Diary of events for all Parishes November 2005
Remembrance Day Service
The Remembrance Day Service, arranged by the Bride Valley Branch of The Royal British Legion will be held at St.Peter's Church, Long Bredy on Sunday 13th November at 10.45 am. The address will be given by General Sir Geoffrey Howlett, KBE, MC.
Mothers' Union
Thursday 24th November 2.30pm
St. Catherine's Cross, Shipton Lane, Shipton Gorge
Speaker: Mrs. Joan Connal - "Social Policy"
The Bride Valley Team - Wednesday Housegroups
November 2nd East End
November 9th St Catherine's Cross, Shipton Gorge
November 16th East End
November 23rd Cairnhill, Shipton Gorge
November 30th East End
Meetings start at 7.30pm - further information from Mike Read (897445) or Hugh Lindsay (482383).
The Bride Valley (Thursday) Fellowship Group
In the last series of meetings, leading up to the summer break, we were studying what the Bible teaches about the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. There is much still to be discovered so we are continuing the studies. The group meets on Thursday evenings and alternates between Bible Study and Prayer. Arriving from 7.30pm we begin at 8.00pm aiming to finish by about 9.30pm. For further details contact Paul
Nov 3 Prayer 12 Napier Close, Puncknowle
Nov 10 Bible Study 7 Norburton, Burton Bradstock
Nov 17 Prayer 6 Baglake, Litton Cheney
Nov 24 Bible Study West Lodge, Littlebredy
Thorner's CE VA Primary School
Time moves on and we are already into the colder part of the year. We are thinking about football tournaments, both Cluster and Kenway Cup. It is surprising how many children want to become the next 'famous' footballer, they go to clubs perfect their skills and generally use a lot of energy, especially during the playtimes in school. In taking part a number of other skills are needed: that of working as part of a team, having the right kit, being aware of where others are on the field. especially the opposition, solving problems . how to get around that defender and score a goal without being blocked. Children do not generally associate problem solving with a football game but they are, from past experience they know what force to use to pass the ball to a fellow team member, the angle at which to hit the ball etc; We are hoping to do well this year, having allowed others the chance to win in the past!!!!!! Watch this space to find out the results.
Alison Johnstone
Burton Bradstock CE VC School See Stop Press page 31.
Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup
All of us - children included - are enjoying our new facilities - have been for several walks while the weather has been fine and activities have included Autumn fruits, making vegetable soup (which all the school could smell cooking!) and vegetable printing to name but a few. We have been making our own Fledglings banner to hang up with lots of glue, glitter and other collage bits and we also joined in with school's Harvest Festival service.
Two more new children started after half term - welcome to Sol and Alia. We still have places available for more. More about our Open Day on 10th October next time. Our new Chair is Joy Laver - a big thank you Joy for taking it on.
November is going to be a fund-raising month for the Committee, who have organised the Sponsored Sing A Song Of Sixpence for families, a Body Shop Evening, and our Christmas Bingo - so please come and support all the work going into these events. All in the Valley are welcome to come to the Body Shop Evening and to our Bingo Night. Dates and details below. Our Summer Quiz winner was Mrs Faithful from Pulham. If you have any donations for Bingo Prizes, we would be most grateful.
Dates for the Diary
Friday 11th November 7.30 for 8.00pm Body Shop Evening
Venue : Thorner's School
If you can not make it, Catalogues/Pre-orders are available from Jo
Monday 14th November Sponsored Sing for Families at Playgroup
Friday 25th November Bingo Night 7.00 for 7.30pm
Venue : Puncknowle Church Hall
Looking forward to seeing you there at one or all venues. For Playgroup Information please contact us 01308 897771 or 01308 482410.
Carol Bennett (Playleader)
Litton Cheney Youth Club
See page 27 for further details.
First Steps Parent and Toddler Group
There are five Wednesdays in November so we will be having a special event on the 30th. Helen Timms will be coming with her beautiful range of Phoenix Trading gift cards and wrapping. Also coming is Samantha Lucken with Treetops Toys - wooden toys, games and room accessories. Lot of Christmas shopping could be done!
We meet from 10.00 till 12.00 every Wednesday at Long Bredy Village Hall. The Health Visitor will be joining us for baby-weighing or advice on the 2nd November.
We have toys and equipment for all pre-school children and our sessions give parents and carers the opportunity to meet and chat. Further details from Rachel (Long Bredy) 482246 or Julie (Puncknowle) 897178
Burton Bradstock Playgroup
See page 11 for further details.
