Diary of events for all Parishes January 2006
Mothers' Union
Thursday 26th January 2006 at 2.30pm
St. Catherine's Cross, Shipton Lane, Shipton Gorge
The A.G.M.
The Bride Valley Family Service
Our next Bride Valley Family Service is to be held on 29th January at St Mary's Church, Burton Bradstock, at 11.00am. Whilst held with young families and children in mind the service is for everyone. Which one of us would not encourage children and grandchildren in our own family? The Church is also a family and sometimes we have to come down to a child's or young person's level. Perhaps "come down" is not the appropriate way of looking at it because children have much to teach us. They have a certain spontaneity, joy and acceptance. That is why Jesus gave his own small group of followers a rebuke when they tried to prevent parents from bringing their children to see him and listen to him. He said, "The kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." The implication is that we have things to learn from children about faith in God.
Children do not think like adults and adults do not think like children. But as adults - who have been children and remember what it is like to be children - we have a better chance of getting into their shoes and encouraging them than the other way round. As we would encourage our own children so it should be in the family of the Church. Which of us within our own families has not "reduced" our years to convey a message or story to a child? So, at times, it must be in the life of the Church family. As believing, baptised members of Christ's Church we also hear his words, "Let the children come to me, don't prevent them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God." (Read St Matthew 19. 13-15).
The Bride Valley Team - Wednesday Housegroups
11th January Old Walls, Burton Bradstock
25th January Cairnhill, Shipton Gorge
Meetings start at 7.30pm - further information from Mike Read (897445) or Hugh Lindsay (482383).
The Bride Valley (Thursday) Fellowship Group
We are studying what the Bible teaches about the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. The group meets on Thursday evenings and alternates between Bible Study and Prayer. Arriving from 7.30pm we begin at 8pm aiming to finish by about 9.30pm. For further details contact Paul
Jan 5 No Meeting
Jan 12 Prayer 2 Myrtle Close, Puncknowle
Jan 19 Bible Study 12 Napier Close, Puncknowle
Jan 26 Prayer 30 Springfield, Puncknowle
Bible Reading Fellowship
Although the year for Bible reading notes runs from the beginning of May until the end of April, the Fellowship requests orders to be submitted in February. The Group subscription rate for Guidelines and New Daylight will be £10.05 p.a. Anyone wishing to take advantage of these helpful notes for day-to-day reading of the Bible (samples are available), please let me know before the end of January. (Those who currently take the notes will automatically be included in the order submitted unless any change is notified.)
Hilary Mousley, B.R.F. Group Secretary.
The Red House, Middle Street, Burton Bradstock
Churches Together in Bridport & District
Are You Looking for Worthwhile Voluntary Work?
We need someone to continue the work of co-ordinator for our small Child Contact Centre which was set up in Bridport three years ago and is now well established. The Centre provides a safe place where children are able to meet and spend some time with a parent with whom they do not live (by reference via Social Services). The Centre is open two afternoons a month. For more information please ring 01308 - 422096.
Bride Valley Eastern End Christmas Party
Over 80 children attended the party on Saturday 3rd December. Thank you to the many people who made this possible - the donations from Litton Cheney Bellringers and Social Committee, Julie and Sue for organising the games, Glen and Mandy for the lighting and music system, the cakes which Jill and Rachel made, the teenage helpers Lauren, Lianne and Mariesha, Carol and staff of Thorner's School, Ruth and the many helpers who made the day possible. Father Christmas called and has made a date for next year - the first Saturday in December.
Litton Cheney Youth Club
The Youth Club is open to everyone between the ages of 8 and 17 years who lives in the Bride Valley. For further details please contact Paul Kingston 482384
Thorner's CE VA Primary School
Wishing you all a happy New Year may all your hopes and dreams come true. Thank you to everyone who gave us here in school cards, gifts and good wishes.
