Diary of events for all Parishes March 2006
6th January at St. Mary's, Puncknowle |
Edith Elaine Ratcliffe |
25th January internment of ashes at St. Mary's, Burton Bradstock |
Edna Joan Podger |
26th January at St. Martin's Church, Shipton Gorge |
Alec George Johnson |
Holy Baptism
Ruby Scarlett Coombes on 29th January 2006 at St. Mary's Church, Puncknowle. Another beautiful grand-niece for David Jenkins.
Tiny Tots/Pram Service
The next service will be in St. Mary's Burton Bradstock at 11.00am on Friday 10th February 2006.
All welcome.
Mothers' Union
The Bride Valley Mother's Union meets on the 4th Thursday of each month at 2.30pm.
For further details and venue please contact any of the following:-
Yvette Smith 01308 898219
Ann Read 01308 897445
Elizabeth Slater 01308 897751
First Steps Toddler Group
We meet every Wednesday morning (10.00 till 12.00) at Long Bredy Village Hall. There are toys and larger play equipment for all pre-school children. The sessions also give parents and carers the opportunity to meet and chat. Refreshments provided. Further details from Sam (482315) or Debbie (898506).
The Health Visitor joins us on the first Wednesday of each month (1st March) to weigh babies or give advice.
Hope to see you there!
Kirsty Wills
Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup
This term we are looking at Traditional stories such as Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, The Gingerbread Man and lots more - basing some activities around these.
We have welcomed a new little boy who started playgroup in January - Oliver Wills, who has settled in really well, and we also now have two new members of staff - Maureen Lockett and Sabrina Barnes - to help with the fun! Reception children join us on a regular basis for Free Play activities as part of their school day - and we already know them well from last year. We are hoping to visit Gabriel's farm to see new lambs this month.
Nestlings' sessions for little ones on Friday afternoons are going well - experiencing Physical Play equipment as well as toys in February, with Music & Movement activities plus Textures / Messy Play in March. If you are interested and have not been along - please ring Joy Laver for information on 897055.
Sue's Winter Fun Quiz is still available until the end of March from the usual places for just £1. She says it is an easy one!!
Finally if you have any Ride On toys no longer being used (for 2 - 3 year olds), please contact us as we could give them a good home.
Carol Bennett (Playleader) 01308 897771
We are studying what the Bible teaches about the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. The group meets on Thursday evenings and alternates between Bible Study and Prayer. Arriving from 7.30pm we begin at 8.00pm aiming to finish by about 9.30pm. For further details contact:
Mar 2 |
Prayer |
West Lodge, Littlebredy |
Mar 9 |
Bible Study |
6 Baglake, Litton Cheney |
Mar 16 |
Prayer |
2 Myrtle Close, Puncknowle |
Mar 23 |
Bible Study |
12 Napier Close, Puncknowle |
Mar 30 |
Prayer |
7 Norburton, Burton Bradstock |
Burton Bradstock ONLINE
Send in your photos! Everyone can have a go!
Some entries for the digital photo competition have already been received by Burton Bradstock ONLINE* and now's your chance to send in yours too! The competition is open to everyone anywhere in the world, not just villagers, so why not send in an entry or two....or even more? Have fun and possibly win a prize!
You don't need to do anything too technical - just set your camera to high or fine resolution and send us the resulting photos
As a reminder of the rules:
· Photos can be on any subject/topic, but they must 'evoke a sense of Burton Bradstock' (10 photos per person max).
· Two prizes: one for adults and one for under 16s.
· Deadline for applications - 30th September, 2006
· Open to anyone anywhere in the world
· Digital photos only - must be e-mailed to Burton Bradstock ONLINE (photocompetition@burtonbradstockonline.org)
· All photos submitted to be in JPEG format ideally with a maximum resolution of 3 megapixels (max dimensions of 2000 x 1500 pixels) - can be in black & white or colour
· A selection of the best pictures will be on our PHOTO GALLERY at (www.burtonbradstockonline.org) as the competition progresses. Full competition rules are also there.
Send in your entries and discover your hidden talent!
*Burton Bradstock Online is the name for the organisation responsible for Burton Bradstock's website, computer training etc.
Karen Venn 01308 897 094
Thorner's CE VA Primary School
Since I last wrote we have been knocked out of the Kenway Cup by Parrott and Axe Primary School. It was a great disappointment to us all as we had a strong team and we were very positive that we could progress further through the tournament . even getting to the final, but it was not to be. The actual game was exciting to watch and it could have gone either way. Both teams played hard, made a few mistakes and were really engaged in trying to win; if only the whistle had gone a little later we might have scored that elusive goal to equalise. The game was played at home during the afternoon school session so a number of the younger pupils, much to their delight, were able to stand and support from the sidelines along with a number of parents. Thank you for this support, not only for this game, but for Tuesday after school sessions too, I am sure your enthusiasm 'rubs off' on to the children. We have yet to play the Cluster Football Final against Loders so watch this space.
