Burton Bradstock Village Society

About the Burton Bradstock Village Society
The Burton Bradstock Village Society was formed in May 1973 and is open to all parish residents
What's On: Programme for 1999 - 2000

Notes on past meetings can be viewed from the Programme page


"The aim of the society shall be to protect and further the interests of the residents and the amenities of the Parish of Burton Bradstock (in conjunction with other organisations as appropriate)."

Typical Activities include:

  • Monthly talks on a wide range of topics for the benefit and enjoyment of parishioners. These talks are held in the W.I.Hall from September to May each year.
  • A major event is the Annual Flower and Produce Show held in July. Entry to the competition is open to all parish residents, and the show is open to all.
  • Annual outing to place of interest
  • Representing the view of parishioners on local issues e.g. planning applications.
  • Contributions to the village:
  • e.g. Annual planting of daffodils in approaches to the village and in communal areas.

Membership & entrance fees:

  • £1.00 per member per annum
  • Entrance fee to talks, including tea/coffee and biscuits is 30 pence.
E-Mail the Press Officer here for any information or to provide feedback.
Flowers & Veg Show July 1999
Photo of flowers & veg Photo shows part of the display of flowers and vegetables at the Annual Flower & Produce Show held on 17th. July, 1999