Diary of events for all Parishes December 2005
Mothers' Union
Thursday 15th December 2.30pm
St. Catherine's Cross, Shipton Lane, Shipton Gorge
Christmas Meeting
The Bride Valley Team - Wednesday Housegroups
30th November East End
7th December Westfield, Burton Bradstock
Meetings start at 7.30pm - further information from Mike Read (897445) or Hugh Lindsay (482383).
The Bride Valley (Thursday) Fellowship Group
We are studying what the Bible teaches about the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. The group meets on Thursday evenings and alternates between Bible Study and Prayer. Arriving from 7.30pm we begin at 8.00pm aiming to finish by about 9.30pm. For further details contact Paul
Dec 1 Prayer 12 Napier Close, Puncknowle
Dec 8 Bible Study The Threshing Barn, Higher Kingston Russell
Dec 15 Prayer 6 Baglake, Litton Cheney
Thorner's CE VA Primary School
It is now 3 months since planning permission for the Village Hall was granted, having taken years to get this far wouldn't it be good if someone came forward who has the time, energy and commitment to take it forward. My first impression of the Church Hall in 1999 was 'goodness gracious how have the locals managed to have any social activities, especially in the winter?' Then as we had our OFSTED Inspection in 2001 and the lack of Indoor PE facilities was highlighted, it seemed the ideal time to pool resources and work together to obtain a joint use hall. As we are a Church of England School money towards buildings can be obtained from Salisbury Diocese. The cost of a new hall just for school is too much for them to fund in total, so we need to work together with the village so that we can build a useful hall to serve all our needs. Now if you want to see this hall built do talk to a member of the Parish Council or leave your name at the school office so that a group can be formed to take the next major step forward as soon as possible. I would like to see this hall built before I move on!
Do you know anyone with a pre-school child or a child of two years old? Do they know that Fledglings Pre-School Playgroup now operates from Thorner's School? There are sessions each day. Government Nursery Grants are accepted. It is OFSTED registered. Fledglings have their own dedicated rooms, outdoor play area, toilets, entrance and qualified staff. The Foundation Curriculum is delivered in a relaxed yet structured, appropriate environment, pupils have fun and hardly know they are learning. We have created a Thinking Environment where children can explore, give opinions and develop an enthusiasm for learning which will give them an excellent start to their formal education. There are many advantages for both staff and more importantly pupils. The pupil to staff ratio is favourable. The children are becoming familiar with school, being educated along with other children who live in this very special Valley, are able to communicate with the older pupils and even work with them, at certain times of the week, and join school for special occasions such as Harvest Assembly. If you want to find out more or visit why not come along, contact the school office on 01308 482410 and arrange a visit today.
As we are now in the month of December we are planning our festive activities, parties, church service, Nativity play, helpers' tea party to mention a few. It is an exciting time of year for all our pupils but it is the youngest pupils who bring the greatest joy, seeing their eyes light up when they see the Christmas tree decorated and lit up, the nervous expectations . Will I get any presents? Have I been good? Does Father Christmas know where I live? All these are uppermost in most pupils' minds. What I would ask is that we all spend time this Christmas thinking about the true meaning and reason why we celebrate the day and give a thought to those people who will be hungry or lonely on Christmas Day. Happy Christmas to you all.
Alison Johnstone
100 Club Winners: Sorry we didn't publish October winners last month.
October November
£15 Mrs Linda Davidson £15 Mrs Maggie Hooper
£10 Mrs Hilary Larcombe £10 Mr Simon Gibbs
Burton Bradstock CE VC School
The end of the year marks a significant moment in the history of our school when we say fond farewells to Mrs Olive Young as she retires after 40 years service to the school. This is an incredible achievement by any standards and words cannot do justice as we attempt to express our enormous thanks for all that she has contributed to the school over the years in various guises from parent to dinner supervisor and bursar. Olive leaves us with many happy memories and we wish her and her family every blessing in retirement.
Our final total for the Jump Rope Heart sponsored skip was a fantastic £790. A huge thank you to all who contributed to this great effort.
Last month also marked the end of an era with the retirement of Chris Wilkinson from coaching the football team. Chris has had a tremendous impact on our school football for the last eleven years and his tireless energy and enthusiasm will be greatly missed. Not only has he organised practices and teams for competitions but also, behind the scenes, has provided equipment, pumped up footballs and produced publicity. A presentation was made as a small token of our enormous gratitude for all he has done. Little did we realise that last season's fantastic results culminating in the Kenway Cup achievement would prove to be Chris' final game.
This season's Kenway Cup defence has begun successfully with an away win against Bridport Primary. In gloomy, heavy conditions we came away with a 5-2 victory and now look forward to hearing who we will encounter in the next round.
Finally, we are looking to improve the outdoor area to the rear of the school and have received some very helpful and positive advice from the Dorset Wildlife Trust. If any villagers would like to help out with some practical clearing / gardening, I shall be more than happy to discuss the opportunities with you. (A chainsaw desirable but not essential!)
Mark Stratta
100 Club October: £20 - Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
£10 - Suzanne Price
£5 - Gary Townsend
Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup
There are now 10 children on the register and we still have spaces available for more. Playgroup is open to all families in the Bride Valley and beyond whether or not your child will go to Thorner's school in the future. We have a new Treasurer, Jill Neill, who is working hard for us - thanks for taking it on, Jill.
Our Open Day was held on 10th October when some mums and younger children came to see our new facilities and join in our normal routines - we plied the adults with tea, coffee and cakes, and answered questions while the little ones played. Joy and Elizabeth helped with refreshments - thanks to you both.
