Diary of events for all Parishes May 2005
ngs |
gardens open for charity |
The Old Rectory Litton Cheney
Sunday 1st May & Tuesday 14th June 2 - 6.00pm £3.00 (chd free)
The Scented Garden
Tuesdays in June & July 2.30pm - 8.00pm £2.00 (chd 50p)
Langebride House Long Bredy
Thursday 26th May 2.00 - 5.00pm £3.00
Innsacre Shipton Gorge
Wednesdays 1st & 8th June 2.00 - 6.00pm £2.00 (chd 50p)
Plant Stall,Cream Teas & Cakes in aid of St. Martin's Church on 1st June & Elizabeth Finn Trust (formerly Distressed Gentlefolks Association) on the 8th June.
Plants! Plants! Plants!
A Plant Sale (perennial & bedding plants -some quite unusual) will be held at The Red House, Middle Street, Burton Bradstock on Friday 13th May 10.00am till 1.00pm in aid of the Church Mission Society. Please exhaust the stock!
Village Correspondent Mr Basil Dent
2, Norburton, Burton Bradstock. Tel:- (01308) 897125
Mid Week Worship -
Holy Communion Wednesdays at 10.00 a.m.
Family Service Fridays after school (3.30pm) during term time.
Bell Ringing Practices Thursdays at 7.00pm
Gift Sunday 22nd May C.M.S.
For the work of Steve & Cathy Burgess
The next Service of Prayer for Healing at St Mary's will be held on Monday 16th May at 7.00pm.
Tiny Tots / Pram Service will be held at 11.00am on Friday 13th May at St. Mary's Church, Burton Bradstock.
Salisbury -
We have recently received further details of the new clinic within the Kozi Archdeaconry of the Maridi Diocese for which we at St.Mary's are raising funds. Bishop Justin of the Maridi diocese has written the following to Mike Maclachlan of the Medical Link team. " Regarding the candidate for medical training, we have chosen Mr.Tito Taban Mattatia. I took him to the training centre in Maridi and we were told that there will be another interview in August. If he passes the interview I will let you know. We hope all will go well for the construction of a Health Centre in Kozi. Thank you for all your struggles. Hope to hear from you and may God bless you".
Our fund raising for the new clinic continues this month with the May Miscellany and we hope to have further information available then. The total raised so far this year is £595
Burton Bradstock - Meeting of Coordinators
On Tuesday 17th May at 7.30 p.m. at 16 Hive Close, there will be a meeting of all coordinators at which Sgt Colin Mathias, P.C Nat Cameron's replacement and Mr. Malcolm Davenport the new Ringmaster Manager will be present. Freddy Tame. Tel 897957
Madalina Rusu Concert Dorchester Thursday May 19th 8.00pm. See Page 11 for details
The May Miscellany
Come and enjoy an evening of musical fun
to include a Buffet Supper
on Friday 20th May
at the Village Hall Burton Bradstock - 7.00 for 7.30pm.
Tickets £7.00 available from 1st - 9th May from the Burton Post Office, or after the 9th from Susan Paul (Old Walls, Mill St., Burton Bradstock) or David & Pauline Woodford (898327). See page 10 for further details
Exactly 100 tickets were entered for the March and April draws and the winners were:
March: No. 76 - Shelagh Morgan £20
No. 2 - Bernard Chennells £10
No. 44 - Chris Clarke £5
April: No. 84 - Marj Banks £20
No. 71 - Mrs B. Nield £10
No. 83 - Pete Toms £5
Our Treasurer (Bernard Chennells) was actually out abroad when he won a prize, so has a strong alibi! And when Marj Banks entered the Post Office and was asked if she would be a witness to the April draw she was astonished to see our postmaster draw out No. 84 - her number! We have changed the name of the Club from 100 to "200 Club" and, in future, draws will take place on 6th of each month to enable the results to be printed in the BVN at the month-end. Please note that every individual over 16 can have up to two £1 tickets. If you are not a member or would like to buy a 2nd ticket you can contact me between 7.30am and 10.30pm Mon to Sun on 01308-897935 for an application form. Just get £8 to me by 5th May and it ensures you a £1 ticket in the eight draws between May and December 2005 and remember you are helping the Village by taking part.
