Diary of events for all Parishes March 2005
Top 10 subject areas: |
Traffic calming |
46 |
TV & radio reception/coverage |
31 |
Parking (1) |
30 |
Buses |
28 |
Affordable housing |
26 |
Parking (2) |
24 |
Waste & litter |
23 |
Young people's activities |
22 |
Dog fouling |
21 |
Conservation/keep village as it is |
20 |
Prescriptions |
20 |
An abundance of ideas and visions for our village's ideal future emanated from the '3 wishes' section of the questionnaire and the Parish Plan steering group is looking at further consultation and the way forward. We have a number of people who have expressed interest in becoming more involved in the planning process, however, we will always welcome more so if you have any particular expertise or areas of interest please contact Elise Ripley on 897010. More detailed information containing all contributions will be available on the village website at www.burtonbradstock.org.uk and a hard copy of the document containing all responses will be available in Burton Bradstock library.
Inaugural Event - 29 January 2005
Many thanks to all those people who made this event so successful, those who helped to organise it and those who gave so generously during the evening through the raffle, auction and the bar. Special thanks must go to those businesses and people in the village who donated items for the auction and raffle, both of which raised a lot of money and a great start to fund raising efforts. The event marked the passing of management control of the Village Hall from the WI to the new Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee. The theme of "The Past, Present and Future of the Village Hall" was relayed to the audience first by Len Green, who read a fascinating summary of the history of the Hall researched and prepared by his wife Wendy. This piece will shortly appear on the village website. Archie Mackie, the Chairman of the new Committee, then explained the process of the changeover which had taken exactly one year culminating in the new Trust's application to become a Charity. A plaque commemorating the two village ladies, Alice Fielding and Dorothy Codrington, who had guaranteed the original funds for building the Hall was unveiled. Archie stressed that the new Committee would work hard to continue the excellent work of the WI in the running of the Hall for the benefit of the village, but this could only happen with the practical help and support of all the people in the village.
The evening was a great start to the new era and there is much to look forward to. If you are interested in joining the Committee or are able to give help organising fund-raising events or in any practical way, please enter your name and details on the "Village Hall Volunteers and Ideas" sheet in the Post Office or telephone Archie Mackie on 01308 898668.
Archie Mackie - Chairman, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee.
Village Hall 100 Club - Up and Running but Still Time to Join.
The Village Hall 100 Club was launched at the Inaugural Evening and already has 68 paid up members. The cost is £10 for the year and ten monthly draws will be made, normally on the first of each month March to December inclusive. However, to give readers of this month's BVN time to join the Club, the first draw will be made on 15 March. Prizes will be £20, £10 and £5, doubling to £40, £20 and £10 for the December draw. Anyone over the age of 16 can join so tell your friends and neighbours; please note that this scheme replaces the WI 100 Club which will be closing. Application forms are in Burton Bradstock Post Office and cheques should be made payable to "Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee". If you have any queries please phone me on the number below. Special thanks go to an anonymous donor who, while not agreeing in principle with "draws", gave £10 not to join the 100 Club but to show support for the Village Hall. In the same spirit, I hope you will join the 100 Club now and stand to win by taking part in the first draw on 15 March 2005.
John Grantham
Promoter, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee Tel: 01308 897935
Artsreach Event - The Kotel Ensemble - Saturday 19th March at 7.30 pm.
Following the success of "The Old Rope String Band" we have chosen a different but nevertheless just as 'amazing' a style of musical entertainment in 'The Kotel Ensemble' for our second Artsreach promotion. This Bulgarian Folk Group, in full Bulgarian costume and playing a host of traditional instruments, is made up of remarkable musicians and singers. Their performance will be a memorable experience. Their music is rich, with complex rhythms and haunting melodies drawn from their cultural history - a beautiful, living tradition. We guarantee that you will be moved and enthralled whatever your age or musical taste. Unmissable!
Tickets are £6 and are available at the Post Office or from 'The Retreat', High Street, Burton Bradstock (01308 897214). Don't delay - book today!! A Cash Bar will be available. Remember the last Artrsreach show was a sell out very early on and many people were turned away on the night.
Norman Saunders-White
Artsreach Coordinator, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee.
Village Events Diary
Following comments received about the increasing number of social and other events taking place in Burton Bradstock, it has been decided to resurrect a 'Village Events Diary' to try to avoid clashes and offer residents and visitors alike a simple single point of reference for finding out where and when village events are taking place. The diary for 2005 is in the Post Office, Burton Bradstock and we invite anyone planning any event in the village to enter details of the event and a contact name and telephone number.