Recent activities have included visiting a local garden where lots of vegetables were growing. Some were taken back to Playgroup for tasting, comparing shapes and sizes etc., while the large pumpkin was later used for the children to scoop out the seeds and we carved a face on it. Thanks Paul and Elizabeth for the garden experience! We have also painted our own pumpkins, made footprints, played at being doctors & nurses and at "Going to Market", used the obstacle course when it was wet indoors, and made some "rockets" near Bonfire Night. We now have 3 pet goldfish who the children have named Goldie, Sparkle and Pumpkin - I wonder why?
With the money from the last Quiz fund raiser, we have purchased a television/video set for the children to watch for a short time when they need a rest - usually after lunch has been eaten. The next Quiz will be in the spring - thanks to Sue who organises them. More on our other recent fund raisers next time - Body Shop Evening, Sponsored Sing and Bingo Night.
After learning about Thanksgiving, this month, we are concentrating on Advent and Christmas Celebrations - and going to Thorner's School Christmas Concert. We don't have far to go now! Our Christmas Party is on 19th December when a Special Visitor will be popping in with presents and we finish on the 20th. So Fledglings wish one and all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
For Playgroup Information please ring 01308 897771 or 01308 482410.
Carol Bennett (Playleader)
Litton Cheney Youth Club
See page 33 for further details.
First Steps Parent and Toddler Group
The end of term approaches.and its party time! We meet on Wednesday 7th when the health visitor will be joining us and then on the 14th December when it will be our Christmas party. The Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup has invited us to their party too - Monday 19th December from 11.00 till 1.00. The spring term will commence on 4th January.
We are open to anyone in the Bride Valley and meet at Long Bredy Village Hall every Wednesday during the school term, from 10:00 to 12:00. We have toys and activities for all pre-school children (0-4years). For parents and carers we offer friendly chat, the chance to meet others, and refreshments. For further details, please contact: Julie 897178 or Rachel 482246.
Burton Bradstock Playgroup
See page 20 for further details.
Shipton Gorge Village Hall
Thursday 8th December 8.00 p.m.
The Right Hon. Oliver Letwin. M.P.
See page 25 for further details.
Bride Valley Gardening Club
Our December meeting will follow the trend of last years (for members only please) with a Fun Quiz where working on your own, or in a pair, and with a glass of wine in hand you will identify pictures and specimens (botanical, of course) around the room. Not too serious, but with prizes followed by a sumptuous buffet, with each member bringing along a scrumptious plate of food please, wine to be provided by your Club. We will then have the Bumper raffle with special prizes from Highgrove (if you choose such), not to be bought anywhere else, plus many, many more. Members do come along and join the festive cheer.
Norma Millard: Club Secretary West Bexington 897774
... & a word from your Chair
Apologies for missing the first meeting of the Season due to illness. I can't believe it is almost Christmas, so I have given a few trees from which you may choose at your local nursery; Colorado Blue Spruce, Fraser Fir, Noble Fir, Nordman, Norway Spruce or Scots Pine. Happy shopping and see you at the Party. Dianne ffoulkes (Chair).
Mobile Library.
Visiting villages of the Bride Valley
With winter evenings nearing, why not think of starting a reading group with your friends. The library service can help you get started; for more information call in at the Mobile Library. More than just books
P.S. Christmas Cards: don't forget we sell stamps.
Tuesday 13th
Puncknowle - Church 9:20 - 9:40
Puncknowle - Napier Close 9:45 - 10:20
Swyre - Manor Farm 10:25 - 10:40
West Bexington - Telephone Box 10:50 - 11:35
Thursdays 1st 15th and 29th
Long Bredy - Telephone Box 2:25 - 3:10
Litton Cheney - Bus Shelter 3:20 - 4:15
Shipton Gorge - Quarry Close 3:05 - 3:35
The Bridport Choral Society
Christmas Concert
United Church Bridport
Saturday 10th December 7.30
Tickets (£5.00) at the door
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Dorset Police Community Contact Unit
In future the monthly rota for the above van can be found on:-
Fiona Rose (Community Intelligence Disseminator)
Adapted by Frank Gabrielson
With music & lyrics of the motion picture score by Harold Arden & E.Y. Harburg
By arrangement with MusicScope & Stage Musicals of New York
and SAT MAT 2.00pm
Tickets: Adults £6.00 Children (under 16) £4.00
The next Producers' Market will take place on
20th May 2006
Bride Valley Royal British Legion
This month's Social Evening, to which the Poppy sellers are invited, will be at The Three Horseshoes, Burton Bradstock at 7.30pm on Monday 6th December.
The Christmas Party
The Christmas Party for all those children who live in the Eastern End of the Bride Valley will take place on Saturday 3rd December 2005. If you are aged 0 - 11 years you are invited to Thorner's School between 3 and 5 pm. Tickets are £1. All pre-school must be accompanied by an adult and all children must bring a contact number with them. Details of where to purchase a ticket in advance may be found in each village's notes.
There has been a Christmas Party for all those children who live in the Eastern End of the Bride Valley for around 50 years. We are endeavouring to carry on this tradition. To enable the party to take place this year, tickets are being sold for £1. If this tradition is to continue for future years we would welcome the help, interest and support of any individual, group or organisation who would like to assist in any way.
Katharine Jones 482589 Elizabeth Kingston 482384
Litton Cheney Youth Club
The Youth Club is open to everyone between the ages of 8 and 17 years who live in the Bride Valley. For further details please look in the Litton Notes or contact 482384.
Gift of Love
Christmas is here!
The house is warm with love,
Laughter echoes down the hall,
Children chatter with excitement
Mesmerised by piles of presents scattered
Round the tree, towering tall,
Giving off heady, aromatic scents
Of pine that tweak the nostril.
