of events for all Parishes February 2005
--Session9 |
2 Peter 1 v. 12 - 21 |
---Feb 2 |
Cairnhill Shipton Gorge |
Lent begins very early this year - 9th February.
There will be Holy Communion Services (with the Imposition of Ashes for those who wish it) as follows:
10.00am St. Mary's Burton Bradstock
10.00am Holy Trinity Swyre
11.00am St. Peter's Long Bredy
7.30pm St. Mary's Burton Bradstock
The Bride Valley (Thursday) Fellowship Group
The group meets on Thursday evenings. Arriving from 7.30pm we begin at 8.00pm aiming to finish by about 9.30pm. For the months of January and February we will be doing a series of studies based on the book "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren. It will be of help to have read the passage to be discussed, but not essential. Please don't let that deter you from coming and joining in. All are most welcome. For further details contact Paul
Feb 3 Study "The Purpose Driven Life" (Pages 227-278)
The Threshing Barn, Higher Kingston Russell
Feb 10 Study "The Purpose Driven Life" (Pages 281-319)
12 Napier Close, Puncknowle
(Pages 281- Feb 17 No Meeting
Feb 24 Bible Study, Mark 11.1-11 (The Triumphal Entry)
2 Myrtle Close, Puncknowle
John McDougal ( D.H.C.T. Lyme Bay Deanery Rep. ) has asked us to include the following:-
The Dorset Historic Churches Trust's Web Site and On-Line Shop
At the last Executive Committee meeting I was authorised to set up an on-line shop for the Trust. A company called Perfiliate Technologies Limited, who offer this service for charities and other organisations, operates the 'shop' for us. The Trust benefits because it receives a variable commission for all sales introduced via the shop. |
There are some very well known high street retailers and other organisations associated with the scheme. Logging-on is very easy: simply go to www.buy.at/dorsetchurchestrust.co.uk and you are ready. Alternatively, the shop can be accessed via the Trust's own website at www.dorsethistoricchurchestrust.co.ukand clicking the button at the bottom of the 'Home Page' or on the 'Trust Page.'
The Trust's website is growing and there are now over 235 churches featured. Here is a resource for people interested in our priceless heritage.
Please do not hesitate to make contact if I can be of any assistance or if you would like further information about the shop or our web site.
Robin Adeney- Crosskeys House, Broadwindsor, Nr. Beaminster. DT8 3QP 01308 868063 e-mail: robin.adeney@care4free.net
St. Mary's, Burton Bradstock, has purchased a new photocopier. As a result, the old copier (XEROX Model 5314) is surplus to requirements. If anyone would like the old copier ( FREE!!), please call me on 898029. I should mention that it needs a new UV lamp.
Howard Bongers.
Discoverectory II
In last month's BVN the rector reported that some black, slimy substance had been discovered in the tunnel in the Rectory garden. A sample of this substance was taken away to be examined.
I am no chemist. That is not to say I only know a little; I really do know next to nothing about chemicals, and so when the report came back to say that what had been discovered was "a complex polysaccharide in a colloidal solution" I immediately contacted the Revd Anthony Ashwell, who knows everything there is to know about these things. I have also been in contact with my geologist friend who started the whole thing going.
It turns out that what we have is a light, tarry substance bearing a high proportion of these "complex polysaccharides" or in other words, natural sugars. Apparently the story goes that in millennia gone by vegetation was laid down in rock strata. Some, as we learned in school, became coal and even diamonds. Some became crude oil, giving off natural gas. A more rare occurrence is when, under the huge pressures of succeeding rock formations, the natural sugars of those plants of long ago are squeezed, and become crystalline. When these crystals come into contact with water they are forced by the same geological pressure into a "colloidal solution," so becoming the tarry substance that has been found in very small quantities in the Rectory garden.