Although the Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee is managing the Events Diary, the diary is not just for noting events taking place in the Village Hall; it applies to anything that is happening in the village. Along with the diary, there is an 'Ideas Sheet' where anyone can enter suggestions for events they would like to see take place in the village. Thank you for your cooperation
Susan Moores - Secretary, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee.
Burton Bradstock Bridge Group
In the Village Hall on Tuesdays 15th & 22nd March at 2.00pm. New members welcome - for further information please ring Chris Clarke Tel: 898117
Burton Bradstock WI February
Members were treated to a very interesting talk about Abbotsbury tropical gardens by Mr. S Griffith, with some colourful slides of tender beauties we all wished we could grow.
Forty six members attended a splendid New Year Party on January 22nd and on February 7th Betty Drewery and Marge Banks were the winners at a whist drive held at the home of Joan Allan.
Also in February, the walkers are to circulate Puncknowle on the 15th, the reading group are to enjoy Betty Boothroyd's autobiography on the 22nd; there is a skittles evening at Freshwater on the 26th.
Mr. P Gamble will talk on plant propagation at the next meeting, open to husbands and partners, on March 15th at 7.30pm.
Heather Seadon
Burton Bradstock Village Society
There was an air of intrigue and mystery in the village hall on 14th Jan when Bill Putnam gave a talk to the society entitled "The Treasure of Rennes-le-Chateau".
The story concerns a priest who took over a very dilapidated old church in a remote Pyrenees village and curiously set about pouring money into a total renovation of the church, building a grand villa in the village with a large estate and gardens. Where the money came from was a total mystery- where did he suddenly acquire this enormous amount of money?
It was rumoured that the priest had discovered a great treasure somewhere in the old church or village- there was evidence of a secret code concealed in old documents found, but the true source of his sudden wealth went to the grave with him. The subsequent priest and many visitors since have been feverishly searching for this lost treasure and there are other stories and legends about secret codes, religious connections and societies.
And what is the truth about all this lost treasure and secret codes? Well, you should have come to the meeting to find out!
Peter Dutton
I'm intrigued - please tell us the secret next month, Peter! Ed.
A Big Thank-You
A big thank-you to all those who supported my Coffee Morning, in aid of the Alzheimer's Society and held on February 10th, which raised the magnificent sum of £250. To all my helpers, to those who donated items, to those who donated cash and especially to those who came on the day again a big, big thank-you. Noreen Short
Burton Bradstock Allotments
Anyone wishing to have one of these allotments, please contact the Parish Clerk, Fel Moore, on 01308 459001.
Burton Bradstock Village Website Address
Loads of information on the village including maps, videos, current events, useful contacts and history.
And, did you know that the Bride Valley News is published on this web site every month?
It includes every back issue of the magazine, as far back as January 2000.
All this, and it's in colour too!
Village Correspondent: Mrs. Joy White
Eastcote 3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge
Tel: ( 01308 )897974
Mothering Sunday Family Service - Sunday, March 6th, at 4.00p.m.
Everyone is invited to our service of thanksgiving in St. Martin's church, when children will give thanks for their mothers, and present them with posies of spring flowers. Tea, simnel cake and treats will be served afterwards in church.
Asia Earthquake and Flood Appeal Tea Party
A sumptuous tea party was held in the Village Hall on January 20th, to raise funds for the tsunami disaster. We were treated not only to tea and cakes, but also to a delightful afternoon of music provided by the Bride Valley Ladies Choir, who sang a wide range of songs, and by violin solos from their conductor Janet Lane, accompanied by Sue Smith. What a treat to have such a wealth of talent on display, and many thanks to them all.
Many thanks also to all who contributed in any way to this very successful and enjoyable afternoon. Altogether, the event raised £800, so thank you all again for your generosity. With a few outstanding gifts and donations we will have raised the "grand" total of £1000. Well done everybody!
Shipton Gorge Village Society are having a Bingo Evening at the Village Hall on Wednesday 23rd March. Eyes down at 7-30pm. All welcome.
