Diary of events for all Parishes July 2005
ngs |
gardens open for charity |
The Scented Garden Tuesdays in July 2.30pm - 8.00pm £2.00 (chd 50p) |
Village Correspondent Mr Basil Dent
2, Norburton, Burton Bradstock. Tel:- (01308) 897125
Mid Week Worship -
Holy Communion Wednesdays at 10.00 a.m.
Family Service Fridays after school (3.30pm) during term time.
Bell Ringing Practices Thursdays at 7.00pm
Gift Sunday 17th July Church Mission Society
The next Service of Prayer for Healing at St Mary's will be held on Monday 11th July at 7.00pm.
Tiny Tots / Pram Service will be held at 11.00am on Friday 8th July at St. Mary's Church, Burton Bradstock. Our apologies for the sudden cancellation of June's service; a village funeral was taking place. We hope to see you in July. Bride Valley Mothers' Union
The annual Church Fete will take place on Thursday 4th August 2005, the proceeds of which are to be given towards the annual running costs and upkeep in the life and work of St Mary's Church in Burton Bradstock.
Thank you for all the offers of help to date. We still need someone to organise the book stall, and someone to organise the plant stall (along with some helpers). If you can help out with either of these then please contact Ann Read on 897445. Helpers for one or two games would also be welcomed, if you would like to run a game then please contact Peter Broomhead on 897408. Many thanks.
If anyone is willing to help with the site setting-up on the evening of Wednesday 3rd August and the clearing away following the end of the fete on Thursday 4th August then please contact Steve Dove on 897695. Thank you.
Donations for the various stalls can be dropped off on the morning of the fete from 10.30am onwards or given to the persons listed below in advance:
General Tombola
Bottle Tombola - contact Kate & Bernard Chennels 897066
Toys/Games/Jigsaws - contact Pat Broomhead 897408
Books - contact Pauline Woodford 898327
Auction Gifts - Susan Moores 897673
Filled Jars (value 50p) - contact Margaret Oldridge
Baby Goods - contact Margaret Ackland 897872
Fancy Goods - contact Joan Gillett 897656
Cards & Crafts - contact Jane Stubbs 898002
Garden Produce - contact Tom Holmes 897046
Cakes & Preserves - contact Betty Champkins 897419
White Elephant - contact Pat Broomhead 897408
Lucky Dip (wrapping paper only) - contact Thelma Skues 898032
Grand Draw prizes - contact Pauline Woodford 898327
Your help is much appreciated, the fete cannot be a success without it. Many thanks.
Ray West Fete Working Party Co-ordinator
Christian Aid Week
A grand total of £609.83 was raised by the people of Burton Bradstock. Well done! My thanks to all who collected, contributed or helped in any way with the collection. Janet Proctor
The May Miscellany
This proved to be a very enjoyable and successful evening and a profit of f417.56 was raised from ticket and bar sales due to the extreme generosity of those who donated food items for the buffet meal. In addition to this f323.38 was raised from the craft table, auction and personal donations, making a total of £740.94. The event was in aid of St.Mary's Project 2005, to help build and equip a medical clinic in our link diocese of Maridi in Southern Sudan. The total raised so far is now over £1,500 and the PCC would like to thank all those who have enthusiastically supported the project so far.
There are three more events planned this year in aid of the project so please book them in your diary now. They are a concert by the Casterbridge Male Voice Choir on Wednesday 21st September and a concert by Parnham Voices on Saturday 15th October, both to be held in St.Mary's. In addition there will be an "Around the World" supper on Friday 4th November in the Village Hall. Details of tickets for these events will appear in the August issue of the BVN.
St.Mary's P.C.C.
Church Bell Ringing
St. Mary's bells will ring out at 5.00pm on Sunday 10th July. This will be our part in nationwide ringing at that time to coincide with H.M. the Queen appearing on the balcony of Buckingham Palace to witness the fly past of a memorial flight of war time aircraft as part of the celebrations to mark the end of World War II. Basil Dent
Burton Bradstock Village Society Flower & Produce Show
Advance Notice - Saturday, 9th July 2005 in the Village Hall
Please note the date of this year's Show and do please enter into the spirit of things by submitting an entry. It is always such a happy, fragrant, colourful event and your exhibits are essential to its success. Entries are welcome from members of the Village Society and residents, and this year we have extended it to Parish allotment holders living outside the Village. Members will have their Schedules and extra copies are available from the village Post Office. Carol Lumley, Hon. Sec. (897365
Treacle mine.
Good news for the sweet of tooth! Just as we thought that we had met with an insuperable difficulty with regard to planning permission for the development of a treacle mine in the Rectory garden at Burton Bradstock, it appears that we have been saved by a royal patron from the past. John Packenham Walsh has been burrowing his legal mind into rolls and scrolls of yore, and has come up with the following treasure.
