Secretary: Jim Reeves
Chairman:-Ray West
Chairman:-Mrs Joyce Hyde

We are delighted that you have decided to look at our web page. As you scan through the remainder of our pages you will find that the principal activities of The Bride Valley Branch of The Royal British Legion is to support those who have served our country as well as their dependants throughout the Bride Valley. You will also see that we enjoy ourselves at social activities in various venues throughout the Bride Valley.
Everyone is welcome in the Legion both men and women and especially those who have served in the Forces. This branch caters for our local area but there are Branches and Clubs throughout the country where you would find a warm welcome.
Maybe, after looking through the following pages, you may like to find out more about us. So, whether you are local or just visiting this beautiful area on holiday, why not come along to one of our social events that is listed in our Newsletter.

Now “buzz” around our pages.

Welcome! About Our Organisation Poppy Appeal Fund Newsletter
Remembrance Page Useful Links