Christmas is here!
Strains of a carol are heard
And the family joins to chortle a cacophony of sound;
The fun and games are starting now:
With raucous screams the children play Sardines,
Into darkened cupboards sliding, collapsing in a mound
Until worn out, they settle down to open all the
Shiny, coloured presents tied with sparkly bows.
Stop! Hold it there and think;
Step outside your cosy Yuletide scenes,
Invite a lonely person in to share your jollity
And show what Christmas really means -
A gift of love.
Christmas is here!
The table heaves with plenteous plates almost
Obscuring the colours of the gaudy Christmas cloth;
The steaming, succulent, golden turkey is the King
Surrounded by his entourage of crunchy tatties, marble sprouts,
Sizzling bacon - rolls exuding potent waft
That brings saliva gushing like a fountain
Into the caverns of the mouth.
Christmas is here!
Ignite the Christmas pudding;
Flames of dancing blue gems lick the luscious, moist globe
Full of brandied, plummy fruit, yummy nuts, exotic spices,
Add the brandy butter and the rich, thick cream;
Over satiated you'll explode; burst the seams on your robe;
Finish with a double brandy and slip, slip, slip
Into a deep sonorous snooze.
Stop! Hold it there and think;
Step outside these banquet scenes;
Dig deep in your pocket for those with nothing
And show what Christmas really means -
A gift of love. Pauline Woodford
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Geoff & Sandy Adderley |
Edna Murrell |
Mary Bailey |
Georgie Northover |
Catherine & Darren Batten |
John & Deryn Pakenham-Walsh |
Howard & Linda Bongers |
Derek & Val Parsons |
John & Pat Bowden |
Susan Paul |
Kate & Bernard Chennells |
Sheila & Ken Pett |
Diana & Cecil Clifford |
Graham & Anne Rees |
Tony & Anne Combe |
Terry Rendell |
Tim & Liz Comley & family |
Gill & Charles Robertson |
Celia Cummins |
Ryder & Heather Rogers |
Lesley, Steve, Gemma & Jake Dove |
Mike & Anne Southgate |
Betty Drewery |
Jill & Derek Spinney |
Daphne & Trevor Ekins |
Betty Starkey |
Rob & June Fox |
Bill & Heather Thomson |
Jim & Margaret Harding |
Peg Thompson |
John & Barbara Ivall |
Karen, David, Paul & Rebecca Venn |
Barbara M James |
Clare Viney |
Patricia Lepine |
Norman & Wyn Webber |
Tim, Sue, David & Hannah Linford |
Andrea & Chris Wilkinson |
Dennis & Carol Lumley |
Pauline & David Woodford |
Susan Moores & David Edwards |
In support of the Bride Valley News & the Joseph Weld & Trimar Hospice & Cancer Care Dorset Trust |
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Village Correspondent Mr Basil Dent
2, Norburton, Burton Bradstock. Tel:- (01308) 897125
Mid Week Worship -
Holy Communion Wednesdays at 10.00 a.m.
Bell Ringing Practices Thursdays at 7.00pm
Gift Sunday 18th December Church Mission Society
The next Service of Prayer for Healing at St Mary's will be held on Monday 12th December at 7.00pm.
Tiny Tots / Pram Service will be held at 11.00am on Friday 9th December.
Mission Partners
More information is now available about our Mission Partners, Andy and Susie Hart, working in Tanzania.
They both grew up in Kent and met during their university years while fundraising for an ambulance for the rural health programme of the Diocese of North Kigesi in Uganda. Andy was training to be a vet at Cambridge and tested his call to work overseas by leading teams of students who worked with the Church of Uganda in the south-west; these teams were involved in teaching, medical work with the churches' rural health project and school Scripture Unions. Andy also worked with the Uganda Veterinary Service on a variety of projects including goat and cattle breeding programmes and tsetse fly monitoring in Eastern Uganda.
Having taken part in the "All God's People Camp" in 1994, Susie first traveled to Uganda to take part in a C.M.S. youth conference in Kampala. Feeling God's calling to service overseas she returned to Makerere University to do a term of her degree in Textile Art from Winchester School of Art. She returned to Kampala the following year in her summer vacation to set up a therapeutic, income-generating craft workshop for L'Arche, a community of people with learning difficulties. She also found local outlets for their products, so that the project continued to grow and provide employment.
Andy qualified as a vet from Cambridge University in 1998 and then worked in mixed practices in the Yorkshire Dales, where Susie joined him after their wedding in 1999. During 2000, in order to pursue his calling to overseas work, Andy undertook a Masters in Tropical Veterinary Medicine at Edinburgh University, which also included an agricultural and rural development course. Susie worked as a craft instructor for blind people at Henshaws College of Higher Education in Harrogate and at Henshaws Arts and Crafts Centre in Knaresborough where she ran a Creative Textiles workshop for visually impaired adults. Active members of St. Mark's, Harrogate, Susie and Andy applied to the Church Mission Society in 2000, both having felt the Lord's call to service overseas since before their marriage.
Besides chicken vaccination, Andy has several projects in being, about which he will tell us later, but he wants now to share with us the project of safe drinking water consisting of placing plastic bottles of water on the top of a piece of metal painted black in full sun (which links us with Steve Burgess, our previous Mission Partner, a water engineer who told us of this system known as SODIS). To introduce this simple technology to the villages, he has been training Mothers' Union groups in each church who then go house to house and train women in how to use the technology.
Neema Crafts started by Susie for deaf and physically disabled adults in Iringa has caught the imagination of many influential people in the area and she had the opportunity to share what is being done with the Vice-President of Tanzania, the local M.P., her guest, Harriet Harman, M.P., the Regional Commissioner and many other policy makers.