Earlier this term the children in Eggardon, years 5 and 6, were studying 'The Lady of Shalott' poem by Lord Tennyson with Mrs Gundry and were asked to write a further verse. I thought it was a difficult task in that they had to keep the style, metre and rhyme the same as in the published verses. We were extremely pleased with Hannah's verse and thought you might appreciate it too:
With a face that's deathly white
A coffin moving through the night
And incense caskets burning bright
The procession was a sorry sight
Thro' tower'd Camelot
Then every single noise did cease
Even the tiresome honking geese
The sombre party cried "rest in peace"
To the Lady of Shalott
We have in recent years been restricted in what we can teach, having to follow the laid down curriculum and often not been able to allow the time for those creative moments where children are given the opportunity to express themselves. I am so glad to report that we are still producing the budding writers and poets for the next generation. We are always delighted when we receive results such as this verse and this is what makes teaching such a worthwhile and rewarding career.
Alison Johnstone - Headteacher
Thorner's School 100 Club winners: February
£15 Mrs Jill Neill
£10 Mrs Marion Foot
Burton Bradstock CE VC School
I began last month's entry with a description of a crane which remarkably negotiated a narrow gateway to occupy the playground. Unfortunately the engineers were unable to establish a wireless Broadband signal so for the time being we are back to square one. By the time you read this we should have our new network installed - ready to receive Broadband as soon as it becomes available.
Fundraising has been prominent this term. At the end of January we joined in the 'Save Our Soles' day for the RNLI. Trainers were worn in return for a donation and special SOS trainer laces were on sale. Our thanks to Mrs. Claire Procter for organising the day - £105 was raised for this very worthwhile cause. Last month the P.T.A. supported a sponsored 'bounce' at Bridport Leisure Centre to raise money towards the refurbishment of the village playground. Thank you to all who contributed to this event, and particularly to Judy Kanellaki for organising it. (Figure not available at time of going to press.)
Items to note this month are as follows. The football team have a difficult Kenway Cup semi-final away to Parrett & Axe School, Mosterton. A week later the netball team play their first tournament for a while. At the end of the month Kev 'the comic artist' is visiting us. He has joined us once before when we all enjoyed learning about cartoon drawing and comics. We are looking forward to further improving our skills and enjoying the caricatures he draws of us!
Following on from last year's success, the P.T.A. are holding another Duck Race. This will take place on Easter Sunday 16th April. Further details of times etc. will be available in the next BVN.
You will have noted from last month's BVN that David Powell is launching his book of BVN articles over the years on Saturday 29th April. The choir are very pleased to have been invited to contribute to the evening and have already begun practising. This will be their debut 'performance' in an out-of-school event.
Mark Stratta
100 Club January:
£20 - D.J. Cole
£10 - Mr & Mrs Holmes
£ 5 - Mr & Mrs West
Changing For the Better
26th Annual Bible Convention
6 - 10 March 2006
Monday 6th March at 7.30pm
Tuesday - Friday 7 - 10 March at 10.45am & 7.30pm
Speaker: Rev'd Dr Derek Stringer
Limited parking
Women's World Day of Prayer from South Africa.
This year the special annual service will he held at St. Swithun's Church on Friday March 3rd at 10.30 am. This is an important service of unity with more than 180 countries across the globe as we all come together in prayer. Last year it was devised by the women of Poland; this year it is from the women of South Africa.
The people of South Africa are known as the "Rainbow Nation" - a sign of hope when things seem dark. This service will offer you an opportunity, in some small way, to share in the plight of the various situations in which the people of South Africa experience life, to offer prayers and to share in the strong faith coming out of Africa today. Please come and join in on March 3rd and make this a service worthy of this great African nation.
Royal British Legion - Bride Valley Branch
The Social Evening this month will be held at the Bull Inn, Swyre on Monday, 27th March at 7.00pm for 7.30pm.
J. Reeves (Hon.Sec.)
Litton Cheney Youth Club
The Youth Club is open to everyone between the ages of 8 and 17 years who live in the Bride Valley. For further details please contact Paul Kingston 482 384.
Burton Bradstock Village Hall
Classical Concert in memory of Theodora Craucher
A unique classical concert for all the family with Bach, Correlli, Rebel and Bloch. On 20th April, Elizabeth Thornburn and Bridget Pearse will be putting on a classical concert at Litton Cheney Church 7.00 to 9.00pm. This concert is in memory of Theodora Craucher and all proceeds will go to the Special Care Baby Unit, Dorchester.
Bridget Pearse
Bride Valley Gardening Club
We have had such a cold patch up to the time of writing this entry - first week in February - that Spring still seems a long way off, despite cutting our lawns this week! There are buds appearing on the Salix, and a few peeps from bulbs, but apart from some dwarf Iris nothing is stirring. I'm sure that within the month we will all be seeing crocuses, daffodils and hellebores responding to the early Spring call. Let's hope so!
Our Speaker for March, and the final indoor meeting of the Gardening Club year - is this possible - will be a slight change to the former advertised speaker, when we were to have the honour of Anna Pavord, the former Puncknowle and well-known Garden writer. She will be publicising her book in America in March, and therefore has postponed until October. We have been fortunate enough to have Mr. Alan Eason now talking of "Parisian Gardens and Parks" - which evokes romance and passion possibly in us all!!
We look forward to seeing you on March l3th at 7.30 p.m. in the usual venue of Thorners School, Litton Cheney.
