Diary of events for all Parishes February 2006
The Bride Valley Team - Wednesday Housegroups
8th February 25 Bindbarrow, Burton Bradstock
22nd February Westfield, Burton Bradstock
Meetings start at 7.30pm - further information from Mike Read (897445) or Hugh Lindsay (482383).
Please note: during Lent The Lent Series will take place in Burton Bradstock Church every Wednesday starting at 7.00pm.
The Bride Valley (Thursday) Fellowship Group
We are studying what the Bible teaches about the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. The group meets on Thursday evenings and alternates between Bible Study and Prayer. Arriving from 7.30pm we begin at 8.00pm aiming to finish by about 9.30pm. For further details contact Paul
Feb 2 Bible Study 6 Baglake, Litton Cheney
Feb 9 Prayer 7 Norburton, Burton Bradstock
Feb 16 No Meeting
Feb 23 Bible Study 12 Napier Close, Puncknowle
Mothers' Union
The Bride Valley Mother's Union meets on the 4th Thursday of each month at 2.30pm.
For further details and venue please contact any of the following:-
Yvette Smith 01308 898219
Ann Read 01308 897445
Elizabeth Slater 01308 897751
Bible Reading Fellowship- Quiet Days
The B.R.F. has a programme of Quiet Days taking place during the year led by David Winter and Jennifer Rees Larcombe amongst others. Unfortunately the venues are rather far afield, the nearest being in the Taunton area (Wendy Bray on the 20th July). Anyone interested to have particulars of the 2006 programme please contact:- Hilary Mousley, B.R.F. Group Secretary, The Red House, Middle Street, Burton Bradstock (tel.01308 897849).
The Bible Society
The Bible Society is having a special Service of Celebration at 6.30pm in Wimborne Minster on Sunday 19th February at which the Rev'd Sandra Tebbutt, the Society's Regional Manager, will speak. The service will feature a performance of "The Walk" by well-known Christian performer Andy Harrison. "The Walk" tells the deeply moving story of William Wilberforce and his commitment to the formation of the Bible Society two hundred years ago. The drama powerfully reveals how the walk of faith led one man into a campaign that changed the world, and challenges us to do the same to-day.
At 5.00pm in Church House, next to the Minster, there will be tea and cake and a presentation of the Bible Society's exciting new campaign to make the Bible heard everywhere.
Those who would like to attend please let Hilary Mousley (The Red House, Middle Street, Burton Bradstock - 01308897849) know by the 11th February as the Society wishes to have beforehand numbers for the 5.00pm and 6.30pm events.
Family Evensong ~ Christmas & Easter Dramas
I would like to thank all who took part, in any way in the Christmas Family Evensong on December 11th
Please will anyone who would like to be involved in a drama for Easter - either acting or helping in other ways - contact me as soon as possible on 897780. The drama will take place on Low Sunday, April 23rd, in the evening at St.Mary's church. As before, this will not involve long, frequent practices for the whole cast, but will be rehearsed 'piece-meal' to suit your circumstances. Heather Rogers
Litton Cheney Youth Club
The Youth Club is open to everyone between the ages of 8 and 17 years who lives in the Bride Valley. For further details please contact Paul Kingston 482384
Thorner's CE VA Primary School
Term moves on and later this month we welcome back Mrs Matthews who is returning after taking maternity leave, Archie will be staying at home! At the time of writing details have not been confirmed but expect to see her in school after half-term. We are all looking forward to having her back as part of the team and I would like to thank all those people who have helped make her absence go so smoothly. One of the downsides of being a small school is that one person being absent or leaving can make a huge difference to the whole of the school. Mrs Marshal in particular has filled her role admirably, becoming part of the team so quickly and accepted by the children as if she has always been part of Thorner's, we are extremely grateful to her for doing so as it has ensured little disruption.
Have you completed your questionnaire? Did you receive it? Last month a questionnaire was sent out in conjunction with Dorset Surestart asking about childcare you use or would make use of, returning this questionnaire could open new opportunities within the valley. We are trying to assess the need for further pre-school provision in particular as our plans for the Foundation Unit starting in September go ahead. We are offering good quality pre-school education delivered in a fun and enjoyable way at affordable prices in a friendly environment, where treating children as individuals is important. Why not come and visit, see for yourself.
You may have seen in the papers or heard that Dorset County Council are going to be consulting with a number of schools over amalgamation or federations during the coming year, Thorner's being linked to Burton Bradstock. This is being led by the fall in pupil numbers throughout the county. At this stage it is just a consultation and nothing will be done without consultation with parents and full discussions with both Governing Bodies, County insist that it is not going to be imposed on any school but is up for consideration. The Governors will be kept fully informed and I am confident discussions will take place at future Governing Body Meetings in both schools.
Alison Johnstone
100 Club Winners: £15 Sharon Parrott
£10 Bridget Wetherall
Thorner's School 100 Club
Would you like to join our 100 Club? For just £1 a month (payable yearly or 6-monthly) you will be entered into a monthly draw with a first prize of £15 and a second prize of £10.
