Newsletter of The Bride Valley Branch.

Dates for your Diary

Remembrance Day Service 2000
After a very successful remembrance Day Service at Litton Cheney in 1999 the committee are asking the Rev. Anthony Ashwell whether we can hold the this years service at Long Bredy. We will keep you posted.

Annual Dinner 2000 will be held at The Dove Inn, Burton Bradstock on the 31st January, 2000 , 1830 hrs for 1900 hrs start. Tickets are available from Jim Reeves. Please book as soon as possible.

Dorset Holders of the Victoria Cross.


T/Capt Julian Royds Gribble of the 10th (S) Bn. The Royal Warwickshire Regt. Son of Mr. George Gribble who lived at Kingston Russell House in 1913, was awarded the Victoria Cross for his bravery. His citation states that on the 23rd March, 1918 at Beaumetz, Hermes Ridge, France, Captain Gribble was in command of a company which was ordered to hold on at all costs. They were eventually entirely isolated and he could have easily have withdrawn when the battalion on his left was driven back, but he obeyed his orders to the letter and when his company was finally surrounded by the enemy he was seen fighting to the last. He was taken prisoner and died in Germany of his wounds on Armistice Day. He was aged just 21 years old.

At the Annual General Meeting of The Bride Valley Branch of The Royal British Legion held on Wednesday, November 17th the existing Officers and committee were re-elected for a further year., they are, Ray West, Chairman ; John Ivall, Vice Chairman and Poppy Appeal Officer; Jim Reeves, Secretary ; Graham Rees, Treasurer ; Chas. Blackaller, Standard Bearer ; Committee members:- Lionel Bailey, Harry Darby and Chris Skues. Chas. Blackaller has informed the committee that he will be giving up the post of Standard Bearer so we are on the lookout for someone to take his place. May we have a volunteer, please.

The committee wish you all a very happy, healthy and joyous 2000. As we greet the new millennium let us not forget all those who gave their lives so that we may live in peace. The Branch’s aim this year is to increase it’s membership and they would appreciate it if each one of you would recruit a member.
If each member took a “home collection box” and put 50p per week , thats £26 per year the Poppy Appeal Fund would increase by at least a £1000 from this Branch alone. So please ask Jim for a box and make it this years new year resolution! Thank you.

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