Burton Bradstock Village Society

What's On: Programme for 1999 - 2000





Friday, 24th. September.

"A Visual Tour of South Africa"

Mr. Geoffrey Ouzman

Friday, 22nd. October.

"The Jurassic Coast Project"

Mr. Richard Edmonds

Friday, 19th. November.

"Hop Picking in Kent"

Mr. Colin Barham

Friday, 10th. December.

"Prehistoric Dorset"

Mr. Bill Putnam


Friday, 14th. January.

"Personal Favourites to Celebrate the Millennium"

Mr. Colin Varndell

Friday, 25th. February.

"The Lake District & North Yorkshire"

Mr. Gerald Sweetman

Friday, 24th. March.

"Canals of England & Wales"

Mr. Gerald Hollington

Friday, 28th. April.

"The Poundbury Estate"

Mr. Eddie Fry

Friday, 12th. May.

AGM and Social Evening.
"Parliamentary Tales"

Sir James Spicer

Thursday, 15th. June.

Annual Coffee Morning
10:30 a.m. to 12 noon


Saturday, 8th. July.

Annual Flower & Produce Show.


All the meetings are held in the Women's Institute Hall, Burton Bradstock and normally start at 7:30 p.m. except where stated.

Burton Bradstock Village Society home page