Diary of events for all Parishes May 2006
Mothers' Union
The Bride Valley Mother's Union meets on the 4th Thursday of each month at 2.30pm.
For further details and venue please contact any of the following:-
Yvette Smith 01308 898219
Ann Read 01308 897445
Elizabeth Slater 01308 897751
The Bride Valley (Thursday) Fellowship Group
The group meets on Thursday evenings and alternates between Bible Study and Prayer. Arriving from 7.30pm we begin at 8.00pm aiming to finish by about 9.30pm. For further details contact Paul
May 4 Prayer 2 Myrtle Close, Puncknowle
May 11 Bible Study 12 Napier Close, Puncknowle
May 18 Prayer 3 Lytton Close, Puncknowle
May 25 Bible Study 6 Baglake, Litton Cheney
Christian Aid Week
Sunday 14th May to Saturday 20th May
If you can help with collecting please contact Janet Proctor -tel. 01308 898594.
Praxis 2006 - Holiday with a difference
The Church Mission Society runs visits catering for Christians who:-
Praxis is for people over 25 with no age limit; they usually are in groups of 10 with a group leader of cross-cultural experience. In 2006 the planned visits are to Romania and Kenya, each for two weeks in September. Details are available from Hilary Mousley (tel.01308 897849)
Behind the Headlines in Israel and Palestine
The media can leave us despairing of any real progess in what we call the Holy Land. Pat Price-Tomes has been there for three months of this eventful year as an Ecumenical Accompanier - under the umbrella of the Quakers and the World Council of Churches. What really goes on? What can be done? How similar was her mission to that of Norman Kember in Iraq? And what possesses a retired person like her to spend months at a time near the front line in such a zone of conflict?
Pat gives an up-to-the-minute illustrated talk at the Othona Community on Saturday 20th May. You're very welcome even if you've never visited us before. We're on the Coast Road between Burton and Swyre. Free of charge (donations only), join us for tea at 4.00 and the talk is at 4.30. If you would like to stay for Middle Eastern supper to discuss further, please call 01308 897130 in advance. (Gift stall of goods made in the Palestinian territories.) Tony Jaques
Thorner's CE VA Primary School
May is going to be a very busy month with lots of local events for the pupils to show off their skills in maypole dancing so do please go along and support them. There are maybe a few ex pupils who can remember some of the dances and would like a second chance so why not come and have a go.
We are very fortunate that we have been offered a plot of cultivated land next to school to allow pupils the opportunity to see how fruit and vegetables grow, following the whole process of digging, preparing the ground, planting the seeds, weeding, watering on the way to picking our own produce. It is hoped that this will add a new dimension to our teaching, being more hands on for science and more importantly eating the produce by cooking it and taking some responsibility for the environment to name a few. I am sure that a number of our pupils do come from families where this is taken seriously and hope that we can support them in their quest for a 'better life' but really what we want to do is offer an alternative to those families who rely heavily on others to provide for them and show by example how food is grown.
Alison Johnstone
Burton Bradstock CE VC School
During the last week before we broke up for Easter, Kev the comic artist spent a day working with the juniors. His cartoons appear in the Beano and other well known comics and he really inspired us to try out our own characters and storylines. In the same week our 'A' team were delighted to win the Cluster Handball shield for the second year running.
The first week after SATs Class 4 are off to Dartmoor for a residential trip. This will be great fun and also one of the experiences we shall all look back on with fond memories. If the bureaucratic hurdles continue I fear that there is a real danger that such opportunities may become a thing of the past. Let's hope not - it's especially important that we hold on to the things that really benefit our children and set these as our goal.
Easter is behind us and this month sees the annual 'SATs' round that continues to feed the data driven appetites of our lords and masters at the DFES. No doubt they are rubbing their hands in glee at the prospect of further reams of league tables and the satisfaction that they still have a 'job' to do. Unfortunately those of us responsible for overseeing the process see little benefit (league tables can be positively harmful) and we are not alone. SATs are now dead and buried in Wales, non-existent in Scotland and due to be dropped in Northern Ireland. Interestingly, since being abolished in Wales, standards of pupil performance have risen and teacher recruitment is not the issue that it was - many English teachers are now commuting across the border because they find teaching in Wales far more enjoyable and rewarding. So who are the only mugs still inflicting SATs on children? Hopefully it is only a matter of time before England follows the Welsh example.
I am reliably informed that since 1997 there have been 650 new 'initiatives' in primary schools. I have to confess that we haven't done them all. It is particularly galling when so called 'new' ideas are in reality thinly disguised old ones with a bit of tinkering. What is so intensely irritating about many media headlines is the fact that at best they are misleading and at worst simply wrong or untrue. Recently it was the hype surrounding phonics. How on earth do they think we have been teaching children to read and write for all these years without a knowledge of phonics? I can only assume that blinkers are the order of the day. Certain journalists only seem to see, hear and say what they want to and it would be nice to hear something positive said about schools for a change. Please accept my apologies - I had not intended this month's contribution to BVN to become a rant line. We do need to try to look on the bright side of life so here's something I stumbled across the other day. I don't know who wrote it but I find it helpful:
'Goals are like the stars: they are always there.
Adversity is like the clouds: it is temporary and will move on.
Keep your eyes on the stars.'