Henry the Eighth, by the Grace of God, King of England and His other realms and territories
To all and singular as well, Greeting.
Whereas it has come to our notice that traces of the sweetnesse of the land, commonly known as Trekele have been observed in the precincts of the Parish of Burton Bradstock in the County of Dorset,
And whereas having examined the circumstances, We have thought fit to permit Our trusty and well beloved yeomen of the said Parish to delve into the land of the said Parish for the purpose of producing that sweetnesse aforesaid,
Now wherefore We by these presents do give, grant and assign to the said Yeomen and their posterity the sole right to extract such as is known to be Trekele from the said land
Provided that in consideration of these presents it shall be incumbent upon the said Yeomen and the posterity in each and every calendar year to deliver to Us at least ten firkins of the sweetnesse or Trekele so extracted for Our sole use and enjoyment.
Given to Our Court at St James under Our sign manual this Fourth day of August 1505 being the Fourteenth year of Our Reign
I was delighted that this ancient document should have been found to give an historical base to our recent discoveries. But John went on to point out that there is no record of this edict ever having been revoked, and that this being the case it is still a legal permission to mine treacle. The other even more astonishing fact, that the numerically minded will already have noticed, is that the granting of this licence will be exactly five hundred years old on the very day of the Burton Bradstock fete itself. Yet more of a reason to celebrate. Bob Thorn
Burton Bradstock Village Hall
200 Club
Congratulations to: 1st No. 111 Daphne Hewlett £23.20
2nd No. 20 Jean Still £11.60
3rd No. 95 Bet Palmer £ 5.80
If you would like to join in please call John Grantham, 'The Promoter,' for and on behalf of the Burton Bradstock Village Hall Trust on 01308-897935. Over 16's only. We now have 116 members. Total cost if joining for the remaining 6 draws is £6 with double prizes in December.
The Village Hall Trust is a trust registered with the local authority, the West Dorset District Council. Lotteries Licence No. LA005.
Village Fayre
The Village Hall Committee would like to thank all those people who worked so hard to make our first Village Fayre such a resounding success. The weather and the setting were perfect and on the day we raised nearly £3,600 which will go towards maintaining the Hall and up-grading its facilities. The Committee can now begin to investigate and cost improvements to the Hall for users with particular special needs. Once again, many thanks to all those villagers who helped on the day and/or gave so generously to the stalls. Thanks must also go to the whole village which turned out in strength to support the event and made all the effort put in worthwhile.
Susan Moores - Secretary, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee.
Village Weekend - Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th August 2005
A date for your diary: we are hoping to organise a weekend to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of VJ Day and the end of the Second World War. There will be an exhibition concentrating on "The Forgotten War" - the war in the Far East. On Sunday morning there will be a church service and in the afternoon a Village Tea in the Rectory Gardens (entry by ticket only) and all residents of Burton Bradstock will be eligible for complimentary tickets. More details to follow and look on Village Notice Boards for posters advertising the event nearer the time.
Susan Moores - Secretary, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee.
25th Burton Bradstock Festival
St Mary's Church 18th - 20th August 2005
London Festival Players (Leader David Juritz)
Soloists will include
David Mason (trumpet) Mary Ryan (flute)
Victoria Soames (clarinet) Neil Black (oboe)
Janice Knight (oboe) David Juritz (violin)
Christopher Wellington (viola)
Adrian Bradbury (cello) Hubert Dawkes (keyboard )
Simon Lindley (organ)
Programme highlights
Thu 12-30pm Organ music
"Ferdinand the Bull"
Thu 7-30pm Mozart - Clarinet Quintet
Haydn - "Sunrise" Quartet
Fri 7-30pm Mozart - E maj Flute Quartet
Hummel - Military Septet
Sat 7-30pm "Arrival of the Queen of Sheba"
Telemann - Concerto for trumpet & two oboes
Tchaikovsky - Serenade for Strings
Tickets: Season (all concerts) - £30
Evening (good view) - £10 (restricted view) - £8
Lunchtime - £7
Available from Mike Southgate 01308 897487 or
BB Post Office (after 25th July)
Who is the Black Dog?
Over many months now a black dog has been roaming the streets of Burton, causing concern to residents and motorists. He is not unlike a certain other dog, Minty, my dog, who also lives in the village. At a quick glance or in darkness it would be hard to tell these two dogs apart, however, should a closer look be possible, there are three main distinguishing features:
1. The black dog that roams free is a male, Minty is female.
2. He has pointed ears, Minty has soft ears that drop.
3. He has a tail that curls across his back, Minty does not curl her tail.
One other important factor is that Minty is never unaccompanied.