Norma Millard- Club Secretary: 897774
Did you know that the Bride Valley News is published
on the Internet every month? It includes every back issue of the magazine, as far back as January 2000.
And, it is in colour too!
To find it, click on www.burtonbradstock.org.uk
then "What's On" followed by "St. Mary's Church" & then
choose "The Bride Valley News and current months Church Services"
Village Correspondent Mr Basil Dent
2, Norburton, Burton Bradstock. Tel:- (01308) 897125
Mid Week Worship -
Holy Communion Wednesdays at 10.00 a.m.
Burton Bradstock PCC AGM
The AGM of the Burton Bradstock PCC will be held on April 24th. at
7.00 p.m. in St. Mary's Church. Bob Hynds
Bell Ringing Practices: Thursdays at 7.00pm
Gift Sunday: 19th March Church Mission Society
The next Service of Prayer for Healing at St Mary's will be held on Monday 10th March at 7.00pm.
Tiny Tots / Pram Service will be held at 11.00am on Friday 13th March 2006
Easter Family Evensong
On Low Sunday, April 23rd, when all the Easter eggs have been eaten, come and enjoy Easter a little longer.
At 6.00pm in St Mary's Church, Burton Bradstock, Luke and Theophilus (alias Steve and Jake Dove), along with a full cast, will be presenting the Easter story in drama, as part of Evensong.
All will be very welcome.
Heather Rogers
St Mary's Church is hosting a lunch in the Village Hall on Saturday 11th March from 12 noon until 2.00pm to which all villagers and visitors are most welcome.
The lunch will include a choice of soup, with bread and cheese, followed by coffee and biscuits. There will be no set charge for the lunch, however, donations are invited for St Mary's Medi-Link Project which is continuing in 2006 to raise funds to purchase equipment to equip a new medical clinic in the Sudan.
Do come along and support us if you can, and bring along a friend too, we look forward to seeing you there.
St Mary's PCC
Church Electoral Roll - Revision
The Church Electoral Roll is revised each year (except when a new roll is prepared every sixth year) in time for the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. If your name is already included in the current roll no further action is required of you.
The revision period leading up to the annual meeting provides an ideal opportunity for those who wish to have their names added to the electoral roll to apply for enrolment, the requirements for which are very simple. You must be baptised (christened), a member of the Church of England or of a church in communion with it, be aged 16 or over and either resident in the parish or have regularly attended church there for at least six months.
Being on the electoral roll of the parish means you can attend the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (to be held this year on Monday 24th April in church at 7.00 p.m.) and vote in the elections to the Parochial Church Council or stand for election yourself if you are a communicant member of the Church of England. It enables you to have your voice heard at Deanery and Diocesan level as well as in your own parish.
Application forms for enrolment on the Church Electoral Roll will be available in church in the weeks leading up to the annual meeting or if you wish to contact me direct on Te1.897316 to discuss any aspect of enrolment I will be pleased to help.
Wendy Froy - Electoral Roll Officer.
Prospective parents/carers please feel free to drop in and visit our friendly playgroup. We are in Burton Bradstock's bright & spacious Village Hall with access to the large vicarage garden on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9.30am to 12 noon during school term-time. All children welcome from age 2½ - unaccompanied from age 2¾. Numbers are rising so get your child's name down early! For more information please call playleader Anne-Marie Pitman on 01305 788221 or 07814 318963.
200 Club - Congratulations to:
1st Prize: No. 73 Mrs Marilyn Wicks £34.40
2nd Prize: No. 81 Mrs Gillian Knight £17.20
3rd Prize: No.170 Wg Cdr Freddy Tame £ 8.60
Anyone wanting to become a member in time for the March-December draws should telephone Alan Clarke on 01308 897051 and let him have £10 - one pound for each of the remaining 10 draws in the year. There are double prizes in the December draw.
The Village Hall Trust is a trust registered with the local authority, the West Dorset District Council - Lotteries Licence No. LA005
Village Events Diary for 2006
Would anyone planning an event in the village (not just in the Village Hall) please enter brief details in the Village Events Diary which is in the Post Office. This worked very well last year as it prevented too many similar events being put on in quick succession. People from outside the village often look at this book and it does help to promote local activities and raise attendance levels at events.
Susan Moores - Secretary, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee
Saturday and Sunday, 18th and 19th March 2006 (10.30 am to 4.00 pm) 'Body Talk' - A Visual Arts Event
The visual arts exhibition called 'Body Talk' will include prints, photographs, painted and stitched textiles, conceptual clothing, jewellery, mixed media and installations. This will be an opportunity to see the work of 12 national professional artists, several of whom live and work in Dorset. It is an exciting and unusual exhibition of contemporary art, which attempts to "reflect the complexities surrounding our bodies and body images, our sexuality, dress, memory and identity".
Entry to exhibition is FREE.
Artsreach - Saturday 22nd April 2006 (7.30 pm) - String Quartet
A String Quartet from the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra will be playing 'Modern Classical' music in the Village Hall on Saturday Evening 22nd April. Further details follow in next month's BVN.