Space here is limited so please read the very interesting latest link letter in full and other papers in the blue folder to be found on the bookstall table in church. Andy and Susie ask for our prayers for Tanzania and her people, especially praying that the rains will be good this year; and, for the family, please pray for good health (especially regarding malaria in the rainy season), for wisdom and plenty of energy! - also for times of rest and quietness. Hilary Mousley on behalf of the P.C.C.
'Around The World Supper'
This was the last of our fund raising events this year to raise money for the Salisbury-Sudan Medical Link and specifically to equip a new clinic in the Maridi diocese. Once again this was a well supported evening with sixty people enjoying a rare opportunity to sample the culinary delights of many countries. Several musical items and a silent auction contributed to the success of the evening and a profit of £410 was raised for the project. Our thanks to all those who supported the event and prepared the food, as well as to those who helped behind the bar and in the kitchen, and those who donated items for the silent auction.
As a result of the different events we have put on during the year, and some generous individual donations, we have raised £3236 so far for the project. We will be continuing our support of the Medical Link next year.
We have received a number of requests for recipes used during the evening and so we are intending to produce a small recipe booklet. If you have not yet passed on your recipe we would very much like to have it included and there is a box on the church table for this purpose. D.W.
.. and our thanks to the Woodfords for all their hard work in organising such an enjoyable evening.
Christmas Family Evensong Sunday 11th December
This service will include most of the elements of Evensong, but will also include a short musical programme and a drama portraying the Christmas story taken mainly from St. Luke's Gospel. The action takes place from different positions around the church so all those watching will be able to see most of it. The service will start promptly at 6.00pm, half an hour earlier than usual. If you have any questions please contact Heather on 897780.
Church of England Children's Society
Come and join us for Carol Singing around the village on Monday 19th December. Meet outside the Rectory at 6.00pm. There will be refreshments in the Rectory afterwards. Money collected will be sent to our local Children's Society Care Centre (Waves) at Weymouth. Everybody is welcome to join us. Greta Heal.
Burton Bradstock Village Hall
Forthcoming Events
Village Hall
Christmas Party -
Saturday 10 December 2005
Come to Burton Bradstock Village Hall Trust's first Christmas event being held on Saturday 10 December 2005 @ 7.30 pm in the Village Hall to kick off your Christmas festivities. Tickets are available from Burton Bradstock Post Office priced £5 and this includes complimentary Christmas nibbles. There will be a wide variety of entertainment and an opportunity to dance to live music.
Susan Moores - Secretary, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee.
Burton Bradstock Village Hall Trust (BBVHT) AGM - Tuesday 24 January 2006
The first BBVHT Annual General Meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 24 January 2006 @ 8.00 pm. This is a public meeting so please come along and hear all about the Village Hall Trust's first year and plans for the future. Anyone who is resident in the village and who would like to stand as an Independent Member of the Committee should give their name in writing, along with the names of a proposer and seconder, to Susan Moores before 31 December 2005.
Susan Moores - Secretary, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee.
Barn Dance - Saturday 28 January 2006 @ 7.30 pm.
Following the huge success of the Barn Dance earlier this year, David Powell & The Bride Valley Band are returning to the Village Hall on Saturday 28 January 2006. Tickets will cost - £5 Adult, £2.50 U14. Come along and enjoy the fun and the experience of seeing your friends attempt to keep up with David's calling! Tickets will be available from Burton Bradstock Post Office in early January. Keep looking at the Notice Boards around the village for more details. You will need to move quickly to buy your tickets - last year's event was an early sell out.
Susan Moores - Secretary, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee.
Other Dates for Your Diary
Art Exhibition - Weekend of 18 &19 March 2006 (Part of the Artsreach programme)
The Steppe Brothers - Provisional date Saturday 1 April 2006 (Artsreach)
Village Fayre - Monday 29 May 2006
200 Club - Congratulations to:
1st Prize: No. 49 Mrs O. Cheney £24.80
2nd Prize: No. 65 Mr Mike Read £12.40
3rd Prize: No. 25 Mrs Noreen Short £ 6.20
Anyone wanting to become a member in time for the December draw should telephone Alan Clarke on 01308 897051 and let him have £1 for the last draw of the year. There are double prizes in the December draw.
The Village Hall Trust is a trust registered with the local authority, the West Dorset District Council. Lotteries Licence No. LA005.
Burton Bradstock Playgroup
We are very pleased to welcome our new joint playgroup leader, Anne Marie Pitman, and new playgroup assistant, Helen Goldman who are both already working with Audrey Smith. This means we can accept new children.
Do come along to one of our friendly sessions on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings 9.30 - 12 at Burton Bradstock Village Hall if you are thinking of putting your child's name down or joining now. Children are welcome from age 2 years 6 months if accompanied, 2 years 9 months unaccompanied. For details please call Cathy Parsons on 01308 420094.
Playgroup Nativity will be performed on Friday, 9th December. All are welcome from the village. There will be a small fee on door; raffle, teas, coffees, etc. Please watch for posters with details.
Delicious homemade cakes will be available at our next cake stall outside Burton Bradstock School from 3.00pm on Friday, 16 th December.
Burton Bradstock Village Society
We were taken to the seaside on 21st October when Alan Chedzoy gave us a talk about King George III at Weymouth. It seems that King George 'invented' the seaside when he first came to Weymouth in 1789 to 'acquire health' after taking the sulphurous waters at Cheltenham and to get away from the unhappy environment at court.
Following this, there came the vogue for sea bathing with horse drawn bathing machines, even extending to actually drinking the sea water! The King even had a band in the sea alongside to play 'God save the King' whilst he bathed.