David Philpot reminds us that it is now the time of year when we should be particularly aware of the distress caused by fireworks (especially those of industrial strength) to animals and of the threat of danger to thatched properties.
Bride Valley Gardening Club
At the deadline for BVN entries- 8th October, we have not yet started our new Season of Speakers, so cannot comment on our first Speaker - Stephen Griffiths - who no doubt will be as interesting as ever. The Meeting this month will be on the l4th November at 7.30p.m. as usual at Thorners School when the Speaker will be Diana Guy with "Behind the scenes - Gardener of the Year 2004" .
We are pleased to have several new members join us over recent months and we welcome others to come along and meet up with people from all over the Valley - all in the broad interest of gardening. Some members have several acres, others a Courtyard - but if you are interested in things growing - come along
A request from the Committee that you bring along something for the raffle at least once in the Season - the raffle does help funds considerably and keeps the fees low which are needed to pay the Speakers and rent/insurance for hall.
Norma Millard: Club Secretary West Bexington 897774
Visiting villages of the Bride Valley. Books, audio books, DVDs, videos and we sell stamps. Open for all. Free to join.
Visiting times for November:
Tuesdays 1st, 15th and 29th
Puncknowle Church 9:20 - 9:40
Puncknowle Napier Close 9:45 - 10:20
Swyre Manor Farm 10:25 - 10:40
West Bexington Telephone Box 10:50 - 11:35
Thursdays 3rd and 17th
Long Bredy Telephone Box 2:25 - 3:10
Litton Cheney Bus Shelter 3:20 - 4:15
St.Mary's Church, Burton Bradstock,
An evening of culinary delights from different parts of the world - and all on your doorstep!
The Village Hall Friday 4th November 7.00pm
Bring along your favourite international dish for us all to sample - a hot or cold main course or a delicious dessert. This promises to be a really interesting and enjoyable evening which is in aid of
St.Mary's Sudan Medical Link Project 2005.
Admission is by ticket (£5 from the Post Office) which includes appetisers and your choice of a glass of wine from around the world. There will also be some musical items, a quiz and a silent auction for your entertainment.
Save the Children Coffee Morning
Bridport & Beaminster Branch
Thursday 17th November 10.00am to 12 noon
Village Hall Burton Bradstock
Coffee etc. 60p
~ Christmas Goods ~ Bring& Buy~
Saturday 19th November 9.30am - 12.30pm
In aid of Joseph Weld & Trimar Hospice & CancerCare Dorset Trust
The next Producers' Market will take place on 20th May 2006
Village Correspondent Mr Basil Dent
2, Norburton, Burton Bradstock. Tel:- (01308) 897125
Mid Week Worship -
Holy Communion Wednesdays at 10.00 a.m.
Bell Ringing Practices Thursdays at 7.00pm
Gift Sunday 20th November Church Mission Society
The next Service of Prayer for Healing at St Mary's will be held on Monday 14th November at 7.00pm.
Tiny Tots / Pram Service will be held at 11.00am on Friday 11th November.
St. Mary's Harvest Supper
Many thanks go to Sue and Barbara for arranging such a happy evening as well as to David and Ian for laying on entertainment at the last moment.
As a result of the raffle for the18,000 piece Jigsaw, £45 was added to church funds. Ann Read was the lucky winner.
Mission Partners
Our church is now being linked with two new Church Mission Society Mission Partners to replace our link with Steve and Cathy Burgess who have now left Kenya and are now no longer working with CMS after several years. We are being linked with Andy and Susie Hart who are working in partnership with the Anglican Church in Iringa, Tanzania. They have two little girls, toddlers.
Andy is a vet who is working to improve the health of rural families' livestock and Susie is a textile artist and teacher who specialises in teaching adults with disabilities. Andy has been engaged in chicken vaccinations and cattle-dipping. Susie's work has really taken off. People with disabilities in Tanzania are considered by many to be almost sub-human, a mistake, a curse, but visitors to the workplace are astonished at the quality of the beautiful work being produced by the young deaf people in the paper-making workshop and the beaded jewellery which physically disabled people have been trained to make. The products are stocked by shops all over Tanzania and have been exported to the U.K.
We here take on the commitment of praying regularly and of making regular gifts (we will not be expected to produce all the £20,000 cost of a couple - more for a family!). We must do our best. We look forward to our association with the Hart family and to meeting them when they are on furlough.
Steve and Cathy Burgess will be visiting Burton Bradstock in January and details will be made known in due course.
Hilary Mousley on behalf of the P.C.C.