Liz Mackay
Burton Bradstock Parish Plan Spring update
The Parish Plan Steering Group is continuing to work through the issues raised at the Parish meeting and through the questionnaire survey. Meetings are being arranged with a wide range of outside agencies to explore options for action and connect with funding opportunities.
The Group is aiming to run a second open public meeting in October (date to be confirmed). At this meeting practical options will be presented that address the key issues raised during the Parish Plan consultation. From this meeting we will be able to draft a Parish Plan and share it widely both inside and outside the village.
So far the Steering Group has looked at:
Environment and Coast issues (Richard Overend)
Community health and well being (Elise Ripley 898010)
Transport (The Group will be developing the ideas discussed at the Parish AGM)
Further sessions organised for the summer and autumn include:
Activities & opportunities for the community (Darren Batten)
Local Prosperity (Karen Venn 897094)
Accessibility (Dave Dixon 898620)
Community safety (Celia Cummings)
Housing (tbc)
Dates for these sessions will be published in BVN when available
We will be using the Village website to keep people informed with reports of meetings (with hard copies available in the library). If you would like to attend any of the issues meeting or want to talk to the Steering Group about any of the issues please contact the appropriate person. Dave Dixon
Burton Bradstock Parish Plan - Local Prosperity
Trevor Hedger, a senior Economic Development Officer for West Dorset District Council has agreed to be available for the local prosperity session on Wednesday 3rd August in the Reading Room at 5.30pm. The session will be of particular interest to businesses and commercial ventures in the parish. If you would like to attend please contact Karen Venn (897094) or Dave Dixon (898620) either to obtain more details or to register an interest.
M.Southgate |
Planning, Website, |
Shadrach, Church St. |
Chairman |
Area Partnership |
Darby Lane, Donkey |
Applegates, Grove Rd, |
Lane, Mill St. |
Burton Bradstock. |
DT6 4QT. Tel: 897487. |
E.Ripley |
Hive Beach Committees |
Southover, Beach Rd |
Vice - Chairman |
Parish Plan |
Cliff Rd, Hive Close, |
Bridges, 88 High St. |
Bindbarrow. |
Burton Bradstock |
DT6 4RA, Tel: 897010. |
D. Batten |
Planning, Website |
Barrowfield, Howarth |
37 Barrowfield Close |
Parish Plan |
Cl, Rosamund Court. |
Burton Bradstock |
DT6 4RH. Tel: 897944 |
B.Tebbs |
Post Office, Tree Warden |
Bennetts Hill, Shipton |
2 Furzey Corner |
Hive Beach Committees Lane, |
Furzey Corner. |
Shipton Lane |
DT6 4NQ. Tel: 898025 |
T.Smith |
Footpaths, Allotments, |
North Hill Close, |
15 Northover Close |
Hive Beach Committees |
Northover Close, |
Burton Bradstock |
Planning. |
Anning's Lane (odds) |
DT6 4RX.Te1: 897020 |
J.Harding |
Planning, Traffic, DAPTC |
Roberts Close, Mill St |
3 Roberts Close |
Transport |
High St. |
Burton Bradstock |
DT6 4RX.Te1: 898333 |
Grove Rd, Grove |
C.Cummins Grove House, Grove Rd |
Post Office, Parish Plan |
Grove Rd, GroveOrchard, South Annings |
Grove House, Burton |
South Annings |
DT6 4QU.Te1: 898196. |
A.Mackie |
Village Hall, Broadmayne |
Barr Lane, Burton Rd |
23 North Hill Close |
Charity. |
Charles Rd. |
Burton Bradstock |
DT6 4RY.TeI: 898668 |
D.Venn |
Play Area |
Lower Townsend, |
Norburton Hall |
Norburton |
Shipton Lane |
Anning's Lane (evens) |
DT6 4NQ, Tel: 897094 |
F. Moore |
Donations, Grants. |
Clerk |
261 St Andrews Rd |
Bridport |
DT6 3DU. Te1:459001. |
All Councillors are on the Finance/General Purposes Committee and the Emergency Liaison Committee.