At the moment this is just an odd phenomenon. We have yet to find out whether or not there is anything that can be done with this stuff. See next month's BVN for the next update. Bob Thorn
Burton Bradstock CE VC School
As I sit thinking about this month's entry for the BVN I have to admit to struggling. The awfulness of the Boxing Day Tsunami still haunts and somehow whatever I write seems so trivial by comparison. I guess that we have all felt like that. It would be easy to slip into a gloom of helplessness at such an awful scenario yet as an old Irish proverb says, 'You'll never plough a field by turning it over in your mind'. The national response has been incredible and it was good for us to contribute something as a school too. Our non-uniform day raised over £200 and during assembly we had the opportunity to quietly reflect upon recent events. It so happened that this was the day when many children in Sri Lanka began school again for the first time since the tragedy. I can't begin to imagine what it must be like to go back to a 'school' badly damaged or demolished, with not even the most basic of equipment and, more importantly, with friends and colleagues missing. It is truly humbling and the courage shown by so many in the face of adversity challenges our own values.
It is therefore with a spirit of gratefulness and belief that we can make a difference that we move forward. This month we are holding a 'Reading Evening' that we hope will be well supported by parents and anyone interested in the development of children's reading. A leading literacy teacher is joining us to share her perspectives and expertise about how we can best help children. During the evening we will consider how we read in a variety of ways, and also a range of strategies that can be adopted to inspire and encourage good reading habits both at school and at home. Many of our recently purchased reading books will be on display. It promises to be a good time. After all, 'Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.' (Sir Richard Steele 1672-1729).
Mark Stratta.
100 Club
December Winners:
£20 - T & M Holmes £10 - J.S. Still £10- L. Farrow
£10 - J & D Reeves £10 - J. Symes £10- C.R. Harrington
£5 - J. Bowles
Our thoughts recently have been very much on the Tsunami disaster and how we can do something to help. In school we have incorporated this into our citizenship lessons considering the cause, what has been lost, how people have suffered and what we can do to enable the population return to 'normal'. Many ideas for fundraising were received and planned some of them on quite a small scale, others with the other schools in the area. Thank you to everyone who supported us in our endeavour to do our 'bit'.
Recently we introduced fruit at breaktime, thanks to the government finance, all our Key Stage 1 pupils are eligible to enjoy a fresh fruit free each day, while the Key stage 2 pupils can opt to pay a small amount to receive a fruit salad for their morning snack. The fruit is prepared by our Teaching Assistants and is varied, bananas, satsumas, apples, pears, carrots and when in season should include tomatoes. Our policy for breaktime snacks has always been for fruit as we see this as a healthy top up in the middle of the morning when energy levels are beginning to slump and hopefully will continue to be popular with all pupils. But I do wonder what happens to a child between age 7 and 8 so that they do not get the free fruit??? Any suggestions to the office, please.
This is a very short term as Easter is in March so we are working hard to include all the usual events, our Easter concert will be on the last Wednesday of term (note the change of day). Many of the pupils learn to play musical instruments and this is their opportunity to perform in front of an audience, giving them the reason for all the dedication and hard work which is needed to master the skills necessary. I hope that all of you will keep the date free and come join us.
Alison Johnstone
Thorner's School 100 Club winners: January
£15 Mr & Mrs P £10 Mrs Peach
Bride Valley Fledglings News
We are now into the new term with our Theme of "Machines", including those of Bob the Builder and others all around us. Our Sponsored Sing last term raised £105 which was excellent - thanks everybody. We recently welcomed Isaac Ing, now of Swyre, who joined us before Christmas from Canada.
Congratulations are in order! We have been awarded Accreditation Status.We are delighted that the continued hard work of our staff and parent committee has been rewarded with Accreditation by the Pre-School Learning Alliance. Pre-schools and Playgroups play an important role in the pre-school education of our children in these rural communities, and we are ensuring that it is of the highest possible standard.
Parents looking for a first class pre-school/playgroup continue to know that Bride Valley Fledglings meets the highest standards. Our accreditation is a tribute to the professionalism and commitment of our staff and helpers. Well done!
"Where in the World" Quiz is now on sale at the following places - the post office in Burton Bradstock, the Crown Inn, Puncknowle, and in Dorchester, Bridport, & Lyme Regis Tourist Info. Centres - or by sending an S.A.E. to The Quiz Master, Dairy Cottage, Ashley Chase, Abbotsbury, Weymouth, Dorset DT3 4JZ. Cost-£1.00 - all proceeds to go to the Playgroup.