Christmas Family Evensong Sunday 11th December
This service will include most of the elements of Evensong, but will also include a short musical programme and a drama portraying the Christmas story taken mainly from St. Luke's Gospel. The action takes place from different positions around the church so all those watching will be able to see most of it. The service will start promptly at 6.00pm, half an hour earlier than usual. If you have any questions please contact Heather on 897780.
The 'Working Party' for next year's Church Fete will once again begin to meet early in the New Year. Volunteers are requested from anyone living in the village to fill the following vacancies:
Co-ordinator vacancy
Administration vacancy
Publicity vacancy
Treasurer vacancy
Auction Susan Moores
Grand Draw Pauline Woodford
Games / Sideshows Peter Broomhead
Site setting-up vacancy
Outside Stalls vacancy
If you would like to help with any of the above vacancies then please contact St Mary's PCC Secretary, Mr Bob Hynds, at Summerhill, Shipton Lane. (Tel: 898339) preferably by the end of November. Many thanks. St Mary's PCC
A huge thank you to everyone who supported and attended the World's Biggest Coffee Morning on the 30th September. The sum of £251.60 has been sent to Macmillan Cancer Relief. L.D.
Thank you to all who supported The Lavender Trust Coffee Morning on 1st October. We raised £519.20 for them which was excellent.
Mary Rawles
The Village Hall Friday 4th November 7.00pm
In aid of
St.Mary's Sudan Medical Link Project 2005.
See page 7 for further details
Burton Bradstock Playgroup
Our new year has got off to a good start with Audrey Smith leading a cheerful group in the WI Hall three mornings a week. Our topic for the term is 'Food and Festivals'. The children have dug some of the potatoes they planted in the Rectory garden last term and found they were delicious!
Could you be our new Playgroup Leader? Numbers and finances are healthy for this time of year and we are searching for a new Playgroup Leader and a Playgroup Assistant to join Audrey and an active and helpful committee of parents and carers. An NVQ3 in Early Years Care (or equivalent) for the Playgroup Leader and an NVQ2 for the Playgroup Assistant would be perfect, or experience with children and willingness to undertake training. For more details please contact Cathy Parsons on 01308 420094.
Parish Plan Steering Group Open Meeting
What are the 10 actions that will improve life for everyone living in Burton Bradstock?
Come along to the Parish Plan open meeting on Saturday 12th November, 1.00 pm to 4.00pm at the Village Hall and find out what can be done to address the issues you identified as being important: the environment, traffic, housing, community facilities, local prosperity and access. Help identify the 10 priorities that must be taken forward through the Parish Plan.
A draft Parish Plan will be produced and circulated for comment in the New Year. For details about the open meeting and Parish Plan process contact: Dave Dixon 898620 or Karen Venn 897094
200 Club - Congratulations to:
1st Prize: Barbara Pursey £24.20
2nd Prize: Sarah & Mike Harper £12.10
3rd Prize: Margaret Holmes £ 6.05
Anyone wanting to become a member of the 200 Club in time for the November-December draws should telephone Alan Clarke on 01308 897051 and let him have £2 - one pound for each of the last 2 draws of the year. There are double prizes in the December draw.
Alan Clarke
The Village Hall Trust is a trust registered with the local authority, the West Dorset District Council. Lotteries Licence No. LA005.
Forthcoming Events at the Village Hall
Following on from the success of the recent Artsreach events we are now planning a programme of social events for the winter. Further details will appear in the next edition of the BVN and please keep looking at the notice boards around the village.
Susan Moores - Secretary, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee.
Burton Bradstock Village Society
At the first meeting of the new season in September, Graham Rees introduced the speaker Philip Howse OBE who lives in Burton Bradstock. His talk was entitled 'Camouflage, Mimicry & Deception in the Insect World'. The fascinating slides shown demonstrated this - insects resembling dead leaves and bark, moths looking like twigs and caterpillars like sticks.
He explained how birds could be deterred by eye spots on moths and butterflies. They also could be confused by conflicting images such as a butterfly upside down looked like an owl. After an interesting question and answer session John Grantham gave the vote of thanks.
The November meeting is on Friday 18th at 7.30pm - speaker Jasper Shackleton. Subject: "In the Wake of William Bligh of The Bounty" (Account of a bicentennial 4,000 mile open-boat voyage).
New members welcome - annual fee £2, plus 50p entrance to cover tea and biscuits; to join please phone Carol Lumley (01308 897365). Chris Clarke
Burton Bradstock Bridge Group
All Tuesdays (except the 8th) in November at 2.00pm in the Village Hall. For further information please telephone Chris Clarke - 898117.