Mark Stratta
100 Club
Additional February bonuses:
(Omitted last month)
£10 - Mrs J. Tilman
£10 - Anna Powell
£10 - Laurie Farrow
£10 - Suzan Barclay
£20 - Will Brookes
£10 - Mrs Rattenbury
£5 - Clare Marley
Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup News
We had a lovely outing to Long Barrow Farm in April - despite the blowy weather and thanks to the Maltby's - saw lots of little lambs - a few black ones - as well as pigs, cattle and Nimbus the bull. The Western Gazette sent along their photographer to take some pictures and one was in the paper the same week of Jordan, Anna and Max with a lamb. We had a walk around the grounds one fine day to see the gypsy caravan (vardo) during book week. Children also received Treasure Chests containing books and writing aids to encourage reading.
Visitors have included Hattie the Clown who came to tell us the Easter story in her own special way with props and drawing, not to mention balloons - very successfully! Dave our local "baker" showed us how to make bread again - thanks Dave! Last but not least, our chair Joy helped the children to make Gingerbread men and women during our Ofsted inspection - as inspectors now arrive without any warning, she was thrown in the deep end - by me - and took over this activity, doing very well. They were very tasty! Hattie also came along to one of the Nestling's afternoons as Sue Brown and showed parents and children how to create large bubbles - to pop of course. They loved that bit! The children also practised blowing bubbles themselves in a variety of ways. Nestlings activities are continuing to take place on Friday afternoons through the Summer Term, starting at 1.45pm.
Our Playgroup Sessions have changed slightly. Instead of Wednesday afternoons, we are now open on Tuesday afternoons, which means children can now stay to play all day on Tuesdays as well as all day on Mondays. Times as follows:-
Monday a.m. 9.15 - 12.00 Lunch Club p.m. 1.00 - 3.30
Tuesday a.m. 9.15 - 12.00 Lunch Club p.m. 1.00 - 3.30
Thursday a.m. 9.15 - 12.00 Lunch Club
Friday 12.00 Lunch Club p.m. 1.00 - 3.30
Our theme this half term is Transport - so it's "Trains, and Boats, and Planes" etc. to keep us busy - when the weather is fine we can get out in the grounds to play games, enjoy the water play tray and sand outdoors, use the trampoline as well as trikes and other equipment. On Mondays our pre-schoolers have extra activities structured just for them and are practising changing their clothes.
Dates for the Diary: Sponsored TRIKE RIDE will take place on Monday 15th May so fill up those Sponsor Forms please!
Coffee Morning and Family Photographer Visit will take place on Saturday 24th June - a Raffle will also be held with good prizes. So come along and join in the fun from 10.00 - 12.00 on the day.
Carol Bennett (Playleader) 897771 / 482410 Joy Laver (Chair) 897055
Community Butterfly and Moth Festival 2006
The festival will take place at Thorner's School on Saturday June 24th. Further information can be obtained from:- Nigel Spring tel: 07981776767
or visit www.dorsetbutterflies.com .
Burton Bradstock Players
'A Murder is Announced' by Agatha Christie
Burton Bradstock Village Hall - Thursday, Friday & Saturday 8th, 9th and 10th June at 7.30.
Box Office opens at the Post Office on 9th May.
Dorset Police Community Contact Unit
The monthly rota for the above van can be found on:-
Fiona Rose (Community Intelligence Disseminator)
ngs |
gardens open for charity |
Sun 21st May The Old Rectory, Litton Cheney, (2-5.30pm)
Tuesdays in June and July The Scented Garden, Littlebredy (2.30-8pm)
Tues 13th June The Old Rectory, Litton Cheney, (2-5.30pm)
Sun 18th June Tithe Barn House, Litton Cheney (2-6pm)
Garden Open
Innsacre Shipton Lane
Thursday 1st June 2.30 - 5.30pm
In aid of Shipton Gorge Church
Entry £2.00 Children Free
~ Cream Teas ~ Plant & Produce Stalls ~ Gifts ~
Car parking available
Bride Valley Gardening Club
We have reached the end of the Gardening Club year with our Speakers/Slides/Quizzes etc. and now we embark on outdoor type activities - the Plant Sale, the Mini Show and the Outing. The Plant Sale is on Sat. May l3th at Thorner's School as usual - offerings from 9.00 a.m. - the Sale from l0 - l2. The outing for June is being organised by Alison Davidson so any queries to her please. We just have our last Business meeting where reports are given on last year - this is on May 8th at the School as usual. We have had so many old members coming up to volunteer - it is very comforting! This is probably my last newsletter to you - after 5 years in the job -time for me to have a change - we have a very competent member willing to take over the Secretary role - her computer is poised ready for action!
Norma Millard Club Secretary 897774. e-mail: normamillard@aol.com
Joint Charity Weekend 23rd to 25th June 2006
In aid of
The Motor Neurone Disease Association West Dorset Branch
Registered Charity No: 294354
Joseph Weld & Trimar Hospice & CancerCare Dorset Trust Registered Charity No: 1000414
at Manor Farm, Higher Eype, Bridport
For further details please contact Liz Nelson Tel: 01308 427080
Royal British Legion
The Social Evening this month will be held at The Burton Cliff Hotel Burton Bradstock on Monday 29th, 7.00 for 7.30pm. This will be a new venue for our Social Evenings so please will all members make a special effort to support their branch at this event.