We hope you enjoyed all the parties, carol singing and Thorner's Christmas concert, the pupils certainly did. Spending weeks building up to the event, repeating everything over and over again until everyone is word perfect, then performing for parents and friends, it can be hard work but well worthwhile from our point of view. Children get used to performing in front of an audience, from the youngest children who just 'appear' to those who do the solo items or come together in the orchestra all have their part to play. You also see some children in a different light because this is where they shine and really find something they can be good at. Without this pulling together and team work we could not provide such an entertaining evening. I am sure you can look back on many performances and there is usually something that really sticks in your mind .. I wonder what it was in this concert? There are a number of people who helped us by creating costumes, listening to 'words' and coached the singers, thank you to all of you but most of all, to Mrs Jevons who gave up many hours to play the piano, work with individuals and the whole school on the musical items . you certainly took on the task with great enthusiasm and this was evident in the performance so thank you very much.
I had hoped to report on the Cluster football tournament this month but due to bad weather and flooded fields we have not been able to play the final and agreed to leave the game until later this term. As I write this we are preparing to play the next round of the Kenway Cup so await further news next month.
We are at the start of a new term and a new year this gives us the opportunity to review the past year and look forward make an effort to change something we are not happy with. This is not always easy as there are so many pressures from friends and media, what we have to learn to do is to be strong and comfortable with ourselves and not just follow the crowd. It is funny though how some things go in and out of fashion, especially with government policies. A number of years ago I seemed to be alone because it was not fashionable to learn your tables, but now the Numeracy Strategy, guidance from the government about what should be taught encourages everyone to be able to recall accurately and at speed their tables inside out, upside down and back to front. More recently the Department of Education has commissioned research into the best way of teaching reading and recommend the use of a phonics based scheme rather than 'look and say'. What a surprise say many of us in schools! What we must do is think what is best for our children, not all children develop in the same way or at the same time, not all have the same experiences before they come to school. Many European countries do not start formal education until 7 and spend a lot of time in learning how to work with others, developing social skills and experiencing lots of concrete educational activities in play situations which can then be built on in a more formal setting. Talking and listening are important skills that we all need to learn and this starts right from birth so please as your new year resolution can I ask that you spend time talking and listening with your children, encouraging them to discuss for instance news items, give opinions and suggest reasons as to why something should or should not change.
Enjoy 2006 and I hope that at the end we can all look back and say what a fantastic year it has been.
Alison Johnstone
100 Club £15 Mrs. Alison Johnstone
£10 Mrs. Sarah Nobes
Burton Bradstock Village Hall
Tickets: Adults £6.00 Children (under 16) £4.00
First Steps Toddler Group
Welcome to 2006! We only had two sessions in December, so we are going to begin the Spring Term on Wednesday 4th January (the day before the school term starts). The health visitor will be joining us to weigh babies or give advice if needed. Thanks go to all those who helped and supported us on 30th November.
We meet from 10.00 till 12.00 every Wednesday at Long Bredy Village Hall. We have toys and equipment for all pre-school children and our sessions give parents and carers the opportunity to meet and chat. Refreshments provided. Further details from Rachel 482246 or Julie 897178
Burton Bradstock CE VC School
A Happy New Year to you all. Memories of last term linger as I recall Class 4's enjoyable visit to Weycroft Hall for a Victorian day. On arrival we were informed that an ITV camera man was there to film a short feature for the regional news. His word came true as clips were broadcast the following Thursday evening.
Thanks go to the PTA for organising a successful and an atmospheric Christmas Fair. Despite adverse weather we had a really good time. No sooner was this event over were we rearranging the hall for this year's Christmas production. Our infant classes performed a 'Christmas Muddle' whilst the juniors proudly presented a 'Sound of Christmas'. The story here was a kind of conglomeration of the 'Sound of Music' and 'A Christmas Carol'. As mentioned in the last BVN last term also saw the retirement of Olive Young. This was a very special time and she was such an important part of school life that it will seem strange without her with us.
As we look ahead to the coming year we are wondering what further gems will arrive from our Secretary of State for Education. If we believe everything the media reports, teachers have apparently forgotten how to teach reading. One can forgive the bemused expression of dedicated staff throughout the country as we ask ourselves what we have been doing all these years. Perhaps Mrs Kelly would like to visit us or any other cluster schools in the area and learn from first hand what really goes on.
On a personal note, this Christmas saw the completion of my third full year at the school. I would like to express my warmest thanks for the fantastic support of staff, governors and parents.