With pastimes, such as promenading, sailing, music, theatre, gardens, etc, available the seaside became the great escape that it is today.
I'm sure that we shall, in future, all look at Weymouth in a totally different light.
Our next meeting is on 9th December. P.Dutton
Home Watch Burton Bradstock
Listed below is a summary of Dorset Police Crime Recording system in our area during October:
a) Bredy Farm, Bredy Lane - unknown person tried to steal a large antique road sign.
b) Vauxhall Combo van broken into and gym bag with other items stolen.
c) New Mill House, Mill Street, 12 yellow 5-gallon containers of diesel stolen overnight hours.
d) The Old Piggery, Grove Road - Peugeot vehicle left unattended
Early dark nights are now with us and I would remind residents of the need for special security in their homes. Our Home Watch scheme continues to be successful in deterring the potential thief. If you are out after dark , arrange for lights to come on at dusk by using an interrupter or delay switch, preferably in a room with the curtains drawn.
It is again necessary to draw your attention to dishonest workmen. They deceive the more vulnerable in our society by extorting large sums of money as payment for minor or inferior work to roof repairs, tree/hedge cutting and drive repairs. All doorstep callers should be treated with caution. Use your door chain and ask for identification, leaving your door chain on while checking with employer or police. If work is required, householders are advised to obtain written quotations from reliable local tradesmen. Items should not be sold to visiting antiques or other dealers calling. Freddy Tame Tel 897957
Burton Bradstock WI
Meeting held at 2.15pm on Tuesday 8th November 2005
President, Heather Seadon, welcomed 40 members and 1 guest to the November meeting which sadly began with a minute's silence in memory of Barbara Gill, Chairman of the National Federation, who died recently.
Our speaker, Elizabeth Gale, gave us a lively insight into what it was to be 'Women in Agriculture' - a lot of hard work! The reference to latter day farming in the Burton area, particularly Manor Farm, was of special interest to members.
There was discussion about a trophy for a possible photographic competition in memory of Wendy Green. Members were also asked to consider ways in which to celebrate our centenary in 2007.
The run up to Christmas promises to be a busy time with a Skittles Evening, Christmas Coffee morning (10.30, 26 November, all welcome), trip to Bath and Christmas Lunch, not to mention the New Year's party planned for January; all this as well as the usual Reading, Creative Writing and Walking Group activities.
Our next meeting is at 2.15pm on Tuesday, 13 December.
Felicity Tattersall-Craft
Burton Bradstock Online's Digital Photo Competition:
Burton Bradstock ONLINE has launched a digital
photo competition which is open to everyone. Briefly:
· Photos can be on any subject/topic, but they must evoke a sense of Burton Bradstock (10 photos per person max).
· Two prizes: one for adults and one for under 16s.
· Deadline for applications - 30th September, 2006
· Open to anyone, including holiday makers, visitors etc.
· Digital photos only - must be e-mailed to Burton Bradstock ONLINE (photocompetition@burtonbradstockonline.org)
· All photos submitted to be in JPEG format with a maximum resolution of 3 megapixels (max dimensions of 2000 x 1500 pixels) - can be in black & white or colour
· A selection of the best pictures will be on our PHOTO GALLERY at (www.burtonbradstockonline.org) as the competition progresses. Full competition rules also there.
We hope you will join in - it should be fun. |
Ken Pett 01308 897 550
Miss Barbara Nash
Judith and Poppy would like to thank all friends and neighbours who offered their help and support to Barbara during her last difficult months.
Burton Bradstock Village Web Site Committee
has changed its name,
as it now covers much more than just the web site.
The new name is "Burton Bradstock ONLINE".
However, the web site address is unchanged at:
Loads of information on the village including maps,
videos, current events, useful contacts, training courses,
village history & the new digital photo competition
(see www.burtonbradstockonline.org for details)
and did you know that the Bride Valley News is published
on this web site every month? It includes every back issue of the magazine, as far back as January 2000.
And, it is in colour too!
Village Correspondent: Mrs. Joy White
Eastcote 3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge
Tel: ( 01308 )897974
St. Martin's Carol Service
This will take place on Sunday, 18th December at 5.00p.m., and will include traditional carols with readings. Our service will be led by Rev'd Anthony Ashwell, and all are cordially invited to celebrate this joyful season with hearty singing, and the usual delicious refreshments in the Village Hall afterwards.
Village Carol Singing
We will be meeting in Brook St. on Tuesday, 20th December at 6.30p.m. to sing favourite carols to as many people as we can and we shall be collecting for the Save the Children Fund again. Last year nearly forty merry carollers turned up - let's see if we can better that! Janet Lane
Advance Notice
We shall be holding our Christingle service on Sunday, 15th January, 2006 at 4.00p.m., to be followed by a Tea Party in the Village Hall.
Tower News
The D.C.A. will be holding a practice night at St. Martin's on Saturday 17th December from 7.00 to 9.00pm.
The Great Cycle Ride Dorset Historic Churches Trust
The grand total of £428 was raised in sponsorship money, and I have recently received a cheque for £214 to benefit St. Martin's church, together with a lovely letter from the main organiser of the event, congratulating Shipton Gorge on its usual superb effort -we seem to have acquired a reputation! Again, many thanks to everyone, cyclists and sponsors, for all your support.
Janet Lane
Shipton Gorge Ramblers
We hope to meet again on Thursday l5th this month, to explore more of our local walks, so please come and join us if you fancy some fresh air and friendly company -we meet at the telephone kiosk in Brook Street at 10.30a.m. and return in good time for lunch.
