Diary of events for all Parishes June 2005
ngs |
gardens open for charity |
The Old Rectory Litton Cheney
Tuesday 14th June 2 - 6.00pm £3.00 (chd free)
The Scented Garden
Tuesdays in June & July 2.30pm - 8.00pm £2.00 (chd 50p)
Innsacre Shipton Gorge
Wednesdays 1st & 8th June 2.00 - 6.00pm £2.00 (chd 50p)
Plant Stall, Cream Teas & Cakes in aid of St. Martin's Church on 1st June & Elizabeth Finn Trust (formerly Distressed Gentlefolks Association) on the 8th June.
Take Tea and Talk Antiques
with Paul Atterbury of "Antiques Roadshow"
Sunday 12th June 2:30pm at Loders Village Hall.
£3.00 for cream tea and 1 valuation
£1.00 for each additional valuation
Tickets from: Paperchain, East Street, Bridport
In aid of Barnardo's
Children's Society
Once again I should like to thank all Box Holders in the East End of the Valley for continuing to support the work of the Children's Society; your generous giving is greatly appreciated. The sum total of the collections in the past year was £99.77. If anyone would like to have a collecting box please contact me (01308 897765).
Pam Coventry
Editor's Note. The article above was submitted last month and was erroneously omitted from the May edition, for which my apologies
The Bride Vale Cricket Club has begun its season, and would welcome new members or spectators at any of its home or away matches. Remember that our pitch at Bridehead, Littlebredy, was recently described in "Dorset" magazine as "indeed the world's most scenic cricket ground."
New players are also very welcome, and should please feel free to make themselves known. We play entirely "friendlies" (i.e. no leagues), mainly on Sunday afternoons, but with occasional weekday evening games.
If anyone feels they have a talent for other things - umpiring, tea-making, groundsmanship, etc. - which they would like to put at the disposal of the Club occasionally or regularly, it would be good to hear from you.
If you are interested in any of the above opportunities, please contact Sir Philip on 482232, and you should then receive a fixture list, with various contact phone numbers on it.
To whet the appetite, and keep you informed, we hope there will be space for some match reports in future editions of the magazine.
Ladybirds' barbeque will be held on 8th June at Jenny Prentice's house.
Needed - a new correspondent to compile the Litton Cheney Notes. For further information about this rewarding role contact Elizabeth Kingston 482384 news4litton@bridevalley.net
Village Correspondent Mr Basil Dent
2, Norburton, Burton Bradstock. Tel:- (01308) 897125
Mid Week Worship -
Holy Communion Wednesdays at 10.00 a.m.
Family Service Fridays after school (3.30pm) during term time.
Bell Ringing Practices Thursdays at 7.00pm
Gift Sunday 19th June C.M.S.
For the work of Steve & Cathy Burgess
The next Service of Prayer for Healing at St Mary's will be held on Monday 13h June at 7.00pm.
Tiny Tots / Pram Service will be held at 11.00am on Friday 10th June at St. Mary's Church, Burton Bradstock.
Preparations are now well under way for this year's annual Church Fete, the proceeds of which are to be given towards the annual running costs
and upkeep in the life and work of St Mary's Church in Burton Bradstock.
Thank you to everyone who has so far volunteered their help on the day. We are still looking for some more help on the Book Stall (someone to co-ordinate please) and the Plant Stall (co-ordinator and helpers please) and the Ice Cream Stall (another strong arm required to scoop ice cream onto cones). If you can help out with any of these please contact Ann Read on 897445. Many thanks.
Donations are needed for the various stalls so please could you start putting items to one side for the following:-
General Tombola
Bottle Tombola
Auction Gifts
Filled Jars (value 50p) - contact Margaret Oldridge
Baby Goods - contact Margaret Ackland 897872
Fancy Goods - contact Joan Gillett 897656
Cards & Crafts - contact Jane Stubbs 898002
Garden Produce - contact Tom Holmes 897046
Cakes & Preserves - contact Betty Champkins
White Elelphant - contact Pat Broomhead 897408
Lucky Dip (wrapping paper only) - contact Thelma Skues 898032
Grand Draw prizes - contact Pauline Woodford 898327
Your help is much appreciated, the fete cannot be a success without it. Many thanks. Ray West Fete Working Party Co-ordinator
Burton Bradstock Village Society - Flower & Produce Show
Advance Notice - Saturday, 9th July 2005 in the Village Hall
Please note the date of this year's Show and do please enter into the spirit of things by submitting an entry. It is always such a happy, fragrant, colourful event and your exhibits are essential to its success. Entries are welcome from members of the Village Society and residents, and this year we have extended it to Parish allotment holders living outside the Village. Members will have their Schedules and extra copies are available from the village Post Office.