Just £12 a year can make a huge difference to the enjoyment of school life for the children.
For more information please contact Caroline Cox 01308 897822 or cox1@view732.fsnet.co.uk, or the school office 01308 482410.
We are very grateful for the continued support of all existing members, but would love to hear from any new members willing to help our children. Pam Massey
Thorner's School Association
Friday 24th February at Thorner's School, Litton Cheney
Doors open 7.00pm ~ Eyes down 7.30pm
~ Many exciting prizes ~ Special Children's tickets ~
Tea and coffee available
First Steps Toddler Group
2006 has seen in a new committee of this active little group and a mum's night out is planned! The Health Visitor joins us on the first Wednesday of each month (1st February) to weigh babies or give advice.
We will meet as usual during the February half-term week - Wednesday 15th February.
We meet every Wednesday morning (10.00 till 12.00) at Long Bredy Village Hall. There are toys and larger play equipment for all pre-school children. The sessions also give parents and carers the opportunity to meet and chat. Refreshments provided. Further details from Rachel 482846 or Julie 897178.
Burton Bradstock CE VC School
With the new term now in full swing as I write I have an interesting view of the back end of a hydraulic crane. Contractors are currently testing the feasibility of a wireless broadband facility. Hopefully we should be fully connected by April. If all goes to plan we are also looking forward to having our computer network upgraded during half term. Our ageing machines are now showing the strain having served us well for a number of years.
This month football and netball recommence after the winter break. It is always nice to see the daylight hours extending. Having successfully negotiated our first two rounds in the Kenway Cup football competition we await our next opponents. Meanwhile, the netballers are looking forward to the spring tournament at Woodroffe in a few weeks.
On the 7th February the 'Life Van' is visiting us again (it was last here two years ago) and will stay for three days. During this time children will enjoy a range of tailor-made health related sessions on topics such as 'Great to Be Me'; 'Meet the Brain'; 'Decisions' to name but a few. There is also a session for parents on the afternoon of Thursday 9th.
During the Christmas holidays there was a television documentary about life at the cathedral in York. A clergyman was interviewed who said something like this: "I believe that we should take God very seriously, the church not too seriously and ourselves not at all seriously." That statement got me thinking and perhaps, in the context of a church school, we could adapt his words: "Take God and learning very seriously, bureaucracy not too seriously and myself not at all seriously." I can live with that.
Mark Stratta
100 Club December: Christmas bonus:
£20 - T. Loudon £10 - S. Rattenbury
£10 - S. Symes £10 - Mr & Mrs Clifford
£5 - L. Wilson £10 - Cathy Parsons
£10 - Anna Powell
Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup News
Sue's "Winter Fun" Quiz is now on sale in the usual places at just £1.00 - the Crown Inn, the White Horse, and Burton Bradstock Post Office - and Thorner's School of course.
Before Christmas we had a little visitor for a couple of weeks all the way from Darwin, Australia - May's cousin Zoe came to play for a few sessions. She was with us for our Christmas party, as were extra guests from Toddler group - it was very exciting when our other "Special Visitor" arrived with presents for all the children. Thanks Father Christmas!
Our next planned Fund Raiser will be the sponsored trike ride on Monday 27th March. This is an Early Warning to friends and relatives!!
Nestlings sessions for pre-school babies and toddlers with their parents/carers started in January - the first one went very well, I hear. We have more sessions planned for after half term as follows :
Music and Movement : 24th Feb; 3rd March; 10th March
Along with Sally on the piano - a little gentle movement, dancing and circle games - all to join in! It is very easy - we are not expecting ballet dancers. Although you never know!
Textures and Materials : 17th March; 24th March; 31st March
Yes - it's messy play time - with all sorts of things to experience and play with - get touchy and feely too. Get those hands in!! Guess what it is??
These sessions are on Friday afternoons from 1.45 - 3.15pm in the Fledglings Room and cost £3 per child plus £1 for another child over 6months. Hope to have some Feedback for next month.
Finally for this month - Michelle is leaving us (temporarily we hope) to have a baby - so if anyone local is interested in part-time working in Playgroup, please contact our Chair, Joy Laver, for further details on 01308 897055. Carol Bennett (Playleader) 01308 897771
See page 16 for details
Burton Bradstock CE VC School
July 2002
On the afternoon of the last Wednesday in May I picked my way through the children from my seat at the side of the hall, lowered myself slowly onto the stage and looked up with a heavy heart into a sea of expectant, carefree faces. The occasion was a Good Work Assembly, one of a series of strategies that I introduced early in my Headship to blur the boundary between school, parents and community. The purpose of the assemblies is to let those adults interested have a chance to see what has been going on in the classrooms over the previous week. It also acts as a means of communicating to children, parents and teachers and I knew that the announcement that I was about to make was one of the most important that I had delivered to my school.
So it was that I announced to all in the valley that, after 12 years as Head of Burton Bradstock School, I was to leave to embark on a new journey. Three years later Jean Bowles, Burton's secretary, phoned me and asked me to drop into the school office. To my surprise and great pleasure she presented me with a book containing all the Bride Valley articles I had contributed in my years at the school. The book provides a fascinating insight into the history of the school and village from 1990.