John Grantham - Organiser - 200 Club, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee
Tea Dance - Sunday 8 May 2005 - 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm
At the time of going to press we still await final confirmation of the granting of the Occasional Licence for the Tea Dance; however the Village Hall Committee is going ahead with the plans for the event to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of VE Day. This will take place in the Village Hall where there will be dancing to "Two's Company" playing and singing the music of the 1940's and a tea will be served featuring the foods which you might have had in 1945. It is hoped that people from all generations in the village will attend to make this event go with a swing and commemorate a very significant day in
Susan Moores - Secretary, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee.
Village Fayre - Monday 30 May 2005 - 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm
The first Burton Bradstock Village Fayre organised by the Village Hall Committee will take place in the Rectory Gardens on Bank Holiday Monday 30 May 2005. There will be many stalls and games with a General Raffle and Whisky Raffle. There will be plenty for children to do; they can enter for races and take part in a Fancy Dress Competition, the theme of which will be "The 1940's". In order to make this event a success we need volunteers to help with the stalls and games and we need donations for the stalls, the General Raffle and Bottle Tombola. If you can help in any way the people to contact are:
Fancy Goods - Joan Gillett - Tel: 897656
Joan would be grateful for any pieces of material, soaps, small pieces of china, costume jewellery etc.
Books - Mike Southgate - Tel: 897487
Mike will be collecting books, CDs, DVDs and Videos. There will also be a box in the Library in the week before the Fayre where you may leave any of the above items.
Bottle Tombola - Rosemary Daniels - Tel: 898049
Rosemary would like donations of any bottles or cans of alcoholic or soft drinks. She is willing to collect.
White Elephant - Pauline Woodford - Tel: 898327 or Sue Howse - Tel: 898337
People willing to offer any items for the White Elephant Stall should contact Pauline or Sue who will let them know time and place for delivery.
Plants and Produce - Tony Coombe
Tony will be pleased to receive any plants or produce at the Rectory Gardens on the morning of the Fayre between 10.00am and midday.
Man in the Kitchen - John Grantham - Tel: 897935
John is coordinating this "Fun" stall and gentlemen are invited to donate, having used their own culinary expertise, bread, cakes, fruit pies, preserves, chutneys, pickled onions etc; but please NO savoury items. Further details can be obtained from John but all goods should be delivered to the Rectory Gardens on the morning of the Fayre between 10.00am and midday.
General Raffle - Susan Moores - Tel: 897673
Susan is organising the General Raffle and, along with needing stand alone items, it is hoped to put together hampers of food and fruit so even tins of food, packets of tea, coffee etc; will be much appreciated.
A lot of help will be needed on the day and if you wish to volunteer please contact Susan Moores - Tel: 897673.
Susan Moores - Secretary, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee.
Burton Bradstock Playgroup
Burton Bradstock Playgroup is putting on a Barn Dance in the Village Hall on Saturday 14th May at 7.30pm in aid of Playgroup funds with David Powell calling. Please support this guaranteed fun evening.
Bridget Pearse
Coconut Shy
Beat the Buzzer
Cream Teas
Bottle Tombola
Penalty Shoot-Out
Pig Racing
White Elephant
30th MAY 2005
Opening 2.00pm
Stalls, Games,
Children's Races & Fancy Dress Competition
Plants & Producece
Cakes and Preserves
" Man in the Kitchen"
Burton Bradstock Annual Parish Meeting
The A.P.M. will be held on Wednesday 4th May at 7.45pm in the Village Hall. The keynote speaker will be Tim Westwood, Transportation Manager for Dorset County Council. Amongst his responsibilities are traffic management and safety along the Jurassic coast. He will be talking as to how this will impact on Burton Bradstock and the planning and timing of introducing traffic calming into the village. The meeting will also review other village activities and present opportunity for discussion of the accounts. Mike Southgate: Chairman Parish Council
The Parish Council is looking for part-time assistants to run the Hive Beach from now until September. If you are interested in this part-time paid position please contact Fel Moore on 01308 459001 for further details. Fel Moore: Parish Clerk
Please note in your diaries that the Music Festival will be held this year on 18th, 19th and 20th August with the London Festival Players, under David Juritz, performing in St Mary's Church.