Norman Saunders-White - 01308 897214
Playground Appeal Event - Saturday 25 March 2006 (7.30 pm)
The Village Hall Committee is organising an event to support the Playground Appeal. This will be an evening of Live Music with dancing to 'Hector's Box'. There will be a cash bar and raffle and all proceeds will go to the Appeal Fund. Tickets will be £5 and will be on sale at the Post Office at the beginning of March. Look out for further details on the Notice Boards around the Village.
Susan Moores - Secretary, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee
Burton Bradstock Home Watch
During January 2006, there have been no burglaries or car crimes recorded for Burton Bradstock by Dorset Police.
Co-ordinators are advised that during April the annual meeting will be held at 16 Hive Close, the date and time to be advised. It is planned to arrange for Malcolm Davenport (Ringmaster Manager-Western Division) & other Police Officers to be present to report on the current situation.
Freddy Tame 897 957
An Evening with Billy Bragg - Saturday 20 May 2006 (7.30 pm)
Billy has kindly offered to host a fundraising event for the Village Hall on Saturday 20 May. This will take the form of an 'Audience With' and will incorporate Music, Anecdotes and Questions from the audience. Tickets will be £10 each and I am sure they will be much sought after. Tickets will be on sale well in advance from the Post Office. Look out for further details on the Notice Boards around the Village and in the next BVN. All proceeds from the event will go to support the Village Hall.
Susan Moores - Secretary, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee
Village Fayre - Monday 29 May 2006 (2.00 pm to 5.00 pm)
The Village Fayre will once again be held in the Rectory Gardens on Bank Holiday Monday 29 May. Your support last year made this event a great success and the money raised has allowed the Village Hall Committee to maintain and upgrade the hall and facilities. Help will again be needed to organise, set up and run stalls; anyone who wishes to volunteer should contact Susan Moores on 01308 897673. At present we particularly need clean, empty, lidded jars for the 'Filled Jar' stall. If you wish to fill jars yourself with things for children to the value of 50p e.g. a jar containing wrapped sweets or one containing pencils, eraser, pencil sharpener etc. please do so. Contacts for jars, filled or unfilled, are Joan Allan (01308 897511) or Joyce Tillman (01308 897040). Entertainment for children will once again be a central feature of the Fayre with supervised Children's Races and a Fancy Dress Competition. Look out for further details in the next edition of the BVN and on Notice Boards around the Village.
Susan Moores - Secretary, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee
Burton Bradstock Village Society
On the 13th January we were all given an excellent lesson on how to take a perfect picture when David Barnikel, Colin Davies and Garry Mayball gave us a fascinating insight into successful photography in their presentation to the Society entitled "Photography for Pleasure".
These three experts from the Bridport Camera Club showed us some superbly composed shots taken from as far afield as Australia, Brazil, India, Iceland and many other exotic places but, more importantly, with explanation about how the shots were composed and exposed. In contrast we were then shown slides taken around Dorset and Somerset and this illustrated the different techniques of exposure and composition in landscape photography.
Altogether, a scintillating evening. Peter Dutton
Burton Bradstock Playground Appeal
After visiting the Brownies, Cubs, Beavers, the Playgroup, Mountjoy School and our Village School, and researching opinion at the coffee morning, our consultations on the equipment are now completed. The decision was overwhelmingly in favour of the combination which included the multi play unit and the rocking Jeep. The equipment is specially adapted to provide access for children of all abilities.
This is a very exciting project for our village and the Committee would like to thank supporters for their help and very generous donations. Special thanks to all who helped raise the fantastic sum of £930 at the coffee morning and £100 at Joan Allen's Whist Drive. The Village School plans a sponsored trampoline jump as their contribution and the Playgroup will be holding an "Easter Toddle". At the time of going to press, the fund stands at £7,000! Please keep up the good work.
Don't forget to buy your "Tool Quiz" available for £1 at the Post Office. If you would like to join in the fund raising activities, or give a direct contribution, please either donate through one of the collection points in the village (Bridge Cottage Stores, Three Horseshoes, The Anchor, Burton Bradstock Cars, the Hive Café and the Post Office), or contact:
Sheila Pett on 897 550 or David Venn on 897 007
Sheila Pett
Burton Bradstock Bridge Group
7th March - Bridge & afternoon tea at 2.00pm - tickets £4 - see details below. 14th, 21st & 28th March - Bridge as usual 2.00pm in Village Hall - anyone with a little experience is welcome. Further information from
Chris Clarke - 898 117
Burton Bradstock Playground
Bridge & Afternoon Tea
Tuesday 7th March 2006 at 2.00pm
Burton Bradstock Village Hall
~ Prizes ~ Raffle ~
(Any donations for prizes or raffle gratefully received)
Tickets £4.00 each from Chris Clarke
Tel: 898117
Come & enjoy a fun afternoon & lovely tea whilst raising money for appeal.
Burton Bradstock Village Web Site Committee
has changed its name,
as it now covers much more than just the web site.
The new name is "Burton Bradstock ONLINE".
However, the web site address is unchanged at:
Loads of information on the village including maps,
videos, current events, useful contacts, training courses,
village history & the new digital photo competition
(see www.burtonbradstockonline.org for details)
and did you know that the Bride Valley News is published
on this web site every month? It includes every back issue of the magazine, as far back as January 2000.