With the support of the BVN team I am publishing the book and offering it for sale. I am hoping that the cost of production of the book will be met by advertisers, so all profits from the sale will be split between the Burton Bradstock Playground Appeal and, in memory of Burton mum Jane Wyatt, Joseph Weld Hospice.
I shall be launching the book on the evening of Saturday 29th April in the Village Hall. I will be reading extracts from the book accompanied by musical interludes from a few old friends. The book will be on sale at £5 a copy on this evening and from various village locations to be announced. Tickets for the evening will be available from mid March and will cost £3.00 to include a glass of wine & nibbles, again with all profits going to the two named charities.
Best wishes
David Powell
Bride Valley Poppy Appeal Year 2005
Once again we have exceeded the previous years' Poppy Appeal Fund Raising totals by collecting £3005.54, an increase of £224.24 (3.54% increase).
This is mainly due to you, the Collectors, who devote time and energy by raising money for this worthy cause. You all deserve a "Pat on the Back" and a big "ThankYou." Tony Combe
Bride Valley Poppy Appeal Organiser
Burton Bradstock Village Hall
Tickets: Adults £6.00 Children (under 16) £4.00
Burton Bradstock Players
We are pleased to announce that the Players will produce Agatha Christie's "A Murder is Announced", adapted for the stage by Leslie Darbon, on 8th, 9th and l 0th June 2006. This is one of the Miss Marple mysteries and we feel it should appeal to most people. I have once again taken on the task of directing this play and look forward to working with everyone.
If you are in any way interested, either in acting or backstage, please come along on the following dates:
Reading: Tuesday 7th February 7.30 pm Reading Room, Burton Bradstock
Auditions: Thursday 9th February 7.30 pm Committee Room, Village Hall (back room)
There are 12 characters and we particularly need some younger people for this production (age range 25 - 35) as well as the older generation, but we will welcome everyone who comes along on the above dates. If you are interested but can't make it on either of these dates, please contact me on 01308 897415. I will also need an efficient and organised props master/mistress and a prompt. Daphne Ekins Hon.Sec. B.B.P.
Bride Valley Gardening Club
Due to an error on my part, the report of the meeting in November was not included in the previous issue, for which I give many apologies for any inconvenience caused. S.Paul ( Editor )
A Very Happy New Year (if belated ) to all - we had a superb Party Quiz/Buffet night in December - good fun - excellent prizes and superb raffle - a good start to the Christmas festivities! Thanks to Maureen Miller and Pam Jukes for the quiz. Our January meeting had a good turnout - often the worst as we all know what winter nights are like here in the Valley. David Hitchcock gave an amusing if not very comprehensive talk on Dahlias for the Garden. As you may remember David, who has a Nursery in Marshwood, is a l0 time
Chelsea Gold Winner. Next month on the usual 2nd Monday of each month we have Philip Gamble speaking on "The Use of Colour in Garden Design".
We have had lots of offers from members to take up positions in the Club, some vacated because of a change of position on the Committee, - so many thanks Valerie, Hazel, Alison and Anna. We still need a very important post filling, that of Programme Secretary. Ann Miles has done this so well, but now wants to step back a bit. Offers please to Dianne/Ann/Norma. We look forward to seeing you, members old or new on the l3th. Norma Millard: Club Secretary 897774
A word from our Chair - I would personally like to invite and welcome all members of the Bride Valley and guests. If you have not been before then why not give it a try. From Allotment growers, amateurs, experienced gardeners or those who just enjoy a night out, there are evenings for everyone. We have a very healthy, strong committee working toward giving you a most enjoyable time.
Dianne ffoulkes: Chair
Garden Checklist
v Lawns - aerate and scarify in dry weather.
v Annuals - prepare with bone meal.
v Herbaceous plants - clear dead tops.
v Deciduous trees, shrubs and fruits - plant.
v Established border -top dress.
v Dahlias - check tubers.
v Clematis - Summer flowering - cut back hard.
Do you remember changes to life in and around Bridport and along its coastline during the last century?
If so, Bridport Museum Trust's Spinning Yarns Project is really keen to hear from you. We can arrange for a museum project worker to come out and make a recording of your recollections and you can rest assured that your unique memories will be protected and preserved by the museum as part of an oral history archive for both present and future generations to enjoy and learn from.
What are we interested in? Pretty much everything! Obviously we are keen to collect stories that capture the changing ways of life in the town itself: livestock markets; factories; the rope and net industry; transport and the railway; brewing; brick-making; power generation. What other trades and industries were practiced here? Ladies what kinds of work were you engaged with?
We are interested in social and domestic memories, how was the changing year celebrated? What was it like raising a family before washing machines? What sort of foods were bought, eaten and stored before we had supermarkets and fridges? What changes did motorised transportation bring? Who remembers school life in days gone by? Moving along the Coast we are particularly interested in stories from coastal communities between Charmouth and West Bexington. Are there any shipbuilders out there, fishermen, other boat men and women? Who was employed in the rope and net trade from the villages? What about those who worked processing the fishing catches or unloading boats? How did weather events of the last century affect your community? How did news travel when phones were still a rarity?