Prior to the festival, there will be a fund raising concert in the Village Hall at 7.30pm on Friday l0th June. David Juritz, Mary Ryan, Hubert Dawkes and John Surry will entertain us with a varied programme of music and narrations.
Details of the programmes for both events and ticket sales will be published in later issues of the BVN and by poster.
Mike Southgate
British Heart Foundation
A date for your diary - once again we will be having a garden party in support of this very good cause and so hope the sun will be shining on Sunday, 19th June 2005. Details to follow so watch this space!
John and Veda Bull Linden Cottage Burton Bradstock.
Treacle mine.
Not too much to report on the treacle mine discovered recently in the Rectory garden. There is a big clearing out operation under way, and consultations are being made about the best way in which the product can be processed. Some of these considerations are practical in terms of space, and the environment, and others are economic. Plans, projections, profitability. It is more than enough to take the fun out of the project.
It appears that there may be a sticking point, if you will excuse the terrible pun, over planning permission. I have had letters from a Mr A. Resident and a Mrs A. Householder, stating their intention to complain should any official permission be sought to establish a treacle mine. For my part I appreciate their concerns, which I share - after all, we are talking about the Rectory in which I live. I would be grateful for the opportunity to discuss the matter with them should they wish to drop the cloak of anonymity and do me the honour and courtesy of using their real names. Bob Thorn
Burton Bradstock WI
To start our Annual General Meeting, Chris Clarke asked for a minute's silence to remember Wendy Green, a former member and past President, who had contributed so much to our branch and who had recently died. New committee members were then proposed and seconded and Heather Seadon was voted in as the new President.
Forthcoming events that were announced included a Safari Supper, Barbecue and various outings. The retiring Joint-Presidents and the Treasurer received a vote of thanks and gifts for all their hard work and enthusiasm. November sees the 90th Anniversary of the founding of the W.I. and celebrations will be discussed. The evening was rounded off with cheese and wine amidst convivial company. Felicity Tattersall-Craft
Burton Bradstock Allotment Society has been formed. Everyone with an allotment at Southover is welcome to join for an annual fee of 50p. Please contact David or Margaret 898025
Wendy Green
The family of Wendy is deeply grateful to the villagers for their wonderful support during Wendy's recent illness and her subsequent death.
So many people were so kind and generous but we must reserve special thanks to a small number who did so much for us.
The funeral service was uplifting and well arranged by the Rector Bob Thorn, also Basil Dent did so much in the planning with the undertakers and subsequent events. The muffled bells for Wendy were something I know she loved and the slow walk following the hearse through the village to the cemetery was beautiful and sincere. Bob Thorn was a dignified leader of the procession and his committal prayers seemed that much finer in the wind swirling around his cassock; it was something we shall always remember.
The W.I. members under the guidance of Chris Clarke and Gill Redford produced a magnificent array of home-made refreshments; it was a supreme achievement and was very much appreciated by villagers and visitors alike. Jean Leach and her flower Ladies brightened the proceedings with some wonderful floral tributes in the Church and the Hall; The Church Organist, Tony Williams, brought a quickening of the spirit at the start of the service with his full-bodied rendition of "The Easter Hymn" by Mascagni followed by the hymns and the exit music of "the New World Symphony".
Despite our sadness it was a day filled with hope and love and for this we thank you all. Len Green
Burton Bradstock Village Website Address
Loads of information on the village including maps, videos, current events, useful contacts and history.
And, did you know that the Bride Valley News is published on this web site every month?
It includes every back issue of the magazine, as far back as January 2000.
All this, and it's in colour too!
Village Correspondent: Mrs. Joy White
Eastcote 3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge
Tel: ( 01308 )897974
St. Martin's Church Fete
This is the main fundraising event for our church, and will take place on Saturday, 16th July, in and around the Village Hall. Details of all the stalls and exciting new attractions will appear in next month's B.V.N. The Churchwardens
United Family Service
There will be no Family Service in St. Martin's this month, but everyone is invited to St. Mary's Litton Cheney for this united service which begins at 11.00am followed by a picnic lunch in the village hall.
Update on Hats for
Our first consignment of around 1500 hats has now begun its journey - thanks to the great help we have received from Mr. Al Palmer and the Rotarians. A halt is called at the end of April after Jean's Knitting Bee at the Rectory. All hats received from that date are due to be included with hers as she has a connection with
Again my grateful thanks go to all of you who have sent hats to me by various means - and to Basil Dent for collecting in Burton for me. We hope the Bring & Buy on the 18th will have brought in many funds to help the passage of as many hats as can be made.