And, it is in colour too!
Village Correspondent: Mrs. Joy White
Eastcote 3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge
Tel: ( 01308 )897974
Mothering Sunday Family Service
Everyone is invited to our service of thanksgiving in St. Martin's church on Sunday 26th March, at 4pm. Our young people will present gifts of Spring posies to their mothers, and afterwards tea and traditional simnel cake will be distributed in church.
Annual Parochial Church Meeting
This will take place in the Village Hall on Monday 27th March, at 7.30p.m., for the election of churchwardens and parochial church councillors, and to receive various annual reports.
Nominations are needed for two churchwardens (which must be received in writing by the Rector before the commencement of the meeting - please ask him for a form). Nominations for PCC may be made verbally at the meeting.
Shipton Gorge Ramblers
We meet on Friday 17th March, at 10.30 a.m. as before, and the venue this month is the Hive Beach car park, Burton Bradstock. Lifts are available if required - please contact Janet or Vicky. Do come along for a pleasant morning walk, and lunch in the café afterwards.
Janet Lane
Shipton Gorge Village Society SGVS SUMMER SHOW
This year's SHOW will be on Saturday, 22nd July, in the Village Hall
- see list of events. Classes cater for everyone: from potatoes to poems, flowers to fancy cakes, herbs to hanging baskets....
Sue Brown - Organiser
Dates for your Diary:
· Easter Bingo Weds 5th April starting at 7-30pm at the Village Hall.
· Plant Swap/ Coffee morning - Saturday 6th May 10.30 till 12.00 in the Village Hall.
· Coach Trip to Killerton House - Tuesday 23rd May leaving New Inn 9-30am. Leaving Killerton House 4-00pm. Price of tickets to be arranged.
· Village Walk - Saturday 10th June. Times and meeting places to be arranged.
· Village Flower/Veg Show etc: 22 July in the Village Hall.
· Village Fete 12th August in the Village Hall Starting at 2-00 pm.
There will be an update where needed on all these events each Month.
Sally Parker 897168
New Parish Clerk
I have recently taken on the post of Clerk to Shipton Gorge Parish Council and can be contacted at Honeysuckle, Cuckoo Lane, Shipton Gorge, Bridport, Dorset DT6 4LX, telephone: 01308 898648, e-mail: clerk@shiptongorge.org.uk.
My wife Vicky and I are no strangers to the Bride Valley as my late mother, Flo Thomas, ran the guest house at Pound House, Burton Bradstock for around 10 years until ill health forced her to move to Buckinghamshire in 1984 to live nearer to us. We were frequent visitors during that period. I should like to express grateful thanks to my predecessor, Jeff Fisher, and I look forward to being of service to the parish and all of its parishioners.
Ernie Thomas
Shipton Gorge Village Hall "100" Club February Draw:
£20 No.69 Colin Chambers
£10 No.59 Ann Richards
Parish Council Matters
A vacancy exists for a Parish Councillor. If you have an interest in the future of the village and could give a small amount of your time, please contact Cllr. Richard Hewlett on 01308 897854 (work) or 01308 897278 (home) or speak to any Councillor.
The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Wednesday 22nd March commencing at 7.30pm.
Mobile Library Service - New Timetable
The mobile library will visit Shipton Gorge on a fortnightly basis at Quarry Close on Fridays between 3.20pm and 3.50pm. The new timetable will be effective from the week beginning 3rd April 2006 and will be displayed on public notices in the village.
Village Correspondent: Sid Marshall
3 Green Barton, Swyre Tel: 897318
Holy Trinity Church, Swyre
Church services:-
Thursday 2nd 9.00am Morning Prayer, said.
Sunday, 5th 3.30pm Evensong.
Sunday, 12th 11.00am Morning Prayer.
Thursday, 16th 9.00am Morning Prayer, said.
Sunday, 19th 11.00am Holy Communion.
Sunday, 26th 11.00am Holy Communion by extension. This will be a special service for Mothering Sunday, which will be followed by Coffee and Simnel cake etc. We would love to see as many families as possible at this special service, especially as we hope that the children and young people will be involved.
Thursday, 30th 9.00am Morning Prayer, said.
(Advance notice for April 2nd, Sunday, 6.30pm Evensong followed by the church AGM.)
Other Activities:-
Saturday, 11th, 10am-12noon, Churchyard Working Party. Yes, spring is here and it's time to get back out there and continue the work of helping to keep our churchyard tidy. Weather permitting we start again this month, and everyone's talents can be used! Please ring if you would like more details.
Saturday, 25th, 10am-12noon. Children and Young people meet in the churchyard to collect flowers there and make posies for the Mothering Sunday service on Sunday. If you would like more details, or if your family would like to play a part in the Sunday service, please ring.
Yvonne Buckland, Church Warden.
Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council - Parish Council Meeting
The next meeting will be held in Puncknowle Church Hall on the 7th March 2006 at 7.30pm.