We are interested in agricultural change in and around Bridport and envisage collecting stories from communities within the radius Wootton Fitzpaine - Pilsdon - West Milton - Askerswell, however if you live outside of this radius, but have memories connected to Bridport or the coast that you could share, we would still love to hear from you.
Do you know people who have moved away who might be important to talk to? We can arrange to travel out to those whose memories will help us build up a picture of this region as told by the people who lived, worked and raised their families here.
Please remember that what you may think of as an insignificant detail, that other people might be able to tell us, could be a story that goes missing if you don't tell it.
We want to have as many different voices building the archive as possible. We have funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund to collect and save as many as 230.
Please call the Spinning Yarns Project Officer: Catherine Simmonds on 01935 891044 if you would be willing to contribute some of your recollections to Bridport Museum Trust's oral history archive or if you know of someone you think that it is important we try and contact. We will be interviewing between late March and early October 2006 but please get in touch before then so we have time to write to you and give you a fuller idea of what to expect from the process.
Dorset Mobile Library Service
Probably finished those Christmas books by now so come along to the mobile library and top up supplies. Still plenty of dark evenings to go.
Don't forget we hire DVDs, videos and audio books.
Visiting times for February
Tuesdays 7th and 21st
Puncknowle Church 9.20 - 9.40
Puncknowle Napier Close 9.45 - 10.20
Swyre Manor Farm 10.25 - 10.25
West Bexington Telephone Box 10.50 - 11.35
Thursdays 9th and 23rd
Long Bredy Telephone Box 2.25 - 3.10
Litton Cheney Bus Shelter 3.20 - 4.15
Fridays 10th and 24th
Shipton Gorge Quarry Close 3.05 - 3.35
Bride Valley Royal British Legion
The year's annual dinner will be held be at The Freshwater Holiday Camp on Monday February 20th at 7.00 for 7.30pm.
Village Correspondent Mr Basil Dent
2, Norburton, Burton Bradstock. Tel:- (01308) 897125
Mid Week Worship -
Holy Communion Wednesdays at 10.00 a.m.
Bell Ringing Practices Thursdays at 7.00pm
Gift Sunday 19th February Church Mission Society
The next Service of Prayer for Healing at St Mary's will be held on Monday February 13th at 7.00pm.
Tiny Tots / Pram Service will be held at 11.00am on Friday 10th February 2006
Burton Bradstock Post Office: Sub-Postmaster Vacancy
After running the Burton Bradstock Post Office for the past four years, Pat and Peter Dutton are retiring at the end of June. The Duttons have done a splendid job in providing essential services for our community and it is vital that we continue to have these facilities in the Valley. As the business operates under the sponsorship of the Parish Council and the premises in Mill Street are owned by the Council, we will be advertising shortly in the local and national press, in conjunction with the Post Office, for a replacement sub-postmaster. If anyone in the Valley is seriously interested in this opportunity please contact me, Mike Southgate, on 01308 897487 or the Parish Council Clerk, Fel Moore, on 01308 459001. Applications will close on 20th February.
Mike Southgate
Burton Bradstock Village Society
We were all thoroughly entertained by a showcase of laughter, song & nostalgia on 9th December when Elaine Colbert presented a Pot-pourri of Pound House Productions in the form video clips of show extracts from 1993 - 2004.
There were a total of 8 shows and the whole thing was neatly wrapped up through introductions and commentary with panache by John Surry.
A truly memorable evening. Peter Dutton
Burton Bradstock Playground Appeal
Fund raising for our new playground equipment is now well under way. A big thank you to those who have already contributed.
See the "thermometer" gauge in the playground for the latest figures.
The equipment will be carefully selected to be suitable for children of all abilities, including the disabled, with an installation date set for the end of June, 2006.
If you would like to join in the fund raising activities, or give a direct contribution, please either donate through one of the collection points in the village (Bridge Cottage Stores, Three Horseshoes, the Hive Café and the Post Office), or contact:
Sheila Pett on 897 550 or David Venn on 897 007
Burton Bradstock Playground
Bridge & Afternoon Tea
Tuesday 7th March 2006 at 2.00pm
Burton Bradstock Village Hall
~ Prizes ~ Raffle ~
(Any donations for prizes or raffle gratefully received)
Tickets £4.00 each from Chris Clarke
Tel: 898117
Church of England Children's Society
Thank you all for turning out for Carol Singing on such a very cold night; it was good to welcome more men than usual and we had added support from younger members who energetically helped Grandad with collection boxes; all added to the quality of the singing. Many thanks, too, to Bob and Jean for providing deliciously warming soup in the Rectory afterwards. Thanks to everyone's generosity £160 was collected on the night and sent to "Waves" (our local Society).