Sincere thanks to you all. Ivy Platt
Tsunami Coffee Morning - 24th February
Very many thanks to all who helped. The amount raised was £146,so thank you all for your generosity. Rosemary Earnshaw
Shipton Gorge Village Society - Dates To Remember
Please keep these dates free!
7th May Plant Swap & Coffee Morning/Plant Sale
Bring any well-rooted plant to the Village Hall on Saturday, 7th May at 10.30 am, stay for a chat, refreshments and raffle. At the end of the Swap, you'll have a different plant, or even the same one! If you don't want to swap, come along for coffee and biscuits anyway. There'll also be plants on sale. When you're potting on, splitting clumps etc, please put some plants aside for the Plant Sale. Thank you. Donations of plants & raffle prizes may be brought on 7th May.
17th May Coach Trip To Barrington Court: a delightful National Trust property. Departure from the New Inn Car Park at 10.30am. More details from Sally:897168
11th June Village Walk All ages welcome Leader: Bob Simpson
Explore the country-side around Shipton Gorge with other villagers. We'll set off at 10.30am from the New Inn, where food will be available after the walk. Stout walking footwear and bottled water is advisable. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Dogs on leads.
2nd July Treasure Hunt & Barbecue
This is a light-hearted quiz featuring house names and roadside. However, if walking is not easy for you, have a go from home: it may be surprising what you remember.
Summer Show - This year's show will be on Saturday, 23 July.
A new class will feature Dahlias and the Photography subject will be "An Old Dorset Door".
Our male chefs need to perfect their Cheese Scones, this year!
13th August Village Fair, in and around the Village Hall, at 2.00 pm Contact: Sally, 897168
Garden Competition Entry £1
This will be judged in June/July prior to the Summer Show, when the Simon Hardy Trophy will be awarded to the judge's favourite!
All gardens in Shipton Gorge eligible.
Please phone Sally (897168) or Ed ( 898278) to enter. Sue Brown
Shipton Gorge Village Hall Trust
The Annual General Meeting will be held in the hall on Tuesday l0th May 2005 at 7.30pm. All residents are invited to attend.
Tower News
On Tuesday 10th May the bells will be rung from 9.45am for half an hour by a team of visiting ringers from the Watford area.
Shipton Gorge Village Hall 100 Club
April Draw Winners
£20 |
No. 20 |
David & Yvette Smith |
£10 |
No. 53 |
Gerald Benselin |
Shipton Gorge Village Website
Village Correspondent: Sid Marshall
3 Green Barton, Swyre Tel: 897318
Holy Trinity Churchyard Working Parties.
Grateful thanks are due to all those who have helped at the two sessions so far this year. With your help we have made good progress in clearing graves and hedges and general maintenance. We do hope you have enjoyed helping to care for your churchyard, and will come again to help when you can. Newcomers are also welcome as there is still plenty to be done.
The next date will be Saturday 7th May, 10am - 12noon.
Coffee Morning with cake, produce and plant stalls and raffle.
Saturday 28th May from 10.30 am., at Holy Trinity Church, Swyre, in order to raise money towards the continuing repairs necessary to the Church building. Contributions towards the stalls as always will be much appreciated, as will be your support on the day.
I'm the Other Poet |
A rash of poems emanating from Swyre, As to the contents, to some it's dire. But to others it's caused some mirth, To me the other poet I must unearth. |
It is somebody who has time to think, So I'm looking for clues to see a link. Steve the tree climber's wife Sarah, Has been Mike's factotum and carer. |
If the first was not written by our mayor, Someone else did it for him who has a care. This mystery person has humour and wit, To solve this conundrum may take a bit. |
Maybe it's Barry the sticker up, He's often with Mike having a sup. Or even Marion who delivers the paper, It's well within her to carry out this caper. |
Names of villagers are liberally stated, When they read about themselves, they'll be elated. I will also use occupations or a name, To find the perpetrator of this game. |
Val Pye with her culinary expertise, Could transgress with literal ease. It may also be a person already stated, I'll search on till my curiosity is sated. Anon |
Temporary address:- http://www.geocities.com/swyre1/
Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council
Parish Council Meeting and Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council and the May monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday 3rd May in the Puncknowle Church Hall at 7.30pm.