Mark Stratta
100 Club November:
£20 - Mrs K. Thomas £10 - Mrs K. Loxton
£5 - Mrs E. Kenway
Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup
Some important news re our Fund Raisers - our Body Shop Evening raised £169, our Bingo Night raised £322, and so far, our Sponsored Nursery Rhyme Sing-a-Long has raised £66 - money is still coming in. So a great big thank you to all who supported us in any way - we appreciate it. The Body Shop Evening was good fun with lots of lovely gifts to try out and purchase for Christmas - mulled wine and nibbles were consumed - and Parties booked for next year. The Sponsored Sing-a-Long went really well - led by Sally it included instruments as well, and the children sang lots of Nursery Rhymes - it was reported in the Bridport News. At the end of November, our Bingo Night in Puncknowle Hall also went well, with a happy atmosphere and lots of great prizes to be won. Many, many thanks to Sue who always organises it so well - and the rest of us for the occasion! Thanks also to Committee Members who supplied mince pies and other refreshments.
In December our Early Years consultant, Katy Chantler came to visit us and she was able to advise and update us re current Ofsted Inspections. By the time you read this we will have enjoyed our visit to see Thorner's Christmas Concert, and had our own Christmas Party to finish off the term. New boy Sol has been joined at Playgroup by his little sister Alia, who had her 3rd birthday just as she started. We have had to say "Goodbye" to Debbie Cobb who has now left Fledglings to pursue pastures new with the police.
Playgroup sessions are as follows:-
Monday a.m. 9.00-1200 Lunch Club 12.00-1.00 then 1.00-3.30pm
Tuesday a.m. 9.00-12.00 Lunch Club 12.00-1.00pm
Wednesday p.m. Lunch Club 12.00-1.00 then 1.00-3.30pm
Thursday a.m. 9.00-12.00 Lunch Club 12.00-1.00pm
Friday p.m. Lunch Club 12.00-1.00 then 1.00-3.30pm
Lunch Club costs £2 per child - Session for children under 3 costs £6. All children are fully funded in the term after their 3rd birthday for 5 sessions per week. Places available - for further information please ring or call in.
Carol Bennett (Playleader) 01308 897771 or 01308 482410
New Venture - Nestlings. This is a new group for pre-school babies and toddlers with their parents/carers. The sessions will run alongside Bride Valley Fledglings and will take place at our lovely new premises at Thorner's School. Each session will run on a Friday afternoon from 1.45 to 3.15pm. In the first half hour, children will be able to explore a variety of toys and games. In the second half hour we will have an organised activity which children, accompanied by an adult, can join in together. In the third half hour, the children will be able to join the older Fledglings for a drink and snack - again with the opportunity to use the playgroup facilities. The cost will be £3.00 per child (where there is another child over 6 months, it will cost an additional £1 per child).
Activities for first half term will be as follows:-
Music : 6th Jan; 13th Jan; 20th Jan
Led by a trained musician and early years' teacher, who will work with the children - introducing them to a wide variety of instruments from around the world. They will have the opportunity to handle the instruments and respond to many different styles of music.
Indoor Physical Play ; 27th Jan; 3rd Feb; 10th Feb
Let your child use up their excess energy and develop their co-ordination and balance - via an obstacle course, climbing frame and slide, tunnels, bean bags and balls for example.
There is no need to book a place for each session at the moment, but if numbers prove too high, this may happen in the future. Young children often take time to adjust to a new environment - not because they dislike the activities but because they may be slightly overwhelmed. We look forward to seeing you in January. Carol Bennett (Playleader)
British Red Cross Medical Loan Service
Large variety of medical equipment available on loan
(wheelchairs, Zimmer frames, etc.)
Telephone 01308 424259
or call in on
Tuesday evenings, 6.30 - 7.30 pm, or Saturday mornings 10.30-11.30
Old School Buildings, East Street Long Stay Car Park, Bridport.
Thank You
A heartfelt thank-you to all my friends in the Bride Valley for the loving support, the prayers, the cheering visits during my spell in hospital and now at home. Wishing you and your families everything good.
Village Correspondent Mr Basil Dent
2, Norburton, Burton Bradstock. Tel:- (01308) 897125
Mid Week Worship -
Holy Communion Wednesdays at 10.00 a.m.
Bell Ringing Practices Thursdays at 7.00pm
Gift Sunday 22nd January Church Mission Society
The next Service of Prayer for Healing at St Mary's will be held on Monday 16th January at 7.00pm.