Total for the year is as follows:-
£70.00 as a result of a furniture sale
£444.91 from our loyal regulars' boxes - for which many thanks
£69.53 from the Christingle Service (down on previous years)
Greta Heal
David Powell's Book Launch
Saturday 29th April
See page 10 for details
Burton Bradstock WI
December 49 Members were treated to an amusing talk by Mrs. K Fitzpatrick entitled '9 to 5, No thank you!' at their meeting on December 13th. The Christmas coffee morning held on November 26th was a great success, likewise a skittles evening held at Freshwater on November l9th, and a successful but rainy trip to Bath was enjoyed by some members on December 2nd. Mrs Joan Allan was presented with the "Flower of the Month" trophy, well done Joan!
January At their January meeting 42 members enjoyed an interesting and interactive talk on organic farming and gardening given by Mr and Mrs Pearse of Tamarisk farm, West Bexington.
The WI Christmas lunch on December 9th was held at Bridport Golf Club and much enjoyed by members and guests. This was followed by the New Year party held at the village hall on January 21st.
Future events include a Whist Drive to be held at the home of Mrs Joan Allan on February 6th and a visit to Westpoint, Exeter on February 23rd for an ice show.
The next meeting will be on February 14th at 2.15 pm when Mrs G Forrest will talk about Japanese Geishas, visitors are welcome.
Heather Seadon
200 Club - Congratulations to:
1st Prize: No. 102 Mr Peter Lee £32.20
2nd Prize: No. 108 Mrs Yvonne Peter £16.10
3rd Prize: No. 90 Mr Tom James £ 8.05
Anyone wanting to become a member in time for the February-December draws should telephone Alan Clarke on 01308 897051 and let him have £11 - one pound for each of the remaining 11 draws in the year. There are double prizes in the December draw
The Village Hall Trust is a trust registered with the local authority, the West Dorset District Council. Lotteries Licence No. LA005.
New Licence for the Village Hall
The new Licence for the Village Hall has now been received and is displayed in the Hall. The Licence among other things covers the consumption of alcohol on the premises. The continuation of this Licence depends on the Committee controlling the consumption of alcohol in the Village Hall. Any event at which alcohol is to be consumed must now get the agreement of the Village Hall Committee and the booking form will be changed to reflect this.
The liabilities associated with the possible abuse of alcohol on the premises means that no one will be allowed to bring in their own alcoholic drink to any event where the organisers provide a bar. Where the event is a private function without a bar, each application will be vetted and permission given or withheld as the Committee feels appropriate.
The Committee would appreciate your support and cooperation in this matter. Archie Mackie - Chairman, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee.
Quiz Night - Saturday 18 February 2006
There will be a Quiz Night in the Village Hall on Saturday 18 February. Bring your friends to make up a team of 4-6 people and enjoy a Fish and Chip Supper. Tickets cost £6.00 per team member (to include supper) and are available from the Post Office now. A cash bar will open at 7.30 pm and the quiz will begin at 8.00 pm promptly. Please buy your tickets early as ticket sales will have to close several days earlier than 18 February to provide numbers re: Fish and Chip Suppers required.
Susan Moores - Secretary, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee.
January and February have been very busy times at Burton Bradstock Village Hall with the result that it has been impossible to find a suitable space to book a show from Artsreach.
Our first firm booking for 2006 is for a Visual Arts Event on Saturday and Sunday, 18th and 19th March. The Exhibition is called 'Body Talk', and will include prints, photographs, painted and stitched textiles, conceptual clothing, jewellery, mixed media and installations. This will be an opportunity to see the work of 12 national professional artists, several of whom live and work in Dorset. It is an exciting and unusual exhibition of contemporary art, which attempts to "reflect the complexities surrounding our bodies and body images, our sexuality, dress, memory and identity".
We were to have had the Rejects Revenge Theatre Company presenting "The Steppe Brothers" on 1st April, but in discussions with them the stage area was found to be too small. Hopefully we shall be able to find another event to take their place - so watch this space!
Norman Saunders-White - Promoter for Artsreach - 01308 897214
Village Fayre - Monday 29 May 2006
The Village Fayre will once again be held in the Rectory Gardens on Bank Holiday Monday 29 May. Your support last year made this event a great success and the money raised has allowed the Village Hall Committee to maintain and upgrade the hall and facilities. Help will again be needed to organise, set up and run stalls; anyone who wishes to volunteer should contact Susan Moores on 01308 897673. Entertainment for children will once again be a central feature of the Fayre with supervised Children's Races and a Fancy Dress Competition. Look out for further details in the next edition of the BVN and Notice Boards around the Village.
Susan Moores - Secretary, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee
Where did the money go?
Last year, my mother, Greta Heal, rallied many of the good people of Burton Bradstock, to sponsor our son Christopher in the London Triathlon. An amazing total of £3500 was raised at the time, and I thought that you would all like to know where it went. In November I went up to the Radcliffe Infirmary to present the cheque, and was shown what this money was to be spent on.
The main item to be purchased was an electrically controlled bed, (a first for the hospital) for acute head trauma patients. This bed can be lowered to the floor, and positions altered to accommodate the patient. This means that fewer patients will fall out of bed, doing themselves even more damage, and nursing staff will have less back problems. For the angiogram suite, two new portable pumps will be bought, used while transferring patients back to their ward. At the moment they only have one to be shared between the whole hospital. These look very similar to a small Dyson, no details - but suspect they do a similar job!!