J. Reeves ( Hon. Sec.)
The Bridport Choral Society's Spring Concert will be held at The United Church, East Street, Bridport on 13th May - tickets £5.00 at the door.
Village Correspondent Mr Basil Dent
2, Norburton, Burton Bradstock. Tel:- (01308) 897125
Mid Week Worship -
Holy Communion Wednesdays at 10.00 a.m.
Bell Ringing Practices Thursdays at 7.00pm
The next Service of Prayer for Healing at St Mary's will be held on Monday May 8th at 7.00pm.
Tiny Tots / Pram Service The next Service will be held at 11.00am on Friday 12th May 2006.
Christian Aid Week
Sunday 14th May to Saturday 20th May
Wanted - Volunteers
Additional people to help with the collection in Burton Bradstock would be very welcome. There is a chance, this year, of using envelopes or a collecting tin. If you can help, in any way, please contact me, Janet Proctor - tel. 01308 898594.
My thanks to everyone who collected last year and particularly to those people offering to help again this year.
St Mary's Burton Bradstock Church Fete 3rd August 2006
An Important Date to note in your diary - the Church Fete this year will take place in the Rectory Garden on Thursday 3rd of August.
The Annual Day of fundraising and fun will have a theme linked to the Jurassic Coast and Dinosaurs and include several new attractions as well as old favourites. I am very sorry to say that the Treacle Mine is unlikely to open this year due to the need to carry out safety works. Readers will be interested to know however that the fame of the Burton Bradstock Treacle Well is spreading far and wide and it received a prominent mention in a major article in the April edition of the Field magazine.
A new working party has been assembled and is taking forward plans for the day with the support of the PCC.
The members are :
Treasurer and Administration Ian Wigglesworth 897083
Grand Draw Pauline Woodford 898327
Auction Susan Moores 897673
Stalls Susan Paul 897381
Publicity Alan & Judy Clarke 897051
Co-ordinator / Sideshows Peter Broomhead 897408
As always new ideas and plenty of volunteers are needed so, if you can help in any way, please make contact with any of the above people. Further details and the names of stallholders will appear in subsequent editions of the Bride Valley News.
Peter Broomhead Co-ordinator
Burton Bradstock Village Society
Please note that we will be holding our A.G.M. on Friday 12th May at 7.30pm. All members are cordially welcome to attend -admission £1.00.
On the following Saturday 13th May we are having our Coffee Morning which starts at 10.15am - admission £1.00. There will be a sale of cakes, bric-a-brac and plants, so if you have any such items to donate please bring them along to the Village Hall before 9.30am or leave them with a committee member. Many thanks. Peter Dutton
Additional Talk for Village Society members:
We are delighted to say that Nancy Bushell's daughter and husband will give a fully illustrated talk on their work in Thailand, with great pictures of trekking and outdoor life. Their description is:
A change of life -"'Thai Style" - 7.30pm Fri 5th May
Having lived and taught in Hong Kong for 20 years, Bryan and Rosie Massingham moved to the far north of Thailand in 2002. Here they took over the running of a small resort and established South East Asia's first proper outdoor education centre - focusing on physical challenges, academic field studies and community projects. They will talk about how this 'change of life' came about; a little on the geography, culture and history of Northern Thailand; how their new venture has developed; and the challenges (and fun) of 'starting over' again in their careers.
Further information from John Grantham 01308 897935.
Burton Bradstock Parish Plan Draft for Consultation
April 2006 to June 30th 2006
The Parish Plan Steering Group has produced a draft Parish Plan for consultation. The Plan collects together issues identified by local people and proposes actions needed to help move the Parish toward a sustainable future.
We need your input to finish the plan, ensure it addresses all relevant issues both in the short and long term and to help identify the top three priorities for action:
The Draft Parish Plan was launched at the Parish Council AGM on April 25th 2006.
How to get hold of the draft plan:
How to respond to the draft plan:
There is a response form with the Parish Plan for your comments. During the consultation the Steering Group will be holding a number of round table meetings to encourage discussion and debate:
Look out for date Tea round table in the Village Hall
Look out for date Pub round table in the Three Horse Shoes
Look out for date Youth Round Table
The Steering Group members are happy to meet and discuss the plan with parishioners on a one to one basis at times mutually convenient. Please contact Dave Dixon 898620 to arrange.
200 Club - Congratulations to:
1st Prize: No. 110 Ms Wynne Hughes £35.20
2nd Prize: No. 155 Mrs Maureen Miller £17.60
3rd Prize: No. 172 Ms Valerie McRobert £ 8.80
Anyone wanting to become a member in time for the May-December draws should telephone Alan Clarke on 01308 897051 and let him have £8 - one pound for each of the remaining 8 draws in the year. There are double prizes in the December draw.
The Village Hall Trust is a trust registered with the local authority, the West Dorset District Council. Lotteries Licence No. LA005.
Artsreach 'Body Talk' - A Visual Arts Event
The "Body Talk" Exhibition was a great success and over 260 people visited during the 2 days. Stewards collected over 5 pages of comments - all of them favourable and many of them very complimentary. Apart from local residents, visitors came from all over Dorset other counties including Devon, Hampshire, and particularly Somerset. Many students and fellow artists brought notebooks and cameras. Although the exhibition was free visitors were very generous in their donations, all of which go towards Village Hall funds.