Carol Lumley, Hon. Sec. (897365
Music Festival will be held this year on 18th, 19th and 20th August, fund raising concert in the Village Hall at 7.30pm on Friday l0th June. See page 8 for further details
Treacle mine.
In last month's B.V.N. I made an unfortunate comment about having been sent anonymous representations, in particular from Mr A. Resident, and Mrs A. Householder. I have apologised in person both to Archibald and Arabella over what was, I believe an understandable mistake, and was glad to repeat that apology now.
I can quite understand that as far as the treacle mine is concerned they will continue their intention to block any move to seek planning approval for the development of the treacle mine. I am sorry if my unfortunate error has been, even in a small part, the cause of their decision.
For those have been so kind as to ask about the future of the mine, and to wish us well , the above may sound a bit sticky, if I may be excused the pun. Help may be at hand in the shape of legal advice from a member of the congregation, pursuing a suggestion from a paper given at the National Conference of Treacleminers. There is a possibility, insomuch as it has proved to be the case elsewhere in the country, that a licence granted under ancient charter given, in our case to miners in Dorset, may not have been revoked. If this proves to be the case we will be able to bypass more recent planning legislation, and the project may again be steaming ahead.
Bob Thorn
Burton Bradstock Playgroup
Huge thanks go to Adam Simon at Tamarisk Farm for giving Burton Bradstock Playgroup children a fantastic lambing experience. It is a great farm to visit and Adam was so relaxed and informative it was as if he had 18 children visiting every day! The Barn Dance is in 2 days time - more in the next issue. Bridget Pearse
Lazy Sunday Afternoon Tea at Norburton Hall
A charity fundraising afternoon tea is going to be held at Norburton Hall on Sunday 26th June from 3pm - 5pm in aid of Joseph Weld and Cancer Care. There will be live classical music - a string quartet and a cappella singing on the terrace where tea and biscuits will be served. Home made cakes and a quiz will also be available.
Tickets £3 are on sale at Bridge Cottage Stores, Burton Bradstock Post Office, The Anchor and The Three Horseshoes. Karen Venn
British Heart Foundation
On Sunday, 19th June, we will be having our garden open (2.30-4.30pm) to support the BHF so come along and help us to raise a penny or two! There will be teas and various stalls - plants, books, bric-a-brac, cakes, raffles etc. along with musical entertainment. Gifts for any of the afore-mentioned would be gratefully accepted and we can arrange collection (tel:897609). If wet bring your brolly!
John and Veda Bull Linden Cottage, Grove Road, Burton Bradstock.
Tea Party
In memory of past president Wendy Green, Burton Bradstock WI will be hosting a Tea Party at Manor Farm, in aid of Joseph Weld Hospice. 2.00-5.00pm, Saturday 25th June with the garden open, cream teas and stalls. (Marquee if wet!). Everyone welcome.
Contact Heather Thomson for more details:- 01308 897196
Burton Bradstock Bridge Group
Bridge has now finished for the summer break and will start again at the end of September in the Village Hall on a Tuesday as usual. Further information please telephone Chris Clarke - 898117.
200 Club - Congratulations to:
1st Miss J Fuller £20
2nd Mrs Annie Grantham £10
3rd Mrs M. Gooderham £5
If you would like to join in please call John Grantham, 'The Promoter,' for and on behalf of the Burton Bradstock Village Hall Trust on 01308-897935.
The Village Hall Trust is a trust registered with the local authority, the West Dorset District Council. Lotteries Licence No. LA005.
Village Fayre - Monday 30 May 2005 - 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm
You have seen the notices so please turn up to enjoy what will be a great day and help support your Village Hall.
Village Weekend - Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th August 2005
A date for your diary: we are hoping to organise a weekend to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of VJ Day and the end of the Second World War. There will be an exhibition concentrating on "The Forgotten War" - the war in the Far East. On Sunday morning there will be a church service and in the afternoon a Village Tea in the Rectory Gardens (entry by ticket only) and all residents of Burton Bradstock will be eligible for complimentary tickets. More details to follow and look on Village Notice Boards for posters advertising the event nearer the time.