The Alzheimer's Society- Bridport Branch
We shall be holding our annual Garden Party in the Rectory Garden on Thursday 14th July from 2.30 - 4.30pm. with Cream Teas available in the Village Hall. There will be all the usual stalls, plants, books, cakes, bric-a-brac, raffle etc; items for any of these will be greatly appreciated. Collection can be arranged by ringing 897125. Basil Dent
Burton Bradstock Players will be holding another series of play readings on Thursdays in September. Everyone is welcome. More details in the August edition. Daphne Ekins
Celebrating the passage of the New Trafalgar Dispatch through our County
At Burton Bradstock On Sunday 21st August 2005
Part of the national celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar and the death of Horatio Nelson
The passage of the New Trafalgar Dispatch is a re-enactment of the journey of Lieutenant Lapenotiere, Captain of HMS Pickle, by Post Chaise from Falmouth to London, carrying Admiral Collingwood's Dispatch to the Admiralty containing news of the victory at Trafalgar and the death of Admiral Horatio Nelson. A replica Post Chaise will carry an actor playing the part of Lieutenant Lapenotiere and a junior officer representing the Navy of today who will present copies of "The New Trafalgar Dispatch" to Civic Authorities at a series of ceremonies along the original route.
A diversion from the original route has been authorised to allow the presentation of a copy of the New Trafalgar Dispatch to Burton Bradstock Parish Council acknowledging the participation of Midshipman Richard Roberts in HMS Victory whose home was Grove House Burton Bradstock.
Present plans are for the presentation of the New Trafalgar Dispatch to be made to the Parish Council on the south side of village green between 1500 and 1520. The ceremony will be preceded by recorded nautical music from 1430 and will be followed by a celebratory peal of church bells re-enacting the village's celebration of Midshipman Roberts survival. Tea will be served from the village hall and there will be opportunities for photographing this historic occasion. The Post Chaise will arrive via Burton Road and Church Street and depart via Mill Street. The indulgence of car owners is requested to ensure maximum road space for spectators and the safe passage of the Post Chaise in the narrows and corner of Mill Street. Details of the final programme will be published in the August Edition of the Bride Valley News
Burton Bradstock W.I.
The June Meeting took place too late for the report to be included in this issue; a report will appear next month.
My most grateful thanks to everyone who sent Get-well cards or telephoned me. I look forward to seeing you all in the not too distant future. Jim Reeves
Burton Bradstock Village Website Address
Loads of information on the village including maps, videos, current events, useful contacts and history.
And, did you know that the Bride Valley News is published on this web site every month?
It includes every back issue of the magazine, as far back as January 2000.
All this, and it's in colour too!
Village Correspondent: Mrs. Joy White
Eastcote 3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge
Tel: ( 01308 )897974
St. Martin's All Age Communion Service
Sunday, 3rd July at 11.00am
This service is being introduced to encourage everyone, especially our young people, to participate in the celebration of Holy Communion, the most convenient date being the first Sunday in the month. It will be in modern language, and will include some traditional hymns and other more up to date songs of worship and praise.
All are very welcome to join us, whether confirmed or not.
St. Martin's Church Fete Saturday, 16th July 2 - 4.00p.m.
Preparations are going well for our summer event, and as our feature page shows, there is a lot going on! We are keeping our fingers crossed for a dry day.
Please contribute as much as you can to our stalls, details of which are in the June issue, and if you can help in any way, or have any queries, please contact Gillian or myself on 897346 or 897241.
We look forward to seeing you all on the 16th when our Rector, Bob, will open the fete at 2.00p.m. The Churchwardens
Tower news
The bells of St.Martin's will be rung for half an hour at 5.00pm on Sunday 10th July as part of the country-wide commemoration to mark the 60th Anniversary of the end of World War II.
Shipton Gorge Village Society
2nd July Treasure Hunt & Barbeque
Collect your clues from the New Inn Car Park after 5.00pm, @£1. Return with your completed quiz and enjoy the barbecue in the evening. The answers are to be found in the house names and at the roadside. Treasure will be awarded to the best! All in the Bride Valley are welcome.
Garden Competition
This will be judged prior to the Summer Show, when the Simon Hardie Trophy will be awarded to the Judge's favourite. Entrants will be notified of the judge's visit. There's still time to enter your garden! Phone Sally, 897168 or Ed, 898278.
23 July Summer Show
Schedules enclosed for Shipton Gorge residents. Judge the best between 11.30 am and 1.30 pm. Results at approx 3.30 pm. Please make every effort both to enter as many classes as possible and to join in the voting.
13 August Village Fair in and around the Village Hall starting at 2.00pm. Books, Bric-a-brac, Cakes, Games, New-to-you, Raffles, Teas, Tombola, and many more! Please contact Sally (897168) with your donations.
Pictures of people in village scenes are needed to compile a calendar of former times and present.-day. Does anyone have any suitable photos they would care to lend for this purpose? Contact: Sally, 897168.
Sue Brown
Shipton Gorge Parish Council
The Parish Council meets at the Village Hall every two months- Amongst the Council's responsibilities are two important activities:-
. Planning.