Many thanks to the stewards who manned the exhibition.
"KORKORO" Saturday 1st July
KORKORO, a quartet from the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra (BSO) takes its name from a Japanese word meaning 'heart' and the philosophy behind the ensemble is to take contemporary music to audiences across the South and Southwest. The music, while contemporary is accessible and highly recommended.
More news later for events in the Autumn. Many thanks to all of you for supporting Artsreach events and to all the volunteers who help to make them such a success.
Norman Saunders-White - Promoter for Artsreach - 01308 897214
An Evening with Billy Bragg - Saturday 20th May 2006 (7.30 pm)
Billy is hosting a fundraising event for the Village Hall on Saturday 20th May. This will take the form of an 'Audience With' and will incorporate Music, Anecdotes and Questions from the audience. Tickets are £10 each available now from the Burton Bradstock Post Office or by telephoning 01308 897673.
Susan Moores - Secretary, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee.
Village Fayre - Monday 29th May 2006 (2.00 pm to 5.00 pm)
The Village Fayre will be held in the Rectory Gardens on Bank Holiday Monday 29th May. Your support last year made this event a great success and the money raised has allowed the Village Hall Committee to maintain and upgrade the hall and facilities.
There will be many stalls and games with plenty for children to do; they can enter for supervised races, take part in a Fancy Dress Competition and be entertained by Mr Custard.
In order to make this event a success we need volunteers to help with the stalls and games and we need donations for the stalls, the General Raffle and Bottle Tombola. If you can help in any way the people to contact are:
Fancy Goods - Joan Gillett - Tel: 897656
Joan would be grateful for any pieces of material, soaps, small pieces of china, costume jewellery etc.
Scarves and Soft Toys - Mary Bailey - Tel: 897288
Mary will be grateful for any donations. The soft toys must be clean, in good condition and safe for young children.
Books - Celia Cummins - Tel: 898196
Celia will be coordinating this stall which needs books, CDs, DVDs and Videos. There will be a box in the Library from Monday 22nd May where you may leave any of the above items.
Bottle Tombola - Rosemary Daniels - Tel: 898049
Rosemary would like donations of any bottles or cans of alcoholic or soft drinks. She is willing to collect.
White Elephant - Pauline Woodford - Tel: 898327
People willing to offer any items for the White Elephant Stall should contact Pauline who will let them know time and place for delivery.
Plants and Produce - Pat Broomhead - Tel: 897408 or Shirley Parker - Tel 897333
Pat and Shirley will be pleased to receive any plants or produce in the Rectory Gardens on the morning of the Fayre between 10.00am and midday.
Filled Jars - Joan Allan - Tel 897511 or Joyce Tillman - Tel 897040
We need clean, empty, lidded jars for the 'Filled Jar' stall. If you wish to fill jars yourself with things for children to the value of 50p e.g. a jar containing wrapped sweets or one containing pencils, eraser, pencil sharpener etc. please do so.
Cake and Preserves - Maureen Miller
Maureen is organising this stall on behalf of the WI and she would be grateful for any donations and these can be brought to the Village Hall on the morning of the Fayre.
General Raffle - Susan Moores - Tel: 897673
Susan is organising the General Raffle and, along with needing stand alone items, it is hoped to put together hampers of food and fruit so tins of food, packets of tea, coffee etc; will be much appreciated.
A lot of help will be needed on the day and if you wish to volunteer please contact Susan Moores - Tel: 897673.
Note: The Village Hall will be open from 4.00 to 6.00pm on Friday 26th May and 10.00am to midday on Saturday 27th May to receive items for any of the stalls.
Susan Moores - Secretary, Burton Bradstock Village Hall Committee.
Burton Bradstock Players Present
'A Murder is Announced' by Agatha Christie
Burton Bradstock Village Hall
Thursday, Friday and Saturday 8th, 9th and 10th June 7.30pm
Tickets available at the Post Office or by telephone booking to Lynnette Woodrow from Tuesday 9thMay Adults £6.00 Under 16's £4.00
Following the sell-out success of their performance in Feb/March of the 'Wizard of Oz', the Burton Bradstock Players are now deep in rehearsals for their forthcoming production 'A Murder is Announced' by Agatha Christie and adapted for stage by Leslie Darbon.
Daphne Ekins is to put her stage direction to the fore once again following the success of 'Talking Heads' which won an Accolade of Excellence Award from NODA in 2004.
The play is a true 'Miss Marple' a character who relies on her feminine sensitivity and empathy to solve crime. A newspaper advertisement announces that a murder is about to take place. The house guests expect a murder mystery party but receive in turn more than they bargained for.The play is based on Agatha Christie's 50th book and is acknowledged to be one of her best. It has a tight plot and will have you agog with curiosity. Will you be there to unravel the clues and detect the villain before our sleuth?
Burton Bradstock Home Watch
During March, the following incidents were recorded by Dorset Police for Burton Bradstock :-
Residents are reminded that we are now entering the season of the year when we spend a lot of time in our gardens and doors and windows are often left open. This is an invitation to a potential thief. Bogus callers use many guises - door to door sellers, water board officers, wrong addresses -they use numerous excuses to knock at your door - and they will seem plausible. Report anyone suspicious to the police immediately on 01308-422266 or 01305-222222.