Susan Moores - Secretary, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee
Burton Bradstock W.I.
The evening opened with a welcome to our new President Heather Seadon. There were 41 members present.
Two resolutions for the National AGM were then reported on:-
Both were discussed and voted on; both motions being carried.
The Spring Council Meeting, when Kate Adie was the guest speaker, was well reported by Margaret Oldridge.
The watercolour Challenge Trophy was won by Joan Dady with an artistic painting of Venice.
The Flower of the month was won by Joan Allan.
A competition and quiz ended the evening. Nancy Bushell
A Message from Margaret Ackland
I would like to say thank-you to everyone who has helped me so much over the long difficult time during Maurice's illness, from a hug to a kind word and so many cards, letters and beautiful flowers - it has been just wonderful to have such support. To our dear friends who have given so lovingly to Maurice and me a thank-you seems inadequate but nevertheless I do thank you all for having been there at all times for us both. God bless. Margaret Ackland
Burton Bradstock Village Website Address
Loads of information on the village including maps, videos, current events, useful contacts and history.
And, did you know that the Bride Valley News is published on this web site every month?
It includes every back issue of the magazine, as far back as January 2000.
All this, and it's in colour too!
Village Correspondent: Mrs. Joy White
Eastcote 3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge
Tel: ( 01308 )897974
St. Martin's Church Summer Fete
Sat. 16th July, 2.00 - 4.00p.m.
Preparations for our summer fundraising event are well under way, and there will be some exciting new events for all the family, including: Teddy Bear Para-gliding from the church tower, novelty races for children, souvenir photography and lots more!
Stalls and contact numbers are listed below - all your contributions will be very welcome. This year we shall need lots of "new" bric-a-brac, and can we make a big effort to fill our cake stall - there are lots of super cooks in the village, so let's get baking!
Preserves and Produce: Gillian - 897 346
Plants : Doreen - 897 821 Bettie - 897 490
Bric-a-brac: Linda - 898 278
Bottle Tombola: Gary and Jo - 897 948*
Books: Gerald - 897 562 Ambrose - 897 446
Cakes and Sweets: Janice and Nesta - 897 570
Arts Crafts and Toys: Margaret - 898 776
* Please bring bottles to Gary and Jo by Friday, 15th July for labelling.
Contact Janet on 897 241 if you have any queries about the fete, and watch this space next month!
The Churchwardens
Floodlighting the Church
Once again we would like to floodlight the Church every evening during the winter months, starting from the beginning of September through to the end of March. It has been agreed that the cost will remain at £5.00 per week for this year. So, if you would like to support this worthwhile cause please contact Christine Cornish on Tel. No. 897833 to book your week(s). Many Thanks.
Shipton Gorge Village Society
11th June Village Walk All ages welcome. Leader: Bob Simpson Explore the countryside around Shipton Gorge with other villagers. We'll set off from the New Inn at. 10.30 am, where food will be available afterwards. Stout walking footwear and bottled water advisable. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult- dogs on leads.
2nd July Treasure Hunt & Barbeque
Collect your clues from the New Inn Car Park after 5.00pm, @£1. Return with your completed quiz and enjoy the barbecue in the evening. The answers are to be found in the house names and at the roadside. Treasure will be awarded to the best! All in the Bride Valley are welcome.
Garden Competition
All gardens in Shipton Gorge are eligible. This biennial event will be judged prior to the Summer Show, when the Simon Hardie Trophy will be awarded to the Judge's f'avourite. Enter your garden now! Phone Sally, 897168 or Ed, 898278.
23 July Summer Show
Look out for the schedule next month, classes will include Cheese Scones, Dahlias & an Old Dorset Door (photo).
Please make every effort both to enter as many classes as possible and to join in the voting.
13 August Village Fair in and around the Village Hall starting at 2.00pm Contact: Sally - 897168
London Marathon 2005
Many thanks to everyone who sponsored me for my London Marathon run. I completed the 26 miles in 3 hours 28 minutes; this was slower than last time but I did get cramp at mile 20 and have to walk for 3 miles! Once again CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young) have benefited from the £1,250 sponsorship you so generously helped me to raise.