Puncknowle and Swyre Summer Fete
30th July 2005
We are still keen to hear from anyone who would like to help with stalls on the day. Please contact a Puncknowle & Swyre fete working party member who will be pleased to Summer Fete hear from you. It is still not too late to join the village band to play before and during the fete. Peter Thorpe or fete organisers would like to hear from any of you who would like to join. Raffle tickets are now on sale. Several of the stalls need donations so this is an advance warning to get making, collecting or growing. I am sure the stallholders who have kindly offered their services would be pleased to know that you will be able to support their efforts.
Books |
Bottles for bottle stall |
Bric-a-Brac and White Elephant |
Cakes for cake stall |
Cakes for the teas and Coffees |
Clothes |
Fancy Goods |
Plants |
Produce - Jams, marmalade, pickles etc |
Sweets |
Please let a member of the working party or myself know what you can donate or promise. Collecting of goods can be arranged.
David Buckland 898492 |
Anthony Edwards 897435 |
Steve & Rebecca Crabtree 898457 |
Mervyn West 897920 Andy & Sandy Marshall 897732 |
Chris Gregory 898596 |
John Holker 898261 |
Beryl Truscott 897058 |
Village Correspondent: Elizabeth Slater
1, Lytton Close, Puncknowle, Dorchester DT2 9BH
Telephone: ( 01308 ) 897751
The Crown Puncknowle Fundraisers
Following another successful year we can report that our total donations to date have reached £36,540.39. A big thank you to all of our supporters.
In the last year we have been able to donate £2692.98 to Portesham surgery for specialist equipment - ask Dr Baird! £500 to Puncknowle Village Hall, £100 to Long Bredy Village Hall, £500 to the Bride Valley Fledglings, £200 to Litton Cheney Youth Club and we have funded a new goal post on Puncknowle Playing Field.
As well as these donations we have been able to help some local students, the Bridport Lions, the Cats Protection League, the British Heart Foundation, Dorset Cancer Care and the Dorset Air Ambulance.
We have the Wessex Military Band visiting the Crown on Sundays May 1, June 26, July 17, August 14 and September 4 from noon with our charity brunches from 10.30 am. More fund raising dates will be announced soon.
Thank you again for your continued support. Emma Foster, Treasurer
Please note we are selling local walk books written by Robin Pither for £2.00 each and Greeting Cards showing the Crown and some 'old drinking buddies' for £1.50 each with all profits going to the fundraisers - come in and have a look!
Puncknowle Fete
As usual I will be running a stall for hand-made items eg knitting, sewing, cards etc. (There is always a demand for knitted baby/toddler clothes.) I would be very grateful for any donated goods. Please contact Ruth Brierley - 898283 - for collection or deliver to Dairy House, Puncknowle. Many thanks. Ruth Brierley
Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup
See Page 9 (Valley Notes Section ) for report.
Puncknowle Art Group
We are most grateful to Brian Cocks for welcoming us to his studio, showing us his stunning seascapes and talking in detail about the light on the south coast. For our following meeting, members did well to cope with drawing Igor Stravinsky (courtesy of Picasso) upside down. It promoted good use of drawing skills.
Dates for May: - 13th Guest Speaker Annabel Wilson to be held at Alison's in Litton Cheney
27th Exhibition at The Crown. The speaker will be from our charity for this year, Multiple Sclerosis and will be opening the exhibition at 11.15 am. Members of the public will be welcome.
Christine Molony
Don't forget to check the village website
to keep in touch with village events and find useful information
Village Correspondent:
Elizabeth Kingston 5 Manor Farm Close, Litton Cheney
Church Fete - Monday 30th May
Please help us make this a specially good event by donating goods for the following stalls:-
Books - Ron and Alison Davidson (482661). Please deliver in advance to Kingsgate, or leave in Church Porch.
White Elephant - Jennie Prentice (482247) No electrical items, please.
Cakes - Madeleine Izzard (482247) Please bring on the day.
Plants - Pauline Jones (482588) Please label. Bring on the day, or collection can be arranged.