From the Parish AGM on 25th April and after 18 years I am retiring as Coordinator of Burton Bradstock Home Watch. I wish to record my grateful thanks to all past and present assistants without whom the local scheme would not have been so successful. With the approval of those concerned, Mr. John Grantham - telephone 897935 - has agreed to take over this responsibility. Freddy Tame 897957
Playground Appeal
Thanks to so many people and organisations locally for contributing and fundraising - at time of going to press we had raised over £12,000 (an extraordinary figure in the eyes of potential large donors) with another £5,000 on its way from Awards for All (Lottery Fund), and other "possibles" in the wings: keep an eye on the "thermometer" at the playground. We need help in a "Help-shoppers-pack" day at Morrison we plan with them on Saturday 10 June - we are looking for children aged 8-16, and adults, for 90 minute stints. Can you help please? If so please phone David Venn on 01308-897094.
Burton Bradstock Bridge Group
Tuesdays at 2.00pm in the Village Hall. Every Tuesday May 2nd 9th 16th & 23rd. Everyone welcome but a little experience necessary. For further information telephone Chris Clarke 898117
Burton Bradstock Village Society
We were all transported back to Roman times on 10th March when Bill Putnam gave us a talk on the Roman Aqueduct and Town House excavations in Dorchester. Following the discovery of Roman Baths which are now buried under the Waitrose car park, he traced the route of the aqueduct which fed the baths, back along the Yeovil road, to an old Roman made lake, fed by a spring at Frampton. This feeder was 9 miles long and made of oak logs drilled out through the middle and joined by metal strips to form a pipe!
We were also shown the remains of the Roman town house excavation behind the County Hall. This house had under-floor heating and the original mosaic floor was uncovered during the dig. Unfortunately due to a lack of money or sheer incompetence, the site was left open to the elements for a number of years and most of the mosaics were lost. It has now been covered over but maintenance is still inadequate.
Peter Dutton
If it's Tuesday it's Salzburg. If it's Wednesday it's Burton Bradstock!
A quite extraordinary array of internationally-renowned musicians and singers descends on Burton Bradstock for the 26th Festival from Wed 16th to Saturday 20th August. (The Festival now also includes Art, following the successful test run by Margaret Harding last year). It will take place in the Village Hall and in St Mary's Church, and an elevated platform is being built for use in the church to give the audience a better view. The Festival celebrates Mozart's 250th anniversary, and also anniversaries of Shostakovich, Schumann and Gerald Finzi. A Mozart Dinner + Opera excerpts on 16th August is followed by evening concerts 17th-19th and a lunchtime one on Friday 18th. Musicians will also play in local residential homes and at a local pub. A fundraising concert (we strive to break even) will be run on Friday evening June 16th at 7.30pm in the Village Hall where booking for the Festival opens. For more information phone Mike Southgate on 01308-897487.
Burton Bradstock W.I.
At the interesting AGM on 11th April the president, Heather Seadon, gave an unorthodox speech thanking members and the committee for all their hard work over the past year, enlivening it with many witticisms.
The past year had been a busy time for the sixty-one members with many events, including the reading group, creative writing, walking and tapestry, plus many fund-raising activities for the Hall and the Playground Appeal. We also enjoyed outings including a trip to see the Ice Show at West Point.
Vouchers were presented to various members for their hard work in organising these events. The annual Watercolour Challenge Trophy was awarded to Joan Dady for an exquisite painting of a rural scene. The meeting ended with wine and slices of delicious chocolate cake.
Mary Bailey
Jayne, of the Hairdressing Salon in Burton Bradstock, would like to say "thank you" to everyone for their flowers, letters, cards and messages of sympathy at this difficult time for the recent passing of her mother, Mrs. Winters, who some of you will remember being in the salon with Jayne for many years. Jayne, Alan & family
Burton Bradstock Village Web Site Committee
has changed its name,
as it now covers much more than just the web site.
The new name is "Burton Bradstock ONLINE".
However, the web site address is unchanged at:
Loads of information on the village including maps,
videos, current events, useful contacts, training courses,
village history & the new digital photo competition
(see www.burtonbradstockonline.org for details)
Village Correspondent: Mrs. Joy White
Eastcote 3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge
Tel: ( 01308 )897974
Confirmation Service St. Martin's Church
Candidates from the Bride Valley ( including four young people from Shipton Gorge ), will be confirmed by the Bishop of Sherborne on Sunday, 4th June. The service will commence at 6.30pm. and refreshments will be available in the Village Hall afterwards.
Shipton Gorge Ramblers
All are welcome to join us on Friday, 19th May for another local ramble, at this lovely time of the year.We meet at 10.30am by the telephone kiosk as usual, returning at 12.30pm. approx.
Viennese Evening
This is another fundraising event for our village pub, and takes place in the Village Hall on Saturday, 3rd June at 7.30pm. Come and enjoy live Viennese music and a buffet supper with Champagne Draw.
Tickets, price £6.50 will be available from Sally Parker (897168) after the 8th May. Book early to avoid disappointment as seating is limited!
St. Martin's Church Fete Advance Notice
Our annual fundraising event will take place on Saturday, 15th July, in and around the Village Hall from 2-4pm.