Martin Hewlett
Coffee Morning
Saturday 2nd July from 10.30am
Shipton Gorge Village Hall
There will be a raffle in aid of the National Deaf Children's Society and the chance to see if you can help to fill an Aquabox. But most importantly come for a chat. Offers of help would be most welcome.Tel:897278. C.Hewlett
Shipton Gorge Parish Plan
It is essential that any resident, who has not yet completed their survey, should do so as soon as possible and return it to the Clerk, Mr. J Fisher Courtfield Cottage. Shipton Road, Shipton Gorge DT6 4NJ.It is a fact that if the Parish Council do not understand the residents' views, we cannot produce a Plan that does justice to our village. Thank you for your co-operation.
Shipton Gorge Parish Council
Shipton Gorge Village Hall 100 Club
May Draw Winners
£20 |
No. 39 |
Brian & Brenda Lavelle |
£10 |
No. 32 |
Gary Warren |
Village Correspondent: Sid Marshall
3 Green Barton, Swyre Tel: 897318
Holy Trinity
Sunday 5th June, 6.30pm.
Avril will be coming to our evening service at Swyre Church, to tell us about the time she spent in Uganda last summer. This is sure to be an interesting evening, so do come and enjoy it with us.
Saturday 11th June, 10am to 12noon
Time for another working party in our churchyard. Hopefully there will be some good summer weather to encourage us in our continuing efforts to maintain this lovely area. Newcomers and those who have helped before will be made most welcome, and there are tasks to suit most abilities. Paint, brushes etc. are available for anyone who may like to paint railings around the graves. Even an encouraging word and some refreshment to keep the workers going are appreciated. Hoping to see you there, Yvonne.
Tea Stall at the Puncknowle, Swyre and West Bexington Fete on Saturday 30th July.
As usual Swyre will be running the tea stall at the Fete this year. Volunteers are needed to man this busy stall throughout the afternoon, so if you can offer your services, even if it is only for 45minutes or so, we would really appreciate hearing from you. We also need plenty of cakes to sell, so please get baking - tray bakes are particularly useful. Please contact Madeline on 897318 or Yvonne on 898492 with offers of help or for more information.
Looking Back, Looking Forward: Uganda 2004
This time last year, many readers of the BVN were amazingly helpful to me in their support for my trip to Uganda. This month, if you would like, there is an opportunity to learn a little more about that trip. On Sunday June 5th I will be at the family service in Burton Bradstock at 11am and at the evening service in Swyre at 6:30pm. Part of the service will be looking back to what the group did, with the mission and the trip in general, the other part will be looking forward to the small but necessary part that we can each play on a global scale. I'm hoping that if technology and I get along well enough there will be a multi-media aspect to the service to help you get a flavour of Jesu Namarra (Jesus Satisfies) Uganda Mission 2004. A warm invitation is extended to all, for both services. Many thanks once again. Avril Yeates
Flush Me Out
(i) A poet from deep down in Swyre Sat writing a rhyme by the fire He/She said with some glee If you want to find me A detective you'll need to hire
(ii) |
(iii) |
A poet maybe 2,3, or 4 Pushed another through old Sidney's door They chuckled with mirth As you'll never unearth Who is writing this literary score. |
Now here is a challenge to you Before 2005 is through Just name me by name And I'll end my game And stop without further ado.
Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council
Parish Council Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 7th June in the Puncknowle Church Hall at 7.30pm.
Puncknowle and Swyre Summer Fete
30th July 2005
We are still keen to hear from anyone who would like to help with stalls on the day. Please contact a fete working party member who will be pleased to hear from you.
Puncknowle & Swyre It is still not too late to join the village band to play Summer Fete before and during the fete. Peter Thorpe or fete organisers would like to hear from any of you who would like to join
Some raffle tickets are still available.
Several of the stalls need donations so these are the people to contact or any member of the working party so please get making, collecting or growing. I am sure the stallholders who have kindly offered their services would be pleased to know that you will be able to support their efforts.
Books Raymond Peto c/o 897435 or898492 |
Bric a Brac and White Elephant Anthony Edwards 897435 |
Cakes for the teas and Coffees Yvonne Buckland 898492 |
Fancy Goods Ruth Brierley 898283 |
Produce - Jams, marmalade, pickles etc Liz Slater 897751 |
Bottles for bottle stall Steve & Rebecca Crabtree 898457 |
Cakes for cake stall Sue Collier 897044 |
Clothes Lois Edwards c/o 897435 or 898492 |
Plants Ken Martin 897622 |
Sweets Liz Slater 897751 |
Collecting of goods can be arranged; please let us know.