Meetings on planning application, take place at the Village Hall when required. The meetings are well advertised beforehand. Under the chairmanship of Robert Cornish the planning committee considers the applications in detail and provides the District Council with recommendations. The support the committee receives from parishioners is fundamental in preserving the village as the residents wish.
.Playing Field
The Parish Council is responsible for the finance and upkeep of the playing field. The Parish Council is indebted to Grayham Rosamond who keeps the field in such good order. The field is well used by the village children, adults and visitors.
Parish Councillors and their responsibilities.
Charles Errington (Chairman of Parish Council: member of Playing Field Committee and Website responsibility)}
Richard Hewlett (Vice-Chairman of Parish Council; Chairman of Playing Field Committee; member of Planning Committee)
Robert Cornish (Chairman of Planning Committee)
John Epplestone (member of Planning Committee)
Mary Boughton (member of Planning and Playing Field Committees; responsibility for the Parish Plan)
Robert Langran (member of Planning and Playing Field Committees; Liaison Officer for Footpaths)
Brian Lavelle (member of Planning Committee; Highways responsibility)
David Smith (member of Planning and Playing Field Committees) Gillian Maxfield (member of Planning Committee)
Parish Clerk is Jeff Fisher who can be contacted on 0807 583272
Dates of Parish meetings:
2005 13th July 2005, 14 th September, 9th November,
2006 11th January, 8th March, 12th May
Many congratulations to Mary Boughton on being made a Member of the Order of the British Empire (M.B.E.) in H.M. The Queen's Birthday Honours List. Mary, who is a Broad Member of the Dorset Local Strategic Partnership was honoured for her services to business and the local community.
Coffee Morning
Saturday 2nd July from 10.30am
Shipton Gorge Village Hall
There will be a raffle in aid of the National Deaf Children's Society and the chance to see if you can help to fill an Aquabox. But most importantly come for a chat. C.Hewlett
Shipton Gorge Village Hall 100 Club
June Draw Winners
£50 |
No.20 |
David & Yvette Smith |
£20 |
No.10 |
Dick & Barbara West |
No.81 No.31 No.76 |
Jane Evans Nigel Hyde Alec Johnson |
Shipton Gorge Village Website
Village Correspondent: Sid Marshall
3 Green Barton, Swyre Tel: 897318
Holy Trinity
Holy Trinity Church, Swyre.
Churchyard working party.
Saturday 9th July, 10am - 12noon.
Come along and do some gardening, painting of railings or general maintenance in our lovely churchyard, in the company of friends and neighbours. A great way to appreciate the countryside, keep fit and get to know people, whilst caring for our local heritage!
Swyre, Puncknowle and West Bexington Garden Fete
Saturday 30th July from 2.30pm,
in Puncknowle Manor grounds.
Please support this in any way you can, by offering to man a stall, contributing goods for the stalls, and coming along with family and friends on the day. We would be particularly grateful for help with the Tea Stall, and donations of cakes to sell there would be most welcome. Tray bakes are especially good for this.
Please contact Yvonne on 898 492.
Holy Trinity Church, Swyre.
Songs of Praise.
Sundays at 7.30pm, starting on 31st July.
As usual there will be 5 weeks of Songs of Praise through the summer holiday period. An opportunity to join in singing favourite hymns chosen by different members of the congregation each week, with a poem, a reading and a prayer .Friends old and new and visitors will be made most welcome at these popular services.
Coffee Morning Saturday 28th May.
The PCC would like to thank all those villagers who made cakes, preserves, produced plants and helped on the day. Thanks to all your efforts we made a sum of £160 to help with the electrical refurbishment.
The Church Wardens
(i) Another month and another rhyme, But this time is written as a Limerick. Who's writing the poem this time? It's somebody who is clever and slick. (ii) |
(iii) But as on this part of the coast, The mist does finally clear, I will now be able to boast, As their identity is beginning to appear (iv) |
This may be a clever smoke screen. For the poets to conceal their I.D. Safe in the knowledge they cannot be seen, People will still wonder who they can be. |
With my final verse I can now bask, By giving their names in full. To end their word games has been a task, It's Sue and Chris, landlords of the Bull. Anon? |
Temporary address:- http://www.geocities.com/swyre1/
Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council
Parish Council Meeting and Annual General Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 5th July in the Puncknowle Church Hall at 7.30pm.
Puncknowle and Swyre Summer Fete 30 July 2005.
We are still keen to hear from anyone who would like to help with stalls on the day. Please contact a fete working party member who will be pleased to hear from you.
Some raffle tickets are still available telephone David on 898492.
Entry will be by programme this year at the bargain price of 50p. If you buy one in advance please be sure to bring it with you on the day.
Several stalls need donations so these are the people to contact or any member of the working party so please get making, collecting or growing. I am sure the stallholders who have kindly offered their services would be pleased to know that you will be able to support their efforts.