Carol Bennett/Sue Talbot
01308 897771 or Playgroup Mobile 07967 400385
First Steps Parent and Toddler Group: Firstly, apologies for not mentioning in last month's BVN the vital information that the group meets in Long Bredy Village Hall. At this cold and rainy time of the year, perhaps I should also mention that the heating works extremely well and we are guaranteed to have some toys that you don't have at home! The Health Visitor will be popping in on the first session of the month (the 2nd) for baby-weighing, advice etc. We will not be meeting on the 16th February as it is half term. Each session will start at 10:00 and finish at 12:00.
We are open to anyone who lives in the Bride Valley and meet every Wednesday during the school term. We have toys and activities for all pre-school age children (0-4years). For parents and carers we offer coffee and friendly chat and the chance to meet other parents/carers in the area. For further details, please contact: Jo 482346, or Julie 897178, or Rachel 482246.
Litton Cheney Youth Club meets on Tuesday evenings, for those between 8 and 17 years in Litton Cheney and the surrounding villages. For information contact Paul Kingston 482384.
Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal Results For 2004.
A big Thank You to all the Poppy Collectors who so diligently trudged the streets and lanes to raise money for the Poppy Appeal. I also thank the various businesses and churches that were also involved in our yearly endeavour to help fund the Legion's money raising activities. We were rewarded with another record year having raised a total of £2862.92, a 6% increase over last year
Well done all of you, especially the Ladies Section, who through their fund raising activities during the year, raised £ 670 and three collectors who individually raised over £100.
Tony Combe: Poppy Appeal Organiser.
Bridport Art Society
As many of our members live in the Bride Valley I am writing a special appeal to anyone who may be able to help us find a treasurer for the society. If this position is not filled before our A.G.M. in March the society may not be able to continue functioning. This voluntary position is not too arduous or time-consuming. Our monthly meetings are very interesting and you don't even have to paint!
Please contact me if you know of anyone who may be able to help. Thank you.
Margaret Harding 3 Roberts Close, Burton Bradstock. Tel.01308 898333.
Bride Valley Gardening Club February 7th
Thorner's 7.30pm
Chris Hunter- The greenhouse, plants & management
Norma Millard (Secretary. West Bexington [ 01308] 897774)
National Garden Scheme Garden Open
The Old Rectory, Litton Cheney will be open on Saturday & Sunday 5th & 6th February from 2.00 - 4.30pm. Entry: £2.00 (Children free)
HELP! Granny wants a play-pen. Please ring Jenny Caplin 897413
The Harley Davidson Ride
Thank you to all the friends in the Valley who sponsored me for the Harley Davidson "Ride". It was super! I hope to hand over £150 to The Dorset Air Ambulance. Pam Bates
Can you knit?
Help is needed for babies dying of hypothermia in Uganda
See page 16 for details
Village Correspondent Mr Basil Dent
2, Norburton, Burton Bradstock. Tel:- (01308) 897125
Mid Week Worship
Holy Communion Wednesdays at 10.00 a.m.
Choir Practices Fridays at 6.00 p.m.
Bell Ringing Practices Thursdays at 7.00pm
Gift Sunday 20th February C.M.S.
For the work of Steve & Cathy Burgess
The next Service of Prayer for Healing at St Mary's will be held on Monday 14th February at 7.00pm.
Tiny Tots / Pram Service will be held at 11.00am on Friday 11th February at St. Mary's Church, Burton Bradstock.
Gift Sunday Cash Collections at St. Mary's
It has been decided by the P.C.C. that in future, instead of Gift Sundays for various good causes (with the exception of the Rectory Internal Redecoration Fund on Easter Day, the Royal British Legion on Remembrance Sunday, and the donations for the Children's Society at the Christingle Service) the cash collections, in the brown envelopes provided, will, on the third Sunday of each month be devoted to the Church Mission Society with particular reference to our Link Missionaries, Steve and Cathy Burgess.
Family Party
Over 50 attended the party in the Hall on the 8th January: thank you Barbara, and your team, for all your hard work in organizing it.
Church Electoral Roll - Revision
The Church Electoral Roll is revised each year (except when a new roll is prepared every sixth year) in time for the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. If your name is already included in the current roll no further action is required of you.