Produce and Provisions - Diana Spicer (482617) - Any homemade goodies welcome.
Handicrafts, unwanted presents and goods - Claire Gross (482748)
DIY - Frank Whillock (482457)
Bottle Tombola - Wendy and David Taylor (482532) - Collection around the village 23-27 May.
Raffle Prizes - Kathy Kourik (482552)
On the day we shall also need lots of cakes for teas - tray bakes would be particularly welcome. And it's not too late to offer your help with games and other activities - please call Freddie Spicer (482617).
From the Parish Council:
Portesham Surgery - Prescription Collection
A scheme is now operating to enable repeat prescriptions to be collected from The White Horse Inn. Orders phoned to the Surgery on or before Monday will be collected late on Wednesday afternoon and delivered to the pub. Items can be collected from The White Horse during their usual opening hours (12 noon - 2.00 pm and from 7.00 pm). Our thanks go to Tony and Sue at The White Horse for agreeing to help and to Frank Whillock and the Car Scheme drivers for collecting the prescriptions.
Litton Archaeology Group
Last month the group visited some of the Medieval Sites of the village and were planning a trial excavation for 30th April. For further information about this informal group please contact Paul Kingston 482384.
Mobile Library - change of time. The library van continues to visit fortnightly on a Thursday afternoon stopping by the Bus Shelter in the centre of the village. The time is slightly later from 3.20 pm - 4.15 pm. The dates for May are Thursday 5th May and Thursday 19th May.
Litton Cheney Youth Club
Tuesday 10th May - Mountain Boarding
Friday 20th May - Archery and Volleyball at Litton Cheney Playing Field 7 - 9 pm.
The Youth Club is open to all those between 8 and 17 years who live in Litton Cheney and the surrounding area. For further details contact Paul Kingston 482384
Litton Cheney Playing Field Association
The Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 12th May at 8.00 pm in the Church Hall. Everyone welcome.
Litton Cheney Social Committee
Lots of people have told us how much they enjoyed the Memories and Reflections Exhibition. About 80 people viewed the exhibits in the afternoon and 70 attended the evening event. Special thanks must go to David who conducted a very entertaining and amusing tour of the village with Eddy, who told us about Litton past and present and also to Simon who supplied the technical knowledge and equipment which greatly added to the occasion. Thank you to everyone who lent the extremely interesting exhibits and to those of you who helped to make it such an enjoyable day.
The Duck Race was well attended by villagers and holidaymakers; the prizes went to two Litton families and two visitors. The children enjoyed the Easter Egg Hunt.
Tuesday 17th May - Annual Meeting, 7.30 pm Thorner's School
Come and join us for a glass of wine and nibbles, listen to a talk by the Rights of Way Officer, see how we spent the money we have raised in the last year and let us know of any events you would like us to arrange. We look forward to seeing you.
Advance notice -Saturday 18th June - Walk around the Village Treasure Hunt, 7.00 pm at the Bus Shelter. Kathy Kourik Secretary LCSC 482552
Producers' Market - Saturday 18th June, 9.00 am to 1.00 pm - The White Horse Inn, Litton Cheney
A Producer's Market has been organised for Saturday 18th June at The White Horse. Local producers/artisans have been invited to display their wares which will include fresh meats, dairy produce, bakery items, fresh fruit and vegetables and much, much more. Timing will be from 9.00am to 1.00 pm, and the pub will be open to serve beverages, bacon rolls and snacks and to generally join in the sense of occasion. There will also be a special stall for village residents to display produce for sale, and transport will be provided for those with mobility problems (See June's BVN for more details).
This market will be the first in a series of three, the others happening on Saturday 17th July and Saturday 20th August, and if they prove a success more will be arranged in the future. We hope you will support this new venture, which is part of our Vital Villages initiative, and we hope will indicate continued support for our ultimate aim, that of providing a village shop for the community. If you would like more details or further information please call John Firrell 482313.
My daughters, Tracy and Ali, and I would like to thank everyone in Litton Cheney for their love and support at the sudden passing of my husband Neil who collapsed whilst on the Village Walk on February 19th.