Indoor Short Mat Bowls
This is held every Monday from 7.45pm - l0.00pm in the Village Hall, Burton Bradstock. The cost is £1.50 per evening. (Free to new members for two weeks) There are three rinks and bowls are provided. This is open to all ages and it is good fun. We have an interval where coffee etc is served free of charge.
Are you interested? Come along any Monday. To promote more members we are having a special Open Evening on Monday 14th November - just come along between 7.45pm and l0.00pm and see what fun it can be. Peter Colbert
Hurry! Last chance!
Only 10 Days left if you want to have your Christmas Greetings in the BVN this December!
As a reminder, it works this way - you send us a donation, in return for which, your name(s) will be included in a list of all contributors on a dedicated page in the BVN. The list of names will be below a collective Christmas greeting message to friends and neighbours (sadly, we are not able to include individual messages). Donations will be split between The Joseph Weld Hospice (now the Joseph Weld & Trimar Hospice and CancerCare Dorset Trust) & the BVN.
If you would like to participate, please give me your name(s), as you would like it/them to appear in the BVN list, plus your donation.
Cheques should be made payable to St. Mary's P.C.C.
I need this information, along with the donation, no later than 10th November, in order to catch the deadline for the December issue, so there's no time to lose!
Ken Pett, Mill Gate House, Annings Lane, Burton Bradstock, Bridport, DT6 4QN.
Tel: 01308 897 550
Burton Bradstock W.I.
At the October meeting, 36 members and 4 visitors thoroughly enjoyed the interesting and informative talk on the Holy Land by Veronica Ziegler. She showed slides of wonderful buildings, including the room where the Last Supper was held, and beautiful and contrasting countryside, talking about them at length and ending on the vast problems surrounding Israel and Palestine.
Lively discussions followed about the Per Capita fee being voted on at the Autumn Council Meeting and the opportunity to rejoin the Bride Valley Group. Both proposals were agreed. Various letters of thanks were read out and boards passed round about the Christmas Lunch and shopping trip to Bath. Helpers and items to sell were requested for the Christmas Coffee Morning on Saturday, 26th November. Please note our next meeting on Tuesday, 8th November at the winter time of 2.15 pm.
Mary Bailey
Home Watch Burton Bradstock - Further Developments
Reference to page 15 of October's BVN, listed below is the Dorset Police Crime Recording System summary of our area's print for September: -
In addition to the above, also advised:-
Shipton Gorge - Broadband transmitter broken into.
Freddy Tame Tel 897957
Burton Bradstock Online's Digital Photo Competition:
Burton Bradstock ONLINE (which now includes the web site committee) has launched a digital photo competition which is open to everyone. Briefly:
· Two prizes: one for adults and one for under 16s.
· Deadline for applications - 30th September, 2006
· Open to anyone, including holiday makers, visitors etc.
· Digital photos only - to be e-mailed to Burton Bradstock ONLINE (address TBA)
· Max number of pictures - 10 per person
· Photos can be on any subject or topic, but there must be a connection to the Parish of Burton Bradstock, Dorset, England - more information later.
· A selection of the best photos submitted will be added to Burton Bradstock ONLINE PHOTO GALLERY on our web site as the competition progresses throughout 2005-6.
More details will be published later - they will also be on the web site (www.burtonbradstock.org.uk)
We hope you will join in - it should be fun. Ken Pett 01308 897 550
Norman and Wyn Webber wish to express their very grateful thanks and appreciation for all the assistance, gifts, cards and good wishes from friends and neighbours over the past weeks.
Burton Bradstock Village Web Site Committee
has now changed its name,
as it now covers much more than just the web site.
The new name is Burton Bradstock ONLINE.
However, the web site address is unchanged at:
Loads of information on the village including maps,
videos, current events, useful contacts, training courses,
village history & the digital photo competition
and did you know that the Bride Valley News is published
on this web site every month?
It includes every back issue of the magazine, as far back as
January 2000.
And, it is in colour too!
Village Correspondent: Mrs. Joy White
Eastcote 3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge
Tel: ( 01308 )897974
Service of Remembrance, St. Martin's Church 13th. November 9.30a.m.
All are welcome to our short service of devotion and reflection which will include hymns, readings and prayers. The Address will be given by General Sir Geoffrey Howlett, and the Act of Remembrance will be led by Colonel Peter Bates.
Family Pet Service 20th November 3.00pm
We are inviting our village family pets and their well behaved owners to St. Martin's church for a special service of thanksgiving, followed by our usual Tea and Treats ( in church ).