The revision period leading up to the annual meeting provides an ideal opportunity for those who wish to have their names added to the electoral roll to apply for enrolment, the requirements for which are very simple. You must be baptised (christened), a member of the Church of England or of a church in communion with it, be aged 16 or over and either resident in the parish or have regularly attended church there for at least six months.
Being on the electoral roll of the parish means you can attend the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (to be held this year on Monday 4th April in church at 7.30 p.m.) and vote in the elections to the Parochial Church Council or stand for election yourself if you are a communicant member of the Church of England. It enables you to have your voice heard at Deanery and Diocesan level as well as in your own parish.
Application forms for enrolment on the Church Electoral Roll will be available in church in the weeks leading up to the annual meeting or if you wish to contact me direct on Te1.897316 to discuss any aspect of enrolment I will be pleased to help.
Wendy Froy - Electoral Roll Officer.
There will be a lunch in the Village Hall on Saturday 26th February from 12 noon until 2.00pm to which all residents and visitors to our village are invited to attend. Soup, bread & cheese, and fruit, followed by a cup of tea or coffee will be served. There is no set charge or tickets for this event so please just turn up on the day. Donations will be invited for St Mary's 'Sudan Link Appeal'.
Do please come along and join us if you possibly can, and bring a friend with you! We look forward to seeing you there.
Lesley Dove, Member of St Mary's P.C.C.
Following last year's hugely enjoyable and successful Barn Dance led by David Powell & The Bride Valley Band, we are pleased to announce that they are returning to Burton Bradstock Village Hall on Saturday 12th February 2005 at 7.30pm;music and songs with David Powell as caller. A cash bar will be available but please bring your own nibbles. Tickets will be on sale at Burton Bradstock Post Office from Monday 24th January - Adults £4 and Under 14s £2. Come and enjoy yourselves - all proceeds will go towards maintaining the Village Hall.
Susan Moores, Secretary Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee
Affordable Housing in Burton Bradstock
There will be a meeting to discuss the further proposals by Raglan for an Affordable Housing development at 7-00pm on Wednesday 16th February in the Reading Room. Nathan Cronk from Raglan and Andy Lloyd, the Rural Housing Enabler from Dorset Community Action, will be present. Anyone from Burton with an interest in this project is invited to attend. I am ready to have a site meeting at midday on that day, to ensure that there is a proper understanding of the proposed layout if anyone wishes for such a meeting and contacts me.
Mike Southgate, Chairman BB Parish Council (897487)
Pound House Productions
The profit of £251 from our millennium show was given to "The New Scout Hut" Appeal. As the "New Scout Hut" has now been abandoned the £251 has now been returned. I have sent the money to the Red Cross Tsunami Appeal. Elaine Colbert
Children's Society
Many thanks to all our faithful carol singers who joined us in singing round the village on 15th December and to all who gave so generously, especially our two friends who come out with a lovely warming drink each year. Thank you, also, to Bob who led us briskly along and kindly invited us to the Rectory for another warming drink at the end. We collected £207.00, including a donation, which we sent to our local Children's Society "Wave" at Weymouth. Other funds raised during the past year were as follows:-
Boxes ............. £300.69
Christingle............ £158.09
In memory of Cleeve Arscott.......£250.00 Greta Heal
Bradstock Players present
"The Wind in the Willows"
Burton Bradstock Village Hall
Dates - Monday 7th March - Saturday 12th March (including a matinee performance).
Please note that the Monday night will be a charity night in aid of the Joseph Weld Hospice with a reduction in ticket price.
Tickets will be on sale from Tuesday 1st February at Burton Bradstock Post Office.
It is with sadness we closed the branch. We have now become a holding branch under the umbrella of Dorset County Women's Section. Anyone wanting to remain or become members can pay membership fees through the county. Members will still be able to do money making projects. Our thanks go to all members and non-members for all their help over the years. J.Hyde - Past Chairman
Coffee Morning
In aid of Bridport Branch Alzheimer's Society
At Greenwich Cottage Burton Bradstock
Thursday 10th February 10.30 - 12 noon
~Bring& Buy ~ Raffle~
Admission 50p
Burton Bradstock WI
The January meeting was enlivened by Mr. and Mrs. M. Read who gave members a very interesting talk with slides about the continuing splendid work providing aid to Romanian hospitals and orphanages. Since Chideock Aid to Romania was started in 1989 hundreds of journeys to the country have been made.
