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History of Our Branch.
The Legion.

In 1921 the British Legion was founded by Field Marshall Earl Haigh.
In those days the organisations purpose was to help needy ex-servicemen financially and to restore their self respect by providing employment.

Fifteen years later in 1936 the Bride Valley Branch of the British Legion was inaugurated. The first meeting took place in the school at Burton Bradstock on the 18th September, 1936. The first President was The Reverend A. R. Dittmer and the first Chairman was Major J. M. B. Wratislaw.
In 1938 the Women’s section was formed under the chair ship of Mrs. Green.
Since that date and through the various years and wars that have taken place the local Branch has continued helping those ex-servicemen and women and their dependants.
A brief history of the Branch has been compiled from the Branch Minute Books and is entitled "The First Sixty Years” by its present chairman, Ray West.

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