Make a date in your diary!
Parish Council Matters
The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Wednesday 10th May commencing at 7.30pm.
The Annual Parish Meeting will take place at the Village Hall on Wednesday 17th May commencing at 7.30pm. This is your opportunity to hear from a number of local organisations and to find out more about the many things that are going on in our village. Light refreshments will be provided and we hope for a good turnout.
Ernie Thomas Parish Clerk
Coffee morning and Bring and Buy Shipton Gorge Village Hall Saturday 13th May 10.00am - 12 noon
A team of 6 people from Dorwest Herbs are going to do the "Coniston Challenge" in the Lake District on 2nd September to raise money for "Guide Dogs for the Blind". The challenge consists of hiking to the summit of the 'Old Man of Coniston', then a 12 mile bike ride through Grizedale Forest then, to top it all off, canoe a course on Coniston Water for a few miles - all in under 10 hours!
The Dorwest Team need to raise at least £2500 in total and this Coffee Morning is to start off their fund raising mission so please come along and support them and this worthy cause. Every penny raised can help train and care for a guide dog for a day and this makes a real difference to people with impaired sight.
If you can't come along on the day you can still help by sending cheques, made out to "Guide Dogs" to Joanna Boughton at Gullivers, Shipton Gorge or donate on the Team Dorwest page on the internet at www.justgiving.com/DORWEST
The team members are - Jo Boughton; Roly Boughton; Heather Bishop; Brian Bishop; Hannah Slater and James White.
Shipton Gorge Village Society
Dates for your Diary
Plant Swap/ Coffee morning Saturday 6th May 10.30 till 12.00 in the Village hall
Coach Trip to Killerton House Thursday 25th May leaving New Inn 9.30am, leaving Killerton House 4.00pm. Tickets for the coach are £7.00, entrance to house and gardens £5.80. It is National Trust so if you are a member you will only need to pay for the coach. Could you please let Sally Parker know by the 16th May if you would like to go.
Telephone number 897168.
Village Walk Saturday 10th June times and meeting places to be arranged.
Village Flower/Veg Show etc. 22nd July in the Village Hall.
Village Fete 12th August in the Village Hall Starting at 2.00pm.
There will be a update where needed on all these events each month. Sally Parker 897168
New Inn Support Group - Update March 2006
The recent Quiz Night and Fish & Chip Supper and the Evening with Grayham Rosamund were very successful and funds now stand at over £12,000.
The Customer Survey which was circulated was very well received and to date we have over 80 replies, the most encouraging of which was from a 90yr.+ lady who typed her reply, stressing `this village is dead to outsiders without a pub' and that she was looking forward to being able to use it, albeit not as often as she would have liked! Suggestions included sale of postage stamps and cards, theme nights, dry cleaning collection service, book swap facility, meat draw, special meal deals, barbecues, craft market in car park, crib nights, bar skittles, Lunch Club, Happy Hour etc. The reinstatement of pensioner's lunches was recommended as was a Speed Dating Agency!
Renovation work at the New Inn is about to commence, and we shall keep you advised as to progress. An opening date of end June/early July is anticipated.
A website for the New Inn is being put together and all up to date news should shortly be available on-line.
Gary and Sandra, the new licensees of the New Inn, have suggested a hanging basket competition. They are going to provide 24 hanging baskets, complete with carrier bag with peat, water retention tablets, slow food release etc., free to entrants who will then fill them with plants in preparation for the judging. Baskets will be judged a week after opening, and all baskets will be hung on the outside of the pub at this time. Baskets were collected from the Village Hall at 10.00 a.m. on Saturday 22nd April. If you would like to participate and were unable to collect on that date, please ring Ann Hunt on 01308 898301.
Dates for your Diary: More details will be announced in May. Cream Tea Afternoon at Village Hall - May
Viennese Evening -June
A Midsummer Ball - Saturday 24th June. New Inn Support Limited
Innsacre Garden Open
Thursday 1st June 2.30 - 5.30pm
In aid of St. Martin's Church Entry £2.00 Children Free
~ Cream Teas ~ Plant & Produce Stalls ~ Gifts ~
Car parking available
Shipton Gorge Village Hall 100 Club April Draw Winners
£20 |
No.50 |
Pete Chainey |
£10 |
No.51 |
Sheila Stanton |
Village Correspondent: Sid Marshall
3 Green Barton, Swyre Tel: 897318
Holy Trinity Church, Swyre
Services for May:- Sunday 7th, 6.30pm Evening Prayer
Thursday 11th, 9.00am Morning Prayer
Sunday 14th, 11.00am Morning Prayer
Sunday 21st, 11.00am Holy Communion
Thursday 25th, 9.00am Morning Prayer
Sunday 28th, 11.00am Holy Communion
Other activities:-
Saturday 13th, 10am - 12noon, Churchyard Working Party.
Thursday 25th, 9.30am start Spring Cleaning church.
Saturday 27th, 10.00am onwards, hopefully complete church Spring clean!
Wednesday 31st, 7.30pm PCC meeting at Clayhanger Bungalow.
Advance notice:- Saturday 3rd June, Working party to get the Churchyard tidy for our Festival weekend on 10th and 11th June.
Churchwardens, Yvonne Buckland and Vera Hirst.
Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council
Parish Council Meeting
The next meeting will be held in Puncknowle Church Hall on the 2nd May 2006 at 7.30pm.
Village Correspondent: Elizabeth Slater
1, Lytton Close, Puncknowle, Dorchester DT2 9BH
Telephone: ( 01308 ) 897751
Archdeacon's Visitation
This will take place on Thursday 1st June at St Swithun's Church, Allington, Bridport at 7.30 pm.
The next Team Council Meeting will take place on Thursday 8th June at 7.30 pm in the Church Hall at Puncknowle.
Thank you to everyone who supported this event in the Hall on March 22nd. A total of £260 was raised for 'Send a Cow'. Ann Roberts
Thank You
The PCC would like to give a very special thanks to Ann Roberts and her sewing expertise for totally reinstating one of our beautiful Altar Cloths (the burgundy one) at St Mary's Church Puncknowle. Congratulations and well done -it is a beautiful piece of work, definitely a labour of love and well worth doing. Puncknowle PCC
Crown Puncknowle Fundraisers
Summer 2006 Charity Brunch Dates
Brunch from 10.30 am in the gardens of the Crown Inn, Puncknowle - with the Wessex Military Band from noon - unless stated
Sundays 7th May, 18th June, 16th July, 29th July (Jazz Band), 20th August, 3rd September
Please come along and help us raise money. The Crown Puncknowle Fundraisers are a non-profit making organisation that gives all its proceeds to local charities and other organisations. Supporters are drawn from the local villages of Puncknowle, Swyre and West Bexington - anyone can join the group. They raise funds through a number of activities throughout the year, ranging from organising and hosting barbeques, holding raffles, golf tournaments, Father Christmas and other events. Distribution of funds takes place at the Fundraisers' AGM in February each year.
Puncknowle Art Group
We have had several meetings concentrating on the skill of using pastels. One meeting was dedicated to a careful look at members' pastel landscapes. The next meeting was led by Anne Jones who gave us a wealth of tips and information and led a pastel workshop.
May 5th A talk by Judith Pearce,
May19th Our 20th annual Exhibition, all welcome at 11.15. There will be a speaker from the charity we are supporting this year which is `Julia's House', Dorset's newest county hospice for children. The £700,000 venture will also have considerable running costs. Christine Molony
Don't forget to check the village website
to keep in touch with village events and find useful information
Village Correspondent: Josie Belasco,
11 Manor Farm Close, Litton Cheney
Telephone: (01308) 482484
The village textile group would like to thank everyone who helped to make the recent, "work in progress coffee morning" such a success. The interest shown will spur us on with the rest of the project! Ann Miles
Litton Cheney Social Committee
You are invited to attend our Annual Meeting on Friday 12th May in the Church at 7.30. Come and listen to what we have done over the last year and to where we have donated funds. We welcome your ideas for future events. A wine tasting arranged by Palmers Wine Store will follow this. For £2.50 you will be able to impress us with your knowledge of a variety of wines. There will be nibbles to accompany your wine.
Saturday 13th May 10.00am meet at the Bus Shelter for a bluebell and orchid walk. This is a circular walk to the Chapel in the Woods which is beautiful at this time of year.
Friday 2nd June 7.30 meet at the Skittle Alley, the White Horse Inn.
We will be starting a skittles league, teams depending on where you live. An entrance fee of £2.50 will cover a buffet which Cassie has kindly agreed to prepare, you are welcome to come and support the teams if you do not want to play. The cost to each player will be £1.00 per game. If you are interested in joining or watching, please telephone the following committee Member nearest to where you live:
Eddy - Main Street - phone 482260
Ron - Chalk Pit Lane - phone 482661
Wendy - White Way/Church Path - phone 482532
Kathy - Baglake/Coombes/Barges - phone 482552
Peter - Paddocks/Manor Farm phone 482540
Rachel - Hines Mead Lane/The Mount/School Lane 482404
A maximum of 30 people will be able to play on the night and then additional Friday dates will be arranged for the following games.
All ages welcome. Kathy Kourik Secretary LCSC 482552
Church Fete - Monday 29th May at Court House, 2.00 p.m.
Come and enjoy all the fun at the Fete. Attractions include Thorner's Maypole Dancers, Hattie the Clown, Bouncy Castle, teas and ice creams, coconut shy, lots of games and wonderful stalls!
Please let us have whatever you can for the following stalls:
Books - Ron & Alison Davidson (482661). Please deliver in advance to Kingsgate
White Elephant - Jennie Prentice (482535). No electrical items, please.
Cakes - Wendy Taylor (482532) Please bring on the day.
Plants -Please label and bring on the morning. Collection can be arranged (David Taylor 482532)
Produce & Provisions - Diana Spicer (482617) - Any homemade goodies welcome.
Handicrafts and Gifts - Claire Gross (482748)
DIY - Frank Whillock (482457)
Toys - Please bring on the morning, good, clean, working and complete!
Bottle Tombola - Wendy and David Taylor (482532) - Collection round the village 24th - 26th May.
We shall also need lots of cakes for teas, so please bake for us if you can!