Working Party members are:
David Buckland 898492 |
Anthony Edwards 897435 |
Steve & Rebecca Crabtree 898457 |
Mervyn West 897920 |
Chris Gregory 898596 |
Andy & Sandy Marshall 897732 |
Beryl Truscott 897058 |
John Holker 898261 |
Dorset Police Community Support Unit
(Described best as a mobile police station)
Will visit Puncknowle Tuesday 14th June 2005 and Tuesday 12th July 2005. Near the Church.
(Community Contact Officer Anne Bosomworth 01305 226570)
Village Correspondent: Elizabeth Slater
1, Lytton Close, Puncknowle, Dorchester DT2 9BH
Telephone: ( 01308 ) 897751
Pun Fun - Cheesy Poems
For all the people of Puncknowle, Swyre and West Bexington
Friday 24 June 2005 from 7.30 - 10 pm in the Hall
An evening of favourite cheeses and favourite poems.
Come with a poem, funny or sad and/or a lump of cheese and share both - biscuits provided. Don't forget to bring your choice of drink, and donations towards costs would be appreciated.
Many thanks to everyone who supported the recent Coffee morning in aid of Save the Children Fund and Colfox School Minibus Appeal. A total of £360 was raised, which included several generous donations. Thanks to those who helped run the stalls: Ann Roberts, Chris Gregory, Katherine Jones, Marion Foot plus Colfox students April Foot, Calum Armstrong, Andrew Moore and Patrick Moore.
Ruth Brierley
Annual General Meeting
The annual general meeting of the Puncknowle and Swyre Village Hall Committee will be held in Puncknowle Hall on 27 June at 7.30pm. All residents are invited to attend.
Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup
See Page 4 (Valley Notes Section ) for report.
Puncknowle Art Group
It is with great regret that we have to report the death of Jean Kadera who was a member for many years and regularly exhibited her work. She will be sadly missed.
At our meetings in April we took a look at our favourite artists and paintings. We then had a look at our own work in progress in the hope of some helpful comments. Many thanks to Rosie for her hospitality and an interesting video of Napier, New Zealand which was completely rebuilt in the Art Deco style after an earthquake in 1931.
Dates for June: - 10th A Talk by Michael Chappel on mixed media. 24th Painting outdoors.
Christine Molony
Don't forget to check the village website
to keep in touch with village events and find useful information
Village Correspondent:
Elizabeth Kingston 5 Manor Farm Close, Litton Cheney
Church Fete - Monday 30th May in Court Close at 2.00 pm.
Mobile Library - The dates for June are Thursday 2nd, 16th and 30th. The new time is from 3.20 pm - 4.15 pm, the library van stops close to the Bus Shelter in the centre of the village.
Litton Cheney Youth Club
Tuesday 7th June, 7pm to 8.30pm - Trampolining and Football at Thorner's School
Tuesday 21st June, 6.30 pm onwards at Litton Cheney Playing Field a Family Fun Night for all club members and their families. Potential members very welcome.
The Youth Club is open to all those between 8 and 17 years who live in Litton Cheney and the surrounding area. For further details contact Paul Kingston 482384
Producers Market - Saturday 18 June - The White Horse Inn, Litton Cheney
There will be a Producers Market at The White Horse Inn from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm on Saturday 18 June. Local food producers and artisans have been invited to display and sell their wares to the discerning folk of the Bride Valley and visitors to the area.
You are invited to attend and support this new venture which we hope will become a regular feature on the Litton Cheney/Bride Valley event calendar. Other markets will be held on Saturday 16 July and Saturday 20 August.
A community stall will be available for local residents to trade their products, and more information on this and stall availability can be obtained from Wendy Taylor on 482532. We will also be providing transport for village residents who have mobility or transport problems so if you are in that category please call Rob Talbot on 482523 who will arrange a chariot for you.
We look forward to seeing you at the market. Please see our display advertisement elsewhere in the BVN. Litton Retailers Association
Litton Cheney Social Committee
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the litter pick. It was a great turnout and we collected lots of bags of litter.
Saturday 18th June - Walk around the Village Treasure Hunt/Quiz, 7.00 pm meet at the entrance to Fry's yard on Main Street. There will be a Quiz for adults and one for children. Prizes for the most deserving. Look out for the posters around the village for more details.
