the "wild" area at the top of the Churchyard. If any of you have bought rooted Christmas trees that you don't want to put in your own garden, please would you let us have them so that we can grow them on in the upper Churchyard to be used in future years. Thank you very much.
Children in Need Appeal
What a wonderful response from Litton Cheney, and those from elsewhere, who came to St Mary's Church to read or listen on the 19th November. People of all ages gave a huge variety of entertainment, and the Social Committee extend their overwhelmed thanks to one and all, including people who allowed us to use extra poster sites. Well over 60 folk came on the night, and many helped too.
Particularly satisfying was the happy social part of the evening, when lovely music was played, refreshments taken, and competitions won! None of the money taken was used to promote the event, LCSC funded it, so EVERY generous donation, one very generous, and the excellent prizes contributed to the magnificent £750 plus raised. With forward thanks to the W.I. and others, we confidently expect to sent at least £800 to the 2004 BBC Children in Need Appeal. Thank you.
Saturday 1st January - New Year's Day Walk, meet at the bus shelter at 10.00 am to enjoy a local walk of about five miles, weather permitting. Bring some light refreshment.
Litton Cheney Social Committee
Litton Cheney Parish Council
There will be a Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 4th January at 7.30 pm in the Church Hall.
Litton Cheney Youth Club will meet on Tuesday 11th January and Tuesday 25th January. The junior session for those aged 8 - 12 is from 6.30 - 8 pm. The senior session for those 13 - 17 years is from 8.00 - 9.30 pm. Paul Kingston 482384
Shop Meeting - 7.30 pm Wednesday 12th January - Church Hall, Litton Cheney
The recent Vital Village survey suggested there was considerable support for a community shop in Litton Cheney. If you are interested in pursuing and investigating the setting up of a shop within the village please come to a meeting at The Church Hall on 12 January at 7.30 pm. The only real qualification needed is enthusiasm. The more the merrier. For further enquires please call John Firrell on 482313
The Mobile Library will visit Litton Cheney on Thursday 13th and 27th January. The library van stops by the bus shelter between 3.10 pm and 4 o'clock.
Community Composting Meeting
If you are interested in helping to investigate and set up a Community composting scheme in Litton Cheney please come to a meeting on Wednesday 19th January at 7.30 pm in the Church Hall. For further information contact 482102/482384
History/Archaeology Meeting
Following a well attended slide show and talk about the Ancient Sites of Litton Cheney in November, anyone who is interested in forming a local history/archaeology group is invited to come along to the Church Hall at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 26th January.
The possibility of pursuing a Community Heritage project will also be discussed.
"Do we have the ideas, energy and commitment to bring a heritage project to life? To qualify, projects must actively involve the local community. They should focus on investigating, explaining or caring for archaeological, natural, built or industrial features, or the customs or traditions that make up the unique history of the area."
If you are interested please attend the meeting or contact Paul Kingston 482384
Litton Cheney Social Committee - Advance dates
Saturday 5th February, Wine and Wisdom Quiz evening 7.30pm Thorner's School
Saturday 19th February, Village Walk 10.00 am
Can you help? On Friday 5th March we are holding a Village Memories Exhibition. Do you have any old photos, memorabilia, or amusing stories about the village or is there something you would like to reflect upon and share with us? If so we would like to hear from you and borrow any material you may have which would be of interest. Please contact Ron Davidson 482661, Eddy Fry 482260 or any Committee Member. Kathy Kourik Secretary LCSC 482552
The White Horse has new tenants - Sue and Tony moved in on 1st December so please make them welcome and support our local pub.
Refuse and recycling collection arrangements New Year 2004/5
See Valley Notes page 8
Lithe Litton Ladies would like to be included in the diary for 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st January - 6.00 pm at The Church Hall.
Visit the web site for the latest news.
The group meets at The White Horse Inn
at 8.30pm on the first Monday of each month.
All welcome
Village Correspondent:
Mrs. Elinor Frost, Bridelands ( 482269 )
A Happy New Year to all our readers.
The Royal British Legion poppy collection came to £122.99. Thank you very much.
Welcome to Karl Gould and Briony King and children, Shadow and Connor, who have come to live at The Rookery. We hope they will enjoy living in Long Bredy.
The WI meeting is 2:30pm Tuesday 4th January at 'Bridelands', Long Bredy. Bring a favourite piece of music.
A December event which was overlooked last month was the Golden Wedding of David and Doreen Fry, lately of Foxholes Farm, on the 4th December. They celebrated the event in Dorchester with many relations and well-wishers, some of whom had come from Canada for the occasion. Congratulations to them both.
The Royal British Legion has sent its thanks and congratulations too to everyone who donated to the recent poppy appeal in the village. Littlebredy contributed nearly £90.00 to the local Bride Valley Branch's collection.
The first event in the Social Club's 2005 calendar will be held in the Village Hall on the 2nd Friday in January (not the customary first Friday), which is Friday 14th January. It will consist of the A.G.M. at 7.30 p.m., followed by a Social, with the bar open and a light supper available. All members, new or prospective, are warmly invited.
May 2005 be prosperous, happy and above all fulfilling for everyone in and around the Village. A Happy New Year...
The Bride Valley News -
a message from the Bride Valley Team Council
Due to the increased cost of printing it has become necessary to ask our contributors to limit their reviews of past events to 150 words. Thank you. B.V.T.C.