Village Correspondent: Elizabeth Slater
1, Lytton Close, Puncknowle, Dorchester DT2 9BH
Telephone: ( 01308 ) 897751
Lent Frugal Lunch
This will be on Wednesday 22 March in the Church Hall from 12.30pm. Come and join us for home-made soup, bread and cheese. The collection will be for 'Send a Cow'. A practical project in Africa, providing training in agriculture and animal farming before giving them the animal which will help them out of poverty.
Ann Roberts
We are pleased to say that we have overcome the problems of preserving our traditional summer fete this year and that the fete will now go ahead as usual. Jim and Sarah Wild have kindly agreed that the west garden of the Manor can be used. A fete organising group has been established and held its first planning meeting on Wednesday 8th February.
The emerging plan for this year is that the traditional fete would become an integral part of a Puncknowle summer festival weekend - with events happening both in the Manor grounds, in Church street (subject to suitable planning approvals being given) and in the grounds of the Crown public house.
Would you like to help us and be involved in making this an exhilarating weekend for our community?
Can you contribute anything towards the occasion - new ideas, produce, or a stall? Please let us know what you think and how you could help. Contact either of the under-named.
Tony Edwards 897435 or Liz Slater 897751
Puncknowle Art Group
Our AGM was very successful and a programme for the following year was put together. The first session was led by Sallie which was a workshop on 'continuous lines'. An interesting collection of Picasso-like pictures emerged and the whole morning was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.
Dates for March: 10th - A look at work in progress and on March 24th - A talk by Ann Jones on pastel landscapes with advice on members' pastel pictures.
Christine Molony-01308 897 795
Thank You
Laura Dann would like to thank all her friends and neighbours for their help and support following her accident in Bridport. Fortunately she is well on the way to recovery and would like to express her appreciation for the great kindness shown to her.
Don't forget to check the village website
to keep in touch with village events and find useful information
Village Correspondent: Josie Belasco,
11 Manor Farm Close, Litton Cheney
Telephone: (01308) 482484
Come and enjoy home made soup with bread and cheese at the Spicer's at 1 Litton Hill on Tuesday 21st March from 12.30 p.m. Donations in aid of 'Hope and Homes for Children' (who provide hope, homes and a future for vulnerable children worldwide).
Are you on the role? Or should that be roll?
Whatever your role in life you are probably entitled to be on two rolls. Confused? Read on. Just about everyone is entitled to be registered on the Parliamentary Electoral Roll, which entitles you to vote at general and local elections for your MP, District and Parish Councillors. Each year, by law, you, or the "head of your household", have to complete a declaration to confirm the details of those living in your house so that the adult members can be included on the Roll maintained by the Electoral Registration Officer at West Dorset District Council.
No such compulsion is involved in your right to be registered on the Electoral Roll of your local church; to be registered on the St Mary's Church Electoral Roll you should be a baptised Christian, and at least 16 years old who lives in the village or regularly worships at St Mary's. Why bother? Because it's the only way you can have a say in the running of the Church; only those registered have a vote when it comes to electing the members of the PCC (Parochial Church Council). It costs you nothing and puts you under no obligation. However, if you have views on such matters as removing pews from the Church, or the choice of persons to be responsible for running it, or the future of the Church Hall, then exercise your right to vote, at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on 26th April, by ensuring your name appears on the Church Electoral Roll. Please ask for a form (very short and simple) by contacting either of the existing churchwardens or the PCC secretary (telephone numbers 482617, 482383, 482532).
Litton Cheney Village Textile coffee morning
Why not come and join us in the Church hall on Saturday, March 18th? We are holding a coffee morning from 10.30am until noon so that you may come and view our, "work in progress". Maybe you will find that your house has been embroidered. There will be a sales table with gifts and goodies, also a raffle. Everyone is welcome.
Ann Miles
Litton Cheney Village/School Hall - Update
After the Open Meeting on 12 January at Thorner's School, those brave enough to volunteer to start the physical side of achieving a village/school hall have had their first meeting. The meeting was briefed by Lois Rose, Dorset Village Hall Coordinator, regarding funding, charitable trusts and the setting up of fund raising activities.
Ron Davidson was elected chairman, with David Taylor as deputy chairman, and Freddie Spicer and John Firrell agreeing to serve as treasurer and secretary respectively. Other members of the committee are Alison Johnstone, Paul Kingston and Eddy Fry.
An Open Meeting will be held in March to discuss and approve the committee's constitution and inform villagers of fund raising plans. The date of the meeting will be communicated via the parish newsletter and village notice boards. Watch this space for more news!
Peggy Croft and her family thank all her friends in the valley for their condolences and kind wishes on the death of Geoffrey.
Anyone for Bridge?
John and Sandra Yates moved to Litton last August, and John is keen to set up a Bridge club. I had no idea how bridge is played so I asked John to just give us an overview in case there was anyone out there who might like to join, but are new to the game. John explained that it's a card game for 4 players, similar to whist. Played by one pair (partnership) North & South against another pair East & West. Each pair score points according to their success in winning. Bridge Clubs normally play Duplicate Bridge or sometimes Rubber Bridge.
I would like to see a club in Litton meeting as follows:
One night per week. Beginners (classes and players) and Social.
Later perhaps depending upon demand, opening another night too. Tea, coffee, biscuits etc.
The club would need a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and organizer.