Books Raymond Peto c/o 897435 or 898492 |
Bric a Brac and White Elephant Anthony Edwards 897435 |
Cakes for the teas and Coffees Yvonne Buckland 898492 |
Fancy Goods Ruth Brierley 898283 |
Home made preserves, sweets & garden produce Liz Slater 897751 |
Bottles for bottle stall Steve & Rebecca Crabtree 898457 |
Cakes for cake stall Sue Collier 897044 |
Clothes Lois Edwards c/o 897435 or 898492 |
Plants Ken Martin 897622 |
Chocolates for chocolate tombola Julie 897178 |
Collecting of goods can be arranged Please let us know.
Working Party members are:
David Buckland 898492 |
Anthony Edwards 897435 |
Steve & Rebecca Crabtree 898457 |
Mervyn West 897920 |
Chris Gregory 898596 |
Andy & Sandy Marshall 897732 |
Beryl Truscott 897058 |
John Holker 898261 |
Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup
See Page 6 (Valley Notes Section ) for report.
This is a call for all budding artists. We are to have an art competition to be judged on fete day and with prizes for the best in each age group. The themes will be either the Jurassic Coast or The Fete. So get your brushes dusted off and get the paint flowing. Age groups will be 0-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-16. Maximum size A3 please and your name, age and telephone number should be written on the back. Please deliver to David at Hollybush in Puncknowle by 26th July.
Village Correspondent: Elizabeth Slater
1, Lytton Close, Puncknowle, Dorchester DT2 9BH
Telephone: ( 01308 ) 897751
Church Pews For Sale
Two Victorian 5 foot pews, one 5 foot book rest and one 7 foot book rest in need of a good home. If you are interested please phone Ann Roberts on 01308 907716.
Pun Fun - A Barbecue Evening
For all the people of Puncknowle, Swyre and West Bexington
Friday 5 August, 7.30 - 10pm at Silkhay 30 Springfield
A Barbecue Evening for everyone to meet, chat and enjoy themselves. Bring your own meat/fish/veg to BBQ, and tipple as required and a cushion/rug to sit on. Bread, salad etc provided. Everyone welcome. Come and go as you please. Donations towards costs would be appreciated.
Contact Nos. 897953/897751
Puncknowle Art Group
We had a most enjoyable morning printmaking with Annabel Wilson who brought a great deal of equipment for us to use. Our thanks go to Annabel for all her hard work and to Alison for hosting the event and making us so welcome. On the 27th we were pleased to welcome Graham Watts and his wife to open our 2005 exhibition and to speak to us about the Multiple Sclerosis Society which is our chosen charity for this year
Dates for July:- 8th - painting with Maureen at Slape,
22nd - still life.
There are no meetings in August.
Christine Molony
Don't forget to check the village website
to keep in touch with village events and find useful information
***Village Correspondent***
Josie Belasco, 11 Manor Farm Close, Litton Cheney
Telephone: (01308) 482484
***Please note: new correspondent***
St Mary's
Our fete on Bank Holiday Monday was a tremendous success, raising nearly £4,000 with wonderful weather, a lovely location and lots of people, it was a very happy occasion. We should say a big "thank you" to everyone who helped and to all those who came to join in the fun and make it such a great day.
Another fund raising event is planned for 12th August when Paul Cheater will again be delighting us with a musical evening in the Church. Tickets will be on sale in early July, so look out for details on the village notice boards.
In an effort to improve facilities in the Church and to make it a more versatile venue for village events of all kinds there are plans well under way for the installation of a sound system. This will make services, concerts and any events involving the spoken word, much easier to hear. There are also plans to enlarge the open space at the back of the Church on the south side by removing the three remaining pews. This will provide a useful area for serving refreshments at events, or as a space for meetings etc. whilst chairs can be used there for major services.
It is hoped that the sound system will be installed during the summer and the enlarged social area will be created during the autumn once the necessary permissions have been obtained from the church authorities. St Mary's PCC
Litton Cheney Social Committee
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Annual meeting and reflected upon the activities of the past year and learnt how the funds raised have been spent this year. Steve gave an interesting talk about his work as a footpath officer in Purbeck.
Saturday 2nd July - Summer BBQ 6.30 for 7.00pm at The Cottage. If you have not yet got your ticket there will be some for sale on the evening. Please bring your own cutlery.
Saturday 16th July - Village Walk, meet at the bus shelter at 10.00 am.
Kathy Kourik Secretary LCSC 482552
Lithe Litton Ladies
This popular exercise class will continue on Monday evenings (6.00 - 7.30pm) in the Church Hall right through the summer (except on the Bank Holiday). Newcomers are welcome - just wear comfortable clothes and bring a towel and a bottle of water. For further details contact Alison Davidson 482661
Litton Cheney Youth Club
Friday 8th July, 7pm to 8.30pm - Football and Volleyball at the Playing Field.