The Great Cycle Ride Dorset Historic Churches Trust
Nineteen cyclists enjoyed a trip up the beautiful Bride Valley on Sunday, 11th September ( wrong day, but the weather was atrocious on the Saturday! ). Our youngest participant was four years old, and led the whole excursion very efficiently!
Sponsorship money is still being collected, but I can announce a provisional total of £430 raised so far, and half of this will benefit St. Martin's church, so well done everybody. Many, many thanks for your efforts, and I hope you all enjoyed the day as much as I did. Last but not least- we would all like to say a very big "Thank You" to all our generous sponsors who willingly support this event every year. Janet Lane
St. Martins Churchyard.
We intend to tidy up the churchyard on Saturday 12 November, starting at 10.00am and would be grateful of any offers of help. If you could bring shears, secateurs, a hand saw, a rake and/or a wheelbarrow that would be most useful. Bob White
World's Biggest Coffee Morning
This took place in September, and raised £255.35. Many thanks to everyone who helped in any way, and to our guests who gave such generous donations for their coffee, and spent even more money buying from our stalls, and entering the two raffle events. We all enjoyed the morning very much, and the impressive result made it a most worthwhile effort.
Shipton Gorge Ramblers
A few of us are getting together to start a walking group, so if anyone out there is dying to get to know our local footpaths, please get in contact with Vicky Thomas: 898648, or Janet Lane: 897241
Pre Christmas Get Together
The Annual Shipton Gorge Pre Christmas Get Together will be on Sunday 4th December from 12 noon to 2-30pm in the Village Hall. As usual, please bring a bottle, or two, and some food for the table.
For further information contact Robert or Christine Cornish on 897833
Shipton Gorge Village Society
Firework Night will be at the Village Hall on Saturday 5th November starting at 7.00pm. Tickets are £4-00 for adults, £2-00 for children which will include food. Tickets available from Sally Parker 897168, Ed Buck 898278 & Terry Hunt 898301. Please get your tickets before hand so we know how much food we need.
Christmas Shopping Trip to Taunton on Wednesday 7th December leaving New Inn Car Park at 9.30am and leaving Taunton at 4-00pm. To book your seat please contact Sally Parker 897168
Till We Meet Again
Graham Rosamond entertained a packed New Inn on Saturday 24th September at Shipton Gorge as the villagers enjoyed their last night of entertaining before the pub closed on October 2nd.
The New Inn has been struggling to make ends meet for some time and the owners, Palmers Brewery, decided that the pub was no longer viable. However, this time, there may be a silver lining to the dark clouds as Palmers have offered the village the opportunity to lease the pub from them.
The Village Society and the Parish Council have joined forces to come up with a business plan that may enable the pub to re-open next Easter. The villagers met on the 12th September to endorse the approach and the New Inn Support Group was formed to see the project through.
Money needs to be raised to carry out essential work on the pub and a Trust Fund has been set up to achieve this.
Any help, financial or otherwise, will be welcomed by the Support Group who are particularly interested to hear from potential Managers. (The contact for the Group is Chairman, David Smith, on 01308 898219.)
Date for your Diary:
We are holding an auction on Thursday December 8th in the Village Hall at 8.00 p.m. We shall be very grateful for any offers or ideas as this is a wonderful opportunity to bid for some unusual Christmas presents! Oliver Letwin has kindly offered to be our auctioneer for the evening and we look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.
New Inn Support Group
Are having a Fish & Chip Supper on Saturday 12th November followed by a quiz at the Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm. Drinks will be available, plus a Raffle. Tickets (£6.50) available from Sally Parker, Terry Hunt, Jan Shaw, Heather Puttock, Geoff & Sandy Adderly. Please come along and support this good cause.
Shipton Gorge Village Hall 100 Club
October Draw Winners
£20 |
No.13 |
Edward Burt |
No.15 |
Liz Langran |
Village Correspondent: Sid Marshall
3 Green Barton, Swyre Tel: 897318
Good News - good news - good news - good news
From the beginning of Advent, 2005 there will be weekly Sunday worship at Holy Trinity Church. The usual format will be:-
1st Sunday, Evening Prayer at 3.30pm (6.30pm in summertime)
2nd Sunday, Morning Prayer at 11.00am
3rd Sunday, Parish Communion at 11.00am
4th Sunday, Holy Communion at 11.00am.
Said Morning Prayer continues on alternate Thursdays at 9.00am - see notice board for dates.
We hope that this opportunity to meet and worship together each week will enrich the life of our church and community, and that it will be welcomed by the parishioners.