Vicky Thomas and Janet Lane
New Inn Support Group Update
We have received a very encouraging response to our fund-raising and donations from within the village have been generous. We are now endeavouring to find additional funding hopefully from larger local companies. A business plan is being produced and we are seeking to raise at least £10,000 which we can hopefully match with grants etc.
Offers of help with gardening, decorating, artwork etc., have been given together with items for our Auction of Promises. Many members of the community are actively involved in reviewing plans for alterations to the pub and our very important fund-raising activities.
We are very aware that the identification of the right licensee is crucial to the future of the New Inn and we have received several enquiries from interested parties, all of which are currently being followed up.
Our first fund-raising event for the Fish and Chip Supper and Quiz has been a sell-out and we are optimistic that the Auction will receive the same support. We shall be grateful for any items for auction that you may wish to donate.
Tickets for the New Year's Party and Supper are available, contact Sally Parker on 01308 897168.
Shipton Gorge Village Hall
Thursday 8th December 8.00 p.m.
The Right Hon. Oliver Letwin. M.P.
Over 30 items donated - come along and bid for some unusual Christmas gifts List of Promises will be available for £1.00 5.00 p.m. onwards on Thursday December 8th.
All proceeds towards the re-opening of the New Inn.
New Inn Support Group
Shipton Gorge Village Hall Trust
A Christmas Bingo Evening will be held at the Village Hall on Wednesday 14th December - eyes down at 7.30pm. There are many prizes to be won for all ages. Last year's event was very popular so get there early!
Richard Hewlett Secretary
on FRIDAY 16th DECEMBER 2005
(In aid of the Brixmis Association 60th Jubilee Fund for memorials at the National Memorial Arboretum Staffordshire and a Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery in former East Germany)
Pre Christmas Get Together
The Annual Shipton Gorge Pre Christmas Get Together will be on Sunday 4th December from 12 noon to 2.30pm in the Village Hall. As usual, please bring a bottle, or two, and some food for the table.
For further information contact Robert or Christine Cornish on 897833
Christmas Shopping Trip to Taunton on Wednesday 7th December leaving New Inn Car Park at 9.30am and leaving Taunton at 4-00pm. To book your seat please contact Sally Parker 897168
Congratulations to Colin Chambers and his passenger who completed the London to Brighton Veteran Car Run on Sunday 6th November. On his 1904 Humber Olympia Tandem he completed the course in the allotted time in spite of the most horrendous weather conditions. A glutton for punishment he is already making arrangements for the 2006 run! Throughout the year the car has also won three trophies at various shows for being the best turned out veteran car/motor-cycle.
Sadly we have said farewell to George and Myrtle Dearlove who moved in October but we are delighted to welcome Sue and David Pinnell to Bowhole and into the village.
Shipton Gorge Village Hall 100 Club
November Draw Winners
£20 |
No.74 |
Bob White |
No.84 |
Jo Warren |
Carol Service
Wednesday 21st December 6.30pm
All children aged 0 - 11 years are invited to the Bride Valley Eastern End Christmas Party on Saturday 3rd December, 3 - 5 pm at Thorner's School. All pre-school children must be accompanied by an adult and all children must bring a contact number. Tickets £1 available in advance from 898480 (Alison).
Individuals and members of groups and organisations please read the request for help in the Valley Notes.
Village Correspondent: Sid Marshall
3 Green Barton, Swyre Tel: 897318
Holy Trinity Church, Swyre
Advent and Christmas, 2005.
· Sunday 4th December Advent 2 3.30pm Evening Prayer
· Thursday 8th December 9.00am Said Morning Prayer
· Sunday 11th December Advent 3 11.00am Morning Prayer
· Sunday 18th December Advent 4 11.00am Parish Communion
· Thursday 22nd December 9.00am Said Morning Prayer
· Friday 23rd December 10.00 am onwards decorate church for Christmas
· Saturday 24th December Christmas Eve 9.30pm Early "Midnight" Communion.
Do come and share all our celebrations, parishioners and visitors alike will receive a very warm welcome. If you can help in any way with the church decorations you may like to know that our colour scheme this year is to be white with red. The morning should be a good time with some Christmas music and a warming drink to help us in our efforts. Anyone will be most welcome to come along to help and encourage.
Each Sunday in Advent we will be starting our service with the lighting of the Advent Wreath, and various members of the community will be helping with this. This is a very special way of preparing for the coming of Christ.
As usual we look forward to filling the church for our early Midnight Communion on Christmas Eve.
Do come and help make this a very special time for the village.
We wish you all God's blessings during this Christmas Season, and his loving care in the New Year ahead.
Yvonne Buckland and Vera Hirst, Church Wardens.
All children aged 0 - 11 years are invited to the Bride Valley Eastern End Christmas Party on Saturday 3rd December, 3 - 5 pm at Thorner's School. All pre-school children must be accompanied by an adult and all children must bring a contact number. Tickets £1 available in advance from 898480 (Alison)
Individuals and members of groups and organisations please read the request for help in the Valley Notes
Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council
Parish Council Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 6th December in the Puncknowle Church Hall at 7.30pm.
War Memorial in Swyre
The work to clean and restore the War Memorial in Swyre has now been completed. The memorial was very dirty, the base cracked and the names of the young men from the village who lost their lives in World War 1 were worn and indistinct. This year marks the 60th Anniversary of the end of the Second World War, and it seemed an appropriate time to restore the monument.
The memorial is sited on the Coast Road, opposite the turn off to Swyre village; as you pass take a look, perhaps even stop.
Madeline Marshall, Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council.
Transport it is A-changing or Disappearing?