Before Christmas members enjoyed a delicious lunch at Highland's End and a visit to Sherborne for the Abbey WI Carol Concert.
Forthcoming events include a whist drive on the 7th and a Bring and Buy Sale on the 10th at members' homes, and lastly a skittles evening on the 26th at Freshwater.
Mr. S Griffin will talk about Abbotsbury at the next meeting on February 8th. Visitors welcome. Heather Seadon
Burton Bradstock Bridge Group
In the Village Hall on Tuesdays 1st, 15th, & 22nd February at 2.00pm. New members welcome - for further information please ring Chris Clarke Tel: 898117
May we, through the pages of the BVN, say a big thank-you to all who have supported us in so many different ways following our accident before Christmas? Your kindness and caring has greatly helped to ease the trauma and shock and we are deeply grateful.
Chris & Thelma Skues
Charlie Fuge and Sarah Churchill of 2 Barr Lane Burton Bradstock announce the birth of their baby boy Oliver Churchill Fuge. Born at home on Thursday 2nd December 2004. We would like to thank everyone in the village for their kind help, gifts, cards and good wishes.
Burton Bradstock Village Website Address
Loads of information on the village including maps, videos, current events, useful contacts and history.
And, did you know that the Bride Valley News is published on this web site every month?
It includes every back issue of the magazine, as far back as January 2000.
All this, and it's in colour too!
Village Correspondent: Mrs. Joy White
Eastcote 3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge
Tel: ( 01308 )897974
Village Carol Singing
Thirty-one adults and fifteen youngsters turned up on a cold evening in December, to raise funds for Save the Children. The sum of £135 28p was collected thanks to Gemma, Tommy and Lauren, and we would like to thank Bettie and Geoff for providing some delicious food - very much appreciated by all! Well done everyone!
Janet Lane
Family Service - St. Martin's Church
Our service this month will take place on Sunday, 20th February, at 4.00p.m. followed by refreshments in the Village Hall as usual.
Babies in Uganda
I have had a request from my grand-daughter, a doctor working with Medicins Sans Frontiers in Uganda, for woolly hats for babies aged 0 -12 months. There are hundreds of babies dying of hypothermia.
If anyone would like to knit small hats and send them to me I will arrange to send them on to Uganda.
Mrs. Ivy Platt 5, Rockway, Shipton Gorge 897601
Moviola / Artsreach
She's back!! On Wednesday 23rd February at 7.30 pm Moviola will be showing the new Bridget Jones film at Shipton Gorge Village Hall. Join us for an evening of warm laughter to banish those winter blues. Tickets are £4 each and are available from Doris Benselin 897562, Jo Warren 897948 or from the New Inn.
There will be an Artsreach show at the hall in March or April, so please keep a look out in the Bride Valley News for date and confirmation of event.
Shipton Gorge Village Hall 100 Club
January Draw Winners
£20 | No. 11 | Sue Davidson |
£10 | No. 85 | Pauline Osmond |
Village Correspondent: Sid Marshall
3 Green Barton, Swyre Tel: 897318
Holy Trinity Swyre
The last two years have seen villagers in Swyre and their friends raising the sum of £1600.00 to be spent on repairs to the fabric of the Church. We have also gratefully received £300.00 in donations. Apart from minor works the P.C.C. has not spent a great deal on repairs in past years, but we now have an estimate for repairs to the electrics in the Church, for the sum of £1500.00 including VAT. Thanks to the generosity of you all this account can be met. As you are aware we had a "breakout" in the Church in the summer, and although most of the cost of the damage will be met from insurance, the PCC took the view that whilst the Glazier was in the Church the other two sections of the window not damaged by the vandals, but in a poor state, should also be replaced.
There are other repairs which over the course of the next couple of years will have to be addressed; these have been drawn to the PCC's attention, during the inspection of the Church, by the Diocesan Architects. We cannot rest on our laurels and will be arranging other fund raising activities in the coming months.
We are so grateful for the help villagers have given to keep your Village Church in sound repair for the benefit of us all.