London Marathon 2005
On April 17th I am running the London Marathon. I first ran in 2003 and finished in 3 hours 29 mins. After training while at university I am hoping to improve my time to 3 hours 15 mins. Once again I have chosen Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) as my charity to support and wish to raise around £1250 for them. Any sponsorship will be gratefully received. If you wish to sponsor me you can on www.justgiving.comlmhewlett or through my parents on 01308 897278. Thank you. Martin Hewlett
Shipton Gorge Village Hall 100 Club
February Draw Winners
£20 |
No. 98 |
Colin Green |
£10 |
No. 90 |
Ann Jones |
Village Correspondent: Sid Marshall
3 Green Barton, Swyre Tel: 897318
Advance notice that this will be on Sunday 3rd April within Evensong at 6.30pm.
Mothering Sunday, 6th March, at 3.30pm.
There will be a special service in Swyre Church to recognise mothers and all women within our church, as well as our Mother Church. Buttonhole-posies will be distributed, hopefully by the children, during the service, which will be followed by tea and Simnel cake. Do come and share this lovely time with us.
On Saturday 5th we would like any children, and the young at heart, to meet to pick wild flowers in the churchyard, help make posies-buttonholes, and prepare them to be distributed during Sunday's service. Meet at 10am at the church. If you have any small spring flowers to spare in your gardens please bring them along with you on Saturday to help with the posies.
Swyre Churchyard Working Party. Saturday 12th March, 10am to 12noon.
We really need your help in maintaining our Churchyard and the outside of the church. Gutters need to be kept clear, paths swept and kept weed-free, hedges trimmed, gates painted, rubbish cleared, and most of all graves kept tidy and clear of weeds and saplings. If you feel you could help with any of these tasks, please come along for as long as you can spare. A group of us can make a difference, and might even have some fun together! You will need to bring gardening gloves, rubbish sacks and gardening tools for the job if possible. If you cannot manage these tasks, encouragement by way of a cuppa etc. would be welcome! Hope to see you there. Swyre Churchwardens
Who's the Swyre Poet?
Reading a poem in the magazine for Feb
The words seem to flow but never ebb.
Full of humour and of wit,
A dull day was suddenly lit.
Are the words written by a great poet?
Who? But I just don't know it.
Scanning the words, I look for clues.
Which of our residents do I choose?
Could it be a person with artistic skills?
Or someone who walks our village hills.
Maybe it's a passing guest,
I'm still no further in my quest.
Pubs mentioned are the Anchor and Bull
O stupid me, O what a fool.
It's now quite obvious for me to see,
This hidden person's identity.
Standing at the bar, he's under no strain
With his badge of office on a chain.
Entertaining the visitors and locals alike
It can only be, our own dear Mike. Anon
Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council Meeting
There will be a meeting of the Parish Council on Tuesday 1st March in the Puncknowle Church Hall at 7.30pm.
New Parish Clerk
The Council is delighted to advise you that it has appointed Mrs Carolyn Buckland to be the Parish Clerk from the 1st March 2005. Mrs Buckland can be contacted on 897726 from that date.
Madeline Marshall Chairwoman
Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council
Important Date For Your Diary!! Saturday 16th April, 7.30pm.
Barn Dance at Puncknowle Hall. See next month BVN for details.
Puncknowle & Swyre Fete
30th July 2005 Puncknowle Manor grounds.
The Fete working party would love to hear from you. We need a lot of helpers to keep up the traditions, especially stallholders. If you feel able to help, have any ideas or suggestions you wish to pass on please will you contact any of the following working party members.
Beryl Truscott 897058 Chris Gregory 898596
David Buckland 898492
We will also need lots of things to fill the stalls so this is an advance warning of the sort of things we will be looking for:-
Cakes for the cake stall and teas and coffees.
Goods for bric a brac and white elephant.
Bottles for bottle stall and whiskey draw.
Plants for the plant stall.
Clothes for the clothing stall (Quality clothing will be continuing as a separate venture)
Books for the book stall.
If transport is needed this can be arranged. Please phone David at the number above. If anyone has storage space available we would love to hear from you. David Buckland
Village Correspondent: Elizabeth Slater
1, Lytton Close, Puncknowle, Dorchester DT2 9BH
Telephone: ( 01308 ) 897751
Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup
See Page 8 (Valley Notes Section ) for report.
Social Evening
To be held on Thursday 17 March at 7.30 in the Church Hall. Graham Roberts, who is the Project Officer for Hampshire Wild Life Trust, will reveal "The Truth About Otters And Mink". Don't miss this special opportunity. There will tea, coffee and biscuits and a collection to cover expenses. Ann Roberts
Church Decoration for Easter
This will take place on Saturday 26 March. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Especially welcome will be small tied bunches of primroses, plus spring flowers and greenery. The primroses can be left in the Church the day before in the bowls of water provided.