The weekly services are initially for a 6 month trial period.
Come and share the Good News
Church Wardens -Yvonne Buckland and Vera Hirst
Holy Trinity Church, Swyre.
Saturday November 12th. Final Churchyard working party for 2005, 10am - 12noon
Weather permitting we will tidy up for the winter. Anyone who would like to, meet afterwards at the Bull for some lunch, (about 1.00pm).
Thank you to everyone who has helped at anytime throughout the year.
Saturday November 26th. Advent Coffee Morning and Sale.
10am - 12noon.
Come along and enjoy a chat over a cuppa.
Cakes, produce and other seasonal goodies for sale. Also a selection of second hand art materials - paper - brushes - paints - etc. etc. for sale.
All proceeds towards repairs and improvements to Holy Trinity Church.
Donations of goods for sale gratefully received.
Thank you
The All-Sorts Sale held at the Bull over the August Bank Holiday raised the magnificent sum of £562 to be shared equally between the Dorset Air Ambulance and the Swyre Community Fund.
Much good work was contributed, and we thank all who helped and donated, especially The Bull for their co-operation and use of their premises.
Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council
Parish Council Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 1st November in the Puncknowle Church Hall at 7.30pm.
Homewatch Traffic Light Warning Scheme
Thank you to those of you in Springfield and Looke Lane who have responded to the questionnaire regarding the Traffic Light Warning Scheme. Although the replies we have had have been very favourable, we have not had the necessary response required in order for us to expand to the rest of the village. Therefore during the first few weeks of November a representative from the Homewatch will be visiting residents in Springfield and Looke Lane to collect any questionnaires and to get further feedback on the scheme.
Homewatch Coordinator
As stated in August Bride Valley News it was my intention to give up the role of Homewatch Co-ordinator in September but sadly no one has come forward to volunteer to replace me. If anyone is interested in taking on the role please let me know as I will definitely not be able to carry on the role in the very near future. Andrew Marshall 897732
Father Christmas in Puncknowle
On Saturday 10th December Father Christmas will pay a visit to his special Grotto in Puncknowle.
We expect Santa to arrive in the grounds of the Crown Inn at 4.00pm and there will be general festivities until 8.00pm.
There will be carol singing and festive music; a barbecue with hot dogs - mulled wine -roast chestnuts; there will also be local produce stalls both voluntary and professional.
If you would be willing to help with contributions - produce - ideas - stalls please contact any of the following:-
Elizabeth and Tony Edwards, 897435 - Andy and Sandy Marshall, 897732 - Nick Tate, 898506 - Beryl Truscott, 897058 - John Holker, 898261
Village Correspondent: Elizabeth Slater
1, Lytton Close, Puncknowle, Dorchester DT2 9BH
Telephone: ( 01308 ) 897751
Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup
See Page 4 for report
Puncknowle Art Group
Many thanks to Allanna for making us welcome in her sunny garden where we sat and painted a little stone building covered in roses. For the following meeting we must thank Maureen for bringing all her wax cubes and irons to help us make wax pictures. Dates for November - 11th and 25th Christine Molony
Grateful Thanks
On behalf of myself and Macmillan Cancer Relief I would like to thank everyone for their support at the biggest coffee morning I have ever hosted at my home in West Bexington. We are most grateful for all the donations of raffle prizes and 'bring and buy' items all of which raised the grand sum of £201. Very many thanks to one and all for the generous contributions both of money and time.
Diane Lawrence
A Big Thank You!
Nick and Walter would like to thank everyone for their wonderful and generous presents for Nick's birthday bash and Walter's Christening, and the whole family would like to thank everyone for making it such a lovely community event. Nick, Debbie and Walter
West Bexington news:-
Somewhat belatedly we welcome Jack - who was born to Linda and Kate some 3 months ago - a little brother for Ethan.
Congratulations to Tom Clent who did very well with his GCEs and to Ben Michaud who did very well with his A levels.
We welcome 2 arrivals, or in l case re-arrival, to the village:-
Edna and Derek Spurge have moved back here to "Pebbles" from the Isle of Wight, after living here 20 years ago.
William and Penny Knapman have moved to Boswedden, formerly "Riplea," from Netherbury - we do hope that both families will enjoy living here on Chesil!
Don't forget to check the village website
to keep in touch with village events and find useful information
Village Correspondent:Josie Belasco,
11 Manor Farm Close, Litton Cheney
Telephone: (01308) 482484
Christmas Producers' Market - Saturday 19 November
We are now coming to the end of our season of producer's markets, but we are going out with a bang with a Christmas Market at Thorner's School, Litton Cheney on Saturday 19 November from 9.30am to 12.30pm. The market will be in aid of the Joseph Weld & Trimar Hospice and CancerCare Dorset Trust.