Tiny Tots / Pram Service will be held at 11.00am on Friday 13th January 2006
Very many thanks to everyone who supported the Christmas Greetings page in the December issue of the Bride Valley News last month. Your generosity helped raise a record £860.00 which has been divided equally between the BVN and Joseph Weld & Trimar Hospice & CancerCare Dorset (the Joseph Weld Hospice & the Trimar Hospice merged recently).Once again, our grateful thanks. Ken Pett
......... & thank you, Ken, for doing all the hard work.
Burton Bradstock Village Society
We were all taken on a dangerous sea voyage on 18th November when Jasper Shackleton described his historical re-enactment of Captain William Bligh's 4000 mile escape from the 'Bounty' in an open boat across the Pacific.
In his talk entitled 'In the wake of William Bligh of the Bounty', Mr. Shackleton described how, despite having little knowledge or experience of boat building, he built with his own hands, an exact replica of Bligh's vessel near to Chichester Harbour. He then chose and trained six men to accompany him on this voyage.
The replica vessel was launched at Gosport in 1988 and after further training and planning he got a large Freightliner ship to dump them in the Pacific close to where Bligh was cut adrift. Using just charts and a sextant they then navigated the 4000 miles of open ocean enduring bad storms, heavy seas and other dangers to reach East Timor, Indonesia where Bligh eventually put ashore.
A tale indeed of daring, courage and enterprise.
The next meeting is on Friday 13th January. Peter Dutton
Digital camera for Christmas?
Or maybe you were lucky enough to have one already.
If so, why not have some fun taking pictures in Burton Bradstock and enter the Burton Bradstock ONLINE digital photo competition?
The competition is open to anyone and a selection of the best pictures will be displayed in our gallery at www.burtonbradstockonline.org where you can also view the full competition rules.
There will be 2 prizes in total - a prize for adults and a prize for under 16s.
Burton Bradstock Playground Appeal
As part of a community that really cares about its children you will understand the value of playgrounds as important and well used facilities that are an asset to the Bride Valley.
A recent structural survey of the Burton Bradstock Playground condemned the two slides and the climbing frame. This forced the owners, the Parish Council, to remove the unsafe equipment in early November. Burton Bradstock Parish Council is committed to supporting this facility and so faces the issues of what should replace the equipment and how to raise the required funds.
With respect to the equipment the new health and safety regulations preclude a like for like replacement. A consultation process is underway with several options being considered. Early indications are that a multi purpose activity centre would seem to offer the best learning/play benefit and represent a best value for money solution.
The cost will be in the order of £25,000 (20% of which should be grant funded) leaving the Parish Council with the issue of raising £20,000. Several avenues of funding are being investigated but there will still be a considerable shortfall of funds. Various ideas have been proposed including the sponsorship of individual items by local people or businesses, sponsored events, coffee mornings and a collection box which is already in the village shop. Any suggestions on possible sources of funding and fundraising initiatives would be much appreciated. The quicker funds can be raised the sooner the facility can be reinstated.
Please send your suggestions to Cllr. David Venn, Norburton Hall, Shipton Lane - or call 01308 897094. Alternatively you can contact any of the Parish Councillors or drop a note into the reading room in Burton Bradstock. David Venn
Burton Bradstock Playground Appeal - Coffee Morning
Thursday 26th January from 10:30 a.m. to 12.00 noon.
Come and join us in Burton Bradstock's Village Hall, for coffee and a mince pie while shopping at our craft and home produce stalls. Try your luck on our Tombola and Raffle.
· Offers of unwanted Christmas gifts etc. for the General Tombola, to Mary Bailey on 897 288.
· Home made Cards, Crafts and Creations to Margaret Harding on 898 333.
· Cakes and Home Produce to Maureen Miller on 898 250 or bring your cake on the day.
All contributions will be gratefully received.
Entrance 60p. All money raised will go towards the village's new children's playground equipment.