The Church Wardens
Christmas is for Giving
A certain local celebrity and raconteur had the good fortune to win a prize in The Anchor, Burton Bradstock Christmas Raffle. Due to his extreme generosity he decided to raffle his prize at The Bull Inn, Swyre to raise money for the Holy Trinity Church in Swyre. The tale of which is told in the poem that follows.
To my amusement and surprise
I won an Anchor raffle prize!
A DVD player for all to see,
But no good to me for I have no TV.
Now as I am a man of thrift
To raise some cash I'll raffle my gift
This prize I'll use to raise some cash,
So off to The Bull I went in a Flash.
At £1 a ticket they sold thick and fast,
Until eighty pounds was raised at the last.
Eighty pounds was raised in cash,
To which I'll add twenty from my stash.
To give the church electric light
My gift will go to aid their plight.
Now for those who took the Mickey,
The gift will come from Tricky Dicky.
Village Correspondent: Elizabeth Slater
1, Lytton Close, Puncknowle, Dorchester DT2 9BH
Telephone: ( 01308 ) 897751
Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup
See Page 8 (Valley Notes Section ) for report.
Lent Frugal Lunch
This will be on Wednesday 16 February in the Church Hall from 12.30pm. Come and join us for delicious home made soup, bread and cheese. The collection will be for a practical project for helping the Third World through help in restocking their livestock.
Social Evening
To be held on Thursday 17 February at 7.30pm in the Church Hall. Peter Northover, who has a long association with the area will be talking about 'Old Swyre and Puncknowle'. Don't miss this interesting evening. There will be tea, coffee and biscuits and a collection to cover expenses.
Ann Roberts
Puncknowle Art Group
On January 7th we had a very constructive A.G.M. with many ideas for this year's programme. The officers were all re-elected and we look forward to painting together in the coming year. Venues may change in the early part of the year to include outings and meetings at members' houses.
Dates for February:-
4th - Bridport Arts Centre - 18th to be announced. Christine Molony
Don't forget to check the village website
to keep in touch with village events and find useful information
Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council Meeting
There will be a meeting of the Parish Council on Tuesday 1st February in the Puncknowle Church Hall at 7.30pm.
Puncknowle & Swyre Fete
30th July 2005 Puncknowle Manor grounds.
The Fete working party would love to hear from you. We need a lot of helpers to keep up the traditions, especially stallholders. If you feel able to help, have any ideas or suggestions you wish to pass on please will you contact any of the following working party members.
Beryl Truscott 897058 Chris Gregory 898596
David Buckland 898492 David Buckland
Village Correspondent:
Elizabeth Kingston 5 Manor Farm Close, Litton Cheney
Newcomers to the Parish may not be aware that this charity exists to help local people who are not very well-off. At Christmas we are very pleased to give 'grants' towards seasonal expenses to those for whom the 'state retirement pension' is their main source of income. At other times, individuals may have urgent need, for example, of funds to cover the replacement of an important household item, which their normal income may not allow. This again is the kind of situation in which the charity can help. If there is anyone not on our Christmas list or who is in special need, please contact Brian Prentice at Steddings, Chalk Pit Lane for further information.
School-leavers in both 2004 and 2005 are also most welcome to apply for grants from the charity, provided they have begun or are beginning either a full-time apprenticeship or similar arrangement, or a full-time course of higher education. Again please apply to Brian Prentice as above.
The Charity Trustees are aware that there have been some school-leavers over the years who could have applied for and received a grant, but who did not do so. Don't be shy, it only needs a letter!
Anthony Ashwell, Chairman.
Church Hall Charges and Bookings
The Hire Charges are £10 per session for morning, afternoon or evening. (Free use for the Church and Church organisations.) A charge will also be made for electricity with £1 coin meter.
Table Hire: included in the Hall hire, but charges for tables removed from the Hall is £2 each for the Gopak tables and £1 for the wooden tables.
To book the Hall or tables, please contact Mrs C Lindsay (482383) or Mrs E Kingston (482384)
Litton Cheney Youth Club
The Club will meet on Tuesday 8th February and Tuesday 22nd February in The Church Hall from 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm. For details phone Paul Kingston 482384
Lithe Litton Ladies
A chance to tone up those muscles and improve your joint flexibility. This exercise class, combining yoga, Pilates and Callenetics, continues in the Church Hall (preheated!) on Mondays from 6.00 pm to 7.15 pm.