Tuesday 19 July, 7pm to 8.30pm - Trampolining and Football at Thorner's School.
Sunday 24 July, 6pm to 9.00pm - Canoeing please contact Paul Kingston 482384 for further details. The Youth Club is open to all those between 8 and 17 years who live in Litton Cheney and the surrounding area. There will be no Youth Club sessions during August.
Parish Council
There will be a meeting of the Parish Council on Tuesday 12th July at 7.30 pm in the Church Hall.
Producer's Market - Saturday 16 July - The White Horse Inn
Our Second Producer's Market takes place on Saturday 16 July at The White Horse Inn, Litton Cheney from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm. We hope to have even more local producers at this market, and also River Cottage HQ are attending. Please come along and join the fun of the fayre. Tony will be opening up early for those who need their daily dose of caffeine and bacon rolls perhaps followed by something a little stronger as the day wears on.
Rob Talbot is organising transport for villagers with mobility or transport problems and he can be contacted on 482523 and if you would like to join the communal village table with your own local produce please call Wendy Taylor on 482532.
We look forward to seeing you in July, and also at our third market on Saturday 20 August.
Mobile Library - The dates for July are Thursday 14th and 28th. The new time is from 3.20 pm - 4.15 pm, the library van stops close to the Bus Shelter in the centre of the village.
Village Lunch - Thursday 28th July - The White Horse Inn
The Litton Cheney Relief in Need Trust - as in previous years the Trustees of this Charity invite applications for a Grant from students residing in Litton Cheney who have recently finished their full time education and intend to commence either full time employment or a course in higher education such as university. Please apply by letter in confidence explaining your need for a grant to Mary Anderson at Talisman, Litton Cheney, or to one of the other Trustees.
18th July - On this day 50 years ago 7.32 inches (183mm) of rain fell in Litton Cheney!
Molly and Norman Gardener would like to say farewell to all their friends in Litton Cheney. They have moved back to Lymington in Hampshire, where their family are, after ten happy years in the village. We shall be back to see you all from time to time - we are not so very far away.
A warm welcome to all those who have recently moved into the village we hope that you will be happy and enjoy village life.
Litton Cheney has a new correspondent for the Bride Valley News. Josie Belasco lives at 11 Manor Farm Close, telephone number 482484 and can be emailed at jo.belasco@tiscali.co.uk. Please continue to write or email the details of events or news in the village to Josie by 10th of each month. Litton Cheney's Notes in the Bride Valley News depend on contributions from the village. Thank you to Josie for taking over the role of correspondent and to everyone who has made the job of the correspondent in the village so easy and enjoyable.
Elizabeth Kingston 482384
..... & may I add my thanks to those of Elizabeth? Ed.
The first weekend in July marks an important celebration for Andrew and Peggy Patterson. Congratulations on 60 years of married life in Litton Cheney.
Visit the web site for the latest news.
The group meets at The White Horse Inn
at 8.30pm on the first Monday of each month.
All welcome.
Village Correspondent:
Mrs. Elinor Frost, Bridelands ( 482269 )
Long Bredy and Kingston Russell Parish Council
The Parish Council were delighted to welcome so many people to the first Parish Meeting held on the 12th May and would like to thank everyone for giving up their evening to attend. Several proposals have been put forward to improve the playing field and the debate on the proposed 30mph speed limit was thought provoking. The majority of electors present were not in favour of the speed limit, the difficulty in enforcing it was a major factor. Please can we all be aware of our speed through the village and drive carefully with consideration to all road users. Thanks must be given to Jackie Cain and Jane Solley for the excellent refreshments.
The AGM of the Parish Council has taken place and Adrian Harrison was unanimously voted as Chairman. He was warmly thanked for the time he has given to the Council in the past year and particularly for the work he puts in to keep the playing field so tidy.
Belated thanks to the litter pickers of Long Bredy who came out once again and collected a surprising amount of litter. This included a large amount of tyres, a motor, a television and a stand (different ends of the village) and the stream yielded several wine bottles and plates!! The Parish Council would like to thank most sincerely everyone who took part in the litter pick and supplied the refreshments. Also many thanks to everyone who helps keep the village and surrounding roads litter free by picking up the litter as they are out walking.
Dorset Mobile Library
The Mobile Library Van will be parked in Long Bredy by the Telephone Box on Thursday 14th July and Thursday 28th July - 2.25pm - 3.10pm. The van then travels onto Litton Cheney and parks by the Bus Shelter. It is well worth a visit.