Looking forward to seeing you there. Sheila Pett 897 550
Happy New Year
Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee would like wish everyone a very happy, prosperous and peaceful New Year and thank all those who supported the events and fundraising in 2005. The Committee will do its utmost to maintain the Village Hall and keep it in a good state of repair so that the village can continue to benefit from such a facility at its centre. We look for your continued support throughout 2006 and keep watching out for forthcoming events. Please note that the Hall now has a Hearing Loop fitted and the Committee Room is in the process of being refurbished and can be booked separately from the Main Hall. Anyone who wishes to enquire about booking either the Main Hall or the Committee Room should contact Carolyn James on 01308 898222.
Susan Moores - Secretary, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee
200 Club - Congratulations to:
1st Prize: No. 107 Mr Andrew Brindley £49.60
2nd Prize: No. 55 Mrs Janet Fowler £24.80
3rd Prize: No. 31 Mrs Anne Southgate £12.40
Anyone wanting to become a member in time for the January 2006 draw should telephone Alan Clarke on 01308 897051 and let him have £12 for the year. There will be 'double the money' prizes in the December 2006 draw as there have been this year.
The Village Hall Trust is a trust registered with the local authority, the West Dorset District Council. Lotteries Licence No. LA005.
Forthcoming Events
Burton Bradstock Village Hall Trust (BBVHT) AGM - Tuesday 24 January 2006
The first BBVHT Annual General Meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 24 January 2006 @ 8.00 pm. The Hall will be open from 7.30 pm. This is a public meeting so please come along and hear all about the Village Hall Trust's first year and plans for the future.
Archie Mackie - Chairman, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee.
Barn Dance - Saturday 28 January 2006 @ 7.30 pm.
Following the huge success of the Barn Dance last year, David Powell & The Bride Valley Band are returning to the Village Hall on Saturday 28th January 2006. Tickets will cost - £5 Adult, £2.50 U14. Come along and enjoy the fun and the experience of seeing your friends attempt to keep up with David's calling! Tickets will be available from Burton Bradstock Post Office from Monday 9th January. Look at the Notice Boards around the village for more details. You will need to move quickly to buy your tickets - last year's event was an early sell out.
Susan Moores - Secretary, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee.
Other Dates for Your Diary
Art Exhibition - Weekend of 18 &19 March 2006
(Part of the Artsreach programme)
The Steppe Brothers - Provisional date Saturday 1 April 2006
(Part of the Artsreach programme)
Village Fayre - Monday 29 May 2006 in the Rectory Gardens
Susan Moores - Secretary, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee
Burton Bradstock Players present - The Wizard of Oz
"We're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz"
Will you be following the rainbow to join the cast of Burton Bradstock's latest musical production which is to be staged from Monday 27th February to Saturday 4th March 2006?
Regular performers and new talent unite to bring the MGM version of the Emerald City to the Village Hall to brighten up the winter nights with such favourites as Over the Rainbow, Ding Dong the Witch is Dead and If I only had a Heart!
A delightful Dorothy who needs to get back to Kansas enlists the Scarecrow who lacks brains, the Tinman who needs a heart and the Cowardly Lion desperately seeking courage as they go in search of their answers and their missing attributes from the mighty Wizard of Oz.
Can you afford to miss the enchanting Munchkins in their greener than green picture book land as they celebrate the death of the wicked witch or watch her evil sister looking for revenge, despite the gift of the Sorceress's mark to Dorothy?
Mike Read steps in to skilfully direct this season's show and together with the talents of Shirley Ewart it promises to enhance the reputation of Burton Bradstock's Players to stage such a well loved musical show.
Tickets go on sale Tuesday 10th January 2006 and can be obtained either from the Post Office in Burton Bradstock or by ringing Lynnette Woodrow (01308) 424852. Adults £6.00 and under 16's £4.00
Burton Bradstock Village Web Site Committee
has changed its name,
as it now covers much more than just the web site.
The new name is "Burton Bradstock ONLINE".
However, the web site address is unchanged at:
Loads of information on the village including maps,
videos, current events, useful contacts, training courses,
village history & the new digital photo competition
(see www.burtonbradstockonline.org for details)
and did you know that the Bride Valley News is published
on this web site every month? It includes every back issue of the magazine, as far back as January 2000.
And, it is in colour too!
Village Correspondent: Mrs. Joy White
Eastcote 3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge
Tel: ( 01308 )897974
Christingle Service St. Martin's Church 15th January 4.00pm.