Ann Roberts
Important Date for Your Diary Saturday 16 April
Barn Dance in Puncknowle Hall - See next month BVN for details.
Puncknowle Art Group
It is always interesting to listen to someone who is talented and dedicated talking about their work. We are grateful to Mr. Charles Fuge who is an illustrator, for explaining to us the processes involved when working on pictures for a children's book. The technical details were quite new to us and the beautiful pictures can only serve to inspire children worldwide with their lovely artistry.
Dates for March are - 4th Brian Cocks at Acoustic Range
18th Using the right side of the brain
Christine Molony
Don't forget to check the village website
to keep in touch with village events and find useful information
Village Correspondent:
Elizabeth Kingston 5 Manor Farm Close, Litton Cheney
Fete 2005
This year the Fete will be held at Court House on Monday 30th May.
There will be a planning meeting on Tuesday 22nd March in the Church Hall at 7.30 pm for anyone who would like to run a stall, help with games, raffle, teas, etc. According to the Vital Village Survey, 78% of people in the Village go to the Fete, so please come along to the meeting and add your ideas to make this year's event even better!
The Churchyard
How does your garden grass grow? If it's anything like the churchyard no doubt you find yourself cutting longer grass more frequently for more months in the year than in the past. The voluntary task of cutting the churchyard has reached a bit of a crossroads; we have lost the invaluable help of John Perrin and his tractor following his retirement (huge thanks to him for all his work and his continuing help and advice) and our pedestrian mower is getting old and seems ever heavier just like the volunteers. The yard could be turned over to sheep - this has been tried and is impractical or it can be left wild and unkempt - it was and there were complaints. The general consensus is that thanks to recent efforts the yard is attractive and should if possible be maintained like that. So the volunteers intend to spend less time cutting and more time sitting - how so?
Having dismissed the alternative of outside contractors as being prohibitively costly (assuming one could be found to do the whole yard, which is proving impossible) it is hoped that the PCC will purchase a ride on mower and a smaller, lighter pedestrian mower to reach the parts the ride on cannot reach. A suitable combination has been identified. The only obstacle is cost; the nature of the yard requires highly manoeuvrable and powerful machines which do not come cheap. With the addition of a secure storage facility the total cost will be in excess of £5000.
Will you please help to defray this cost? Twenty generous donations of £250 would do the trick. For some this may be a small price to pay to keep the churchyard spic and span for the foreseeable future - they may wish to give two or more such amounts but for most it's asking too much - whatever you decide will be very welcome.
Please help, today, now; take out your cheque book, do the business, generously, making it payable to "PCC St Mary's Litton Cheney" and send or take it to Freddie Spicer, 1 Litton Hill, Litton Cheney DT2 9AN. Greater benefit can be obtained via Gift Aid, if you can do this please indicate and a form will be provided. Freddie Spicer 482717
Litton Cheney Youth Club
The dates for March have yet to be confirmed but the club meets in The Church Hall from 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm fortnightly. The Youth Club recently received £50 from the Bridport Police Ball and will receive a donation from Litton Cheney Parish Council for which they are very grateful. For further details about the Youth Club please phone Paul Kingston 482384
Lithe Litton Ladies
This popular exercise class continues in the Church Hall on Mondays from 6 -7.15 pm. All are welcome whatever your level of fitness - just £3.50 per session. For more details ring Alison Davidson 482661.
Village Assembly
The Village Assembly will be held on Tuesday 8th March at Thorner's School, at 7.00 pm. A display in the Hall will show the progress that has been made towards a Parish Plan as a result of the Vital Village Survey. There will be a presentation by Mr Martin Gregory from Dorset County Council's Environmental Services, on waste reduction, recycling and composting. Following this there will be an opportunity to raise any topics for discussion. After the Village Assembly there will be a short Parish Council meeting which everyone is welcome to attend.
About 45 people enjoyed a very pleasant time at the Wine and Wisdom Quiz evening. It was a very close contest with much heckling and a few objections - all taken in good humour - and the School benefited by being nominated by the winners as their choice of a local good cause to receive the prize.
Saturday 12th March, Village Memories and Reflections Exhibition
(See February BVN)
10.30 - 12.00 bring your old photos, memorabilia etc to Thorner's School.