As well as having all our regular producers displaying and selling their local products, there will be other stalls selling Christmas cheer and gifts, and while you waltz around the stalls you will be able to partake of mulled wine, mince pies and coffee or tea. It is also an ideal time to order your Christmas foods, something I am sure the producers will be encouraging you to do, but it also means you will have peace of mind having solved yet another Christmas conundrum and in good time. Come along and join in what will be a joyous affair and a most pleasant social occasion. Call Sallie Firrell on 482313 for more information.
After this market we will be taking a winter break until May 20 when our new season of markets begins. During the winter we will be continuing to investigate the means of re-introducing a shop into the village, something that is never far from our minds, believe me. To this end we will be holding an open meeting in the church hall in January - watch this space.
Those making them are asked to ensure they only do so when the ensuing smoke and smell will not affect neighbours and others; complaints have been received. There are no local bye-laws in West Dorset regulating bonfires; it is suggested that a tactful word to the offender is the primary and desired initial approach. However, if a particularly smelly or smoky bonfire is persistently made, this might constitute a statutory nuisance and complaint could be made to West Dorset District Council Environmental Health Department who must investigate the matter. Litton Cheney Parish Council
The Litton Cheney Relief in Need Trust
As in previous years the trustees of this Charity invite applications from residents of Litton Cheney who in the main have to rely on State Retirement Pensions or Benefits. It is realised that such recipients may also be in receipt of additional income from other sources, which may obviate the necessity for them to seek a grant from this Charity. The Trustees hope residents in the latter category would feel they should not apply. If you feel, however, that you do qualify or know of someone that could qualify please apply in confidence to Mary Anderson at Talisman, Litton Cheney, or one of the other Trustees on or before 8th December 2005. Those residents who at present benefit from a grant need not re-apply.
Three events on Monday, November 7 - Lithe Litton Ladies at the Church Hall from 6pm to 7.30p.m, bell ringing in the Church Tower from 7.30pm to 8.30pm and the Litton Web group at The White Horse Inn from 8.30p.m.
For information about Litton Cheney's Parish Plan ring 482384 or go to news4litton@bridevalley.net
Feeling a little despondent that we had only sold 49 tickets for the Harvest Supper by the Saturday morning we carried on regardless and prepared the school. What a surprise that by 7.30 we had 99 of you wandering around the hall trying to find the odd unoccupied seats. It was great so many of you came and what a relief we had over catered! It really was a tremendous evening and our thanks go to the Bride Valley Band who provided the music and had us all up Barn Dancing. (It was the numerous threats that Burton Bradstock could do better than that which helped to get everyone up and dancing.) There was a time when everyone bar two - who had good excuses - was up and twirling. Thanks also to Ursula and David who supplied the beef, Modbury Farm for the cream, and everyone else who helped including Anthony who performed the service of thanksgiving beforehand.
Our next event is the Children in Need Variety Evening 7.00pm Friday 18th November in the Church. There is a very interesting programme arranged including music, a quiz, guess the value of some interesting items, call my bluff, the red arrows (well not in person), a monologue and plenty of raffles. See BVN October for more details. This is a fund raising evening and we hope to beat last year's total of £817.30 which we can only do with your help. Please come and join us and enjoy wine, sandwiches and nibbles which will be available for a donation. Don't forget to drop off any raffle prizes you wish to donate to Sheila Barnes.
The next village walk is on Sunday 20th November 10.00am at the bus shelter - please note change of date.
Christmas is almost upon us once again and we will be Carol Singing around the village on 15th and 16th December and raising funds for charity. Kathy Kourik Secretary LCSC 482552
Litton Cheney Youth Club
During November there will be three sessions. The first session on Tuesday 1st November will be Halloween food and games in Litton Church Hall. On Tuesday 15th November there is an international night again in the Church Hall. On Tuesday 29th November there is a change of venue, the Youth Club will meet in Puncknowle Hall for games, fun and cooking. The Youth Club is open to any young person in the valley who is between 8 and 17 years old. For further details contact Paul Kingston (Youth Leader) 482384
A Body Shop evening will take place on Friday 11th November from 7.30 pm at Thorner's School. An opportunity to buy for Christmas! The evening is being held to support the Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup who have relocated to the school in the village. For further details contact 482384
Thank You to everyone who supported the Playing Field Fun Day in September. Around £350 was raised to benefit the Playing Field. The Playing Field Association are grateful for the village's continued support particularly those individuals who make the day possible.