Any monies that are left over will go to the research department, as without them modern treatment will not progress.
Many thanks to all of you who sponsored Christopher, your money has gone to a fantastic hospital, and a great cause. Ira Ward
Burton Bradstock Bridge Group will meet on Tuesday 7th February at 2.00pm in the Hall. On Tuesdays 21st & 28th February we will meet at Burton Cliff Hotel at 2.00pm (Hall is closed for the "Wizard of Oz"). All welcome - details from Chris Clarke Tel: 898117.
Home Watch Burton Bradstock
For December 2005 the only crime recorded for Burton Bradstock, by Dorset Police was the theft of money from a telephone kiosk. As coordinators will know the Ringmaster Manager is now publishing for general information, a weekly list of all crimes in our local area. Readers will be aware that in the October issue of the Bride Valley News (pages 15/16) it is suggested how residents who have the e-mail facility can receive this weekly list.
Please note that Mr Alistair Bristoll of Stable Cottage, Grove Road has taken over responsibility as coordinator for the area from Mr and Mrs Derek Spinney. We thank them for their past service. Freddy Tame Tel: 897957
Thank you
John, Jeremy and Stephen Bowden would like to thank everyone for their prayers, cards, flowers, letters, telephone calls, and all offers of help during the last very difficult five months. Your support has been tremendous and a source of great strength to the three of us and to Pat. We knew that she was well liked but the expressions of appreciation and love have gone way beyond this and will be much treasured.
Burton Bradstock Village Web Site Committee
has changed its name,
as it now covers much more than just the web site.
The new name is "Burton Bradstock ONLINE".
However, the web site address is unchanged at:
Loads of information on the village including maps,
videos, current events, useful contacts, training courses,
village history & the new digital photo competition
(see www.burtonbradstockonline.org for details)
and did you know that the Bride Valley News is published
on this web site every month? It includes every back issue of the magazine, as far back as January 2000.
And, it is in colour too!
Village Correspondent: Mrs. Joy White
Eastcote 3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge
Tel: ( 01308 )897974
Family Service Sunday, February 12th, at 4.00p.m.
Everyone is cordially invited to our first Family Service of the year at St. Martin's church when we welcome Mike Read, who will lead our worship, and our young people will be taking an active part in the service. Please stay afterwards for our usual Tea Party in the Village Hall.
Advance Notice
On March 26th, we shall be celebrating Mothering Sunday with a special service at 4.00p.m. This will replace Evensong- details in next month's issue.
Village Carol Singing
Many thanks to all who joined us on December 20th., when we spent nearly two hours walking round singing favourite carols to as many households as possible. Lots of people were away or out for the evening, but it was a dry night and we enjoyed ourselves. The total raised for the Save the Children Fund was a very commendable £116, so well done everybody!
We would also like to say a big thank you to the Robertshaw family who not only sang carols with us, but also very generously provided delicious, and much appreciated refreshments afterwards.
Shipton Gorge Ramblers
We meet again this month on Friday 17th, starting at 10.30a.m. The venue is the same - starting by the telephone kiosk in Brook St. Look forward to seeing you all then. Vicki and Janet
New Inn Support Group Update
The New Year's Eve Supper and Dance was a sell-out and we are well on our way to reaching our target sum of £10,000. Your continued support is heartening and a programme of events for 2006 commences as follows:
18th February Bring & Buy coffee morning - 10.30 a.m. Village Hall - bring any unwanted Christmas presents!
25th February Entertainment and Ploughman's night with Graham Rosamund - 7.30 for 8.00 p.m. Village Hall - see posters for details.
March 2006 Quiz Night with Fish & Chips - date to be arranged
Bob Ayers, who is giving his talk on the City of London on January 21st is organising a Working Party for the garden area of the New Inn on 21st and 22nd January at 10.00 a.m. If any of you have any spare fence panels (2 needed) or a compost bin (dalek -type) we should be grateful for these for the pub.
Thank you all for your generosity in 2005, let us hope that in early 2006 we can swell funds and reach our target!
Ann Hunt 01308 898301 New Inn Support Group
Bolivia and Beyond 1st March 2006 at 7.30pm
Those of you who enjoyed "Hey Gringo!" which Peter performed at Shipton Gorge last year will not want to miss this, the second part of the trilogy.
"A stand-up storyteller par excellence, Searles is the diametric opposite of a pub bore... a combination of Bill Bryson's eye for the ridiculous and Rory Bremner's ear for mimicry. he could have gone on for another hour and nobody would have batted an eye" Metro.
Bolivia and Beyond
He bought a ticket, jumped on a plane and set off. No Rough Guide in the world could have prepared him for the consequence...