And it's not too late to offer your help with games and other activities - please call Freddie Spicer (482617) Very many thanks
Fundraising Meeting - Thursday 4th May, 7.30pm Thorner's School
LATCH has now been granted charitable status so the fundraising can begin! To this end a meeting has been organised for Thursday 4th May, 7.30pm at Thorner's School. The main topic of conversation will be fundraising so come along with your ideas no matter how outrageous they may sound. Whilst we will have access to grants for the community hall it will not cover everything and the local community will be expected to contribute by getting involved in the old time honoured tradition of raising funds.
We will also be discussing other aspects of the community hall at the meeting so even if you are not an avid fundraiser you may be interested enough to know more.
We cannot stress enough the need for everyone in the parish of Litton to get behind this project. Once built it will benefit both local youngsters and residents for many years to come. It will become the premier meeting place and provide facilities for activities for all ages. It will be your hall, so please - GET INVOLVED.
If you require more information prior to the meeting please contact LATCH secretary John Firrell on 482313.
We are on our way! By the time you read this the April Market will have been held, hopefully in fine weather (?) and with lots of people and we now move on to our May event.
The producers have come out in droves this year and there is much fresh and preserved produce on offer and all with that local touch. If it's a social occasion you want then we have that too. The market is an ideal event to catch up with the local gossip, sample the hospitality of your local pub and purchase some staple or special produce. It is yours to command.
So, from 9.30am to 12.30pm on Saturday 20th May at The White Horse, our Producers' Market will be there for you. Mine Hosts John and Cassie of TWH are opening their doors at 9.00am for the early birds so all you have to do is turn up.
Markets will be held on the third Saturday of every month up to and including November. For more information either as a producer or customer please call Wendy Taylor on 482532 or John Firrell on 482313.
Following the Lent Lunch held at 1 Litton Hill in March £250 has been sent to Hope and Homes for Children. Thank you very much to all who gave so generously and to those who helped on the day.
Lithe Litton Ladies
Please note there will be NO classes on May 1st , 8th and 29th. Classes will be held on May 15th and 22nd.
A Bridge Club Opens in Litton Cheney
The kick off meeting for the proposed new Bridge Club took place on the 16th March at the White Horse Inn. The well attended meeting formed a small steering group to start things off. Some of the members offered cards, tables and other essentials, which will be used until there are sufficient funds in the Bank to buy the club's equipment.
The consensus view was to use, initially, the Church Hall as a venue for the Club, which will meet every Wednesday evening.
The Club provides "Relaxed Duplicate" for those who enjoy social bridge. A beginners' class is available for people who would like to learn how to play the master of all card games.
New members are invited to join and anyone wishing to come along as a guest would be welcome.
For further details contact:
Jackie on 01305 871 078 John on 01308 482 585
John Yates 2 Sunnyside Cottage Litton Cheney
yjohnyates@aol.com yjohnyates@yahoo.com
Visit the web site for the latest news.
The group meets at The White Horse Inn
at 8.30pm on the first Monday of each month.
All welcome.
Village Correspondent:
Mrs. Elinor Frost, Bridelands ( 482269 )
Thank you to everyone who helped to make the church look so lovely for Easter.
Long Bredy & Kingston Russell Parish Council
The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Thursday, 11th May 2006, 7.30pm in Long Bredy Village Hall. Come and hear what has happened in the past year and what is planned for the future. Hear about the West Dorset Local Plan and how it affects Long Bredy and the surrounding area. Meet your local policeman. Make your views known and last but not least enjoy a glass of wine and light refreshments.
The AGM of the Parish Council will be held at 6.30pm on Thursday, 11th May.
Once again Dog Fouling is causing a problem in the village. Please would all dog owners act responsibly and clear up after their dogs. Please do not just let your dog out of the door to use other peoples' gardens.
Dates for your Diary:
Saturday 6th May - We are planning to have a churchyard working party. Please come and give an hour of your time to get the churchyard looking its best for summer. Bring gloves, clippers, loppers or secateurs - your help will be greatly appreciated.
Monday 8th May - There is a village hall meeting to be followed immediately by a fete planning meeting. Ideas for the fete please, and offers of help in all sorts of ways are needed for this most important day ( Fete is Sunday 9th July).
Congratulations to Rory Smith on gaining entry to Colyton Grammar School.
A volunteer is needed to be the Long Bredy correspondent for the BVN. After almost six years, Elinor would like to hand over this role. If there is anyone who would like this (small) task of gathering village information, please give Elinor a ring.
Many congratulations to Chris Yates, who has won the Guy Wilson Memorial Cup at the Royal Horticultural Society's Spring Show in London, for 18 White Daffodil blooms. A great achievement in view of the vagaries of the weather this spring, and very appropriate considering this is the centenary of the year in which Guy Wilson first grew daffodils, leading to the naming of the celebrated Cup after him.
Congratulations too to Lee Quincey, who was part of the White Horse (Symondsbury) soccer team which won the Dorset Junior Cup Final by 2 goals to 1 against Piddletrenthide United at Dorchester's fine Avenue Stadium last month.
The Social Club's event this month is a Race Night in the Village Hall on Friday 5th May. Entry is £1 for members, £2 for temporary members, which entitles you to some "funny money" to bet on televised races. There will be a prize for the most astute (i.e. probably luckiest) punter on the night. Supper will be included as usual. The Hall will be open for a little while before the first race at 8.00 p.m., and the last race will be shortly after 10.00 p.m. As many as possible are welcome - see if you can put one over Honest Joe.