Advance notice - Saturday 2nd July - Summer BBQ 6.30 for 7.00pm at The Cottage. We look forward to seeing you at these events. Kathy Kourik Secretary LCSC 482552
Needed a new correspondent to compile the Litton Cheney Notes. For further information about this important role contact Elizabeth Kingston 482384 news4litton@bridevalley.net If you have recently moved to the village this may be a good opportunity to have contact with other villagers.
Village Lunches recommence at The White Horse Inn on the last Thursday of the month. The date for June is Thursday 30th. The lunches give everyone a chance to get together meeting old, young and especially new people.
Visit the web site for the latest news.
The group meets at The White Horse Inn
at 8.30pm on the first Monday of each month.
All welcome.
Village Correspondent:
Mrs. Elinor Frost, Bridelands ( 482269 )
Plans are well ahead for the Fete on 16th July. So, please help to supply the stallholders.
Teas June Clewlow
Bottle Tombola Frank & Jackie Skipwith, Sara Winter
Cakes & Preserves Jackie Cain & family
Plants Ann & Brian Peppiat
Bric-a-Brac Gwen & Alan Kinghorn
Gifts & Crafts Ruth & Margaret
Draw Elinor
Books & CDs Jane & David Dowling
Children's Toys & Clothes
The Draw Tickets will be available shortly and the first prize is up to £100. The popular ferret racing team are making a return visit.
We arrived in sunny Tresco the day before the race and "walked" the course. The locals were all saying that the weather forecast wasn't good and how right they were! Sunday 17th April rained and blew in the Scilly Isles, though we did hear that it was sunny in London.. So, round and round the island (seven and a half laps) we went in the rain. 94 started and 93 finished, the 94th (who was running with an 'injury') returned to complete the distance the next day.
The organisers wanted everyone to have finished within 6 hours, and this was the target I had set myself at the outset of training: to complete 26.2 miles within 6 hours and not be last. I think I hit "the wall" at 17.5 miles as I saw the timer, I was convinced I couldn't get round before 6 hours was up. However, in spite of the weather and tired legs, I finished in 5 hours and 58 minutes (still running, I didn't give up and walk) and in 89th place.
The winning time was 2 hours 55 minutes. Trevor came in 24th in 3 hours 38 minutes. We have raised about £2,800 for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust, so many thanks to all our generous sponsors. It is not too late to contribute and we will accept any further donations most gratefully, cheques to the Cystic Fibrosis Trust, please. Hilary Green
Thank you to everyone who contributed in any way to the Coffee Morning held in aid of the Victoria Hospital. The amount raised on the morning was £296.80, with a further £100 in donations received.
I cannot thank you enough for your support. Elizabeth Cain
The WI will be hosting a Ploughman's Lunch on Thursday 16th June 12:30 - 2:00pm in the gardens of The Cottage, Litton Cheney. £4.50 to include a drink; we will be using local produce. So, leave the kitchen that day and come and join us!
The June outing will be to Portesham on the 21st June to join the group meeting 7:00pm. An exhibition 'What the Bride Wore'!
At the end of May, we say farewell - or au revoir, we hope - to Mike and Nina Hannigan, who depart Beech Tree Cottage for pastures new, after 15 years in the village. Our best wishes go with them.
June's gathering of the Social Club moves to the cricket ground on Friday 3rd June, where the bar will be open from about 7.00 onwards, and there will be rounders and field games for all ages, as well as a barbecue supper. As many Club members as possible are welcome to a slightly more active evening than the events in the Village Hall. However, that is where we shall be if it's wet that night - but there will be bar games to play there instead.
Chris and Judy Yates would like to give their annual notice that they hope that visitors to The Scented Garden will not cause any inconvenience to neighbours on their Open Days under the National Gardens Scheme. These are on every Tuesday afternoon in June and July, from 2.30 - 8.00 p.m. June's dates are therefore the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th. The Church and the Village Hall both hope to benefit from sales of cream teas in the Hall on those dates, and if anyone would like to volunteer to join the stalwart band who provide and serve the teas on any given day or days, please could they get in touch with Ann Peppiatt on 482768.
Prior notice too of John and Patricia Barker's forthcoming Barn Dance in aid of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust and CancerCare Dorset, at Longlands Barn on Saturday 2nd July, from 7.00 p.m. onwards. Tickets are £10 for adults, £5 for youngsters over 12, and free for the under 12's, and the price includes a beef roast supper. The Club bar will be in operation, with its usual range of soft and alcoholic drinks. Live music will be provided by "Jump at the Sun". It should be a great evening, so please make a note in your diary now.