Sitting in a bar with a bunch of oddballs, a bizarre sequence of coincidences and we're off in search of a mystery cave rumoured to hold the last of the cosmic secrets, a journey across Bolivia's lawless cities, seedy bars, prisons, jungle night-clubs, Brazilian dancers, Drug Enforcement Agents, illegal loggers and a New Zealander Nazi. An odyssey that leads finally to a lost world in remotest Amazonia, and the shadow of Cerro Amboro; the great sacred mountain shrouded in mystery and myth.
Tickets £6 available from Doris Benselin 01308 897562. We have invited Peter Searles back by popular request, so please book your tickets in advance so as not to be disappointed.
The Shipton Gorge Village Website
The Shipton Gorge village website at www.shiptongorge.org.uk has been providing information for villagers and visitors for nearly two years now. Updating the site, adding new sections and generally keeping it up to date is something that the Parish Council now feel could be better carried out by a volunteer within the village who has an interest in computing and websites. So we are looking for someone who would be interested in taking this on. It would be an ideal project for a computer enthusiastic teenager or indeed for someone who is retired and has time to spare. Are you able to take this on? If so please contact either
Mary Boughton at maryboughton@shiptongorge.org.uk
or Richard Hewlett at cms@wdi.co.uk
Shipton Gorge Village Hall 100 Club
January Draw Winners
£20 |
No. 14 |
Anthony Kilroy |
£10 |
No.21 |
Mrs.C.M.Day |
Village Correspondent: Sid Marshall
3 Green Barton, Swyre Tel: 897318
Holy Trinity Church, Swyre. A reminder about the weekly Sunday services we are continuing to hold, as well as the half hour morning prayer which we have on alternate Thursdays at 9am, which anyone is welcome to attend.
Thursday 2nd 9.00am Morning Prayer - said
Sunday 5th 3.30pm Evening Prayer
Sunday 12th 11.00am Morning Prayer
Thursday 16th 9.00am Morning Prayer - said
Sunday 19th 11.00am Parish Communion
Sunday 26th 11.00am Parish Communion
The PCC will meet on Wednesday 15th February at 2.30pm at Owl Bank, Green Barton. Yvonne Buckland, Church Warden.
We are delighted to welcome Fran and John Manning to 25 Swyre, and hope that they will be very happy in their new home.
Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council
Parish Council Meeting
The next meeting will be held in the Parish Hall on the 7th February 2006.
Fete Meeting
There will be a meeting to discuss the summer fete on Monday 30 January at 7.30 pm in the Church Hall, Puncknowle. All those who are interested in any way will be warmly welcomed. The more the merrier so do please make the effort to come.
Puncknowle, Swyre and West Bexington Homewatch
The date for meeting of the Homewatch representatives has now changed from Thursday 9th February to Thursday 16th February. The meeting will be held at Puncknowle Church Hall and will start at 7.30pm. All Homewatch representatives will be contacted by me individually. Members of the public are more than welcome to attend. Representatives of the Police will also be in attendance.
After careful consideration I have decided to remain as Homewatch Coordinator until the summer. This will allow a new coordinator to take over the reigns from me at that time.
Traffic Light Warning Scheme
We have now had the response from the residents of Looke Lane and Springfield and I am glad to say that the overwhelming majority of residents who completed the questionnaire approved the scheme. The meeting of the Homewatch representatives in February will discuss how the scheme can be expanded to the rest of Puncknowle and the Parish. From the feedback given by residents we know that careful consideration should be given to sighting and quantity of signs and this will be taken into consideration when the expansion takes place.
Andrew Marshall 897732
Puncknowle Church/Village Hall
I am sure some of you are wondering what is happening about the transfer of the hall from the Church to the Village Hall Charity. I have also heard that some people think that the transfer has fallen through. In view of the long delays so far this is understandable.
The Hall committee obtained charitable status from the Charity Commissioners on the 2nd August 2004 to enable the hall to be run for the benefit of the local community. Discussions were held with the local Church to agree terms for the lease but it is only recently that the solicitors acting for the Diocese of Salisbury have produced a draft based on the suggestions agreed with the Village Hall Charity. The Hall Committee is still working towards the transfer which we hope is now imminent.
We still need support for this project from everybody, particularly professionals. Once transferred the hall needs to be used, and used well, for everyone's benefit in Puncknowle, Swyre and West Bexington. The
committee are also aware of the need to update the facilities and would welcome ideas both for this, future usage and fundraising for your hall.
David Buckland Chairman of the Village Hall Committee
Hollybush Puncknowle - 898492
Other contacts:- Sid Marshall - 897318 Ken Martin - 897622
Village Correspondent: Elizabeth Slater
1, Lytton Close, Puncknowle, Dorchester DT2 9BH
Telephone: ( 01308 ) 897751
To be held on Thursday February 23rd at 7.30 pm in the Church Hall. At going to press we have not received confirmation from the speaker. Please look out for posters. There will be tea, coffee and biscuits and a collection to cover expenses. Ann Roberts 897716
Carol Singing
Many thanks for your generous donations when we were carol singing round the village. A cheque for £155 has been sent to ReRun, a local charity helping some of the most vulnerable teenagers in the county. This together with the collection of over £100 from the Carol Service sent to the Alabare Christian Care centre supporting their 'Drop-In' Centre in Salisbury, Devises and Trowbridge, which provide food and help to the homeless, brings our contribution over the Christmas period to over £260, helping those in great need. Ann Roberts
Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup
See Page 8 for report
Puncknowle Art Group
It was very good to see so many members, speakers and supporters at our 20th birthday party. Maureen baked three cakes and Mick and Anne kept the tea and coffee flowing. The money for the Multiple Sclerosis Society was counted - over £ 200 was raised for research. We owe so much to our local artists and patrons and The Crown landlords for their support. Thank you everyone.