Gwen Kinghorn (Parish Clerk)
Long Bredy Fete 16th July
A reminder to all able-bodied and willing men, short, tall, fat, thin, young or old to come to the Village Hall on the morning of the Fete at 9:30am to help transfer the tables and chairs to the grounds of Kingston Russell house. Remember that many hands make light work!
On 8th May I walked fifteen miles from Shaftesbury to Salisbury to raise money for Save the Children. I was the first one to finish from my school, Colfox. I was thrilled with the generosity of the people in Long Bredy village who sponsored me and I raised £100. Thank you again.
Holly Scott
The group will meet on Tuesday 5th July at Cowleaze Corner (Janet Cuff's bungalow) at 7:30pm. The speaker is Miss Catherine Owen - Memory Albums.
First, a reminder of various dates already notified: John & Patricia Barker's Barn Dance in aid of Cystic Fibrosis Research and CancerCare Dorset is at Longlands Barn from 7.30 p.m. on Saturday 2nd July. Although this is now short notice, all will be welcome to buy tickets at the door.
The Scented Garden's opening dates this month are from 2.30 - 8.00 p.m. every Tuesday afternoon: the 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th July. Cream teas also available in aid of Church and Village Hall funds. Let's hope for four fine days and good attendances.
Nicki Armstrong would welcome volunteers to help with activities for children while the Valley Churches' Holiday Club is in action locally from the 25th to the 27th July. Please contact her on 482452 for further information.
Early notice too of the Dorset Historic Churches Trust Cycle Ride, which will be held this year on Saturday 10th September. This is a sponsored ride - or walk, or however one wants to do it (other than by car!) - visiting as many Dorset churches as possible, with half the sponsorship proceeds going to the Trust and half to the Church of the participant's choice. It can be a great family day out, and (once White Hill is surmounted), there is a comparatively flat circular route to the east of here taking in at least half a dozen Churches. Please make a note of the date, and details of organisation within the village will follow next month.
Congratulations to Annette Hallett, who successfully joined over 2,000 other competitors at Kingston Maurward on the 12th June for the "Race for Life" in aid of Cancer Research. If anyone is belatedly interested in supporting her, please ring 482239.
Those who are enjoying the Sunday evening BBC1 series "A Picture of Britain" may like to know that David Dimbleby and his team were here on the 3rd June, filming at the cricket ground, which was the subject of David Inshaw's "The Cricket Game" painted in 1976. David Inshaw himself took part, and the evening sun came out to create almost identical shadows as those shown in the painting. A "mock" game in the background was provided by various local players. The programme is due to be broadcast at 9.00 p.m. on Sunday 10th July.
That same weekend is the occasion set aside by the Government for the national commemoration of the joint 60th anniversaries of VE Day and VJ Day. The Social Club may mark this with a suitable event in the village, which will be notified by individual posters in the meanwhile.
As 3rd July is St. Thomas' Day it seemed appropriate to include the following poem, written by a Bride Valley Resident.
(Thomas remembers the time when he doubted the Risen Lord)
Ever the practical one, I doubted
And that very doubting has brought me fame
Even though they clamoured and they shouted
And keep repeating His beloved Name.
I demanded a proof that brought me shame
"Except I see His wounds with my own eyes
I'll not believe". Some dark deluded game
Had gripped their minds. Their frenzied heated cries
Left me unmoved. I wasn't wavered by their sighs.
Perhaps for His own reasons, wise and deep
God quarantined me on that other day
Not with the others their meeting to keep
But on a different mission held at bay
Did He keep those minutes ticking away
To make my doubting like some flaming light
Casting its own radiance another way
Lighthouse for future stumblers trapped in night
Transforming doubt and error into something bright?
My reproach? Something all men remember
My lack of faith goes shrieking down the years
Evidence, like some dark glowing ember
Was something I would water with my tears
Nor would they quench its blinding heat that sears
Wide-eyed and trembling, I touched all His scars
Doubt leaves you breathless when it disappears
Fear and cynicism, both like prison bars
When wrenched apart by Love will take you to the stars! Anon.
How carefully do you read the B.V.N. each week? Do you know..
When will you have a chance to see a painting by David Inshaw?
Where will you be find a policewoman at 7.00pm on 12.07.05?
Where might you find yourself in a sticky spot in August?
Why should Shipton be appealing for photos?
Where might you see (hopefully!) a Saturday gang of gardeners & painters?
On which day of the week do a group of lithesome ladies meet to-gether?
Where will you be able to bounce up and down while watching racing?
All answers can be found somewhere within the pages of this month's issue!
Editor: Susan Paul Old Walls Mill Street Burton Bradstock Bridport DT6 4QZ