It would be predominately a social activity for people who have never handled a deck of cards before, through to those wishing to go on to play competitive tournaments.
John used to work for a large multi-national and has some commercial/negotiating experience which he would like to put to good use in village life. He was also borough councillor and leader of the council for some years in his old patch. If you would like to find out more about bridge or would like to put John's talents to good use contact him on (01308) 482585.
Have you a few hours to spare each day?
Are you a capable, enthusiastic person with a sense of humour? Would you be willing to help an elderly couple with light domestic tasks and some cooking? 4-5 hours daily (not weekends). If so, you might be just the person we are looking for! Please contact us on 01308 482 558.
Litton Cheney Social Committee
Richard Edmunds: Friday 3rd March 7.30pm Thorner's School, meet for the Jurassic Coast talk by Richard Edmunds which, from reports received, is not to be missed. £1.00 entrance fee, coffee and biscuits provided.
Saturday 11th March - meet at the Bus Shelter for a circular walk of about five miles.
Kathy Kourik Secretary LCSC482552
Lithe Litton Ladies will be held every Monday this month in the village hall from 6.00 to 7.30
Due to considerable demand from both customers and producers, we will now be holding our first Producers' Market of the year on Saturday 15th April at The White Horse Inn from 9.30am until 12.30pm.
More details will be forthcoming in the April edition of the BVN. It will certainly be a busy Easter weekend for The White Horse Inn, with a market on Saturday and the Annual Duck Race on Easter Sunday. Notwithstanding we hope to see you there.
The April market will be followed by markets on the third Saturday of May, June, July, August, September, October and November. Perhaps spring is on its way after all! For more information please phone John Firrell (482313) or Wendy Taylor (482532).
Visit the web site for the latest news.
The group meets at The White Horse Inn
at 8.30pm on the first Monday of each month.
All welcome.
Village Correspondent:
Mrs. Elinor Frost, Bridelands ( 482269 )
A frugal lunch will be held at Langebride House on Thursday 9th March at 12:30pm in aid of the Dorset Cherkassy Paediatric Link.
This liaison is between the Children's Centre in Dorchester and Cherkassy Regional Hospital in Ukraine where there is a great need for modern medical training and advice on current research around the world. Exchange visits are taking place and key pieces of medical equipment are being provided. A neonatal project needing about £10,000 is now being planned, so your kind help would be most gratefully received.
Please come on 9th March at 12:30pm.
Advance notice: a film show in the Village Hall, 25th April. More details next BVN. Make a note in your diary!
Long Bredy and Litton Cheney WI
Long Bredy and Litton Cheney WI meet on 7th March in Litton Cheney Church Hall at 7:30pm. Paul Kingston will be showing his travel films followed by refreshments. Sadly, this will be the final meeting of this WI after eighty-seven years: due to the low membership it is no longer viable.
March 25th sadly marks the end of an era in Littlebredy, when the Fry family departs from Foxholes Farm, after nearly 50 years and 2 generations of the farming family. The late twentieth century has seen almost a full circle in the agricultural cycle, and David and Doreen, followed by Bernard and Val, with their celebrated pedigree Littlebredy Herd of Friesian cattle, have played a notable part. Bernard and Val are making their new home on a smaller farm near Axminster, not all that far away, and we hope they take with them as many happy memories as the ones they leave behind. We wish them both, and Sophie and Sebastian as well, all happiness and fulfilment in the future.
Annette Hallett's bowls career has continued to flourish through the winter. Having fallen at the last fence, the Dorset, Hants and West Sussex Zone Final, with two Dorchester club mates in the Ladies Triples, she has successfully won the Zone Final as an individual in the Ladies Singles, and competes in the National Finals (the last 16 in the country) in Nottingham on the 23rd February, and all her neighbours will be willing her on. The very best of luck, skill and good judgment, Annette.
Back at home, the Village Hall will be open on the first Friday evening in March, March 3rd, from 7.30 p.m. onwards, for another of the inimitable Quiz Evenings. There will be no "weakest link" (sadly no Millionaires either), just a good time to be had by all. Teams of four at any level of ability are welcome, and no doubt the foreign invasion will turn out again to spur the home teams to ever-greater efforts to try to win the wretched thing for once.
Mothering Sunday (26th March) would normally see a Communion Service in Church at 9.30 a.m., but plans are afoot (to be notified later) to make it more user-friendly for mothers and children, so that as many as possible of both will be especially welcome.
Dorset Mobile Library Service
Spring around the corner; a time for planning those projects for the garden and house. If you want some ideas then try the library service. Books on all manner of things. Visit your mobile library for books, tapes, videos, DVD's and stamps.
Visiting times for March.