This is a lovely service in which people of all ages gather together to celebrate and rejoice in the light of Christ. Christingles will be distributed during the service, and the church lights will be put out, leaving the whole church sparkling with candles.
We shall be continuing our celebration with a Tea Party in the Village Hall after the service, so do come along to St. Martin's and help fill our beautiful church with joyful singing!
Shipton Gorge Ramblers
We hope to celebrate the New Year with another bracing winter walk, weather permitting, and this month we will be meeting by the telephone kiosk in Brook St. on Friday, 20th at the usual time and place - 10.30a.m. Come and join our happy hikers and make a really worthwhile New Year resolution! Contact Vicki on: 898648, or Janet on: 897241.
New Inn Support Group Update
We continue to maintain a good relationship with Palmers and there is strong support from the village and wider community for the reopening of the New Inn. Efforts are ongoing and we are at present putting together a short list of potential licensees. Legal and technical advice is being sought and a Business Plan is being produced in order to meet the deadline for decision by the end of February 2006.
We still need to raise £ 10,000 and a fund has been launched which has attracted donations from private individuals. Corporate requests are now in hand. Efforts are also being made to obtain either public funds or charitable grants.
Fundraising activities have commenced and our first event, a quiz/fish & chip supper was a huge success, a sell-out, with a profit of £523.55.
Our expectations for the Auction of Promises and New Year's Eve Supper are high (sums raised unknown at time of going to press). A varied schedule of fundraising events is planned for 2006 and we have also been asked to organise another quiz/fish & chip supper in the New Year. Details of all events will be advertised.
Our Vision Statement:
A friendly pub that provides a popular meeting place for local folk with good food to attract a regular clientele and visitors from a wider area by establishing a good reputation and secure profitability.
If you feel you would like to contribute towards our fund, please contact Sally Parker on 01308 897168.
Shipton Gorge Village Hall 100 Club
December Draw Winners
£50 £20 |
No.6 No.69 |
Renee Sorrell Colin Chambers |
£10 £10 £10
No.56 No.70 No.5 |
Sue Porter Bob Simpson Sylvia Wrigley |
Village Correspondent: Sid Marshall
3 Green Barton, Swyre Tel: 897318
Holy Trinity Church, Swyre
Thank you to everyone who in any way supported our Advent sale and Coffee morning on 26th November. We raised in excess of £300, which was a magnificent sum, and will go towards the much needed improvements to our church. It was good to see so many people enjoying each others company, and of course, spending their money. Many thanks once again.
January 1st at 3.30pm our service will take the form of Epiphany Songs of Praise. Just time to recover from the previous evenings festivities before joining us for, possibly, this season's last sing of some favourite carols.
Wishing you all a peaceful New Year,
Yvonne Buckland and Vera Hirst, Church Wardens.
Swyre Village Winter Party
A reminder that the Party will be held on the 6th January 2006, please contact Valerie Pye if you have not already done so.
Welcome to Swyre
A warm welcome to the village to John and Maureen Lockett with Sophie and the twins Matthew and Harry, who have moved into the Old School House. We hope that you will enjoy living in Swyre and be very happy here.
Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council
Parish Council Meeting
There will not be a meeting of the Parish Council in January, the next meeting will be held in the Parish Hall on the 7th February 2006.
Village Correspondent: Elizabeth Slater
1, Lytton Close, Puncknowle, Dorchester DT2 9BH
Telephone: ( 01308 ) 897751
Christingle Service
The Family Service on January 22nd at 11am will be the Christingle Service in aid of the Children's Society. Come and join us for this much loved service.
Ann Roberts
To be held on Thursday January 26th at 7.30 pm in the Church Hall.