Do you read the Litton Notes each month? After 5 years of being the correspondent for the village I am hoping that someone would like to take over. You only need to have a couple of hours each month (around 10th - 12th most months) in which to compile the Litton Notes from information received from members of the community. Ideally you will have email to forward the Notes to the Editor. If you would like further information or wish to volunteer for this rewarding role - you know some of the news before others in the village - please contact me Elizabeth Kingston 482384 news4litton@bridevalley
May I add my thanks to Elizabeth for her faithful help each month for the past five years? I am most grateful to her for her reliability, efficiency and expertise on the computer. Ed.
Visit the web site for the latest news.
The group meets at The White Horse Inn
at 8 o'clock on the first Monday of each month.
All welcome.
Village Correspondent:
Mrs. Elinor Frost, Bridelands ( 482269 )
The sun shone for Easter and the lane to the church was a carpet of primroses. The church was beautifully decorated. Thank you to all who helped with flowers, mowing and strimming.
The Fete planning has started: 16th July is the day. The next fete meeting will be on 6th June. A new stall this year will be Gifts and Crafts. Full details next month.
The Village Hall bookings and key contact, will in future be Valerie Shepherd at Knowle View on 482250. Our gratitude goes to Rosemary who did this duty for so many years.
Coffee Morning in Aid of The Victoria Hospital, St Lucia. 7th May 10:30am - 12:30pm at Manor Farm House, Long Bredy, 50p coffee and cake - Bring and Buy Sale and Raffle.
My name is Elizabeth Cain; I am currently in my 4th year at Bristol Medical School. As part of my training I am expected to work in a hospital of my choice for two months. My chosen destination is The Victoria Hospital on the Caribbean Island of St Lucia. Although
Situated in Castries, the capital city in the northern part of the island, The Victoria is an essential health care institution, it has a bed capacity of 220 and the population of
There are only two public hospitals in
If you are able to come and make a small contribution to this cause I would be very grateful, as will the people of
The WI AGM was held at Bridelands. Jackie Baker is continuing as President and Margaret May as Secretary. We were entertained with a hilarious talk by Kate Greenaway (Enjoy Being a Woman). The next meeting will be on Tuesday 3rd May at the Old Rectory, Litton Cheney. Mrs Ann Gray will present a musical evening: Dancing and Dalliance!
Rachel Dewhurst is home and out of plaster; she is having intensive physio and now hydrotherapy, (much more fun) and hopes to start at school part time in the next few weeks.
Albert has been out on his crutches and it is good to see him progressing after his knee op.
Despite February's cold spell, and the misgivings of a few faint hearts, there were enough primroses to decorate the Church in the traditional way for Easter, and, as ever, full of Easter floral decorations, it looked simply lovely. Thanks and congratulations as always to Judy Yates and her team of flower arrangers, whose efforts were noted by many appreciative comments in the Church Visitors' Book.
The Church hosted another memorable occasion the following weekend, when John and Penny Laurence, whose home is in Bridport but who are very much part of our church community, celebrated their Ruby (40th) Wedding Anniversary with a service here, followed by tea in the Hall, for about 50 of their friends and relations.
The next exceptional event will be the wedding here on the 21st May of our neighbours Nina Sykes and Joel Chinn from Bellamont House. We trust they will find Littlebredy an excellent venue for their special day, and we send them every best wish for their married life together.
This is written shortly before the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, but by the time these notes appear, it is certain that a project to dismantle and store the organ, whilst the decaying floor underneath it is renewed and strengthened, will be high on the new P.C.C.'s agenda. The Salisbury Diocesan Organ Consultant who visited recently was bowled over by its quality, so it will certainly be reinstated in due course, after cleaning and maintenance. All the same, the words "organ fund" may be audible in the neighbourhood before too long.
On the secular front, the A.G.M. of the Social Club on the 1st April produced no surprises, with the entire committee re-elected, with thanks from all those present for the thriving state of the Club and Village Hall at present. There is no particular theme to the next Social Evening in the Hall, which will be held from about 7.30 onwards on Friday 6th May. However, that happens to be the Chairman's birthday, and he has disclosed that every Club member's first drink will be on him. Thank you in advance for a noble gesture, Glenn! There are one or two other village birthdays at about the same time, so if his good example is followed by those concerned, it could be an economic evening for most of those who come.
Plant, Garden & Craft Fair Kingston Maurward House
Sunday 8th May 2005 10.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m.
Adults £2.00, Seniors £1.50 Children under 12 free