2.00 -5.00 Exhibition at the School - come and view the exhibits and have a cup of tea and biscuits.
7.30pm £1.00 admission fee for a Talk and slide show "Memories of life in Litton Cheney" compered by David Taylor, with contributions from committee members and especially the audience. Enjoy some food - wine will be available for a donation. Please come and enjoy an interesting and enlightening day about our village.
All BVN readers welcome.
Saturday 19th March, Village Walk - meet at the Bus Shelter 10am to arrange the sharing of cars to Burton Bradstock. We will be walking a circular route to Shipton Gorge where we will have lunch.
Sunday 27th March - Duck Race and Easter Egg Hunt - 12 noon Main Street near Fry's Yard. Ducks £1 each - prizes for the winners. Easter Egg Hunt for children with prizes. Why not stay and enjoy lunch at the White Horse.
Advance Notice - Saturday 16th April, Litter Pick 10.00 am from the Bus Shelter
For information on any events please contact a Committee Member or call me on 482552. Kathy Kourik Secretary LCSC
Visit the web site for the latest news.
The group meets at The White Horse Inn
at 8 o'clock on the first Monday of each month.
All welcome.
Village Correspondent:
Mrs. Elinor Frost, Bridelands ( 482269 )
This will be on Tuesday 15th March at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. All those on the Church Electoral Roll should attend this meeting if they possibly can. Anthony Ashwell
Rachel Dewhurst, the ten-year old daughter of Peter and Rosemary, has had a busy time; in January she decided to hold a coffee morning at the Village Hall to raise funds for the victims of the Tsunami disaster. With the help of friends who gave their valuable time, an amount of £271.89 was achieved. This was a wonderful effort particularly as Rachel was due to go into hospital shortly afterwards. It seems that Southampton Hospital must have decided she was a troublemaker; they sent her back home as soon as they had done their work and encased her in plaster, in an effort to slow her down! However, the village is delighted to see her back so soon and all our good wishes go to her for a speedy recovery.
The Batchelor family also decided to raise money for the Tsunami victims: on what was a very rainy afternoon on Saturday 5th February, they organised a tabletop sale that produced over £400. Their thanks go to all those who contributed, especially the stall-holders for giving their time and making it such a successful effort.
Congratulations to Albert and Rosemarie Pitcher on the arrival of Lucy May, their first granddaughter, daughter of Robin and Penny and sister of Charlie, who was born 18th January.
Phyllis Collyer will be celebrating her 90th birthday in March. Phyllis will be at the Village Hall on Sunday, 13th March between 3:00 and 5:00pm and would be delighted to see friends and neighbours calling in and enjoying a cup of tea with her.
(As Phyllis has accumulated a houseful of objects during her long life, she has said that she does not wish to receive any presents - there is no room for them!)
The March meeting will be held at 7:30pm on Tuesday 1st March at the Church Hall, Litton Cheney. The talk will be 'A male speaker's view of the WI. All are welcome.
Belated congratulations and best wishes to Helen March and Wayne Taylor, news of whose wedding has been overlooked so far. They were married in Winchester just after Christmas, and we wish them many more years of happiness together.
The Village Hall will next be open on Friday 4th March, for a Quiz Night with supper. Entry is £1.00 per head, and teams of 4 (if possible) from within or without the village are welcome. Doors open at 7.30, with the first question fired at about 8.00 p.m. The Committee is hoping for another good turnout, which these evenings thoroughly merit. Inter-village rivalry has been a bit one-sided so far, though .
At 1.00 p.m. the following Friday, 11th March, there will be a Lent Frugal Lunch at Bridehead, for anyone who would like to come and have some bread and water (plus some soup and a bit of fruit and cheese, let it be said), in return for voluntary contributions for a charity yet to be decided.
The Easter celebrations in Church will occupy their traditional pattern. Good Friday is on March 25th, and will be marked by the short and simple Litany service at 10.00 a.m. The Easter Day Communion on the 27th March will be at 11.00 a.m., and everyone is especially invited to this major celebration in the Christian year.
Between the two services, the Church will be decorated for Easter, and Judy Yates and her team will welcome any volunteers to help. Details of timings, etc., can be established from Judy on 482307 in the meanwhile. A reminder to any keen youngsters that the writing in the windows needs over 200 bunches of primroses with about 20 heads to the bunch, so the more pickers the better. Experienced hands will be tying the bunches together in the Village Hall, probably on Good Friday afternoon. Please help with the picking if you can!