Following on from the very successful November meeting when Richard Edwards gave his fascinating illustrated talk on the Jurassic Coast, Sam Rose, a member of the Jurassic Coast Team, will continue the theme "Jurassic Coast ..?" Don't miss this interesting evening. There will be tea, coffee and biscuits and I hope a generous collection to cover expenses. Ann Roberts
Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup
See Page 10 for report
Puncknowle Art Group
Many thanks to Jennifer who gave us a talk on 'making marks' and had taken great pains to prepare and gather materials for the morning. Our following meeting was a look at members' work on chickens. Our AGM is on 6th January. Christine Molony
Village Correspondent:Josie Belasco,
11 Manor Farm Close, Litton Cheney
Telephone: (01308) 482484
Lithe Litton Ladies
This exercise class (a combination of yoga, Pilates and Callanetics)
resumes on Monday 9th January. While the weather is cold Alex suggests bringing a blanket to lie on in addition to the mat provided. See you there! Alison Davidson
Shop/Market Open Meeting - Thursday 2nd February 2006
It has been a busy twelve months for the enthusiastic group of volunteers who put their names forward at the Open Meeting held in January 2005. A successful series of producers' markets have been held and our next market is planned for Saturday 20th May at The White Horse Inn. We have also looked into the feasibility and location for the re-establishment of a shop in the village.
We now need to enlarge our group so that we can continue our market initiative but also get stuck into the pressing objective of a village shop. To this end we (Litton Retailers Association) are holding an Open Meeting in the Church Hall on Thursday 2nd February 2006 commencing at 7.00 pm.
If you would like to get involved and/or find out more about plans for a village shop we would be delighted to see you. All we ask for is enthusiasm, commitment and a certain amount of energy, plus a sense of humour (occasionally things go wrong!) from those who join us. If you would just like to come along and hear what we have to say that's alright too. More information? Ring John Firrell 482313 or Wendy Taylor 482532.
Note: At the Christmas Producers' Market held in November at Thorner's School, the proceeds of the raffles, sales of cards etc produced almost £200 (final total still awaited at time of going to press) for the Joseph Weld & Trimar Hospice and CancerCare Dorset Trust. Many thanks to all who supported this event.
A Happy New Year to you all!
Thank you so much to everyone who helped make the Children in Need Evening such a success, and especially to those who 'performed' and to everyone who gave so generously. We did it, we beat last year's total and raised a staggering £914.73. Even the bank clerk was impressed when we paid the funds in and wanted to hear how we had done it. About 70 people attended a really enjoyable evening of music, singing, quizzes, talks, games and a huge raffle. Thank you.
A dozen of us walked the 6 miles to Little Bredy Lake and back on a glorious day in November and it was a pleasure to meet John and Cassy, our new landlords at the White Horse, where we were made very welcome and had a delicious lunch.
We hope you all had a good Christmas and look forward to seeing you on Sunday 1st January 10.00am at the bus shelter for a local walk. We will decide on the destination and length depending on the weather and your energy levels. Bring a drink and snack. On behalf of the Committee I wish you all a Happy New Year and we look forward to seeing you at this year's events which are detailed in the new programme and commence with the wine and wisdom evening Friday 3rd February 7.30 at Thorner's School. Kathy Kourik Secretary LCSC 482552
Litton Village Textile
Over the past year a group of Litton ladies have spent many hours working on the Village Textile. Regular afternoon meetings have produced collage, embroidery, companionship and much laughter! At present twenty-four village buildings have been completed and others are in their final stages. Next, we have to create the background and village characters.
A Coffee Morning with a Work in Progress Exhibition will be held in the Spring for others to see how the work is developing. Ann Miles
British Legion Poppy Appeal
House to House collection in Litton Cheney raised a total of £260.52. Many thanks to Virginia McShane and Ann Wardle for their help, and to all those who gave so generously. Kate Wilkinson
Village/School Hall
If you have an interest in the plan to build a hall adjacent to Thorner's and particularly if you would like to join the proposed new committee do come along to the meeting called for Thursday, 12th January at 7.30p.m. at Thorner's. Should you have expertise in the preparation of business plans, applications for charitable status and funding and negotiations with agencies and builders and others, your village needs you! Contact from you prior to the meeting would be appreciated; please speak with any Parish Councillor.
Madeleine and Jim Izzard want to give all their friends from Litton Cheney and the Bride Valley a great big "Thank-You" for the good wishes, prayers and visits to the hospital during Madeleines' prolonged stay in Dorchester and Bridport Community hospital. Nearly 7 weeks all told!
Madeleine would like to include all the caring and dedicated staff at Portesham Surgery for their kind attention. She will be a long time yet on treatment for the various complications following the first operation but the hip replacement seems to be healing well. Thank you all!
Visit the web site for the latest news.
The group meets at The White Horse Inn
at 8.30pm on the first Monday of each month.