Dates for February - 10th & 24th.
Christine Molony
Don't forget to check the village website
to keep in touch with village events and find useful information
Village Correspondent: Josie Belasco,
11 Manor Farm Close, Litton Cheney
Telephone: (01308) 482484
Litton Cheney Social Committee
Thank you to everyone who came Carol Singing with us and to those of you who donated so generously. We collected £275 for the Naomi House Children's Hospice. Thanks also to Irene and Chris for the mulled wine and to Cassie and John at the White Horse for the refreshments they provided.
The New Year's Day Walk attracted 16 people and five dogs, and after an enjoyable amble of about three miles we decided that the promise of breakfast at the White Horse could wait no longer and we probably undid all the good we had done. Thanks again to Cassie and John.
Friday 3rd February join us for the Wine and Wisdom evening at Thorner's School at 7.30pm. Bring a team of eight or make a team when you arrive.
Saturday 11th February we will be meeting at the Bus Shelter at 10am to car share to Abbotsbury where we will walk the circular route to Portesham along the disused railway line finishing at the Ilchester Arms for lunch. This walk is in memory of Neil Jeffrey.
Friday 3rd March 7.30pm Thorner's School, meet for the Jurassic Coast talk, which from reports received is not to be missed.
Kathy Kourik Secretary LCSC 482552
Village Shop - Open Meeting - Thursday 2nd February 2006
As mentioned in January's BVN, an open meeting to discuss the village shop and related issues will take place on Thursday 2 February 2006, 7.00 pm at the Church Hall, Litton Cheney.
The meeting has been organised by the Litton Retailers Association, a volunteer group whose ultimate objective is to re-establish a shop in the village. There have already been a number of successful Producers' Markets in 2005 and these markets will continue in 2006 with the first being on Saturday 20 May at The White Horse Inn.
The purpose of the meeting is to bring people up to date with progress on the shop and plans for 2006, but also to recruit more people to the association. So, if you wish to come along and hear what we have to say, or wish to be involved with our future exploits we would be delighted to see you at the meeting. If you cannot make it but would still like to know more please phone John Firrell (482313) or Wendy/David Taylor (482532). Thank you in anticipation of your interest.
Lithe Litton Ladies
This month Lithe Litton Ladies will be held every Monday evening in the Church Hall from 6.00pm to 7.30pm.
Visit the web site for the latest news.
The group meets at The White Horse Inn
at 8.30pm on the first Monday of each month.
All welcome.
Village Correspondent:
Mrs. Elinor Frost, Bridelands ( 482269 )
The February WI meeting is at Janet Cuff's home, Cowleaze Corner on 7th at 2:30pm. The speaker will be Caroline Nickinson of the Trimar Hospice, CancerCare Dorset. All are welcome.
A coffee morning will be held on Sunday 26th February from 10:30 until noon. We are hoping to have some photographs from the Christmas Party held on 17th December.
A very warm welcome to the Wills family: Marcus and Kirsty, Cameron and Oliver. We hope they enjoy village life living at The Old Garden.
In the Autumn, Shannon, Scarlet and Connor ran all the way to Hardy's Monument to raise money for Children In Need. They raised £30 for this good cause. Well done!
Christmas may be receding in people's memories, but we must recall with gratitude several features of the season in the village:-
The Carol Service, shared as usual with Longbredy, was well attended and much enjoyed, as was the subsequent bunfight in the Village Hall. Thanks indeed to all those who provided the hospitality for that.
The Christmas Day Communion in Church was also better attended than for several years past. The service was led by The Rev'd Derek Jackson, who came out of retirement for the occasion, and his Narnia sermon will be long remembered by those present. Many thanks especially to him.
In the light of The Rev'd Bob Thorn's theme of homelessness in his address at the Carol Service, and following our Church's long tradition of gifting away its three biggest collections in the year (Christmas, Easter & Harvest Festival), the P.C.C. has subsequently decided to divide the combined collections at the two Christmas services, roughly £400 in all, between Christian Aid for relief work in Pakistan following the earthquake there, the Pilsdon Community near Bridport, and a local Refuge for victims of domestic violence.
Readers of the "Echo" may recently have seen reference to Annette Hallett's continued progress in various bowls events towards three significant Finals (complete with a photograph to illustrate the article). Let's hope there is glory to report next time.
The Village Hall will be open for a Social on Friday 3rd February. No particular theme, but the customary bar plus supper, provided by the Social Club Committee, which is so much appreciated by those who can go. Needless to say, the more support from within the village, the better!