The 1999 Total for the Bride Valley house to house collection,Church collections and static points around our Valley is £1,954.63p up 4.5% on last year. Well done everyone and a special thank you to our collectors. This sum does not include the cheque from the Women’s section, the result of the St. Swithin’s Band Concert and Coffee morning.

.. and perhaps it is the Poppy that says so much.

All the year round the Legion Benevolent Fund - THE POPPY APPEAL - benefits from legacies and a huge variety of sponsored events and fund-raising functions. But the peak of our fund-raising effort comes in the run-up to the Legion’s Festival of Remembrance and Remembrance Sunday, when the nation proudly remembers those who died that we might live.
In early November some 350,00 Legion volunteers take to the streets with poppies and collecting boxes, raising millions of pounds for the POPPY APPEAL that funds our benevolent work.

In 1998 the total collected was £17.5 million an all time record.

92p out of every £1 contributed to the POPPY APPEAL directly benefits those in need-40p through welfare schemes, 25p on providing work, 28p on benevolent services.

We ask for your support especially a this time of the year and on the 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour pause for just 2 minutes and remember those who gave their lives that we might live.

In this valley we remember especially those listed on our Remembrance page.

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