All welcome.
Village Correspondent:
Mrs. Elinor Frost, Bridelands ( 482269 )
A very Happy New Year to All!
WI meets on 3rd January at 2:30pm at Sheila Fry's, Litton Cheney. Tea and chat: all welcome.
The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal raised £148.28. Thank you to all of Long Bredy and Higher Kingston Russell.
Thank you to our church decorators for making St Peter's look so festive.
Farewell to Trevor and Hilary Green, Sarah, Belle and Duncan, who have lived in Long Bredy for twenty years. The whole family have always made such a big contribution to village life: bell ringing, village magazine correspondent, fetes, hall, etc etc. We shall miss them and wish them great happiness in their new home at Tincleton.
Long Bredy and Kingston Russell Parish Council
Unfortunately one or two dog owners are not clearing up after their dogs. Please ensure you do, as it is most unpleasant and a serious health risk particularly to children.
The Parish Council are working hard to improve the playing field for the growing numbers of children in the village. A big thank you is given to Pete Dewhurst for putting the new fixing on the large playing field gate; it is now very easy to close. Please can you ensure the gates are kept shut at all times? Tree surgery is to be carried out on the trees in the playing field and possibly some new planting. New play equipment is very expensive so we need to ensure we purchase what will be most beneficial. If you have any suggestions please let a Councillor or the Parish Clerk know.
A vacancy has arisen for the position of Parish Clerk for Long Bredy and Kingston Russell Parish Council. This is a paid position and a computer is useful but not essential. For further information please contact the present Parish Clerk: Gwen Kinghorn, 7 Bedford Terrace, Long Bredy 01308 482270.
Littlebredy has said farewell - or au revoir, at least - to Howard and Jane Mills recently. However, their move has not been far - from Foxholes Farm Cottage to Winterbourne Abbas - so we hope links between them and the village will remain. The very best of good fortune to them in their new home.
It was the spirit of the blitz during the Social Club's Christmas Party in the Village Hall at the beginning of December. Earlier that afternoon, shorting of the overhead electric cables near the Yew Tree Cottages had plunged part of the village into darkness, and caused flickering lights almost everywhere else, as well as creating a spectacular "fireworks display" of sparks arcing in the area affected for several hours. Before the repair men arrived, the whole village was "isolated" in the jargon (i.e. switched off), but the party went ahead in candlelight and under the dim emergency lighting the Hall provides. The spirits of those attending weren't dampened, by all accounts.
These notes leave the village for collating by the editor very early in December, so it is too early to comment on any of the Christmas arrangements mentioned in the last edition. However, it is in good time to wish everybody in, or connected with, Littlebredy a very happy, fulfilling and prosperous 2006. HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Cold winter evenings, nothing much on the television, then why not curl up with a good book. Plenty to choose from and brought right to you. Visit your mobile library.
Visiting times for January:
Tuesdays 10th and 24th
Puncknowle Church 9.20 - 9.40
Puncknowle Napier Close 9.45 - 10.20
Swyre Manor Farm 10.25 - 10.45
West Bexington Telephone Box 10.50 - 11.35
Thursdays 12th and 26th
Long Bredy Telephone Box 2.25 - 3.10
Litton Cheney Bus Shelter 3.20 - 4.15
Fridays 13th and 27th
Shipton Gorge Quarry Close 3.05 - 3.35
A Valley resident has contributed the following poem:-
Out with the Old and in with the New.
This area we live in is surely the best
A place where we're happy and able to rest
In beauty of creation - we really are blest
With sea shore and farming from east to the west.
But whilst we're relaxing and feeling so glad
It makes me so sorry - even so sad
When people are upset by words that are mad
In an area of beauty where love should be had.
Words that imply folks have opinions at odds
That deeds worked for kindness are actually not God's
But meant to bring power to old rocker or mod
When really they're meant like a smile or a nod.
So where's this manoeuvring and intrigue emerged
And what's more important how can it be purged?
How can life in community be now repaired
And goodness and love come out and be aired?
So out with the old and in with the new
Let two thousand and six be the year we say "phew"
It's a wonderful place to love and renew
Our love of mankind as well as the view!
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Editor: Susan Paul Old Walls Mill Street Burton Bradstock Bridport DT6 4QZ