Tuesdays 7th and 21st
Puncknowle Church 9.20 - 9.40
Puncknowle Napier Close 9.45 - 10.20
Swyre Manor Farm 10.25 - 10.40
West Bexington Telephone Box 10.50 - 11.35
Thursdays 9th and 23rd
Long Bredy Telephone Box 2.25 - 3.10
Litton Cheney Bus Shelter 3.20 - 4.15
Fridays 10th and 24th
Shipton Gorge Quarry Close 3.05 - 3.35
Advertising Managers
TELEPHONE: 01308 898 203
E-mail: cairnhill@talk21.com
Diary of Events for all Parishes March 2006 |
Wed |
1 |
Ash Wednesday Holy Communion |
St. Mary's Burton Bradstock |
7.00pm |
1 |
Artsreach |
Shipton Village Hall |
7.30pm |
1 |
"Wizard of Oz" |
B.B. Village Hall |
7.30pm |
Thur |
2 |
Guild of Health Meditation Prayer Group Othona |
3.00pm |
2 |
Bride Valley Fellowship Group |
West Lodge, Littlebredy |
7.30pm |
2 |
"Wizard of Oz" |
B.B. Village Hall |
7.30pm |
Fri |
3 |
Talk: The Jurassic Coast |
Thorner's School |
7.30pm |
3 |
Quiz evening |
Littlebredy Village hall |
7.30pm |
3 |
"Wizard of Oz" |
B.B. Village Hall |
7.30pm |
Sat |
4 |
"Wizard of Oz" Matinee |
B.B. Village Hall |
2.00pm |
4 |
"Wizard of Oz" |
B.B. Village Hall |
7.30pm |
Mon |
6 |
Lithe Litton Ladies |
Church Hall |
6.00pm |
Tues |
7 |
Bridge & Afternoon Tea |
B.B. Village Hall |
2.00pm |
7 |
Long Bredy/Litton Cheney final W.I. Meeting |
Litton Cheney Church Hall |
7.30pm |
Wed |
8 |
Lent Series |
St. Mary's Burton Bradstock |
7.00pm |
Thur |
9 |
Bride Valley Fellowship Group |
6 Baglake Litton Cheney |
7.30pm |
9 |
Frugal Lunch |
Langebride House, Long Bredy |
12.30pm |
9 |
Burton Bradstock Bingo |
Chesil Court |
Fri |
10 |
Service of Prayer for Healing |
St. Mary's Burton Bradstock |
7.00pm |
10 |
Puncknowle Art Group |
The Crown |
10.30am |
10 |
Tiny Tots/Pram Service |
St. Mary's Burton Bradstock |
11.00am |
10 |
B. B. Village Society B.B. Village Hall |
7.30pm |
Sat |
11 |
Charity Lunch |
B.B. Village Hall |
12.00noon |
11 |
Churchyard working party |
Swyre |
10.00am |
Mon |
13 |
Prayers for Healing |
St. Mary's Burton Bradstock |
7.00pm |
13 |
Tiny Tots/Pram Service |
St. Mary's Burton Bradstock |
11.00am |
13 |
Lithe Litton Ladies |
Church Hall |
6.00pm |
13 |
Bride Valley Gardening Club |
Thorner's School |
7.30pm |
Tues |
14 |
Burton Bradstock W.I. |
Village Hall |
2.15pm |
Wed |
15 |
Lent Series |
St. Mary's Burton Bradstock |
7.00pm |
Thur |
16 |
Guild of Health Meditation Prayer Group Othona |
3.00pm |
16 |
Bride Valley Fellowship Group |
2 Myrtle Close, Puncknowle |
7.30pm |
Fri |
17 |
Shipton Gorge Ramblers' Walk |
Meet Hive Beach car park |
10.30am |
Sat |
18 |
Artsreach Exhibition |
Burton Village Hall |
10.30am |
18 |
Village textile coffee morning |
Litton Cheney Church Hall |
10.30am |
Sun |
19 |
Artsreach Exhibition |
Burton Village Hall |
10.30am |
Mon |
20 |
Lithe Litton Ladies |
Church Hall |
6.00pm |
Tues |
21 |
Lent charity lunch |
1 Litton Hill, Litton Cheney |
12.30pm |
Wed |
22 |
Lent Series |
St. Mary's Burton Bradstock |
7.00pm |
22 |
Lent Frugal Lunch |
Puncknowle Church Hall |
12.30pm |
22 |
Shipton Gorge Parish Council meeting |
7.30pm |
Thur |
23 |
Bride Valley Fellowship Group |
12 Napier Close, Puncknowle |
7.30pm |
23 |
Burton Bradstock Bingo |
Chesil Court |
23 |
Bride Valley Mother's Union |
2.30pm |
Fri |
24 |
Puncknowle Art Group |
The Crown |
10.30am |
Sat |
25 |
Playground Appeal event - live music |
B.B. Village Hall |
7.30pm |
25 |
Collecting flowers for Mothering Sunday |
Swyre churchyard |
10.00am |
Mon |
27 |
Shipton Gorge PCC Annual Meeting |
Shipton Gorge Village Hall |
7.30pm |
27 |
Lithe Litton Ladies |
Church Hall |
6.00pm |
27 |
Mothers' Union |
27 |
Royal British Legion Social Evening |
Bull Inn Swyre |
7:00pm |
Wed |
29 |
Lent Series |
St. Mary's Burton Bradstock |
7.00pm |
Thur |
30 |
Bride Valley Fellowship Group |
7 Norburton, Burton Bradstock |
7.30pm |
Editor: Susan Paul Old Walls Mill Street Burton Bradstock Bridport DT6 4QZ |