For those who have difficulty with transport, for whatever reason, there is now a bus that serves the Bride Valley, on a Wednesday, to transport people to Bridport. It is part of the new style provision, by Dorset County Council, of Demand Responsive Transport 73 route, is an easy access vehicle, and can carry wheelchairs and buggies. You access it by ringing 0845 6024547 at least an hour before you wish to travel, and preferably the day previous .The fare from Puncknowle is £2.60, but you can use your half price pass if you have one, thereby reducing the fare to £1.30. W A T A G is pursuing the loss of the 110 Friday service to Dorchester, and it would be helpful if you could let me know details of passengers who are affected by this loss. Thank you.
Anna Lovell 897322
As heralded in last month's BVN, a new event in the calendar of the Bride Valley takes place on Saturday 10th December when Father Christmas pays a visit to his special grotto in Puncknowle.
Santa will arrive in the grounds of the Crown Inn at 4.00 pm and there will be general festivities there until 8.00 pm. All the children, families, friends, and adults of the villages of the Valley must come and welcome him. Join together for carol singing and festive music, barbeque, mulled wine, roast chestnuts, local produce and other stalls, all enlivened with the antics of Hattie the Clown.
Elizabeth Edwards would like your help now with offers of home-made products (e.g. cakes, preserves, fancy goods, decorations etc.), please ring her on 897435.
If you would like any further information or are willing to help in some way, please contact any of the following:
Elizabeth and Tony Edwards (number above) - Andy and Sandy Marshall, 897732 - Nick Tate, 898506 - Beryl Truscott, 897058 - John Holker, 898261
All children aged 0 - 11 years are invited to the Bride Valley Eastern End Christmas Party on Saturday 3rd December, 3 - 5 pm at Thorner's School. All pre-school children must be accompanied by an adult and all children must bring a contact number. Tickets £1 available in advance from 898506 (Debbie in Puncknowle) or 01305 871163 (Hilary in West Bexington)
Individuals and members of groups and organisations please read the request for help in the Valley Notes.
Village Correspondent: Elizabeth Slater
1, Lytton Close, Puncknowle, Dorchester DT2 9BH
Telephone: ( 01308 ) 897751
At which we will hear the Christmas Story, assemble the crib and sing traditional carols. Afterwards there will be mulled wine and mince pies. All are welcome.
Meet in Puncknowle Church Hall at 6.00 pm, with a torch, to have a glass of mulled wine to cheer us on our way.
Puncknowle Art Group
Many thanks to Pam who talked to us about Gaudi and brought pictures and leaflets from Spain and books from the library. We very much enjoyed our trip to Jon Adams' studio in West Bay and were surprised at the lengths he went to in order to achieve his paint colours.
20th Birthday Celebrations
Friday 9th December from 11 am - 12 noon
You are welcome to join us in raising a cup of coffee in celebration of 20 years of Puncknowle Art Group. Perhaps you were a former member or own a picture. We would love to see you. The group was started with the idea of "sharing expertise and interest in the representational arts of drawing and painting". We are grateful to Anne and Mick Lawless for their continuing support and help with fundraising for a range of charities. Christine Molony
Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup
See Page 7 for report
Don't forget to check the village website
to keep in touch with village events and find useful information
Village Correspondent:Josie Belasco,
11 Manor Farm Close, Litton Cheney
Telephone: (01308) 482484
Village/School Hall
Following the grant to the Parish Council of planning permission to build a hall adjacent to Thorner's, to act as both a village hall and much needed additional space for the school, the parish council believes a formal hall committee should be formed to replace the original ad hoc one which dealt with matters in the early stages. It is proposed that this new committee will be formally elected at a public meeting to be held at Thorner's on Thursday, January, 12, at 7.30pm. All those having an interest in the hall, either on account of their residence in the village or their connection with the school, are welcome to attend and vote and indeed put themselves forward for election.
Amongst the new committee's tasks will be the preparation of a business plan, the application for funding and charitable status, negotiation with the County about a right of way and ultimately the choice of builder. If you have relevant experience of any of these matters your input would be especially welcome.
Nominations for the committee prior to the meeting would be ideal; please do think seriously and urgently if you are able to offer your services in which case contact any member of the parish council, details on the notice board in the bus shelter.
Christmas Party
All children aged 0 - 11 years are invited to the Bride Valley Eastern End Christmas Party on Saturday 3rd December, 3 - 5 pm at Thorner's School. All pre-school children must be accompanied by an adult and all children must bring a contact number. Tickets £1 available in advance from 482589 (Coo) or 482384 (Higgy)
Individuals and members of groups and organisations please read the request for help in the Valley Notes.
Litton Cheney Youth Club
The last Youth Club session for 2005 takes place on Tuesday 13th December in Litton Church Hall. For further details contact Paul Kingston (Youth Leader) 482384
We held an impromptu Bonfire Party and over 100 people arrived - WOW!! Thank you to everyone who made this such a success, especially to Gordon who barbequed so many sausages and burgers and John who helped in many ways. (Apologies to all you veggies. Everything was done in such a rush we completely forgot you).
Thank you to everyone who helped with the litter pick in October.
Thursday 15th and Friday 16th December - meet at the Bus Shelter at 6.30pm for Carol singing around the village. Carol sheets provided. Please bring a torch and wear warm clothes. Children who bring their parents will be especially welcome. We will be collecting once again for Charity.
Sunday 1st January - Weather permitting - meet at the Bus Shelter 10.00am to walk off some of those extra calories and to get some fresh air. Please bring a snack and drink. Kathy Kourik Secretary LCSC 482552
"Producers' Market"
Thank you to all the people of the Bride Valley (and beyond) who supported our first season of producer's markets at Litton Cheney, which culminated in our Christmas market at Thorner's School on 19th November. Thanks also to our local producers for helping to make the markets successful. Our enthusiastic band of volunteers will be returning in 2006 with another series of markets commencing on Saturday 20th May at The White Horse Inn. We look forward to your continued support and thank you in anticipation.