Visit the web site for the latest news.
The group meets at The White Horse Inn
at 8.30pm on the first Monday of each month.
All welcome.
Village Correspondent:
Mrs. Elinor Frost, Bridelands ( 482269 )
Congratulations to Giles and Maria Maltby on the arrival of Edward James, a brother for William.
Advance Notice: On the 17th December there will be a Christmas Party in the Village Hall starting at 5:00pm. We need to know numbers as soon as possible to be able to organise food, drink and a visit by Father Christmas. A nominal amount of £2.50 is required per family. Anyone who is interested should contact Mike or Valerie Shepherd (482250) or Elinor Frost (482269).
No charge, no raffles, just a friendly get together.
1st November is WI night. This will be held at Carol Lindsay's, Litton Cheney at 7:00pm. Mike Read will be talking to us about his work in Romania.
Tuesday 27 December Thursday 29 December
Tuesday 3 January Thursday 5 January
Tuesday 10 January Wednesday 11 January
The Social Club's Fireworks Evening will take place on the Village Green on Friday 4th November. This date is chosen to avoid clashing with other local displays on the "correct" date the following day. The bonfire will be lit at about 6.30 p.m., and the firework display will begin at 7.00 p.m. Entrance is free, but everyone attending is asked to contribute a large firework or a few smaller ones. If possible these should be delivered in advance to Glenn Wilkinson at 1, Yew Tree Cottage, Daniel Barrett at 2, Riverside Cottages, or Simon Baxter at Spring Cottage. It should be the customary excellent occasion.
The academic year is well under way at our local schools, but it is not too late to welcome Lewis Wilkinson to his first term at Thorner's School. Nobody from the village has moved from Thorner's to Colfox this year, but at the senior end of the scale, John Kingston, Lloyd Wakely and Clare Williams all left school in the summer, bound for work or college. We wish them all well in the future. If anyone has been overlooked in this summary, it can be corrected next month if notified to 482232!
Those who remember the Tweed family at Orchard Cottage till their departure last year may have seen that Oscar has been representing England in the Tri-athlon competition for his age group recently. Congratulations to him.
The countryside provides such variety in the seasons from year to year, and we are fortunate to live close to nature to see it. Whether caused by global warming or other more local factors, can there have been a season for blackberries like this one for years? Users of the village postbox have been especially lucky with an abundance in the hedge right beside it. Conversely, what happened to all the wasps this summer and autumn - does anyone have a theory? (Cold spell earlier in the year that killed off all the eggs? I'm sure our resident entomologist will have the answer. Ed.)
Stop Press: Burton Bradstock CE VC School
Our 'Jump, Rope, Heart' fund raising event last month was a great success and we have all been proud of our improved skipping ability. Two days later we held our Harvest Thanksgiving Service in the church. All classes contributed to the occasion and Rev Bob gave a very thought-provoking and inspiring talk based on a rather uninspiring and sad specimen of a plant found in his garden. Just as Bob's neglected and sun-starved plant really needed some care and attention if it were to fulfil its potential, so the same can be said of all of us whatever our age. He explained that with the love of God and each other we can aspire to this. Thank you Bob for such food for thought - particularly timely as we are working on our mission statement, preparation for life and aspiring to fulfil potential as 'whole' people. A parent shared similar sentiments with the Latin phrase, 'A capite ad calcem', which means 'head to heel'.
Our annual meeting of Governors and Parents was, in being the last one, a small piece of history. From now on there is no requirement to hold such an event and the annual report will also be a much abbreviated document. A presentation was made to Mike Southgate as we said fond farewells to him. Mike has served the school as a governor over many years (as Chairman for the past two) and we are most grateful for his contribution and support. We warmly welcome Mrs Sue Moores who is taking on the role of Chair.
The P.T.A. AGM was held at the same time and here we also saw six changes to the committee who have completed their time. Many thanks were given to outgoing members Elaine Crooke (Chair); Ben Loudon (Secretary); Bruce Kenway (Treasurer); Roy Koerner; Suzanne Barclay; and Luke Tapping. We are delighted to welcome new members Lucy Brookes Tim Farrell; Judy Kanellaki; Kerry Parsons; and Suneeta Vij. The ongoing work of the P.T.A. is very much appreciated - thank you all.
Now we are thinking ahead to Christmas - not pleasant but necessary!
Mark Stratta
100 Club September: £20 - Laurie Farrow
£10 - Audrey Smith
£5 - Cathy Parsons