If you would like to join us, come along in comfortable clothing, bringing a small towel and some water. For more information ring Alison 482661.
Litton Cheney Social Committee
The final total raised for the Children in Need Appeal was £817.30, and a donation of £210 which was collected at the Carol Singing, has been sent to the Naomi Children's Hospice. Thank you very much to everyone who made these donations possible.
Saturday 5th February, Wine and Wisdom Quiz evening 7.30 pm Thorner's School. Either come along with a team of eight people or join a team on the night. Entry is £1.00 for each team member, nibbles will be provided and there will be a bar providing drinks for a donation. A small prize will be awarded to the winning team.
Saturday 19th February, meet at the Bus Shelter 10.00am for the Village Walk. We will share cars to Abbotsbury and walk a circular route via Portesham and the old railway line finishing back at Abbotsbury for lunch at the Ilchester Arms.
Advance dates
Saturday 12th March, please note change of date, Village Memories Exhibition, see below for details.
Saturday 19th March, Village Walk, Sunday 27th March Duck Race and Easter Egg Hunt. Kathy Kourik Secretary LCSC 482552
Village Memories and Reflections Exhibition
Saturday March 12th 2005 at Thorners School
Please note revised date
Programme for day
10.30 - 12.00 If you have any old photos, memorabilia, amusing stories or reflections about the history of the village and would be prepared to share these please come to Thorners School with them between 10.30 - 12.00 where a committee member will be waiting to see you.
2.00 - 5.00 Exhibition at Thorners School of all material.
7.30pm Talk and slide show "Memories of life in Litton Cheney" compèred by David Taylor, with contributions from committee members and especially the audience!
Please come to enjoy an interesting and enlightening day about our village.
Refreshments provided.
Further information from Ron Davidson 482661, Rachel Gershfield 482404 or any committee member. Litton Cheney Social Committee
Village Correspondent:
Mrs. Elinor Frost, Bridelands ( 482269 )
A table-top sale in aid of the tsunami disaster will be held in Long Bredy Hall on Saturday 5th February at 2:00pm.
Tombola, coffee and teas. Toys, cakes, etc.
Time to turn out the cupboards and drawers.
Contact: Lorraine Batchelor 482609
Rosemarie Pitcher 482486
Lots of good bargains.
A Frugal lunch will be held on Thursday 10th February at 12:30pm Langbride, in aid of Hope and Homes for children. Everyone is welcome and the gardens will be open from 2:00p.m. for the National Gardens Scheme. Ref. Juniper 482257
The collection from the Carol Service £122 has been sent to the Naomi House Children's Hospice. Thank you to all who helped with this lovely service.
The next meeting is at Janet Cuff's home: Cowleaze Corner on 1st February at 2:30pm.
Please note that any news for the next Bride Valley Parish News should go to Mike and Valerie Shepherd 482250, as Elinor will not be available.
Bernard and Val Fry write: "We would like to thank everyone in the village for their patience and understanding during the last few weeks of 'heavy traffic' following the Herd Sale at the end of November. The last cattle lorry left to take the final consignment to Northern Ireland around Christmas time. "Littlebredy Holsteins" went to farms as far apart as Land's End and Aberdeen, as well as overseas to the Isle of Wight and Ireland. We have been told that they all travelled well, and are settling into their new homes. Thanks again, and a Happy New Year to all our neighbours."
As a little piece of related social history, one wonders how many thousand years ago it was previously that not a single cow was being milked in the parish of Littlebredy.
Thanks to all who helped with Christmas celebrations in the village. The Church looked splendid as always, and it was very good to have the congregation swelled by a few of Quintin Peppiatt's parishioners from London, who were staying with Brian and Ann, as well as various other visitors.
If anyone has not yet seen the January edition of the "Dorset" magazine, with Swyre Head cliffs on the cover, they are also missing a four-page article (pp. 26 -29, called "Pure Dorset") about the village, based on an aerial photograph, with various points of interest identified and illustrated. Well worth obtaining a copy.