Towards the end of January 2006 we will be holding an open meeting at the Church Hall, Litton Cheney (see January's BVN for date). We hope to encourage more people to join Litton Retailers Association and we will be updating the meeting on progress so far in our efforts to re-establish a shop in the village. If you have the enthusiasm and an entrepreneurial spirit, we need you. More information - John Firrell 482313.
Lithe Litton Ladies
Mondays 5th & 12th 6.00pm in the Church Hall.
The class meets on the first two Mondays only before taking a
three week break, so January 9th will be the first session in the New Year.
Happy Christmas to everyone who has supported (and benefitted from!) these sessions. Alison Davidson
Visit the web site for the latest news.
The group meets at The White Horse Inn
at 8.30pm on the first Monday of each month.
All welcome.
Village Correspondent:
Mrs. Elinor Frost, Bridelands ( 482269 )
A Family Communion service will take place on Christmas morning at 11:00am
It will be a very busy village weekend 17th and 18th December!
Following the village party on the 17th, (see poster), on Sunday 18th we have the children's Crib Service at 11:00am. The church will be decorated, plus tree and, of course, the crib scene will be the focal point. Children's carols will be sung. Do come and help with the decorating on Friday or Saturday.
On the evening of the 18th December, the joint Long Bredy and Little Bredy Carol Service will be at Little Bredy Church at 6:30pm followed by refreshments. Please note this year is Sunday evening and not Monday as in the past.
A very Happy Christmas to all.
Anyone wishing to book the Village Hall between 26th November to 13th December please contact Robert Maltby 482325.
All children aged 0 - 11 years are invited to the Bride Valley Eastern End Christmas Party on Saturday 3rd December, 3 - 5 pm at Thorner's School. All pre-school children must be accompanied by an adult and all children must bring a contact number. Tickets £1 available in advance from 482246 (Rachel).
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Christmas Party |
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Saturday 17th December
5:00pm onwards for children later for the grown ups - you choose!
Long Bredy Village Hall
Father Christmas will be there with presents for the children
at 6.30pm
We need to know who will be coming to organise food, drink and presents, tickets £2.50 for a family available until the 12th December.
A raffle will be held, donations of prizes would be welcomed.
Soft drinks and finger food will be available, Please bring your own alcohol.
Contributions of plated food will be appreciated
Please contact any of the following for a ticket:
Elinor Frost, Robert/Giles Maltby, Kate Smith
Tuesday 27 December Thursday 29 December
Tuesday 3 January Thursday 5 January
Tuesday 10 January Wednesday 11 January
Thank you to everyone who donated to Victoria Hospital, Saint Lucia, from where I have just returned from a two-month elective placement. I raised £500 pounds with which I was able to purchase some much-needed medical equipment.
Staff at the hospital are extremely pleased and grateful; every day they must look after patients without having a lot of the equipment that we take for granted at home. The donation will make their jobs easier and improve the care that their patients will receive.
Thank you.
Elizabeth Cain
Final Year Medical Student, Bristol University
All children aged 0 - 11 years are invited to the Bride Valley Eastern End Christmas Party on Saturday 3rd December, 3 - 5 pm at Thorner's School. All pre-school children must be accompanied by an adult and all children must bring a contact number. Tickets £1 available in advance from 482525 (Mandy)
Individuals and members of groups and organisations please read the request for help in the Valley Notes.
Congratulations to all those who organised the magnificent fireworks evening at the beginning of November. Not only was it a superb display, but great care had been taken with the organisation, and it all made for a really convivial occasion.
The Social Club's next event will be on its customary evening, the first Friday of the month, which is Friday 2nd December. No special activity - just a relaxed pre-Christmas drink and social in the Village Hall, from about 6.30 p.m. onwards, with a light supper provided. All Club members are invited to make it a good village occasion, and to bring guests to be signed in, as usual, if wanted.
It is Littlebredy Church's turn to host the shared Carol Service this year, and at the time of writing, it looks as if the P.C.C.'s target of having the organ back in position* and playing again will be met in good time to accompany the familiar carols. Accordingly, we hope that plenty of Longbredy parishioners will join a good Littlebredy congregation in St. Michael & All Angels Church here on Sunday 18th December, at 6.30 p.m. The service will be followed by mulled wine and mince pies in the Village Hall - thanks in advance to all who plan and provide hospitality in this generous way. If anyone would like to ring Judy Yates beforehand to offer help with decorating the Church, she will certainly be grateful.
Because we are fortunate enough to have a visiting retired clergyman (previously Rector of Bishops Stortford, Herts., and, closer to home, Cerne Abbas, in the past) staying at Littlebredy Farmhouse over Christmas, and he has offered to take our Christmas Day service, there has been some flexibility in choosing the time. Following a small poll over this, the service will be one of Family Communion (all ages welcome) at 10.00 a.m. on Christmas Day (which is a Sunday this year). Again, it would be good to see a full church for this great festival. [Please note the time: 10.00 a.m., not the customary Christmas 11.00 a.m., nor the 9.30 a.m. timing of our usual 4th Sunday in the month service...!]
( * = The organ restorers are busy in the Church as we go to press.)
The Editor would like to wish everyone a very happy Christmas and thank all contributors, correspondents, proof readers, distributors, advertisers, Creeds and all those who have helped in the production of the B.V.N. during the year.
Special thanks go to David Smith, on his retirement as Advertising Manager, for all his hard work over the years; our best wishes go to Ann and Bob White as they take over his duties.